Trying The Most Unusual Items from my Instagram Shop Tab!

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hey everybody it's bunny and today i'm gonna be doing an instagram shopping video i have no idea what i'm gonna call this video yet but i've seen a lot of people doing hauls like this lately on youtube and it looks fun so i thought i would uh also just go shopping on instagram buy a bunch of stuff and then we can review it here together i'm not sure if all of the things that i'm showing you guys are actually on the proper instagram shopping page some of these are like full blown brands that you can buy from like the grocery store walmart and then some of them are smaller independent artists that i'm not sure they're actually like selling their stuff on instagram but they have an instagram page it's been recommended to me and they also sell things you know what the first thing is the example good example of exactly what i'm talking about i thought it would just be fun to do this video because you know once again i just feel like i am just you know i'm i'm not like the other girls i feel like some of the issues that i'm shown on instagram just has to be like the most random weird like how why but also don't stop i like it we're just gonna discuss this because this was also sort of the reason why i did this entire video was just to show you guys this so this is from a designer and his name is ed curtis i get shown so much amazingly weird fashion it is unbelievable oh it's like red satin lined so what we have here is a tie-dye spy head cap is it a hat is it a bonnet ooh can i go flower picking in my bonnet yeah i don't know i really don't it's tie-dye it's so bizarre i love it i had to have it he makes each one custom they're all different i don't regret buying this i don't know what i'm gonna do with it i don't know when it's appropriate to wear this it's not like i give a fish about appropriate anyway i just always like i will just wear my pajamas to your wedding are you gonna invite me to your wedding okay well this video started out absolutely bizarre and uh buckle up folks because it's only going to get stranger from here the next thing that i have is a beverage the next product you guys i feel like has kind of exploded in popularity over this last month it pops up constantly on my feed i think like grocery stores and stuff sell it now but maybe only like fancy ones like wild foods that's not what it's called wild foods what is the fancy one called what is the fancy natural rich person's grocery store not trader joe's the other one it's not wild foods but that's the only thing that my brain keeps repeating so it's wild foods now this water is literally called liquid death and it's instructing me to murder my thirst oh my god it's from the austrian alps ooh fancy i don't drink water that's just not something that i like to do but if i was gonna drink water i would want it to be aesthetically pleasing to me you know i love the gothic font i love the skull the screaming melting maybe it's formed out of water i don't know it's a skull and i love it let me open and drink a little sippy of the skull water how do you guys feel about canned water i've only seen that one other time in my life in an absolute emergency situation after harvey hit here in houston and it was like really difficult for people to get water and other like resources that we desperately need like all the beer factories around here like budweiser is one i know they stopped making beer and only started like canning water cheers to you swamp fam let's murder my thirst sippy sippy i don't know why i was expecting a flavor it's water it doesn't taste like can i'm really happy you know water is just like taking in nothing you know is that my review i don't know it tastes good i guess what i'm trying to establish by saying it tastes like nothing it just tastes like a mouthful of cleanliness it has a very clean taste and it just tastes like water i don't know i've never tasted this water before but do you know what i mean i always wanted to do a water taste test because i swear i could taste the difference if you gave me like a zorka which is texas water or you gave me like evian or you gave me like fiji i swear i could like taste the differences in all the waters but this water just it tastes like clean water i don't i gotta move on i can't keep reviewing water what is next in my bag of tricks i've got a coffin small paper coffin oh my god i know what this is see i ordered this like a month ago but i just got the melt cosmetics beetlejuice makeup in the mail and uh this is the gonna be appropriate for that i feel like i should do like a whole video now what oh my god it's so fancy it's so fancy it's so amazing i've been blessed i'm dumbfounded by how amazing this is so this comes from a brand called zoell i hope i am pronouncing that right but they just make amazing like ass scots that's what i'm gonna call them scarves ties they they make a bunch of different styles of things some of these ties are longer so they're like necro-vats and then some of them are like literal actual bow ties so i have never received like a little fancierly wrapped accessory you guys i feel like beetlejuice is making a comeback and i'm here for it this is just a container that's amazing this is the actual product and it's a sandworm it is a handmade sand worm when i was younger i was obsessed with ascots because i wanted to be vincent price actually i didn't think i was gonna grow up and be vincent price i thought i was gonna grow up and be a redhead