a MASSIVE book haul because what is self control? (30+ books) πŸ“”βœ¨

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i don't know why i always do this to myself i need to realize that an interesting book haul doesn't always mean over 30 books because this is ridiculous not me wanting to change my entire tbr because of this haul hello greeting friends welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new my name is mel and today i bring you another massive book haul because we have no self-control over here and we are going to talk about 35 books today today we have a mix of books as well so we have books that i got myself books that were sent to me by publishers some of you also send me books for my wish list and so we just have an array of everything in here today so we're gonna chat about 35 books because why not because why not and right before jumping into the actual haul portion of this video i need to give a massive thank you to today's sponsor skillshare as some of you may know skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative people skillshare's community is a place where you can explore new skills where you can hone those skills that you already have and find passions that you never thought of pursuing before in a very safe space in my opinion skillshare is one of those places where you can get lost in your creativity and find thousands upon thousands of classes that will help you improve your creative journey and their classes also come from a variety of different categories we have illustration we have to sign we've got journaling which i know a lot of us are just getting into they also have photography which is the class that i'm going to talk about today and they've got creative writing classes with some of the biggest names in the publishing industry as well as business classes and so so much more and as i have told you guys before i am trying really really hard to up my instagram game however i found one class that has been so inspiring because it's exactly what i needed for bookstagram in particular and it is still live photography capturing stories of everyday objects at home this class is taught by sean dalton and he breaks down the perfect composition behind a picture of still objects at home whether it's a book whether it's a mug whether it's one of those beautiful aesthetic pictures that we see all over the internet the class is perfectly made for you to understand exactly what thought goes behind those beautiful pictures that you see on instagram another thing that i personally love about skillshare it's that it's curated specifically for learning meaning that there are no ads and they are constantly launching new premium classes and skillshare has also been incredibly generous with us today because the first 1 000 people to click the link in the description we'll get a free trial of skillshare premiums so you can immerse yourself in your creative journey and if you do decide to carry on with skillshare after your free trial it is less than ten dollars a month for your premium subscription and yeah without a further ado let's get right into this book haul because we got a lot of books to talk about so let's get right into it the first book that i have here to show you is the collector's edition of throne of glass which i i'm just ecstatic that this made its way to me because this is a stunning collector's edition look at that sword right there and it's the way that i now don't know if aquitar is still my favorite or if throne of glass has kind of kicked it aside and taken its place i really don't know so we don't talk about it over here because i still don't know myself look at this gorgeousness of a collector's edition this is so freaking stunning and it's got the science as well on the inside it's got the word marks with the sword it's just the attention to detail with these collectors editions is just out of this world so i am so excited to have this here with me this in particular is a second book in a series and this is the mime order byzantine and this is the second book in the bone season series is it called the bone season series i guess it's called the bone season series i hope so in this world in this magic system it is predominantly clairvoyance and in particular we follow paige mahoney who is a clairvoyant herself she is actually one of the more powerful clairvoyants except that it's illegal to be one and she has been working in the underground of cyan london for years now one day she is actually kidnapped and taken to the secret society called oxford it's been secret for hundreds of years these people have been taking the clairvoyance captive and taking them as slaves and so as paige is there and she starts figuring out more about herself and this world that she lives in and how the system works and exactly what war is brewing behind the scenes it gets super crazy it gets so messy it's just so good this is on my tbr for this month so i just thought i'd mention this in here as well a third book in the series that i have right here is a vows of old and deadly by bridgette kimberer this is the third book in the curse breaker series you may know the first book a curse so dark and lonely you may also know that i really really enjoyed a curse of dark and lonely i thought it was a phenomenal book i really think it's one of the strongest beauty and the beast retellings that i have personally read i cannot speak for every single other retelling out there but at least that i have personally read and i am so excited to see how the story progresses and how it kind of wraps up in this series it is a beauty and the beast retelling and we particularly follow prince wren who has been cursed by a powerful enchantress to become a raging beast basically until he falls in love with a human girl and so every now and then he sends his only friend and royal guard grey to the human realm to pick up a girl that could potentially fall in love with him and as he does so one day we have this one girl called harper who is walking down the street and she sees great