FLOWER CURL! - Does This Thing Really WORK?

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hey everybody it's bunny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week the day of the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today you guys we're testing another weird hair product why because once you start you just can't stop i don't know why i'm super interested in hair products and water bottles right now but i want to test them all i want to know if they all work or if they don't work today we're testing something all the way from the uk that sure does seem strange to me for more than one reason it's called flower curl by cordina who are you cordina tell me the secrets of how to curl your hair comes in this pizza box packaging and inside you get this thing which i guess this is in the shape of a flower would we call this a flower it looks more like a spaceship that would you know just hover above me in the sky and abduct me i got the five ring system i think they have a three ring option a four ring option and a five ring option but it's like a ring on a bra strap and if you want five rings instead of four you just you know bra strap it down there you go so now we have a five ring flower curl okay that looks more like a flower what you're meant to do is put this thing in your hair you wrap your hair around each of the rings it sits on top of your head around like a ponytail we're about to do it and you'll see it but the weird thing about this is you're meant to use it on dry hair and also i guess the weird thing is you're meant to sleep in this i can kind of believe that you could sleep in this because even though it is like a massive thing on your head it's meant to sit on top of your head and you pin it down so it's not supposed to be on the back of your head if you're a back sleeper and it's also not meant to be like within the region of either of your ears if you're a side sleeper and i am an all-over kind of sleeper like we are two people that have no set sleeping pattern like we will fall asleep in a different position every single night and we will wake up in a different position than the one that we went to sleep in so uh hopefully it will be okay for whatever sleeper i'm gonna be today i did watch the actual like tutorial video from the maker of this like i found the actual cordina channel because i couldn't believe that you're meant to put this in dry hair like i i don't understand how that's gonna work like and also they don't recommend for you to put any styling products in it before you wrap your hair up so like no gels or hair sprays or anything like that so i don't understand it however i will say um the actual video itself seems to offer slightly conflicting information because you know they go through this whole rigmarole of you're supposed to wrap your hair around it dry because your hair is super fragile when it's wet but then literally right before she puts the device in her own hair she sprays her hair with water from a water bottle we recommend to use the flower curl on completely dry hair so now is the time to apply a little bit of water on each section of hair honestly they also give you all these little bobby pins that's what i'm fiddling with down here i washed my hair not today but yesterday because this is something that i do know but i always forget like slightly dirtier hair styles better than like freshly washed just out of the shower hair i just feel like i do that more often than not because most of the devices i put in you do have to have wet hair right now what i'm gonna do is put my hair in a ponytail and i am gonna do like kind of a high ponytail the higher it is on the top of my head the less of a chance that it's gonna get in the way of me sleeping which i'm gonna be honest when i'm filming this right now it is my birthday but obviously like we're not going out anywhere today we're just gonna be watching some amazing hunter s thompson documentaries that dogman and i found on youtube i feel like i can commit to having this in my hair all day i don't know if i'm gonna sleep or not i might like take a a cat nap it is um what time is it it's 1 12 p.m right now but for some reason you guys today i woke up at five just like full of energy i will commit to having this thing in my hair for roughly the next eight and a half hours i mean you know it doesn't know if i'm sleeping or not i just assume that they're implying like leave it in your hair for the amount of time that you would be sleeping so i almost said unconscious but isn't there like i feel like any time i make that joke about like i'm gonna be unconscious everyone says that you're not actually unconscious when you're sleeping what are you then so you guys can see what i'm doing because i'm literally just blathering on while i'm doing this so right now i'm just sectioning my hair out equal sections and i forgot like they in the video they very fancily like separate the sections out and then temporarily tuck the hair through the rings sippy sippy oh i drank too excitedly all right you guys time to i guess add moisture which honestly i love this hello kitty water bottle but it doesn't really spray that well it's i'm sorry i'm sorry hello kitty by the way did you know hello kitty is meant to be a little girl hello kitty is a child and not a cat that fact always weirds me out i don't like that i'm gonna pretend like she's a cat i don't know how wet my hair should be but like do you guys know any way that you can curl dry hair without using like obviously you know a hair curler like