like did any of you guys just have like a weird i'm like is this a past life thing i really do solidly think i was a redhead at least one time before because i was born strawberry blonde you know what i'm saying it's like leftover stuff are these the ideas i should keep to myself anyway i literally thought that i was gonna grow up and like when i was a teenager i thought i would just wake up one day and have like gorgeous curly red hair and freckles and that never happened i'm still not a redhead but anyway back to vincent price tie tying i'm too stupid for this i need to watch some sort of like youtube video but it's like this do you guys do you see what i'm saying you can wear a collar shirt and you can have a snake worm sand worm okay oh it's gonna be so cute as soon as i figure it all out it's gonna be so cute this stuff is such high quality like i cannot keep encouraging you guys enough to like shop small just shop like independent artists because the quality is amazing and you know as far as an accessory i think no you know what i was about to say something dumb like it was like 30 but i don't i think that this was a little bit more expensive i think it was around like 60 70 dollars but they do have shorter ones and i think that those were less expensive either way you're not gonna regret it it's amazing like each one of these panels is stitched separately together okay next what am i gonna open next this says mt creations just for you llc i don't know what that means but look at this envelope i love it i really love it i also love this hat i need to come up with like a really cool outfit of the day for this i'm ripping the smiles looks like it's wrapped in a kleenex please god be a paper towel or toilet paper oh my god okay they sell charms for crocs and i don't know if you guys know this but i'm obsessed with crocs god did i make a boo-boo did i buy this off of etsy anyway i'll just show you guys really quick i got this skeleton set of croc charms and i will insert another clip so i can like lay it out flat so you guys can see because it's like a whole skeleton but it's multiple gibbets that's what croc charms are called then um i got these ones and they are so cute they're just letters but it spells out funny moving on what is this oh okay i'm just gonna scream every time i see everything um so this comes from a brand called elixir skin and i thought about buying this for oh so long it is a tattoo oil like a tattoo serum and if your tattoos are dry and crusty and maybe just a little bit old like mine this one's actually like two years old so it's kind of one of my newer tattoos but you get the drift this stuff is supposed to make them look brighter better fresher newer first of all i want to just take a smell because why the hell not it comes in a dropper which is spooky i literally almost just went like that because i don't know what in the power of christ compels me to do the things that i do but i'm glad i just my brain clicked on and saved me just at the last time the last minute of time okay oh you know what no no i'm not gonna be this dumb what i'm gonna do is uh do a before shot so as you guys can see my tattoo is crusty it's chapped it's not cute you don't want to be friends with this tattoo probably and i'm going to be honest my hands of course are bleeding i'm washing them until they bleed but what's even always worse i almost said worser what's always worse than my hands in terms of dryness is my wrists i don't get it i don't know why but they're always worse and i feel so bad for this tattoo because i love it you guys it means so much to me it is a reference to the count of monte cristo and if you have never read that book you are truly missing out please read it i am the count of monte cristo only in my mind so i'm just putting a couple drops on here like so and let's rub it in and rub it in and am i just rubbing oil on my body like i would love to know what makes this like specifically a tattoo oil versus like you know just your regular run-of-the-mill body oil oh it smells like beans i'm smelling beans anyway here's an after can you guys like see a difference do we see an improvement can you tell i don't know i feel like the bright lights like literally blind me like i'm not even joking i feel like the longer that i sit in front of these lights and film like i'm trying to look at things i don't know if it's like life changing like here is my very bad tattoo do not laugh at my very bad clockwork orange tattoo or do laugh i can't hear you when you're laughing at me um so here's a side by side you know how much difference is there there oh there there there there my darling i just don't know i don't know if i see like a miracle a difference there i don't know maybe i'm stupid goodbye spiky hat because the next product that i am testing out was actually a big recommendation from you guys when i first started preparing and purchasing things for this video i just wanted to get you guys's input so i asked y'all what are some companies and brands that you've seen a lot of ads for on instagram and this one was commented so many times so this company is actually a small business in austin texas hello atex i miss you uh so this company is called pro hair tie i am very very excited and interested to try and look at these hair ties because i'm going to be honest there are not very many hair ties in the world besides like just literal basic like ouchless elastics that will actually hold my hair very well like i've tried the ones that look like the little telephone coils those do not