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stay there do not mess this up please uh yo what the what the what did i just grab let's go in safe and sound that doesn't activate right oh it's glorious and it's working it's fully working i think we've got quite a lot oh you're working too this is amazing i think i just heard a cat there's a cat somewhere oh there it is hello what are you doing here are you stuck i definitely look stuck oh wow you have no idea how happy i am that this is working uh 20 iron let's go dude uh we need to empty ourselves uh but hello welcome back to minecraft hardcore season two how you doing hope you're doing good it'll be great of you to leave a like if you could and also if you're brand new around here i know most of you watching aren't subscribed it's weird please do it thank you i think today we're going to try and complete this quest we need to find a desert and we need to go to night time oh we need a bow as well oh this is awkward i'm also running out of storage space this isn't good but hey it's not a dan tdm let's play without running out of storage space to be honest all right let me see if these uh these guys are making wheaty gains oh yeah not bad it could be better but not bad let's go and get our friend and let's go wait i need a bed i need to grab a bed as well let me grab my bed then we're gonna go on an adventure and we're actually gonna take him with us this time hopefully he doesn't bother the villagers or the zombie or get stuck in the lava or anything dumb like that because you know that's what he likes to do hello he just doesn't like talking to me right now we have one golden apple i don't think that's going to be enough let's go fella the only way we haven't been is it that way i think it's that way right you need to keep the camp safe this is the iron golem we spawned last time keep the cam safe right i'd give you a high five but i know you don't like high fives let's go look how much has changed since i put you in prison look at it it's beautiful do we have a saddle by the way i kind of feel like this would be easier if we had a horse i don't think we have a saddle yet right let's go this way all we need is a desert biome that's literally all we need but everywhere is mountains and snow that's all we can find our diamond pick is gonna run out soon as well so we need to find some more diamonds as soon as possible what else do we have to do shoot a zombie slay at house oh we need to get the stack of flesh as well we should be able to do that we're about a third of the way there so that shouldn't be too hard this is where we just run forwards and i still have a golden hat on llamas uh they're not useful to us whatsoever do not fall in lava either both me and him if that happens bad times are we about to hit water no dude no oh i didn't bring a boat with me either okay um we're gonna have to craft another one we have so many boats it's ridiculous but where are you oh there you are water acquired in case of emergency let's go fella remember no touching the magma blocks oh great there's literally abandoned portal right there uh don't go near it it's a good one too i don't think it's worth the chest is it stay there do not mess this up please uh yo what the what the what did i just grab smoldering seeker hold up a second smoldering seeker special compass is crafted with obsidian shards that point to nether for oh my god that's so good they can also be bound to load stones and found in ruined portal loot that's sick a compass that shows you fortresses oh my god that's so good what a great addition okay that's pog but we also need to not get lost i should have bought a compass with me or something i just want a desert biome i just need to slay a husk that's all i need to do are you coming over please i just we need to head north west to get home noted well there's another ruined portal over there let's go and grab the gold block and also any other mysterious things have we still not found a desert biome this is crazy more mountains is not helpful this has been a great trip so far as long as we survive the other end oh we're good it is here uh you're gonna go ahead and stay down there because there could be lava foot um chest no no no one felt like making a a chest down here how is that not a chest here isn't it usually at the front somewhere at least we can get the gold block let's just grab that and go let's go to the desert oh wait i needed it to be nighttime oh i'm so dumb i don't even know if we're gonna get the reward for this because we accidentally killed well we well yeah we did no we didn't we didn't kill the quest master he turned into a zombie villager and died from burning it's a sad story it's it's fine it wasn't my fault at all oh i was just about to say there is nothing interesting about this this biome whatsoever i think there's another ruined portal over there as well so oh god we need to be careful pressure plates full of tnt are not gonna match well with our villager friends over here you know what come here come here right now you are gonna stay guard at the front here no don't go in hey ain't no going in come here come here right now listen to me there you go stay there buddy this is not a challenge for you whatsoever i mean what is i'm not allowing you to do anything right now let's go in safe and sound that doesn't activate right i'm not about to die right okay we're safe oh god oh my god two golden apples in one chest yo punch one not great but