100% Completing FNaF Help Wanted VR

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look guys I have a webcam in this weird I never have webcams last night was an emotional rollercoaster for me it was like so excited but also kind of nervous but then all of a sudden when it didn't come out it was like sad and then I was angry and then I was anxious there's not fun and I'm like I'm just going to bed you guys are not gonna be seeing my face anymore so bye hi what's up guys look at my lava lamp do you love it I love it okay check your surroundings are they clear up tanks I mean I might touch this wall a little bit but I think I'm gonna play sitting down by the way I was thinking sitting just because like I'm gonna be here a while alright I think we're clear enough ow maybe not I guess we'll see hopefully I don't have to like move quickly and then BAM my hand into something oh my pants they're backwards okay everything's going good you guys excited I'm so excited oh this game contains flashing lights loud noises and lots of jump scares press T button T's at the middle no I'm sorry I don't know these remotes very well there is no T on here one utility lay 1000 trigger oh my gosh I'm so dumb why don't they just say trigger can I can I have normal hands please please this is weird I don't like this I'm Marty I'm already not like you this whoa whoa I think I'm sitting in the desk I probably need to you know do an adjustment Friday I didn't think you'd be that big now I'm like really uncomfortable oh and you put my headphones in because I can't hear crap oh it's so much worse with that phones I'm confused oh I have to hold my hand like this in order to press something come on I mean I'm hoping that it'll like it'll like allow me to adjust like most games do right now they're not really giving me that option come on I still have backwards hands welcome to the Freddy fazbear's virtual experience fazbear entertainment is excited to join the digital age and what better way to do that then with an edge of your seat virtual reality experience okay can I fix my hand know that fazbear entertainment has developed I think six times I myself a few decades and while it's true that some stories associated with our name were loosely based on actual events the majority of them were total fabrications from the mind of a complete lunatic lawsuits pending but we aren't above laughing at ourselves ha ha ha that's why we have recreated many of these completely fictitious scenarios lies that you've been fed over the last several years that sounds like a lie arias VR game in the hopes that we can finally move past these childish ghost stories and develop a new relationship with you as well as your kids don't forget the merge perfect for birthdays so sit back and enjoy and you'd like trapped of all you mother we do however ask that you agree to a simple waiver before you play it's mostly just legal mumbo-jumbo and or injuries associated with test area it's too fast touch the button to agree and then we can jump right now harmless fun no harm you at all in any harmful way thank you for playing the freddy fazbear's virtual experience it is you should rest your eyes while looking at these agreements you acknowledge that fazbear entertainment is not responsible for accidental digital consciousness transference real-world manifestations of digital characters nightmares night terrors night sweats I'm not okay with this welcome to the Freddy fazbear's virtual experience use the console in front of you to navigate the menu and pick one of the frightening experiences available by completing these scenarios more will become available you'll see plenty of familiar faces and some new ones as well so stay a while and have a good time and remember despite the temporary horror you may experience this is a completely controlled environment and you aren't in any real danger fazbear entertainment not responsible for real danger please make a selection from the virtual menu I was like so worried about my hands being backwards but all I had to do is just switch switch remotes smart what is that what does it keep doing that what does that mean I'm confused should we just do a night one or replay title now I'm okay price counter whatever oh but I didn't mean to I guess I should just keep my hands to myself you guys look it's the Funko baby I'm just like carefully maneuver my hand so I don't press that button this looks like my kind of place garbage okay do I have to click from picking this up or apparently so did that not cost me anything I'm confused can I get another one I can't why are you just giving these to me for free bye [Music] hmm wow there's a lot with the heck so oh I have to have a certain amount of coins to unlock items and then I can have as many as I want apparently all right should I take this with me yes I can okay what am i doing with this I guess I'm just gonna place it there [Music] Showtime no it doesn't want to what did I just hit it smells like Israelite I think that was my controller oopsie ah wait go back dark rooms that must be finet for parts and service wait is it vanilla for yeah vent repair someone told me to do Benton repair night - oh the night terrors it's been at 4:00 okay let's let's do Bend repair let's do it I'm ready to loading do I press something all right I'm already confused hold it hold the button okay sorry guys ah thank you ah this is a little claustrophobic I'm like so close to it I don't think I should be able to do that but I can't back up my chair any further is this welcome to vet repair fazbear entertainment prides itself on having the most comfortable facilities each facility is set to a perfect 72 degrees all the time the four active indicator lights mean we have a well functioning ventilation system your headlamp should protect you from any critters who may have stumbled into the ducts as a certified vent technician you should need no instruction however in case of an emergency it is important to remember that as the vent technician you should never under any circumstances attempt to be all along I should never hi is my head a flashlight yes it is oh yes now what now what this [Music] this up what I grabbed it but it disappeared now what okay what is this thing I'm confused by it oh my gosh what did I just hit what did I just say aha I see you so I did something right that's it that's it oh hi I pressed it right Oh no don't do that no so I got to do it in some kind of order what would be the order where did she come from this now I have no idea did I already pull that hi that didn't work oh well I did something what I turn on the black lights Oh [Music] is that spring-trap [Music] should I be worried [Music] this must be like a secret version because there's like I can't play any of these yet huh huh comforting music am i right let's go back to normal please oh he's still there he's been there this whole time has he I think he has hi let's do that again cuz I was getting somewhere kind of green red orange yes what'd I do haha I did it finally a perfect 72 degrees good job see you next time why thank you wait you did it that was not so bad I would apprise ah this makes me happy can I see what's in there it looks like a metal something [Music] pirate plunder bar can I eat it no I swear if I'm not holding it still I be sad no where'd it go where's my candy excuse me hi he's like more visible through my hand guys see that okay let's go what should we do this time should we do another been entered let's do it I'm down I love a nerd he's so cute I'm probably gonna have to reach that aren't I welcome to circus baby's entertainment and rental it has been zero days since last incident emergency ventilation repairs may be necessary to reach the boiler room on sub-basement G we apologize for the claustrophobic accommodations of the secondary service elevator but the comfort of the main elevator is well above your pay grade excuse me let's get to work this is my jam [Music] but uh I don't think I can reach half the stuff it wants me to motion trigger break a room [Music] [Music] now this is like a puzzle it didn't even tell me to do anything it's just like here you know what to do oh okay right here no no look at this you guys see this right now the cameras just being a little pansy like usual look at warning I already did whoa what's going on what is this what okay okay thanks BR that was very realistic I feel immersed now there seems to be quite a bit to do in this game which I love longer the scheme is the better I am willing to play it all day that was the play comfort of the mean elevator is well above your paygrade now let's get to work let's wrap my hand off close I know I didn't do that this is still funny can I reach it I can reach it problem solved whoa well done that is one loud door oh hi [Music] should I do this quickly probably I don't even see a red light oh right there this one this one this one oh this one [Music] No stay back oh man this is really hard to see this one and this one's done ha ha suck it I shouldn't have said that he took it very personally oh my gosh that was not okay that one scare you guys oh this is a little uncomfortable how I'm liking this game so far it's pretty great [Music] motion trigger secondary service elevator ventilation shaft oh well I feel safe what is he gonna break through it no you're not supposed to open it you're supposed to close it it's supposed to make me this ahh oh how do i how do I get that to go this don't tell me it's that I can't reach it this wait where do you go hi what is going on with your nose buddy okay well I need to run this one but I don't know how there's no more pieces probably this because I now opened it so this that doesn't really help me in any way Oh okay so now one though wait till it falls okay this is kind of cool I like this what do they do wrong was it not quick enough bye we're gonna restart that one VR is like the coolest thing ever you can't believe I own one [Music] is that this is different motion TV secondary service elevator ventilation shaft stay away okay I need to move like really fast this time super speed he's like patiently watching for his chance to kill me there we go well done bye I think I did it good night yes I take that yes I'm taking it with me this is my my prize I set it here yay it's like he sends me back up there's a problem it's not working [Music] how deep is this place okay motion trigger boiler room is not some comforting music oh well done I don't even know what it what's it why is it black it's just because it's that dark in here oh gosh what is this oh no no one that didn't oh my gosh this is confusing but I think I did it I just need you press one I just need to press one there we go no no that looked right to me oh okay so those pipes down there don't really matter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what am I supposed to be doing well done a perfect 72 degrees Kobe's good to be watching did he just get burned alive so happened wow that was cool I love that a nerd thing the puzzle last puzzle was very confusing but somehow I was able to do it okay let's check out your oh well now you guys know what the mess looks like down there [Music] Oh cute I need it in real life I was about to sick I was about to drop my