James Canty III v. Eric Rosen: Can The Jedi Take Down Chess' Greatest Swindler? | IM Not A GM - F…

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rover landover uh my name is international master levi rosman i'm joined today by grand master jeffrey young once again uh we did the last commentary on the semi-final matchup between james canty iii and lawrence trent and today we bid a due to the third season of this event in the final between mr james canty iii and international master eric rosen we have a couple of housekeeping items for you like the format of the event uh 75 minutes of five plus one 45 minutes of three plus one 25 minutes one plus one uh obviously whoever scores the most points at the end wins you know how this goes already i'm going to take you through the prizes today 800 bucks will go to the winner and then the remaining 800 will be divided by the win percentage uh and uh well i mean it's time to take a look at smarter chess and uh or rather the insights uh between the players um this one's pretty incredible as uh james has played apparently seven thousand more games on chess.com uh eric tends to win a little bit more by flagging and also losing by flagging but their average accuracy does seem to be pretty close and actually james has been on a roll uh and with that the smarter chess prediction jeffrey how you feeling about the 61 39 about 60 40 uh for the match between these two uh well yeah uh first of all i guess happy to happy to be back with you levy um this is yeah this is for all the marbles so super excited to see what happens here and i'm actually partially surprised i don't know about you but i expected a bigger margin um i was just so impressed by eric throughout this event i thought he he played maybe the best uh chess out of anybody so i would lean towards getting in closer to 80 uh what do you think well i tend to agree i actually thought the last several months eric has played really really well not just on the board it seems like his his mindset is extremely relaxed and i and i feel like that helps him in particular quite a lot uh i don't know if james needs to be relaxed to play his best he might need to be amped up might need to be the opposite uh i think eric is a little bit more versatile in the openings and i think he is really good at hitting sore spots and repertoires and he did that to me he he did it with the white pieces and then on the opposite side he found really resilient and annoying positions to defend uh he's not going away anytime soon uh and uh yeah i don't know i i i'm curious to see what happens i don't know maybe 70 30 for rosen uh and i mean obviously we we've had the bracket up on the screen but this is it i mean this is how we got here uh and uh i don't know i don't know what the final score will be today but i'm excited to find out and i think we maybe have about a minute more to go and we will find out yeah we did have the brecht there for a brief second i think we've seen our fair share of upsets here so if there's i mean if there's any indication or a sign that it is possible yet it could be james um we'll see if he i think it's a very tall order for him uh you mentioned this one point about him trying to get his style of chess going i'll just offer one counter to that which is he had this tendency sometimes you know play really fast or just kind of splits out some really speculative ideas and eric is going to punish him if he does do that but here we go we have liftoff now yeah already we have a kind of a of a few inquiries so first of all uh we're okay we're gonna get what are we ah this h5 here we go yeah this is um canty loves this he loves h5 on move uh on on on the fifth move on the sixth move on the seventh move the dirty harry uh sicilians uh eric seems to have been ready for that i i thought james also might play accelerated dragons he's also played some night orbs uh and he goes out with queen b6 i think eric might look for a statement game early like he he might kind of show his prep and try to win in about 20 25 moves i think james has to get a win in the first few games or else it's not going to be he's not going to find his footing and and eric is a very frustrating opponent to play against when his prep is good he's up on time so uh we'll see so far i like white's position i have to say dark squares look weak for black yeah totally here at those points uh that you made and so you're saying that this h5 james has actually played this before because i've never seen it in my life yeah i've also never seen it in my life um he calls it the dirty harry uh i you know i don't know who invented it sounds like a simon williams thing but i don't know uh apparently h5 is uh it it's not the dumbest move in the world like i mean it it might be close but it it it's a thing and he plays it and eric was prepared i think eric was anticipating that h5 would be played in one of these sicilians for sure yeah yeah he did indeed blitz out that move before so now he's thinking a little bit maybe considering how to how to uh you know develop his pieces does he think this should be four series oh but he jumps knight b fly which i wasn't expecting yeah see now black plays like black just played e6 induced knight b5 and now plays e5 again right and now i mean this is so this is the fact that this can be played jeffrey is is ludicrous so uh is e4 a free pawn or is there some tactical refutation here well i think it is a threat at the moment but eric has a few ways so first of all if he does play um like knights three i think that runs into bishop b4 but after i thought okay yeah this is seems pretty logical for white um i guess black had to stop knight d6 i guess this is a two significant weakening of the position now which is why stockfish absolutely loves it for white uh yeah queen e7 seems natural you trade queens or you go back to d2 maybe i'd also consider planning that the bishop on c5 to really i mean clamp down because then there's no way to get rid of it because there's no 98 and eric agrees and yeah so the one funny thing about having this h5 move is maybe there can be like a rook h6 sighting uh in order to try and kick the bishop but i don't know if he can make it work i i do not like the move b6 uh i i was even thinking bishop c7 just oh yeah bishop c7 certainly could be nasty yeah bishop c7 just forces them on there he is i think he added last move but now you get knight c5 as well and even c4 right even c4 yeah c4 definitely on the cards but there's also like a d5 of knight c5 and then knight d3 and you can't actually defend on e5 yes the drawback of drastically weakening all of your dark squares and also not developing uh the yeah i i expected a very similar start actually i thought that if eric had white you notice eric is famous for the london but he will play e4 if he doesn't believe in the repertoire of his opponent and so he kind of probably had a feeling that something in the sicilian was shaky he would see this h5 same against me you know he he would constantly play into karo khan for example uh and he's gonna attack this literally every game he can he will play e4 for the rest of the match if it works and that's what makes him so annoying to play against and it's up to james now to make improvements yeah so he did reject the option or didn't go for knight d3 maybe just wants to play for complete domination here um it's hard to argue with uh but yeah to the point you're making so uh i did want to say eric has been waiting in the wings for quite some time which means he had at least two weeks or so to prepare so uh for sure he's got a lot of ideas in mind and he's gonna look to to punish james redhead the uh the opening c3 is a nice move prevent knight d4 i was looking at g4 but yeah c3 is very much an eric style move and you're not getting knight d4 anytime soon black can play b4 right but it i mean what else can black even do really yeah it is it is hard to suggest an idea knight a5 but again i don't think you even want to play like knight c4 though white can even just take it i mean b3 is a possibility but there might be knight b7 and somehow black is untangling yeah i mean i don't think you can stop knight b7 and the knights come off but i don't really think that solves uh black's but problems gives black hope you know yeah if white waits too long maybe black will get some hope can you play rook d1 here to try to trade off the dark square bishop and get a rook over there yeah that seems perfectly reasonable to me um i probably be more inclined just to play it simple like just take on b7 and b3 king b2 but uh i mean many good ways for sure yeah this is actually i think from playing eric probably about 500 times at this point in bullet and blitz this is actually eric's one of his weaknesses is that if he gets a very decent position and has a lot of time on the clock and blizz sometimes he he plays too uh improvement like he just very slowly tries to play bishop d1 bishop b3 and there might be counter play but in this particular position i have absolutely no idea what black can do because if you play rookie six for knight d8 there is bishop b3 so maybe james goes a5 a4 uh i found that sometimes eric gives me hope even if he immediately takes it away uh and that's probably the only chance james has is like both of them get to 30 seconds but we'll see who's even better in the scramble by the way there's a5 and yeah eric plays a4 preventing a4 so yeah i i like how james he's trying to get some counter play here on the queensland um a4 now seems let's see there's no a3 there's no way i really want to i mean maneuver my knight because it's not exactly the most promising piece there on f6 but what can i do maybe i go like h7 f8 g6 oh yeah that's a good point i mean i like a4 uh yeah he's he's trying to go i guess bishop c4 is sort of his idea uh-huh yeah by the way can black play h4 knight h5 like isn't that like the entire point yeah i do i do like that idea yeah true that is uh i mean a very logical follow-up to having pawn h5 but not sure if james will uh will realize that idea but you see how i what i'm describing right like now black is getting a little bit of hope you know maybe somehow rookie six although it's still really difficult black might have to sack the d-pawn to get counter play uh yeah i would definitely consider doing that uh in the future it does spot this h4 idea jeffrey g4 now or h3 or okay a different move does white care about h4 yeah i'm not i'm trying to figure out now can black sack like with knight h5 or g7 knight f4 is now the right moment for this i guess attacking g2 i don't know but yeah maybe there's no need to rush although i mean if there is okay wait he's coming up with the king ah maybe he wants to walk it all the way up to like f4 e3 [Music] maybe i don't know f2 oh my goodness it looks i mean wow they look pretty good now oh god this is insane white can always play b3 watch out oh king of four is not a move here because b3 a b king b3 bishop c1 mate it's insane and might really set that up yeah that's actually uh that's that's that's perfect eric style you know okay king d3 does it this way this is ah he's winning he's just winning the pawn i guess rook c8 well no not necessarily yes bishop d6 was there yeah that was their bikini three also rook a5 probably now rook a5 is a nice move oh that just almost lights out okay doesn't see it but yeah this key on e3 now kind of stops the other team dead in its tracks if if if a player in this tournament is going to find some b3 bishop c1 idea it's the gentleman playing with the white pieces but now the king goes back and yeah this was always going to fall apart for black i mean you can play rook e6 but white should probably even look for a rook trade bishop d6 at some point then king back to d3 uh yeah this is just 85 25. yeah kenny also down to 10 seconds which isn't going to make things easier no no it's not the deep one's falling uh there is like no counter play i mean there's a five but then rook d4 just shut it down completely you'll see that for that this one else is good e6 or d4 yeah you can choose this is a very very very convincing start uh for eric a really good sign against the the sicilian that james is going to bring i'm shocked that there's no checkmate here but rook g6 uh that's the flashlight but r5 is the clinical medical finish to this and okay we've seen james uh try and play till the end but okay here's just gonna let us clock them now i'm very curious to see what eric will play against the job of london because you know he had weeks to prepare and even if he said okay yeah eric is busting out this is exactly what he played against me by the way uh in in our in our in our match he played takes and bishop g4 uh i took a look at it afterward it seems to be totally reasonable for black i hadn't seen it a whole lot but seems totally fine yeah and that he provoked f3 which is really going to be uh an issue for white i think down the road like just looks kind of weakening especially if we trade these dark square dishes yes because now we have the structure of an exchange camera right except black doesn't have a light squared bishop it's like if you're playing with white you almost want to play you know bishop back to d3 queen back to c2 somehow uh undevelop your f-pawn play knight f3 and just be better but sadly you already committed so much stuff is he going to take on c6 here is he going to go back to d3 he could go bish d3a he does have rookie one yeah good decision questions wait will you also try to go for long castles here so black will play bishop e7 here i guess i don't really know what else i mean longhouse is very much in james style but whether or not it's a good idea it seems like black's attack would be fast in that scenario you're saying like queen to queen d8 oh okay yeah yeah all right he does castle um e5 that's okay well now now it is a thread so it does get out of the way yeah yeah and i'm actually wondering if you can take on b2 with the intention of uh meeting with d5 but okay that was perhaps too adventurous yes now you go back to e3 provoke e5 and maybe bishop g one yeah this white wouldn't be i think e5 in general would should help white to kind of open the position up for his bishops right so here i think eric just wants to get uh the diagonals like bishop probably wants queen c7 or bishop d6 yeah that's very nice and then b5 and then black can try to do some stuff over there is it is it a i think for white after bishop e3 to play for g4 or knight g3 g5 or is a little bit too much i could see it yeah i could definitely see it i think f4 is a more traditional way though like f4 and you bring the knight knight g1 yeah that's very professional yeah that's very nice f4 is four's an annoying move too because after black ends up playing for b5 yeah as long as you retreat um i don't like i don't know about queen d1 but okay i think it's yeah he's still he's he's tempting eric to take on b2 okay eric doesn't want to [Music] figure those lines out and i still like f4 yeah wow so can michael f5 yeah yeah yeah i think it is i think it is a good idea yeah so basically um yeah you give the five square but you get the knight on e4 that's that's a hard position to evaluate trying to go back and see there was a big moment here oh yeah so after bishop d6 the computer wanted uh james to play g4 yeah i did like this g4 idea well at least that's at least my my brain is somewhat functioning i have a chess game to play in five hours so at least that's a decent sign um yeah f5 looks really annoying for black oh wow man i mean like ever it seems like every critical moment right to decide in a position eric is making the right choice it's just how it feels really the last few months yeah yeah i mean especially in this in these imsc events so now the key i think for white is you want to be able to prepare g4 yourself in a good way to kind of open up your bishop open up g-file uh the question is how do you do it oh it's just like that i guess okay what oh my that's insane but his queen side is still so loose right yeah but james it doesn't seem like he cares and after fg what is his intention you have five or knight g3 oh knight g3 is very interesting wait but can can you take g3 and then play h5 yeah but then i mean there could be bishop g6 or that that looks a bit loose uh bishop jesus oh but eric doesn't even take what is this though so let's say take that f5 rook c8 queen d3 not sure i like that from eric it is it is a pawn astronaut you don't like rook f3 yeah rook f3 also i think is good but queen d3 just to connect my rooks yes a little bit better yes i agree where do we want the bishop on f5 in the long run i feel like c2 right wow bishop d2 mission two also surprising so again i mean air can always take on bb2 when he wants the queen is not getting trapped there and there's also knight e4 so yeah if i would have retreated the bishop i feel like i would have gone to g1 oh but then queen b2 would have hit the knight on e2 so yeah yeah maybe i mean i would just i would just not have uh touched the bishop honestly yeah okay rook b1 okay so now what's going on they're gonna be seven but i mean these pieces look pretty loose for what knight a5 oh watch out for knight c4 because that could be a serious problem is there bishop some bishop b1 idea here oh yeah i think yeah yeah that's a great move that is a great move actually because then queen c4 oh no there's queen c4 sorry sorry queen c4 oh right because of the threat on the uh it's so much easier to move pieces that are not mine yeah yeah i forgot about that square okay so wait james needs to find a way to get a counter attack