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that's right it's uh it's spooky season welcome to october my goal for october is to upload more and upload horror gameplays for almost the entirety and i've found some pretty cool minecraft horror maps i'm going to play them if they're bad i'm going to upload them if they're bad but hopefully they are good so make sure you hit that like button if you're excited for spooky month and also subscribe so you don't miss out on another spooky video today we're delving into the realm of minecraft horror maps again and um this one's this one's got a cup of tea just set up ready for me which is fantastic we haven't played a minecraft horror map in a hot minute so it's going to be interesting uh a paper a paper that that's a thing oh i don't think i was supposed to do that pre-history oh god that's a lot of reading right the protagonist worked as a carpenter in a mental hospital and one day he was given the task of fixing a cabinet but he had to hurry home so he quickly fixed the cabinet causing the board to literally fall from a slight push but the protagonist needed to go home faster oh yeah this map was also translated from russian so i might have some kind of like grammatical errors but just the fact that it's russian makes me feel uneasy like more uneasy i don't know why the next day when the antagonist's daughter was opening the closet the heavy board fell right on top of her causing her death holy that must have been a that's been a heavy shelf it was treated as an accident and the case was closed but the antagonist had a hard time accepting that his daughter was dead so he spent a lot of money trying to figure out who killed his daughter eventually it was discovered that his daughter died not by accident but because of the protagonist's taste to the antagonist decided to take personal revenge on us himself instead of complaining to the police there's protagonist and antagonist and like my brain just can't comprehend that so what is happening here protagonist is the worker antagonist is the is the victim the victim's dad got it well glad that cleared something up right um let's uh rules yeah we got rules there are screamers on this map fantastic so excited play at night with the lights off do not drink water or anything hot otherwise you may choke burn yourself spill everything on yourself because of the screamers and you don't want such an outcome just gonna take a sip of tea is that okay everyone here you can break circles by jumping on them on the the smiley face okay let's go let's play once you have read the rules start the story oh god here we go bloody revenge oh oh hello hello i always whenever i say that i always end up saying it like the guy from five nights at freddy's wait who is this who's calling me i'll have to see who's calling me hello who is this to whom am i speaking hi you probably don't remember who i am it's been exactly one year since someone very close to me died because of you the hour of reckoning has come there is a bomb in the basement of the university if it explodes everyone inside will die including you it's up to you whether to go or not what if that's not a lie i need to go to the basement right away look at this phone that's actually that's kind of cool i'm the one who fit the shelf incorrectly my diy skills are impeccably bad um where is the basement why is there always a basement the elevator doesn't work just though i check just in case go to the basement seems to be the hardest goal so far what are these like actual leaves can anyone help me is this my house this is a pretty decent house actually um i must be i was gonna say i must be doing some good work but it doesn't last very long and people have died because my bad diy okay this is a bathroom oh wait this is a university isn't it this isn't my house at all i wasn't paying attention why are you trying to taunt me so why would you threaten to blow up the entire university where is this basement is it here it better be i can't even get through the door [Music] that's enough music class for today this doesn't look like university this looks like prison maybe it's the future where i should spend oh stone it can break glass can break a white stained glass pane i'm going to take the cobwebs just in case you never know oh hold on a second i found the basement this says white pane of glass though i can throw this and it should be able to break it right how do i get up there i can't just straight up jump let's go basement first i don't want to get too distracted oh the the door won't open i once heard that the key to the basement was in the guard room but how do i get there i like that there's little cut scenes that's kind of cool can i jump off here i can't actually i can sprint a little bit hold up you i am not known for my parkour skills but i might have actually finessed the system give me the stone hey let's do some breaking and entering oh no oh this isn't good so i live on 50 dollars a month yesterday i caught a pigeon and ate it yummy okay they need to start paying people a little bit more around here have you got i'm gonna steal from you i'm sorry uh there are two rooms with white glass thank you hint appreciate it okay so this is just this is just a random person's room uh my bad someone will come and fix the window for you maybe never oh wait this is white glass all right i accidentally parkoured to the uh the more difficult room let's have a look hey key from the guard room sweet to the basement which i'm not happy about why would i be that wasn't there before was it what on earth oh wait what can this be placed on cyan terracotta that ain't