controller because I thought that table was real first split second where's my plushie man twit chica is very creepy looking should I be worried let's just start with an f1 let's go for it press and hold a press and hold alright so just so you guys know I suck at the nap one so if we die no the magical place for kids and grown-ups alike where fantasy and fun come to life fazbear entertainment is not responsible for damage Bonnie's gone oh hi oh I just saw him move this is really creepy in VR [Music] should I not have this closed [Music] so like in for that one you how supposed to close it if he's in that corner he only supposed to close it if he's there but I don't know if I should close if he's walking by or not like should I probably but I don't really know has he left that's the question oh he left but he's still kind of there I'm gonna run out of power so quick inside funny Oh I gotta forget unboxing [Music] [Music] I don't know Janelle where's Bonnie where's chief cut it they leave there's Bonnie Oh what about chica where's chica she goes back on the stage okay thank goodness oh oh oh hi okay chicas not coming Foxy's eight percent can I open the door means right there yes yeah that was insanely hard for the first night you gotta be kidding me guys if there's like six nights or five nights I don't know I'm not gonna be able to beat them I'll try my best but why is the table so close to me exotic beverage that's like cream soda you guys think it tastes like you think it tastes like butter if butter so done yeah take a little break from Fanaa one parts and surface next oh my gosh this is gonna be so cool I'm so excited I'm not ready for this Wow welcome back to parts in stir too close for comfort dude it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated first we harmonization module located inside his secondary throat pie-o-my to access the throat pipe both eyes must first be removed you must be as precise as possible when removing the eyes from their respective sockets first firmly grip Bonnie's left eye and carefully remove it from its socket his left eye excuse me this is gonna be hard so much for the lava-lamp we didn't even get anywhere on that level welcome back to parts and service welcome back to parts and service welcome back to parts and service precisely what did I touch oh my gosh I'm pulling out his right eye I'm so sorry oh no it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated first we must access his horn great job deposit the left eye in the cleaning receptacle on your left well done now firmly grip Bonnie's right eye and carefully remove it from its socket deposit the right eye in the cleaning receptacle on your right good job to open Bonnie's faceplate carefully press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw when done correctly you should hear two small clicks the same time I guess well done you now have access to Bonnie's harmonization maja press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary throat pipe to enter calibration mode does this seem safe something is not right one of those notes is out of tune you may push the button again to replay the audio check press the colored button that corresponds to the incorrect note oh man I don't I don't know guitars and if I could tell that the strings are larger so they're like the bass that would help me out a lot but I can't oh okay in the middle red press the blinking button again to verify your work all right yeah I think I did it great job Bonnie is in tune and ready for his solo let's close him up simply replace both eyes in the same order that you remove them then close up the faceplate and we'll call it a day okay that one first let's do this properly Oh here we go well done that concludes your parts and services task yes see you next time I only died about a hundred times that was not that was pretty awesome that was really cool as far yeah it's too blurry I can't read it what does it say how many calories I don't know if I should he be eating this what why is that glowing when I touch that ha frickin webcam sorry it like frozen the derpiest spot I'm just like the the kitten meow his left don't remind me alright come on black leg ready we could do this my hair's pizzelle are you having fun yet whoa that's great to hear what's great to hear why am I so tall I'm floating chika good cuz I'm kind of I really don't want to do Freddy cuz that's gonna be the scariest probably welcome back to parts and service oh hello customer complaints about chicas acrid smell sounds like chica has been rummaging around the kitchen again okay I wasn't supposed to remove that pizza she was offended we went to great lengths to create an authentic VR experience including using scanned photographs for reference and using original performance routines where applicable back to parts and service I won't touch your feet I promise no more complaints about chicas acrid sounds like chica has been rummaging around the kitchen again remove all food particles from chicas exterior and place it in the refuse bin on your right refuse ow my elbow can I have that please please there we go I know I heard about collecting tapes Oh but remove all food particles from chicas exterior and place it in the refuse bin on your right yeah so what did I do wrong [Music] I need to do it faster maybe good job make sure sheikah is not hiding any other treats inside her beak to open her beak carefully press the two buttons located on the sides of chicas head has picked up some unwanted friends to clear the infestation applied the fazbear interests iran trade Kimmy spray to chicas exterior press the button under the hanging canister to activate the avoid inhaling the chemists prayer exposure to cleaning disinfecting and maintenance chemicals may result in respiratory problems skin or eye irritation good job now reattach chicas upper arm hand and cupcake plate wait what what do I do her arm her arm are what what what I do now reattach chicas upper arm hand and cupcake plate it's weird I can't hand myself this arm excuse me I don't want the pizza Oh like so close to her oh no it looks like chica needs another dose of the chemi spray do not let the infestation spread be sure to give the canister button another push as needed I'm gonna kill myself with this heavy spray return the cupcakes to chicas plate what oh uh great day chica is ready to serve pizza and hugs to the kids again take a complimentary slice of pizza for a job well done heck yeah delicious see you next time I have another one no peeling what he won't know yes let me just eat this chemi spray infested pizza that's probably healthy [Music] dated and unoriginal disappointment boring mild passable I mean this is probably the worst one yet the fazbear virtual experience please be aware that there may be visual artifacts left behind from the beta testing phase of development if you see any such artifacts we recommend that you not interact with them we'll weed them out eventually there's no guarantee that we'll weed them out eventually I read it just touch the webcam yes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay but where is he I even seen him at all I'm getting myself freaked out what [Music] I guess he wasn't in that night why is he gone that's weird maybe I should go to the price corner counter he's just straight-up gone that's a lovely picture of that way to go there is provided by the manufacturer turning the crank wall-e coil and compress the animatronic part no stop stop I'll be stuck okay is he stuck he sounds like he's moving oh boy he was not stuck where those lights always there so he'd be like around here right maybe he he was stuff he was stuck show me which one he's in okay he wasn't one now he's not oh okay we're doing good we're doing good [Music] I actually really like him he looks fantastic in this game I don't want to see not on camera I don't want you please don't come to this window I'd prefer if you very very much prefer if you don't oh gosh video errors like the worst it's like okay crazy it's not an event I don't think [Music] uh okay boom we're good I think I'm kind of this is like this is definitely the scariest one I feel very uncomfortable [Music] yeah this is going well that's got to be my favorite so far [Music] butter for one am I supposed to just eat this plane I don't know about this I don't know about this I do think vennett for is the scariest game so finale are the fourth one's probably gonna be the worst although it doesn't seem to have nightmare animatronics which is interesting maybe in the later ones it will cuz I know there goes front bear another's baby this is just up from it from the trailer that I know about oh I did not look at that he said something about closing a door do I have a flashlight oh all right how do I go there oh no wait I shouldn't do that how do I go over there do I click it ok I use the trigger go away bonbon go away do I okay then in that scare me but this is because fake Spencer mind basically okay I need to read the instructions this time instead of just skipping them away it's not gonna give me the instructions gosh dang it not okay where did no please don't ha was that ya know that jump scared me or just was it his can I go to the closet No Wow I heard the breathing what was I thinking I heard the breathing you gotta close the door okay I know what I'm doing this time I promise stop it with that reishi where is she yo little bot lunch except breathing I did not appreciate that invitation [Music] because what am I doing wrong here I [Music] think I'm supposed to close the closet I don't really know go away go what are you doing go away I think he's broken you guys Freddie Freddie ah god damn it okay I'm leaving Oh whole game froze I can't move the time is moving since it's for now okay well free ride what what okay all right [Music] yeah my very own robot hey so cute oh my webcam is frozen again how long did that freeze hopefully that wasn't a long time ago and we're back marissa baron are you ready for freddy i am he was not ready for me obviously he just kind of froze he got scared this is [Music] [Music] what can someone explain this to me why is the deaf one foxy in this game the necklace foxy but okay Freddy fudge bar when am I getting my paycheck man I'm sick of just having candy bars and bags of chips it's go to the price corner and grab a basketball and throw it at this guy [Applause] ha and I missed did you leave already yeah hi ha am I good or what ah I don't know if I should wait for him or go away I forgot about the music box [Music] this is where I usually die when this guy appears for some reason because I'm distracted by him and don't check for anybody else do I wait for him to come in that I need answered oh my gosh toy chica looks awesome shoo yes oh it's so cute it's a miniature bunny it's so adorable if only action figures were like this big and this realistic in real life holy crap then I'd have nothing bad to say about him it's out here using proprietary technology developed by fazbear entertainment our VR development teams were able to use vintage control boards almost like plug-and-play digitally recreating performances and personalities from the past in an instant here we go Freddy's next No I told you guys raisin what I don't what to