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hey everyone it's me again Brittany I'm super excited about this video so I decided early on this month that I really wanted to do a 24 hour read-a-thon I feel like I've been super behind unlike my anticipated reads and then hey chala by the end of this month I realized that I was actually just behind in general on the TBR that I'd been planning to read this month so that's actually what I ended up focusing of my 24 hour read-a-thon on I might still do one later on in the year and make it more of like a themed for my anticipated reads like sort of like finishing all the books that I thought that I would finish before the end of the year in a day which probably needs a lot of love right now I just got back home from work so it is pretty late right now it is like 7:02 I'd originally planned to start this at 7 but then like I ended up sitting at work a little later so we're gonna probably start this at 7:30 I'm just gonna get a couple of things done make sure that I have my TBR set then I will pop back in and we can start this read-a-thon yeah let's get that kind of stuff set let's do everything that I have to do right before starting this vlog and then I'm gonna be back with you guys I mean we have the lights on we are finally done with everything that we have to do and it is time to start this 24 hour read-a-thon so before this video actually is able to begin I did want to mention that it is being sponsored by glasses usa.com today glasses usa.com is this incredibly affordable website to buy any kind of eyeglasses whether it be prescription designer Sun at a much more affordable price they're able to do this by basically cutting out the middleman which means that they're getting me glasses straight from the source and they're able to give us up to 70% off the retail price of them their glasses can start at as low a price as $30 for the frames and the lenses all together and to top it off not only are they already affordable but you get an extra special offer on your first pair of frames which is an even better bonus so definitely be sure to check them out and check out that special offer that you get before you buy your first frames and you can add any kind of prescription to their frames which is super cool for a spline folk that don't spend a million bucks on some cute frames because they have up to like 4000 frames to choose from there's so many options you're gonna be able to find whatever it is you want I definitely went a little crazy when I was trying to find my own glasses and they have this like virtual Tryon where you can take a picture of your face and you can put the frames digitally over your face that way you can kind of see what they're gonna look like before you actually buy them in this video today I actually thought it would be really fun to wear the two eyeglasses that I got at different points in the 24 hour vlog I definitely don't like wearing my contacts all day and I have been getting so much use out of these new glasses ever since they first came in the mail for me I've definitely been trying them out and I adore them they are exactly what I wanted I've been dying to get a pair of clear frames and a pair of gold frames for the longest time I just wanted something dainty something that was going to like fit more easily with my face without like taking over and they definitely had so many options to choose from but I ended up with these ones from the brand otero and these are the gold framed ones and then these ones from the brand atrium and these are going to be the clear frames I can't wait to try them on actually we're gonna take my contacts out right now and I'm gonna put on the glasses alright to start off the night I am actually just gonna be putting on the clear frame ones I'll also be linking down below the two glasses that I got from them just in case you were into them what's really funny about these ones specifically is right before I got my glasses my boyfriend actually got some glasses from glasses usa.com and they are so similar so maybe I'll bring them into the frame later on and you guys can see that we have matching glasses no it is currently 847 so at exactly nine o'clock I know two hours after what I originally thought that I would be doing I am going to start my read-a-thon as far as my TBR goes my biggest goal for the night is going to be to finish be popular by RF Kong this is going to be the first book that I finished no matter what from there though it's kind of I don't know I just really don't know what's gonna happen next but I did actually download the wicked fox by a cat show on my script account I finally got some credits back from Scribd so I am going to be probably listening to this on audio all night well I do like my 24 hour read-a-thon spread and that kind of stuff then I have two other options and that's gonna be to start dark dawn I don't know how I want to finish it in 24 hours but there's always that chance I also picked out in an absent dreaming by Sean and McGwire because I thought it would be cool to read maybe a novella and then I do think that I want to read maybe like a graphic novel or a manga in-between I'm not sure which one I want to read yet so we'll definitely find out as we go on listening library presents wicked Fox [Music] I am 21% of the way through wicked Fox I did not think that I was that much of the way through so right now I'm just gonna put it on pause I'm getting really sleepy but I'm gonna try and read some of the poppy war it's 10:16 feel like 21% of the way through is not right I've only been listening to it for an hour just two hours hmm I don't know oh but I am really enjoying it the only thing is the narrator doesn't do very good voices for men they sound kind of funny but other than that I'm really enjoying it [Music] so I have exactly 50 pages left of the poppy war I'm loving it like at first it was really I didn't want to start reading but I'm at the very end and obviously there's a lot going on so it's really hard to actually stop