FLIP THE PAGE | book challenge

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hey everyone it's me again Brittany and I'm here to do a fun video today I am doing the flip the page challenge book tag thing no tagged me or anything like that I just thought it would be really fun to do and a few days ago maybe no that's probably a couple of weeks ago I asked on my Twitter for you guys to leave me at three numbers one that was one through 27 one that was one through 25 and another one that was one through 400 so yeah the gist of those numbers is that the first one is one of my shelves I am counting them like like one like across that way and then the second number is one of the books on my shelves and then the third number is going to be the page that I flipped to in that book and we're gonna be creating a new identity for ourselves I'm really excited about this this was an original video by Jesse the reader and his was so fun and funny and I've only seen really good things come out of this challenge and I just want to do it for myself and see what kind of life I'm gonna be leading because you know we all need some escapism sometimes I will leave Jesse's video link down below as well as the challenge prompts in case you want to do this for yourself if you haven't already done it I do feel like Chola he's knocking into the camera I do feel like I'm pretty late to the party so I feel like everyone's already done it but that's okay because yeah this will be different yeah let's kind of get into it I'm not picking the numbers in any particular like order or anything like that I'm just kind of I have the tweet pulled up and I'm just gonna read off the ones that are there so the first prompt is that we're getting a new identity and we're going to be finding that book on our shelves flipping to the page and then the first name that we see on that page is going to be our new name so yeah let's see the first one that pops up over here is Jake from Jake does books and he did 15-15-15 so let's go for it honestly 13 14 15 one two three four five six seven eight nine thirty thinking I haven't read this book so we have the gilded wolves and again I have not read this so um let's see what my new name is fifteen oh it's the start of a chapter okay oh okay well the first thing I saw was actually the chapter header and it's Lila I hate love that name that's such a pretty name okay cool I have never liked my name just you know throwing that out there not to shade any other Brittany's out there if you like your name I'm glad for you personally I just never liked the name Brittany for myself so I've always wanted to change my name so this is actually perfect I'll be Lila now good for me prom number two is it's time to get up and move the heck out of your town so we're gonna follow the coordinates find the book flip the page and discover where we're moving to and for this one I'm actually going to be going with so blonde books commented ten seventeen ninety eight so we're gonna go with that okay I feel like I'm gonna end up in California which but that's fine that's fine okay 98 ah isn't a place on this page next page I mean it's at the Institute but like I feel like that's not specific enough for like a location you know there's so many institutes ocean that might have to be it oh oh okay the first place that I saw was a dress like actual place so I guess my name is Lila and I'm going to eat dress just I'm gonna have a Shadowhunter cuz that's pretty cool you know like I'm okay with that so the third challenge is you're all settled into your new home but now you've got to get that cash money flowin so using the location and the book flip to the page and the first object you see you have to make a job out of so so let's go for it we're gonna do Alexandra Rosalyn she commented 13 13 13 and that 13s her favorite number and when everyone was doing this flip the book page oh my gosh I can't say it when everyone was doing this flip the page challenge I was accomplishing 13 13 13 on all of their posts because it's my favorite number so this is very fitting so let's let's find it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 this shelf is messy I have I'm scared I'm scared the first part of this first book is just not it's not hopeful you know so alright first object I see let's go-o-o old leather okay that's I guess I could just be leather because you know so leather leather um I guess I could be like a leather worker like like I make wallets and stuff for it like belts and uh shoes I could be a leather worker oh I could make I can make chairs too out of leather okay you know not a job that I would have had for myself but maybe Lila the potential Shadowhunter and Idriss she would definitely find use as a leather worker you know I feel like Shadowhunters love wearing leather I'm gonna make Bank so challenge for you've started your job and now you're starting to develop feelings for a co-worker so using the coordinates and the book and flip into the page the first character you see is who you're falling in love with I'm excited for Lila who's she gonna get all right I'm gonna pick this one this top one it's 24 9 365 ok the chatter minimalist oh you night me the page number is 300 I don't even know if this one has 365 pages oh God oh no we should novellas numbered separately okay how would I do then okay so I guess I'll just count so the first novella ends on page 109 and the second one ends on 197 oh gosh 9 + 1 97 cuz I suck at math that's 306 pages ok and then I still just need 59 more so on page 59 of the first novella that would be page technically 365 does that make sense hope it does so 59 here it is alright ready oh okay there's so many possibilities here oh there's there's no names on this page there's not a single name there's all he's okay next page Wow still not a name they keep referring to each other as like she and he and this girl okay next page wow this is not a good book for names I guess do they say each other's names at all at all cuz oh okay I'm in love with Juliet good for me you know Juliet she's a hard-working