moving vlog + fairyloot unboxing! - Part 1

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hey Rohan I'm not sure if this is the start of the vlog but I did want to do a moving vlog and it looks like it's about to start so I am officially finally moving from my mom's house where I've been for the past couple of months with this colorful background which you guys ask me all the time this isn't what it's gonna be like at the other house but my boyfriend's coming over with the u-haul soon and we're gonna be moving everything over today but I'm not sure just how much we're gonna get done I think we're just getting the stuff over today and I'm still probably gonna sleep here with the babies because I'm not moving that until everything's done so yeah I figured I'd give you like a little a little tour because I'm about to be out of here so forgive it it's a little bit of a mess but we had the background that you guys were asking me so much about I really did just put him into color order because it was the easiest way to organize them so yeah and then my little working area I'm currently finishing up editing a video which I want to get posted today and then Crescent City which I am love being of course it won't focus alone there we go so Crescent City which I am adoring look at all those tabs this is my cat's favorite toy the two little beasties with the bed the shelves those are my mom's but a lot of my stuff is on it my skinny shelf stitches on a trash can then we have the kitties little Tower which they really liked looking out of a mini fridge over there the closet the TV of course but yeah that's basically it everything else is in the garage so maybe maybe I'll show you this oh look how dirty the mirror is we love that but yeah maybe I'll show you a little sneak peek of the mess of the garage and I don't know how much I'll show you of the other house just because obviously it's not just my house and I really don't know how much I'm gonna get done today I do plan on filming a reorganization of my bookshelves but that probably will not be in this vlog this like moving vlog we'll see how much reading I get done to because I really want to finish Crescent City but what is this mess it looks green in the camera but it's it's two challahs hair we love that hi yes that's your hair how did you get it over here are you sad I'm leaving yeah okay I'll tell the boys okay so let's just head to the garage and you can see what we're gonna have to move today [Applause] okay that's my mom's car I do want to mention that you're gonna see a lot of shipping labels with addresses in this video but I didn't block them out cuz they were actually all from my old address yeah so don't try to send things to that address because I'm not there but that is the hot mess that we have to get over to the other house it looks I feel like worse than it is there's like knickknacks right here's my couch some rugs my bed stuff it's basically a one car garage filled with my things so that is the bulk of the stuff that we're gonna be moving today just into the u-haul and as well as my bookshelves I still again probably be sleeping at my mom's house tonight just because until like the other house is done and we don't have to be like constantly opening doors I don't wanna bring the cats over because they love running outside and they're not allowed outside so yeah I'll probably be still sleeping here for another night and keep on organizing tomorrow which should be fun I personally adore watching organization style videos like when I'm cleaning like fast cleaning happens so hopefully you guys enjoy that because I feel like that's gonna be like a larger part of this vlog then maybe I expect it to be so yeah now I just wait for my boyfriend and his best friend to come over so we can start moving things so just to give an idea of the aftermath all of the shelves obviously had to be moved most of the books are right there like a good amount of them there's still so many like random things we're gonna look really really bad yeah for the most part oh hi they don't like this for the most part though a lot of it's done and the garage is a whole other story so they already left with the u-haul to head back to the house I have to get gas in my car and then I'm gonna meet them there so I'll bring this camera with me and we'll get some more footage just getting some footage of what's gonna be the book room [Music] so we move the bookshelf but this is what we're dealing with we have everything so yes oh I didn't realize there's a rack thing there okay yeah this is what we're dealing with so it's mostly just gonna be some organizing today and figuring out where all the shelves and everything will go yeah let's let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we are slightly better sorry by the way for the angles I didn't bring my tripod yet so we have the shelves up on this wall which actually I kind of like love there I think I finally got this corner bookshelf to kind of work I think that you're specially anchor them to each other and that's how they actually look good with each other I might use duct tape I don't know I just don't know where I put the anchors anyways so now it's more about like figuring out where everything else goes because I still have to put my desk somewhere it's not gonna go there I have to put the shorter shelf somewhere I don't know if I wonder what the big shelves are not and then I