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hey everyone it's me again brittany and i'm here today with the long-awaited bookshelf tour i'm standing in front of my shelves right now the ones that i'm going to be showing you are just the ones in this room quick facts i have the white billy bookshelves from ikea i always kind of leave it down in my description as well if you want to look i have most things down in my description so check that out this bookshelf tour is going to be a little bit different than how i did my last one or my previous ones in general i don't want to be walking you through every single book first of all it's a pain to edit second of all it's just not as much fun in my opinion i'm going to be going shelf by shelf just to kind of give you a brief snapshot of what it looks like and everything but not going to be talking about all of them and if i'm ever moving too fast just pause the video on each of the shelves to be able to see every title that's on there but again that's not what this specific one's about i mean most people that watch this have seen my channel before but if not and if you're new here definitely just pause during each of the shelves because i'm not going to be getting into it again they're just not that much fun to watch my last one was over an hour long and i got multiple comments saying this is about as long as a movie and i feel you it it was longer before the editing so i'm excited though not only am i doing this a little bit quicker though because i want it to be a little bit quicker but also because i am moving today i need to get these books off the shelves i've been waiting to do this specific video to finally get these books all packed away they're moving with me to my mom's house expect a reorganization video soon it's gonna be different stay tuned there's a lot of things happening right now i don't really have much else to say let's just jump into the video again check my description and pause whenever you want to see any of the books on the shelves so let's start at the top hi um just starting right at this first shelf i really try to keep all of my top shelves nostalgic books more than anything so this one has a lot of those dystopians from childhood nothing that i really reach for that often yeah this is a strange angle uh let's just go to the next one uh something i guess i should know is i didn't really stick to genres per shelf this time around it was really more of like what i thought looked nice together so on to the next one for this one again it was mostly just books that i thought looked pretty good together these are largely fantasy books that have metallic or earthy tones to them i mean these ones just didn't really fit aesthetically anywhere else fantasy series since i don't like to split them up were definitely the hardest thing to put away in my shelf this time because i did largely focus on color without obviously doing rainbow shelves i feel like i should talk maybe about books that really interest me per shelf but in this one i would say like the biggest thing that i haven't talked about at all in this last year but i still want to finish is actually the cinda williams chima shattered realms series i read most of it and the seven realms in 2019 and i still haven't read the last book for shattered realms but it's definitely one of my favorite like underrated fantasy series oh and also the archived and the unbound these i didn't think i was gonna like nearly as much as i ended up liking because once people read them after her other series they didn't like them but i actually loved these so i would still give those a shot if you were nervous too i would have to say that of all my top shelves this one is probably the prettiest largely because it's all of my like rick riordan books just so pretty and colorful i really love them but these are another one that like for the most part it's hard to fit into a color category they're just beautiful and rainbow this is the gone series i feel like i get questions about this all the time in my videos they're just very obvious titles for anyone who has read the gone series no i have not read the follow-up series to this one i've only read these ones and for anyone who doesn't know what this series is if you like survival dystopian sci-fi kind of stories that are pretty dark you would love these i would check them out i haven't read them in a long time so i don't know how they've aged but when they first came out i love them all right and we're actually just gonna talk about all of my top corner shelves in one go these are three shelves that i've obviously like cornered out if you have the space i would definitely do this kind of like cornering system they have they have the gears for it at ikea the corner shelves are probably the ones that i most tried to stick to an aesthetic with these top shelves alone were just a lot of like darker red and grayish black books i mean for these ones we have actually quite a few of like my more nostalgic series obviously we have like twilight and the shadow and bone series from the old covers the hush hush series oh my gosh they're books that i don't always reach for and don't want to always reach for so i just don't have very strong opinions about them this is just directly below those shelves this is probably gosh you're going to hear me say this a lot but this is one of my favorite areas i mean i kind of randomly decided to make these shelves some of them at least only one color and this one like the gold shelf was the inspiration behind that because i realized that i had a lot of gold books and it would be kind of cool to do something with them doon is probably the one that fits in the least well in this area but it's such a stunning book so i mean who cares this shelf is ah this one's one of my favorites i'm i feel like i'm gonna say this a lot someone count below how many favorite shelves i apparently have but it's just so stunning i mean i have some really cool knickknacks on this shelf from book boxes i have like my really cute skeleton from halloween but i've decided to keep him on the shelf forever he just does really good there and then probably one of the ones that you can see the least of but i have my two death note novels this is like my spookier shelf and i just think it looks so good these are