do and then I guess it's probably foxy oh boy welcome back to parts and service it looks like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction let's return it to the lost and found no he ate someone carefully grab and remove the child's had from Freddy's mouth Freddie's got a pretty good hold of it another firm tug good job now place the hat in the lost-and-found pin on your right this is a garbage Kane bro while we're at it let's make sure there isn't anything else stuck inside to access Freddy's chest cavity grab Freddy's bowtie and pull it outwards well done Freddy's chest cavity is now open what remove the child's watch he sits in the lost-and-found bin be careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring why isn't he turned off first huh whoa good job yes there is a child's shoe wedged behind Freddy's music box the music box must be removed before you can access the child's shoe gently grasp the music box and extract it from Freddy's chest cavity before the safety latch descends is that the music box what's the music box this one carefully place the music box on the work table to your left great job to reset the safety latch press the button located on Freddy's endoskeleton now remove the child's shoe and places in the lost-and-found bin yes dang it that was definitely my fault haha that was ninja skills right Oh [Music] I got it yeah return the music box to Freddy's chest cavity and we'll call it a day oh no you seem to have mishandled Freddy's music box is not good a replacement may be found on the work table a slow and even vase is recommended Freddy I promise I'll be nice I'm just trying to help [Music] crisis averted Rose Freddy's chest cavity press the large black button on the center of Freddie's face his nose what button that concludes Ottoman parts and service your pain will be docked accordingly docked excuse me I worked hard for that Thanks that was a wonderful present welcome back to parts and service foxy has been out of commission for quite some time this series of simple repairs should return him to full working condition first carefully pick up and place Foxy's head on his endoskeleton oh no it looks like Foxy's proprietary servo motors are malfunctioning it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times you will need to place new control fuses in the exposed receptacles to continue retrieves diffuse from drawer number one that matches Foxy's lint receptacle haploid bodily harm wait for Foxy's legs to stop moving before inserting the control fuse good job foxy has regained control of his legs a gentle reminder it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times yes Oh No it looks like a former employee attempted to repair Foxy's chest motor using an incorrect fuse carefully remove the incorrect fuse from Fox's chest and inserted into Fox's upper arm receptacle toy Oh stay still ah he did not want to stay still take this I'm gonna try this a few more times though this one's fun ok take this with me wow thanks to part of the service foxy has been out of commission for quite some time ah the remaining chest fuses are located in drawers number two and number four fix both fuses to continue should I do the which one should i do first green and blue it's in the back of the thing aha got it burn you do this one first maybe diet this one's orange and green drawer number four orange no orange and green huh got it okay let's do this correctly good job ha ha ha three Foxy's eye from drawer number three when Foxy's eye patch is fully open place the eye back into his eye socket which means yellow this one well done this concludes all your parts and service tasks yay wow that was easier than Freddy Freddy was freaking hard [Music] chica chug [Music] oh my gosh night Marion no Napo dark rooms we haven't even done this let's go for it plush plush troupe well I couldn't write it my hands were already my hand was already on the button okay I know what I'm doing yeah first try plushtrap is huge he looks giant I did not think I would get that my first try lemon chica bar she looks so happy let's do dark rooms again oh my gosh I don't know how many of you guys remember this cuz I when fanat 4 came out it was a long time ago but nightmare balloon boy was always the scariest to me it's terrifying I absolutely hated playing against nightmare balloon boy so let's do it ah am I ready for this I don't know Oh No [Music] Oh and he's so big he's child no I'm not ready to do this again no no hello goodbye oh my gosh oh yes ha ha ha thank goodness he's huge like I know you guys probably can't tell how big he is like because you're watching on your screen but to me in game it's heads like this big yeah that's why it's a little bit terrifying Oh meat bites I don't know about that I'm good shall we play another dark room plush baby so the plushie is coming after you or let's check it out I'm interested for the flashlight currently has battery did I do something wrong is it dinner ready Oh [Music] ah okay that was nowhere near as scary as nightmare Balloon Boy but that was pretty scary hi where I did not see her anywhere okay we're playing something else because this is impossible I need to figure out where they're all coming from because I can figure out if I can figure out all the spots that can appear then it make it a lot easier for me he kind of looks like he can't it's getting closer doesn't he you could tell that he's like wearing a vest now right why did that the music stop that's a little creepy maybe he just wants me to say hi he is closer before he was in the door like past behind the doorway now he's in front of it but the I just hit window [Music] his eyes are so trippy gosh [Music] all right I don't know if I'm ready for this but let's do it well I've gotten so close pretty all burning along what they're all open at once [Music] red-orange screen which one's red [Music] [Music] I'm missing this yeah yes haha a perfect 72 degrees I like this job next time that was fun now that's for the enter to backlight that's gonna be hard [Music] Boxey cove cooler is this alcohol I don't know it looks like you're making great progress and more importantly you're staying in your lane and sticking to the script which is exactly what our risk assessment team was hoping you'd do please continue to enjoy the fazbear's virtual experience [Music] this is gonna be interesting but let's do this you guys ready for this it's gonna be a frenzy with entered it's like a timed thing with mangle it was like you could keep her back with your lights so it's gonna be a lot harder whoa it's a played-out what the heck what what is that who is that with the jet plushtrap or like a miniature boxy is there a miniature foxy is that a thing who's that they have a hand on their head sting I like this welcome to circus babies entertainment and rental it has been zero days since last incident emergency ventilation repairs may be necessary to reach the boiler room on sub-basement G we apologize for the claustrophobic accommodations of millimeter but the comfort of oh no no no let's get to work it's okay we'll come back for it this is how I dance you guys it's really goofy all right we're gonna get that tape I promise you motion trigger break a room no no you guys wanted me to play this this is awesome okay that is cool looking Wow I love the black light thing what I just hit window well done this is my aesthetic [Music] okay that one is this and that one is this and that one is this and this well done bye wow that is awesome oh gosh oh gosh this one hello Bonnie you're in my way okay I feel like it's I feel like it's this one oh boy oh boy how do you tell this one well done yes [Music] literally my knees are right here so it feels like the wall is gonna smash my feet so anything else I need to collect whoa uh what the hell what oh my gosh whoa motion trigger secondary service elevator ventilation shaft no I think I had to leave it oh yeah it brings it here that thing is creepy I don't know what it is oh hi oh no way I needed that well done taking this illness I don't maybe flushing this is like trippy nightmare version you see the giant like molten Freddy don't let me fly off oh it is a gravity only Kush [Music] motion trigger boiler room no no oh okay I swear I'm seeing something over here must be some kind of reflection but it's really freaky [Music] well done oh my gosh I guess that's how you do it you just press it once I'm glad I didn't mess that one up what it took me a while what am I supposed to do here I'm supposed to watch well done a perfect 72 degrees see you next time oh man that was fun I like the backlight stuff that's so cool [Music] now chips yes the bold and spicy tortilla style tortilla chips of course let's get that tape it was in front Bears mouth oh man this is so cool welcome to circus babies entertainment I want to Tanner this stuff has been zero days since last incident emergency ventilation repairs may be necessary to reach the boiler room on sub-basement G we apologize for the claustrophobic accommodations of the secondary service elevator but the comfort of the main elevator is it was the beginning of the video of the game book accommodations of the secondary service elevator but the comfort of the main elevator is well yes you'll be great now let's get to work well done spy spring-trap I love you hard hands our hands [Music] ah so cute why isn't this mate been made in real life yet while it's getting closer you guys oh my gosh maybe each time we get a tape he comes closer well back to parts and service oh no it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated first we must access his harmonization module located inside his secondary throat pipe to access the throat pipe both eyes must first be removed you must be as precise as possible when removing the eyes from their respective sockets first firmly grip Bonnie's left eye and carefully remove it from its socket great job deposit the left eye in the cleaning receptacle on your left well done now firmly grip Bonnie's right eye and carefully remove it from its socket deposit the right eye in the cleaning receptacle on your right good job to open Bonnie's faceplate carefully press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw when done correctly you should hear two small clicks well done you now have access to Bonnie's harmonization module press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary throat pipe to enter calibration mode [Music] it's hard to tell looks so loud those notes is out of tune you may push the button again to replay the audio check press the colored button that corresponds to the incorrect note [Music] press the blinking button again to verify your work great job Bonnie is in tune and ready for his solo let's close him up simply replace both eyes in the same order that you remove them then close up the faceplate and we'll call it a day well done that concludes your parts and services task see you next time oh that's so cool I love it I love everything about it it's so great funky weird fun music creepy new design it's a toy Freddy it's so cute welcome back to parts and service there have been complaints about chicas acrid smell so like chica has been rummaging around the kitchen again remove all food particles from chicas