cyan terracotta there was nothing in here about cyan terracotta was there ain't no hidden panels or any oh wait hey but that's it that's all we got why'd you say cyan terracotta that's really random oh i've stolen the bush that was my bad we're taking this with us this is mine now maybe we could pick the lock with this this is not cyan terracotta fellas i'm not gonna be able to use this ah come on come on i was looking for a different room we need some signs around here this university needs clear signage geez i sound about 40 years old let's go to the basement i'm assuming why does this keep happening first the sign and now the heads i could let the sign pass because apparently we need some signs around here but the head that's where i draw the line let's have a look hey why are we going down here again i don't think this is oh what is the basement door closed how there's someone involved okay there's no turning back we have to keep going oh fantastic i'm so pleased why did i bring the key with me at least i have a bush and a jar of honey why press the buttons you idiots okay so you need something that goes on to a clay block okay i thought it was a head for a second it's a candle i'm pretty sure uh okay got the key perfect what could possibly go wrong oh box we could do an unboxing video i think it's here wait i forgot what i was looking for what was i looking for oh the bomb i forgot i was looking for a bomb this is the place there's probably a bomb here oh the power went out i should go down and check what's wrong oh is this a bomb that's not a bomb is it it's not just like a giant big white bomb i forgot i was oh wait i have a zippo lighter where on earth did i get that from i mean i'll take it that's fine it doesn't give me any light whatsoever though wait a second hacks we got hacks this is what the light is for there we go beautiful um anything in here wow a key could be placed on a stripped oak log all right oh this is getting a little bit ominous a cctv camera oh well i don't like that i didn't think it was actually gonna move wait what why are you moving why are you watching me who is it i've just watched squid games so this is like freaking me out even more that someone's watching me i don't see anywhere i can fix electricity though there's obviously some electricity because these security cameras are working i'm just pressing all kinds of buttons right now probably not the best oh wait wait i got this haven't i stripped oak log hey oh it goes further yes we love a double basement that looks like a jail cell is that a chair oh what why is this chair hanging oh i don't like that i don't like the way it's just hanging there that's weird i don't want to be here anymore uh i thought it was cool for a little minute it was my bad i didn't mean to put up the shelf incorrectly all right okay was it it wasn't my fault deeper into the unknown this door's already open who's already been here here's the electrical panel i'll take care of the problem and get back to the place with a bomb that's it problem solved i wonder who went through this electrical panel okay never mind i have to get back to the place with the bomb or i risk blowing up we did it we did it guys i kind of want to explore a little bit more just in case second exit mental notes made of the exit that i'll definitely forget later on let's go back to the big door where hopefully there's a bomb behind it actually hopefully there's not a bomb behind it and this is all just a it's all just a bad dream it's a prank standard youtube prank hey it worked okay let's keep going if i'm not mistaken the bomb is somewhere what if i'm not mistaken the bomb is somewhere around here what is someone there it must be a hallucination what am i doing here what is this place we have to get out of here oh god what have i done i thought i turned into a very short person for a second always push the buttons oh i can actually sprint now i don't know if i want to do that just yet oh i'm just like i'm quick okay okay sir having a rough time i see hopefully i'm gonna be just fine this looks like it's gonna be just fine doesn't it oh god uh do i follow the bloody footsteps or i mean there's quite a few oh i don't like the sound i actually panicked oh what's this oh that's a cool laptop bro this is my laptop this is my laptop it has the r on it right or am i tripping there was an r on the phone let's go and have a look i feel like really really fast right now what key yeah grab that give me give me that key can we play some gray concrete this is the key to the control room uh there was another bloody footprint that i could follow this way prepare yourselves oh it's kind of like moving a little bit i don't like that that means it's fresh where are we headed next oh god why why why why why hello who who's watching me i would like to know now can i jump this i don't think i can can i'm gonna fall to my death that's um uh yeah i'm not gonna be able to jump that i can't even finesse it why did i even try why did i try that this key can be put on gray concrete so i need to find some gray concrete don't i oh wait wait i find there is a control room where i can call for help so are we still in the university we think we're still there right okay let's um do this here i am all that's left is contact the emergency services i don't feel good oh we were so close so close what am i here again what's happening to me okay i need to find a way out i hope to get out of this place this is definitely a different room which i'm teleporting around no parkour no oh you know my weakness i'm so dumb i'm so dumb why does this happen to me every time i had one chance at that