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hey everyone it's haley and today i'm going to be doing a subscriber scavenger hunt [Music] i had this video idea like more than a year ago now and i asked you guys her prompts and then i just never filmed it and then i asked you guys for prompts again and i never filmed it but i did luckily save them so i have prompts from both of those times that i asked and that's essentially what this video is so i really like doing scavenger hunts and different like bookish challenges i think they're a nice change from just the recommendations or talking about some books that i want to read so i've done quite a few scavenger hunts and things like that in the past but i thought it would be fun to ask for you guys to come up with the prompts for what books i'm trying to find on my shelf so i haven't actually looked at these in so long like not since i actually asked and that was like literally back in february so it's definitely been a long time but i have lots of prompts saved here so let's dive on into this because i think it's going to be an interesting experience i'm not doing a time limit or anything and if you guys want to also do these prompts you are more than welcome i will try to remember to type them out and put them down below hopefully it won't reach the character limit for the description box but we'll see but the first prompt is a book with a character that looks like you on the cover or described in the book i constantly constantly constantly get comments from you guys like sending me book covers or i'll like post a book cover and you guys say that the person on the cover looks like me i think i just have a generic looking face and that's why but it happens all the time like so much so that i at some point want to do a video about all the books that i've been sent where people say i look like the person on the cover but i know of one for sure actually two so prince charming by rachel hawkins everyone says that this girl looks like me but then especially her royal highness by rachel hawkins people say that this looks like me and like i don't know i see it but like i said like i think i have a generic face like her hair is similar and she also has a square jawline that's what it is like my head is a straight up cube like i'm spongebob squarepants 100 it is just a cube so it makes sense that like whenever you see someone with a square face you're like haley and i'm like yeah sure it's a square so yes i see it i can't really think of any others like off the top of my head right now i know i have them written down and everything but this definitely fits that prompt next is a book with a main character who would love to have a snake as a pet that's super interesting who would love to have a snake as a pet that's really hard because i'm terrible at remembering stuff about characters but hmm okay so there's probably better options for this but i feel like i want to go with spencer from skyward by brandon sanderson i feel like she would enjoy having a pet snake because i mean she already kind of has a little pet there but i think she would like having a little snake companion i don't know why i think she's kind of snarky and i picture someone like snarky and doesn't really care like devil may care attitude to be the kind of person who would want to have a little pet snake and for some reason that just makes me think expensive but i really think that there are probably better options out there next is a book with a woodland creature on the cover actually i literally was just talking about this book in the last video so it's right beside me but the light between worlds by laurie e waymouth has a deer on the cover so that definitely counts uh i actually i'll get another one though because this one was right beside me so that feels kind of like cheating i'm pretty sure one of these books has a woodland creature on the cover watch it's not going to and i'm going to regret this oh i think the book that i was thinking of is actually downstairs with my other books dang it okay i'll just go with this one so i'm going to go with furthermore by tahar mafi which has a fox on the cover which when i was doing the do i have that other book challenge one of the prompts was to find a book with a fox in it or on the cover and a lot of you guys commented about this one and i had completely forgotten about it but yes it does have a fox the first book that i had been thinking of was queen of blood by sarah beth durst i'm pretty sure has a deer on the cover but i could just be getting it mixed up with something else next is a book which the title contains all the vowels so a e i o u that's really hard okay i shall be back a a e i o dang it there's no u i feel like u is gonna be the hardest one oh maybe this one though u e i no there's no a oh my goodness okay wait wait e u i oh wait okay i need to do them in order a e i o u yay that was not nearly as bad as i was expecting it to be so the sun is also a star by nicola yoon has okay let's do it in order a e i o u so how's all the vowels i honestly thought that one was going to take me forever but thankfully it wasn't that bad actually this book could count too so it really isn't that hard now that i found you by christina forrest has a where's the a a e i o u so really that is not that difficult you just have to find a kind of long title so next is a book that the cover