Five Night's at Freddy's - Security Breach Part 6

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what i have a million subscribers you guys i am beyond words i don't know what to say to that i never thought i would get there and i'm somehow there i wish i could like thank you guys right now with the subscriber special or something but there's nothing up these sleeves i don't got nothing you guys oh my gosh this is crazy the big m i never expected for me no i was always like three hundred thousand five hundred thousand yeah i'm happy i'm good i don't need to you know beg you guys for subscribers i don't need to beg for more i don't want more i don't need more but somehow i was given more and i just gotta thank you guys so much for that we are going to open these really awesome massive looking statues i have been looking forward to opening these for a long time so let's see what they look like already i'm tired of waiting okay i think it's only right that we start with freddy and gregory because vani and vanessa they come a bit later in the game let's pop this massive box open i mean i did always wonder why they were so expensive i had never actually looked at the dimensions of these things [Music] goodbye box sorry if that was loud what do we got in here oh my gosh it is so big it kind of feels like a an uh hollow plastic on the bottom here the rest of this is kind of like vinyl similar to figures we've seen in the past little gregory looks like an anime boy oh my gosh vanessa's or eyelashes are poppin i really appreciate that quality is so important to funko maybe not so much with their plushies but basically everything else they do they try to keep at a certain level of quality i kind of want to just like see if this thing will close well heck guys this is a freaking awesome statue if you want a massive security breach piece of merch you got two options and here we are oh my gosh look at that plant oh wow okay i like this one a lot this is awesome this massive awesome looking plant the floor i love the floor vanessa looking amazing look at those wrinkles i'm always astounded by wrinkles because they're hard to draw and i imagine they're hard to sculpt her face looks fantastic look at that and the hair oh boy i love these i love these statues a little bit of spoiler information for you guys i am pretty dang sure i'm doing a cosplay of both of these girls in the future because obviously i am a lady i mean my hair is already halfway blonde i might as well just bleach it back fully blonde and oh boy i don't know about cutting bangs we'll see but green contacts no problem we got this i am really excited to do a cosplay again i love i love it so much if this statue was just vani alone nothing else i would have loved it and yet we got a second character on here and this awesome plant it is so cool i i love these these might be some of my favorite things funko's ever made i am completely shocked by the quality of these things really really big fan of them they look so good although i will not be displaying them beside each other i probably will only display one at a time because it's strange to have you know two vanities just two vanities i mean obviously i still don't know that much about the lore of the game we still got a ways to go on that but i have a feeling there aren't multiple vanies in the game you know just to guess but like seriously guys thank you thank you it means so so much to me [Music] the fact that people enjoy my content i feel like is still a new concept rolling around in here but enough messing around back to security breach i am in love with this game it's so good you know it helps that it's not broken anymore but before we get started today guys i just need to say you know what today is today is the 10 year anniversary of this channel i'm not even joking it's been 10 years i started this channel january 7th 2012 and here we are 10 years later holy crap that's crazy to me what i don't i don't even know when i first started youtube i did not plan on making money off of it making it a job i did not plan on anything i was so excited when i got like a thousand views on each video that to me was like the coolest thing i was like no way no freaking way a thousand people watched this video right and now look at us this is crazy i just want to thank you guys so much for the support it's been insane you guys are so cool so cool i just feel really privileged that you guys want to support me and my ridiculousness that happens on this channel i never ever ever thought i was going to make it to a million subscribers in fact 300 000 was kind of always that number that i was like dream my when i first started 300 000 was like a dream a million is like pushing past that dream and at this point you're like what do i what do i even do with this what do i do with a million what do i do things are getting interesting very interesting please oh my gosh he's fast okay oh gosh okay we're gonna just run for a second does he want me is that it yeah apparently ah this game is getting much scarier too because to be quite honest with you guys i don't scare that easily anymore but this game is getting scarier and i really appreciate that my gosh i don't swear i don't swear but this game makes me want to swear sometimes just like in the last episode this game makes me want to swear sometimes and that is not me i don't swear i don't i do not and we're back here i'm afraid of moving because i don't want to fall through anything wait is it is it just gonna it's just gonna be oh okay maybe this time it'll actually let me use those save stations because i don't understand why but just wasn't letting me save earlier everything seems about about right now and yeah there's actually animatronics out now so okay i mean you guys have seen the many phases that this game goes through many broken phases can you run can you run now please run okay is it is it ah hey it's an elevator this time i didn't fall through a pit in the floor oh no what time is it that moon thing's gonna get me there on the wall i'm not sure how the time is relevant i think i am i don't even understand oh i think he's dead wait oh my flashlight was dead i forgot that it was easy the last time because i didn't have anything chasing me at the time and this time the moon actually he actually is there that's weird in the comments i've been getting a lot of comments like oh his name isn't moon drop that's just the candy and it's not sun drop either it's just sun it's just sun and moon but i don't know if i care i kind of like it better as sun dropping moon drops so maybe that's just what i would call them look puppy look at this puppy all right shasta you're gonna you're gonna be my little helper me that wasn't supposed to happen she like punching something i wish i could know because i never see it happen hello hello i just really hope what time is the safe stations are actually working this time they're on the wall wait did i not charge my flashlight crap yeah my flashlight just doesn't work i don't did he drug me or what oh we're supposed to just get to this right oh yeah yeah because apparently i'm freddy right now what i did not see that last time what huh what oh my gosh freddy freddy can you hear me freddie's in there i have to get him out i don't think i'm supposed to be able to go inside of here should i anyways i guess yes but i want to save oh wait it's no never mind it's not going to let me what is happening i found him earlier and locked him up and lost and found that is great news he can be returned to his parents he can't turns out there's no record of him how