reading so I'm having a really good time but I think right now I'm just gonna take a little break it is 11:16 so I'm gonna come back at 11:30 and try and finish this maybe I'll take my makeup off who knows let's try and finish this [Music] [Music] so I just finished the poppy war its 12:22 I don't even remember what time I started the last 50 pages of this and I'm gonna be quite honest I think it was 11:30 I finished it and that was a lot I feel like this wasn't the best book to start by reading on with because now I just want to like sit and like hold on to it and think about it for like a year and then maybe move on but you know I can't do that because it's a read-a-thon and you know what you do in a read-a-thon you keep reading which Yanks so obviously I'm gonna give this five stars I feel like I've been known that I was gonna give it five stars and I've been reading it for like months and every single time I pick it back up I'm like wow this is such a quality book and I really dragged it out and I'm really glad I dragged it out so that's done I feel like I need to read something like light now just before going to bed like maybe finish one more book and then go to sleep so I might pick up either cheese sweet home or aqua corn cove but first I'm gonna take my makeup off listen to a little bit of wicked Fox and I don't know trying to absorb everything that just went down the worst part is is I have the dragon republic right over there in my shelf and I just have to like not read it right now because I can't get sucked into it it's good I feel like it's gonna be another book that takes me five months to read see you without makeup on in a little bit [Music] [Music] so I'm about 43% of the way through wicked Fox I've just kind of been doodling in my bullet journal but it is 150 and I want to go to bed oh to try to wake up early tomorrow to get on reading I didn't read any other like graphic novel or anything tonight because I kind of wanted to save it for tomorrow but I think when I first wake up tomorrow I'll either read the graphic novel or I'm gonna start in an absent dream that's my plan I'll actually probably first I'll listen to week and fox-like while I get ready and stuff but after that so good night guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy day to are not day to I guess but like the continuation of this read-a-thon we are wearing these ones today I actually I think these are my favorite of the ones that I got I just finished getting ready I took a shower did my makeup I had my coffee which we all saw Halle so I have been listening to wicked Fox that entire time I am really really really close to done this is where I left off last night and this is where I am right now I'm enjoying it I was okay I was kind of like see-sawing in the middle I just felt like it was going a little too long I was really annoyed because a lot of the issues revolve around miscommunication and just people not telling each other stuff and now though like all the truth has finally come out but it's literally at the very end of the book so it has save the book a little for me I was like really really leaning towards like at three stars but now it's like going up I'm really enjoying the ending so right now I think what I want to do is maybe order some food I was gonna leave to get some food and then I was like or I could stay in my house and read and have it delivered so prime laziness I'm really feeling pad thai I think it's good they just keep talking about like all this amazing Asian food in wicked foxhole Korean food specifically and it just made me crave Pad Thai like they haven't talked about Pad Thai but pad thai is what I'm craving now so I've kind of been doodling in my bullet journal too I think that I might start my like October spread later on tonight after this read-a-thon is over so that'll be fun so I'm almost done with my audiobook but after I'm done with that I think I'm going to start in an absent dream by Shawn Maguire no no after I finished that I really don't know what I want to do I'm starving though it is already 1236 I got a bit about like 9:30 ish well I've got up at 9 and I started reading around like 9:30 so yeah going strong so I'm gonna order food and finish like in Fox so I figured I'd talk to you while I journal a little bit because I just finished wicked Fox I think I think I'm gonna give it a 3.5 stars I don't know like it's either a 3.5 I think it's a 3.5 unfortunately it's just like the middle was just too slow for me and it felt like the beginning of that and we're two separate stories well it felt like the beginning in the middle we're two separate stories and then it all came back together in the ending which I don't know it just didn't work for me I did really like the very ending like that saved a lot of the book for me and I definitely will try and read the next one whenever it comes out I'm just hoping it won't have like as many miscommunication kind of issues as this one I feel like it won't because you know everything about in the open kind of 3.5 I've been I don't know if you guys notice I've been like printing out these cute little things um I got this printer from foam you know they actually sent it to me asking if I wanted to try it out it's like a thermal printer and then you just print things straight from your phone and I've been using it specifically for taking the pictures of books in my bullet journal so like on my favorites page and things like that so yeah I like it it does only do black and white so that's like my only complaint but it's not really a complaint I already knew that it was gonna be like that the stickers are really nice though and it's like glossy paper so that's cool I just ordered food I got pad thai and some chicken wings from a Thai place which is really cool and I'm gonna probably eat that while I start reading but I figured I would want to finish journaling first well it took me 12 hours to read two books so there's that well over 12 hours actually and next up let's just put in an app's dream okay so I