Testing Becca's ZERO Pigment CLEAR "Virtual" Foundation????

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hey everybody it's bunny and today i used a bra strap as a headband i feel like we should call vogue today because i've got the bra strap headband i also have this literal one pound did i bust this off of somebody's chandelier at some point maybe i don't know and i'm also wearing one of my favorite shirts of all time i only bust this out for special occasions sippy sippy let's get started today we're gonna be doing a first impression we're gonna be testing out a makeup item so strange that you would think that this would only come from like the bowels of my imagination we're gonna be testing out the becca zero clear foundation but they literally call it a no pigment virtual foundation virtual i like that makes me feel like xenon girl of the 21st century and then the complementary product that goes with this well it's not complementary you have to pay 24 for it the product that goes with it is the becca zero no pigment glass highlighter for face and lips a product like this is honestly right up my alley a lot of days i like to wear products like this which is the clinique id this one is actually like a bb gel so it is kind of like a tinted moisturizer this time of year i don't really like to wear a foundation honestly for the past couple of years now unless it is like a special occasion and i really just am going for like some kind of look i really do tend to like lighter coverage maybe even sometimes to medium coverage foundation but i very very rarely gravitate towards full coverage foundations anymore i'm not sure if it's going to be to everybody's liking because i feel like for the most part whenever i read foundation reviews on ulta or sephora coverage is always like the number one complaint if somebody is leaving like a negative review about a product it's usually because the coverage is not as full as they had hoped for so i don't know how this is gonna actually like you know bounce around out there in the public and i would honestly love to hear you guys's opinions on that down below like do you like fuller coverage foundations lighter coverage foundations or are you kind of like seasonal as well when it's like hotter you want to wear less i don't know i'm just i'm curious love the packaging glass oh that hurt the knuckles smells like nothing like literally this has no scent i don't know why i thought it was literally going to be on the thinner side i will just say right off the bat i'm kind of curious about what is gonna differentiate this from a primer you know like a clear primer that you apply that might give you like a mattifying effect or it might minimize the appearance of pores it's 36 i don't feel like there's a ton of product in here but they recommend to just use a pea-sized amount which i'm like how would you even spread that all over your face with your fingers i i literally don't know so many questions more questions than answers at this point before we apply that here is the other product which honestly i just wanted to get this to try these two products in tandem this is a highlighter product or you can use it on the lips which makes me a little bit suspicious because it just makes it seem like clear lip gloss even has a doe foot applicator like lip gloss what i'm gonna do right now is uh zero in up on my bare naked face i'm using my camera today that is much less forgiving i just does not mask or hide any flaws or texture or anything like that so you guys can see like i have a little bit of uneven skin tone right now i have a freaking honking pimple right here i feel like we have a couple of different kinds of like conditions on our face and let's see how it covers them all does it cover them does this thing really work i don't know i'm gonna be doing some stuff today i think i might like dye a wig today i'm at least gonna style a wig today i'm going to do some cleaning i might even go outside i don't know but i thought i would you know do like a full wear full-day wear test for you guys so i am going to follow their instructions no matter how much it crushes my soul and i'm gonna apply this with my fingers yeah also i'm not gonna put any primer on or anything because i would assume that that would be not good let's do a scoop this is the little spatula that they provide you with and i'll probably lose this in about five minutes oh my god like it looked like it was gonna be a harder texture like almost like a waxiness but it is not you guys look at that oh is this a p is this p i feel dumb when people are like use a pea-sized amount use the size of a nickel like who just has that stuff like just memorized oh yeah size of a nickel you say to like massage it in your fingers and that product actually feels like it's dispersed quite a bit so i don't know maybe like pea sized oh and they say circular motions probably should have done a circle all in one way oh my god it kind of smells like a juice box when i touch my face just like when i touch my skin it gets super red i have no idea what causes that i do not know why i expect i'm not having any sort of allergic reaction despite the fact that i feel like my face just went like cherry tomato red i'm not 100 sure if i feel like that was