have to take those out put them into our room bring in the reading chair and have a space I think I want to get like some kind of vanity I think I'm gonna use the the tabletop that I di wide for my books around pictures I think I'm actually gonna use that for like my makeup I haven't decided quite yet so guess we'll have to see I just like don't know how I feel about having like a marbled makeup desk you know it just feels like extra but I do want to have a space for that and in general like I'm trying to be conscience conscience okay I'm trying to be conscious of the fact that for whenever I do finally end up starting my other channel I want like a different background for it then obviously Luke's so I'm trying to decide on like how everything is gonna go laid out right now and I also have to make it so that like my desk isn't against a wall because the way that I fulfill my bullet journal videos for the month it just wouldn't work so yeah [Applause] [Music] okay so I did decide to put that there because I was thinking about how I don't have any Bowl technically to put all my cool posters but I definitely want to show off and I was originally gonna like kind of display them right here and maybe have the desk right there but I was thinking about it and now I feel like what I'm gonna end up doing is still have like this little area I want to have a TV in here because I want to be able to play video games just in a separate room then like my bedroom because first of all I button smash I'm always up way too late when I play video games that was - and Adam needs to sleep my boyfriend if you weren't you here but yeah so I figured it would be nice to have one of our other TVs and have one of them in here to play video games and I think that now I might want to like mount it right here it is pretty big though so I might be putting like that tall drawer right here and I don't know if it'll look weird I can have like my sitting reading chair right here which is like next to one of the windows which is nice and then also looking at this wall but then I'm kind of still trying to figure out because this is the wall that has like the big window right here and these windows they're like the fun kind that first you can like do this but they also open up which I really like like the area but it looks out into its like the patio but I want to be able to have like the opportunity to open them some well I'm reading so I just I don't know I know I'm kind of fit a lot into this room because I want like my makeup in here I want my TV in here I want my video games in here I want my book stuff in here and I need enough room to film for this channel and then potentially another channel so I just there's just a lot to think of it but I do think that for now I am gonna try and move this there were actually cuz I'm planning on using this shorter drawer which I don't think you guys have seen very much of but I have a shorter version of these drawers where I keep my makeup and I was thinking of using it I was like one of the legs for the marble table so then I still have to buy like legs for the other side because obviously I didn't have any legs for that table when I was just using it for books but it might actually look really really neat to have this like right there kind of next to it maybe like little space in between and then have like my little vanity area which would be fun I've always wanted a vanity and I've just never really had a full vanity which is gonna be really neat and that actually I think would look really good there what do you think okay I have to get moving again [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I moved the couch right here which is not ideal for the entrance I think that now what I'm gonna end up doing is pudding I messed up again I think no but it's okay what about that there I'm gonna put the desk kind of where it's at currently but like more towards the wall mount the TV there and then have the vanity right here but we're gonna rearrange the desk and then I'm gonna decide [Music] I don't hate the desk being there I actually kind of like it it's weirdly well but because there's always a but I don't think that I think that this little space is gonna be way too packed with the make up desk and with the couch and like whatever chair I use for the make up desk you know what I mean we're back to square one I guess that's why I really think that this couch is gonna do its best right here and then I can kind of do like a cute little like shelf thing right there to have as a background for what I don't want books as a background I just I don't know where the desk is supposed to go [Music] so for today this is done but tomorrow it's gonna be all about reorganizing the shelves I realized that like until that's done I really just cannot clearly see I loved that I wasn't even in focus in the picture but I just can't clearly see like what the rest of the room should look like so that'll be the next step tomorrow and should be fun and then I'll be bringing over some more stuff because there is some more stuff even though we have the whole u-haul and hopefully I'll be getting most of it done though and then by the next day maybe I'll be able to bring the kiddies and actually sleep here so this is it for day one of the move trying to pause the song and it is not doing what I wanted okay so I just got to my house or the house I'm moving into you and obviously well you