try and kidnap this girl and in a bout of heroic she saves her but she is instead snatched away two this round to this otherworldly realm where she is tasked unknowing to her to save prince wren from this curse and so i really enjoyed my time with the first one and i can't wait to make my way through the rest of them another book that i am planning to read this month is a cuban girl's guide to tea and tomorrow in this one we follow a cuban girl after the passing of her grandma and she has been in a state of grief for months now and so her parents in the last hope of trying to help her in her mental health journey ship her way to the uk in the hopes that again in a new setting in a new country meeting new people she can get a lot better and she ends up meeting this boy at a tea shop who actually offers his services to show her around london and show her everything that london has to offer and that is where the story kicks off it sounds incredibly cute i think a latin main character in the uk just sounds so incredible and i can't wait to read the story we have saga volume 4. yes you heard it right am i planning to read it this month absolutely yes as you guys know saga has quickly become one of my favorite graphic novels and although i gave the third volume a three star i am holding out hope that volume four will be a lot more exciting and a lot better and this is kind of a mix of like sci-fi fantasy game of thrones the maturity aspects of it meets the sci-fi element of star wars it is so thrilling and exciting it's just so good because we do follow two soldiers from opposite sides of the war as they meet and they fall in love and they have a baby and said baby is technically against the law it causes a lot of commotion and a lot of conflict in the universe itself and so they have a lot of people after them in order to not only annihilate them but also the baby so they are constantly on the run trying to raise this baby in the midst of danger quite enjoy my time reading these graphic novels you guys will be very excited to hear that thanks to one of you actually i now own my first brandy sandy book you heard it right peeps you heard it here first if you guys know me if you guys have been here for a while you guys would a know that i have branded brandon sanderson look at me go with them rhymes i have branded him as brandy sandy because why not life is too short not to be fun and two i have never read one of his books before and i know a lot of you not only love brandy sandy but his work is also very beloved in the book community so it is time for me to make my way into the brandy sandy universe and although a lot of people advise newbies to you know kind of dip their toes into mistborn first i said no and i followed a lot of recommendations from fellow booktubers also known as brightness katie reads who said that i would really love war breaker and so i am trusting her on this one and again i really don't know a lot about this so let's read the back let's see what this says war breaker is the story of two sisters who happen to be princesses the god king one of them has to marry a lesser god and an immortal trying to undo the mistakes he made hundreds of years ago theirs is a world in which those who die in glory return as gods a world transformed by biochromatic magic and i don't know if this was intentional or not i don't know if this was the reason why katie said that i would enjoy this one the most but it has gods people who die return as gods that is just my cup of tea if you guys know anything about me i love fantasy books that include gods and deities and people dying and returning as them or people stealing powers from them it's just one of my favorite things to read about another book that i know a lot of you love and i finally have in my hand again thanks to one of you it is lovely war by julie barry historical fiction again apparently it has gods in it apparently the narrator itself is a god also mad floppy in the perilous days of world wars 1 and 2 the gods held the fates and the hearts of four mortals in their hands hazel james aubry and colette a classical pianist from london a british would-be architect stern soldier a harlem born ragtime genius in the us army and a belgian orphan with a gorgeous voice and a devastating past their story as told by goddess aphrodite god damn you guys know me you guys know me who must spin the tale or face judgment on mount olympus is filled with hope and heartbreak prejudice and passion and reveals that the war is a formidable force it's no match for the transcendent power of love i read all that i needed to read i had no idea aphrodite was the god retelling this story i thought it was just gonna be a random god not related at all to greek mythology so i think what i said about war breaker was a really nice segue into this and i would need to squeeze this and how many pages is this it's almost 500 pages another book that i just had to get because you guys know how excited i've been about this one for a while and i am also reading it this month it's been the dawn by elizabeth lim you guys know that anything that is pitched just like a project runway situation i am there for i used to watch project runway all the time growing up and so this one is being sold as a project runway meets mulan when maya's dreams of becoming the most famous dressmaker in the land is closer than she ever thought possible because as a royal messenger summons her father to come into this royal competition she takes his place as his supposed son and in the competition she must craft these gorgeous gowns filled with magic and grandeur and she might fall in love with the sorcerer and there are trials and tribulations which sounds so good i know it's rich with culture and just a lot of mythology i am so excited to read this and you guys also know i am planning on reading illuminae this month and this made its way to me too gemina by jay kristoff and amy kaufman is the second book in the illuminae files and i am so excited that i have this now because that means that i can either