stunning books a lot of them are actually more special editions like obviously this is the lore copy from fairyloot that they did that was a special edition that's probably the most stunning one that they've ever done we have obviously the special edition of dune and name of the wind the hate you give these are very beautiful books very good books and very beautiful books cruel prince shelf i mean we have this little thing from an owlcrate box and then we just have the special edition from the fairy loot that they did which is again a very stunning snakey book oh my gosh i just realized what cool i i don't know how i just noticed that these are very very very pleasing and actually we're about to move that way and that shelf is also very beautiful to me so let's do it now when i tell you that this is one of my favorite shelves i feel like it's not that surprising because it's a lot of my fancy collector's editions of books i mean we have all my my rocks yes i love crystals i guess i'm a crystal these are the dark artifices trilogy that are the special edition water stones fun covers that are really next to impossible to find shout out to one of you guys who actually sent me lady midnight because otherwise i never would have finished the trilogy chain of gold that came in i think this one was the fairy loot box these are just the special editions of clockwork angel and city of bones we have like my collector's editions of throne of glass and a court of thorns and roses these are so cool because it's like a slip case like like i think this shelf is just the prime example of the fact that obviously not only do i love books do i love reading books but i am also a collector of books because this is that that this is that entirely i don't normally read these special editions because i don't want to hurt them and i just love having them they're so beautiful it's a great way just to show my love for series this is the newest one that i've added and it's the witcher she's beautiful and then we have this beautiful edition of a deadly education i like the back more than the front obviously and just this is just a pretty shelf this is just a beautiful vapid aesthetic shelf with some amazing books in my opinion this is a very pretty shelf this is a very pretty shelf i've worked with book of the month in a ton of videos so i get a lot of their books they're really filling out the whole rainbow portion of my shelf because since i am largely a fantasy reader a lot of the books i read are very dark as in the covers and the ones that book of the month sends since they're like adult books not sponsored by the way it's just pretty obvious when you see all the little botns they're really filling out all the colorful portions of my shelf so thank you to that these are again mostly tall colorful books i try to keep it in like a pinky green purple realm it's just very pretty this is honestly one of the shelves that i've read the least from both of my most colorful shelves are ones that i've read the least from there definitely are ones that i'm very very interested in i really want to read arsenic and adobo dark matter fowl is fair actually this whole like stack is very intriguing to me for the ones i have read that i definitely recommend all the ones that i've read which is you should see me in a crown and the astonishing color of after they're both really good if there's ever a situation where like i cannot afford to buy any more books for the rest of my life i am set for a while because i still have so many books that i haven't read and i love that it's very relieving to my mind and right next to that beautiful colorful shelf we have a dark shelf because you know balance so yeah i mean on this one again it's pretty dark books i actually have read a good good portion of these and there's some ones that i really really adore first we have i mean this little tin that i got in the owlcrate box then we have just some purpley blue green books that are all the same height which oh guys let me tell you finding things that are the same height is really easy with hardcovers really hard with paperbacks there's some hidden gems in here furthermore is absolutely one of my favorite books of all time we have this beautiful edition which i want to find a different place for but i just haven't found one quite yet of alice's adventures in wonderland i mean we have the charlotte homes series which i still need to get the last book of and finish the entire series but it's one of my favorites it's so so good now for directly beneath that these are more prettier collector edition books but these ones are definitely classics obviously some of them are the barnes and noble classics editions some are these really stunning stunning stunning illustrated editions basically yeah they just have like things to open and do they remind me a lot of okay so when i was a kid i would go to borders a lot and in like the kids section they always had those giant books for like history uh there was one like egyptian mythology and just egypt in general and i always wanted them but they were really expensive but you could open up things and it was really fun they probably still have those i just i just now don't go into the kids section very often mug that actually my friend got me from disneyland it just has like a cute little stack of books and all of my wood marks are in here then my ellen hopkins hardbacks to this day still some of my favorite books i haven't loved a lot of the newer things that she's come out with but this was my introduction to verse i didn't even know that that was what like this kind of writing was called she talks about a lot of dark topics definitely trigger warnings go into it carefully because i mean she really covers all the things another dark bunch of books over here these ones are like brownish black that fade actually out into my like cream colored books first obviously the little knickknack on here another one of the book tins from owlcrate these are really cool especially for decoration but i keep i haven't really shown you the other ones but i keep things inside of them depending bookish things have some very tall dark books not as in topic but as in like the covers themselves so there is a lot of fantasy on here because again fantasy tends to run dark fades out into like these creamy colored