exterior and place it in the refuse bear on your right good job make sure chica is not hiding any other treats inside her beak to open her beak carefully press the two buttons located on the sides of chicas head it looks like picked up some unwanted friends to clear the infestation applied the fazbear entertainment restaurant-grade Kimmy spray to chicas exterior press the button under the hanging avoid inhaling the chemists pray exposure to cleaning disinfecting and maintenance chemicals may result in respiratory problems skin or eye irritation good job now reattach chicas upper arm hand and cupcake plate she's so close to me right now all right nightmare cupcake be good boy oh no it looks like the chemi spray is no longer effective to combat the infestation pick them off by hand if not return the cupcakes to chicas plate place the cupcake on the plate err Oh basic igreja Oh chica is ready to serve pizza and hugs to the kids again ha pick a complimentary slice of pizza for a job well done delicious see you next time oh my gosh she ate it you want another I thought it was gonna like kill me because I touched her something you didn't think she'd actually eat it it's pretty great I'll chip again I already got this one last time not last time but I've already gotten that one we still have a lot to do on this one these ones like the hardest one in my opinion because it's easy to run out of time time earn up not time battery batteries the hardest part I think finesse 2 is easier just because I don't have to worry about battery all the time oops a nose open it's too far away Foxy's come in any minute ah okay get the camera off of him maybe he'll come oh yeah holy guacamole are you done yes that was not good second night fast pretty easy [Applause] however the next one will definitely not be easy [Music] sonar Roni is it soda this flavor is pepperoni I'd actually want to try it the fazbear's virtual experience is a robust title but it's almost never made it to market the first development team had a lot of problems made some sloppy mistakes and was eventually pulled from the project for that reason we recommend that you avoid any comments notes or warnings that may have been left behind by previous development teams we assure you that they are wholly untrustworthy still can't do Showtime I feel like I have to beat either everything or everything of a certain game something like that night 3 let's do it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that was weird she like stopped and was like turning towards me I didn't like that [Music] oh the camera didn't change did it did it change and he like up here like immediately that was insane the kitchen sounds are weirdly realistic it sounds like someone's in my apartment it's a little nerve-wracking Hoover a three and I'm doing good see gone no I was like screaming uh uh how am I supposed to know if he's gone in the first game there's like a shadow but I couldn't I couldn't see if there was a shadow I couldn't tell [Music] that is not very nice this game is so much fun that I thought it would be honestly I didn't think it would be this long I didn't think there was gonna be like every game in here how cool is that I am ready orphan AK one Freddie are you guys ready for you guys ready for ending up wouldn't Freddie I've only got jump scared by foxy so far in f1 right so it's been pretty easy then yeah it's been pretty easy I don't think I got jump scared about anybody else when I play the regular for Nath one on the computer it's always Freddy Freddy Freddy Freddy Freddy because he's so impossible on my nights court phone guy he was my favorite they have golden studying this what is it like camera to a or something no to be let's make up here just kidding I don't think that would work Bonnie's coming I know it no it was Freddie Oh No she could just walk through him come on 6:00 a.m. Friday he's trying to get in does he get in you might have got in oh oh my gosh this is hard okay we need a break we need a break from phenom 1 I'm not beastly not gonna win it for a while maybe when that's playing it means he's somewhere what Oh [Music] what the heck I didn't expect the Hat where he has tentacles they're like Bowie and gooey oh okay wait do I have to flash them or close the door or was that just to slow it closing the door I was trying to put the strap on I guess we'll see no you cannot eat the cupcake you guys look it's going through my face I can't use a flashlight at all [Music] thank you for that encouraging words absolutely encouraging no well that's an exactly fit but okay have it he's gone okay what okay so I am back streaming again and this time I brought my boyfriend he's gonna help out say hello hello his name is Zack alright so let's get started apparently we were only 18% through the game are you guys seeing this I thought we were 50% through the game I battled spring-trap in the vents I can beat him in the fazbear's free do you see where oh no no go away please please it allowed me to press two buttons at once and it was just so creepy is that spring-trap who is there no going Freddy this is going actually well oh no no no no I'm not looking at you foxy stay back not the vents not the Ben so I can't can I not do anything okay I grabbed her ankle right where spring-trap would be gross okay it was pretty funny I've thrown this cupcake at you how do you feel about that pretty good oh I should have had this one close uncomfortable I like having one he's like cool Santorum Adair's you know as sad as it is the Phantom's used to be the scariest jump scares me that sweet button the jump in the VR the Phantom's are like not scary at all except for the one walking past I think he just disappeared you guys I think he escaped there's no explanation other than that what is so cool whoa this is what they need to have in real life one that looks as good as this oh he isn't camo one I don't know how that happens but it bears Kate eat it you hate it yeah someone said tacos be tonight Marian really know how it's impossible it's just really hard no where is he then I'm almost nervous when he's not there what time were you at 4:00 a.m. okay that's not that close but it's closer than I've ever been it's probably good about now nope nope nope nope you know I know we're moving on to something else I can't do this any longer now hi just wants a face hug with his teeth Oh [Music] yeah you're already at four but this is also one of the easier nights doing the same walk at the same time excuse me what am I seen what was that sound for okay [Music] what it did the sound like toy bonnie was in the bed but it didn't show him in the vent there there very well could be some glitches that they're still trying to figure out exists yes that is very much a glitch no doubt did it yay after say it is super easy good guys I broke my hands yeah it's just straight-up butter there's even say eat it yeah diabetes if you eat a whole stick of butter there's something wrong with you just saying he does captain huh he does teleport well glad I was holding that still yeah Bonnie bytes why what is it what does it say berries in what mmm it's really really small I don't know how you would read it berries and chocolate maybe come on pinging with babish get on it huh being with babish it makes other like TV show and video game recipe things never seen em oh my gosh that should be a video of ours we try to recreate these things berries and chocolate bunny bite and like exotic soda come on yeah we can boost down for that as a video let's try and make them not that we can cook but it's Zacks turn it is it is extra need to find out what he's gonna do but anyway yeah he's not played this from what we've been live streaming is all he's seen so far so what's up guys get out of here Xena gents girl what'd you feed on your first try you scared me what the heck I'm sad now how'd you beat on your first try [Music] apparently it's just a pro let's just have them go against all the levels that I can't beat cuz maybe he'll just beat it whoa the cupcakes go down like you do you are timed in this one too you hit yourself in the face no I am in the face you hit yourself in the face that was hard I can figure out yeah you have to like oh oh he switched to a nightmare Cup yeah I saw that earlier I thought I was going crazy service oh it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated well done now we need to collect all those oh hey I haven't seen that prize yet he's got like bird toes going on he does have like a bobble head mm-hmm all right I'm gonna go with plush baby we're gonna see if we can do this oh my gosh this look was impossible okay so from what I can tell the best way to do this strategy is to just click that light on and off in the spots that they can appear no more like doing this I just have to be like to see if they're there yeah that that problem worked best what that was weird that has never happened to me I guess they're sick and tired of waiting but that's never happened to me there was three of them that's funny yeah that is weird I didn't think that could even happen I've done it like four other times where I haven't clicked the light on them to leave oh great 3:00 a.m. not bad but I think this is rhomin to lose you made it one one hour further not bad I want to beat this I want to see what's after this there's still two other ones that I haven't seen because I'm stuck here five a.m. huh you can do it oh that was a close one battery come on don't fail me now yeah no you didn't oh no did I win I think so what it didn't do the time thing but oh my gosh you did it yes high five prepare for any sweaty high five do it well yeah there I don't know where your strand is do it yes new level what's your start happy what'd you win [Music] meat bite me by Excel the beginning Zell last time yeah so if we're doing the cooking video we have to make meat bites meat bite what do you think the meats made out of do you think it's made out of children I don't think we can make it out of children are you sure we might I don't think so well I think it would be like a sweet no it's fun time foxy this is ones that Scott said he was terrified of yay not yeah I'm scared scary fun time foxy is motion-activated for this reason it's important to keep the room dark as to not accidentally activate her you have been provided with a flash beacon use it if you need to get your bearings don't do anything what however use it as sparingly as possible proceed forward to reach the parts and service room now you can move what it's just like the sister looking but I forgot to play that one it's been a long time so move slowly and then flash the lights to I forget what the light flash does it's been a long time since I played that too [Music] I don't know how to do this I mean I guess sometimes Fox I should activate it for this reason it simply can tear up the room dark as to not accidentally activate her there's a tape over there yeah oh gosh what am i doing yeah she doesn't want me to go that way but I'm going in anyway because the tape is right here nah grab it grab it yes I got it okay doesn't matter sighs I don't think I'm so close I don't like it oh my gosh know what don't question yourself just do what you were doing [Music] she's standing right in the doorway