started in an absent dream and I just feel like I'm not into it right now so I think I'm gonna start dark dawn I don't know I'm stressed because the thing is is with dark dawn I want to make like a whole reading blog specifically for dark dawn so I almost don't want to start it into 24 hour readathon because like that's just vlog ception you know so I don't know what to do I thought I had a TBR I know it don't okay I don't know be back in a minute [Music] can you tell the people you told me what tell my points you said I like your little icing do I like your little eye things and then asked if one little eye things little points right on your eyes he means the wings oh my gosh wait these are the glasses that I was telling you guys about okay it's a duck back down back to my level those aren't mine she copied me no I was copying him oh you didn't know I had him for three weeks let's go look at her that's not she allegedly didn't know I had these for how many weeks no glasses not potatoes off Danica huh nice glasses all right to get back to reading now so I actually did start arch enemies while I was waiting for my food to come and I think if that's what I'm gonna try and dedicate myself to finishing today which she'll be really fun because I've been meaning to read that for quite a while I mean a very weird mood where I just kind of want to try a whole bunch of books and that is not the ideal move but for a read-a-thon yeah that's where we're at right now and take an elevator down wow I really is like an elevator I don't even know you can bend that all right time to go to the gym gotta go and I'm drinking my energy drink to read like a good little read-a-thon person bayi cheers guys if not I'm literally gonna take a nap but ya know honestly kids don't drink bhang at home it has like insane amount of caffeine in it but you know you got to do what you gotta do for the read-a-thon there it really does taste like candy I'm on page 27 methylated in like an hour you know I wish I could tell you how I did it because I drank I drink like I drink a third of it so China that's not much but like I fell asleep I just knocked out for sure like right there totally took a nap for like an hour and a half it's almost four o'clock now I'm only fifty pages into archenemies I think that I'm going to read a graphic novel right now I'm stuck between there pickin steel prints or aqua corn ku just need to get like a couple maybe of books under my belts I'm just shocked I don't know if I should like extend this read-a-thon by like an hour or not because like that's not taking 24 hours at that point like I didn't expect to take a nap I don't even know what happened I just I just kind of curled up and then I had like got cold so I pulled up my blanket and then out of nowhere I was just like out I'll decide in like a minute oh my gosh [Music] I just finished shades of magic Volume one the steel prince um I'm gonna give it three stars good thing about it is the art style is kind of confusing it's not this art style like it's a messy kind of like almost brush stroke style art and it makes it so you can't really see any of the characters like they're all like impressions almost which is cool like it's a cool art it just makes for like a very chaotic storytelling style it's a very confusing plotline like all the fights were extremely confusing because of the magic but also because the chaotic art style and it was just going really quick it was a really really fast-paced graphic novel I feel like it was actually almost too fast paced like there wasn't enough of like the the in-between parts to even out the story that being said it still was really good it's just like very average at the end of the day because of those things because like the art isn't my favorite and it was a little hard to actually it was very hard to keep that aired what was going on I really wanted to like this I feel like the next one they'll have learned from some of their mistakes and it'll be a little easier to understand so hopefully that one will do better now I think I'm gonna read another 50 pages in our chat Amin's get to page 100 and then we will go from there right now it's 4:30 I'm thinking of potentially downloading arch enemies as an audio book as well I still don't have another audio book to listen to and I really do enjoy those art audiobooks so I'm gonna look to see if it's on script right now it is should I do it I'm gonna do it if I download this one though this plus the wicked Fox will probably cancel out the rest of my subscription for the month kiss scribed will really only give me like two popular books a month and then you don't have any more to pick from I think that'll be fine all of a sudden a minute so I just reached page 102 actually in Hearts enemies I was gonna call it an Argus I'm enjoying it quite a bit it's finally picking up like the first 50 pages were cool and all but it didn't have a lot to do with the actual storyline I think I'll be able to finish it by the end of the day no my hair think that I'm going to take a tiny break and potentially read aqua corn Cove oh my gosh my her I don't know I feel like breaking up such like a heavy book not heavy but like such a thick book with something cutesy and fun I still haven't decided whether I'm going to download the audiobook I might have like a little dance break right now actually is six thirteen which basically means like three maybe four more hours to my read-a-thon I still haven't decided if I'm going to extend it or not because of my dumb nap either way I figured it was kind of time for a break I'm on page 132 of arch enemies and I actually got to page like 42 in in an absent dream I ended up picking that up instead of like a graphic novel I figured it might be fun to have like a little dance break I don't know it's not one play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel ready to jump into another hour of reading hopefully when I get back I'm on page 200 of archenemy's yeah maybe then we'll take a graphic novel break totem sulfon so I'm on