enough product to spread over my skin evenly also does it look like anything just happened this feels like something that you have to blend out really quickly because it almost goes from like a primer sort of feeling product to dry at some point especially when you're applying it in circular motions you start to almost feel like you're rubbing something off i'm gonna go ahead and just like sprinkle a couple other products on before i apply our little highlighter but um right now i'm doing like a side-by-side comparison for you guys like right after i applied the product before and after and so let me know do you guys see any change at all i just did this like quick little get together now that it's sat on my skin for like you know 10 minutes or so it does look slightly different than when i first applied it i think that overall like my skin does have a more matte finish there is something different going on now would i refer to it as a foundation i don't know about that it does say that it's meant to be a combination between skin care and makeup it has hyaluronic acid in it so it's supposed to control oil all day while hydrating your skin it does say that it uses clear light blur technology i am not 100 sure what that means and it is made up of water releasing powders that burst upon contact so that is kind of interesting because if you guys remember when i was applying it i was saying like if you rub it too much it feels like a powdery kind of texture i don't know how i feel about this right now i don't know if it's even living up to like my hype at this stage in the game i'm not sure if i would prefer this product over like a honest tinted like moisturizer tinted bb gel i do have like just natural redness on my cheeks and stuff it's not covering any of that but then again their like tagline on the box is like nothing to hide which i don't know that's kind of weird to me i mean i don't really feel like a lot of people use it am i getting existential with this because i'm like i don't feel like people use makeup to like hide stuff i mean maybe some people do i just use makeup for like the fun of makeup but i don't know i don't know let's dive into this glass highlighter it is a multi-use highlighter for a glass like glow without a sticky feel it is meant to be light coverage with a radiant finish apply one swipe to high points of the face i guess i will put it on my lips first i am kind of curious if it is gonna have like no stickiness at all honestly i'm kind of impressed with that it does feel very thin almost like there is nothing on my lips except for the feeling of like moisture i'm shocked i actually really like this product on the lips the only thing that i do find like slightly disappointing which obviously like when things are just manufactured like stuff happens so i don't know if maybe i just got one with a little bit of a wonky wand i looked down to see if i could see like anything poking through and i don't it really feels like there's something like very not like sharp but there's just almost like it feels like a piece of plastic like scraping across your lips so let's swipe oh i don't know it feels stickier on the face than it did on the lips so that's just the product there okay it feels see i don't i mean it definitely i feel like reflects the light so there's one side with the product and one side without i feel like it complements the foundation really well because you know you have the zero foundation which gives you like a matte powdery type finish and then this just obviously stays you know very glossy i'm gonna apply it on the other side and then just see what happens if i blend it out with a sponge but i'm gonna be honest this does leave a residue on your fingers it's not super tacky but definitely like i would want to wash my hands like it's not something i would just like leave going on all day and it feels almost like you're applying lip gloss to your face when you put it on it's it's it's different you guys oh see like my hair kind of wants to stick in it like a freaking lip gloss so yeah i don't know i feel like it doesn't look as impressive if you blend it out with a sponge does it look like i in fact just lifted all the product off my face i really can't tell and you guys know i have to have like my little tip of my nose highlight you know just to feel alive yeah i honestly would not maybe wear this as a highlighter again this is what we're gonna have right now i'm sure the lip product is about to just disappear just like that because we're about to eat lunch and i don't feel like this is a product you know it's not it i once again you know the whole essence of this is like very natural very very much the no makeup makeup look so it's not the same as like a matte lipstick or something where you're gonna like put it on and eat and drink and kiss your boyfriend and everything else you might be doing during the day and like oh it's still gonna show up but everything else i'm gonna leave on my face despite the extreme urge right now presently to wipe the highlighter off my face it just i can feel it maybe i just need to give it more time like the foundation and see if it like settles into the skin more i don't think that this is meant to be a product that really matters down because i feel