going maybe on g7 like rook a7 knight c4 rook g1 i'm just trying to make something work yeah yeah yeah but i don't know if i believe in it oh yeah he blunders into the same thing oh my goodness yeah yeah we we both well there you go that's why eric would have beaten both of us maybe even if we were playing at the same time if we were all yeah together on the same team it wouldn't have helped uh ah okay i don't actually know what he had though can you go back because it looked already bad yeah yeah oh he had a after knight a5 he had knight c1 oh knight c1 so similar idea but better execution yes to move the knight out of the way okay i mean just as hard and oh yeah he's got this very very nice yeah rook d2 on the way yeah that looks rough okay yeah so far prediction is coming true you know eric is gonna start strong and james has to win one of these next two games i would think so as well and i think i mentioned this at the end of james last match but he needed to do really good work out of the opening i think i would say as an underdog you want to prepare better and try to even the playing field in a sense but i mean out of the gate it seems that eric is the one who's done his homework well this position you know this game was actually totally reasonable for about 15 moves you know but then uh and even even with the whole g4 idea i think james just gave a little bit too much uh opportunity for for eric wait wait what's going on okay i guess there's queen a2 but that seemed i mean bishop c7 seemed loose there's also some some other stuff rook f6 yeah could he have played rook f6 bishop d3 yeah yeah he could have yeah wait but there is he's making a mess out of this there's still rook f6 that's a tough move to spawn i spoke too soon oh my goodness yeah that those hasty moves were careless and i think james is back in the game now yeah eric is only a pawn up but it feels like he'll be too pawns up or can he get d4 in some of these complications but maybe not maybe not like i would take on h2 yeah and take on f6 um and it's absolutely yeah it's hard to to make it through oh rook f3 is an idea uh yeah rook f3 queen d4 bishop h7 ouch and you you also threaten bishop h7 there anyway maybe bishop d2 it goes this one okay there's e8 so bishop d2 by some stuff no she just feels a bit loose for uh for white just king is so open yeah yeah it is so i think queen c6 would be a good sort of uh just cover ea get out of the way this is like i said this is uh right this is where you want to get eric a little bit low time a little bit better position but still kind of chances and james just has to relax he's got to realize he has a weak king king g2 is a nice move f5 is that his idea no because then queen d6 maybe well you would have bishop f4 so i think f5 is good here all right but you know it's just so hard to play this with white because like you're you're instinct okay exactly like you see what i mean it's just just four or one f4 can you take that think eric would oh there could be i wonder if this takes queen h5 okay g6 yeah g6 should be fine still [Music] mhm he's going to go to g4 or something but then there's going to be bishop c1 rook c193 and good night i mean you can go back to e2 but it doesn't strike me as yeah yeah i think he's got this under control now now here comes the mutual time scramble whoa he's going to try knight e3 but there's just not enough firepower there's room there's no there's no rook f1 oh can you just go h5 oh down to five seconds though he's cutting this close all right just take back this yeah this is easy now you can pre-move some i think just don't hang a rook for nothing you can even hang a rook for a bishop but as long as you hang a rook for nothing you will lose so yeah just very solid no queen e5 here for white yeah eric won't flag there's no play at all queen e6 okay yes yeah just no way to make congrats for white said mate is coming wow he even got james to resign yeah that is a remarkable feat but yeah a bit of a scare there i think for eric at the end he wasn't too convincing but still got it done yeah and now we are seeing some queen takes d4 prep in the uh accelera hyper accelerated uh is there a move on move seven like night before i remember ah yeah yeah i also vaguely remember this uh somewhere yeah there's a move i think knight d before something yeah with d5 maybe yeah yeah but okay he goes to b6 um okay so we're getting a glimpse into the repertoire choice wait eric is still blitzing right so i guess he's looked at this yeah this seems to be what he has prepared uh if james doesn't know all the theory and you know you can get in trouble here i mean bishop f4 is coming yeah yeah queen bee i think is a precise move though yeah but eric is still completely in his prep uh and there's no reason it won't go another five six moves yeah now knight f5 and why do you allow i thought bishop d7 there was much more uh i mean yeah but okay i guess it's not oh the one no this is probably still quite unpleasant for black i feel that on the lawn diagonal is going to be a nightmare to deal with in the long run yep white also but this is a bit too loose like f5 is super soft maybe not right away but let's say c3 or or something and then knight h4 yes prevent knight d4 knight h4 yeah knight h4 is the top engine move but i would never allow knight d4 for black i mean i just don't understand why you wouldn't play this and now i don't know because if black's idea was e4 the knight is going to h4 and queen h5 and bishop h3 and you will lose the pawn yeah this is not looking good and it's also hard to find i mean black can't really white's not castle but how do how do you really uh make use of that i don't know i would that would maybe go bishop chief bishop okay you can also just castle you can also just do nothing here yeah i'm tempted to also maybe sort of force the action here at this g5 bishop h3 but i don't know if that's necessary yeah castles okay but at least e4 now i can ask do you will you play knight h4 or not it starts with e8 i would go bishop h3 i love that move what does black do i mean queen c8 you pin yourself yeah i think he needed to go e4 on that last move just to really force white to decide because now after bishop h3 e4 there's this move knight g5 which i think is quite nasty um and if you go h6 there i would just stack on f7 so that's king f7 queen h5 h5 and just assume that that is a great you you pick up both f pawns the h pawn and but you also you also don't you also might not even have to do that you can just relax okay he plays but but he's not addressing the pawns this way right he's just trying to wow um all right this he wants to include the rook so you can i think he wants to see one and then yeah the black has no play and like the moves for black which are natural e4 and f4 they somehow create even more problems for you with knight h4 in the way somehow black just can't do anything yeah that is a good point yeah okay he wants to if knight for h6 maybe you can actually get away with that yes that is a nice way to lose a piece because you left here you left your bishop out there so yeah okay another move is like 92 to keep the h for square for the bishop which is actually quite nice let's go queen e4 i also like this one that'd be so great black is trying to play a five now okay that's a good idea and how does actually how do you deal with that threat whoa allows it but now if f5v4 whoa what does he have in mind is he going queen b1 or queen yeah yeah maybe he wants but but then what like i go e4 and then yeah i don't know that looks really nice for black is he actually going to play queen b1 queen a2 that's so funny i mean queen's queen v1 is definitely an eric move but queen c2 is also very okay yeah it's very recent oh the point is actually e4 knight h4 like it looks nice for black but okay h6 makes sense force the bishop to h4 apparently now the only move for white is bishop h3 second he doesn't find it and now now e4 and now you're four okay yeah james is uh kind of taking over here oh and f3 is coming wait there's also knight d4 like if knight d2 maybe knight d4 all of a sudden that's why queen b1 was so nice because you also avoid yeah some of the stuff yeah james is starting something now but you know like after knight d2 for black i thought f3 was super nice but that's apparently maybe even incorrect apparently e3 is also super strong oh e3 and just e2 pick up material wow yeah fork the rooks oops so then i get do you have to go to e1 or but then f3 and maybe an idea yeah stuff yeah everything's stuck there f3 and oh my god then then there's knight d4 knight e2 i mean it's it's almost mate you could mate yourself if you go bishop h1 but somehow i don't think that's gonna happen so eric is looking maybe he's thinking about like gf just stack sack the knight at least gets some activity like gf4 ef3 the stretch three big thing from eric here as he i think every time ever gets in a worse position he starts uh speaking in like a parcel tongue you know he starts like there you go right now he's uh sacrificing a full piece to get some counter play let's see if it works he just he has like a witch's cauldron you know he like and then all of a sudden counter play comes out of nowhere like what is james thinking about you know this is what eric does to people it's a free piece like just take the piece this is i made the same mistake against eric just take the piece it's just a piece oh my goodness look at this jeffrey how fast would you have played ef3 how fast two seconds i don't no no no no no no no five seconds well i mean i would have tried to understand what eric is is doing because sometimes you can't really tell was bishop h3 was it played out of desperation or does he actually see something here right yeah just want to figure that out yes he does play queen c7 he calculates um yeah eric really like has that effect on me in particular i don't know about other people but every time he thinks after a while in a bad position i go is that desperation or is this man just you know a genius cause like look he has no follow-up right he's still thinking i mean it's uh and you know it's it's it's fun to have a such a such a rival that is there anybody in the chess world you've played like 500 times 400 times or oh wait you've actually played eric that many times yes and blitzen bullet i mean easily easily 500 times yeah i'm sure i have a i have a guy like that on maybe even a few so he's going coming up to the f3 pawn which if he eliminates that there's i definitely see compensation for white um 95 though 25 okay still no clear threat i mean i was just wondering what's wrong with a6 but yeah basically check out wants to make a check i don't know if that really does anything okay one thing maybe gf is his idea like if knights before gf i thought just queen f7 here by the way oh that i didn't even see okay that's just that is a great and that's it i mean queen f7 just almost ends the game i feel like yeah i mean eric would try queen c2 okay that's from rook d4 [Music] it's okay messy yeah yeah it really could um because with black you don't want to play fg because you don't want to pin yourself even though it might be a good move yeah queen of seven i think it's still rook four rook four does you have like oh no because yeah you would have bishop h7 coming the bishop one also kind of scared okay he plays fg now aj wow wait watch out for like queen c2 though like i could yup uh oh and king f8 rook f4 oh my goodness he's throwing it he's throwing it away how how does he do it yeah i mean this is all of a sudden he just lined up this battery maybe you have to go bishop i shape know yeah maybe but like that is not a move you you want to play yeah almost wish you could eat your own pawn on f3 it's like just directly in the way of everything yeah here i think it's check and look at four forcing bishop f6 and queen h6 and it's all gone wrong and then with bishop f6 queen hd yeah yeah it's but eric okay she's thinking this is going to get to a time scramble okay it goes right d1 but this one i'm not sure about bishop yeah bishop of six okay no but now again yeah what wait are they both missing that move okay do you take but no yeah queen h6 i guess he wants g but king e7 e7 yeah you can get away with that move and then what do you do now bishop f5 or something can you play like b3 ah he plays it he does play it but what does that do so whoa oh god what is going on now whoa we just hug a full rook oh wait no it was defended what wait oh god okay still not over i guess oh but queen h3 yeah queen h3 and that's it that's made what that was wild yeah we have to go back because i didn't understand i mean the last uh five moves or so i couldn't comprehend anything yeah you wanna you wanna take a look at it yeah yeah just okay i understand they both they both were down to ten seconds but just for my uh eric did everything right to get to swindling position and then played b3 and then here just went wait wait so he played b3 to attack the knight but then he didn't take the knight yeah then he didn't take the night i guess he anticipated that oh that it would move somewhere okay or he's so tricky that he literally just wanted to create two threats at the same time that's like that's literally it that's actually it okay but then after rook g6 why didn't eric take one of the rooks like i thought the point is when you attack the piece you then want to capture it right because he it's his playing style like actually his playing style is confusion it's not necessarily like i'm telling you i've played him 500 times he would not take the rook here just because he's like well i can go here and now three things are hanging and then accidentally lost his queen i you know okay i got what you're saying yeah so yeah i uh it is what it is but okay we have uh you know um a big insight here in the chess.com game chat from a user says i think eric is still the favorite so that's you know that makes sense um right now he has won 67 percent of the games and he's a 61 favorite to win the whole thing so kind of makes some sense yeah i would agree with that statement so now i'm wondering is bishop h6 uh-huh does that work or not the strange six gh queen h6 and then probably have to do with e8 can you first of all you have a draw there right unless the king goes to e7 but i think the king can yeah i'm not sure oh you don't go for that no but jeff jeffrey i really feel like if you if you saw the eval bar if you knew that it's plus 1.4 there like it's because you can sacrifice right and then uh then you sort of figure it out obviously they don't know that but if you're watching as a spectator it's kind of one of those things where uh if you know the eval bar but you don't know the move but you know it's plus 1.4 there you're just gonna sack immediately it's just right right yeah yeah yeah i got you oh i don't think uh james had that luxury so i'm i'm not sure what what he has here like rookie eight um still what if he can allow bishop f8 somehow and maybe still have an attack right yeah i mean f4 is most natural but okay i i think you had to probably play queen g5 but would you fight first ah stopping stopping yeah that's probably i still i still don't know what is the follow-up it wasn't clear to me at all i don't know else i also don't know can go back and move uh it was g4 g4 but yeah yeah queen h3 to play g5 yeah and oh and there's something there like this ig7 yeah the line was g4 bishop f8 queen h3 yeah this is why you don't always just trust stockfish blindly because apparently after all of this line there is uh oh you just played king h1 jeffrey duh likely right and then apparently white just has a long-term attack with knight f4 i mean that's just absurd okay wow well james he's going to try the same thing but probably a much worse version of it yeah because now black can always even play knight c4 yeah knight c4 i think you can even do it right away i mean bishop g7 is the more uh prudent word but i don't see anything wrong with knight c4 knight c4 also prevents rook e5 ideas which looks really brutal would you like g5 and deliver mate somehow yeah definitely like that move um i don't know what else considering his options i think it's just between the two i'm not sure what else is there yeah goes through knight c4 now 92 is also a threat so probably f rook f2 is mandatory yeah one of the two moves it's kind of impossible to figure out which one is better but i think i would go with ah i was going to say i wanted rick on f2 so i have maybe b3 and then rook e5 but c3 would drop in that case yeah maybe it's i can't really involve the books this is just so aggressive by james right like this this whole kind of concept of uh but i think you would agree that his best chance is really to i mean muddy the waters completely i think yes or or give eric completely winning positions with five seconds on the clock and then maybe eric will hang a queen that's that seemed to work in the last game uh but i i don't know how many of those time scrambles james is the favorite in that's the problem eric is just resourceful i think last game was unfortunately for him a slip up but that's chess yeah we haven't also mentioned the nerves part i wanted to ask like how nervous would you be if you were in the final oh i was in the final last season i i was extremely nervous um i was extremely nervous but uh last season my i did i did okay i mostly uh i think i was mostly frustrated by the moves less about i think the moment like last year in the bullet it was still a close match uh and uh my opponent was just the better player he defended super well so uh i