unfortunate if you reattach my head i will go look for him now his name is gregory you know how i know that his faz watch kept repeating it in your voice gregory are you there gregory vanessa all the fast watches sound like me it is the default voice options if you're part of this you're scrap money will run the shows until parts and service can slap your casing on the new endo hang out here for a while i gotta find that kid vanessa do not leave me like this what the freak what bro what is happening gregory i am so glad you are here and alive freddy use the console to let me out welcome to parts and service please select your desired procedure please enter the protective cylinder to continue what protective cylinder huh what freddy oh well i'm not going in there with him am i am i supposed to i'm functioning much more better now grammar function error perhaps i am still not at peak performance could you um reattach my head i don't know it looks complicated just reconnect the wires and be careful i am not quite myself at the moment in case of an emergency the protective cylinder will protect important service personnel outside of the protective cylinder deactivating animatronic safety protocols now it is recommended that no mistakes are made during the procedure oh okay you gotta be kidding me to reconnect freddie's head repeat the correct sequence by pressing the flashing connectors [Music] red blue green yellow red blue green yellow how do i how do i move okay what is it supposed to be like buttons on my controller i i just pressed a i don't know how to like select oh no i'm starting back here oh no oh no no wait oh i guess it was an auto save that has happened before never mind i actually enjoy autosaves thank you for that freddie i found him in oh you actually functioned properly this time my friend vanessa all the facts thank you please enjoy i hate that thing i can save wait you're part of this you're scrap i would i don't run the shows until parts and service can splash it already has an auto save i hang out here for a while oh i gotta find that kid vanessa do not leave me like this gosh i didn't wow i mean okay this is probably a good time to save now that i have a charged flashlight for once my flash i spin ahead for a while we're not gonna waste it all right um gregory i am so glad you are here welcome to parts and service please select your desired procedure seriously the claws upgrade please enter the protective cylinder to to reconnect freddie's head repeat the correct sequence by pressing the flashing connectors green blue yellow red alright how do i select green blue yellow red and i select green blue really good job now use the testing console to run diagnostics and complete the procedure it was the um colors on my controller did it do red [Music] good finish the procedure by accident in the computer okay that wasn't that wasn't so bad that was pretty easy patched up and ready for the big show you may now exit the protective cylinder thank you also he doesn't look okay he still does not look okay just saying there's so much tech stuff in here is there anything i can use to stop the other bots bright lights in the eyes caused us to briefly malfunction i suppose a phaser blaster or a fastcam could work where do i get one well you can win a phaser blaster in phasorblast fastcams are often confiscated in montegolf but you will need a party pass to open one of those attractions chica normally gives them out for birthdays check her green room in rockstar row you may find one there use the service elevators at the back of the room they go up to rockstar row it looks like they are all out of order except for roxy's i just feel like i skipped something but same time i don't know that whole like endo area that i was at earlier when i died maybe don't approach him oh my gosh they're in cages what okay i just i feel like i skipped an area but like should i go back and risk breaking the game further because i think the i don't i don't know man i don't even know are these prisons what oh my gosh this place is not shy about what it is what it is is it what the heck the heck do they purposely like go after a child each night what i don't i don't even know oh we got a duffel bag we got three duffel bags freddy check out these pictures chica has some sort of special voice box roxy has new eyes and monty was given better claws we have to get these we can upgrade you gregory those parts belong to my friends i i would never do anything to hurt them what all they've done all night is try to hurt me they get what they deserve there must be a good explanation they are not capable of hurting a guest none of us are it would go against our programming uh are you sure about that because it seems like you're programmed for the opposite to me what that's so weird why would how are we how would we get their eyes how would we get their hands and where where is freddy supposed to put that beak i guess it would be a voice box so he he wanted me to go into a service elevator but does he mean back here why does it feel like i'm choosing something right now well if i am i choose freddy so there's that can i not no i don't know what's a good decision and what's a bad decision i don't know why this elevator won't work maybe i have to try a different one or maybe i really do need to go finish that whole endo security badge thing okay that's weird that's really weird well then we're gonna do this one because i love monty what what dick let's read those things chica upgrade don't let her sing oh maintenance log chica don't let her sing messes with the navigation of the other bots horrible results when she's saying during live performance staff bots dropping serving trays chaos guest injuries 12 lawsuits experimental voice box test failed replacement advised there's no freaking way we're getting those parts for freddy because that will make him evil i mean that's kind of what i'm getting here roxy sees things differently than others this upgrade was meant to help her win races however there are some side effects sometimes she will stare and talk to the other bots through the walls that one doesn't sound as evil but doesn't sound great either makes me wonder if like montgomery's claw upgrades allow him to play the base following performances he mostly uses them to cause damage defense repairs are getting costly don't think it's the best idea for freddie to have these things and monty's elevator doesn't work either maybe roxy's elevator's only one that really actually works but like i'm also scared to go in them because what if i should save and just go to that other area first you know what we're doing that we're doing that because this game was kind of leading me in that direction it kind of wanted me to do that we're going to be saving anyway so it's not going to and i love how these work i love that i love it so much oh it's amazing what i wonder if there's a way around i didn't i don't think i've ever collected this one but he just ended up leaving stolen property oh no wait we read that no mind not again now i want to look at him because he looks new it's really weird i guess there is a lot of them there's like new ones and well no he looks just as broken never mind hey come back i'm not done with you okay we gotta be careful because these endos mean business earlier i was like wait do they even hurt people they don't look that bad oh no they're they're kind of bad wasn't there never mind all right we can save this i don't know what i'm getting myself into this could be disastrous but it's part of the game i don't want to just skip around and like miss