Five Hour Cosplay Contest - FNaF Edition!

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[Music] hi guys how are you well enjoying summer so far I am absolutely loving it there's so much you can do outside like rollerblading swimming Pokemon go stilts Pokemon go okay I admit I'm a bit obsessed but unsurprisingly today is not about Pope commands instead it is about cosplay specifically for Nath cosplay I very much owe you guys one I planned on making a cosplay video for you all to celebrate hitting 300,000 subscribers but that didn't really go as planned so instead let's do something even better don't believe me oh just you wait my friend you wanted one cosplay well today you're getting three it's time for a cosplay contest and even you were invited to join as well but we'll get to that bit later for now let me explain today we're joined by my few IRL friends my sister Kayla and my man Zach and me I'm my own friend but today we're not going to be friends we're going to be rivals this is gonna be a cutthroat competition people before we just dive right in let me explain the rules first off all of the characters of five nights at Freddy's and I mean all are going to be copied and printed out from their cut up into strips and place in our cute little cup here I bet you guys can see where this is going each of us three is going to have to draw this will determine which character we have to make and yes that means someone like lemonade clown or JJ is a very real possibility after we draw we can not tell the other players who were making as it'll be a point bonus in the future if we can guess any ones then we go into the planning phase where we can draw our idea and write down our supplies because we can use anything we want from the good ol Walley world and yes you are going to see that then for the hard part making the cosplay during this phase we'll have a total of five hours to speed through and make the cosplay at least recognizable as a thing and mad a pile of Travis surprisingly a lot harder than a sound also we decided it would be best if we just stuck to making heads because if we didn't have that agreement I really do think we would have been mistaken as garbodor and if you think that's where the fun ends then you'd very much be wrong next up is the big reveal and the judging now in order to make the end result a surprise to all of you guys we had to get creative about how will be getting judged so instead of an Instagram post we'll be going to a convention dressed in our crappy cosplays cringe City yeah I am super excited for that definitely so without any further ado let's do this thing I am terrified all right so who's drawing first not me worse mixing action this bowl is a little too small all right drop all of them on the floor so what's your reaction it's a pretty good one initial thoughts it's not one of the ones I was hoping for one of the ones I thought would be funny but I mean Julia you better make it fun I'll make it fun challenge accepted are you ready nervous be ready to cosplay as JJ oh my gosh I would die gotta be kidding me you get Balloon Boy No now it's time to draw the secret item that you have to use in your cosplay you ready for this camera yes bonus rule each of us must use a special item somewhere in our cosplay string of beads servers XLR mrs. sting of beat so I must use a string of beads [Music] I got a Washington excuse me by magic [Music] miniature our vans this could be useful that's the easiest one maybe and now we're gonna draw our ideas and let you guys know exactly how we're going to do it [Music] alright character that I got it's healthy since healthy is almost fun time Freddie the way I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna cheap fi the features so I'm gonna give them really big eyes I'm going to make the ears really big I'm gonna get a huge bug teeth a tiny hat because I think that would be funny I'm also planning on getting a couple of fake item it's because they're gonna guess what character we made before we show it off so I'm going to get red paint blue material to make them think that I'm making fun time Freddie hey that's pretty good I think that's about it ah so I drew Rockstar foxy and I am so excited for this because you know I'm gonna slay this I have like mondo ideas like I filled this paper full of all my stuff my favorite part about this is the parrot which basically is going to be attached only should alder pads here I don't know I feel really confident about this I've only made one cosplay before in my life but I feel like crafting is in my blood it's in there I know wish me luck hello guys as you could probably tell I didn't really like the character I ended up with but this was bound to happen shocking yeah you've got to be kidding me like seriously it had to be a character I already made of course there was no chance they would run into a character they've already made I mean Kayla's only made tweak and that's it so as you can see his snout see that shape