can't actually see it that much but there is some stuff in the back and inside I put the blend ease because Adam was in the mood for Wendy's and I did get here a lot later than I thought I would I thought I'd be here by like noon and it's 5:00 p.m. currently and I don't really plan on staying here that long so I'm not sure how much of my bookshelf I'm gonna get reorganized today but that is like my main goal is to start the organization process of it this actually might be something that I split up into a few days but I'll talk more about that in like that video because I'm making a specific video for it am I in focus thingy used today yeah I just wanted to kind of give you an update from the car because I thought it would be fun but we'll see how much I get done today I'm really excited though because I was able to IKEA is closed because obviously a Kearney is happening currently and everyone's in quarantine but they still have like online ordering available so I was able to pick up like get it so that I could pick it up in the stores and that way I can see like cuz I'm gonna be using my books Graham tabletop as like my vanity and I got the two legs for it so I can actually see like if it's gonna fit in the book room or if it's gonna go in the master with us or like what's it gonna be but I'm excited that probably will check it out and I brought my ring light today and my tripod because yesterday not having a tripod was so difficult so yeah and then the ring light obviously for like the reorganization process well I mean I can use it for this vlog too sorry I keep looking up I'm very like into how I did my makeup today so I can't stop staring at myself okay I'm gonna go inside taking the food to the starving boy hopefully get started [Music] this is the mess that we are dealing with today again my main concentration is going to get is going to be e to get some of the books on the shelves today I don't think I'm gonna finish the reorganization today it's more about like clearing up the space to be able to organize some more but we'll see just how much I end up getting done as far as that stuff goes and then I'll probably keep you updated when I start like moving things around again but it did what I mentioned so my ring light she looks a little bare correct well so I mean I was getting out of the car it fell over and then all the little like plastic things popped off which is fine because that happens but also it fell like into the rocks and so now nervous that my ring white won't work that's supposed to look like that do you see that it's like okay whatever we're gonna give it a shot right now and I figured that would be kind of funny to get on tape because either I'll be really happy that it still works or I'm gonna be sad so let's do it [Music] [Music] we love this lighting for me okay so yeah again I'm just gonna start there are a couple of stacks of books in the card that I still have to grab and then I'll probably start on the reorganization so I will talk to you after that video has been done it's like video ception right now um I brought the tripod I brought the ring light I forgot but they need a thingy that attaches to my camera so I can actually use the tripod I don't think I'm going to be doing the reorganization today then what I'm gonna be doing is kind of just like stacking the books in however they'll go inside of the bookshelf so I have this space to be able to organize everything else and see how everything else is gonna fit which I think actually might be better I'll just like set you down wherever you'll fit I'm so frustrated ever got that thing so it is officially moving d2 oh wait I'm gonna listen to something so it's you know almost xx or it is the 20th of March 19th and I have not finished a book yet so what we're gonna do is put on go to the shadow market unscreened chapter tail [Music] [Music] all right so it is 6:20 I'm looking a little Messier obviously and most of the books are in the shelves I was actually really surprised I was like oh my gosh there's still so much space it's gonna be an easy reorganization and then I saw that outside of the room there were two more big little boxes a box but since they're outside of the room I'm not gonna worry about like shoving them into the shelves this was really just about clearing up the space in here I am thinking that the vanity might not go very well in here I do plan on leaving here within like the next hour so we'll see how much I can get done well well well well um it is now 8:30 so I want to be heading back home because I was supposed to leave by like 7:30 but I didn't get any footage today but I actually just didn't do that much more in the book room like I left the books as they were I left all like the furniture as it was Adam moved in the stuff that was in my car so I get to do that tomorrow and decide if like the van and B will be better in here or in the master which I feel like I've said 10 million times but mostly I was kind of concentrating on this everything's a mess guys so don't even look at it but mostly I was concentrating on this like secondary living room which we have which is like right next to my book room because there was this like shelf and I asked them if they were gonna do anything with it and they said no so I kind of put as aesthetically as I could which I'm not adoring it right now but it's good for right now I put it all like my reject books like ones that either