matches the color scheme you're wearing that day so i am wearing black and white obviously so that shouldn't be too hard i don't think okay so that was actually kind of a little bit harder than i expected to be honest but i have here looking for alaska by john green which is mostly black and white and then love boat taipei by abigail heng wen which kind of has some purple to it but i feel like black and white it fits it okay so next is a book with a book on the cover i'm actually thinking of book of a thousand days by shannon hale i know the old cover is like a girl with a book behind her back but i don't think there's a book on the new cover but actually i think that i know one oh it doesn't actually so i thought that hazel would by melissa albert had a book on the cover but it doesn't maybe the sequel does there's a lot of books that i thought had books on the cover but they don't yeah book of a thousand days the new cover does not have a book on it dang it oh okay yes it does so the sequel for the hazel wood the night country by melissa albert has a book on the cover it has a book at the bottom right there i feel like the ones that i think are going to be hard have ended up being easy but the ones that i think are going to be easy end up being kind of difficult so this has been very interesting but i love the prompts that you guys came up with oh i also totally could have gone with the start of me and you by emery lord which has books all over the place because it has bookshelves on it okay so next is a book with a little picture on the spine i have quite a few of those i know for sure yeah so the hazelwood by melissa albert has a bunch of pictures on it but i'm going to go with something different for that one i'm going to go with this one actually because it's one of the most striking things about this book but wicked saints by emily a duncan has this little picture on the spine i kind of hate it to be honest at first i thought it was the author but it's not i think it's supposed to be the main character but i feel like the spine is really pretty apart from that picture it just kind of i don't know i don't really enjoy it that much i'm standing way closer to the camera than i usually do but i'm not a huge fan of that but it's definitely like a defining feature of the book it always sticks out to me that prompt is super easy though because like i can see all the spines and a lot of them have little pictures on it and i actually like that i feel like it adds to the spine normally i like it at least next is a book with a ribbon marker whoo why am i thinking of them right away usually this takes me longer so really i could go to my atlas shelf and i would have many options but i'm going to go with tales of the peculiar by ransom riggs this has a little ribbon bookmark because it's kind of like a i don't know it's like a book of fairy tales so i feel like books like that generally have a ribbon bookmark like i'm pretty sure leigh bardugo's also has a ribbon bookmark the language of thorns i can't remember but this one definitely does well the language of thorns actually doesn't have a ribbon bookmark in it oh i totally thought it did i lied next is a book by an author that you've met before so i have a few but i shall go with doo doo doo the hate u give by angie thomas i had the pleasure of meeting angie thomas have i met her twice yes i did meet her twice because the first time that i met her it was very embarrassing because she was like i'm sorry for naming the racist character haley and i didn't really hear her and i was like yeah and it just i felt very uncomfortable and awkward but that is as per usual but then the second time i met her i explained the whole thing even though she totally didn't remember but she's super super nice this book is amazing and it was really great meeting her too she is a fantastic author and yeah i was very lucky to have met her both those times oh this one is really hard i don't know if i'll be able to do this one but it is a book with a title that rhymes with your username so does wonderland rhyme with bookland yeah that was the dumbest thing that i've ever said in my life so i could go with alice in wonderland but i'll try and find something kind of different i'm just gonna go with alice in wonderland which doesn't really rhyme because like haley doesn't rhyme with atlas but i'm not going to be able to find anything and i yeah i just that's my answer next is a book with a title that includes all the letters of your first name oh that one's kind of hard too so we need h a i l e y hm actually now that i've found you which i was talking about earlier has all of them except for the l so if it had the l i would use that one again but dang it yay okay so i knew that i had to find a really long title so one of the longest titles on my shelf is 13 doorways and woes behind them all actually there's no and there but 13 doorways behind them all so we have h a i l e where's e e y so yeah it does have all the letters it was just really hard for me to find them just then next is a book that was published the year you were born or a decade so we're looking for something published in the 1990s i was born in 1995. i kind of feel like i want to cheat and do something that's set in the 1990s because i don't think i really have anything on my shelves that was written in the 90s i might have something downstairs but i'm probably