car sponge literally it's like that exact shape it's the exact size boom God's now already done cover in fabric obviously my character is not exactly the most intense or interesting character so I'm going to go the extra mile and add elastic to the job so yeah let's hope shopping goes well guys now that we have a little shopping list made let's go to Walmart now this video is not sponsored Walmart is just where I go because they have just about everything we need and to make things even worse we will be time to collect everything in 20 minutes this will not be a leisurely trip Kailas about to have 20 minutes to get all of her items can she do it has to be in front of the fish that is our starting point 3 2 1 start [Music] orange-red giving away a lot of info right now orange-red mm-hmm I guess I'm go with orange it'll work beads I need beads these are kinda small but it would definitely work okay my string beads this my required item and he's green green zero foxy with green sounds like she has a parrot kala sure means making it obvious for us that's how you've got yep yeah sixteen minutes left oh my god they gave her too much - it's too much tiny extra minutes for crafting yep okay maybe I did make the trip leisurely 20 minutes is easy if all you needed was in the craft aisle not everyone's will be so simple she's taking this seriously fabric time look at this selection is fantastic yes ready this Fred this Freddie this ready I'm thinking toy Freddy this how much under my ass 70 minutes why Roshi she got lots of time of course my items have to be across the store I think some of mine are gonna be all around the store [Music] Oh [Music] Wow Kayla just tried to murder me with the cart you need an air person that could cause with musty ha ha ha the most hacking on island in the world Gunter makin with my time 13:45 ok I lied apparently traversing the entire store 20 minutes is still too long at least we decided any extra time will be used for crafting look at our wonderful cart have a feeling we're gonna get stopped at some point for having all of the fabrics in our company it gives you man boobs are you covering them no they're called pecs [Music] I need this definitely a fun time of some sort where's wool cloth squares they're like laughing squares lakeil has like ten Oh the blue one time pretty with the bonnet plush I hope you know that we're going into the pets section now I know where I'm doing mommies we're now in the paper plates section forks okay no did they have silver have more but I'm not telling you where does I'd be helping oh boy he might actually run out of time are you ready to run because we go go back to hardware they already just say that you're fine and you're not really finding oh you stole my idea you shouldn't have gone first [Music] and here is our haul and with that our shopping is complete now we must turn our timers for five hours and such-and-such minutes and see what happens alright duderinos here we go it is time but I'm not prepared for this guess we're gonna get started okay Google set a timer for three hours okay three hours [Music] sure five hours and we're starting now starting now starting now the biggest piece first we're gonna start with this base thanks to Andy I have the idea to use a sponge for his mouth and I'm gonna base the rest of the head around this scale it's already starting to look like him ish how am I doing this again got some materials more materials ass out Zack copy me all right so I think what my first goal is going to be is to make a headpiece my hair is gonna get messed up I don't know why I tried to do it today [Music] ha ha [Music] I think that looks pretty even looking good so far as most of you probably don't know I am very accident-prone the last time I was making my flat front mask I cut a hole in my pants so by the end of this video you're probably gonna see me burn myself multiple times end up with a handful of band-aids [Music] symmetry we are now going to attempt to make a round head out of cardboard I don't know what I'm doing but I'm trying [Music] cardboard can be round this is going surprisingly well [Music] okay so I'm just trying to start hot glue in here this little gun is defective there's like a metal piece where the glue comes out my is my life so far [Music] hey Andy yeah I can use duct tape right I don't think you can use it what I did what were you thinking nothing apparently however that may not get duct tape my whole plan was to use duct tape to save time instead of hot glue hot glue takes longer to dry I've been using hot glue I think it's been working okay it does take a little bit longer to dry but it's it's working and I have no choice [Music] so I may not be doing the best on time but I think this is going pretty well look at this look at this jar guys you can actually like fold cardboard like you can fold like material that's so weird so at this point you guys are probably wondering why I decided to go with the whole movable jaw thing is how you