do it i've tried like the weird kind of rubberized ones those don't work too well these usually do okay and i actually forgot how much i liked these like ribbon ones um i don't know so i am always looking for new and interesting hair ties to try i also love that they come in this little shopping bag do you guys like stuff like this as well uh where the company makes you feel like you actually went to a little store and got something i don't know i'm easy to please what can i say now i will say the thing that just based on the look of these that they remind me of is the loci bracelets which oh my god i still love the way that those things look you guys have to let me know if you had a collection of loci bracelets so they really really do look just like uh loci bracelets right but like the beads look smaller i wish i knew where one of my loci bracelets was so i could show you guys so you do get to pick what colors you want like i got tie dye and camo and i got a blue and orange one for dog man and i got this one which is glow in the dark what you do get to order them like separately but you have to order like a minimum of i think like five or whatever this is like something that is cute that you would want to just like have around your wrist and then oh i need to pull my hair back now this is the thing right is they have this connector section and you can actually cut these to be any length that you need they are like a rubberized grippy kind of thing it's very their website is very impressive or their instagram i should say because they show like people dancing cheering tumbling flipping um and this will supposedly hold their hair we're gonna put it to the test right now i'm kind of tempted to not cut it because you guys know how much i've been crimping my hair lately and when my hair is crimped and i try and pull it up i stretch out hair bands in like a day because there's just so much hair so i don't you know i don't know i might cut it i might not but let's just test it right now and i also feel like right now is going to be kind of the ultimate challenge because even though i don't have extensions in or anything my hair is so clean right now before i curled it today especially like my hair was just slipping down constantly and that really does drive me crazy i'm gonna go ahead and just try a sassy bun because why not and let's oh no i must have not had it connected all the way or my hair has defied it already it does feel like very grippy sassy sassy sassy so sassy sassy sassy it's been years since i've done that i feel like it's holding can i go to a mosh pit i've never been to a mosh pit in my life we'll just see how it's going by the end of the video i feel like i should have done something like athletic like jump rope or something but here i am not jumping rope okay next thing you guys we only have two things left and they are both fashion things this is something else that i swear i have had saved on my instagram shopping tab because you can do that now like if you save posts from brands that are selling things it separates it out into your saved tab or it separates it out into your shopping tab and they're like you want to buy this right like i feel like they just like keep showing you stuff until you're like okay okay instagram i'll buy it this is from a brand called noctex they're like leg things leg holders i i don't know i haven't unwrapped them yet oh okay they're legs they're like fancy lace-up socks do you know what i mean but they have this like grippy plastic stuff on the inside so that they will like stay pulled up i also thought maybe i could style them with like the leg garter things do you know what i mean i feel like those are very very fashionable at the moment also leg daggers and i'm really here for that moment i honestly love them they look so cool this is sort of like that gothic post-apocalyptic sort of vibe it really seems like that like grabby plastic stuff is really going to keep them in place i also thought that this would be so cool to like layer with tights and like pantyhose i feel like that is the fashion accessory oddly enough that i'm so excited about right now like i literally feel like i can come here and do like a a tight haul which i don't know it might be interesting it might be weird i don't know but i've been finding like some very very like weird ones like i found like they're supposed to look like hairy legs but i love them now i got them as a joke and now i can't like stop wanting to wear them i feel like i've made like two or three tick tocks with them already it's absurd and then i found some that literally look like kind of real tattoos i don't know they look like from far away it's like oh you've got tattoos all over your legs so i don't know it's kind of cool it's kind of cool what i was getting at is i feel like i could layer these with like tights as well and it would look really cool anyway i love these on to the next item i have a dress that once again i have almost bought this dress a million times if not a billion i feel like out of everything i've shown today this is like the largest or most well-known established company but i feel like it's still like a little bit you know it's not like mainstream i guess unless i'm an idiot i just let me know if you've heard of this brand it is vanessa mooney and there is a dress that i have loved forever and i have to insert this girl's picture because i've had this photo i sound like a creep i sound like a stalker i think her at name was at lee but it's not that anymore it's like something different