I've been thinking about getting rid of or that I'm holding on to for one reason or another like sentimentality but I don't want in my bookshelves and there's like a cupboard at the bottom if you can see and I actually put all the books that were in my unhaul video in there because I'm gonna try and separate them out once everything's done and finally get on to making that deep hop because I know that was suppose to happen three months ago so sorry guys if any of you've been waiting it is still in my head as a plan I just want to be more prepared for it I guess but yeah and then I was kind of just trying to like I don't know make a little bit more space I just feel so bad because there's so much of my stuff in boxes and just package it up all around the house and granted the house wasn't perfectly clean before that but it's definitely a lot worse because of my stuff I am gonna leave it at that today no one's home right now so I feel a lot more comfortable blogging but again this place is a hot mess as well but having all this time I mean quarantine isn't you know like a light thing but it does give me a ton of time to actually be able to do this move and because of that though I'm taking my sweet time I'm not like rushing any of the steps so originally I thought that today I'd be a lot more finished but I'll probably be another two days before I bring over the cats I did decide though that I'm not gonna be reorganizing the shelves until the very end like that's going to be the last thing I do and I want the cats here for it because they always have fun when I'm rearranging the bookshelves for whatever reason so yeah feel like I'm like out of breath but I go back to my mama's house for tonight and hang out with my cats chill out maybe try and freaking read some the Crescent City because I have not been making time for it or maybe draw a little I'm not sure I want to do a lot of things I guess and then maybe I'll get my act together and wake up early tomorrow to cut come and do these things it's dark dark okay I will see you tomorrow [Music] okay so day three of the moving and we are prepared today I wore leggings so yeah fuzzy socks because duh and I put my hair up because we're getting it done today I came here super super late because I ended up doing a lot of stuff at my mom's house and just couldn't get here before then today what I want to do is mostly it just kind of set up the vanity you see where that's gonna fit but the main project is gonna be with bed so most of what goes on will not be in this room today which is fine I'm gonna take a split second drink some water and maybe put in my ear pods and listen to more of ghosts in the shadow market and I actually brought the thingy so that I can actually use my tripod [Music] what that was me trying to decide if the vanity would even fit very well in that corner with the other desk and I've decided it would not it's the thing is is those windows that are over here that you can't really see those ones they open up and I'd rather have at least one of them be able to open up and I put it at the distance it would need to be for that it's just not practical instead of building it in here I think I'm gonna move all my food supplies over to the other room I'll decide where to put this first I should probably turn off the music and actually listen to an audio book that's what we'll do I'm gonna listen it goes I am currently on chapter 4 it's going down really slowly for whatever reason [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well am I in focus I cannot tell so I have done as much as I set out to do today I'm actually really impressed that I caught the bed built there are definitely screws missing because I know my dad told me he taped screws that I needed to use for making the bed and I lost it but I couldn't figure out which screws were missing because everything that I needed seemed to fit so hopefully it doesn't fall apart in my sleep you know and then I set up the vanity over on that side I don't love right now how it looks like I'm still debating on like drawers I think I do want to change the marbling on it I didn't like how I did it in the first place so I might just buy that like dark blue-black marbling that I found or maybe a different one because that is definitely the best place for it to go ballsy I have technically not unpacked a single box except for like my book boxes that will probably be tomorrow's tasks it's actually like making it ho means that have just utilitarian I guess and I love decorating like I love love love love rearranging furniture and making things just look really cute so hopefully tomorrow is actually fun but we'll see for now though I think I mentioned aloud maybe sit down and hang out with the boys and oh I forgot I had food I'm gonna eat Pad Thai okay I will see you for day 4 movie was today day 4 day 4 it is still daylight outside as you can kind of see but barely it is 6 p.m. and we are entering in today for of moving I do think that today is going to be the last day of my like part 1 of my moving vlog just because I feel there's a ton of footage already and there are a couple of unboxings that I want to do a little later I stopped to get him out of the car expect a part two because obviously things are not done I'm just probably going to take a break tomorrow edit maybe this video maybe get it up do something along those lines but today is mostly going to be about