binge illuminae and gemina or read gemina in a 24 hour readathon soon or in like a vlog or something i am just excited to see what i do with this book again in illuminae we follow two x's as a war is brewing over a desolate planet and now stuck in a ship together they must try and figure out exactly why this fight has broken out and potentially save the world potentially find out what's happening potentially stop it i really don't know much about illuminae besides that i also have not gotten spoiled for a single thing which is fantastic so i am glad that this is now in my possession i may just binge these how beautiful is it that i now own my first classic physically and that is pride and prejudice by jane austen in this gorgeous tall paperback edition it's floppy too can i give you a synopsis on this one now that is the question i do not think pride and prejudice needs any introduction i've watched the movie this talks about familial and societal expectations and hopefully finding your one and true love i guess there's gonna be an intersection here as well about class and power dynamics and i know there's elizabeth and i know there's mr darcy but beside that i don't know what else is in here so i guess i'll find out once i go in let's get into some book of the month books the first one that i have here is the kindest lie by nancy johnson and this one in particular the catchphrase a promise could break you but this one takes place in 2008 after barack obama has been elected as the president of the united states just that beginning part of the synopsis sounds incredibly interesting but let's let's hear more in chicago ruth turtle an ivy league educated black engineer is married to a kind and successful man he's eager to start a family but ruth is uncertain she has never gotten over the baby she gave birth to and was forced to give up when she was a teenager she had promised her family she'd never looked back but ruth knows that to move forward she must make peace with the past the kindest lie examines the heartbreaking divide between black and white communities and plums the emotional depths of the struggle faced by ordinary americans in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis i personally think this is going to be a really interesting read there seems to be a lot of interwoven themes in here about family and about judy and also about politics and conversations about race and class i am very excited to read this i don't know when i'll get to it but this was definitely one of the books that i was the most excited about when i saw the selection so i definitely want to get into this one soon another one is girl a by abigail dean and i have heard this is more like a suspense than anything else again taglines get me and this one says you can flee your parents you can bury your secrets but you'll never leave behind what your siblings know what you all shared and i think there's something about sibling dynamics in books particularly in like thriller mysteries that is so appealing to me i think the bond between siblings lends itself to so many different elements in these genres that are highly compelling and so that is kind of the best little description that i could need to go into this book next up i have the beautiful by renee audie and i know this is a lot of people's favorite this has vampires and witches the greatest old creatures in the paranormal side of literature i absolutely love it i just love the romance between a witch and a vampire i think that's one of the best romance combinations that we could ever get and this is also set in new orleans i believe in the 1800s in 1872 and new orleans is just a setting that i am just so drawn to there's so much history and culture there that i just know despite the fact that this is more historical despite the fact that this is you know in the 1800s i know i am going to love this in 1872 new orleans is a city ruled by the dead but to 17 year old celine russo brucio new orleans is a safe haven after she's forced to flee her life as a dressmaker in paris she becomes embroiled in the city's glitzy underworld known as le coe de leon after catching the eye of the group's enigmatic leader sebastian saint-germain that's a sexy name right there people when the body of one of the girls from the convent is found in sebastian's own lair oh a sexy vampire murdering someone the second dead girl to turn up in recent weeks celine battles her attraction to sebastian and suspicions about his guilt along with the stream of her own horrible secrets i am ready for this see this is what i mean i look at these synopsis and i'm like when should i read these like there's not enough time to read all these books and i want to read all of them i think this could potentially become a favorite i'm not gonna lie we have probably one of the tiniest books that i have ever seen look at that size it's like itty bitty tiny it's so cute this is every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire is this like the wayward children series is that what it's called eleanor west's home for wayward children no solicitations no visitors no quest children have always disappeared under the right conditions slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells and emerging somewhere else but magical lands have little need for used up miracle children nancy tumbled once but now she's back the things she's experienced they change a person the children under miss west's care understand all too well and each of them is seeking a way back to their own fantasy world i don't know if this is specifically a multiverse situation or if this is just oh we travel to fantastical worlds whichever the scenario is i am so interested to see how this magic system works and exactly how all of these stories are connected in one way or another because i do believe there's like a bunch of books in these series and i know they're all relatively short so i think this would be a nice collection to build up and a nice story to get immersed in we also have a historical fiction by kristin hannah