don't know i mean yeah probably pretty nervous i don't know i think it's some i i was also in one final i think my first junior and i feel like i was so nervous that that i didn't even feel it to be honest if if that makes sense it doesn't what do you mean like you like i would no i mean i could definitely i definitely knew i was nervous but like in that heat of the moment i just didn't really feel that way i don't know it's sort of hard to explain again no but that but that but that makes sense like maybe the adrenaline takes over you yeah yeah yeah exactly you just play and uh all right so james is trying to bless him that fell maybe if that is nice yeah you can always even part ways with a little bit of material yeah but i mean that king is going to be so safe now on f3 yep was the saying king on f8 never mate that's not the same but you might as well just play king f8 yeah you might as well i mean here it definitely appears um but yeah outside of b3 i don't see another idea if you take on e5 black plays rook takes or even knight takes in knight f3 but then if knight takes there's rookie two i guess yeah well honestly i mean either actually no then they're then there's queen b64 and yeah yeah this ain't it no saying it uh so yeah it's interesting that james his intuition was correct that the sac objectively worked but to really prove it might have been not like not a human task yeah for sure i mean i i i also thought maybe knight f4 knight g3 or something but it was all just too slow apparently you had to play g4 now now white just can't even move anything you almost want to bribe your opponent to just remove the f-pawn off the board it's just blocking every bit of the attack okay nice drive is a nice try if he takes an f6 but don't think uh i don't think gary's gonna fall for that by the way even if that happens bishop f6 king just yeah even so because yeah the rook actually the rook is pinned so it's i mean yeah that's nothing but there's no reason to allow that knight g7 g4 it's all losing but you might as well have some fun oh well oh god there's also knight g7 king g7 rook h8 it's real bad that does look like an issue and this also i mean knight e3 or if you won if rookie 1 is there 96 oh did i give you some yeah maybe i did blend her right into that one yeah that's true so 93 much more uh killing i mean accurate way and there's even knight d1 as a threat which is disgusting that is that is very disturbing q1 yeah this is uh but i mean yeah you would definitely go for that over 90 g4 that which was also available but yeah yes rook c191 and that's it that's lights out threatening rookie one mate uh okay james is counter-attacking here the time is not in his favor the position is not in his favor i don't know what he can do rook c1 maybe one final move no time runs out and it's three one yeah and we will get one more game here before the break and i think james all right well there's there's no there's no break i don't think anymore right oh there's no no no i think oh oh sorry okay no there's no break unfortunately they just they just torture you and you know if you're down 3-1 you have to keep playing there's nothing you can do about it wait so is that like a is that just a jscc thing or what what is that what was that no it was uh it was a part of the format uh in this event as well um and then i don't know they just oh okay let's remove this see what can you do sure sure no that's good for us so this also i mean yeah james going to try to at least open some diagonals uh but this must be some sort of theory because i don't know what the heck we're looking at here yeah no neither do i okay probably castles here yeah if you take on e7 you probably just lose somehow probably just get a very bad position after like bishop c397 i don't know maybe yeah yeah absolutely because white i mean what's having issues with the bishop on f1 so and do you can you get away with long castles and potentially allow your queen side to be shattered uh long castles is the only move actually okay apparently the only other move that doesn't lose immediately is queen d2 this is a crazy bit of preparation by james amazing line that he just found wow and eric is unprepared he doesn't know what he doesn't know the line of the line obviously but time spent crazy yeah that does seem to be the case and i yeah i would think queen two is more practical because like if you don't know longhouse is playable you might just assume that's way too risky yeah although at least that way you do defend your d-pawn with the rook on d1 yeah you're right i mean bishop c3 looks super scary so like if i were to go queen d2 how bad is it i just want to develop i don't know okay is he insane what i like uh sorry yeah he might yeah he might get knocked out here like rookie one i take on c3 knight ed5 and rookie eight okay if eric doesn't lose this game in the next 10 moves that that i mean he impresses me a lot but that would be black just says rookie knight d5 i mean what what can white possibly do here i'm also surprised why is it why is eric thinking because i think he should have had something uh prepared i know noble what do you play here i thought rook d1 was his idea i don't know how clear is that like rookie one would you take where'd you go knight d5 i would take first and then knight d5 right and then then i go bishop d5 uh i just feel like you're losing can i just feel it like it's it's just one of those things you know you just yeah um all right he james didn't take first okay starts with rookie eight um yeah unfortunately in chess you have to make moves you can't just be like well i'm winning you know so it's over true yeah unfortunately the ship apparently bishop g7 is the only move and then uh everything else is completely lost yeah so takes takes then how do you actually get out of maybe like queen d2 is there knight c6 no knight six here yet there is but i don't how good is that like little bishop five bishop g4 yeah true yeah we might see that that just looks well i i also kind of wanted to play f6 which i have a very bad feeling james will play and for some reason no the f6 i think that allows like queen d2 why did he do it this way no this is what i was thinking like i didn't see bishop g4i oh i i yeah i liked i liked bishop g4 that was a tough move but here he's uh let eric off the hook a bit yeah eric can now play queen f3 bishop e2 uh i would have oh my god okay i i wait a second he's jeffrey he still can't move his bishop like yeah i would have i mean i would have quickly moved my queen like probably queen d2 but queens yeah queen d4 okay i think i still survive queen uh queen d2 really oh my god yeah i survived i mean the end game is dreadful yeah cause i don't have queen e5 and then rook 88. oh yeah you're not even gonna let me see yeah yeah all right he provoked g3 which i don't know why exactly d3 queen d4 okay he's he must understand something we don't oh wait but now so i can go rook d1 oh whoa so what's this apparently white is better if he finds queen b5 that is okay that is findable yeah yeah white has to defend b2 it's actually it's actually one of the only ways to defend b2 that's so crazy ah well let's sorry i don't understand queen b2 what exactly does eric have planned except because he can't move his knight right does he want like that's what i'm i'm trying to figure that out oh bishop g4 also looks pretty good yeah that looks very i didn't even see that move i just thought queen b2 but this was a strange game it was yeah quite quite shaky there from from there i mean like from both sides almost like i mean yeah the opening i think just out of the opening like that position whatever happens it's going to be just much easier to find i mean just much easier to play for black so yep and the by far the biggest time discrepancy we've seen in this in the in the first few games three minutes is just it's a huge amount of time yeah that's the game this is a game you just want to quickly uh forget and dust off the shabbat three rookie five white can't even yeah he can't even play the king to the yeah this is gonna be lights out shortly i don't see the wind after king d2 knight c4 ah oops i was looking at only rook moves yeah see okay there you go knight c4 i forgot there was a night on the board it hadn't participated for a while yeah uh okay now we have to find the best checkmate i think rook d8 and uh knight b2 knight d2 is nice maiden one with a knight well james has three and a half minutes to spot it so there it is yeah nice finish very convincing game and i do not think that eric will go back to that line probably a safe assumption yeah all right so okay we're gonna get a different opening uh what is this like you know the name uh the scotch gambit yeah it's sort of a yeah it's a scotch in italian both i don't know which but anyway this i don't think this is correct because of d5 though the d5 is always good in these structures and these openings and there it is and yeah james can't be worse on move six that's not good eric knows his stuff if you play these kind of gambit style openings you have to really know what you're doing you can just do it yet bishop g4 looks really good for black yeah yeah i guess i mean you you have to take on d4 anyway and then they're okay there's already bishop before checking and i couldn't like i'd have to play king f1 so [Music] you know in this day and age bishop before king f1 is not the scariest thing in the world it's like yeah i think it's still playable but not i wouldn't say things are going according to plan let's see so now as black i mean i'd look to play for f6 probably after castles yep open up the f file i see nothing wrong with castling here for black is eric trying to cash in like is he trying is looking for an immediate f6 maybe actually f6 straight away looks pretty nice but f6 ef what do you plan on recapturing oh you're saying queen f6 bishop d5 right yeah yeah exactly so how about f6 ef short castle i mean i i like what eric's doing he wants to go long i think yeah and then play f6 which makes a lot of sense this looks suspicious yeah it does it does i would okay i think long castles keeps the most flexibility and then you can you have many ideas f6 f5 h5 there is h5 man what do you do here you have to play g5 or something but g5 h4 looks like a problem yeah but if not g5 what are you playing knight i wanted knight h4 yeah i wanted knight h4 or something i see hg and then maybe i can take with the queen oh you want to trade yeah at least swap how he goes through this h4 is a very nice bishop h5 coming mm-hmm definitely seems like a problem yep wait bishop h5 how do you even deal with this thing uh i like this okay that yeah rough so is black threatening night okay black doesn't have to threaten anything to be honest that can just no as long as you make sure that white can't really uh untangle then you've done enough so knight g5 knight g5 bishop g5 yay yes yes you can definitely go for that one oh d4 d4 is gonna fall too yep okay james just james like can go back to this opening for sure but he just can't play c3 he just has to yeah no bishop d5 is probably the right move in that position and it's 94. yeah yeah and i think it's good for white so just to stop d5 right yeah yeah i mean he's i think he's he's lost all his white games thus far so he's gotta figure something out yeah he had a good position um a couple of londons ago and of course last game he was better on the eval bar but that's it was way too difficult to to find the continuation but uh yeah position four does this work like queen for check queen e4 check yeah well the knight is just hanging on h4 yeah i think that's a free man but okay there was it was it was already lost yeah queen e4 and uh yep oh well this was a rough uh this was a rough game indeed indeed and okay at least eric should now if james is going to kind of tank a bit eric should think about what he's gonna play for white because that accelerated dragon was sort of getting him a bit i mean out of out of sync i think he will definitely test what james has in his repertoire against the london i think now was a good moment for eric to reset yeah why is eric not playing long castles am i missing something i'm wondering the same thing i don't know ah he wants bishop e1 i know eric he wants to play bishop e1 yeah he might he might end up just going along castles but i know eric and i know for a fact he's looking at bishop d1 yeah okay uh uh i think we were just raided by joan bartholomew i was instructed to uh say thank you hi john hey guys this is john uh thanks for the raid uh eric did not in fact play bishop e1 which is really sad but he found this this variation uh and this is also good enough king f3 queen e4 i'm sad you didn't believe there should be one but yeah yeah but wait so queen b7 how clear is it you just want king d7 oh i don't know ask eric i i assume that is what that is the idea yeah queen december maybe he just wants the castle the other way uh no i don't you know you don't think you don't think so no i wouldn't give the night um yeah then i don't know but yeah i don't know i mean well we will just sit and anticipate the next move like sometimes in these matches positions are so absurd and just like they don't need to be played out it sometimes feels like uh sometimes when my position is just so horrible i don't sit and think about it i'm like no just get this out of here and then i wanna i wanna get a brand new board but i gotta give some credit both of these players will play to the bitter end like they you know like even here james is still looking for ways to complicate matters even though it feels like everybody should kind of pack up and go home speaking of which 91 check is ultra this and there it is yep oh wait so you're basically saying like sometimes a position can be so overwhelming that you should just you know call it a day oh yeah i would i would not i would have resigned with white like six moves ago probably just out of frustration of how bad the board was i would not i'm like you know my opponent is going to win there's there's no point in uh and maybe that's why i'm sitting here talking about the games and they're playing them but uh well no i'm i'm with you i think i would have had more than i mean this seems uh it's it's enough i think as white if you think you've seen enough with white yeah i think well he is not convinced the smarter chess prediction for this segment was 4-4 so eric has fulfilled his duty now james has to win two games i feel like 5'3 is a little bit closer but yeah um i don't seem to record like where was eric doing most of his damage in the matches was it bullet well yeah he's been slaughtering and bullet it hasn't been close uh but he always builds up at least a one or two game lead before that uh if you go back one move i think rook h3 was was very nasty with the idea i mean to deflect the g2 square just to move ago but yeah this is okay this game has now gone on about three or four minutes uh wow there's rook h1 and then some like double check and mate like 91 again or that you know what they say when you have maiden two you might as well win a queen first and uh all right oh no he's playing e4 again yeah he's got to be careful here definitely don't repeat the last one okay well what's he gonna yeah it's taking a second here that's good nope well i think you can still deviate somehow just don't no but i if he doesn't have something in mind here i would have played something entirely different i think there should be five that's uh that's new yeah bishop b5 um d6 castle d6 worked last time oh but d6 i guess there might be bishop c6 but then takes takes takes bishop d7 some crazy counter play for black right yeah that that probably works um oh but a6 i'm not sure i like this because white was going to take anyway in most cases oh this james has been given the bishop pair castles castles this looks very fishy to me this structure here because you like some queen h4 bishop knight g5 checkmate exactly i mean this whole c6 b7 a6 and it just doesn't feel right ah he blocked his own queen yeah i thought queen h4 was much more uh like a straightforward way queen e2 what's he thinking about doesn't he have to play queenie two because the c2 pawn is hanging or maybe he thinks he has some tactics okay there you go um okay yeah now i mean james has a few ways to play this how about bishop g3 with the idea of e6 yeah certainly uh an idea i think yeah i mean this is i was uh certainly hoping for uh for more as white but they're content with this i guess jeffrey i'm telling you if you give james an opportunity to play h5 in the sicilian here it is on move 15. yeah stopping g4 i guess i don't know what the idea was there but um okay what do you do with black do you allow the bishop to be taken no i don't think so yeah you just go back bishop g3 oh and e6 would trap the queen so has to do something about it e6 is brutal that is a nasty move wait and how do you stop because you definitely are not gonna consider playing e6 yourself you know please don't do that maybe do you have to put the bishop there but that also looks really bad i don't know e6 looks i was thinking uh i don't know the whole concept of e6 just looks really annoying but maybe the tactics work okay maybe you move your knight ah maybe you can move the knight yeah but still e6 man like i'm i don't know well queen b6 it's not the end of the world you attack d4 and you're saying if i take on f7 i've done more harm than good you play rook f7 and suddenly have yeah yeah and he does find that i think maybe you take on d5 first you're saying knight takes d5 and then uh figure