unpacking like I said yesterday I have not unpacked a single thing I haven't opened any boxes but weren't booked boxes so I kind of want to like open things up put things away I did bring all of like my hung up clothes in the car my shoe rack things like that so I'll be kind of just organizing for the most part and then I do just want to get a head start on cleaning I got here and no one was home so that's kind of fun but I just kind of want to get the house clean because I don't want to bring the cats over until things just are more upto my cleaning standards I guess just because I can be a little crazy about my cats if I'm gonna be quite honest I just don't like them being in dirty areas I don't like people that aren't me touching them please tell me I'm not the only one that's that like I get crazy about two cats I crazy about my dogs - when I had dogs so it's it's like an overall animal thing actually it's an overall like my things kind of thing I'm pretty pretty crazy about all my things so not my best quality but we're working on it right now I'm just probably gonna get started and start opening up some boxes I don't know if I want to start filming right away I'm probably going to wait to get everything out of my car until my boyfriend and the boys get back because I'm going to enlist them in helping me my entire backseat so I Drive like an SUV my entire backseat from the beat space to basically the top of the ceiling is packed with just clothes on hangers I swear I go through my clothes like once a season and I swear to get rid of things but apparently not enough and I wear like the same things all the time because here I am again in my kiki shirt which I love wearing some leggings and socks it's always the same oh yeah I'm gonna try and keep this intro short just because obviously there's a ton of footage with the vlog and also there's probably gonna be a lot of footage with the double unboxing I do want to unbox my owl crate and fairy Lu boxes but I haven't been able to unbox for you guys quite yet and I feel like this is a great opportunity to and I think it'll be fun kind of like break in the new room before it's actually done I hope this will be kind of fun that where we're at it was took a weirdest thumbnail picture I hope I use it for this video okay okay yeah bye also I'm going to be listening to who I was watching Criminal Minds I might finish that actually because the episode has two minutes left but after that I'm going to listen to ghosts of the shadow market I did bring my laptop today so I could watch some videos there's some Skillshare videos that I wanted to watch not sponsored I just actually was planning on watching them so I feel like today should be pretty fun it's finally starting to like come together the next time I come over to the house I want to be able to bring the cats and just kind of like the last of the necessary stuff that I want right away I have like come to terms with the fact whenever I do moving or like reorganization things anything like that I have this weird idea that everything has to be perfect right away and it's always very like displeasing to me when it's not which is I think why moving is so so stressful for me because moving is never gonna be perfect and I have got to lower my standards as far as that stuff goes and I like had a moment the other day where I was just sitting there being like okay wait I don't need everything to look perfect right away I can make a whole other video of just like making my book room or remodeling my room or things like that where it's just more fun and nations where I'm making it where I'm proud of it right now I might not necessarily be entirely proud of my space but it's workable and I am really happy that I've come to terms with that because that's always something that's been so so hard for me to accept and it's it's just that's just life nothing's gonna be perfect right away and I really really really I'm so happy that I like open my eyes to that because your girl can be a little bit of a perfectionist which is very frustrating for everyone around me and me as well okay it's very frustrating for me as well to be a perfectionist it's very hard on your mind but it's also hard on everyone around me so like everyone that's been helping me move and everything they've probably had to deal with all this like negative energy that I was seeping that's such a weird word but okay that little brats over but I'm going to start attacking okay so we just got everything out of the so I have like stacks don't worry I've unboxed mister those I just never took them out of the box because I thought it was easier for Moving's sake so we got everything out of the car but everything's still just organized but I think I'm gonna start with with my clothes and they're all gonna go here so I don'ts been using my side gotta yell at him okay hot mess that is the bathroom wow this is actually a really nice mirror and I'm hyped about the bathtub cannot wait to take a bubble bath when this is all done gosh I feel like you guys are seeing just the absolute worst that this space can possibly get and I am so sorry and I hope you're not judging me but it is a move things get dirty so this is the closet before we don't care about out inside it is 718 so let's see how long this takes okay so it's a um 849 now and after so it's definitely looking cluttered but it's clean they have all my clothes suitcase I'm really