a you know a heated a hot tool i'm not gonna wet it that much i guess but like don't you guys think this is conflicting information they say you can wrap it around the ring either way let me demonstrate both ways we're probably gonna wrap some one way and some another way i always thought that natural curls curled like some clockwise and some curls would be counterclockwise but then i feel like a lot of times when i say that in videos people will correct me and say that like people with natural curls all the curls go in one direction so here i am wrapping it around this way and then i'll show you guys the other direction actually on the other ring oh yeah the other thing i forgot to mention about this device which seems really cool to me it is meant for people with longer hair because you guys know that's always kind of like my concern every time i'm testing out a hair product is like is it meant for super long hair so they say the shortest length of hair you can have to use this is armpit length and they don't recommend hair beyond waist length what you're meant to do is leave like a little end section so that you can securely pin it to your head and i think i messed up because i think i was meant to pin the center ring which is one of those spongy things i don't know if you guys like got a good enough look at it in the center it's one of those like bun maker donuts which oh my god i'm so excited about that too i just found one on amazon the other day that is like extra extra large because i haven't been able to use those bun making donuts in forever either oh my god i should have gotten two so i could just have like massive space buns oh my god i could be bjork i love bjork do you love bjork i feel like this is secure so now using this much larger section uh than i should be i wish that i had divided my hair more evenly but i always do that i feel like i always start out like not taking enough hair and then i take too much okay i'm trying to see what the other way would be i think they mean like starting it from the opposite direction so i'm trying to think if i could oh you know what let's just do it totally weird i'm gonna pull this section from underneath as well because the last one i pulled you know top down so we'll do this one under you know what that's not damp at all i just i don't know i'm i'm maybe dampening it more than they did in their tutorial video i mean i don't really think that this product would cause much breakage especially if you just like wrap the hair gently i mean i guess it's like for when you're sleeping maybe you could break the hair if it was wet also i feel like this direction to curl it in is much trickier i don't feel like i'm doing nearly as good of a job but hey we've gone this far let's just see what doing some different stuff looks like i keep re-wetting my hair because literally by the time i get to these tail sections it is like completely dry and i just i don't believe it's gonna work if it's dry i know i've said that a million times but i just i don't i don't believe you cordina i'm also trying to leave like a long enough tail to secure it but not too long so that there's like no curl on the end because that would be a look not the look i'm going for dropping the bobby pins everywhere bobby come get your pins i'm gonna just wrap the remaining rings i don't think anything different is gonna happen i think that those are the only two ways that you could wrap this and uh we're gonna zip through it so that this video is not six years long all right you guys flower curl is in and that took maybe between 10 to 15 minutes to put in i should have timed myself but it's pretty easy when you get the hang of it i think that the direction that i wrapped the first one is definitely the easiest way to wrap it in it is more difficult if you go like through the other way right now it feels like very secure we'll see if maybe like i sleep in it like i said i don't really know what i'm gonna do uh at what hour of what day today but uh i am planning on going swimming and maybe taking a nap and i don't know i don't know watching tv we're gonna do a lot of stuff we'll say like in the tutorial video the girl said it was like super lightweight and it felt like you have nothing at all on your hair and i was also like very skeptical of that but i have to admit i honestly agree with her it must be like the way that the hair is like decently evenly distributed on all the rings so that it doesn't feel too heavy in any one place because you know obviously if you have armpit length hair or longer like your hair is probably kind of heavy and stacking it on your head for eight hours at a time like can be quite heavy if you know especially if you're not used to it if you don't put your hair in buns and stuff all the time but it really feels very lightweight like as it stands right now i could see myself honestly sleeping in this because it is true if you put it like right on the top of your head like it's not on the back of your head and it's not on the sides of your head i could see myself sleeping in it which is something i literally never say about anything so you guys know this must be something pretty special so now is it gonna curl my hair or not i don't know i'll see you guys in eight hours it's now 1 35 so i will see you guys probably around like nine o'clock or something i don't know maybe a little bit longer maybe i'll just like leave it in till like 10 o'clock or something oh daring but anyway i'll see you guys many many hours from now and i will update you about my experience