out like maybe c3 solidify the well depending on what you take with i i think black should take with rook in that scenario and then i don't know maybe c4 i want to say what's what's happening there i just want to say that james is absolutely jacked like like i mean it is just absolutely unreal uh uh he he should be a tank top model like it's this dude this dude has muscles in places i didn't know you could actually have like physically have have muscles so um i'm just glad that he's sticking to chess and he's not it's you know not a chess boxing event um but wait do you think do you think we might we might get those in the future or oh i i mean that would be oh c5 c5 c5 c5 that is oh we missed it yeah just show that briefly this back deflection deflecting the queen off the rook if queen a5 then b4 and if rook d1 and queen d1 uh the queen is going down the d8 oh but there's queen c but quincy is yeah that is one of the most brutal queen traps ever just ever wow savage but okay we still have a game on our hands here yeah wish me 6 good move h5 bishop h6 man i'm telling you that this h5 stuff might be seeing it in the next next candidates you know dirty hairy sicilians um it does have some benefits from time to time i don't know jeffrey if we're going to have a chest boxing event but would you uh would you would you do a chest boxing event did you learn how to box and then well i would have to understand how the format works like i i would be open to it if i get the right match let's say but uh i'm yeah i'm just curious to know how it actually uh it actually runs you and me both i i don't quite understand it but i think you you basically go up against someone equal in chest strength and then equal in uh in boxing uh experience so for you and me that would be quite low uh but uh on the on the boxing front um but maybe there will there are some chess players who also do bucks uh there's also some professional chess boxers wait wait wait professional chess box yeah it's a real thing yeah there's a chess boxing world champion yeah oh wow yeah wait and it's not okay it's not magnus no it's definitely not magnus uh as far as we know maybe he's been training for months secretly but uh no there's like some random random guys out there but they're like 2 000 in chess they're not they're not titled they're on gm's uh but wait so would it be like it's is it more important to be good at the boxing part i guess i think as long as you're evenly matched anything can happen right so it doesn't really it doesn't matter too much no because i'm trying to understand like would it be weighted more highly with like your results in in the chess oh you win uh i think you can win by knockout you can win by checkmate on the chessboard you can win if your clock runs out on the chessboard because you have a little segment like you oh okay there's no okay yeah so yeah okay in my case it would be it would it would be all about trying to survive that is the strategy but who knows jeffrey maybe you got like a mean uh mean left hand you know you knock somebody out um yeah like imagine you're getting slowly outplayed like on the chessboard and you're like all right i gotta go knock him out that's what i gotta do so yeah sir it seems pretty interesting and here or what so what is transpiring 5 he wants rook d5 cd5 and then d6 makes sense yeah i still like air expedition although like if i play bishop f4 check i guess you just go g3 and again you have this strange oh there's again b4 here by the way yep oh but then i can actually go to c7 and start so i take on c4 i mean yeah you survive you survive but i'm just wondering i i win a pawn maybe okay it's not yeah it's not a huge deal oh he finds it yeah that that could be a game changer like if candy panics now with this b4 on the board yeah but queen b6 also is good so you force bc and then queen c7 aha or back to a5 but yeah yeah that was possible too um but yeah i don't know take on d8 i guess yep well what else can you do with white well eric's probably thinking like can i keep that rook on d5 queen d7 yes yeah white has an extra pawn in the end game but somehow somehow you can't really move so i as white i would probably plant something on g5 sooner or later it just feels off a little bit like to leave the fish on h4 there for long i want to clarify the situation if this game goes deep into an end game it could actually use all of the allotted time it would be very close like if they just play like a 90 move end game of queens and minor pieces but somehow i feel like this will be decided before then uh yeah especially i think eric will try to keep the queens maybe play for a trip or two very tough though yeah black is super solid here uh also can i mean i feel like these c pawns are just very delicate that's a great move by the way queen d3 yeah you don't necessarily want to play an end game and okay eric getting long time now he has queen d3 92 and trying to play for f4 but black might have g5 there even or h4 okay he does go for that but yeah i didn't love this oh face is great just wins on the spot yeah wow yeah he missed it i predicted the whole sequence yeah you see this is what happens when you play somebody 500 times and that's uh right well he's still fighting here it's not over so do you go for the c5 pawn with bishop e3 or do you just grab e5 that's good question i think e5 is more match but yeah this is okay this should be good enough i don't like allowing bishop to but he's gonna win one more pawn and then bishop c4 just take the just take the knight right like just play the oh wait no no he's only up he's only at one point not two one pawn oh does this work wait bishop d4 bishop a2 what the 54 which yeah james just has to absolutely relax and not hang any pieces and move the bishop literally anywhere eric by the way only has 1.8 seconds i know it should be two but then bishop then knight a4 maybe this should be okay h6 uh yeah few ways to to get this done okay now you take another pawn bishop all the way back to h6 oh yeah okay just take all his pawns but you know eric is still playing eric is still playing so okay at least now yeah but i don't think he can run this no clock all the way down no i don't think so but uh i tell all low rated players do not resign if there is a night on the board yeah that's solid advice uh and of course eric will be playing for a legendary stalemate trap he's gonna yep there goes the king to the corner i don't know how on earth he's going to get it but he always tries like now knight d4 f2 i mean with only a second you can't even uh devise one i'll keep lost sometimes okay yeah wait so that's this is now six out i think six out of seven black wings if i'm not mistaken yes that sounds about right we're gonna get this line again i have no idea what's going on here i mean both sides need to uh to look at something during the break i think with with white i i'm surprised james has not done his prep on this game because uh whenever i prepare for my opponents uh or this opening rather whenever i prepare for my opponents i see what they played in previous matches and eric played this against me two times and somehow f3 is the best move but then you have to play really strange moves with white like you have to play a quick g4 which is kind of like typical for these positions like black is already better if white doesn't play f3 and g4 black just gets a really good position so yeah james has to review this line i think they're going to seem pretty okay i don't know why all the way back in any case it does seem pretty natural i mean to develop the black and i was gonna make a point like everybody has their uh way of preparing for these matches some they don't you know they don't look at their opponents that closely they just prepare their own repertoire so to your point like maybe he didn't even check uh that match that eric played against him maybe maybe how do you prepare do you prepare uh yeah yeah yeah i think i for sure i mean compared to most i feel like i prepare a lot of more uh intensely i would say like i usually have you know four different ideas for for both colors and so that i can sort of jump to one idea to the next depending on how it goes gotchu but in a tournament like that you just recently played you know there's uh 30 minutes before a game you just sleep and then go play or you try to like estimate you know who you're gonna play and then try to prepare accordingly uh well i will give some some credit that lately like these witchburg events um it used to be the parents come out you have like five minutes five ten minutes but now maybe you have 30 to 40 which is some time that you can at least you know sort of uh form and form a game plan of some sort did you play in europe a lot as you were going up the ranks no not a lot not a lot actually oh wow that's like totally different than the current business model of getting gm and i am title yeah it's like everybody goes to europe and they come back 200 points higher rated yeah i don't like you so all of your i am norms like do you remember where they come yeah mine were uh new york new jersey and pennsylvania so oh okay so you're like me yeah yeah i mean i just went around i i played here and but uh uh there's eve there's some super like there's uh some strong kids in the u.s uh and uh my friend will just send me their profile and the video page and i'm like why are they rated 24-70 what that's because oh they like went to you know five tournaments in europe and they won 90 of their games you know they just destroyed like poor poor folks over there and then they come back 24 70 and you're like oh okay well there you go yeah maybe you didn't have such a luxury back in your day yeah all right listen it's never too late jeffrey you're gonna not see me for two three months i'm gonna come back you know two gm norms 2480 still the same skill level though yeah all right yeah let's see so this game okay i sort of james trying to bring everything over to the king's side but uh it's gonna be tough to really i mean eric has no weaknesses here nope we've also seen him play like this uh many times already uh is bishop a3 a free pawn yeah it is i think this is like a sack and then maybe james i i kind of like it because he wants to go knight e5 maybe move the bishop play f4 see i can see what he's uh what he's saying okay knight e4 i feel like both guys trying to give each other free puns but i think taking the one on e4 is a little bit more questionable yeah he wants to follow up with bishop c6 i guess that's some counter play f3 idea by way yeah f3 and then maybe follow up with g4 maybe knight g3 too try to yeah like he's he's doing all this full operation on the king side but i really don't know if that leads to anything because uh yeah at the end of the day it blocks not exactly in any danger wow bishop e8 what a move so okay he does play f3 so now the knight is going back again but yeah now you'll have to watch it for f6 black's gonna set that up can you play bishop h2 and f6 knight f4 ideas oh wow i like that good i get it wow he likes it too i do really like that look at that so yeah i think then f6 is not playable um so what else can you do uh play f6 you can just play f6 let's see if james sees your idea this is like poker you know one guy bets large one guy calls the bluff and here we go i mean we're gonna find out knight f4 you have to play it unless what about knight g4 first don't even sag and then knight yeah you can go knight g4 yeah that's oh yeah because knight of four then is a serious threat uh okay not a four what well i mean there was really not no i know i know just like this looks very i don't know why is it zero zero zero why isn't oh that's what you mean yeah yeah wait what is there that f5 okay okay that seems to be the move because the bar has not moved so bishop f5 there's queen e7 but rook c2 at the end yeah you take on g4 yeah okay i guess not as bad as i thought amazing yeah this is going to be this is a very important result the last game of the segment what's wrong with retreating to like f2 is there like an 84 yeah i could take on d4 oh man that's that sucks how about bishop f5 ef knight h6 check and then queen e7 i love that idea too because the knight on f4 would then be just a rock yeah and then black structure is terrible i just it's really hard for me to evaluate what happens when white loses the c2 pawn no no can you show that i love that by that suggestion so you're shaking knight h6 yeah you don't go queen e7 i i really like knight just look at that nine f4 so beautiful yeah it's untouchable but like i said for me it's like i'm really bad at evaluating positions after rook c2 like i don't know if i'm better or worse okay computer doesn't think anybody's better or worse but visually right it looks like white is just doing so well here okay the one that james has chosen also looks good because he probably wins in exchange but the thing is i don't know how good is it like let's say queen d7 you take on f8 i go bishop and then okay i mean when i take on c2 looks like there should be some compensation oh queen d2 oh wow and but is there something so good oh yeah because i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you why it's so good jeffrey this is see i just had one really good idea now i have to show why i'm in i am i forgot that you can play knight f2 so i i thought the knight was trapped i thought queen d2 gives gives the e3 square like this is you know this is like there's checks and balances i found knight h6 beautiful idea then i forgot that my knight can go back to f2 so oh and he thinks like me we think the same way you see so why can i take on g4 and h and h3 i don't know man i'm the one who suggested this nonsense so uh i don't know i don't know i just honestly thought my knight on g4 was completely yeah like this is the only way wait wait wait wait but why [Music] welcome to the i am not a gmc chess championship folks so knight oh he's going to take on a3 yeah he's going to take a3 but then c3 and there's no bishop before right yeah yeah i mean i would have much i mean fg and gh look like full compensation this yeah you gotta i don't should go c3 knight c2 also c3 b4 is pretty brutal so yeah c3 but no no this fish should be two you think you may have missed and now it's king h1 okay but still yeah can each one still good for white smarter chess might be right i don't want to jinx it oh wow incredible crazy uh okay yes this g5 d4 is coming it's not like that move knight c2 idea knight d4 maybe oh g6 is a concession yeah i like knight c2 i like knight c2 rookie one and black just has almost no counter play uh yeah yeah and i think wow oh d5 is also hanging and i i i like this g100 yeah that's an awesome move tactics everywhere knight d5 knight f6 5 might also yeah stuff stuff is coming okay now huge dark square weaknesses rook f6 is a yeah that's a free pawn bishop d4 also you said g6 was a concession and now here it is yeah although if eric gets knight f3 like he's still gonna that's why i maybe should d4 is safer let's see but here bishop g5 okay bishop g5 is good yeah okay this is an f3 hold on this is still game yep yep uh-oh it's gonna be an end game now trade everything take on b5 play king g2 yeah kg2 is good to hold on okay ah he forgot about that whoa he lost too many points giving a lot of pawns away for no good reason that d4 oh that's a great move and now b3 is falling all right he needs to keep the rook rook c7 i think it's still hard for eric to play in this game i don't like letting the king up look c7 oh wait but there is no king of six okay rook c7 you got to go rook c7 oh there's room b6 there's your b6 here that's what any blinders oh no no no no no oh my goodness you had to take a second there and now this is this is now white white needs to uh yep to be careful here oh my god oh he was losing for a second yeah he wanted bishop d5 yes there was oh it was that again oh my goodness rookie seven rookies rookie seven was discovered check oh my gosh okay it's still hard for white though king g4 h5 was made you have to not let the king move no i mean oh my god he's unraveling here oh my goodness he's completely lost his mind and that that's it just wow i can't believe eric is going to win this game this hurts my soul man i mean i would yeah yeah it's this was a crazy i would highlight that moment that i mean there was king f6 and he had 25 seconds you just have to sense that they're now it's made no matter what yeah no stalemate trips and james yeah you can see it's visibly upset about this one yeah that's uh that's that's extremely rough wow i mean i jinxed it honestly i i really did uh saying that it was going to be 4-4 the segment finishes 5-3 and uh we are going to take a short break for james is going to feel maybe like the longest break in the world because he was so close to evening the match uh but eric maintains the two-point lead that he had kind of throughout the first segment uh when we return we've got the three plus one portion coming up here in our final match of the third edition of the i am not a gm speeches championship presented by landover we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] did you know you can watch top chess events right on your phone you don't even need to download an app just open any mobile browser and head to chess.com events you can see what's happening right now check out top games see results and so much more try it for yourself at chess.com events [Music] [Music] [Music] hey chess fans i'm here to tell you about a new mobile app a web browser game called landover this game brings together all of the fun elements of