but um she styled this dress so amazingly and i literally have been just daydreaming about recreating this outfit for my very self so uh this is called the elizabeth dress i am a little bit intimidated by the color right off the bat if i'm being honest i thought i was ordering white but it's like uh this is like the color of like wheats grains ancient grains i don't know it's kind of interesting like i do not know what the fiber is i'm gonna have a little look now i'm trying to see what it's made of because i honestly wonder if i can like either bleach it or dye it i don't know i feel like i'm gonna love the fit and the cut but i i just don't 100 know if i'm sold on the color and this is just one of those moments of my life where i'm kicking myself for not buying black do you know what i'm saying 99.9 of my wardrobe is black and i get these like wild cards every now and again where i'm like you know what you should try a different color besides black like literally why i feel like i'm never as fulfilled with any other color of clothing as black black on black and all black or tie dye or camo but i don't know those weren't options i'm gonna try this on i bet it's adorable and i should just shut up but you know what i'm saying are you like that too like do you just have one color that you're like that's cute but do you have it in black or like you just gravitate and like all your wardrobe is one color and then you just feel like a monster because you feel like you should change it up but then you just wish you hadn't all right you guys how do we feel about it i actually like the color more now that i have it on i'm glad that i didn't go with a medium because i thought it might be like a little bit tight like in the waist or something but it's honestly quite roomy um i feel like it was advertised as like being very corsety which it is kind of loose on me i don't know i definitely but it's like it's one of those things where like i absolutely could not take an extra small because the thing that i forgot about this is it's not 100 a dress it's like a romper do you know what i mean which i love stuff like this because you know i'm like i'm a whoa i got to be like do an action all the all all the day all the time um so i always like have shorts on underneath everything because i'm a mover i'm always moving but also it's kind of like tight here now maybe it is because i just didn't take my shorts off underneath but you know what i'm saying i almost feel like it's so blousy i would need shorts because like what happens if i spin like that okay and i'm not wearing shorts on underneath like then what then what happens and it's also like kind of roomy here ah it's like swim swim it's like swim suit shopping i never have enough up top um but i like you know it's not it's not like i'm not gonna wear it i think it's cute i just don't know if it's fulfilling every fantasy i've ever had in my life but i'm very spoiled now by betsy johnson you guys because ever since i rekindled that romance and i started pretty much exclusively buying and wearing vintage betsy johnson pieces i feel like it just like fits my body in a way that no other brand ever will my heart belongs to betsy airband update before we get to the exciting conclusion i feel like my hair is slipping maybe just a little bit but i'm not sure if that's the band's fault because they do recommend that you cut it and trim it and my hair i feel like is just terribly flat always after i crimp it it's like whenever i crimp my hair like after i wash it my hair is just like gross for the next like week and a half until i crimp it again i feel like it's gonna take like some experimentation like i feel like my hair would not completely slip out do you know what i mean but i also don't know if i pulled it tight enough or something it has to look like this do you know what i'm saying this is like this is the sass that i'm at yes okay i also feel like this dress is just doing some things but overall you guys i did love everything today i feel like i can't even say anything about the tattoo oil you guys because my skin is so dry i don't think it's for people with like dry crusty skin like everyone always teases me they say my hands look 900 years old and they do they do because they are covered in soap and rubbing alcohol at any given moment my hands don't look good but they are clean so yeah i don't know i feel like maybe if my skin was not just like so disgusting maybe we would have seen like more effects with this but i love everything i honestly would like repurchase everything i bought here today i will of course link you guys to everything down below in the info box so if you're curious about any of these brands or anything just be sure and check it down there but i feel like they all get two thumbs up from me and uh yeah you guys like let's keep doing these like small shopping hauls i'm really loving it i love the one i did a couple of weeks ago which was like a black friday small brand shopping spree kind of thing so yeah a lot of fun and that's it that's it for today i cannot wait to hear all of you guys thoughts and opinions in the comments down below if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator at swangs i love you guys so so much and i will be back again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 125,235
Rating: 4.9427023 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, 2015, clothes, clothing, bunny
Id: 7wAyRfJPIag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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