stuff you know what i mean i don't really want to miss stuff that what this looks like one of those doors though where's the button to it maybe that's the way out that's probably it's probably just the way out you are friendly to people you don't kill them how many times do we have to tell you i don't know if he is supposed to be with freddie right now i don't really understand that dude how am i supposed to get through here if you're already touching me ugh i just don't like this not very comfortable hi this is what you look like inside creepy i like you better with your shell on fudge why is there so many of them stay you stay good boy bye wait a minute oh my gosh wait what okay okay okay uh that poster i understand why there was an x inside of it it kind of seems like vanny's been screwing with these guys by doing stuff like that she's teaching them wrong does this one have a button or is it this one's not a door i don't think okay we're running wait wait why was there an x oh it was a hide okay we're moving now oh and see look it's crossed out see that's weird that's really weird they're being messed with why what is this what is this room nightmare nightmare plush um oh my gosh there she's they're being taught how to be evil this is crazy this is so crazy i'm understanding there was some in here wait what what did it just open what did it just open what happens if i hide so okay i think they're going in circles i have to get out at some point i pressed a button there should be a new door but i don't know where where's the new door come on come a bit closer please oh he's leaving that's different why did i come back in here this is a dead end i'm not sure what i'm doing here can i close the door can i just close it no i can't close it i opened the door earlier why can't i not find it please leave me alone i did nothing to you we're friends we are friends wait sometimes his eyes aren't red no we're gonna we're gonna hide now bye sometimes they walk away and sometimes they don't i don't really understand that oh my flashlight's low [Music] have i been that way have i been this way this is a maze maybe i should check my map i don't understand i don't think there is wait this is the this is the duh this is different okay those ones aren't coming after me i'm not sure what that did but okay let's open the best yeah this is different um no my gosh it's the security office should be one of those badge head things in here wow that says a lot oh my who am i oh my what what is that are you okay i'm sorry i'm just i'm just going to enjoy these surroundings a little bit before we uh get started with what whatever kind of challenge it's going to be because it's going to be a challenge my battery is this is done it's done sir is there a save you can't tell me there's not i don't like it being dark in here look at that look at that it took me so long to get in here but i know as soon as i take this things are gonna go bad things are gonna go bad level five acquired okay got it i can open parts and service now yeah yeah yeah where's the button oh i missed a button i missed one where did i visit though where did i miss it i can't really remember oh maybe it was in here yeah it was right here okay okay oh man yeah okay i knew i had no chance of getting away with that okay well we made it to the office please tell me there's somewhere to save inside of here though really suck if there wasn't well when i get out security office i turn right should be one of those badge head things in here as soon as i get it i need to go oh wait no no i can open huh what what i i thought you know that being the only door in the room that's the way you'd go well dang it's the security office this should be one of those badge head things in here [Music] all right all right guys i can open parts of the service now okay okay something's happening something's happening we're actually coming we're actually going somewhere where am i going this is new but no this is not new this is the way out am i safe i don't know if i had believed that i have a hard time believing safety don't believe safety don't believe it just don't believe it oh my gosh okay oh my gosh where do i go oh am i going in a circle i'm going in a circle this is not whereas this is not where i'm supposed to be is it oh that was weird this is not where i'm supposed to be i went in a circle why would i do this to myself why would i do this i don't know what i'm doing but i'm random oh my gosh uh yeah i'm trapped actually how is there this many in here right now what the heck how well i mean it is what it is right we've gotta try again there's no way i can't squeeze through that that's not happening that's just not happening all right just just just kill me oh he doesn't fit in here okay i guess that's what it was he couldn't fit oh my goodness how did i go in a circle i don't know it's the security office should be one of those badge head things this is a horrible horrible security office there is no security in here none none the door wasn't even open all the way yet hey that wall just moved oh my boy you're in my way i always do this so this is what you look like inside creepy i like you better with your shell on this present feels important so yeah i have been getting it every single time i don't really want to finish this area without getting this present it does what the what i didn't know you guys were allowed in here i did not think that they were allowed in there at all i don't think they are i don't know how they that was shocking that was different maybe they really can go in there as long as you leave the door open it's the security office should be one of those badge head things in here uh this is out of order this is the wrong way crap crap oh no that's a dead end save save save save [Music] i don't i don't think it's possible to save right now which way which way do i go again i mean i don't freaking know i want to say it's this way uh this won't look right this looks like the way i came in did i did i do a circle again i am scared where did they all go did they not follow me in here what happened i what they're leaving what did i make it i freaking made it oh my gosh wow wow i already forgot how to get to parts and service but i don't care i'm happy now thanks for leaving i really appreciate the fact that you guys are leaving now i need to remember how to get to parts of service because i already forgot they're not leaving never mind i'm just confused because oh do i go in here guys i will admit i'm so i'm so confused i'm losing my marbles oh that's where i supposed to go [Music] this is where we came in this is our old buddy from before he is in the way can i fit through that maybe okay guys we have made it out i got lost in there for a while as you could probably suspect i get lost a lot that's just a personality trait of mine doesn't that make me quirky oh my gosh we can save all right let's go to parts and service and save freddy even though he's already been saved oh oh it's this way freddie guess what i got a security badge all right we are actually going to get inside freddy again it's been a while it's been a long while oh he is really low on battery okay so that's a thing it seems like the only elevator that was working was this one so let's go oh okay i have to get out all right freddy this is kind of a tight squeeze for two people especially you you're just huge i don't even know if i supposed to take you with me but i'm taking you with me anyway so i already forgot where we're going maybe i should check this you use service elevators to get to rockstar row and we're supposed to