just gonna cheat i will actually check first because maybe the shannon hale books that i have but i think they came out in the early 2000s yeah so the goose girl originally came out in 2003 and book of a thousand days originally came out in 2007 so i do have stuff that like came out in the 90s probably but it's just downstairs i also do for sure have books that are older than that i mean i could go with i'm sure one of the editions of alice that i have came out then but i'm going to go with the black kids by christina hammond's read which came out in 2020 but it is set in 1992 so that is set in the 90s not quite 95 but it fits the decade so it's a way of answering the question that is not what the question is but i'm going with it next is a book with illustrations in every chapter so i'm going to take that as like chapter headers that are illustrated which i love when books do that oh i thought of one oh i just ripped it that's tragic so my copy's downstairs but i believe that this one probably has it too yeah so the wicked king has illustrations over every chapter i'm gonna see if i can find one though where the illustrations are different over every chapter because these ones are the same but how pretty so upon further inspection that's actually the best that i can do so we're gonna roll with it next is a book that has someone showing strong emotion on the cover for example shock rage delight or disgust the one book that i think of is one that i don't own by a little life i can't think of the author right now but that one is like one of the books that i look at the cover and it has such a poignant emotion to it and i can't really think of any that i might have but let's see i feel like on most of the covers that i have the like cover model or whatever even if it's just illustrated they just look indifferent there's not really like a facial expression so i feel like this is the best i can do for this one so little and lion by brandy colbert i feel like both of these characters look angry or unhappy everyone else on my shelves just kind of looks very like placid there's not really much going on there next is a book that spine and front cover colors don't match so there are many options for this one actually so for some reason a lot of the books in my red section do this i noticed when i went to go and grab this one which is fountains of silence by rudis petty so the spine is red but the cover is like this yellowy color and there were a lot of books beside it that do it like the first one that i thought of was the hate u give by angie thomas but i went to go and grab these ones first actually so maybe this time by casey west which has a very purple spine it's really pretty but the cover is mostly green and then i also grabbed house of salt and sorrows by aaron a craig which has a dark purple spine but the cover of it is this turquoise like oceany color but like i said there are a lot of options for that next is a book with fruit on the cover and there's like only one option for this and i definitely know that's what i was thinking of when i screenshotted this one so i love this book so i'm not even mad about it but it is with the fire on high by elizabeth acevedo which has fruit all over it like literally all over it i'm sure there's another book with fruit on the cover this is just definitely the first one that comes to mind especially because look at all the fruit underneath oh my god it's so pretty i am obsessed with it and it's also a really good read next is a book with every color of the rainbow somewhere on the cover i don't know that i really have one because i feel like that doesn't happen a lot i will try oh actually i think this one might be as close as i'm going to get the girls of paper and fire by natasha and young has pink yellow and green but it like it definitely looks like a rainbow i will try and find something else though or maybe this one actually yeah for sure so i was trying to find an lgbtq book because obviously rainbow but i couldn't find any so i mean obviously i could find some but like i couldn't find any with all the colors of the rainbow on it however this one i think we are going to do well with so we've got blue like kind of an indigo purple red orange what are the other yellow and green what struggles yeah so this definitely has all the colors of the rainbow on it somewhere and the book is cured for the common universe by christian mckay high ticker by the way because i didn't say that okay so next is a book that reminds you of charlie he's actually here i've been dodging him because he's literally right here like i don't know why of all the places the little man has decided to sit that is where he chose but he's sleepy right now and i'm trying to get him to nap in his bed so what book reminds me of charlie oh it has to be a long book i feel like because as you guys know he is a long boy i'm gonna put him to bed though because he's exhausted actually i do have an answer for this one do i still have this book yes i do okay so a book that reminds me of charlie i'm going to go with geekerella by ashley poston because there is wiener dog in this book and he is right there on the cover but i was going to go with like a long but like a long skinny book because that just makes me think of him but i feel like this is a better option next is a book with sprayed edges that are more than one color i know exactly what