settlers of catan baton gate and caton i don't know which one it is all i know is that landover will end that dispute because it's simpler it's faster in many ways it's more fun and it's right on the app you now you don't have to debate whether we're going to play katan tonight because it might take 45 minutes to an hour with that guy who can't make a decision about where to put the road it's not that big of a deal dude you're ruining game night landover solves these problems and on an app on your phone you can now play in 15 20 minutes max amazing enhancements to all the things about katan that you love within this app experience use the command sponsor or command landover to check it out and download it today you've been playing daily chess games now you can play a daily game of katan which was never possible before without landover hope you check it out and we'll see you around on chess.com and on the landover app [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the imscc we are i believe uh eric has a two-point lead when we left off james super close there to uh to leveling this match i think he probably should have but in any case had sort of ruined the uh smarter prediction as we see it was 4-4 but now yeah it's 5'3 uh i think the faster time controls you could debate it but i would say they probably favor eric but based on what we've seen i mean it's it's been pretty back and forth here couldn't agree more jeffrey thanks for holding it down as i ate a chocolate ice cream uh literally by the way the audience should know i brought a mini cone i uh didn't budget the correct amount of time during the break super professional commentary you know how it is uh it's it's the it's the i am not a gmsps championship you know what i mean we don't we don't we need to get g's in our title to get a degree of respect like my wonderful co-host um and uh very close in the in the five plus one and trust me if there's anybody here who knows what it feels like to have a good position against eric rosen and not win it it's me and eric brings out the tilt in people so if james can stabilize and not let this balloon any more than a two-point lead and a maximum three-point lead jeffrey i think he'll be all right so all eyes on this first game yeah yeah i i always think it's so paramount to make sure you start the segment off well um especially as the person trailing so here okay we saw eric get into trouble here with white in this opening but he's for sure taking a look at it to be honest with you i feel like if anybody needed to look at these lines it was eric i wonder if james took a look at that line that eric is playing with black against his job london the bishop g4 now uh line yeah yeah as i mean as we mentioned black the black pieces were were very successful okay so we get an end game here how would you evaluate this uh white is a pawn up but looks kind of miserable in terms of the structure wow no castling but king e7 rookie 8 is possible bishop f3 might as well just ruin his whole structure right makes a lot of sense yeah and i do like the idea of t7 bringing the rook out that way richie oh that's i don't like that move i mean does he have a devious idea okay he's trying to go f6g5 dude that's so absurd i would have like never in a million years thought of that but it's actually a totally reasonable plan it's just i wanted to like ruin eric's entire structure you know yeah he still can yeah all right bish v3 quickly getting out of the way and now knight d5 that's very logical response yeah like knight d5 a6 may be coming b5 may be coming king f7 for sure is on the way bringing the other rook okay king f7 yep i like that it looks very simple here i really hate these positions that that eric's been getting with white really feels like james has a good grasp on these uh dragons totally agree and now yeah i don't see anything better than castle you more or less have to but it takes first okay actually pretty ugly then bishop three gf3 isn't this just permanently better for black like this guy well i guess white is up upon but yeah the good news is i mean it is an end game after all so there's probably no danger um but okay he goes the very safe way he just restores material but eric is stubborn like if he played e4 a couple of times during this match and he thinks there's something there he will try to chip away but he can always go back to his uh london that's the thing so i would not be shocked if he plays one or two more of these and as if he does if he doesn't win it's gonna be d4 from here on out i wait do you know if eric is more like mainly a d4 u4 player oh eric like only plays the london he only he only will not play the london if he has found something in a repertoire somewhere that's kind of so he thinks that he still can chip away here but it i don't think so like i think but again if he keeps winning he's just going to keep playing but he's winning with no no but he's winning with black let's make no mistake here he's he's been waiting well then he's just stubborn i guess but the thing is he he can always switch back and i have a feeling he might or he'll go for a third option in the sicilian yeah there are certainly other lines that you can play against the accelerated okay this one looks headed towards equality yep there's absolutely nothing there literally it's just total symmetry same exact structure too but i would still favor black right with slightly okay my king is slightly closer also knight on d5 better wow knight f4 now i really favor black oh yeah this could be a problem position feels like dangling by a thread with with with white i mean yeah it really does rook maybe can you get away with like with d1 you have to have to stop 92 somehow it looks loose so maybe it's okay yep i i always just want to go back to g4 and constantly remind my opponent that the structure is really suspicious but it might be time for more immediate action yeah i think rookie two can't be bad um i don't know if there's anything better i don't know yeah tough moment here i mean what's wrong with just rook d8 even yeah try and make use of that okay so he gives a base seven whoa oh wait but i would have at least taken something you have 92 knight c3 yeah i like that although okay there is rookie seven at the end maybe it's still fine for a while you liquidate right if eric's pawn makes it to like a5 for example he might have some long-term ideas to uh to put some pressure but uh knight three's a good move too maybe it's getting tricky here so wait on bishop seven what do you think he wants to do uh maybe bishop f395 something yeah this is what i was thinking yeah okay i mean in any case it should still be equal oh eric knight whoa g5 looks like you could get distracted and i mean knight a5 could happen he's really leaving i mean he's leaving a7 hating for for the longest time i know he really wants him to take it knight d4 by the way yeah knight d4 i just saw as well oh man what do you want to play bishop bishop e4 i don't that i mean i can still take one oh so he's just to say to chuck upon okay james canty hates his apon like he left it hanging for 15 moves at least yeah he really he really was begging eric to take it yeah and i don't know how easy is this to draw though well first of all he had to probably put his rook on the right square like was rookie four better was rook c2 better can white just be line yeah no but this is the rook a2 yeah you can just stop the pawn and i was much more worried about the k1 there for white but now this should be back in pretty safe territory is there a knight b2 is that it i think so yeah oh there's a no you can try roxy one knight a4 like knight d5 but okay it should be okay what is knight d5 an idea or rook d3 maybe it's too much oh my gosh this is crazy this is so stressful to play with no time yeah only five seconds late eric's didn't bold here to to keep this game going though rook d3 yeah rook d3 is a good move wait what is that what is that hold on wait wait wait wait no no that had to be a slip like what was that you just hung a full piece i mean that had that just had to be slipped like his his rook was also hanging there oh my goodness what just what just happened also hold on wait there wait wait wait wait wait wait eric whoa what oh okay uh yeah i don't know why they both took oh god oh don't do something crazy here it should be it's hard for black to to defend rook five nice move rook anywhere oh jeffrey i'm so scared rook at five was like almost mate it's like a ridiculous position okay yeah i mean eric at least he's he's gotten some time back so he shouldn't flag now c4 and go around a group oh gosh this is this is just i'm so stressed yeah i mean just making some random moves here and then okay once he has time he should be able to look for a way to make promise rook d7 or there okay kf5 at some point or there all right eric needs to start bringing his king in though just get it in oh that's that's not that's not go oh oh yeah keep going up oh no king g5 is on the way maybe yeah you could or okay i don't know why you played that line fine don't play king g6 with black oh okay rook yeah like rook c2 g3 yeah g3 would would force a set of pawns off bishop e3 g3 no that doesn't work i don't think oh my goodness bishop c he hung the vision another wait what are they doing now you are so relaxed he just hung the bishop in one move well i mean i i guess you're just disappointed you just sound like you know i don't know the well the whole i mean i'm still maybe trying to recover from the first one it's like sort of a mellow feeling right now eric's gonna find a way to get like a rook and bishop made although it's not oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness he hung the bishop back what yeah unbelievable this is a lot to take for for just one game oh set up some stalemate probably not you you better believe that he is trying [Music] don't play rookie oh there goes the rook okay okay i mean no more plot twists please gentlemen no more plot twists give him the bishop play bishop e4 just okay he knows how to mate with rook and king and why is he using his bishop you don't use your bishop in these cases like if you just king f6 okay fine wow match is within one unbelievable what a game a 124 move game of which 100 and maybe five moves were unnecessary or whatever the count was all right we have another gambit um jeffrey i'm willing to bet that uh james worked on his white repertoire in between the rounds that's what i think certainly would would have been a good idea and just okay you can see we're saying here james had a pretty similar reaction to me like just all right just quickly let's forget that game ever happened and and move on try to keep i mean play some some reasonable chess here man i would have gotten queen c1 there i don't know any any prep here but i really like the idea of queen c1 c3 and b4 but okay this looks this looks so loose but i guess it's still normal but i think it's okay like 21 and maybe with the uh knight two f3 the structure here resembles that game from the candidates uh the ding hikaru game the first one right where ding played for like uh you know a5 queen a7 bishop b6 and then c5 um oh yeah yeah i know what your game you're talking about but it's it's not like sort of i i guess yeah oh my god i thought james won another piece but that's a great move very nice fine here by james yeah ruining black's pawn structure i think that's a that's a nice idea knight c4 is an awesome move very interesting repertoire by james um scotch gambit with white joe boba london as well like super empty yeah he's that's what he likes to do very specific type um i would have actually thought that he will go for job of london again because that line that eric is playing is good but it's i mean it's not like it doesn't solve the opening you know but he made it so that james will not go back to that which is pretty funny uh cool oh nice tricky trick here by eric so queens 4 is met by bishop e6 would win a piece so what do you play maybe i like the move like king h1 always get out of i mean all right [Music] because there's no rook d1 though i missed that oh that is nice and now i think we have to go knight f3 there's actually no other move what what what exactly is so bad it seems like white is fine yeah white is fine but i i think it's just kind of just slightly getting off the rails like i didn't want to uh after retreat like that you know but the only reason this game feels like it's still in the balance no no you take no no but yeah this yeah there's rook d2 if you take with the queen okay so yeah like the fact that black is getting a rook d2 is the only reason this game is because i mean structurally these c pawns for black are just an eyesore right so right i mean rook d2 and okay king h1 yeah james can even afford to simply give up the c pawn oh would you play c3 as eric okay just and white is still fine because uh rook ae1 f5 v6 is that way yeah yeah i think that's what he wants i see but maybe eric takes dates with a queen so now f5 he can go like queen e2 if he wants sort of a simple slide you're saying rookie one you're not worried about yeah p1 is going all in yeah so now he wants just f5 damn really interesting position yeah so very practical g6 from black or maybe just ignore it and take a2 but g6 might just throw more fuel onto the fire like f5 anyway and if you take on a2 f5 yeah i think queen d5 maybe uh queen d5 really makes sense but okay go queen g something g3 i know which one is right yeah queen g3 maybe it feels like this is a very high level game we're on the same page as they are for the first time in a while oh wait now there could be some e6 yeah starting to yep okay i guess you start with e6 maybe eric just wants f6 can you start with like rook f3 by way just to okay he plays e6 straight up i thought yeah definitely because then you would be able to free your queen yeah yeah i think you should go f6 though like you cannot allow white to play f6 in this position uh-huh but you you're okay allowing the white e pawn to stand on e6 yeah but i mean you would take that if i like you don't want to give f6 an e7 right right right yeah yeah for sure actually doesn't that just it's just completely winning if you play fe f6 what does black even play queen there's no moves right it's just over yeah no no there you would simply lose yeah yeah but i'm saying let's if you make a random move i don't know rip d2 for example yeah i i would go f6 g6 and e7 and that's probably just over so f6 is force and now this is the big question so do you go like yeah rook d1 makes sense it's incredible this is not just lost for black i feel like in a blitz game it should be them because you just can you take it's an option yeah it's an option but i i think even the queen's feels feels right now queen d7 is huge he's surviving though the v8 wow wow incredible defense here take on six of this okay rookie seven g8 i guess you take on c7 because e7 doesn't really create a threat i like h3 though yeah that's always useful yeah no more mate good move hey that was a very good move yeah all right queen since five okay oh jeffrey he's got to find a way to double and play queen h7 rotation oh wait so like no rookie six might be threat watch out for that uh oh that's so easy to miss like i mean that is really easy and yep but maybe he thinks he has rook d8 no but rookie it back ah yeah he just returns oh my gosh you called it james might might have been looking for that sack but can he keep some tricks alive yeah eric did really well here keeping us cool now it's a scramble rook c7 again what d7 okay he's gonna try to find some trick here c3 even by the way okay this is good i think he wins the c pawn now yeah whoa no no no no no no but why this no okay yeah no but rook c8 yeah that's it oh wrong square but i think it was i think it was over that was a monumental hold by eric like yeah yeah that looked really dangerous with the pawn on e6 but he did he defended it perfectly yeah uh the the blunder of rookie six was uh was brutal uh and uh completely changed the game um wow eric is returning to this i mean this is he is he is so stubborn i mean like i i know i know the feeling oh king e7 this time by james even not even rook g8 f6 uh what he did last time great great idea maybe yeah he got a good position in that game too maybe we'll get something similar like d5 would yeah i just this is what i mean about eric he was doing the same thing but when he was black against me in our match he kept playing into the queen's gambit declined line where you double your own f pawns and you trade off queens it's just like consistently slightly worse for black but he kept playing it and he blitzed every move and i just couldn't crack his defenses but james has been doing a much better job in these like nice dragon positions he's actually scoring points so admittedly the last game was a bit of a right last thing was was a fiasco uh to put it mildly but again like this just to feels like black is the one who who's trying if with anything yeah those bishops on the queen side are just sort of standing around uh c2 is not quite free or is it because you have knight e4 stuff and actually this there's just bishop f3 and 95 might be yeah like does it work here he might just that yeah wow okay if eric loses this game normally like in about 10 moves i never want to see this line again like it's it's time to go right it is it really is because she's not even tried uh to play as main one at least to see what james has cooked up yeah i don't know james plays knight f6 with black against d4 but i don't know if he plays king's