get a party pass from it was uh chica's room maybe one of the rooms who is not good right now wait i need that present first of all i'm not a loser now what i meant to do what the heck is going on with roxy why is she crying and why does she why is she saying that was it vanessa was vanessa mean to her or something i am hiding in you we're not just gonna go up to her and act all friendly not unless we're you did i pass a charging station earlier yes let's do that right now why what oh okay so what is going on in here who's there it's ready get out of my room why talk to me it's not your fault that kid is just lucky hmm aren't we supposed to get something out of her room though maybe it wasn't in hers maybe it was in chica's room yeah i think it was in chica's room okay [Music] my gosh okay act normal wait she does not think you should be out right now that's actually really bad let's not be seen by her huh is chica home no i thought it was supposed to be in here maybe it's okay maybe we have to press this button i don't know oh i can't what oh um um oh this has got to be it okay wait i found the party well done oh oh no no no no not the horrible moon thing give party passes to staff bots to unlock okay i get it i get it can i not get inside of freddy right now again quick find a recharge station you should be able to see their locations on the map okay wait we're right by one aren't we uh doesn't that mean there should be one right here yes okay cool gregory that party pass is very special it will let you into phaserblast or montygolf however it can only be used once great how do i use it just give it to a party bot they usually stay in front of the attractions collecting party passes if you have one it will let you in i have marked both locations on your map out how to decommission monty what what thrill seeker i guess it's a side quest what is going on i don't know why it does this find out how to decommission monty find out how to decommission chica use the party pass to okay so we can only choose one we can only go to monty golf or phaser blast only one of them but i love monty he is so cool and i don't know if but i don't know if phaser blast is supposed to be like themed for a specific character if it is it's probably freddy that's probably his thing freddy i love you but i really want to see this monty golf place it looks so cool it's all like swampy and i love swamps i love amphibians and reptiles and creepy crowleys okay so but i also want to know how to decommission chica and monty like what what find out how what does that mean that's crazy all right you're coming with me at least for a while because why not right it's just going to make my life easier we just have to make sure you don't run out of batteries because that'd be bad can we go into monty's room because we have freddy like i think that might be possible well his room is kind of like out of order so we can whoa what what are the others those those aren't leg restraints right what the heck what kind of chair weird he's got like a dentist chair or something oh i can't use my flashlight what that's weird monty's mini golf wait wait wait we heard about that earlier collect oh duh there's a present right here but there's a monty's mini golf somewhere that we uh whoa whoa my gosh what i guess that's because of his claws actually you know what we saw that one of those security um bots was like torn to shred heads and there's another one it must be him he is so no wonder they don't want to show this room off it's a freaking disaster what's in here just a service elevator and a charging station and that's probably it weird well i was always curious about this room so we got to see it that's exciting it is a work in progress we've seen everybody's rooms now i think oh wait vanessa was totally walking through here earlier if we're in freddie we just we can't i don't think i don't think we can be seen by her freddie how the freak do you lose this much battery this fast do we need to stop by your room and charge up again before we leave what that was weird okay he is full battery but that does not last very long so we need to get a move on i wonder if we should go over here because it's been a while since i've had freddy i have not been able to revisit the staff tunnels and i don't know if there was anywhere i can like enter now that i couldn't before how would we decommission them i mean chica it obviously says dumpster dive so i'm not but and monty was thrill seeker the trash compactor i bet it's the trash compactor for chica i mean there's trash in there she loves trash that's okay we've been in there hmm trash compactor that's gotta be it i as for monty thrill seeker it sounds like a ride like maybe maybe his right are you guys seeing the floating chain shadow anyway maybe we can decommission him with the ride like turn it on when he's chasing us and get hit by it or something but these are just theories we'll we'll see maybe also i don't even know if i'm supposed to be going this way guess we'll find out all right guys we have made it to the atrium i mean i i could go to monty golf right now but i kind of want to know how exactly to decommission these bots that is interesting i kind of want to go to the kitchen if i can and see if we can go to the um trash compactor area because maybe if we can maybe chica will be there and now will be the time to strike although last time i was in the kitchen i had to go through the vent and freddy can't come with us so we might have to ditch him you know what we're gonna have to leave you dude you've been a great help it's always awesome to have you around but uh oh and my flashlight stopped working a while ago i don't know why i press the flashlight button it does nothing i probably need to find a flashlight charger because that'll probably like make it come back to life excuse me yeah is this a door oh okay that's probably a door to the kitchen let's save and charge first all right to the kitchen we go chica are you in here if you are i know there's a trash compactor around here somewhere oh this is fun i haven't been in here before not much to see though out of order oh wrong way what is oh i haven't been in here at all i guess i have a lot of security clearance now i'm at what five yeah five there is a present pretty face shirt hmm whoa that's quite the door downstairs is cooking and dining maybe why is there so many of these doors whoa i love the hologram thing i imagine that plays most the time and then of course every once in a while the characters will be performing can we go through this though we can it's like a service elevator oh my gosh okay we're gonna go in there but let's go in here first the actual kitchen that we were like ah the service elevator probably brings us down to the trash compactor i wonder if this guy would be mad at us probably typically they aren't the nicest yeah the trash compactor wasn't in here but i might want to run around and grab anything that i haven't grabbed like this although this might just be something that i never saved after getting oh no this is different uh behavior report chica's personality chip has always been a bit quirky but the new pizza flavored monty mystery mix slushy syrup what pizza flavored monty mystery mix slushy syrup has adverse effects on her programming she has attacked patrons employees and staff for it it is recommended that monty mystery mix should be recalled before we're in indicted with lawsuits hmm i wonder if i need to give her some of that to help the commissioner but that doesn't seem right either maybe she loves it though if we like can find some and