we'll take off we've got wrong flesh as well we actually want to take that with us um more gold gun powder rotten flesh a saddle as well a direct horse armor oh my god this is perfect i need to get rid of this to grab my horse armors and i'm going to grab the tnt as well just in case we need it at some point beautiful work oh my that was actually insane let me just check a guy everything that is oh string i kind of want string don't i uh let's get rid of fire charge you don't need that let's go buddy we have hit the jackpot right now no shaking your head come on let's just be positive i'm gonna go over to this wrecked portal as a village too sweet we can get so much more bread i'm definitely lost there's no way i'm gonna be able to make it home easily but hey this is adventure time but instead of jake the stretchy dog we've got this villager who doesn't really do anything yeah there's a chest this time oh my another smoldering seeker they don't stack though what do i get rid of i probably don't need this we can take the iron nugs a looting three sword looting three sword even though it's golden is actually insanely good this is really good the the portals are really good for finding um random gold stuff i know it's not the best but i don't know if gold mending armor is any good probably not right it's over let's go i'm just waiting until night time then we're gonna be slaying some zombies i'm here to thief your bread looks like we're interrupting the village meeting what's happening over here oh my okay these guys are stacked up why did i bring a hoe with me that was the dumbest thing i swear are you hitting villages again you shouldn't be doing that it's it's bad right we now have the issue of trying to keep this villager alive while we slay husks which is gonna be it's gonna be awful let's be honest right we need to find a husk and not die that's the plan you better be you better be on your guard because if you get blown up by a creeper or something you're dead you're fully dead i just need to kill a husk and run i think does this count as shooting a zombie it does and it did not work that works though okay we need to kill a normal zombie um right back up back up right now i'm i'm hungry i'm hungry oh my god three just spawned in let's go i'm just collecting the arrows and then we're out of here uh can we sleep come this way come this way sleep oh they're coming at me oh no no no no no no no no this way ah they're right behind you and they've got a bone as a weapon all right chill out fellas chill out oh god there's lava right behind me all right get out of here get out of here yes we survived right now we need to find regular zombies uh and then we need to get our stack of rotten flesh which we're close to getting i need to be careful as well because if my boy teleports in front of me while i'm swinging he's gonna get hurt like really hurt let's check the quest book sure zombie and the flesh collector we should be able to do this i think we should be able to do it is everyone safe are you safe no oh not my problem see you later oh god oh god oh god why does that keep happening i don't know why this happens it has beef with the iron golem and then he gets smacked by the iron golem and it just like shaves a piece of skin off of him for some reason i don't know why it's a little bit strange but i'm not complaining do we need anything else or can we just go home i think we need to go home because i'm full on inventory i think i've got the rest of the stack of the rotten flesh at home we can do the zombie thing at home and also i want to try out these bad boys the smoldering seeker i've got two but i want to use it i don't know if they'll find the same one or different ones but that is so helpful because oh big ravine because i want to test out potions on this guy but we can't do that unless we have a um unless we have a blaze rod and nether wart you know the deal wait how do i get home it's north west was where i was supposed to go right like this way hey let's find out i could be in big trouble now dude that's so close i screenshotted it just so we have the coordinates it's crazy how big it is look at the size of it you can see the elder gardening in the in the top but i struggled last time going through one of those things not only is it bigger and more crazy but we also have this guy how are we gonna do that this is a weird shipwreck what happened oh my god that is a lot of emeralds oh i'm not about to carry everything uh the string might have to go buy string we've got iron gold nugs lapis i don't really need i'm gonna take the diamond though ease and chest oh another one right here buried treasure map do we go for it oh i can't leave much behind well let's see where it is west i guess we could go there oh absolute legend oh my god so much stuff do i need another heart of the sea though i don't really want the iron horse armor i'm not gonna take that uh i'm gonna take the gold though i think that's what i'm gonna take yeah that's fine i desperately need to go home i'm getting distracted too often i feel like room familiar territory this might be it oh wait yes those are my three bamboo prongs we're home oh my god i managed to do like a massive circle somehow and this is still working perfect we made it right we need uh we need another chest stat oh god look at all this mess there we go there's a chest don't really have that much room for a bed anymore to be honest but we got some decent stuff though right almost all the