happy about that I stole one of Adams racks to put more sweaters and yeah overall I'm pretty happy with it I just yeah I also cleaned up the bathroom a touch just because I didn't like it oh that's the TV but Adam wants to mount there we are going to have a bathroom TV I suppose which is hilarious and then yeah his side my side the vacuum alright and now to unpack more things I brought in all of these boxes that have like knickknacks and things like that so I'll be opening those up hopefully getting them shelved one of these boxes have the little shelves for these if you can hear music it's because the boys are playing D&D and they like me so so yeah hopefully when we see this next it'll look a little bit better [Music] [Music] okay so I found the shelves but I don't know where the little tags are to put the shelves in their place I have to go on a hunt for that now thank so many knickknacks Wow we're looking so cute yeah this is the end of the vlog number one I was supposed to film this like two days ago before I took like my little mini break where I just stayed at home but I didn't so we're doing it now I am just going to be doing a fairy loot unboxing I know originally I said I was gonna do two unboxings but I think it'll be better if I split it into the two blogs you know like and this one with fairy loot start the other one without great maybe not start because this I'm looking rough I don't have any makeup on very lazy today so here I'm gonna actually take this off let's just kind of get into it we are going to be unboxing the affair loot box for February this is going to be just a quick little unboxing I did again already accidentally open it because I thought it was one of the boxes that held just random things cuz I was using these boxes to put like knickknacks into for the move also we're loving this like very ratchet background but it's authentic it's real this is how my life is right now and we're gonna deal with it because I really really really want to open this up and well let's go so I am a very loot rep if you guys didn't already know if you want to you can use my code and you get I believe it's 5% off your first monthly subscription or something like that I'll leave the details down below as I always do so if you want to look at anything just go down there let us get into this box because I feel like it's gonna be fun so this is the little spoiler card this is fancy it's very cute it's like giving me very strong a throne of glass fives and the February theme is rule breakers so let's go the first thing which this is the only thing that I really could see when I opened up the box was this and we knew that we were getting a mug in this box and this one's gonna be serpent and Dove named I did read serpent and does do you like adorn it and the more that I look back on it the more I'm like four stars is maybe a little too generous for how I feel about it it was a good average read for me so it was probably leaning more towards a three star but to be fair I think the odd had that like effect on my reading experience with it because I didn't love it as much as I probably would have been fine physically read it so let's look at the mug though oh this is really freaking pretty Wow I really like that they made it a little wider they're lost ceramic mug was a little bit more like skinny and this one's a little bit fatter more like the ala carrot Kozik mugs for al crate and it's really really pretty so we have the two main characters which I'm gonna be honest with you I don't remember his name you have a dove and then we have our girl oh I don't remember her name either oh that's rough I probably should reread this book if I ever get in the mood to because it's just so freakin pretty let's see who did the drawing for it it's Lou and Reed okay I remember now and it was painted by mer wild and CO and if you look inside you'll notice a little serpent and uh but and that was actually designed by Tara so this is really really pretty I adore this I love getting bookish mags mugs are like my number two obsession I want to say number two because enamel pins are now easier to collect like you can have a million of them and they take up so little space while mugs I have a million and I am out of space so yeah let's get into the tarot cards so oh my gosh wait these are strange the dreamer themed oh this is everything okay I will let you know this is suraíh and she is the 10 of cups she is so studying you can see all her like spooky moths I love this and then we have someone else right here I'm not gonna say who it is it is mildly a spoiler you have not read all of straits to the dreamer or music nightmares so I'm not gonna say who it is and don't say in the comments who it is either because that's a spoiler and if you are gonna say make a spoiler alert so this is the 9 of cups I like that they're actually sticking with like an actual tarot card mean now I need to go back and see if all of them have really been tarot card inspired or not because I felt like one of them was just kind of like a maid card but I could definitely be wrong I'm really really knowing the art on them though it looks like they've switched up the artists again so yeah oh wait no I think she was actually making lost ones too but Gabriela Boosh oh so is doing these strange the dreamer series by Laini Taylor and I'm obsessed like these are very whimsical very magical like I wonder if end up having like