i know kristin hannah is also a fan favorite i know is it kristin hannah that wrote the nightingale or just nightingale i do believe so and the great alone as well and i know a lot of people adore kristin hannah's work especially the nightingale i feel is the one that is the most famous and that i know a lot of people have cried with so maybe i need to get a hold of that one too texas 1921 a time of abundance the great war is over the bounty of the land is plentiful and america is on the brink of a new and optimistic era over elsa wolcott deemed too old to marry in a time when marriage was a woman's only option the future seems bleak until the night she meets ralph oh my god why did i find it so funny that the guy's last name is martinelli if you're from panama you know but if you don't know you can also look it up until the night she meets rav martinelli and decides to change the direction of her life with her reputation and ruins there is only one respectable choice marriage to a man she barely knows that actually kind of sounds interesting i think that lends itself to a really nice kind of like constipated romance of like i gotta marry you out of duty but we stay out of love but we kind of deny that it's love until the very last minute i think the story lent itself for that we have another cute romance and a romance that i plan to read very very soon i was actually planning on reading this in february and i couldn't get to it so i think my plan of action with this one is to read it in the 24 hour readathon for march relatively short and i have heard nothing short of incredible things about this one since it came out and in this one we follow grace porter who after getting her new phd she is ready to celebrate and kind of break out of her shell and in that whim of a decision she decides to go to las vegas and she accidentally ends up marrying this girl that she doesn't know and due to this one spontaneous moment of her life that grace never expected they decide to go into a little honeymoon vacation moment to new york city in the hopes of getting to know each other as newlyweds and also grace as a form of escapism from her family except nothing's that easy and reality comes knocking on the door very quickly and they need to figure out how they're going to handle that together and again sounds very cute female female romance i also know the love interest in this book is asian so we love to see that interracial romance and i just hope it's a very wholesome just black happiness moment because that's what we need another short book but one that i really really want to get to soon this is the infinite country by patricia angel and this one is a latinx book which you guys know i personally love to see and the gist of this one is that we follow a colombian family separated by borders and i do believe they're trying to find their way back to each other they're all immigrants and i just think this will be a more heartbreaking story but one that i am still very much excited to read and see how patricia angel brings up that conversation to light and hopefully this will be rich in culture yes it says rich with bogota urban life i love the fact that it's set in bogota i have never gone there but i have heard just gorgeous things it's not that long it's like 191 pages long not me wanting to change my entire tbr because of this haul this is a book that i have also started reading in january i don't know why i thought i'd read this in february but that is completely false i am still you know a little bit of a way in i do have my bookmark in there but this is cast and firelight by dana swift and this is very asian inspired which i definitely was not expecting going into it but the inspiration is very much there and we follow two heirs to the throne from completely different kingdoms as they have entered and arranged marriage from a very young age due to their parents forming an alliance in order to strengthen their kingdoms and one of them has mastered all forms of magic that is in their world and the other one who technically needs to master all of them can barely master one but people can't know that because if they do then it discredits her as a ruler and as a threat approaches bell war which is one of the cities or the country itself i can't quite remember they both take secret identities in order to save their people and they meet each other cross paths and start falling in love with each other through set secret identities having no idea of who they really are and secret identities is one of my favorite things to read about and i just think the concept of two royals who are already betrothed falling in love with each other not knowing who they are fantastic it's just a 200 iq just galaxy rain moment and i love it here i really need to get this book done another one that i am so excited is in my hands is radio silence by alice oseman i loved heartstopper with my entire being and i cannot wait to make my way through alice oseman's back list so i have no doubt that radio silence being a fan favorite is probably gonna be incredible you probably think that aled last and i are going to fall in love or something but he is a boy and i am a girl i just wanted to say we don't francis hanveer spends her time studying and making fan art for her favorite podcast universe city alet last is known as a smart quiet kid no one knows that he is also the creator of university and goes by the name radio silence online also alet is one of the characters that we see in heartstopper and i am just so happy that we get more aled in radio silence when francis gets a message from radio silence asking if she'll collaborate with him everything changes he and alex spend an entire summer working together and becoming best friends when alet's identity is revealed francis fears that universe city and their friendship is at risk why did i just get chills all over my body reading that synopsis that should be illegal that is insane but again i am just so happy that we get more allied in this book i don't believe we've met francis and