she's a little crazy in this book but like she's just she's she's badass she's pretty what is she doing it Idris though what am i doing can you trace you know cool well let's go on to the next question it says using the coordinates I'm reading it from the computer using the coordinates and the page number the first piece of dialogue you come across will be the first thing you say to your potential lover okay so what do I say to Juliet like what what is an unseen like me gonna say to Juliet this next one is 1021 301 so if this is thirteen oh we're back in the shadow under shelves okay 1021 if there's 21 books on here so if they're wearing 21 books I just kind of started fresh and then oh dang I lost my count so 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 19 I just started over until I got so never I swear didn't oh I didn't itsudemo Souls okay that was close I could have gotten you know that I always have a condom handy line that would've been funny um so what was the page number 301 there's just so many possibilities with Shadowhunter buggery one alright first piece of dialogue don't let me down I could point out that that's not a dress that's underwear but I doubt it would be in my best interest that's very forward like that's very forward of me okay that's what I say that's what I'm saying - Juliet I'm telling her I could point out that that's not a dress that's underwear but I doubt it would be in my best interest that's kind of smooth very forward but smooth you know okay she's she's feisty leather workers she's into Juliet Juliet's like a badass all right this is not me at all and I like it so it says that line really got to them next thing you know you're in love forward-moving always works you're going to propose but buying a wedding ring is too expensive so using the coordinates finding the book and flipping to the page the first object I come across is gonna be what I propose with so let's find a good number I have high hopes Kareena commented 1 9 9 7 so those are four numbers okay wait I will do 1997 we'll do that 1997 so one two three four five Oh 13 of this lines up 14 15 16 17 I forgot where about okay 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Siri leave me alone and now Paige said 19 9 7 first object I hope it's good oh my gosh I hope it's a puppy okay no no no let's go let's try this again because all I was reading with like descriptions Oh bracelet that's kind of nice actually it literally says a bracelet question mark oh my gosh I wonder if I made the bracelet cuz I'm a leather worker what if I made her a really cute bracelet that's very sentimental that's romantic I like this story good for me all right I love that I love that I made her bracelets I'm deciding that I made her that bracelet because if we don't have enough money how am I gonna afford a fancy bracelet so instead I just took scraps of leather from all the leather work things that I had been commissioned to do and I come them into one bracelet of love of eternal love that's romantic I'm into this and we've arrived at our wedding so using the page number and the location and all that good stuff the first line of dialogue is gonna be the first line I say in my wedding vows I hope this is more romantic you know this is all just going pretty well for me I'm having a good time so let's go with scroll litter a litter a little oh my goodness this person's name is me I call it best not those are books that's not food this person's name is nice so we're gonna go with them because it's like Brittany but I like it it's 715 399 guys this might be really good so 399 because you know the way that I got Juliet to first be interested in me was being very forward and telling her that a short dress lives in my best interest so Kristoff please don't let me down and I will hopefully be saying something even more scandalous in my vows okay 399 let's go there's not a line of dialogue on this page okay good next page there's fighting happening I'm very curious to see what the dialogue will be there's still no dialogue oh goodness story of my life that's actually that could be very romantic it literally just says story of my life she muttered okay you know that actually could work because I could either be telling you the story of my life I could be saying that she is the story of my life I could just I can work with that story of my life she is the story of my life I love it Wow okay it wasn't as raunchy as I was hoping it would be but it's you know romantic romantic and it's time for her honey so using the book and the page number the first place I see is going to be the destination of our lover's retreat so let's find a fun number okay this one seems fun 616 160 page 160 oh this is this one hadn't been opened I have three copies of Kingdom of Ash and there was only one that I haven't opened I guess it was this one so 616 160 all right so we live in a dress currently but apparently we're gonna be taking a trip to Hey so cuz I'm not sure it's still not really telling us like where we're at I mean it's not looking good right now but okay does it count if like something is named after a place we're gonna have to say it is because I don't know if they're ever gonna mention like where we're at so it said the sword of orange so orange so you know that actually that's not bad right because Worth was the capital of terror soon and maybe that means that I can meet I can meet you know the royalty and Tara said I'm not gonna ruin anything for any of you guys I haven't read Kingdom abash but that would be kind of fun maybe get to meet Selena maybe I can meet everyone in the world Minh Anh oh my gosh wait that would be so much fun if like we could go a wyvern that would be such a good honeymoon activity to do is ride wyverns together you know I think that that would be pretty romantic I love it so things got a little crazy at our honeymoon and we're now expecting a baby I don't know how don't ask me it just happened so using the location and the book we're gonna find out what our firstborn child's name is going to be let's see this one