put it in the trash compactor and we have something about monty too monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again we found him in the same place we always do the cat walks over monty golf we can't have a repeat of last month someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work wow hmm that's how we did that's how we decommissioned him that's gotta be it okay interesting last week it was jenkins forgetting to replace the urinal cakes after a single use a single use really yesterday it was els elsa for showing up to work early today it's me because lily h asked for chicken alfredo i said we don't make that here her father guy looked like sasquatch by the way demanded to speak to a manager i get dennis dennis asked me why i didn't just get her what she wants i say we don't have chicken alfredo dennis fires me on the spot jokes on him though turns out our new staff bots the better employees aren't programmed to make chicken alfredo so at headquarters fired me for firing him sorry dyslexia apparently hq fired him for firing me sweet revenge thanks lily wow so are you saying elsa got fired for showing up to work early ah wow okay okay service elevator time it is this is honestly kind of intimidating but let's go [Music] sister location vibes [Music] escape has been great so far it's been great bit broken had they just released it later it would have been amazing but they'll probably update and fix all the issues over time so it's just us early players that have to deal with that crap okay this is new this is new basement main corridor this is gonna be big okay wow got a duffel bag right off the bat okay what do we got here reminder to all employees the all staff meeting is this thursday night at 11 30 pm all service team attendance is mandatory there will be cake where is it alive don't trust cake in the fnaf series just don't trust it it isn't a lie it's very much real but it's also deadly what is this place what what what oh this must be in the break room wait what hmm i mean i guess this is the employee break room but they have their own kitchen down here i guess maybe um some of the cooker bots make them stuff what is this in the kitchen tie up your hair safe and unsafe it's great oh that's like a real picture of veggies i like veggies i don't like the sound of people behind me hmm oh there's a devil bag okay we'll take that don't ask why animatronics don't ask okay oh boy i didn't exactly see any hiding spots in here i think we're just gonna leave early oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run please i don't think there was any hiding spots in there man that is a completely blocked off door but guys i just realized something we have this here so let's get freddy it'll make our lives so much easier he's like low on battery so i left him behind but now is the time he's actually not low on battery but it'd be super nice we could just glide right through there like it's no trouble and when he gets low on battery we'll just ditch him so that way we don't get harmed okay we gotta get out ah man that sucks it's all right it's all right we made it past the hardest part except whenever i leave freddy my my uh my flashlight always stops working which is not great let's find out what this is marked for deletion interview notes as requested here are my notes on today's chief security officer interview while vanessa seemed eager and bright she doesn't appear to have any relevant background experience i realize the recommendation came from the top but we need someone who has run security for a facility of the scale i do not recommend her for this position came from the top hmm i wonder if it's the computer systems that are the top hmm the the haunted computer systems that are at the top oh okay here's our instructions i know we've read this before but it's good that we have it fill it prime it by pushing the button in the kitchen storage room oh no press the hanging activation button okay yeah they're hinting at use of the compactor and uh we're almost there not if we go this way though we want to go this way wait a minute oh my gosh hello um that's not good apparently the trash compactor is behind uh oh my gosh that was weird i didn't think i could i guess i guess that's just because that you don't want freddy freddy's not supposed to come over here okay that makes sense and our flashlight can work again yay bathrooms oh that door nothing okay guys we are and we are getting closer to the trash compactor it's right here is this it whoa this is the freezer good thing gregory doesn't have like a temperature bar i don't know what this room is it's the kitchen storage maybe we're supposed to like follow a cable at some point hmm what's this oh that's just all the way okay trash compactor wait a minute i didn't even know the trash compactor was in the kitchen this whole time well that's funny i wonder if we need to get caught to get chica to come down here all right gregory this is probably not the best idea but let's uh oh ho ho should i go in here maybe okay hmm i don't see the buttons for it i mean it's loaded a room i have not found kitchen storage i think maybe kitchen storage is where the button is because it you were supposed to follow follow some wires hmm not those wires i think oh my goodness oh my gosh i did not okay did not expect that so chica actually is here kind of makes me wonder if i'm on the right track ah primed the compactor engine chica i was reading something woman yes okay the button really is in the kitchen storage we were supposed to follow the wires okay we're in kitchen storage aren't we yes oh i have never seen him on the camera before ah interesting this whole time i never even seen what he looked like hmm so it's got to be in here somewhere but i can't use my flashlight which makes it really difficult i wish i could see oh turn on the generator for the trash compactor all right what else do we need to do press the hanging activation button in front of the compactor hmm all right so now we need to get chica in there somehow somehow seemed like it was related to the slushy mix in fact if there was slushy mix it would probably be here in the kitchen right i don't really know i don't remember seeing any i feel like the slushy mix no no he went through there i feel like the slushy mix would be what gets her interested in going inside you know otherwise why would she go inside maybe if we had a pizza but we do not do we have food item that we could drop can you do that no okay is this how nah darn it i mean it would make sense if you could just order the pizza and put the pizza into the trash compactor that makes perfect sense to me but looks like you can't this is the hanging button i need something to lure chica into the trash compactor i was right oh my gosh find the monty mystery mix in bonnie bowl that's really far away but i'm i really appreciate the uh the hint because i didn't freaking know i was right okay wow um it's in bonnie bowl wow we are really far away okay um i will see you guys when i uh make my way up there we're here guys we're here we're at bonnie bowl look at this cutie pie oh my gosh uh okay oh boy well that was okay wait i to like peek around here a little bit too because i have never been over here oh what is this little playground area cute it doesn't look like there's anything to be found no what what's this door whoa level 10 okay we're only at level five and it's four o'clock in the morning already wait a minute do we have to use our party pass to get into bonnie bowl then how are we going to do the golf i mean whatever this is where we have to go so it