wrong flesh we should be able to add this hey okay now we only have one thing left to do which is to i think it's bow shoot a zombie right okay sweet we wait till night time we should be able to do that got a saddle got some extra diamonds we we're up to six oh we already have one oh we are we are doing good fella so next thing we need to wait till night time which is going to happen very very shortly shoot a zombie see if we even get paid from the quest which i don't think we're going to because we we killed the quest man but we'll see and then i guess we want to try out the uh the nether compasses don't we we can at least go there and see where it is i don't know if it um i don't know if it'll give you like coordinates or not but it's worth the try right we can no scope a zombie from here every time i don't know why you're you're beefing with all the iron golems oh there's one right here there's one right here i was not gonna shoot that one no way if i'd have misplaced that shot that could have gone horribly wrong oh god there's a witch right there let's shoot one i missed let's go we completed the quest so i don't actually know what that means i don't know we're supposed to get paid but i don't know how much or how we get paid do we need to go back to the old guy or are you staying here do not move bedtime oh my god hopefully the uh the iron golem helps us out here because there was that was an army of of guys coming you goods i think he's good right let's uh see what we've got oh complete quest book warriors codes nothing happens i don't know if we got extras we found a few emeralds you're supposed to get paid in emeralds it appears we haven't been paid i'll have to go back and check how many emeralds we had uh you gonna stay here or come in come over here sir yeah follow me go through the portal as long as there's no ghasts we should be fine this way there he goes i'm always so nervous bringing him in here are we good i think we're good right let's try this out smoldering seeker a sizzling shortcut so there's one over there it doesn't actually show us any coordinates or anything though this is actually a really cool item i really like this let's see if it's anywhere close to here i i don't think i think oh it's gonna be across the lava lake that's the closest one please stay close because this isn't the place to get lost or teleport because there's lava everywhere dude oh it's directly this way i guess that could be doable oh that's a big pool of lava um stay away from that it's gonna be across the void isn't it oh it's there it's right underneath us okay right we found it that's amazing but i want to get out of here because i'm just scared that he's going to do something stupid don't look at any enderman none of them i'm going to run and hope that he doesn't do anything dumb we found the nether fortress though we can come with the villager but we need to be a little bit more prepared i feel like leaving him at home and then doing the nether fortress by myself would be really boring and kind of defeats the point of having the villager pet uh let me know what you think do i take the villager pet with me i guess we should probably name him as well maybe fabio maybe gonzalez maybe uh jerome who knows anyway um let me know what you think should i take the villager to the nether with me remember there's blazes not to the nether to the nether fortress there's blazes which are the biggest issue i don't know if you're fighting stuff it's gonna be probably the end and the nether are the two most dangerous places for this guy the rest we can figure out it's gonna be a challenge we might have to bump him up to diamond armor i kind of want to get the potions working and seeing if they work on him because that would make my life a lot easier because we could use like slow falling potions uh instant health potions fire resistance oh my god yes yeah we need potions and we need them fast okay it's been like a few days maybe a week but i'm back and i need to finish off this video with something that i mean to be working on for a little bit we need to delve deeper into the jewelry section of this little data pack that we've got because this data pack is awesome i'm really excited to show you guys what else is in it because we've got the geomancer we've come across already some of the mobs some of the structures one which is literally out here that we've already discovered there's also some other cool stuff as well um i need to store rambling let's go to this ebook and let's see if we can actually craft what we need to uh if we go to uh this jewelry table we need to make rings because apparently they're awesome so used to apply gemstones and potions to rings it requires amethyst dust which i think we have some of uh if you add more than 20 dust will make you mean pristine doubling its stats therefore also a helpful guy on the left is his gui now i've got the recipe over here i think it's three carpets one amethyst and three blocks of quartz i don't think we have quartz at the minute where do i put my dust yo i've got a singular dust how do i get regular amethyst oh i need the cluster oh bro i don't even know if i've i can find one of those we found the geode which is like just underneath our house so let's go and visit that after we've gone to sleep and then see if there's one there if not i don't know where else there is one i think there's actually i think there's one over there we've almost died over there before haven't we but i