a whole set of tarot cards by the time this is done because if we are that would be really freaking cool like really really cool and it says one does not simply walk into Mordor we are done it is really really cool it's just very high quality I'm into this let's see who designed it it was designed by bookmark tattoos and the love you more studios okay let's grab I did not expect that wait this is this is cute I like this I'm pretty sure it's like a scarf or like one of those very sheer shawls so like just to give you an idea this is the Sheerness level of it and it has a beautiful gold foiling and a cat on top of books which we're here for okay I should unravel it ooh okay nice so it's just like this is really cool I'm feeling stylish wait let's let's see what this is bye so back in June 2019 we featured sorcery of thorns I knew it was sorcery of thorns inspired okay by margaret Rogerson and they of course had to include an item that celebrates the wonderfully brave and rebellious characters in it there is Silas as the cat's his best form truly a stack of books represent the grimoires and thorns for the Nathaniel the foiled scarf features a stunning and shiny exclusive design by Tara I really like this this is kind of giving me like festival vibes festival fashion has a lot of like that's kind of like shawl gold foiling situation going on like I might try and plan something around this for Coachella since Coachella got pushed back to October now so I have the time to try and decide on that I like this okay ooh we got a chapstick wait what's it inspired by I feel like a red moon so that makes me think it's probably never night themed but it says Milwaukee assess ruins flavor is strawberry Prosecco I like that so the lip balm was made exclusively for ferry lead by the amazing little hurt gifts and it was inspired by the mischievious molasses I'm saying that's so wrong and butchering the name don't come at me from wicked Saints okay I kind of also thought it might have been wicked Saints inspired just because it looks a lot like the cover for it I don't own wicked Saints and originally I really did want to read it but then I heard kind of mixed reviews on it so I never went ahead and found it pick it up so oh oh my gosh oh my gosh about two bookmarks and these are never night they're two like the best quotes okay you might not know this about me but I actually really wanted to get this tattooed for a minute but never flinch never fear and never ever forget but then I was like oh that's so dark and grim but it might still happen one day I mean first we're gonna start with round all the stars and then we'll move on from there so and then this one such a good quote the books we love they love us back and just as we mark our places in the pages those pages leave their marks on us and they're just so pretty look at look at the foiling on them these are really really stunning I'm obsessed let's see who designed them wait there's a sticker too few centuries too many books we are well too many books too few centuries we love this quote because how accurate so these were all designed by Nava Intel and I'm absolutely obsessed like they're so so so so beautiful and I really love the sticker you can feel how high-quality it is I probably will not use it on my Hydra flasks like I used most my stickers because I love it a lot so either I'll hang it up or now that I have like a life journal I've been thinking about adding my stickers into there but we'll decide when the time comes and we got an art print oh wait I think this is like the one inspire by the book in the box because this is big bookmark and that normally goes in the little fairy loot bag so we got this art prints this bookmark okay yeah I don't think I know who these people are but I really like to bookmark as well so let us get into the book because I want to say that those were all the items that are supposed to be in the box uh okay so this is we hunt aflame inspired I still have yet to read that book but I do really want to and it was actually designed by I believe never until as well yes and let's get into the book I honestly have no clue what could be in here I think that I originally had an idea but I have since forgotten so let's grab out all the goodies inside first we got I got fancy a little it's like a postcard that's pretty cool after all love is an excellent motivation to kill Oh motivator after all love is an excellent motivator to kill I mean but are you wrong Criminal Minds has taught me that that's true and then we have the fairy scoop which we'll go over in a minute and let's grab there's actually a couple there's a little more oh I love this art style for this print this is cool let's grab it up so it's the shadows between us this is a strange book because the cover is pretty glossy but the matte parts are like soft touch intriguing and it's by Tricia 11 Sulley isn't she no one ever at the Pirate King serious because I want to say that it is okay I was right so Trish 11 seller is that author of daughter of The Pirate King and I loved that first book but I really really really didn't like daughter the cyrene Queen like I liked aspects of it but the overall we plot was not for me let's read they've never found the body of the first and only boy who broke my heart and they never will I think this book is gonna be something that's right up my alley okay so it says Oh Sandra is tired of being overlooked but