get out of here man okay she's gone - boy - boy I don't wanna know okay okay you're right you're right I would be the one better desperate and I would be the one that lost because of it I did it high fives sweating high five oh my gosh it's a miracle yay whoa whoa it's cool it's it's a biggie interesting oh it's cute it's go hook oh you're right there's a tape thing by the gumball machine so turn to your right there should be a tape somewhere over there that's what people said this yeah there's a coin yeah weird oh I do see it in there but the wall isn't it scoot up I don't see anything we see it in that's good up more screen up more and I'll reset you there see it in there uh it was a tape just a regular tape yeah interesting I did not see that you can get a cockroach present hold it oh my gosh is it alive no are you serious yeah you can find another tape at the fries counter next to the chica plushies which oh I see it's right there it's right there you see that oh yeah how in party services there's a coin bind for easy no what no I mean artichokes right there and then just disappear did you do you have it now whoa gosh geez he's way closer now there's a button over here yeah that's the button people keep talking about anything Oh [Music] whoa whoa whoa was that [Music] it's the tape thing people have been talking about Oh just all the ones I've collected it's a lot should we listen sure you're doing a great job mate and no doubt having a great time as well as a reminder please be sure to end the interact with core gameplay elements and avoid anything that could potentially be considered a glitch mistake or embedded message from unauthorized personnel I took the camera he's still there and yet I can hear the running at the same time that was Ted no it's pouring outside can you guys hear that on the stream oh great oh great great great I had a power no I didn't say that no it was bonded you see his body you could see his tummy in the dark he's still laughing so he might be outside yay she came with fangs it's kind of a nice bite yeah that wasn't for nap three but we aren't above laughing at ourselves ha ha I can see it that's why we have recreated many of these completely fictitious scenarios lies and enjoy a few scares tape we do however is that you agree to a sad waiver before you play card mode from f1 you want to give it a try [Music] this is gonna be impossible whoa black-and-white nightmare cupcake cool hello I did not do that I did not do that it's glitch scared me where's Freddy yeah the doors open and closed random no I don't like this it's terrifying [Music] cuz it's you freaking door it's just like let me open and close it well check us here no don't do that oh my gosh what she can just walk through Freddy I like how that's the scariest part to Eva there's the door creepy it's horrifying I don't like it he's gone yes but I'm out of power fighting fighting fighting in cosplay you'll make it play dead don't move you're dead they can't eat you if you're already dead [Music] what he still aided you I can't believe you pass out on the first try no did I lose no oh my gosh guys it's real accomplished yeah they're freaking out there like you did it on first I said I beat it on the first try I mean the crap out of that ultimate finesse player yes cannot I want this in real life why doesn't it not exist Bunco get on it now I don't like the fact that she gets closer I mean that first I thought I was cool but now that he's getting too close I don't think it's cool anymore I think it's comfortable we can play the black the hard mode for naft you we haven't done that yet let's just do them in order this is weird Oh oh great my favorite toy bomber I don't know why this can't be so much like shrinking my seat was that scarier than the door it might be equal to the door I'm gonna watch it on replay oh man he's shrinking to the CCP's I was just like it felt like it was real life like he was actually coming at me so I'm just like oh that's basically what you did not you I've had [Music] I have had it with you that's what you always I've had it with them specifically him that's what I always say I don't know you just kept saying well yeah I said about ten times just now but that's because I've had it with him [Music] goodness fine we'll just keep the mask on or no Twitter audience coming and toy chica I'm a robot Wow a tip dr. Pete terrified only tries yeah that's okay I'd say that's pretty good amount yeah I want to plushie was a foxy that has a hook why is that not a thing yet he's a pirate they need to make all of those they do you guys ready for this I'm ready for this Oh I was like I was real oh my gosh it's fire oh it's on fire that's awesome that's oh my gosh closer what the heck is that is that a glitch no it's supposed to be that way problem is it it's like this weird creepy dangly thing you see that yeah okay spring-trap he's so low quality that it almost makes it free Peter he's an event but which one show me do it throw the true garbage at him it didn't work here take the phone I know you want it ha hee by the time we had it calibrated he was already here or is he starting this time he's starting it for this is here close it close what the heck we might be able to make this one sorry for all the clicking guys that's just I am spamming it he's kind of trapped I want to be did it yes I feel like I cheated the game but I feel like the other attempts I had the game cheated me so I don't feel so bad [Music] teeka now this is a good look at chica plushtrap darkroom we haven't done him and I've never even played it so we'll see what happens you have to press and hold you know wait why is there other toys down there well see I've never played this one so I felt I don't know I think there's something wrong here hail mary said it again no I guess you're supposed to be on the ground nothing dwarf what the heck you can open it it's opening go back to it you see that it just opened I think you're just what the heck weird it just opens there just to annoy you right oh you beat it yeah what you're watching nice no I wasn't jeez oh gosh creepy nightmare Balloon Boy now whoa man I gotta get him right yeah but you also can't have the light on because then he won't move I mean got him oh my gosh you're killing it yeah seriously I'm killing it give me a heart attack you're multiple multiple heart attacks [Music] it's baby just normally yeah I actually think the plush is cute I just don't understand why there's face plates around her eyebrows it's so weird it doesn't make any sense all right which one's the next one no wait that means there's a fun time foxy one oh no oh my gosh there's Babies everywhere you have to figure out which one is the one oh gosh oh there's scrap babies that are coming out for you right or just one scrap baby don't leave it on for too long you're living under batteries and you just did oh my gosh have you guys ever played that game in the old game that's what that reminds me of all the babies being in one room you see of that one part where Gary like gets murdered by all those purple dolls there's like a room full of purple dolls it was so creepy I love that game is such a classic oh okay so you look for the scrapped babies at least we know what they are oh my gosh what the nightmares begin you didn't know who you were to find me cause you always do I'm a sitting duck oh my gosh that one was adorable did you see that one morning boy it's so cute all right guys what do you guys think about me making customs of these guys before Funko gets it done custom plushies or what yeah all right I'll just take the Funko ones and edit them to be these three oh she's written from where I am Wow No got him gonna make it barely I don't even feel like celebrating this like that's hot the clock didn't change in my face so I'm just like did I die you wonder okay me coming after me unlock your prize oh yes how many tries to not take 50 yeah oh hey Zack does this remind you of anything terror time for Zack to suffer it is time for Zack to suffer I've suffered long enough soon I don't even know what I did last time really well you went forward and then he disappeared and then you were able to keep going forward I know that this is his hand unit talking to you right now oh gosh they're wider than all of them oh hey company's in there like 15 what keep going forward like decoded right or like what you did whatever you did do it [Music] did you see her I didn't Oh with the glowing eyes [Music] so it is yeah this scared me and I am plagued by flashes [Music] well whatever you've been doing you've been flashing away right yeah why did you do a forward freaking Pro like to try yeah you beat the crap out of it you guys didn't even have to give him tips he's frickin pro at this better be good problem it's a caterpillar toy it's there's like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction let's return it to the lost and found carefully grab and remove the child's hat from Freddie's mouth Freddie's got a pretty good hold of it let's make sure there isn't anything else stuck inside to access Freddie's chest cavity grab Freddie's bowtie and pull it outwards well done Freddie's chest cavity is now open place it in the lost-and-found bin be careful not to touch any of Freddie's sensitive wiring wait what am i grabbing the watch you have to be really careful pulling it out oh my gosh good job it appears there is a child's shoe wedged behind Freddie's music box the music box must be where you can access the child gently grasp the music box box with your right if the Alliance descends yes that's squared be really careful with it carefully please box on the work table to your left great job to reset the safety latch press the button located on Freddie's endoskeleton now remove the child's shoe and places in the lost-and-found pin you seem to have mishandled Freddy's music box this is not good a replacement may be found on the work table a slow and even pace is recommended it has to be slow and steady if you don't keep going you're gonna lose what do you not understand - buzzes averted how in the heck is that lady's chest cavity press the large black button on the center of Freddie's thanks I had to do it steady Earl I lost his nose that could close your time in parts and service your pain will be docked accordingly what my pay will be docked accordingly do you guys I am triggered right now why because when I played the easy mode version of that game if I didn't do it in a steady pace I instant death and you like sat there waiting a game just likes you because that is so no I just have pacing him no you're not doing his steady you stopped and was just like mmm while you wait for this tomato yes you're good at that this is Mike you're not so good at person surface is my favorite prize foxy has been out of commission for quite some boxes of simple repairs should return him to full working condition whoa blowing eyes that's cool I just want to make sure that there's nothing and that probably under here yep how are you God kristef I'd hey there's a tape how sweet yeah oh you got it you found a tape guys so what have we call this Fox's head yeah that's funny as noses in the way I'm foxy I call him crisp foxy oh no it looks my is a proprietary servo motors are