and we'll see if this thing does indeed really work or not bye for now okay you guys it is officially super late 11 24 so how many hours in total have i had this thing in my hair nine and a half ten hours it's been a very long time and this process honestly reminds me a little bit of the waveformers where like when i first had them in i didn't think that they hurt or were like uncomfortable but uh you guys at this point i'm kind of like dying to get this thing out of my hair and i literally just think it's because of like the weight of my hair just being on top of my head like all day with no breaks you have to let me know if you're like this if you have really long hair like mine like i'm constantly putting my hair up and taking it down all throughout the day like there's very few days that i have my hair styled in any kind of way where it's like that for like 10 solid hours i i just it's just not something that i do but i have had a full day of birthday fun and i did end up taking a couple hour long nap while this thing was in and i'm gonna admit at least for me sleeping in it was a little bit difficult i don't know if it's because i sleep with like more than one pillow i assume most people do but it was kind of like it wasn't interfering with my sleep like with my head on one pillow but then with the other pillow it was like bumping into the rings i don't know once again very very very difficult for me to sleep in any of these kind of items and normally i don't even try but hey today i thought let's test it out let's live a little bit the only thing that i'm concerned with is i do wonder if maybe i got my hair a little bit too damp uh there were parts of the day where i just put a blow dryer right on it um i also sat underneath our little bonnet dryer periodically off and on now like looking back at how i filmed this i should have legitimately tried to at least curl one section um without dampening it at all let's go ahead and reveal our style now i will say i'm very impressed by honestly how easy this is to put in your hair wrap your hair around it and keep it in your hair i thought i was gonna have to use so many more bobby pins than what i did but um i think some of these little rings i only put like three or four bobby pins um and it stayed all day throughout everything i was doing i'm gonna go ahead and just really quickly take out all the pins and then we can just like uncurl each curl all at once and see our finished style i have to see you guys it's still stuck in there really well uh with no bobby pins i'm surprised why let me see if i can remember how now they said some sort of like weird way to unwrap this is to like start at the beginning like the beginning of the strand of hair versus like unwrapping it from the end i kind of don't understand how that would work truthfully like my hair is kind of really wrapped around there so i'm trying to find the end here and unwrap it like that i don't know honestly why do i like this i'll just stop here i feel like i'm looking also obviously at a mirror image of myself whether i look in the mirror or the monitor so it's like i'm trying to figure it out by looking at it backwards it's not as easy as they make it look my friends i still don't have it completely undone i feel like i'm kind of making a mess of the curls if i'm being honest are we done yet are we out no oh okay no oh my god it still looks kind of tangled did you hear that snapping that was delightful okay let's hope that the next one is gonna be easier i'm gonna try and follow their instructions a little bit better see i don't understand how that girl did that somehow she literally just was pulling from like where she first started wrapping the hair my hair will not do that i don't know if i wrapped it too tightly somehow how how this has failed me here i wish i could just honestly like rip the whole thing out like my arms are already tired which i guess literally just means i need to like be working out my arms more it's also kind of difficult because it's like right plop on top of the head i was able to kind of pull this one a little bit from the middle section but oh i feel like this foamy material which is the same thing that obviously makes the rollers like comfortable enough to sleep in and wear for long periods also uh kind of grabs onto the hair and so it kind of just makes it difficult honestly though i am excited for whatever these curls are gonna look like because right off the bat it already looks better than what i expected you guys every single time i'm trying to pull at this front section and unwrap it like that and i just i don't understand how you could do that like at all what if i stop here so glamorous somebody call vogue for every way in which this was so easy to put in and relatively easy to wear for a long period of time it is ridiculously difficult to remove like look at this oh there's like little bits getting stuck you guys this one i'm just convinced like am i about to just cut all this hair out of my head i don't know oh oh see there is like little bits of pulling and popping this one is like the bad one let my hair go are we done oh i think we're finally free the unveiling it's finally time so i mean right now i'm honestly pretty impressed with these curls they're a little um frizzle frazzled at the ends let's see what it looks like when we take my hair down we're having a moment here it's like these little bits i don't know the bits that did not freely separate i'm gonna go put on a lighter colored shirt because i feel like um particularly