she has a plan to gain power whoo the shadow king shadow king that just makes me think of the darkling and if we're talking about a love story with a villain I've been begging for this for so long okay sorry sorry sorry number to marry him number three kill him and take his kingdom for herself god Alessandra you is the one badass so it says no one knows the extent of the freshly crown shadow Kings powers some say he can command the shadows that swirl around him to do his bidding others say they speak to him with spring the thoughts of his enemies regardless Alessandra knows what she deserves and she's going to do everything within her power to get it but Alessandra is not the only one trying to kill the King as attempts on his life are made she finds herself trying to keep him alive long enough for him to make her his queen all while struggling not to lose her heart after all who better for a shadow King than a cunning villainous Queen wait this sounds like something I've been begging for I've literally I know that it's probably like not right but I was rooting for Alina and the dark wing in shadow and bone and I knew he was a bad person and stuff like that but I just I just thought I would have been a fun ending like and ever since I read that book I've been thinking to myself like I want to write a story where maybe our main character does get wooed by the villain oh we have some inner jacket oh my gosh oh oh the naked book is pretty look at that and like the dust jacket art this is some fancy artwork for this book because I'm in love with the dust jacket art and this so let's go into the fairy Scoob we do have the interview with the author as per usual Tricia Levin seller and then we have oh okay so we did get an exclusive cover it was originally supposed to be red and black and we got a dark purple in black which I think I prefer because I like purple and then we got artwork on the reverses of the desk jacket which isn't in the regular copy embossing ooh and it's signed by the author I totally forgot to check that she's slippery that is a fancy signing page okay so and then we have the read along which was starting March 16th so I missed it but that's okay and then we have next month's theme which is gonna be break the curse it's time for you to break the curse into fireface love it you can expect items inspired by the queen of nothing a curse of dark and lonely The Raven boys care about and heartless now and tail is going to be working on one of the big items in this box which is awesome I feel like not until works on a lot of their big items which is really really cool and then their featured book of the month is a high-stakes fantasy flush with doomed romance and macabre a how do you see that word Mac upper maca Bray mad magic this beautiful book filled with siren like women ferrying the dead and a swoon worthy romance had us on the edge of our seats this very exclusive edition will have a shimmery sprayed edges aren't work on the reverse of the dust jacket by Diana D war AK and will be signed by the author okay I'm very very very thank you bye so this fox is actually really awesome I mean I figured it would be because rule breakers tend to be like my favorite trope in books but the book itself is actually something that I'm really really intrigued by I'm definitely willing to give Trish 11 seller another shot because I did love the first book so much and her daughter of the parent King duology as far as like favorite thing in the box goes it's probably gonna be the never night bookmarks I mean the thing is is everything is really really cool but these they just seem to my soul you know this is gonna be the end of my part 1 vlog it's so hopefully I'll be getting this up but yeah I hopefully can get this vlog up and get it edited and you guys can start seeing my moving process and then right now I'm actually going to start my part two of the vlog and just start like kind of unboxing more things so thanks for sticking around with me for this moving stuff I hope that you're having a good time please let me know if there's anything that you would prefer to see I know you guys missed my vlogs and hopefully this is kind of filling that void but you had but I do kind of have a lot of plans for vlogs in general once I'm all moved in just because I'll have the space for it again and right now specifically with everything that's going on obviously I will be home quite a bit an able to vlog for you guys I hope that you're having fun I hope you're being safe everyone just you know take this time relax and enjoy it I guess as much as you can but I will see you all in my next vlog I don't know if that'll be the next video that goes up if linked I'll have the vlog part one and two back-to-back but we'll see I guess and I will see you in my next one goodbye [Music] what beautiful creature
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 38,933
Rating: 4.9689121 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, read, reader, reading, reads, series, fiction, literature, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, rec, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, nerd, dork, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, vlog, vlogger, moving, how to, DIY, shadowhunters, ghosts of the shadow market, organizing, makeover, redo
Id: 5VGhr0SsV8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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