parkour and i fell come on show yourself actually don't show yourself just let me leave oh this door is on the floor which way do i go uh this way hello sirs oh wait i can't go this way oh i don't like that noise coffee i'll take some coffee right now please i guess i could use this scrap oh it's a crowbar this is a big crowbar or someone's gonna get hit what is this a jar of red fluid i'm sure it's fine i'm sure it's okay where else can we go this way no this one hasn't unlocked yet oh they're still watching me though i need to know who's behind this maybe i have to go back and not fail the parkour pretty rusty we can still peel off boards or break down old rotten walls light gray concrete powder okay so we're looking oh here we go get out of here take this wall down i'm going to take down this bit as well so i've got two sections to run through we got pickles boys wanted pickles what's in there nothing i can grab i'm always thinking about stealing things where did my bush go it took my my dry bush definitely one of the weirdest things i've said not gonna lie i squeeze through here yes some sinks i should probably check these actually oh the music is getting weird bro i'm in the toilet as well they're saying please don't i don't wanna i don't wanna die in a toilet of all places please don't let me die in a toilet you know what no i refuse to die in a toilet this room is empty i'm just making sure that i'm checking every room because i don't want bad things to happen it was so warned about the screamers and i'm well aware we haven't really had any yet so be on your best oh god if i go find another key you kissing me where is this oh wait i gotta look for things for crowbars as well there could be like a secret room or something oh wait never mind uh the key is a locked corner the key to a locked corner of my memory excuse me how did i miss this room oh did it open oh that one was locked wasn't it yeah i don't like that at all and you know when like it's too silent that is happening right now i don't know what that dark figure was earlier i remember oh god i remember everything where did i go again is it all an illusion i should get out of this building yeah we've been trying that buddy it hasn't been going so well for you for us even oh this is a new room anyone got anything interesting to read or a key for me i sense we need keys oh hold up we can be doing some more vandalism i'm down we've been okay we haven't been in or can it break light gray stained glass paint one earth why is the item name so long it's got to be this right it has to be oh it is it is uh somebody living here oh i'm getting my crowbar out hello hello someone's living here he's here go away fantastic this is this is good at least i've got a cool looking crowbar at least i look cool oh i don't like this i feel like we've been here somewhere similar before you know this feels very familiar except for the wind sounds okay nice point apply not like at the decor the decor is nice i can't run now as it's a bit worrying what is that a toilet that's your toilet why is there a toilet please don't kill me on a toilet i don't want that to happen why would this be a university what does that say forbidden zone great yeah let's go straight in that seems like the most logical thing to do more potted plants let's go to the forbidden zone let's do it why not yeah this is a bad idea yeah we should have come in here yeah yeah i should have skipped this but at least i have a crowbar oh wait the lighter does absolutely nothing i think it's it's going to be more efficient and better for my my health to have the crowbar out oh my lips getting dry i don't i don't like this we're switching to the layer is this a maze don't make me do a maze mazes infuriate me oh god nothing even happened nothing happened stop i know that door where could i have seen it before ah exactly i remember this door leads to another part of the forest from which i can get to the city for goodness sake is that another key i want to hack this door down i need to find a key i like a secret passageway though i can vibe with that i don't think i've seen anywhere where a key could be i've been checking everywhere i don't even know if we've been here yet everywhere looks the same guys this is amazing this is a maze this is an actual maze oh a maze with a basement oh no if anyone's down here please leave me alone it's so dark i could see like two blocks in front of my face oh that's really dark yeah we don't want to do that oh great yeah more blood this is gonna go really well for me oh the chair the chair was floating before windows you're running oh there's cameras well it's like an old oh this is an underground office hold up i'm following the blood again okay key key kind of key jungle wood i'm pretty sure that's what i needed it's a long way away though i need to go all the way back through oh wait is this hold on a second it was through here i don't like it when it opens up when it opens up oh trap door scaring myself when it opens up it feels like something bad's gonna happen because you can't see i'm gonna check every door but it's too quiet it's way too quiet there's so many doors and i'm just ignoring them i'm just walking into the abyss there's nothing here oh my god oh my god this is the first thing that i have played for spooky month and i smacked my hand so hard on my microphone threw my mouse across the desk oh my god what why where am i now did it say anything no that's that's applicable though what is happening to people going crazy i think so that wasn't nice it lured me into a false sense of security bro i can't jump oh we're going through the vent are