books that i didn't have anywhere else to put yes guys i get questions all the time on whether i've read lobby sona yet or not because romina garber is argentinian which is what i am so people are always curious i haven't read it yet i just haven't been in much of a fantasy mood so i've been kind of putting off some of my most anticipated fantasies because i don't want to do it at the wrong time and then not like it yeah we have another edition of invisible wife about larue you guys know i own multiple editions of a lot of books okay now this one there we go this is just a blue shell i guess i had a lot more bluish grayish books than i'd realized originally and they were able to make up an entire shelf some to note in here obviously the wayward children series by seanan mcguire these are so fast they're so fun i love sean mcguire's writing it's just so good i still haven't read come tumbling down or her newest book that'll be soon i'm sure all boys aren't blue this is actually one of the few nonfictions that i have read and i adored it this is an amazing autobiography if you listen to the audiobook i believe that he's the one that narrates it and it's just so good i've really been meaning to read kiki's delivery service it's one of my all-time favorite studio ghibli movies i used to watch it on repeat when i was a kid i now have my own little black cat and i had no idea it was based on a book so shout out to the subscriber that actually sent this to me and informed me of that i actually just finished the lost apothecary i thought i was gonna love this because it gave me like aqua tofana vibes my bailey syrian fans out there but it didn't give me those full vibes unfortunately but yeah corner shelves now once again the corner shelves are probably some of the most aesthetically pleasing ones just because i knew i was gonna want to film a lot in front of this area we have two rows of white books these are all of my nevernight books this was just like the uk hardcovers i do have a lot of copies because i got a lot of collector's boxes for dark dawn when it was coming out but i still don't have the us version of nevernight then we have a green shelf which this is actually like the newest shelf that i've made and it was when i was rearranging everything to fit things from my last book haul and i love it so much i don't know why i didn't think of having a green shelf before the only non-green book in here is the starla c and this i just knew i wanted it in my corner these are the reissued editions i think is what they're called for the throne of glass not throne of gloss game of thrones series and then my poppy war books so it's at this point that my microphone actually stops recording so we're just gonna make it up i'm gonna do a voiceover and we're gonna try and guess what's happening but i was showing you my bat light which iconic it's amazing i love it um this is the shelves right under the ones we were just at this is me rearranging six of crows in crooked kingdom i don't know why i tend to put books in without making sure they're in the right order even when i know it um that shelf had been just black with some color all the same height the middle shelf was red because i kind of liked the single color shelves in this corner and now on the far right side these are my ve schwab books i have a ton of darker shade of magic and just a mia corvair mug with some metal bookmarks and now this shelf right next to that one is just my black and red books i have quite a few of them i'm showing you a book tin right there it's one of the ones you get in a fairy loot box but some to note in this are into the drowning deep by mira grande it's one of my favorite books mira grant is amazing it's a just scientific horror book about mermaids it's amazing she's the author of the um every heart a doorway series and now we're on to the next shelf oh my goodness i'm going so quick but this is just a yellow and orange shelf i have not read most of the books on this shelf which is a pity but they look really really dang good and i'm very excited for a few of them i'm showing you the elizabeth acevedo books club when you land and with the fire on high which i definitely want to get to and the gilded ones as well um honestly most of these books oh felix ever after is one i have gotten to and loved same with permanent record by mary h.k choi and then so is female of the species right above it but i didn't point it out and now on the shelf to the right of that we have i don't know why but it keeps going in and out of focus for this entire shot so please ignore i'm so sorry but this one is just fantasy books that don't fit in color scheme wise with any of the other shelves and they do pull a little bit darker so yeah um here i'm noticing that arch enemies is in the wrong spot i'm telling you it's always when i reorganize my bookshelves that i just randomly put them in in the wrong order but sorry about that again um and i still haven't read supernova but i do have to get to it and also heart of flames which is the second book to crown of feathers which i absolutely adored still have not gotten to it also the third book is now out and i i need to get it uh right under that shelf we have kind of like greenish toned dark green and blues these are again fantasy books for the most part well not really we have my fallen kingdom series all the way on the right hand side here i'm just pointing out star touched queen and crown of wishes by rashni chakshi they are definitely the most notable books on this shelf they're amazing they are like hindu mythology and on to the next shelf oh my goodness uh these uh to the left of that shelf are just my shorter black books and i'm showing you here that i have all of my fairy loot secret books on the shelf as well just because i do really like how this shelf turned out but there isn't that many to note is what i think i was saying right there oh except for mirage by samaya dodd it is a really cool story that mixes a lot of different genres definitely look into it if you are intrigued by history but also sci-fi but also fantasy and now to the left of that shelf in sharp contrast we have my all white shorter hardcovers and then this is just another mug that i have with fun fancy bookmarks it's one of the mugs that you get in owlcrate boxes or that you use to get