indian or what and i mean uh this is a brutal position for eric yeah so now he's thinking can he get away with rookie three knight d1 yeah that's the question and it seems you would have to stack on e5 i think rookie 391 is really nice but otherwise i mean bishop too that is wait jeffrey is there rookie three rook d1 oh i mean an even better version and then but i've taken rookie four i don't know rookie four now i go back to c3 you have rook d4 no no but f3 thing oh yeah so then maybe that worked yeah so eric goes wish me two instead so okay here black has a multitude of options it goes for the simplest one i feel like that wasn't like he lost the pawn for no reason yeah i think there was a much better way like he could have thrown in a b6 for instance yeah but yeah he gives the a pawn to rook he8 and then i mean white has a really broken structure yeah wait what is that another slip uh yeah it should be another slip oh yeah it definitely was a slip yeah i mean that was probably like the worst move on the board if it wasn't the full blunder of a piece yeah and james campbell i think i he probably he clicked the rook on d and then he clicked the rook on eight shade but then he clicked the square instead something like this but uh i mean he won that other game when he made it slip so maybe give some good luck in some weird way and bishop v6 is already a step in the wrong direction because i think black can play like knight f7 maybe or even right yeah knight f7 yeah but then rookie seven ah true okay doesn't allow it no that's so tilting though yeah yeah it is especially if it's you might actually prefer to make a concrete blender in a sense because the roof dj just gives a really sad position this is so brutal like to to mousel after getting offended and now eric is going to play this line again by the way [Music] you hear he will i mean i'm telling you it's it's like addiction you know you need a you need some some some therapy for it this is just a really tough position for black he just has no moves uh rook a7 maybe a4 yep yeah because now you always have bishop c5 ideas um coming rook why didn't you play rook okay well no but bishop t5 is basically unstoppable now ah yep that is even more clean i was looking for the f6 pawn but this is it yeah yeah that's a painful way to lose yeah he's unhappy uh and for a good reason because he did not deserve to lose this game and he has to get himself composed because uh this could get out of control real quick yeah and i still feel like eric hasn't been playing his best chess either i don't know what you think but at some point eric is going to pick up his form now you would well if eric has a couple games to go into the bullet it's it's a done deal i mean some people could argue it was a done deal before the match i mean it depends on who you're cheering for you say it doesn't matter you know but it's been extremely close and uh yeah it's unfortunate that now it's it's a three-game match yeah he's had a couple big chances to tie it all right so we're back to this okay so james is this is prep because this does this is not the right way of handling this position uh i guess okay he did not review this because f3 g4 i think is the only way to play for an advantage with white not h3g whoa this is this is playing down a tempo because you want to go h4 this is why you have to play f3 g4 but now h4 there is just you know a move by black h6 h5 wow yeah he may be maybe mixed uh mixed it up a bit yeah so he's gonna try to play this down to tempo um h4 there is but you'd have to think that temp is going to make a pretty big difference because it's going to be opposite side castles and it's a very important uh move yeah the secrets of being a job a london player is literally never looking at the engine uh i mean london is this is a way of life it's not a it's not an opening that you want to get stockfish's blessing on because it will absolutely not give it to you uh long castles now as you said but then rook c8 and knight a5 looks kind of oh yeah that i would be very very scared oh my gosh jeffrey and then we're gonna get queen b3 knight a5 queen b3 think that's gonna happen i'm not sure i would go no i don't think i would go that i i wouldn't go that far but i would def i start with roxy yes i don't think we're gonna get that far i feel like we're gonna get a bishop b5 or something okay or that yeah oh so this okay it doesn't hang the d4 punk because you can take well i guess queen d4 you could play that yeah you could play that from black i'm not sure what you want to tough spot for eric you can if you want to play simple you can take on d3 and just play g6 yes if i was black i would go knight a5 though oh because bishop g6 knight c4 that's a nice one i mean it does take so now bishop three yeah this should be three this all right this is similar what's the idea queen back to b6 are you sacking are you just kidding yeah i've taken rookie one i think i don't think i can stack right away but rookie one i think james canty might suck wait maybe you can sack hold on so i take on d5 takes queen d5 i don't know i just feel like he will i don't know knight c5 and then rookie one that looks juicy as they say yeah maybe wow on the board i mean i knew he was going to suck it doesn't matter looks like it's the best move too yeah but yeah good i think good or bad he would you knew he was going to oh yeah it made no difference because it just it just looks appealing it just looks like unless he has to win you know you might as well yeah and i think eric he need he ha he's gonna have to take this and play uh knight c5 yep and then my original idea was bishop e3 but rook t8 somehow uh-huh rook t8 yeah so i think you start with rookie one though and then fish b7 maybe bishop d6 ooh but knight c3 this slows it down a bit because rick did again like you said is there a 97 oh my god what is that i would have gotten 97 but still ah okay still i mean yeah 97 was good yeah so richard one now okay really should play rookie one at some point because how is black going to get out of oh maybe you want to ricochet rook five but okay no there's pg yeah there's queen g8 stuff yeah rookie one you don't even how do you do this then forgot actually the question is how do you do this for white like what's new i got bishop yeah i got bishop d6 i should be six okay yeah and now i mean i already have flips yeah queen c5 yeah now this is a brutal brutal brutal game and this is just what i mean it could be a game in a totally different direction it could be a match in a totally different direction if it doesn't mouse slip so it's just good good for him keeping his composure yeah this would be a very important win if he does manage to convert i would just take on g6 here yup nice and clean yep knight t5 is on the way not much else you can do if the apon did not defend the queen there would be rookie seven it's all over so it's a very very important response to you by james yeah huge win and uh he will definitely he will definitely play in the exact same way the next time he plays the job of london but wait but again he was playing this down at tempo imagine if he if he didn't play it this way i do i don't know maybe if he played it the right way he would have lost you know rookie eight now and just we go to sleep i'll just play rookie queer tribe in g6 yes but rookie eight is more relaxed the less pieces eric has okay he doesn't play either of them fine oh this one i i think is his idea like some knight f6 potentially yeah i think that's yeah it's okay harry's gonna mix this one in yeah this is okay that's rookie seven don't even play okay yep he does it nice win all right seven five good for him okay and here we go back to this i told you like it why why but then again i did the same during our match i was convinced that i was playing into a good line against eric and uh but i thought eric would have checked this though and maybe he did but it's like sometimes you are better but the position in blitz is not easy to navigate right james why did james deviate no i wouldn't have diva yeah the end games were all going well james was getting fantastic i mean he played a mouse slip last game but he was completely winning after 15 moves yeah i mean it's really hard to adjust on the fly to strategy and sometimes you make moves before you even think so i get it but i still honestly like this position though for black so i think he's getting the tempo moves in apparently there was a much better move stockfish spazzed there for a sec but uh yeah white is a pawn up but it's the sea pawn right here and it's it's far from off yes i still feel like it's trickier to be white bishop five coming maybe knight b4 a6 after that knight c4 bishop takes c3 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah huge initiative um yeah white's best move here is only bishop e3 which if eric plays bishop e3 right now i don't know that that would be one of the most impressive things i think yes what even is the point of that move i need to go queen h4 okay so now there should have five should come [Music] wait a second nine four might be four it's exactly what you said then knight c4 well maybe i think i've already got some nice threats yep you would have to go knight d4 i think that is a tough move so rook d2 you have bishop c3 stuff right [Music] maybe not knight a2 king b2 somehow maybe i would go to your movement knight c3 that's pretty good and i still feel like black can play some a6 at some point like did you do it now or i don't know yeah i like it sack the knight a b open up the rook oh but knight c4 is also an idea so i'll let you take my f5 like you take on c4 take on f5 i don't think he can do anything right away and maybe oh he's got a tactic here oh wow knight a2 bishop d4 removing the defensive queen c2 mate what a what a move he's apparently he's barely better because stockfish just is the tries to be the smart kid in the room king b1 is why apparently wow okay so gonna get an end game again yes where please no more mouse slips probably you just you have nothing better than to take in bishop iv f3 there ambition d5 some kind of position yeah but that's not canty style but he he might have to settle for that yeah i don't see anything more flashy wow queen c3 and bishop before james is looking for much more than that but i'm not sure where he's gonna find it in fact what can he possibly play whoa walks right into stuff okay wait but there's rook g6 here does queen foreign take on g7 oh but that yeah but also what like what what what are we doing with queen b8 right yeah i mean you know i mean you know that has to look really sketchy but okay rook g6 it's not a knockout because um it'll go hg and it's just the queen i guess but what was his idea after bishop g3 by white you know what i mean he wants rick's eight no he wants rook c8 i think but first of all i have rook d8 yeah first of all first of all and i mean that's just it wait you don't see it but like i said james is just yeah like again he had to trade queens damage the structure play bishop before instead of that he went for some completely absurd stuff for yeah he's lucky that he didn't get punished immediately he can still go queen state back it's not so bad repetition queen c3 that would be that would be funny yeah i feel like this is not the end of the evaluation swings in this match maybe yeah but that's that no i guess you could take on f5 yeah bishop but i started to like this again for black i love it for black bishop is so strong on g7 it feels like yeah queen a5 yup knight a4 queen before yeah queen a5 there we go hey james come on okay wrong wrong direction but rook is hanging on d1 okay true yeah okay wait so now is there knight a4 rook e8 man c8 queen queen goes back to the queen side c5 maybe yeah just keep the pressure on right now it's gonna be hard for it for eric not to blunt or something yeah knight f4 is huge maybe he'll even have bishop b2 itself oh yeah yeah yeah that could that could work so c3 but now there should be something what is here maybe still go knight a4 at a4 i like knight d5 but let's see one he's keeping it together still james has to relax and find the win that's it he just hasn't unfortunately i don't think there's a win here so you just maybe like b5 just yeah rotating see now he's going to start like going for this bit loose yeah he's going for these tricks oh my gosh does he have something does eric have rook d5 not anymore but oh h7 oh eric playing really well with no time here that's typical yep rook b6 is not even possible it's not a move uh oh what what what can you do yep it's just typical eric stuff knight c5 maybe but it's going the wrong way q1 looking down to e is there a sack no but there's oh yeah this is good this is good uh oh wait i don't see anything here are you just going to take the bishop no no no wait but what is he done now oh my goodness rook b6 or something wait rook h6 he finds rugby the rook is hanging about all the rook is hanging oh my gosh yeah and the evil board did not even have time to catch up yeah it was like still showing advantage yeah yeah it was oh this is this is not over i mean yeah he's gonna have to get don't hang your rook don't play queen oh god oh god whoa not the cleanest conversion here but king age six he hung quincy still okay though it's still okay still winning oh wait but okay he blundered perpetual yes oh my gosh he blunted a perpetual check oh he like totally blundered it it's like a box oh jeffrey eric saves them all that was a little bit okay i have to be fair eric was was winning in one moment too so i guess that's a fair result what a game what a game um i played this line actually uh i think against eric one time it's uh this is a hans neiman specialty here e5 right okay yeah the e4 i but i think it's it doesn't offer an advantage right which is sort of no it's this imbalance like i said job of london is a way of life don't ever ask for stockfish's blessing you just uh try to play c3 b4 you know um yeah so this kind of position so you have like the four on two against four on two like which is white usually easier to play would you say i think white's game plan is a bit easier i feel like black's game plan despite maybe looking natural is not always uh it's actually not always great like you know f5 trying to get super aggressive but that is but that could run into this should be fine yeah exactly so it's like a little harder to play with black which is why eric is naturally already confused um i feel like with white it's kind of simple c3 before you know bishop somewhere castle very easy to play with white it's like more intuitive you know wait i thought oh so knight five is not a big deal i was just thinking a3 before and james was obviously thinking to win the e5 pawn uh i wouldn't have gone bishop b5 yeah i wouldn't have either because it's a short-sighted move but whatever a3 now yeah you definitely don't want to take on c6 but okay you're not forced to either move a4 okay that is does he want a5 okay i don't know what he wants i don't think he knows what he wants yeah this is not good because if he moves the bishop yeah okay so he decides to go for this instead um yeah this is an example of knowing your opening for about 10 moves and then not quite knowing the follow-up plan because you definitely wanted to keep the bishop on c4 if you were gonna put it anywhere uh now black just has bishop bear and this is so james yeah james needs to kind of like in these more positional lines of the job of london just just breathe and then slow play because now black can eat can black maybe even go a5 yeah a5 and rook a8 were maybe okay rooksy he wants there was some b5 that you have to worry about i guess yeah um but yeah for white like you can't do anything with your majority now now you need a bishop this knight on f3 is not oh man so yeah eric's just going to slowly the question is how do you time like a a5 or maybe even b6 and in a more extreme case but some idea to undermine that uh that function i don't know oh i like rip i think you even have time for rook e8 you bring the other up to c8 and then threaten a5 although now i think that maybe white wants to play a5 himself to uh cement that okay they're kind of pushed inside but there's a good maneuver by uh canty green the knight to d5 i am at a bit of a loss here like yeah 93 95 i like i like your plan i felt like eric should have been a little faster with a5 but yeah he needs to have some sense of urgency here maybe b6 is oh he does go for that yeah i wasn't sure if this works so you allow the pawn to arrive there but hmm i would never have played that in a million years i i i liked a5 a lot more but you know again matter of taste uh he seems to think that i mean it's it's risky business for sure but it could also pay dividends like you take i take on before rook rook somewhere yeah but where that's that's the kind of i know i know i haven't thought of it that far uh do you want to give me you can stack yeah no i i was thinking about it too but i don't think it's enough yeah he goes rookie too yeah maybe maybe just knights knight e3 and a5 also feels a little bit i guess it's 93. okay so issue is that rook on e2 is sort of stuck rook f1 rook d5 yes i like i like workouts one there for and then you wouldn't be able to get away with this but maybe yeah but this is exactly why you don't play b6 because oh yeah maybe there's some knight wait 95 how would you evaluate that uh looks awesome uh bishop f2 some wow he's just bishop takes you get pawn on b7 but i i mean okay but be careful rook d5 bishop c5 doesn't win because at the end you you have rook c1 b1 but