Flower Curl Before & After Tutorial + FAQs | Heatless Curls

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hi I'm Monica and I am the product developer and content creator here at Clawdeen ahem this is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the flower curl and I would also be answering a frequently asked questions that will tend to get on day to day basis so let's begin the flower curl is an overnighter color and is been invented with busy women mind is very quick and easy to use and it's also very comfortable to wear and to sleep in the flower curl is available to buy on our website more details will be in the description box below and is also available on Amazon that Cody TK product is made and shipped from the United Kingdom and we sell word white it comes in this box and it's got instructions on the back and it's got a heroin guide and some information on where to go to find more tutorials and how to set the curler in your hair we've got two flubber coefficients we've got the four inversion and the five inversion so this is the pouring version which is suitable for women with fine to medium thick hair we also got the firing version which basically includes another ring which is more suitable for women with thick hair and women who score a lot of hair [Music] so the flower kill can be used on different hair lengths the sinker curler can be used on an unfit length hair mid-back length hair and waist-length hair if your hair sits above unfit length hair unfortunately you won't be able to use the curler because your hair is not long enough to wrap each section of hair around the kernel we also don't recommend to use the color if your hair is past waist-length hair we recommend to use the flower curl on completely dry hair we don't recommend to use it if your hair is wet or damp and there's a couple of reasons for that number one wet hair and damp hair is extremely fragile and you should be playing with it and you're only gonna be causing more breakage and more split ends and more dryness so we really want to avoid that the second reason is that if you curl your hair when it's full a bit damp or wet your hair might not dry properly in the Kerner so just make sure that your hair is completely dry we gently recommend to use hairspray after you have unraveled your hair from the flower curl some customers have asked if they can use it whilst the flower crystal set in the hair and we do not recommend to for you to do so the reason being is that hairspray contains alcohol and it can leave Earth's very sticky substance on your hair and on the product [Music] this is an extremely popular question that we get all the time and there's no simple answer to it and that's because of the panels on the natural structure of your hair and also depends on the method of curling that you choose if your hair struggles to hold a curl we've created a very important article for you that you can check out the link is down below and it includes all the information that you need for you to enjoy longer-lasting curls in the meantime I can share a couple of tips with you so the first one is make sure that your hair is completely dry as mentioned earlier secondly before wrapping the hair in the curler you will need to spritz a little bit of water on each section of hair now your hair shouldn't feel wet and it shouldn't feel too damp so you only need a little bit the third tip is to use the flower curl overnight for maximum results so the longer you leave the carrier in your hair the longer the curls will last now I'm gonna show you how to set the color in your hair it's very simple is very quick and you'll be able to master it in no time for this tutorial I'm gonna be using four rings next I'm gonna brush my hair thoroughly and remove any tangles [Music] now I'm going to apply a little bit of hair oil apply a little bit and just let it soak in before it spritzing a bit of water [Music] you should be able to run your fingers through your hair now it's time to set the counter in your hair so I'm just gonna put my hair up in a high ponytail [Music] [Music] to secure the color into place just grab a bobby pin and put it through the middle ring now we're just going to section the hair according to the number of rings so we've got four rings to work loads today so I'm just socially my Harry too and then I'm sectioning each section into two again [Music] but now is a time to apply a little bit of water on each section of hair a few reasons they's for easier application and the curls will also last longer at the following day if you prefer tighter curls adding a bit of water will help create that look let's start with them spring I'm just going to suppress a bit of water in a fresh section I'm going to grab the hair through the ring and I'm going to start the wrapping process there's a few different ways to reprimand the train just experiment with a curler and see what works for you so I terminally couldn't go around like this so from the back to the front cover that if you free the curl to look at different ways you can start the wrapping process from this from the front to the back [Music] now we're going to leave a little bit of hair grab a bobby pin and we're just going to insert the bobby pin to secure the hair in place grab a bobby pin we're going to pin it down to grab another bobby pin and you're just going to position it on the top of the skull so now I'm just gonna continue into the same process with the remaining wings I'll show you another one so let's just do this one so I'm just going to grab the hair and I'm going to spritz a bit of water I'm going to brush the section going to grab the hair turn the ring [Music] [Music] leave a little bit of hair grab a bobby pin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll be glad to know that the flower curl is very comfortable to sleep in and there's a couple of reasons for that so the drink itself it's very soft to touch it is flexible and it is lightweight so when you're wearing the color in your hair it feels like you've got nothing on the other reason is that apparently sits on the top of the scalp and it doesn't cover in your ears and it doesn't sit around your face so if you love rolling in your sleep like I do you'll be able to roll from side to side without having the curler getting in the way well I've had the Fokker and my hair overnight and I'm about to reveal the results for you so let's begin first we're just going to remove the bobby pins we'll start off with with the first ring [Music] so we're just gonna grab the top section you can see the perfect curl okay we're gonna move on to the next one and grab the top section loosen the end section [Music] and the level [Music] pretty simple you just pull away from this hope so I'm just gonna use my fingers to loosen the curls open the gross [Music] so now I'm going to sell my hair into an easy help out and half down hairstyle I love little hair accessories such as this one [Music] so I really hope you enjoyed the video and the kerning results let us know what you think and if you have any questions please let us know I will see you in the next game [Music]
Channel: Cordina Hair
Views: 10,393
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Id: 6kT5EbUKZMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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