like obviously if it were to mat down it would no longer like be a glossy kind of highlight product and right now it's driving me just a little bit crazy so uh but we're gonna roll with it this is what we're doing today and we're gonna stick to it not backing down i will check in with you guys in a couple of hours and let you know my thoughts oh my god i feel like mr ed right now you know peanut butter pony mouth syndrome like i just feel like i don't know i'm not used to having like any kind of like glossy feeling on my lips or my face for that matter all right you guys i'm back sporting a very different but i'm sure we'd all agree no less fashionable hairstyle it is 6 47 right now and i actually did just go around we were walking around in the backyard a little bit and it is super hot today it's actually like technically 98 degrees but it feels like 105 so you definitely go out and you know get a little sweaty now i did ask dog man does it look like i'm wearing foundation and surprisingly he did say yes but the biggest update that i honestly have is i do not think that i care for the highlighter several times in the past like three or four hours that i've had this makeup on now it genuinely itches me and i'm trying to do the thing where like i remember i'm wearing something so i'm just sort of like tapping instead of like scratching my face skin but it never really i mean i don't think it's meant to matte down but it's like even the feeling of it never changed like it's just very sticky it's quite annoying like anytime i touch my face i feel like the product is coming off on my fingers like i specifically asked dog band to uh like touch where the highlighter is and i said what does that feel like and he said your face feels like wax so i don't know honestly if that's a compliment or not i think it almost does look like i am would we say foundation i'm hesitant to say foundation just because i cannot get it through my thick skull that i guess we can have a foundation now that doesn't add any tinting to it i mean it looks like something is there but once again you know i'm gonna i'm gonna toss it up to you guys and say do y'all really see the difference between this product and you know a blurring primer until something's been done but like what makes this a foundation do you know what i mean i'm going to keep wearing it i'm going to keep doing other stuff and then i will check back in with you guys a little bit later all right final check-in for the day and uh i'm not sure if it's okay to say this but i'm over it for the day according to the fitbit it is right around 9 00 p.m it's like 8 43 i think my last check-in was at like six so it hasn't been that much longer i am over this like i started referring to it with dog man as cheek slime the cheek slime oh my god it's like itching it's itching right now like i'm honestly shocked that my face is not really red here usually when i feel a sensation like that it's because i am having some sort of allergic reaction in conclusion i will 100 be using this foundation again i honestly i really like it i feel like the longer you wear it the little bit like more magical somehow it ends up looking like i somehow feel like my skin just looks better now than even like right after i applied it my thing is i don't really know once again if i would refer to this as a foundation if you're somebody who does just like to go out some days with like doing the rest of your makeup and not really wearing foundation just wearing like a moisturizer or a blurring primer then i think that you will 100 like this product if you're somebody that's looking for coverage at all then this is not going to be for you it does give you like a nice fresh polished look i would describe it a mattified look certainly not a foundation of any kind not a foundation look given a second chance probably would not repurchase cheek slime you guys know nine times out of ten for my lips i prefer a matte feeling experience you know like a balm experience uh usually at the very most but very rarely do i want to go with something that feels like too moist i guess you could say and certainly not anything sticky and i do appreciate that this does not feel sticky at all on the lips but for whatever reason once you pop it onto your face it does just get sticky i do not like it at all there are very pretty things about it but i just don't think it's very practical one i'm gonna give a pass to and one i'm gonna give a little bit more of a fail to i cannot wait to hear you guys thoughts and opinions on this is it gonna be something that you're gonna you know go out and grab are you excited for it have you heard about it before today i mean are you into like a no foundation foundation look or when you apply foundation do you really want foundation i would love to know all of your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below but if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its swangs i love you guys so so much and i will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 226,174
Rating: 4.9464898 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, becca, zero pigment, clear foundation
Id: kHP7r5VGsfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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