he's just basically saying he's going to put his rook on b8 and not lose really like i'll play rook b2 root b6 well it's a draw right i guess if anybody yeah yeah i don't think white should be at risk either but uh oh maybe g4 was an idea okay no i would have played g4 h4 just i mean of course it's a draw but i'm just saying yes you could try maybe it's a good try actually but okay he's gonna play it safe is he two seconds oh yeah yeah just start pre-moving your king now uh-huh he's just gonna chuck all the pawns and well it was a fighting game three plus one segment is over so this will be the last game uh and uh as long as james is within a bit of a striking distance he should be okay uh but again the last time i also jinxed it so i'm gonna yeah wait he needs to or g3 oh no okay hold on hold on wait wait wait wait he's made a complete mess out of this yep i guess it's still okay g4 oh wait nobody took why why [Music] no the king gets cut off yeah it's actually cut off on the file which is even yeah he had some yeah oh my goodness a bad move rookie four is a very bad move yeah but they're both they're both yeah very tricky end game they're very very tricky but it looks like eric now has this yeah he's cut off wow okay some and now eric is stalling but i don't think he realizes that the game clock is already uh it's already done so yeah so this is oh isn't there like a draw here somehow now something like that rookie one yeah yeah you need to go rookie one this is not no this is a draw yeah it's not you need to cut one more phone and he accidentally got cut off again oh oh but yeah he had the he had the vancouver right is that when you attack on the third rank uh no you didn't even need to do that i think if you just have to keep king on e2 so yeah just move your rook to cover yeah yes so eric wouldn't have that idea yes because he's trying he's trying to shield and the second that he went too far oh wow wow wow uh eric up three um this was honestly one of the it really felt like one of the shakier segments that i can remember watching and yet eric emerges completely victorious uh and jeffrey has there been a game there was one game i think in this match that went to james in a total mad scramble the other maybe four or five all went eric's way uh that's that's sort of what it feels like uh right yeah yeah i mean i would definitely say like eric's had had a pretty good fortune here it should i mean there's been so many chances honestly for james it's quite disappointing but he he's got to find a way to shake it off and figure out how to make a run and how to make the run in the door and with that we'll take our uh our scheduled break after the three plus one segment we've got 25 minutes of oneplus one coming up uh the final segment of season three of the i am not a gm speeches championship presented by landover we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is there's nothing more tilting than that winning for 45 moves and then losing not even squeezing a half point out of that right and who's who's behind arjun right now what's going on there there's like a party there i think they're just crashing and they're like you can't stop me because you're busy playing your match someone moving a table yeah i think they're moving tables or chairs he's probably not at home no he was just playing in a tournament in menorca so uh i believe he's maybe still on the premises there but either way he's a party that he's missing first off most important question there was some stuff happening behind you during the match tables were getting carried away could you give us a sense of what was going on and was that at all distracting or did you manage to keep your focus throughout the match basically currently i'm in spain and so i'm playing from the commentary room so there was some people working here and that is why it was happening but after the point it was all and and it was slightly distracting but i don't think it affected much [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everyone we're about to get into the final segment here of the i'm not a gmc chess championship brought to you by landover but first did you know that you can watch your favorite nfl stars compete for a 100 000 charity prize fund uh legendary wide receiver larry fitzgerald will be joined by some of the biggest names in the league uh like cleveland brown's receiver amari cooper dallas cowboys linebacker micah parsons and uh top five draft pick kayvon thibodeaux and others so for all you nfl fans you'll really enjoy this event it's going to go down on july 9th july 10th mark your calendars that's in two and three days when you're done uh catching up with all of your uh i am not a gm speed chess championship action uh also a friendly reminder that thanks to landover you can win a diamond membership all you've got to do is go to their discord server you can use the command land over in the chat get a little bit more information on uh on all that good stuff maybe y'all can you know maybe not be trash or chess anymore pick up that diamond membership and on that note we bring you to the oneplus one segment the final segment of this legendary third season of this wonderful event jeffrey have you gotten worse a chess watching us play or have we inspired you in any way i think there's definitely moments where i get inspired uh by the moves i recall i think james he had a one of his matches i think against chuvalova he had three brilliancies that i mean that even went over my head so i was very impressed here i think we're yet to see the bruins but we still have 25 minutes left in this match so i'm hoping that uh james brings everything he has here he's gonna need it he he is he's got 25 minutes uh to change change his life change the world uh and he is down in my opinion way more points than he should be uh yeah no doubt it really should feel like it should be a one point match i mean look at that mammoth rating okay now eric is mixing it up look at this he's he's going for sideline variations here in the sicilian uh it could be very venomous if you don't know what you're doing uh and it already seems to like it could have been venomous there but should be five yeah i think james is gonna be able to to castle safely although as i say that eric's not gonna make it easy for him yeah but long castles is on the way by white right i mean what a h6 maybe yeah james pausing here needs to be careful oh this is good so this should be 7.97 yes knight d7 nice idea i think eric might have underestimated this or even completely overlooked it actually because he hesitates uh yeah although he's still gonna get long castleman how can we not allow that glad you had to yeah that's not it oh but he goes short interesting yeah long castle looked great so yeah now i think this is pretty good for black maybe go knight five awesome f6 king f7 let's go like might as well we're not castling at all i think he will probably castle in the next move and b2 is is going to be loose for the whole game three yeah trade knight c4 look if i know anything about eric and end games uh then uh he is going to very slowly improve his position and then james is going to make a mouse slip and the game will end uh this is the story of the match hopefully we're not going to see another slip from james uh i think does he want to go like knight a3 or something okay knight decision here just don't go bishop c5 double the rooks the i feel like you can post pressure if he does this the right way but no this is okay okay try to dry it off yeah the problem is this game is now going to go about three minutes yeah i think this is easier to play for white too you your pawns are much quicker yeah is that okay this is if air does this right he can bleed out maybe an extra three minutes oh oh that looks very unpleasant now black is tied to the defense of the f5 pawn or you make a huge structural commitment so this might just straight up be winning this is exactly what you said yeah now at some point eric he can take his time here actually but he's going to want to push his pawns a through b4 whoa gh oh wait i don't know but now okay now this should be all right e4 where you can take yeah there's e4 but now it's a scramble here we go king g6 oh wait but f okay no it's still probably just a drop h4 yeah two yeah eric's never going to flag but oh but now there should be five yep there should be five yep oh my gosh wait but double jeep ones aren't going to do anything so not he doesn't seem convinced what whoa uh okay takes king f4 i think oh my god in reach okay now it's just the draw but okay oh eric should just yeah he's not gonna take oh wow he's not gonna take the pawn oh my god okay oh no he does okay that's good he could have actually made yeah 49 moves there but it'd be a good sport okay here comes here comes james ah listen i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie i want james to win at least one of the games and make it close not because i got anything against eric i want a close match i don't want a seven point bullet blowout uh i want to sit here and talk about a close match so yeah absolutely so okay i like this opening for for james yeah he didn't go f4 so he didn't let the knight go back to e4 and now this is the first time that eric has seen this position this okay never mind clearly but okay this is still yep they're just knight two and then later on you start pushing this can you do it now f5 or is it too early i like it i also just like if white chills i feel like i always found these positions much more pleasant for white to play for sure well f6 might be good though yeah that's a good uh undermining that doesn't defend everything yeah you could just take on e5 i guess okay but now we lost knight c5 and maybe even b4 on top of it but can you get away though so i take on e5 [Music] fe okay i could see some some compensation there but now mission d4 oh canty is playing so so well f oh that looks very tempting f5 is there fe yeah but there was a oh now he allowed e69 even nothing white can do nothing you don't even need to win the exchange yeah i think eric will go a5 it's a eric move yup yup told you i played this guy long enough i know what he's gonna do before he knows what he's going to do yeah 94. but he's now but he's laid him back in the game exactly yep yep yep okay four i would go c3 and try to play like a queen trader okay one queen before yeah he's got a lot of time maybe good good moment to use some of it i do like rookie one though yeah just bring something over there okay he's going for me not yeah rookie three okay h8 knight c3 yeah knight c3 whoa he's just this is nice okay four i feel like everything's playing on his time yeah he's playing on his time okay knight of seven queen f7 queen a4 is the idea yeah you gotta go knight f7 no but this is a free knight oh god now knight have seven one last two still two still knight seven is it a draw ah oh okay oh my gosh knight f7 please oh queen he has queen f6 oh queen f6 james james queen f6 he doesn't see it okay there we go does see it and now yeah that's wow it's not over though yeah it's still not over uh what do you do queenie five tonight just knight h6 take the queen oh god don't read the peat once it's fine queen somewhere else no no no oh youngest queen in one move oh my goodness oh my goodness i can't believe that just happened wait night h6 jeffrey knight h6 oh my god ladies and gentlemen that h6 oh my god knight h6 what is going on oh but this is still losing no no it's not losing but he had king d4 rookie one was made oh you mean like that yeah yes rook f7 or something or this way but is this is this winning i think this is a winning end game for white yeah or is it though but not this way oh wait now he was losing after p3 but he's losing again no losing he's still losing he just pushed the spawns to die oh god no jeffrey oh and the king is too close this is a well also again an end game when eric can get so much time all queen b6 oh wow that's heartbreaking that james has to win every game now every game and he has to win them fast yeah i mean starting with this one okay the accelerated dragon is probably his best chance for that that was so fun as a spectator i cannot imagine how it feels like to lose a game like that that that that game is a microcosm of what it's like to play eric honestly like it's just it's just no but i was a bit much i mean i wouldn't does eric really have such strong powers he can get you to hang your queen or not you but like most people yes okay he like i i i'm telling you i don't know what it is i feel like maybe like everybody loves eric he's super chill but i feel like eric might have made it may have made a deal with the devil like he's gonna have this super i'm telling you man like i'm telling like you know it's just it's just one of these things i would explain a few things that happened in this match you know every match it honestly feels eric just possesses people to go completely insane it's a skill i wish i i could i could have um yeah this looks pretty good for eric too bishop on b fishing b4 yeah bishop b4 looks really nice nobody's live blackfield b4 okay yeah bishop b4 still looking nice it's bullet we're gonna be all over the place so yeah now okay change position here you go maybe like the knight f8 h6 oh eric might be looking at knight f7 but okay who's this wait uh taking h6 almost works but i guess yeah i was going to ask what's wrong with just h6 knight f7 i think knight f7 is his idea or this yeah or this wow e6 maybe amazing looks very very shady but somehow it works right gf [Music] do you also have could you have taken oh there was an ef yeah there was ef yeah ef7 okay so this should be better for black but whether or not you can convert is another question what do you play here though yeah fe bishop c3 i don't like could you was there oh there was knight c5 there uh yeah so you don't have to ruin the structure yeah yeah knight c5 okay well that's not just rook c4 now and i come to d5 is also good james you got to get a game my man this is it yeah this is a muscle for sure he should have this in the bank that's it james i wanna no more nonsense get that rook on the d file go down to james it's not the king rook d james damn a3 oh my gosh jeffrey there is no way he doesn't win this game right 97 he's giving him e7 oh my god he gave me seven too oh god whoa five now g5 jeffrey ain't no way well i mean he's still rookie three like he's still he still should win this but like judging from the last 10 moves or so it's trending in the wrong direction yeah it really is he had a he had a some better way i think rook d6 like this is very solid too for white you just cut you just protect everything yep check back king up no this is very hard to win and chris bishop on c5 is just the savage he takes an h3 though no but this is work wait this is it's very close maybe it's in time what that was that was but weird yeah but eric will play and he will play and he will play and james just has to wait seriously why why would he do that wait and now this might be close to a draw like that's the rook h1 but yeah it's hard to explain what what what they're doing how did how does he how does he have this effect on people but he blundered i mean he blundered it right i understand he blundered but but how and you know what's going to happen everyone's going to play like rook a6 or something and then candy's going to be pre-moving and uh yeah i mean okay it's still uh i used to get the rook to the a file and that's a bit much for for me to handle honestly i'm going to be i'm telling i don't know what it is like you know it's not it's not been being salty i lost i'm very very happy for eric if he wins this thing i don't understand how he has this effect on people i've never seen more people throw games to one person in my life except maybe except maybe hikaro like ikaro defends positions that i think god himself could not defend like uh you know uh so yeah well i mean let's not let's not forget james did win that game and then we just cut it to three but yeah the way he did it is not i wouldn't i wouldn't repeat anyway before good again wait but knight f4 no no neither for you're not getting your knight at four um how about now okay uh it's the it's the effect of i just won a game and i have adrenaline and i it happens a lot actually yeah this is just that there it goes james has to hit the resign button now he's not he has a chance here like knight c4 maybe okay but like two moves from now he has to hit the like yeah after okay yeah maybe yeah yeah it was better to resign than playing that queen c4 yeah because he has uh 10 and 10 and a half minutes yeah that's yeah you're right i think he it's mathematically out of reach maybe already but you might as well try yep no but see this is like i mean maybe he's just he just wants to play but the thing is eric is also taking his time eric's like i'm up four games i can three games i can like as long as james doesn't resign eric is gonna play moves oh oh wait uh we speak too soon again i don't know because bishop a3 bishop d6 and i don't know if black is ever gonna lose like but apparently black is winning i don't know how but okay there must be something better which i don't see right off a b is a move but queen b5 [Music] oh there might be like queen d5 knight to fight b6 i don't know but still i mean for eric to allow this yep okay i think it works then they said b6 is there some big bishop h3 ideas yeah b6 is also here's queen c4 no no but this allows 96 what is he doing the queen's protected man it's the third mat at the third hour of the match i think uh i