heart stopper or not yet at least she might be in volume three i'm not quite sure like i love that this is like the alice osmond verse and that we get to see characters from like different books and like different graphic novels in all of her work i just think it's fantastic how we continuously get characters that we've already fallen in love with i also thought it was about mad time that mel read a rin to pekko and i have the brown witch here with me also the foiling details on this one are fantastic it says the beast raged it punctured the air with its spite but the girl was fiercer i love this already tea is different from the other witches in her family her gift for necromancy makes her a bone witch who are feared and ostracized in the kingdom for theirs is a powerful elemental magic that can reach beyond the boundaries of the living and of the human great power comes at a price is it tea or tea not me calling her tea it could be taiyo forcing tea tea to leave her homeland to train under the guidance of an older wiser bone witch puts all her energy into becoming an asha learning to control her elemental magic and those beasts who will submit by no other force elemental magic is also a form of magic that i have been so interested by since i was very very young i think whenever elemental magic popped up in books i was always like that is so cool and i want to have fire magic or i want to have water magic and so that has always been a compelling element of literature to me very very personally and so i really want to see how there's that intersection between necromancy and elemental magic if both can be used at the same time or if they need to be kept separate it's a very interesting world from what i am seeing here on the synopsis we also have in a book club far away by tip marcelo and i do believe this follows army wives army wives at fourth fairfax they bonded through their book club and soon became inseparable but when a betrayal shattered trust among the group the friendship abruptly ended that's why eight years later regina and sophie are shocked when they get a call from adelaide adelaide's husband is stationed abroad and without any friends or family near her new home in alexandria virginia she has no one to help take care of her daughter while she undergoes emergency surgery if anything i think this one will make me cry i also love the spine for this one i think it's a really beautiful moment on the shelf i really love how it looks but this is definitely more along the lines of contemporary literary fiction so a genre that i typically don't read a lot of but i am still very interested in this one because i think the tears will flow we've got what's mine and yours my name acosta as well and this one says a community in the piedmont of north carolina rice is an outrage as a county initiative draws students from the largely black east side of town into predominantly white high schools on the west for two students g and noel the integration sets of a chain of events that will tie their two families together in unexpected ways over the next 20 years so i do know this is a very multi-generational story so i am always excited for those because hopefully we will have alternating timelines on this one this is definitely gonna be an interesting read and if anything again i think this is one that is going to make me cry i think that conversation of trying to instill the mentality in sons and daughters that they are not particularly latinx or that they are not particularly black because they are mixed race is something that i see quite a lot even here in panama and i hope that the conversation in this one will be good because it lends itself to so much especially if it's a multi-generational story a lot of you will also be happy to see that i have heartless by marissa meyer now i definitely want to make my way through marissa meyer's repertoire her back list i do want to read renegades and i also want to finish the lunar chronicles because i quite enjoyed the first two books but this is a standalone and this is a queen of hearts retelling and we see her side of the story in this one and i do from what i ever heard believe that this is a more heartbreaking story that doesn't necessarily have a happy ending and i think that's a given given the fact that it is kind of the villain of the story catherine may be one of the most desire girls in wonderland and a favorite of the unmarried king but her interests lie elsewhere a talented baker wait she wants to open a shop and create delectable pastries but for her mother such a goal is unthinkable for a woman who could be queen at a royal ball where cat is expected to receive the king's marriage proposal she meets handsome and mysterious jess for the first time she feels the pull of true attraction this sounds so awesome i did not know this had the element of food and baking you guys know that's one of my favorite things in books as well so i did not know this was a thing in here i cannot wait to see how marissa meyer incorporates the queen of hearts element into this one and how she twists that in a way to fit this particular narrative i think it'll be very very interesting more fantasy books are we surprised i think not we have labyrinth lost by suareena cordoba and surida cordova is the author of incendiary which a lot of you may know but look at the tagline the first lesson of being a bruja magic always has a prize that reminds me so much of once upon a time with rumpled stiltskin magic always comes with a prize deary i love that i love everything about it i've also been re-watching once upon a time for like the past two months and again this has gods in it you know i was chosen by the dios even gods make mistakes alex is a bruja the most powerful witch in a generation and she hates magic at her death day celebration alex performs a spell to rid herself of her power but it backfires her whole family vanishes into thin air leaving her alone with nova a brujo she can't trust but who may be alex's only chance at saving her family did i say more about this