book i was thinking of for this one but it's downstairs so i will just take a little video on my phone of it but my copy are the edges like this maybe the edges aren't like this no they definitely aren't okay well i was thinking of my uk copy of warcross by marie lu which is rainbow under the dust jacket but for some reason i thought the edges were rainbow but i don't think i actually have anything with edges that are more than one color maybe this one okay yeah so finale by stephanie garber the final book in the caraval series has black and not color here because it's just sprayed to be like the card suit so that might be cheating but oh well next is a book with seasonal element on the cover so rain sun leaves flowers no we have options there are definitely some books that come to mind right away like this for sure has flowers on it but i'm going to go with this one even though it is a book that like i talk about i don't know not fairly frequently but i have mentioned it before i'm trying to like pick some books that i don't talk about as often for these videos but this has snow on it and it's like actual snowflakes so the chaos of standing stella by jessica brody one of my other options was literally anything from the snow like ashes trilogy by sarah rosh because it all has like seasonal elements to it and divided because the whole concept of it is the kingdoms are based on the seasons so obviously that makes sense next is a book with a crown on the cover there are definitely so many first one that comes to mind though let's go with three dark crowns by kandara blake because it has three crowns so triple answer combo i don't know what just happened to me next is a book with a character named charlie i know isn't that the main character's name in perks of being wallflower i honestly have the worst memory and especially when it comes to characters and their names so this is going to be kind of difficult i feel like i may have read something recently too where one of the characters was named charlie please hold i'm going to look oh i know what i was thinking of okay so i don't own a copy but heart stopper by alice oseman is about nick and charlie so there we go this one has a character named jackson so we can talk about jackson that works i really can't find anything that i own that has charlie in it well i tried moving on a book with a cat on the cover i just got one recently actually and that is the other side of the sky by amie kaufman and megan spooner has a cat right there but i also recently read get a life chloe brown by talia hibbert which has a cat in it and on the cover but this is the one that was most accessible to me there's also the new bromance book club book that's coming out i can't remember when it's coming out i'm pretty sure it's soon not sure in terms of when this video is coming out but that has like a big cat on the covers so that one would definitely count and finally it is a book with a design under the dust jacket i love when books have designs under the dust jacket and i have a few here so let's pick one i did recently show her other book but all of elizabeth acevedo's books have designs under the dust jacket which i am such a big fan of so with the fire on high is also by her and has one and warcross which i was talking about has one and i can't really think of anything else but i felt like this one was appropriate because it's like a big design like i'm currently almost finished with cemetery boys by aidan thomas and that has this little design which is really pretty but i wanted to go with a big design there is an addition of this though that has a really beautiful design that matches the cover on here it's just not the addition that i have i think it might be a target exclusive or something which is tragic but yeah okay so that was the subscriber scavenger hunt that took a lot longer than i was expecting but it was really fun i honestly love doing videos like this and i hope you guys like watching them i love doing the different challenges and it gives me the opportunity to switch things up a little bit and talk about some books that i don't necessarily get to talk about that often so i hope you guys enjoyed if you have any more ideas for kind of videos like this please leave them down below because i would definitely love to do more in the future but thank you to everyone who sent me prompts if i'm going to do this again then i will ask for them on instagram i don't really use twitter anymore but you can follow me on instagram it's just at haley and bookland it's also linked down below for you guys if you want to partake in any of these challenge things so thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys in my next video soon [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Hailey in Bookland
Views: 35,243
Rating: 4.9853835 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, young adult, reading, book, hailsheartsnyc, haileyinbookland, hailey in wonderland, teen books, teen reads, ya books, ya reads, young adult books, Hailey LeBlanc, hailey in bookland, book recommendations, what to read, recommending books, scavenger hunt, bookshelf hunt challenge, bookshelf challenge, booktube challenge, bookshelf scavenger hunt, bookshelf scavenger hunt challenge, bookshelf search, bookshelf
Id: KXCoCD37Rks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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