because Salem's evil laughing oh gosh actually let's not - no no let's go all the way to the bottom see what the last people commented we're gonna go we thirteen seventeen 174 okay so I haven't this one yet but um yeah I mean I don't think I'll get spoiled so page 170 all right first name I see that's gonna be this baby's name Hydra wait that's odd name that's not that's not a name it said Hydra virus that's our name um it's you that Organa apparently right little baby Hydra little baby Hydra I you know I don't have anything to say about that it's just a little baby Hydra we've been living a wild life and Hydra just needs to be prepared for it so yeah okay um next we're jumping five years into the future and low baby Hydra desperately wants a pet so using the location we're gonna find a book and the first little creature that we come across is gonna be this baby's pet and if we don't find a creature it's gonna be an object so um I'm hoping the best for Hydra we're gonna go with I'm just gonna scroll read nobly I like it when the lobster was actually pretty big so we'll do 214 130 130 right okay 130 I haven't read this book so I just I don't want to get spoiled for anything I probably won't 130 130 130 okay first creature Kitty it was a name but you know that is a creature so we're gonna go with it because baby Hydra wants the kitty xiaolin you're gonna be a kitty bet that works well actually I like that so baby Hydra is gonna have her first kitty I would know what we're gonna name it so now that Hydra has had her pet kitty we are now going to be going to school and we have to make a title out of the first words that we see on the page so let's go with 20 to 5 to 75 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 page 275 I'm kind of hoping for hog where it's like come on now are we freaking cool 275 oh look at Crookshanks okay 275 and a couple pages back so first words are gonna make up this kid's school great first words just keep saying Scabbers I don't like that let's let's do this let's figure it out uh we're gonna need this kids school we're gonna name it Crookshanks school friends no that doesn't make sense maybe blacks blacks this is very dark we're gonna name it the school of Crookshanks and Scabbers there's no the school of in here but Kirk shanks and Scabbers were mentioned and that's just what the name is gonna be I guess so little baby hydras having a hard time you know first her name's Hydra now she's going to the school Crookshanks and Scabbers you know that sounds actually kind of like a like a burglary style school no that I'm thinking about it like Crookshanks and Scabbers maybe she's gonna grow up to be a little like thief a little robber kind of thing like that sounds like a menacing school right I didn't think about it at that time I was just thinking of like Cruikshank's the cat okay so I'm deciding that I'm gonna be starting a YouTube channel and using the coordinates I'm going to be flipping to the page and I will be finding something on the page that will be the core topic of my youtube so let's see 10 2099 I keep doing tens nevermind we're not gonna do 10 because I literally have gone back to the chatter and during shelf twice already so we'll do 16 3 2 2 2 16 3 page 222 so the largest page on here is 148 so we'll add from there 148 so I need 2 more no no we need 10 is 58 18 did you see how long it took me to do that math I'm so bad all right so this whole poem is I guess sometimes you find someone perfect for you and every way except for the way that matters find someone perfect you know maybe maybe my youtube is kind of like a love advice channel and I'm finding someone perfect forever maybe it's a dating show game show no no I feel like it's gonna be an advice channel find someone perfect for you in every way that's that's gonna be kind of the core of my youtube you know I'm just so happy with Juliet and my child that I just want to spread that love to other people and give them advice on finding someone that's gonna be perfect for them and now we're gonna use the coordinates and using the words on that page we're gonna create my channel name so let's go with 17 for 234 page 230 foot 234 and all right it's happening channel name let's go Calypso's island I don't hate it um Calypso's island dreams found me oh oh that's nice okay because right after Calypso's island it says dreams found me because calypso you know her story is kind of depressing when it comes to love I feel like that wouldn't work as well so Dreamz found me or eclipses I will just go with Calypso's island that's the first thing I saw clips those Island that's my name Calypso named after you know the Greek woman that never found well I mean she kept finding love isn't she the story that she kept finding love and then she was destined to always lose them poignant name for a love advice Channel and now we're gonna find a book flip to the page and the first piece of dialogue that we see is going to be the grieving that I say whenever I make a new videos so let's go with how you are cutting me Charla will do oh oh he keeps like jumping on my hand and biting it he wants to be fed but it isn't feeding time tomorrow so we're gonna go with 816 247 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ok three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I had to like do it a couple of times because that is the small shelf and now for page 247 and that first piece of dialogue that will be it Life of Pi this is gonna be strange I've never read it 2:47 know a man and a woman literally the first piece of dialogue has a very tough I know but next thing is at the same time know the man first the woman second I feel like this is a dark piece because I just kept reading oh god okay anyway so that's that's how introduced it no a man and a woman that's my greeting you know that's very vague also I mean I can't tell if that's very like there's a man and a woman for everybody or if like oh no just a man and a woman I don't know this is it's too much no a man and a woman a man didn't a woman what you know I got questions this is