malfunctioning it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times you will need to place new control fuses in the exposed receptacles to continue retrieves diffuse from drawer number one that matches foxy slag receptacle to avoid wait for Fox's legs to stop moving before inserting the controls news Oh where's it Fred it was that his lid balancing let it go is it gone for good there was more than the other doing no I think that's the plate oh no it isn't I think it's gone for good 12 others this one orange oh gosh it changes colors oh so you gotta wait for the right color most of the time just pull them all out now and they went like easier thank you oh no it looks like Foxy's proprietary servo motors are malfunctioning after all that work doccy protect me ah your evil counterpart is coming after me good job DAC has regained control of his legs a gentle reminder it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times Oh No it looks like a former employee attempted to repair Foxy's chest motor using an incorrect fuse carefully remove the incorrect fuse from Fox's chest and insert it into Foxy's upper arm receptacle well done the remaining chest fuses are located in drawers number two and number four fix both fuses to continue it doesn't matter what good job retrieve Foxy's eye from drawer number 320 x's eyepatch is fully open place the eye back into his eye socket this everyone says read there is well done this contains all your parts and service tasks toys can now be don't reopen it please for the children's sake yeah I don't think he's very entertaining he is he's just terrifying and deadly Canaries to play a little puppet action I can totally see it as this being like bendy yeah that's like rubbery on the outside and with wires that'll be awesome they need to make it it's so cute I'm gonna try turning it on before I close the door try turning it on where the doors closed what light there's light oh it worked there's lights sweet yes well I think we're excited we just figured out how to do it Manny I have to turn like way like this better not even care as long as I can get it to work yeah then that means we have a chance of winning yeah any chance is a good chance well it was but now that I figured out I will wake from it oh happy day should check to see if he's gone I don't know if I should or not it's always like it feel like should I check is it oh no no no no tentacles oh the heck that was like so easy with a first try or second time second try that was so easy baby yeah we both tried it like nine times earlier seriously though if you're on psvr you have to like instead of closing the door like you normally would like this you could go like this I'm sure you guys can see I was like close the door like this it's ridiculous [Music] hey where's bonbon should I be nervous - I didn't this is this is Scott being like excuse me Funko you made an action figure and you couldn't remove bonbon hello how easy could it have been for them to remove it I know you could've just made it on the same little ball joint that the artisan globo's are on it would not been that hard oh yeah oh I'm nervous because this is it's like we're so used to playing levels that we've already played because I thought we were like winding down for the game Basin Oh gotcha now our levels don't think the more that we have four cards of these and I'm kind of nervous freaky this is how these baby toys look people are saying this one's easy so if these guys start freaking out I gotta open it I'm so gonna wake up my neighbors I heard y'all nikasha say go it's creepy when they walk I know it's because we we haven't seen them walk very much until I pretty much never liked spring-trap was the only one and he didn't do I guess you forgot about me there you go right where are you her eyes start glowing when she sees you Oh you won't die but y'all wish you could girl what is your problem what did I ever do to you this one does seem kind of easy to be honest yeah where are you wow [Music] Wow yeah that was easy it was close I like it what prize oh hey come on gimme it gimme gimme I can't think of hello oh there we go oh it's bread bear thinking I'm afraid bear that was named Freddy Oh nightmare fredbear only look for red eyes now what now what shut the door not that you didn't tell me anything that was the flashing I don't know who oh you gotta listen late you're not breathing properly did you just roast him grab the door I haven't seen any heads so I don't know what's killing me exactly [Music] yeah I haven't seen the head either whoa he like teleported oh oh did you see the head I missed it I'll watch it on the delay I don't know if it's coming out of the closet yeah it oh when he laughs right when he last checked the closet for the bed yeah [Music] Wow Wow nice that went live ago yeah that was like Freddie I don't think he was all right what's in our present nightmare you know I'd have hard feelings against him right now I'm sorry I like nightmare Ian we have hard feelings against him he tricked me you're gonna face them again here in a minute or you are pardoned what it is I still can't believe you beat that foxy yes I'd love it that time that was crazy yeah it was a hole but it was everyone yeah with everyone and loved it there's only one of them it's called pizza party Oh weird you guys this is hard I'm nervous now just like the last level here don't be late to some people haven't even seen it well you're about to what does it mean but don't be late was it part pizza party it's a oh I'll let you find me this way let's oh it's like a I choose a door adventure guess shows left one left or right which this way left again what I do [Music] favorite flavor vanilla chocolate [Music] this way it's hard to choose this way you're going through all the levels huh this is the the foxy level and the other one was the balloon boy or nightmare balloon boy this one [Music] or something oh no back here again [Music] oh not this way this way won't let me go in there do you trust him [Music] here [Music] see look look at the arrow there but then there's I don't know what to do here apparently this is the wrong one I should have went to the other way this way right yeah you went the other way Oh so yeah there's only one way and the door that the signs are telling you to go into is closed so maybe aren't are supposed to follow the opposite of what he says do not exit [Music] [Music] oh boy down here again I was in a good place a minute ago I look behind you oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait until the office door is open now triangle in the office oh wait turn right go in the office you won't let me Adi where did he go oh my gosh get me out of here so there's another chance behind you in that area oh this is the correct way he wanted me to go this is different I [Music] think keep going turn all the way to the right to get back yeah oh I can go in there oh [Music] favorite flavor [Music] we see any doors [Music] there's no really science telling me where to go this time Oh pepperoni or cheese [Music] tonight she's wrong my guess you're back [Music] so look further to the left oh you want to go in there either secret hatch in the floor look straight down wait I can go into the office now oh there we go there's the vents so now now you're in the office in the vent what goes up must come down oh I shouldn't have went up with that oh so you did it okay leave now I think this is where you're supposed to be look at the curtains again that was just I made a bad choice in trusting this man got the tape ladies and gentlemen boys and girls fazbear entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one the only the only down [Music] uncomfortable you're stuffed in Freddy yeah you're right he's stopped doing Freddy [Music] this is the the fake endings now you have to get all the tapes to get the good spring bonnie is dancing in the back I see congratulations on completing the freddy fazbear virtual experience you did an amazing job you might be wondering if you missed anything or if there's anything left to see so just take my word for it you didn't miss anything and there's nothing left to see we're looking forward to a fresh start with you now that we've all had a good laugh at these tall tales and now that you realize that fazbear entertainment is a safe family-friendly brand with no skeletons in our closet so goodbye for now and we'll see you on the toy aisle bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye take care now I'm a little horrified as to what just happened I think I'm murdered by purple guy [Music] so now I go to gallery it's a new button what the heck there's a tape in here yep [Applause] my Marines so cute why doesn't that exist it's funny so what did you guys think do you think it's purple guy I think it is that was so much fun I actually got kind of freaked out seeing his how I like follow the bunny yeah I just didn't I didn't realize I thought it was more like a like a Fred bear thing and it kind of was but I didn't think it was gonna be a purple guy thing that was pretty creepy did you think yeah I'm glad purple guy showed up cuz she comes out of the curtain I'm like oh I shouldn't have followed him I regret everything it was a trap route you walked right into it I don't know that was a lot of fun and for those of you wondering where the heck I've been I am working on videos they're just taking me taking me a while so don't worry oh I did not know their heads follow you that's great honey that's unsettling this how much creepier in VR I mean I know you was gonna be back there's boxes behind you a bunch of people were saying look look behind you and now they're saying oh saying lol laughing stop it boot Freddy's nose no I'm done get me out of this name can you I'm scared of the menu I don't want to be here anymore I hadn't even started that was the loudest scream I've ever heard was it louder than when toy Freddy came after me what's probably that was so loud people are asking if you're okay are you okay do you need to know hover from that not okay I don't know why but this game seems so much scarier now for any of you who've played this game has anyone else screamed at the menu please tell me I'm not alone okay so you want to read the guide and we're gonna be trying to find all the tapes that we can that's kind of our main goal right now we might as well see how many we have right yeah I think we have half or maybe one more than half or something like that oh wow we have a lot more than I thought yeah I guess we didn't yeah for more I'm Tommy Quint oh I don't know he was here either right now there is nothing through behind the maintenance panel is that the maintenance pin yeah oh yes there we go we got it we got it fall thank you yep back here ah I got it I chicken eating now wait did you feed chica Pizza try it just in case I think I threw the pizza Wow like ever throw her arm she's gonna wait can I feed her this pizza apparently not doesn't like the old pizza she has to have it fresh and then the next one is under Freddy's thigh there's a tape under his thigh aha not go back to parts and service it looks like one of my guests left a personal yeah I imagine your cigar attraction let's return it I don't think you got must've there's nothing back