didn't get inside it okay we've got a plan i'm also gonna need some quartz though which shouldn't be too hard to get hopefully let me do a quick sleep and then we'll head to the amethyst geode structure thing like i'm a fella let's go we're going beneath the we're going beneath the ground okay here it is oh wait oh there's tons i'm an idiot all right take this i'm gonna grab a few i don't think you can move these can you they just kind of regrow hopefully anyway if not we've messed up also at one point we need to find a witch because witches have been improved too and it's really really cool what they've done with witches so how many we got 50 oh my god 52 yes huge pogs right let's get back to the surface all right now we need quartz so let's head to the nether high going to the nether remember you guys are voting on what i do next with the nether i know what you're gonna say i definitely know what you're gonna say we might have to get him stacked up a little bit more uh come over here please sir follow the emeralds we need to go get some of the the quartz stuff oh there's tons here wait gas check we need to do a gas check stop stop doing that he keeps making like the hurt noise and especially here i'm scared he's walked into fire or he's fallen off the edge how many do we need i've got 11. i need three is it three blocks oh that's actually not that much i was thinking it was nine but it's definitely not nine is it it's one two three i think that's all it is i'm pretty sure yeah we just need the carpet now all right come here come here through the portal buddy no through here there we go perfect okay this spawn for the nether isn't actually that bad if we get gas though then it's bad over here sir let's get this jewelry table made and then we need to work with the enchanting table i think we've got enough for it but i don't think we have the books yet so we can get some enchantments going because right now we're pretty fragile my man over here is pretty fragile unfortunately enchantments won't work on his armor do i have carpeto i can make carpet though uh let's see if this works so we need this this this this and then one in the middle recipe output hey okay we got it sweet um we're getting real cramped what was that noise dude that noise am i tripping i think i'm tripping um let's put this here oh it's kind of like a hopper oh it's kind of cute right let's have a look yeah i don't know i i uh oh wait we can grind down things into a into a gemstone and then ring plus gemstone plus this equals oh okay wait we might be able to i don't know how to do this what kind of rings can we make i stole one of those grindstones right i didn't go yeah i did i knew i would i knew it uh so we can grind down maybe an emeralds let's do it yeah got an emerald gemstone yo you saw that right you saw that you saw that in the corner of your eye you saw that what are you two doing why do you keep doing that to my man you launched him in the air you can't keep doing that no no no no no no stop back up i don't like this at all okay okay yeah i'm not sure what's going on here these guys have got some kind of beef i don't like living here when these guys are like this we need nuggets so let's just make that should be enough loop around ring okay sweet so now we can do amethyst dust i can't actually remember where i got this from was it the was it the big guy from last episode it was wasn't it i think that might be the only place you can get it from anyway ring plus gemstone plus dust equals a plus one luck ring and then if you put it in with 20 dust you get two times and then you can have lingering rings as well yo i'm bedazzled hey this is cool so now we can put this on here and we get luck problem is when we get a um when we get a totem we can't actually use it at the same time i don't know what luck does though okay i've just looked it up and what it does it has 25 chance of a mob dropping double the loot which is gonna be insane when we get to farms that have extra drops when we manually hit stuff yo piggy why are you following me bro you cannot have this i worked six raw pork chops from one pig hey we're lucky oh this is cool i like this system and if you had a pristine one so if you had 20 amethyst dust when we created that it would have been um it would have been double so you have 50 chance of the mob dropping double the drop so when it comes to like filling the end portal and getting the uh getting the ender poles that we need for that it's gonna be easy especially with like blazes and blaze powder all that kind of stuff but i like this ring system this is cool oh what a day this would normally be the place where i put the coming soon episode and show you highlights of the next episode i don't have them yet because i need you guys to decide what i do with the villager do i take him to the nether fortress with me or do i leave him behind and then you come back to the next episode to see what happens i'm gonna leave a link to a community post in the description below where you can vote to take the villager or to not take the villager with me i'm pretty sure i know what you're gonna choose you're gonna make me you're gonna make me take him aren't you anyway check out the link in the description and go and vote and then i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,405,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: ukIsj5ONoso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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