is what it is i am using the item wait what what i have the party pass my dude maybe we should go to multi-golf and try to decommission monty there like um he's supposed to be up on the catwalk like he loves and we're supposed to get a hole in one which we could probably cheat yeah i guess uh never mind about bonnie bowley guys we are going to monty golf instead all right guys let's do this let's go inside press x to use yay little dance did he make it explode did he catch oh my gosh hello zero party passes remaining i understand let's do it since there is no flash photography allowed in monty golf fast cams are often confiscated here mainly because they are only sold in monty golf it is a very clever marketing plan and they never give them back that's like that's robbery what the heck okay very clever scamming people is very clever what is that whoa oh my [Music] look at this place okay let's save dude i'm so freaking excited i wonder if monty is here then on the catwalks i don't see anything what is this oh okay i was gonna just walk you know in order whoa okay so here's the gift shop this is where we're getting our camera oh no he said the security office security office okay ah mini golf of course there's security guards everywhere can't go that way face oh run just run just around okay what is that it's like a flip thingy [Music] this is too funny oh there's a big giant stage in here wow hmm [Music] that place looks giant up there man okay [Music] okay oh boy this is starting to get tight okay ah what do we got here no flash photography items will be confiscated and kept in the monty golf security office all right things we already knew and there's even a place to eat here goodness but you have to be a golfer to eat this food you have to have a party pass to get in here hmm the security office is nearby you might want to look around the office and see if there is a way to stop monty from hunting you oh he wants me to stop monty first before i go get that pass hmm you might want to look around and see if there's a way to stop him that door does not work no we're not going in there yet it kind of like froze i thought it was going to like stop keep me in there i mean it would make sense if i need to deactivate him first whoa look at that um that doesn't look safe oh wait what oh my gosh i thought i was alone in that room i felt totally safe yeah we just saved so okay let's be more careful this time there is someone in here don't mess around too much just a present of course it's a monty skin present flashlight yeah upgrade hmm we need to set off the hurricane but we also need a ball to put in it this place is so much fun oh hey giant mouse oh my gosh this is so cool i think there was a security guard in here can the security guard just ah okay he has my chance to go in oh boy i think i'm good somehow oh charging station well that's just guess i could bring freddie down here right this is that foggy tunnel that guy tried to get me in can i call freddy oh yeah my dude let's uh get you inside this right now at least we'll be able to traverse this place a little bit easier for a moment or two see what we can do see what we can see whoa this is cool i don't remember which one they said it is but we are going backwards now is that there's like a hurricane contraption somewhere freddy i really appreciate you you are a lifesaver although it's not gonna last oh my gosh it's a miniature trailer park it's a miniature trailer it's so cute this is so funny go cart okay we got a whole freaking go-kart in our pocket let's go oh there's a stage whoa we don't have any gear any gear at all how are we supposed to golf how we supposed to get on all-in-one how do we make sure that he there's a charging station back here again how would we make sure he's on the catwalk oh my gosh okay wait wait we gotta do this let's go ball pit again ah it doesn't work like the ball pit in the plate the daycare though come on that was always so much fun i haven't been in here this is different [Music] tragedy mask well interesting outhouse nope i love those gators they're so cute i love big reptiles this we can play this [Music] okay this isn't really like um this is different this is really different okay this is like wow that's really touchy i should not have touched it so i think it was probably perfect the first time [Music] all right how do i do it [Music] [Applause] what i don't think i'm supposed to be able to open my watch in here but that is interesting [Music] oh okay whoa [Music] oh how many are there this is fun sorry about that guys i don't know when uh my camera died but we are back in look at this what what the heck this is different i just thought we were gonna be in monty's golf the whole time this is actually really exciting i like this all right let's try not to do too horribly oh man that controls are so touchy okay no probably not that maybe like that i probably could have done it harder but whatever what is that is that a foxy up there is that that's foxy oh oh oh don't no not that hard there we go oh oh okay we're not that far off just a little a little touch a little touch oh no no that was still too hard okay but what it didn't do anything double bogey of course it's not going so well where are we this time uh is this final three what is going on here it's just some kind of dirty kitchen kind of looks like it shasta we don't need that right now what what what the freak is that it's a cupcake oh oopsie oh oh oh oh there's a tunnel let's go in the tunnel okay i have to have a decent aim for this one [Applause] celebrate no way that was not bad i didn't even have a chance to look around in that room not bad at all what is this what the heck oh is that a giant mangle over there oh my gosh this game is so much fun oh that was not bad that was not bad mangle you're kind of scaring me right now you're awfully big birdie sweet i'm getting a little bit better each try oh my goodness wow chica i am there with you i love me some desserts okay let's just go for it bam oh not bad not bad giant cupcake staring at us uh okay maybe like that yeah sweet i don't understand golf um i don't understand golf points score there's a giant freaking baby oh yeah what is happening is this a scooper it's like a compactor we just go full on bam oh maybe we should wait till it's open like now oh my gosh look at did you guys did you guys see it inside the closet has giant eyes baby's giant face eagle okay not bad slide into the tube yay oh oh why is there a generator right there i guess it's because there's just generators in the daycare so it's all being all the me okay this one's probably oh oh oh wait do you have to get a hole in one oh my gosh maybe you have to get a hole in one in this game in this mini game maybe oh that might be it that might be it i was running around the mini golf like how am i supposed to get a hole in one if i don't have a ball but this makes a lot of sense and it's really hard it won't let you hit it like too soft it just kind of gives up if you try not horrible but we need to get a hole in one on one of these it's gonna be ridiculously hard hello party lots of numbers okay where's the hole is it down there or is it behind freddy i'm gonna guess it's behind freddy oh oh boy that was not the best game yeah this is like so relaxing i could just play this for a while whoa that was horrible all right you can do better you can do better not bad not bad we're almost there yeah bogey [Applause] i wonder if it's this last one that we need to do a hole in one with whoa oh my gosh okay i shouldn't have why is freddy in the dumpster that's kind of