we i see dude my hand actually hurts bro not again i'm not breaking that again oh wait we're back here always follow the red we're just gonna call it the red because that's all it is nothing weird why do i keep getting teleported around everywhere i'm sure i'm gonna find out at some point oh look another basement well this one's a triple it's on the triple basement yeah oh god the quadruple i didn't even get to hit that i i didn't it's so dark that i don't have my crowbar out oh my it's a five layer five layer basement it's gonna do it again isn't it nine are you joking it's gonna be ten we can't be doing the ten eleven are you joking this is some kind of weird time loop you're wasting my time let me out let me out let me out i don't want to be anymore stop it's just trying to lure me in so they can so they can scare me i can't go through that door oh great it's getting bloodier the further down you get the bloodier it gets it's it's so annoying oh wait this is different i can't go that way oh god it's like so dark down here freedom yeah this is exactly this is oh for goodness sake what a headache what am i doing here i was just about to say this is definitely not going to be freedom why am i in the basement why am i in the basement and why did you take my oh you didn't my light is right here beautiful just set things on fire if i need to yeah you watch out oh the camera been ripped down though right is someone else here i mean we know someone else is here but someone oh it's been wrecked oh god this whole thing has just been me talking to myself pretty much let me go what happened here why all the blood no we we call it the red that's what we call it oh no it's actually i don't want to i don't want to carry on i don't want i don't want to keep going but i have to point plant keep me close keep me in your thoughts as i traverse the haunted is this university oh yeah maybe in here no no how do i get out so i'm stressing let me i finally made this my room got to get out of here what what are you doing here you're dead i injected you with poison what who are you what are you doing in my room why is he got a syringe you said i remember i'm the father of my daughter who died because of you oh oh my god look there's endings oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh no the text goes pretty fast but let me read it who are you what are you doing in your room you still don't remember i'm the father of my daughter who died because of you because of the rogue shelf kind of ironic right now um it's your fault for not nailing the board to the closet properly why did she ever decide to work in that asylum oh i'm crazy i'm a crazy guy you injected me with a poison so that's why i've been tossing around different memories it's all falling into place now and as i say that the shell falls on him i have one unfinished job kill you so he was saying kill you and now do i kill him or run away bro is there a way i can set this up to try both i don't know what to do kill or run away oh if i run away he's still alive he's ready to try and hunt me down again which obviously he's pretty good at kill i'm a killer uh then i've killed him and his daughter as well i don't think i could do it i'm too nice but i'll i'll try and see what the other ending is right away while he's lying down i should try and escape is he gonna get me oh i think i'm com thought you could escape you can't escape your destiny i could finally sleep in peace oh oh man he wasn't dead he wasn't dead oh oh this is me oh i look kind of cool you know i don't believe it there's the monster bro no nice pants and abs as well actually jeez right should we um let's go back and do the other ending i got the banded abandoning i can't believe it i was murdered but i will not let that happen again it's not happening again not on my watch i am gonna be the murderer today there he is with his knife i don't know why i find it so funny i think it's just cause he's standing there like with his hands by his side trying to look all menacing and it just i don't think it's gonna work thank god i didn't put that shelf up either kill as much as i hate to do this i have to kill you or i spend the rest of my life trying to or you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get back to me what are you doing no you're surrounded come out with your hands up oh wait so i get arrested as well bro what were the police doing there i didn't even call him yeah that's what i'm talking about yeah you you stat you sit there in that ball of blood and think about what you've done all right the main villain is remembered as a monster which is why we see him in our memories in different locations why we were thrown into different locations question mark because the main villain has injected us with poison and that's why we suddenly started to lose moments from the past the main character has a psychological drama classic minecraft horror map the moment with the long staircase i would survive the poison after all and go to awakening that's kind of cool i like that a lot oh man that was cool i enjoyed that i liked the choice at the end i was not expecting that whatsoever this was a really good start to spooky month if you have any other maps you'd like me to play then just comment the names in the comment section down below that'd be awesome leave a like if you enjoyed and i'll see you next time alright subscribe to you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,236,795
Rating: 4.9716306 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: x3EqlXV_89g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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