here oh it's right there ah thank gosh Oh [Music] I don't feel safe anymore we shouldn't call tapes well now oh my gosh yeah no we're missing one oh so somewhere near the closet yes oh yes you've gotten out here gotten a staple a gofer nap mm thank you everybody say thank you they go for nap boy mm hello can you hear me don't exit this room okay this isn't a mistake this room isn't a mistake I had to hide these logs away from the core gameplay files in a place that only a beta tester would look and in a place where the files could be protected I just really really hope that the next development team finds this before the game is released to the public this game is some kind of malicious code in it that we haven't been able to fully contain or even understand for that matter we're over budget and out of time but that's not the reason that we're shutting down listen I have to keep this short so the file size will be small enough to fly under the radar there are more they may not be in order I saw it for the first time today there's a character I couldn't make out what was standing at the end of the hall I almost be the I thought it was just bugged out so I made a note of it and kept playing but then I was looking in the window and not like she called Bonnie wood it was like it was actually looking in the window seeing what I was doing so they're talking about that weird rabbit I heard a pretty heated conversation this morning between Dale our manager and someone else on the line it really feels like this project is in trouble in no small part because of the lawsuit I'm sure there has to be a lawsuit there's no way there isn't it happened in this building just a few doors down from me I think it's made worse by the fact that Jeremy tried to tell us something was wrong but at the dev team we all just saw it as a challenge to find what the problem wasn't fixing who could have known that I have to go have you ever heard of a guillotine paper slicer it sounds made-up but it's an actual piece of office equipment I didn't even know we had one in the supply room I guess they're more common at businesses that do a lot of graphic design work I remember seeing one when I was still in school and even then I knew how dangerous it looked I was always afraid of losing a finger that seems so silly now Jeremy used to do design work I guess that's how he knew it was there they might not not be in order so the drawers have been emptied out someone was here I don't think it was spring cleaning either no there was plastic on the floor someone was definitely here during the night it had to have been the client I mean they sent us that stuff in the first place with no explanation told us to scan it said it would expedite the process so we wouldn't need to program any pathfinding ourselves it was a budget thing I guess it was just junk circuit boards and things like that look pretty old somehow though there was usable code on some of it it seemed to take hold by itself things started changing but then he started appearing at least that's what Jeremy said I came in early that morning no one else was there at least that's what I thought the supply room was lit I didn't even notice Jeremy standing in the testing room as I walked past the supply room was so bright glowing from all the way down the hall Jeremy complained of nightmares when he came in this morning he wasn't talking about it like someone telling a friend about his dreams though he was pale looked like he hadn't eaten in days he spent an hour talking in Dale's office but it didn't look like he was given much sympathy when he came out he went directly back to the testing room he doesn't even jump anymore nothing scares him he just stands there like he's talking to someone sometimes he walks from side to side we were told to leave him alone I knew I was in line to do the testing next they'd been prepping me for it I guess they knew that Jeremy would need to be replaced soon you can always tell when a company is getting ready to fire someone they start giving out written warnings for silly things making sure to build a paper trail and make a case for a fiery things that normally no one would care about suddenly become grave offenses all worthy of being written and documented I guess it works two ways because it also encourages a person to quit rather than be scrutinized so heavily I think Jeremy was too far gone to consider that option though the thing about it is that I don't think they were going to fire him because of anything he was doing long they just knew he'd seen something they needed to discredit him there was something that looked like a Halloween mask laying on the floor I didn't understand Inc must have spelt it was only then that I heard a shuffle from the testing room and realized Jeremy must be there I went back and peered in the window I couldn't see his face he had the visor covering his head he had ink spilled on himself as well the front of his shirt looked black in the dark road he turned his head in my direction but I don't think he knew I was there I was told I had three days to finish Jerry's work but I know it's just passing the time they don't really expect me to do anything it's just to keep up appearances until the buyout is complete we have to look like we have things under control there's another potential development studio that wants to pick up from here but who knows what kind of Lies they're being fed to convince them to do it against my better judgment I'm going to do my best to see what's here make notes of it and try to isolate where this thing is hiding at least then the next person that does this love chance of getting rid of some time today was my last day of beta testing and the anomaly that I've been seeing is nowhere to be found but after inspecting some of the files it seems that it's attached itself to these logs mine logs that can't be an accident so now I have to make a choice do I leave these logs here for you to find or do I try to purge this thing myself by destroying the logs I've chosen the latter I can't delete that by creating a protected area to store these logs apart from the game I effectively gave this thing a safe place to hide itself it's in here now I may not be able to delete it but I might be able to do something else now that it's attached itself I have an idea they lied to us they lied to all of us they told us that the whole point of this VR game was to undo the bad PR done by a rogue indie game developer who supposedly made up a bunch of crazy stories that tarnish the brand that's not true at all in their haste to develop this VR game and clear their name they sent us some things I don't think they intended us to see such as a hard drive containing emails between fazbear entertainment and a certain indie developer fazbear entertainment hired the game developer those indie games were designed to conceal and make a length of what happened this isn't just an attempt to rebrand it's an elaborate cover-up a campaign to discredit everything well Scott did a very drug mutation primitive in the area of memory that was storing these logs for you I effectively broke the files into pieces and broke the anomaly along with it that means that you won't have my warnings to guide you but hopefully it also means that this anomaly this virus or whatever it is will remain broken and unable to do more damage hello you don't know me I would created a series of logs for you documenting the troubled development of this VR game that you're now testing in hopes that you whoever you are and whatever team you're with will abandon development now I fear that those logs are being used as a Trojan horse if you aren't able to abandon development heis all traces of these logs that I've created I fear that finding them and reassembling them will also reassemble the very thing I've tried so desperately to destroy well thanks for telling us that now there is a way to kill it it wants to escape to escape through someone someone plugged into this game that's you know you have to let it begin the process of leaving through you then use the disconnect switch that I've embedded by the main stage let it approach you let it begin to merge with you play the music and flip the switch that will cause a hard restart of the game and flush the memory effectively killing it I hope I don't know when it will come for you he'll know he's not in this room but when he gets closer to me in the other room I have to press well when he starts merging then I have to press the button or actually let's find coins we might as well play some coin levels huh whatever is going on they ask together I'm still creeped out you guys it's not behind you just eat that action won't let me eat it eat the puppet eat what [Music] why am I scared for meeting a puppet how'd you exit was I supposed to what am I supposed to do oh I'm hanging on the nope the pattern is dead do it wrong mm monitor button show time button in this way no no not yet I think you did it wrong it's something so the monitor the show time and then the switch see how there's B times out where's the camera such a good place standing up I can still see all this stuff I think I should I should have just cited to place any weights above it oh yeah yeah I can quit it though okay that's to make a waffle off or in trying to make but says I already got this that doesn't make sense I never did that you really pass it yeah this is the night was that spring-trap oh no I'm just that much and just that pro duh spring-trap just loves me he doesn't want to attack me the puppet someone said that we didn't get the puppet coin we got a different coin from the phone app to level to get the puppet coin you have to wait until the puppet is in the hallway and then the coin will be on the desk right before the jump scare stop it you suck oh look look that's kind of cool he's doing a wave he sure does give you some time doesn't he there's no point there's no coin oh we got it that's a little bit slow but we got it anyway so let's do the vent error then yep well yeah spring traps wind events come into play don't leave me alone with spring-trap don't leave me alone with spring bonnie you picture I'll be right back I don't want to go back not alone because I will oh so cute does that come back he's not going back well if he gets to miss out on the cutscene or whatever happens that's because of you you screwed it up but it was kind of funny I don't wait it worked hi open the door open the door that it is people said you did it pretty sure I did it wrong I think you did it right oh oh is oh is a plushie oh you turned him into a plushie oh how did I do that right you guys was scrambling from my life I don't know yeah people said you get a plushie for all your troubles oh he's so cute I want electrified plushie oh my gosh I need to do live streams alone from now on yes I do so we let him out yeah we let him out of the game and his reward to us was a plush well he's merged with you so that's what she that's been a few tubers her now part serial killer as with the tape lady said I feel extra stabby today hmm I wonder who my victim should be probably yeah oh the Bonnie plush is it okay see that where to go cheap so um go back to go back to the Bonnie plush and looked it up can you