weird oh is that monty's dream he wants to be number one i mean that's what vanessa kind of was saying that like monty could take over the show oh what the hell would you get all in one in that thing that'd be hard well i will try it later oh oh we have to go all the way back around best be practicing my golf skills now skills like i have any skits maybe that oh no too hard too hard okay we're almost there we're almost there we gotta do it like just soft enough that it doesn't roll off is that too much oh that was too much all right freddie is in the dumpster yeah yeah 10 over par how'd we do pretty bad we're gonna play that over again i guess let's try and get a hole in one and one of them and see what happens right surely we can get a hole in one on one of them it would help if i don't touch that too because it usually starts pretty straight [Music] oh come on that's gotta be [Music] i caught the hole in one i got to hold it on i don't know if that did anything but i got it i'm happy all right the game is over i got a single hole in one it was not great i thought i could do more than one but i had a feeling that did nothing all right guys we are just gonna go to the security office we're gonna see what happens right oh boy they know you are here get the security upgrade wait but what about this [Music] thrill seeker it's just behind the maze i still can't find what is making all the clanging noise in the ac system this is the fifth visit this week if i could reach that stupid vent behind the exercise maze room i could get to the catwalks over gator golf and take a look maybe someone who works in mazercise knows how okay so that's how you get to the catwalks okay interesting oh there's even more here there's a lot in here what's this it looks like a red camera that's what we needed it press r2 to stun any bots in the surrounding area must recharge your flashlight between uses so i can't just like test it out right now if you are in trouble use the camera flash to stun the other animatronics keep in mind that it will not work on monty due to his sunglasses what really oh maybe i could test it out since it's right here right let's switch that's not really what i meant to do but i appreciate it stay back dude you don't look okay oh there we go okay say cheese i have your friend i'm sorry that was me are you good though are you okay i had to test it okay i'm sorry [Music] so what happens if i i'll just be in here and we'll be safe right oh that i can't go in there monty's not even in here this is strange oh for once a security office where you didn't die immediately it's different wait what find out how to decommit oh we know how know how okay i just thought that task meant actually decommissioned monty no no you just needed to find out how we already know how to decommission chica but i guess there's probably something at some point that will tell you and then we can mark that off but we need to go to major size then cause we got we got to pass so let's go taking freddy too because he will make my life easier now the question is what's the fastest way to get out of this gator golf huh because i think we are mostly done here i mean we'll be on the catwalks later but here pretty much done this place is so cool i know i mentioned it a lot in the first few episodes but this place it's like disneyland it's so cool it's like a theme park it's all themed and awesome just so cool i'm afraid there is not a charging station but i would like to save up here i'm gonna miss the music though some pretty great music in here all right oh let's go i'll be going through here excuse me i could probably use a recharge ah hello i have an item for you [Music] all right let me in mazer size chica's delicious path to fitness welcome to maser size work off the calories while you eat oh yeah super cool perks include discounts on pizza nachos fries and cookies no that's the smell of fitness no i mean if you exercise on this kind of food you're gonna feel horrible you're gonna feel disgusting you're gonna feel awful let's just be honest you gotta feel your body right if you're gonna make your body work hard do we got a slushie is that the slushie we need no darn it are you lost right oh boy okay got some friendly faces these buttons change the maze i wonder what the right combination is bro i just wanted to save oh okay i think we're fine i think we're fine lost child don't get lost yourself stay in place and wait for help carry plenty of i water i don't know if i want to change the combination right now maybe this will help us out a little bit what does it say job security where is everyone leo was the only one who had a copy of the maze control key but i haven't seen him for months maybe that creepy bot knows where the key is what creepy bot leo was supposed to train it to work the maze instead he took the bot into doing busy work under the daycare theater i'll check after the all staff meeting tonight there's a bot under the daycare theater that has a copy of the maze control key should i go there now i don't know if i can get inside that can i i don't know i have what six do i have six yeah maybe i can but same time i don't know i guess we'll wander around here a little bit should i should i touch this should i according to that message one of the staff bots brought the key to the superstar theater the entrance is located in the daycare i already pressed one it doesn't look like i can unpress it okay i'm pretty sure i press oh maybe you have to press one and then when you get to it you're gonna know which oh no okay we're leaving it was fun and all but we're leaving we'll be back how do we get to daycare again it's been a while oh oh wait there's an arcade that goes down to the faz kate bascade goes down to the daycare i'm pretty sure stop chasing stop chasing me okay i think this goes down to the daycare right requires dance pass dang it okay maybe not how's the freak do we get back to the daycare we have to get back to that one part oh okay okay we need to take that elevator it's a that's not stairs that's not stairs can i am i good oh i'm probably good let's just run okay i think i know how to get there so give me a second it's been a while since we uh went back to the main entrance i'm not sure what it's called but it's been a while wow it's been a while it's been a while okay we're going back to the daycare i was banned but i'm going back so it's under the daycare the theater we've never been in the daycare theater before whoa hello hello don't come around this way ah fazbear theater we've never been in here yeah that's not even long tell me okay pizza pizza pizza oh it's that cartoon it's the teaser cartoon stuff okay man there's so many mice here you just hear them squeaking all the time anytime you're around food there is squeakies all right flashlight has been charged and there's a present to be found are we not tall enough for that or what um what what i'm not crouched this is weird why would i not be able to get that can you actually not get that not like you can collect presents while you're in freddy that's weird i'm guessing it's not important i guess oh yeah we can stun animatronics i already forgot if i ever need to okay good to know good girl shasta good girl all right so there's nothing back here oh the staff bot is that funny dude beat it whoa let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat why are they still running the screen that seems strange why is this guy just chilling in here he doesn't look like he has a purpose what is my purpose what do we got here maintenance log the bb world game has been acting up customers have