i think it's been clear i think there's a clear theme in here about what i enjoy next up i have the final revival of opal and nev by donnie walton and this is said to be for fans of daisy jones on the six opel is a fiercely independent young woman pushing against the grain in her style and attitude a black punk artist before her time coming of age in detroit she can't imagine settling for a comfortable job despite her unconventional looks opal believes she can be a star in early 70s new york city just as she's finding her niche as part of a flamboyant and funky creative scene a rival band signed to her label brandishes a confederate flag at a promotional concert that's a concern opal's bold protest and the violence that ensues set off a chain of events that will not only change the lives of those she loves also be a deadly reminder that repercussions are always harsher for women especially black women who dare to speak their truth i love this i love everything about this i think this book will definitely deliver a strong message and i am excited to see how it is established especially with the whole music industry in the 70s particularly for rock music and given all of the movements that will happen in here warcross by mary lou also made its way to me and i love the fact that this is a why a sci-fi dystopian situation i think it's more sci-fi than anything i do believe this is something about reality kind of going into a game for the millions who log in every day warcross isn't just a game it's a way of life struggling to make ends meet teenager hacker emika chen works as a bounty hunter cracking down warcross players who bet on the game illegally emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international warcross championships only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation i have never read a mary lou in my life if you could believe that her books were so big back in the day and i still do think her books are big she has warcross and skyhunter and kingdom of buck she has some newer releases that i have seen around all around booktube but i think out of all of them warcross was definitely the one that kind of caught my attention the most and it's very sci-fi it has that element of like alternate realities kind of like vr and games and hacking i think it'll be a really interesting book i really want to explore her writing specifically in this setting i think this is definitely the one that sounds the more interesting to me this fantasy right here when i tell you i looked at the synopsis and i was like gimme gimme gimme i need it and this one is kingdom of exiles by maxim m martino i will not fall i will not flee i will not break as a charmer lena edenfrill can tame the rare magical beasts that inhabit her world when she's falsely accused of using her magic to charm a human she's exiled and forced to sell her beloved beasts to survive but if she can just make it through the next week she'll have everything she needs to prove her innocence and return to the only home she's ever known that is until she learns that the charmers council has sent knock the realm's deadliest hunter to find her and knock will stop at nothing until she's dead i really do hope that they fall in love this is giving me the biggest like fantasy romance vibes kind of let's save the world together and i am here for all of those vibes that's exactly what i need and the next one i have is the storm crow by caitlin josephson and this is actually a book that i first saw in jessie from jessie the reader's channel and it instantly sparked my interest because of the representation and mental health on this one i do believe depression and ptsd form a really big part of the story and trauma and so according to what i have heard the representation is really really nice on this one so i definitely want to read it for that and because the world also seems very interesting and the cover is definitely an eye catcher this says thea was born to be a crow writer in her kingdom of rodair magical elemental crows are what keep the city running for her entire life thea has known she will hatch a crow train it and become a writer but then the aleutian empire invades in a calculated attack they kill all the crows and destroy the eggs in a horrible fire that also robs thea of her mother and mentor when tia's sister khalisa becomes the new queen of rodaire she is forced to agree to a marriage between thea and the illusion heir in an effort to save her people and there is a rebellion in here and arranged marriage crow writers which is something that i have never in particular heard before in fantasy i think that concept is very intriguing just because it's so new to me and again the mental health rep and this one is said to be really good so those were some of the reasons why i was definitely interested in picking it up we've got the gilded ones by namina forna it is finally out and i know people have been loving this one ever since it came out and i know a big theme about this book is the patriarchy and how that kind of forms in society and i know in this one we follow a 16 year old that is anticipating her blood ceremony in order to find out if she will be admitted into her village and she is definitely hoping that her blood runs red in this ceremony except it doesn't and instead it runs gold gold's blood is a sign of impurity and so dika is definitely not accepted for that reason alone but she gets a second chance when a mysterious woman shows up and gives her two choices she can either stay back home and suffer the consequences of her gold blood or she can join an army of people of girls specifically whose blood run the same as hers blood ceremonies are also something that really intrigued me and i think it brings such a thrilling element to a character's journey it's just that shocking moment of realizing that you are not exactly what it seems and that also you may be a weapon greater than what anybody thought you could be i think these are also going to be like big themes in this book and i am ready for those we also