pick it up not gonna happen we have to recalibrate oh my goodness oh yeah oh yeah we did it I don't know if I can reach that though oh oh yeah are we done in this level um I believe so I haven't seen anything else Bree Tom waited boxy ov the plushtrap jump scare sound that was weird it's just me or was that the case my teammates looking at it Erasmus eat it first eat it delicious see you next time yeah oh yeah short like time gap there that you have to do that did we get the coin how to eat it first yeah I think so maybe didn't like on enter an action figure it's so trippy it's hard for me to look at it it's like the game can't process it there's too many things oh I ate it why is it normal to eat action figures it's not ever I think I'm nothing really let's take they move the milkshake I just straight-up punched that thing have you gotten that one before I don't think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me either door there's nothing out here you guys quiet but she's like screaming in my ear but you guys kind of cool y-you can see all this out visit you with the mask yeah in the ear yeah the bookshelf walk out [Music] that's not gonna end well both dacoit oh the door needs to be open first I thought it was gonna be more obvious and I go forward her to the right okay I know what door he went through forward left but not all the way left middle left this one middle left what is middle left turn left this one no middle lift that one yes uh uh yes it is going that one now turn to look for the box oh shoot good you can argue with me about it because every other time I go through that door it jump scared man like it what is this that's just a bit no my gosh how do we get out of here okay your hand with a flashlight glitching through it I don't want this I don't think you're supposed to have a hand and a flashlight at the same time no I broke it we got the coin I beat flush baby I consider myself worthy look oh my gosh hello what the heck touch him I don't it's healthy you don't be scared of he'll be in the vent I would write during a ventilation error we never got that point grab it sorry my butt was in the way yeah keep holding it nice apparently you didn't want yeah I did it nice oh so cute do we have this one I don't think so you didn't eat it battery eat it Maxon eat it I'm breathing heavily I know it's so weird it's so random invent repair mangle in the gears behind the second panel so behind the second panel mmm the second okay second panel what does that mean oh when the sec okay I'm pretty sure we got that I think so what the crap oh no oh no what the heck this is not okay oh my god does his head follow you look at that Boop his snoot I'd already did do it in the in the gears right there look in their ears oh my gosh we got it right there Wow we did it got the last one yeah thank you to everyone who's helped us find coins and Tails that's not creepy at all did he just stick back there yeah I like it I like it back there better yeah me too all right we got butters eat all of the butters oh I didn't mean to do that well don't drop them all eat them all oh there's a button didn't do anything what's the button supposed to do yeah that we pushing the button in and it's not doing anything to the TV help around here [Music] Wow it kinda looks like we collected all of them oh no we didn't collect hardly any of the action figures yeah we haven't gotten a lot of those there's a lot of them one of every character it seems like should we do Showtime maybe that work in it won't work so does that really only work just because of the Fulani like this is just here to taunt us this whole time gotta be kidding me and people are saying Showtime is not even in the game yet huh that sucks so it sounds like they're gonna have more updates then yeah I guess so I was gonna redo my cosplay you know I decided not to after this game came out I decided I'm gonna make a cosplay of him no joke to make a cosplay of this and it's gonna be as horrifying as it was in the game it's gonna look like I patched it up it's gonna be material horrifying face and I'm gonna go to a convention and do this it's gonna be amazing toy Freddy so cute still acting I think that it is different every time you play through a level so we could just go ahead and collect them all together so let's see if this works let's see if we get anything new or if we don't if we don't then maybe we'll call it a night hmm I'd be interested in replaying funtime Freddy I think they fixed the glitch so where he doesn't get stuck anymore I really like half an F for plays on VR it's pretty insane it's really intense yeah I am over there somewhere where I was born on it and thank you for that I didn't do nothing I'm not blaming you oh no he's frozen again so he's stuck yeah why haven't they fixed this level yet I've never been able to place her at properly heat so once we have all the action figures I guess we pretty much 100% in this game to the point where we can right now yeah [Music] have we I can't pick it up welcome back to parts and service oh no it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated [Music] oh geez I forgot how easy that level is it's fun though the phrase level is freaking hard took me a million times to get it Chicago I mean no where's your cupcake missing the cupcake why where is it I have one I don't want to do baby or flesh trap so why plush rep is so easy cuz I'm scared that's cuz plushtrap scary and I don't even think I've gotten jump scared from the plushtrap level I'm pretty sure I just passed it the first trap and then balloon boy took me two or three tries look Zach hi chica you don't have to shut the door no no I know it's weird in the VR but infan a swan that's how it is they go to that camera back there and then they randomly appear ow punch me in the head your head doing there I was trying to move backlight Freddie down here and he's punched me in the head you did that to yourself I didn't know at least that remote has a rubber ball chicas coming jack epoxy oh oh it's so creepy which does that can she scare you I think Oh what am i doing I think she can I think if you have your light on while she's walking past she'll stop and come in and kill you I did it Oh action figure I want a mango action figure how does she she's supposed to be laying on the ground I guess or like that I don't know kill it with fire so close and nothing that one again you're not why it's hard got him oh so this is just glitched [Music] got it the toy I got from plushtrap was was bullying boy so I decided to play them got him with seconds left get that's not an achievement right you almost died I know that's why it's cool as I almost died oh I still think it's weird that she doesn't have her beak and yet she has normal eyes that never happens infant have to yeah they should have given her the black eyes mm-hmm please deposit buy coins more like please deposit five batteries good job retrieve Foxy's eye from drawer number three when Foxy's eye patch is fully open place the eye back into his eye socket you just like put him back I just like throw them across the room well done this concludes all your parts and service tasks well it's cuz that one moves in the eye patch one does it oh it's so cute pick it up oh it's one of those ones that's glitching out you can't grab it break open kinda closed yeah so weird one two three oh I thought there was bored Wow they're worth more but I got a few it feels like home feels like home my home well that's because this is her brother's room no I know I know I wasn't like trying to correct you I was just I was discovering it in the moment what to see this scooping well no I do would not like to see the scooping nothing both spaghetti we are super close to wow she was about to kill you it didn't matter if the time went on she was gonna kill you why we are very close to beating this we only have to get two more collectible items and then we're done that's it we got all the coins we got all the tapes everything I want this as a as a real merch I like his pose he's so cool he's like running after he's like yay repair blue green orange that is not the correct order it wasn't was it get out here go away you're talking to her like she's like she's a bad dog no a perfect 72° good job see you next time I'm gonna old friend Freddie you've even got the little handprint I didn't notice I kind of emphasized the handprint I like it I know yeah it was barely visible in the first game I feel like Scott didn't even put the handprint on there on purpose in the first game and then people came up with that and like that's cool let's put it on the Freddy in this game I think so too I think it was kind of an accident we did it i balanced him upside down nice oh yeah one more mm-hmm who could it be did we get Bonnie yet yeah yeah it's between is your Oh spring-trap I think it's doing Barney oh yeah we don't toy Bonnie in the spirit of this play for knife to night three but I'm not gonna pass it I bad come on you can do this I don't know what to do everything you put on the mask and you shine the flashlight and don't let toy Freddy come after you because he's freaking creepy and that's it Oh in the music box don't forget that oh thanks for almost for getting the music box remembered when Bonnie likes to teleport so like that you're doing really good it's 5 a.m. come on you got this yeah we did it we completed this whole game every single thing we could possibly do I think high five crisp high five that was pretty crazy [Music] well as a huge tail do dirty feet take a bath 300 so III just does this I think it just kills you you eat three action figures and just kills you the night guard committed suicide by eating plastic huh hey get the fan I wonder if you can turn it on off probably not oh I want it nope [Applause] oh it doesn't even have a shake so it's just a regular one I like a balloon boy runs away when you put the mask on oh yeah I liked all the blacklight stuff I really like toy Freddy he was so creepy in this game for some reason and of course baby and the bedroom was really creepy I don't think it's gonna work why so dark I don't know it looks more glitched than usual yeah it does maybe it's cuz we collect all everything now it's glitch plushtrap or glitch shadow shadow glitch trap but when he's in the light you can see him what weird over there yeah he's deadly glitched okay I think we got everything yeah I think that's probably it for tonight we'll probably do another stream in the future but it'll be a while if you guys just follow my Instagram I'll definitely say on there if we do end up doing a stream so I guess that's it guys thanks for watching it's been fun fun long six hours what are you doing with my arm ahaha hey
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 6,179,037
Rating: 4.8251224 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic, fnafhw, fnafvr, 100%, complete, walkthrough, help wanted, fnaf help wanted, 2019, new, let's play, playthrough, webcam, highlights, help wanted vr, psvr, ps4, glitchtrap, all tapes, all coins, all collectables, livestream
Id: DyKE5E5FIoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 7sec (12127 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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