complained that it starts to glitch over time i headed to the theater to fix it and now it's gone i never saw a move requested i never saw a move request so it should still be there somewhere i guess i'll check again after the company meeting all right what is there to see in here hiding spot freddy fazbear and friends pizza on tour ah that's so cute okay oh there's the okay here's the daycare entrance we still need to get under this place somehow oh boy okay no this is not under this is up captain foxy's pirate adventure oh my gosh i love it okay how many staff bots do these guys have i mean wow oh my gosh oh my gosh this is nerve-wracking have i been down here already is this the same theater yeah yes wait pretty sure that's the same theater wait but what's he guarding oh okay obviously wheelchairs exist and strollers exist okay um hmm wasn't that that's the exit i must be missing something here it says that there's stairs like behind this theater but that might be that gated off thing yeah it is it is the gated off thing i think it's get it off on both sides too excuse me sir how how do we get down yes let's get it off too wait that's how okay just don't turn right this time go straight is what i needed to do all right i just missed my turn that's all i know where to go now hello daycare party rooms oh i guess that's like confirmation codes or what huh room 11. remember seeing only the approved freddy fazbear and friends birthday song no copyright infringing keep a close eye on time no extra party keep on schedule huh interesting i like those like little uh staff notes type things is this this is a party room what what the heck this doesn't seem like a place that people would be nah nah this has got to be like a art studio of some kind oh it's where they do makeup okay that makes way more sense what is this what do we got here the answer laser size instructions move blue to the corner you should be able to work it out from there oh okay move blue to the corner is this what we came for is this what we needed i don't know what that means but i will try my best to remember oh no oh no i don't think they're active ptsd are these the ruined balls or what ugh they're definitely not active but i don't they could be active at any time it's impossible to know they're everywhere [Music] ew well i guess this is like a break room so strange bathroom nothing to see don't mind me why are they in here why i don't understand what are they doing in here dressing rooms okay that's different weird i have a feeling i'm gonna have to run out of here that scares me this that scares me yeah there's a save too what is that what is this this is strange screw measure size this place alone is already maze wait let's go in the room with the save first i like saves oh yeah okay i this present's probably going to trigger them this present that's sitting right here so maybe we should go to the other room before we open that present just have a slight feeling that might be the case ghost freddy i'm not sure i mean he's straight up sitting on a grave like what what is the story line between behind freaking shadow bonnie so weird it's like uh there's like a i mean i know this game changed a lot of all the other games crap what did i just get laser size thing okay i have a feeling [Music] i was right let's go run run run i'm running backwards i'm i am walking backwards you can't run backwards bye i won't miss you guys that wasn't so bad songs are not still following me yeah that wasn't so bad i just got the heck out of there but yeah sorry as i was saying earlier this game kind of made all the other well okay help one it kind of made all the other games not really canon i mean i think it's kind of just their way of rebooting the series you know but gosh how am i supposed to get in here dude oh no i thought i was good but it was kind of their way of rebooting the series but that means like in this universe um shadow bonnie may have just been a character like he was sitting on the grave maybe he's one of the ghosts in the pirate ghost one or whatever are you still chasing me like come on give me a break anyway that was like the most disjointed conversation i've ever had but oh my gosh i'm still being chased get away bye we saved though we're good barely there is too much going on in my brain right now my brain is like hey let's let's theorize and then the other half of my brain is like let's actually not die we are running back to mazer size you know i'm glad for this run upgrade because it used to be impossible to get away from them it's oh you always think that you've gotten away but in actuality you have not whoa let's not fall through the floor again because that was not good last time i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck okay all right we're good we're good oh this is it wait wait do we need to go back to the controls oh camera is on now they said move blue to the right or something weird like that let me re-read it bro not cool all right before we press before we press anything oh new mission use maser size controls to move the walls and access the vent ah we have to open it up to get to the vent okay move blue to the corner should be able to work it out from there to the corner all of the blue to the corner there's multiple blue it's um defeat monty and take his claws wait but it didn't change anything oh maybe i can't see it on there oh i have to go wait what does that do what does that do oh it changes it from okay so there's like up and down and there's like left and right wow okay i don't think this monitor is showing me anything nothing wait wait it is changing right there oh they're getting to the corner i'm not sure which corner it was supposed to get to it was probably supposed to get to the actual corner of the wall not the corner of the camera i just i want to go look in person see what the heck i'm doing so there is a vent in this maze that leads to the monty golf catwalks i believe there is a control panel for the maze around here somewhere how this maze isn't nearly as intimidating as i thought it would be i do appreciate that they are different things that way you can kind of remember them i say it's not intimidating but just you wait don't be lost i think the maze you can't even actually finish the maze unless you open it up just right maybe i don't know if you're lost in a maze you're supposed to follow the right just follow the right wall all the way through but i am not i don't think i'm too lost in here i just need i should probably go hmm i feel like there isn't a system and it's just making me lose my mind because it's not making that much sense i'll move one out of place and then i'll move it back and then it doesn't actually move back it's something different see this is completely different all right section three go up that was section two section three go up please i wish that it would highlight a bit brighter which one you were touching oh my gosh what is happening i'm losing it well guys this is backup camera andy because my camera has died just here to say that we're gonna call it for the day i don't think i can spend any more time doing mazer size we're gonna have to look at it with some fresh eyes later anyway guys though oh my gosh i am so excited to say that this channel has been alive for 10 years but thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 1,159,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic
Id: KtQe2oyalLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 36sec (8016 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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