know we're timed and making this out of cardboard but I realized that since I'm working with the character like toy Freddy who's like really basic I need something about my cosplay that's actually like good or interesting that way I even have a chance at winning this because I'm pretty sure Kayla got like Rockstar foxy and I think Zac got like mango [Music] told you I already burned myself twice [Music] tiny hat gaining some progress definitely almost at the front finished [Music] well I was glue in a seam in here I didn't think about it I hadn't a hand pressed here just like that to push on it from both sides and I burned myself I can't remember I got Forks and the reason I got force it's because I'm gonna use a large piece of the white plastic like this for his buck teeth and saying that I have my base basically are nearly done I should have to attach the elastic to the back and then elastic to the front and bam I got my base but that does not even begin to describe the shape of his face going on here this thing is taking forever to dry so I'm gonna try working on his bow okay yeah his bow has a really hard shape and I made the circle too big let's uh let's try that it working and if you're asking yourself why are you making a bow it's because up until now I forgot to mention that we'll all be allowed to decorate a t-shirt that we bought off-camera [Applause] [Music] this is working so well except for the fact that I think I glued the carpet [Music] [Music] okay here it is pretty much finished I also decided to use the eggs stacked them kind of like a bunch of cups and it's gonna be the bottom jaw [Music] once again I am taking a moment to flip this this endoskeleton of sorts dry and I am making a 3d bow out of flat cardboard how's it look this is like a relaxing part of the costume because I'm just like chill and it's like you know this is gonna turn out good I'm not worried about it that I'm a little bit worried about whoa it works can someone please tell me why I didn't buy black fabric what was I thinking all I have is black duct tape I'm gonna have a black duct tape phone oh my gosh I worked so hard on this too this is actually not that bad let's see how the snout looks whoa that's gonna need to be trimmed I got a top hat hopefully I can get this done in time I've got pretty good headway here I just need to finish putting a piece of cardboard here and then covering it all need fabric [Music] I did it [Music] you've got 22 minutes and three seconds remaining okay here we are got the pink almost finished finish up the jaw ok Google how much longer my timer all right no more messing around how do I look guys you guys have to see how ridiculous this is so his job wasn't long enough so I extended it with card scraps of cardboard that I am taping on brilliant I have no idea how stressful this is I'm getting so close to doing the fabric but there's so much more left to do and 21 fight all right we're very very low on time but we're getting somewhere and I'm placing the nose now the horrible duct-tape nose one last update I have three minutes to put in the eyes I think I'm gonna make it but you're gonna have to wait and see [Music] ah this is my final product here my gosh she looks ridiculous it's not the greatest but what I had and I tied my head you feel like I did okay hopefully everyone else struggles just as much as I did this is what I ended up with I think you can tell who and what it is and obviously I did not get to use my age ah 5 hours seems like a long time but really when you get into it it's not it's not a long time at all hopefully I'm not the worst one out of the bunch the dragons are watching they seem to be amused by my failed attempt to make a cosplay in five hours I am shocked about how much I got done but he's still missing something it's still minor I don't know if you guys will notice anyway let's just hope everyone else did as bad as I did so how did everyone do well let's find out it's time for the reveal all right we're gonna guess the characters Kayla you think you got it no well Zac's going first what are your guesses I think that Kayla made Rob start foxy and I think that you made regular old friends my memory thank you a sec um concentrate I think Zac had fun Freddy yeah my guess is also fun time Freddie for you because you had fun time colors plus the blue for bonbons as for you I have the same guess Rockstar foxy yeah you win some you lose some but I will say you guys neither of you got mine right ok so who's gonna reveal not me I can go first you're gonna reveal your cosplay first yeah alright go put it on I will say that I'm missing something vital to my character because I ran at time and here we thought 5 hours was enough yes oh my god it's healthy that's so shocking that evil Mickey Mouse for a minute yeah what's the blue for for you guys ah oh oh smart I like the little cup you used for the top hat there so what was your special item that you had to use Oh washi tape I see it's on your either the