have the lost apothecary by sarah penner and this one definitely sounds very interesting it is like a fantasy historical fiction and in this one we have a secret apothecary hidden in 1800s london and their clientele is very unusual because it sells poison to women that have been oppressed by men in their lives and i do believe we will get different timelines on this one because 200 years later from the start of this apothecary a historian finds out these poisons in the midst of her research and she will try and find the link between set poisons and the apothecary and the mysterious murders that happened 200 years ago so there is that element of like a murder mystery in here mixed in with a fantastical element it is said to be a very feminist story if you couldn't already televate the synopsis and i just think the concept of this is so unique i also don't think i've ever seen anything quite like this i also have these three books right here that i did unbox in my latest weekly reading vlog so for these i will make sure to leave links down below that reading blog so that you guys can see like the synopsis for all of these books so that it's not too repetitive and i don't make this haul eternal i have a poetry collection this is i am the rage by dr martina mcgowan then i have got 14 ways to die by vincent ralph this is an arc this book comes out in june 2021 and this one i also hauled in that vlog this is the girl in the headlines by hannah james again if you want some synopsis on these books i will leave that reading blog linked down below but these were sent to me very very kindly by source books fire because again these are advanced reader copies so i can't wait to get to them i also have too good to be true by karola lovering and this one is said to have unreliable narrators which is one of my favorite things skye starling is overjoyed when her boyfriend burke michaels proposes after a worldwide courtship though sky seems to have the world at her fingertips she's smart beautiful and from a well-off family but now burke handsome older and more emotionally mature than any man she's met before says he wants her except burke isn't who he claims to be and interspersed letters to his therapist reveal the truth he's happily married and using sky for his own deceptive ends that's how unreliable narrators you don't know who's the good guy or the bad guy throughout the entirety of this read and that is just my cup of tea and the cover i just realized is an engagement ring like a wedding ring i think this will be a lot more interesting than the synopsis leads on and last but not least i have an entire trilogy and this is the fury born trilogy by claire i am so ready to bring you guys a reading vlog on fury born i have heard incredible things from the people that have read fury born but i don't think it's a series that is so well loved here on booktube as other things so i am definitely excited to bring you guys a dedicated reading vlog for this trilogy and all i know is that we follow two queens centuries apart but their fates are connected in more ways than they ever thought possible and there is a set of trials that they must accomplish and overcome i also know there's kind of romance in here from what christine from any endings has told me because she recently read fury born and there is a cosmic war in here spread through millennia it just sounds so interesting and i cannot wait to see how all of these elements are connected through thousands of years apart i just think it's such an ambitious sort of fantasy story that again nothing like i've quite heard before and i cannot wait to see the execution for it so yeah friends those are all of the books that i have for you guys today i hope you guys enjoyed this video we talked about 35 books today that is a lengthy amount of books i think this should make a very interesting video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and comment down below if you've read any of these as per usual let me know all of your thoughts or if you are interested in any of these or would like to see them in vlogs also let me know down below because i can definitely make that happen for all of you and if you reach the end of the video let's leave some crown emojis down below but we have a lot of royalty within these books so let's leave some crown emojis down below if you've made it to the very very end don't forget to subscribe down below for more bookish content i am constantly uploading videos that i am sure you do not want to miss as well as live streaming throughout the week doing my weekly reading sprints we also now have a patreon which is super super exciting the link for that is down below if you want to join us over on patreon there's a bunch of exclusive content and early access content that you won't get to see here or things that you will get to see before anyone else so the patreon is already up and running we are already voting for our april buddy read for a little book club over on patreon we also have a discord there's a bunch of benefits in the discord so again it's so so much fun over there if you want to join us you can also follow me on all my social medias which are always linked down below you guys know where to find me all of the info is in the description and thank you so much again to skillshare for 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Channel: MelReads
Views: 40,003
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Keywords: book haul, massive book haul, a massive book haul because what is self control, a massive book haul with 30+ books, huge book haul, big book haul, 2021 book haul, booktube, books, book unboxing, unboxing, haul, march book haul, february book haul, book haul 2021, reading, books to read, book recommendations, book recommendations 2021, tbr, thriller books, romance books, fantasy books, new book releases, new release, giant, young adult, read, gift, melreads, sarah j maas, tog, acotar
Id: ios2mJzKvzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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