very exclusionary exclusive Tori I can't I don't know I'm really making moves and now I've decided to write a book I guess I'm just doing a really good job putting people together and giving it advice and I just want to write a book so using the coordinates we're gonna make a book title out of the first words that I see so let's go with pay or with the coordinates 319 201 201 let's do it I'm kind of nervous maximum ride school's out forever throw backs to it one all right let's go for it third oldest sister oh no oh no the next the next thing I saw was you're not like the other girls I've met you know what we're gonna do that we're gonna do that we're gonna be you're not like the other girls I've met maybe I'm talking about Juliet baby I'm doing that I'm just there and I'm still talking about my lovely wife you're not like the other girls I've met that's my freakin book okay whatever and now we have to figure out how I'm gonna be opening up my book with the first line of dialogue what is the first line that's gonna get people to want to read my book let's find out shall we you're not like other girls I've met seven seventeen 177 I've not read dark dawn yet guys I don't I am praying it to the good Lord that I do not get spoiled oh gosh okay 177 Oh don't spoil me don't spoil me don't spoil me first line of dialogue this is it okay for once the Maggie and I are in complete agreement so my camera died as I read that line but just to repeat for once the Maggie and I are in complete agreement Oh Adams home so yeah I guess that's gonna be how I open up my love book story so the next part is plot twist the whole reason for me having to create this entirely new life was because a killer was after me and now that I'm a mega famous author and youtuber they've tracked me down and they're coming for me so now I need to find a book using the coordinates and the first character that I see is going to be my killer so let's go with will do 120 to 333 so I don't know what kind of character I'll be able to find in this but this is the psychopathy test it doesn't even have 333 pages so it goes up to 272 so page 61 is gonna have the name of my killer it's gonna be I know I see you have to fight se I don't know who I see is I have not read the psychopath killer or the psychopath test I'm pretty sure this is actually just like a nonfiction but SC is gonna be my killer I don't know who they are that's really rude you know I've just been doing my best life I started a whole new life I married a woman I had a baby and explained Adam what happened yeah I don't know how that happened either and then um yeah and I was a leather worker I was just doing it all I made my own YouTube about love advice and now as he's out to kill me and so the last prompt is one day I am setting up to film one of my YouTube videos when I am suddenly struck by the killer using the coordinates and finding the book the first object I see is the object that is actually going to kill me so Adam I want you to pick a number because everyone else already picked a number but this is gonna be fun he's right over there he's gonna pick a number one through 27 13 13 alright 1 through 25 well I already did 13 13 13 so preferably something else I know 18 alright 13 so 13 18 and then a number one through 400 actually this one has less than 400 1 3 360 339 alright 139 the first object I see it's gonna kill me I'm not seeing object heels like high heels Oh like a stiletto I'm gonna be skewered with a stiletto preferably because if it's a chunky booth and I'm just gonna be bludgeoned to death yeah this was a wild ride oh yeah ok wait there's one last one so it's fine the book using your coordinate slip the page to the page number you were given and the first line you will see will go on your tombstone so this is the last one so again Adam I want you to do it I want you to figure out what's gonna be on my tombstone 1 through 27 9 9 1 through 25 25 and now one through 232 131 131 ok alright this is it this is gonna be on my tombstone I picked them from the riverbank near where I was swimming that's not that's not good at all I picked them from the riverbank near where I was swimming that's yeah it's kind of sad right it's I mean I hope there's like flowers on it that way at least it kind of makes sense Wow se just killed me with a high heel and that's my tombstone that's really it I had a wild ride I had fun um I hope you guys had fun too this was definitely different but it was a lot of fun and I just hope that maybe my next life tie don't get killed by a high-heel cuz that seems like a very bad way to go but oh no and now Juliet's left alone with Hydra and her kitty I hope Hydra turns out to be you know not as much of a criminal as I think that she's gonna become going to a school called Cruikshank's and Scabbers she's gonna be you know what my death is probably gonna send her down on that road too I hope she's a good one then alright well that's gonna be it for this video today guys I hope that you enjoyed it I hope that you had a good time let me know what the wildest part of this story was for you because I think the wildest part for me was that somehow Julianne and I became pregnant on our honeymoon because that makes you know no sense right now but I guess we were in in third of Glaus land so anything can happen with the right kind of magic that's gonna be it for this video today guys and thank you so so much for watching I will see you in my next one goodbye [Music] what beautiful creature
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 23,783
Rating: 4.9634576 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, read, reader, reading, reads, series, fiction, literature, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, rec, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, nerd, dork, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, challenge, tag, flip the page, Jesse the reader, book tag, christmas, theme, aesthetic, goals, wild
Id: XVpCrNM-Ucc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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