page 205 now so I'm almost at the halfway mark which is cool but it is almost 7:30 I'm gonna take a little break and I'm actually going to read a heart-stopper vol 1 a ton of you guys have been telling me to read this and I kind of wanted to read a contemporary during this read-a-thon and just knew I wouldn't have time for it but this is like a manga contemporary you know that's what I'm gonna do instead do you guys love that clip of T'Challa he managed to tuck himself in on my reading couch it's why I haven't been sitting there all day cuz him and Luna have been cuddling on there so I'm gonna put this away for right now then read heart-stopper and I'm gonna decide from there whether I want to go on and maybe finish in an absent dream or if I'm going to concentrate and try and finish or gemenese we'll see [Music] I just finished heart-stopper vol 1 and I'm so happy I picked this up I was a little nervous about it because I knew it was like about two guys and one of them wasn't sure he was gay and I just wasn't sure how that was gonna like play out I loved it so looks like I had to buy a heart-stopper vol 2 now this is my fourth book that I finished and it's a 5 story so that's cool now I'm gonna let Adam decide you're gonna decide what I'm gonna read for the rest of the day so I'm either gonna read in an absent greeting in an absent dream oh wait I'm on page 43 and there's like a hundred and almost 200 pages in okay or should I just like barrel through archenemies which I've already read 204 pages of today but that there's almost 500 pages which ones are gonna make you hang out with me faster I'm going to my dad's after this Oh sénor more on the smaller yes you think so yes tight I'm sorry do you want to sit yes okay I'm gonna sit on you oh you're so much heavier than I am okay oh yes well I guess that way I guess I might be able to finish in other books they might not be able to finish this in the next hour and a half he's a little starved for attention okay okay I have to keep reading mm-hmm okay all right fine I'll finish this one and then if I finish it with time then I can keep reading our Chinese oh is it Adams water yeah I don't do much what are you gonna read um you could sit next to me and we could like read together instead yeah I know you're right that doesn't sound fun maybe after a shower okay cool maybe going so looks like we're finishing in an absent dream tonight so wish me best of luck guys I guess that's good because I wrote it into my read-a-thon spread and I was kind of nervous that I wasn't gonna read it anymore it's six minutes past 9:30 but I finished the book all right that was the last book of the night so I'm just gonna write some things in my bullet journal and then we'll talk about because it's officially over I gave myself 30 more minutes since I took an hour and a half long nap you know it's like I'm not gonna get myself a whole hour and a half so I just did a half an hour I feel like that's their fields we were talking about fairness after reading this book I'll be back it is the end of the vlog and I finished doing my bullet journaling that way I could see everything so let me show you really quick how that ended up looking so this is how the journal turned out I just printed out the pictures for everything using that little foam emo printer and then I wrote down everything on this side and the total page count so I was able to read a total of 1306 pages over the last 24 hours well 24 hours and 30 minutes yeah I'm actually really impressed that is a lot of pages so that's cool let's go over really fast the books that I read so I finished the poppy war by RF Kong I gave it five stars it was phenomenal I listened to the wicked Fox by Cat Chow on audio I gave it 3.5 stars yeah then I read the steal Prince by ve Schwab this is the first volume in the shades of magic graphic novels comics that she's making I gave it three stars then I finished heart-stopper Volume one by Alice Osmond I give it five stars and lastly I finished in an absent dream by Seanan McGuire I gave this four stars I didn't really give you a wrap up on this and like my thoughts on it but overall out of all of her wayward children series this one definitely has been my least favorite but not in the way of the world like I really enjoyed the world I think that it was super fascinating and I really enjoyed I enjoyed the world but I was left feeling very unsatisfied which I knew I would because we basically know the ending of in an absent dream when we start the first book so I already knew it was gonna kind of be like a letdown of a story in a certain way and it was just kind of upsetting to be let down so and I made it about or almost halfway through archenemies by Stephenie Meyer I keep calling her Stephenie Meyer and it's Marissa Meyer I really need to get myself together I got to page 200 and full overall I'm really pleased with how I did for this 24 hour read-a-thon hour-and-a-half nap included in everything and I hope that you guys enjoyed it as long I hope you guys liked seeing the different glasses that I got from glasses you stay calm on me during the whole video and don't forget to go down below I will leave a link in the description for you guys to follow if you want to get your own glasses so yeah thank you guys so so much for watching and I will see you in my next one goodbye [Music] well beautiful creature
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 25,308
Rating: 4.9598455 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, read, reader, reading, reads, series, fiction, literature, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, rec, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, nerd, dork, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, 24 hour, readathon, glasses, so many, the poppy war, finishing, heartstopper, the steel prince, wayward children, in an absent dream, archenemies, wicked fox, bujo, Bullet Journal
Id: NOfDEQ3Zclg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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