think there's going to be stuff all over the place queen g4 is important though he does find that yes takes a 91 91 what is there knight 32 rook that's a p no now this is a piece he's turned it around we have three we should see one wow he's turning around some queen yeah now just again i mean all right yes please yeah just please all right has there been a clean finish or simply now this is nuts wow bullet is just so unpredictable oh and he gives him that oh my god i mean what do you like what what do you what do you want me to say i i'm gonna i'm gonna ask i'm gonna ask james after this match if he really feels like he got a spell put on him by the way apparently it's like there was some drawing chance there i mean seriously what the heck is going on like i i honestly i'm jeffy i'm telling you he he talked to a witch okay like this is inhuman what he does to people it's just you know i like but i mean eric himself like eric himself i know is better than this too but i know he's winning winning like what is some of the moves that he's played i guess can't explain it i you know he he met him he uh he makes makes his opponents do some goofy stuff you know i like how the ratings haven't changed at all it's like we started at 2801 27-10 and we've stayed um then that oh and this is going to be probably a quick game here white should just be me you can take on e69d5 yep all right this wins a piece two pieces hang yeah clean very clean and uh that's it yeah i mean that last one obviously basically didn't end but i mean you can't say that he didn't have his chances just really bizarre stuff yeah this match compared to james last match i feel like he honestly had an equal amount of opportunities he really did he played some super awesome prep with the black pieces and uh mouse slips just games getting away and then um yeah the bullet just ton of blunders um and uh i don't know i mean obviously i'm like cracking jokes about eric having this profound effect on people to just give him all his give him all their pieces but it's it's something about the playing style he's just he keeps making moves you know jeffrey i'm you've played ilya nizhnik before yeah sure sure yeah super strong uh player like you know he was like 2700 i think um and uh he once played against my friend in an over the board game and uh he beat my friend but my friend sort of self-destructed and then after the game nishinoku's you know 2700 feet a goes no i mean i just make moves like that was his logic he told him yeah i just make moves yeah the problem is that when he makes moves versus when i make moves it's not the same thing i just make moves so yeah he's one of the chess weebs exactly yeah um can you just make moves so uh we've got uh five minutes to go and unfortunately an insurmountable lead at this point and i mean somehow this game is still going i don't know why he didn't cage play queen e4 what is he doing oh my goodness like justifying h2 queen g1 is a matrix oh my god queen g1 is a maid threat that is absurd and then if queen f2 what is their e3 oh yeah okay if eric pulls this off i will be oh but oh dc is also good okay yeah but i like the e3 more all right queen d6 yeah okay still see one queen uh that's enough here's one second on the clock okay there it is d7 stop it there's no way there's no way i refuse here's g6 yeah he's going to play g6 but rook f7 and queen f6 very easy oh my god i feel like he's making a mess out okay good though all right that should wrap it up yeah yeah yeah unless he stalemates which would be quite impressive what okay yeah this is all right yeah eric's gonna bleed some time just salt this one away laddermate okay james is not taking the pawn because he believes in his ability to checkmate and there it is and uh nice convincing win for james if he he needs to bullet out every single move and maybe you can get three games but no he would have to pull it no you would have to bully eric would stall just an entire game he would play like the opening and then stall out so no no no no but you can oh yeah you probably can yeah no it's it's he needs to win two games in three minutes and 40 seconds it's extremely difficult no wait but could you it is it is feasible there yeah if you bullet everything out he has to play like this he has to play exactly what he's doing rook f2 or g2 just literally every move without thinking and um yeah just go for me yeah and then eric you know every could fight fire with fire if he wants because then james would have to think otherwise uh-huh yeah that's exactly yeah knight f6 but takes takes night just doesn't work no yeah takes takes 96. every is the kind of guy yeah he will play exactly and all right that should do queen g5 maybe well i and you know and then yeah but you have to play a move you know no no but i mean i think he realizes that it's out of reach you haven't just ph8 here or sorry this is good there's that's all you don't want to do well actually is maybe getting the piece back i don't see how you stop h5 but even then like let's say i let you take on g6 it's still a pawn up but eric again can just sit like we're gonna get down to two minutes i mean the closest it's gonna get uh is uh okay wait a minute wait a minute why did why didn't you just take that fc i don't know i think he mentally prepared that he was going to it's not at h5 like that pong was very important for for your attack yeah but eric is still bleeding clock time why does everyone get wait queen 6h6 it's mate you just forgot that was name er i think you said a second this is still no no no no no jeffrey i'm telling you the closest this match can get is one game wait really no no no no no no he can bully every single move no because because there's 150 on the clock so at the very least as long as eric survives to one minute he can just basically stall the whole thing like right i know but you don't let him survive to one minute yes the problem is he's plus five on move six but yes um nothing i mean he was plus five last team too take on b3 start blasting everything over yes he had he has to uh oh yeah you saw him i mean you got it oh that was incredible how eric managed to lose two horses and get mated you know like in the space for white by the way like knight h5 he's really trying to give us something to uh yeah but we're almost at that moment where eric can just let the rest of the clock run out yeah i mean james he needs to bullet every single move there's no there's no question i'm sure eric just clicked to the tab he went oh wow i have like one minute left all i have to do all right take on f4 this is going to be six sec is good 95 this is winning okay 48 seconds but oh yeah i mean eric needs to blunder a mate you were right yeah literally in one move so eric is looking and toggling and looking and so but now there's 96 which should be good yeah this is all right knifey okay takes on g7 oh yeah now he's safe now he's yeah well there it is i mean i would go as i would go as far as this was by far eric's worst match of the event honestly speaking yes uh we were yeah we we had a few people in well there was a couple people mentioning he did have coveted literally like last week so he he's been recovering uh i'm sure that obviously played a role it also could be the fact that james brought out the worst than eric because james has been playing super well and he made it a really nasty fight so uh yep time expires uh this game will be finished but congratulations to eric on uh winning the third season of the i'm not a james b chess championship and thus disqualifying himself from ever competing in this event again and giving uh you know folks like myself an opportunity in the future so uh eric let's uh let's finish up this game get you in for an interview and uh yeah it's gonna be i think james he's doing quite well here he's got the outside passer you could finish this make it at one point i know finish it would be pretty cool 11 10 would be super close i feel like someone's going to hang a rook to a night fork or maybe they'll redeem keep this going no i think that's going with d5 yeah yep this is good a4 actually an unironically very interesting game to finish things off knight beat yep i like it knight b2 can be oh knight b3 is nice all right yeah wow knight d1 there was 91 yeah or that way though knight is getting stuck in an awkward spot knight c4 rookie three ideas b4 where's the pawn not now you're two three how was that night not getting lost crazy i don't know but it's still yeah it's still three results game here 96. wow most likely headed for a draw no no it's a bullet game no draws no draws are allowed yeah b4 start start pushing this yeah oh maybe just headed for wait but you're right here young or rook but i told you i told you i told you and on that note of of another uh another uh piece falling off the board to a horse we bring our bullet section to a conclusion and uh folks that is the match uh we're gonna take a short break we're gonna be joined by the players uh for an interview uh probably by both of them uh and uh yeah our final interview of the final match of the i'm not a gm speed chess championship season three edition three brought to you by landover uh we'll return in just a few moments [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] welcome back everyone to our final interview of season three of this wonderful event joined by both players um eric congratulations you've graduated from the peanut gallery of title players uh your your first thoughts after your victory please yeah i'm i'm just exhausted um that match took a lot out of me especially towards the end uh i think both of us were missing simple things and um yeah it was a lot of chaos in the final few games but uh yeah it's a relief and um i don't know if this means that like if i do i not get to come back for for next time to defend my title um do i do i graduate to uh uh the grand master title now but uh but yeah it was uh it was fun overall and uh big thanks to james for for putting up some good fights yeah maybe we can uh we can write defeated about about a potential gm tower i also i wanted to get james thoughts as well yeah your general view of how the how the match went down honestly uh in the first two games i was kind of i was mad that i lost obviously but um eric is extremely strong he prepped everything everything was right honestly uh the two games is always like it was this was like every round almost the first two games are always the jitters for me so like getting them those first two games out was smooth and then i'm feeling better afterwards right so eric was uh obviously as strong as as he played and it was hard man it was tough bro it was really really tough i was in here sweating and like oh my mouth slipped and then oh man it was just crazy bro definitely different from all the other games as well i'm glad i made it close though as well i was like uh you know i started to come back a little bit but the time didn't have enough time and i was uh i was just coming up short so congrats to eric though very nice thank you yeah james i i was gonna say it it felt like any time the match was two or one games away you you were right there it felt like a few times you you were right there um i have a theory that eric is involved in some sort of like witchcraft like to to keep the game going as long as possible and did you feel a little bit of that because i thought i had a mouse slip on like rook g8 there was a game that i was supposed to take i was supposed to take the rook and then clean the pawn but somehow it went longer i was like how this never happens like only when you play eric rosen these type of things happen it's literally ridiculous eric is uh i mean it's you know it's like jokes aside it's obviously it's obviously a skill because i feel the same way you know i feel the same way we gotta get eric you gotta you you've beaten two people on this broadcast you gotta go up against jeffrey now right i played jeffrey uh like a week ago in title tuesday and we had this super cool game but then like he crushed me final moments yeah yeah it was a very i think it was a very uh very close game actually you definitely had me on the ropes so we could i mean we could set up i think it would be it would be entertaining yeah you know the final boss kind of a adoption match or something [Laughter] no i don't think so i mean just uh i guess final question from me just to both players uh what what is next what's on the table for you guys that's a great question um yeah i i mainly was focused on preparing for this and then uh now it's over um i might uh try and leverage uh a spot in the the rapid chess championship on chess.com because i know they they offer some wild card spots um it would be cool to maybe get into that but uh yeah i'm not entirely sure when my next over-the-board tournament will be i'll probably play like the splits tournament in st louis they're having their 14th anniversary for the chess club soon and then um i'll be watching the the us juniors and seniors that's taking place uh starting today so it'll be more relaxing to watch us rather than to play chess james uh we we we were gonna maybe even play against each other uh in this tournament in new york but i think ultimately we were switched around in sections but uh yeah what's next for you i think you're not playing yeah i'm not playing the new york one but i am continuing to train working with coaches and like uh really just honestly every day i'm working right never just not looking or listening to any what anyone else says bro i'm just working right so it's definitely paying off right i made to the finals was able to make like eric he got close so for me i'm just going to keep working and i have a charlotte at the end of the month so shout out to charlotte chess center i gotta go um bag of norm near obviously is the goal so and continue to to play every month so i'm going somewhere every month trying to get that title this year i am in the gm next so that's what's up well all the best um super super fun to cover your games guys uh and uh yeah congratulations once again to eric uh commiserations james but i mean awesome event awesome that was super fun watching you uh take down one i am after another i am and make it to the finals without even having the i am title i mean it's just making a just destroying people so i'm looking forward to it man best of luck getting those norms let me tell you right now from experience you you get hot yeah you get one you get another one you get another one all of a sudden you're 2400 and uh gm is next so he said it there it is all right guys we're going to let you go uh congrats again to eric and i guess we just have some uh some final thoughts we have the bracket here uh hello i mean the bracket is the bracket we had these two gentlemen remaining and uh uh i don't know how eric is the winner after losing 12 nine uh it's according to that bracket eric scored less points but i think that they got to flip the profile there a little bit but um or the points um but yeah eric is the ultimate winner and um jeffrey uh it was a pleasure man first of all to do these commentaries with you uh last two times and cover these games and finish off this event yeah likewise um certainly was a very exciting event many super close hard fought battles i i think it's it's we're gonna see uh it's just more to come i think i am scc somehow i feel like we get the most entertaining i would say just because i mean we have this great mix of players in you know even today obviously we had our fair share of blunders but that just makes it more fun so it was it was a blast yeah i totally agree i mean it feels like there's a speechless championship for every category of player at this point and this one i like that they they don't just invite the world's strongest im's you know minlae although he just got his third gm norm uh so he'll be gm but yeah focusing on fan fan favorites we had a multitude of streamers in this edition i don't know what uh season four holds uh i will most likely get an invitation i am not one of three graduates out of the event and who knows maybe at some point we we will have so many of these that that we have a winner's tournament i don't know but that would be that'd be pretty exciting um that would be yeah but for now we sign off thank you everybody for your support today of both the speech yes championship events we have uh i believe the final coming up tomorrow we have something women's speeches championship july 8th we have the uh the nfl the blitz champs july 9th july 10th so we keep rolling along here on chess.com.com tv broadcast and whoever the commentators will be i'm sure the event will be fun we will see you uh right back here quite soon with our next event and hopefully season four in a few months we'll see you all later thanks for tuning in [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ChesscomLive
Views: 118,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess.com, Chess News, Chess, Chess Interviews, Grandmaster, Grandmaster Chess, Super-Grandmaster, GM Chess, FIDE, Chess video, Chess Stream, Chess broadcast, Blunder, Checkmate, Speed Chess, Chess Master, Blitz, Bullet, Rapid, Classic, chess, Chess event, Chess tournament, Best chess players, GothamChess, Levy Rozman, Nemsko, Nemo, Gotham Chess, Speed chess, IM Eric Rosen, James Canty III, Eric Rosen, IMSCC, Rosen, IM Levy Rozman, Gotham Levy, Irene Sukandar, Canty, James Canty
Id: rkUVqnCGLoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 38sec (12338 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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