washi tape is this what's happened with your bowties do it in five seconds do it in like five seconds and his eyebrows in the nose it looks like your bow tie was there but exploded into ink that leaks is there all right well who's next all right Kayla Rockstar foxy she ha ha we knew it wow that looks pretty good wasn't that heck oh these are your beads right oh my gosh your parrot is so cute I like it yeah come on out we're ready for Freddy of some variety toy Freddy but do you guys realize what I forgot yes it's really hard to see out of this I did not realize the ice are like way up here my eyes are down in the snout you didn't try it on I can't believe you got the jaw in that amount of time that's crazy do you guys understand why I was annoyed with this character now cuz you already made one cuz we already got one that's better can I just wear this no that's cheating I kid you didn't have it tight in there you really didn't try it on did you no I did it's just you know you have to get past this otherwise it would have figured that you got your jaws rubber bands on the ear the good thing is no one can see your face pure black I did the opposite you're my two because but mine does not have any hazards Freddy does have black eyes when he's angry yeah he takes his eyes out well I'm so disappointed I didn't get it put as high as in yeah that would have look so adorable have you had eyes in there I know I think I'll make them later I spend like a good 45 minutes making this that might get you to win because he seems pretty great I feel like a Steven universe character oh my gosh you're just Steven universe what about oh my gosh no Horrocks are foxy now let's take these to the convention do that was late ale we're here at the convention what do we have here a closet it's like so wobbly look at it that's the point no oh do that again I dare you so the winner of this little competition is to go down to either artists alley or the shop area and they get to pick out a t-shirt put that through themselves but then they get to pick the losers a really cringey awful oh my gosh those shirts I like the anime bodies with the big boobs kini I'm gonna win mine's the best we'll see about that let's go get judged so what's your cosplay so who do you think is the best looking one out of US three yeah really oh so Naruto what do you think who's the best cosplay thank you so out of our three heads what do you guys think is the best one so rock star foxy in which one did you say he's been getting that a lot you like the box really thank you boxy specifically the parent and with that we have our winner rock star foxy made by the talented Kayla bad Ayla buh-bam Bobe [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we got our picture taken and it looks amazing [Music] and since Kayla won she's gonna make Zach's in my life miserable for a day there wasn't anything at the convention so we went with the next worst thing Hot Topic oh boy a few moments late l look at cool shirt a guy spilled coffee on how do you feel about your shirt today Steven universe turn the cans are making in front of me yesterday for my shirt looking like Steven from Steven universe so I gave him that just wait till these seniors [Music] fortnight fortnight dance I think they have a problem with the way I've dressed or they like it and that is the end of our video folks we hope you enjoyed who do you think should have won I have a feeling Rockstar foxy one mainly because foxy is one of the most popular characters however keela's head was neatly made not to mention that amazing parent poor Zack got mistaken for house all day help he was a challenging character for sure and despite that Zack did really well with what he had as for Freddy I can't really comment on my own costume I can't say though that I'm proud of what I accomplished in those five hours if you think you have what it takes do the five hour challenge yourself and tag me in the pictures your post to Instagram if any of you guys do it I'll be showing off the pictures in the end of some of my future videos so get to it guys and good luck you're gonna need it thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome night I is it because of how great letter D look it's just healthy healthy feet lefty homie I said healthy don't laugh with me he's throwing shade [Music]
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 6,041,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic, cosplay, contest, making fnaf cosplays, 5 hour cosplay contest, 5 hour cosplay challenge, rockstar foxy cosplay, freddy cosplay, helpy cosplay, rockstar foxy, toy freddy, helpy, fnaf 6, fnaf 2, fnaf help wanted, cosplay contest, costume contest, costume, fnaf costume, quick costumes, challenge, cosplay hacks, hacks, costume hacks, making foxy, making toy freddy, making helpy, funtime freddy, anime banzai 2019, boise anime con
Id: XInPEqtT09I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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