with the ends of my hair being darker it's harder for me to show you guys the curls so i'll be right back after a quick costume change okay hopefully you guys can see a little bit better what we're dealing with here i feel like obviously some of the curls did not get wrapped as tightly or something because like i mean obviously my hair is not this asymmetrical so i think you know some of the curls well maybe that maybe they were just kind of tangled now they seem more even i mean i do have some layering in my hair what i'm gonna do now is try and just oh another bobby pin um i'm gonna try and just like separate the curls out a little bit because that's what they did they didn't just like leave them in the five formations the only thing that sucks is like the ends for me are like super how would we describe this i mean i'm able to like get my fingers through the strands of hair so it's not like my hair is tangly it's just for whatever reason the ends came out like super like i literally look like it's 1988 and i stuck my finger in an electric socket which i'm gonna be honest i don't completely hate that look um it's not like necessarily the look that i think they're advertising but you know i don't know if there's any way to like fix this now that it's happened i mean maybe if i took a uh you know like normal oh my god so much of my hair you guys i think i have to stop testing hair gadgets because no matter how gentle they seem my hair does always end up getting ripped out a little bit but yeah i mean i'm sure you guys can see like i am able to get my fingers through each of these sections of hair so it didn't turn out this way i don't think because of some tangles in my hair i think it just got tangled either in the actual curling process or it got tangled when we were just trying to take it out um but this is pretty much the style that i got from um separating the curls out now i'm not gonna lie i really now especially that the curls are fluffed out more i honestly really like it like if it was not 11 something at night i would honestly have a go at like styling this hair my only problem with devices like this on a hole is i obviously do wish that there was a way to get the curls to start out closer to your head i mean obviously with where did i put it i mean obviously with the donut bun shape and having to pull your hair up in a ponytail like that's why the curls don't start sooner just because for me personally like the way that i like to pull up my hair and style it it's almost like we have all of these like beautiful beautiful looking curls and then you just have this like flat section in the front i mean to me this is kind of like what happens to me sometimes when i have my hair all styled and then i go out in the texas heat and humidity and then half of my hair is like sad and flat and the other half is like beautiful and curled it it kind of has the same effect now this style here is maybe achievable with a small clipless curler wand so sometimes i am able to use devices like this and then use a hot tool to just kind of like touch it up fix little problem areas like kind of just get the style perfect to what i like you know like how last time we tested out the waveformers um with one of these barrel wavers and i was kind of able to like you know mesh the styles together of using the waveformers and this guy so i don't know that would maybe be something that i would test out let's see what it looks like if i pull it up in a ponytail and then that way like the top not being so styled doesn't really matter okay i kind of like this once again i don't know if they're going for like the super 80s kind of fried looking hair but that's what we got and uh and i don't hate it now the girl in her video like whoever did the tutorial video they did show her styling her hair really quick she did like a half up down half down half up do half down do what are those called and it looked really pretty so i do think that they're advertising this as a tool to use to put curls in your hair but then you kind of have to style it on top of that like the kind of curls you get like are maybe not going to be perfect for just leaving alone on their own without styling it in some sort of way but i even like this ponytail it's pretty cute i don't hate it anyway you guys i'm off to enjoy the rest of my night and to do some serious skincare i swear i relax today took a little bit of a nap and woke up with like five new pimples there's a pimple here there's a pimple here what's going on with that you guys uh but anyway i cannot wait to hear you guys thoughts and opinions in the comments down below i will link you guys to this thing i bought it a couple months ago but as far as i know it's still available and you can check it out for yourself but i'd like to know your thoughts and opinions on all of it down below would you use it do you like these curls do you think they're too messy do you think they look fun i personally like it i think that i would use this device again i'm not sure that i would sleep in it again and i'm not sure that i would wear it for 10 hours straight again but i do like the overall style that we've achieved today anyway you guys if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator it swings i love you guys so so much and i will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 224,184
Rating: 4.9244719 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, flower curl
Id: 2AQQUbWd3Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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