for the harry potter ones and then on this shelf i'm pointing out a tragic kind of wonderful it's an amazing story it's fiction but it's um following a girl with bipolar and i think that it's done really well and it's such a good look at what bipolar can look like in someone obviously there's a lot of different variations and things like that but i thought it was done really really respectfully and well and then emergency contact stunning cover also really good book and lastly which would be tahata mafi highly recommend the furthermore series alice in wonderland but so good all right now to the left of that shelf we have all of my sarah j maas books in this corner um i'm just starting on the left by showing you my little minis uh those could not have happened without you guys thank you for those gifts i adore them so much and i just put them matching with their little big versions of the back and then i do have two other kingdom of ash books in the middle shelf and then these covers for a quart of thorns and roses are the ones that came in the illumicrate accord of silver flames box and i finally put them on they look great i'm just pointing out my alien and resan funkos that are actually made by some of you guys which is incredible but and i'm i'm moving my little lantern now and i'm just showing you the paperback versions of throne of glass i still have to get kingdom of ash but it looks really aesthetic with the crescent city books that i have and that's the tour edition is i think what i'm saying also for anyone who can lip read this must be fun for you i personally cannot so i'm just making this up as i go uh right under that shelf we have paperbacks uh the leftmost shelf is some poetry collections uh ellen hopkins particularly but here i'm just showing you my halsey i would leave me if i could poetry book still have not read it but it's signed by halsey that was a surprise from my boyfriend it's amazing um the middle shelf is just white books and then the right shelf i'm talking about my night world series and just like my lj smith paperbacks that i absolutely adore i'm still not giving up on the fact that night world should one day have a finale uh throwback that is like old ya and then here i'm showing you just a paperback version of the name of the wind that's in spanish that i got in argentina and to the right of that we have more paperbacks colorful paperbacks in the middle i have some of my graphic novels and then on the right i have all of like my romance paperbacks i love how pretty and colorful they look i definitely want to buy more and then the left is just like my darker paperbacks not much else to say uh to the right of that we have my shadowhunter shelf i'm just showing you my little knickknacks i have a mortal instrument cup that i got in a fairy loot and i had an angelic rune light up thing um there isn't much to say here i think i was just mentioning that i still haven't read chain of gold and i know i need to get to it and then the final in my big bookshelves is the super colorful kind of childlike shelf i guess i have all of my manga that i own and then i also just have my illustrated versions of harry potter i have a hard time parting with them they're just so so stunning so i'll likely keep those i don't think i'd ever buy more if they are making more but then here i'm just showing you my series of unfortunate events those are what got me into reading guys i have to keep them always they're incredible they just they're what started it all really and now the final shelf is just my short shelf all the way to the left of the ones that we've been talking about so far this was a catch-all shelf i'm kind of like removing my knick-knacks right there and we see a lovely luna tail but the very bottom is just jam-packed with paperbacks i have like my box sets of lord of the rings and percy jackson and just all of the paperbacks that i own um and then in the middle shelf those on the very left-hand side i'm thinking about unhauling and then i was mentioning that the right-hand side i don't really like that much either but then i'm like oh well the middle though i'm very interested in i still really want to read like love story and pride basically all those that are stacked up but just not the right and left and the very top are more fantasy or tall hardcovers that just don't fit in anywhere else color wise and i think i was talking about how i was bummed that muse of nightmares and strange the dreamer can't have their own spot because they're so so stunning to look at and um i'm just talking more about books that i really want to read basically that whole top shelf if i haven't read it yet which are the ones that i think i pointed out specifically i really do want to get to unsurprisingly um and that's it all right so that's going gonna be it for this video today guys i hope you enjoyed the bookshelf tour i have to kind of wrap it up i'm sorry if it wasn't as aesthetic or fluid as it could have been but obviously today is literally moving day i swear the procrastination made sense in my mind because i had to get everything else packed so it's fine i still hope you enjoyed it i can't wait to reorganize these and i mean you'll see there's a lot coming when it comes to the moving stuff i'll update you in a later video but i still hope that you had a fun time and i will see you in my next one goodbye and just me again popping in to say thank you for bearing with me with this weird voiceover situation and here's a sneak peek of the reorganization video to come i am literally editing it as we speak so [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 37,761
Rating: 4.9661179 out of 5
Keywords: audiobook, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookish, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, booktube, bookshelf tour, library, hundreds, collection, collector, special, edition, 2021, tour, full, entire, huge, giant, home library, organization, aesthetic, paperback, hardcover, stunning, reader, books, book, tbr, read, fantasy, middle grade, young adult, recommend, review, romance, contemporary, graphic novel, variety, sci fi, urban fantasy, shelves, beautiful, how to, decorate, bookshelf, bookshelves, ikea, billy, massive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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