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oh I don't even know how I'm gonna hold up all these books at the end hey everyone it's me again Brittany and I'm here today with my last book haul of 2019 and she's big I probably should have done a book haul before the swine I probably should have split this up into smaller more reasonable portions but once I got it in my head that I wanted to kind of combine all of the books into one ultimate last book haul of the year I I just kept to it and now I have I think 47 books to haul for you again I think last time I goes 47 - I don't know I don't know why how do I accumulate so much I wish I could tell ya there's like the ones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 48 so yeah I haven't tried to do the thumbnail yet I really don't know how I'm gonna do the thumbnail yet so we're just gonna go for it because that seems more exciting this is in no particular order I am sorry if my summaries are atrocious because honestly I just kind of want to get through this I probably should start splitting up my hauls into more reasonable portions let me know what you guys like to see with hauls because I'm not really sure do you like one big massive haul like this do you like smaller hauls do you like monthly hauls I would love to know so please leave that down below so I kind of can manage this a little bit better but let's dive in as per usual if I don't give a good enough summary I do link all of the books in my description so just follow that link if you want to purchase it or if you want to learn more about it it should help you out it's always a Book Depository link that way anyone from anywhere would be able to purchase it if they wanted to because you know free international shipping so alright let's dive in again no particular order I don't remember what order I got all of these in so let's just go let's start with let's start with this pile so the first book that I have is going to be a middle game by Seanan McGuire I was so excited about this book when he was first coming out I love Shawna McGuire's work she works on just a ton of things very very talented author and I was incredibly excited when I knew that she was gonna make a fantasy and adult fantasy about twins that kind of complement each other they were created and one is really good at science II mathematical things and the other one is good with words and languages sorry I had a double check I couldn't remember other than that I wasn't really sure what the story was about I still haven't read it I was going to read it around Halloween time and I did not get to it so I am really excited though I know that I'm going to enjoy it I've heard really good things about it and I just feel like it's going to be such a fascinating read again Shawn Maguire it just has such a way with words and I loved everything I've read by Shawn Maguire so Pat high hopes so let's let's slip that down all right next up is going to be a Gideon the Knights by Tamsin Muir I actually did read this but I read it a little late I was supposed to be reading it for which Athan since Rhiannon was hosting that and had made getting the ninth their group book but I didn't get to it for the end of October I did finish it though in November and I did enjoy it the strange thing about this is though that I had some issues with the writing style overall but the actual story was so good that I couldn't give it a lower rating it's more of a sci-fi and it's a lot about lesbian necromancer's or yeah lesbian necromancer's I feel like that's where I'm going to leave it at that's all I knew going into it I feel like that's all you really need to know going into it other than that the story is pretty wild it takes you in cool places there are challenges in quests in a different world and a very interesting war so I did again enjoy the story quite a lot I just had some issues with the writing style and I ended up having to relist into it on audio after the halfway point after the first time I listened to it past the halfway point I realized that I wasn't absorbing it and I realist into it I still didn't absorb it as well as I normally absorb audiobooks so take that with a grain of salt though maybe just didn't flow with me and maybe it'll be really well with you next up is the Sisters Grimm by Menna Van Praagh this is actually an arc of the book because it's actually going to be released in February of 2020 so I was really really interested when the publishers reached out to me about this story it basically has four sisters born of different mothers but all of the same father they were all born on the same day and eventually they're all drawn together to go back into the forest you potentially meet their father and three of them are meant to survive and one of them is not meant to it just sounded very interesting I love the Brothers Grimm I love all those fairy tales at the Black Forest everything so I really feel like all the inspiration that's going to be taken from that into this story is just going to create a really rich fantasy this is an adult fantasy and how beautiful is this arc I am obsessed kind of switching paces here we have my favorite half Night Stand by Christina Loren I actually purchased this from book outlet after I listened to it on script before ever owning it I loved this Christina Lauren are very well known for their books they have an amazing romance style and I feel like they really are just a core part of romance or definitely something that people try out first when they're first diving into romance and I absolutely adored this one specifically asked of you with Milly who is a professor and she's always been a little bit closed off but she doesn't really mind that because she has her four best guy friends who are also professors but when they have to go to a formal black-tie gala and all of them are single they realize that maybe they should join an online dating site so that they could potentially get a date to go to this black-tie gala and it all kind of gets a little bit crazy when million creates a fake profile and ends up linking with one of her best friends and he doesn't know it's her but she definitely is starting to develop feelings for him and potentially he's developing feelings for this girl that he doesn't realize is his best friend I really like how it turns out because it all kind of starts off with a one-night stand that she has with this guy friend but they were like never gonna do that again so it's just it sets the tone really nicely if you're even the least bit interested in romance Christina Lauren is a great place to start so yeah and when I saw this for a good deal I just had to next up I have there will come a darkness by Katy Rose pool I actually got this in an unplugged box I believe and it seems so interesting I I don't exactly remember anymore what it was about but I remember thinking like wow like that the deceiver ensnares the world with lies to deaths pale hand the wicked fall that witch sleeps in the dust shall rise and in their wake will come a darkness I believe that there are it's a group of people that set up on a quest and they will potentially become the chosen one kind of situation and it has this backdrop of kind of being a little bit of a Greek style if you can kind of tell just from the map there are like temples and just the writing and everything so I really feel like it's going to be pulling from mythology and I feel like that's definitely something that I would enjoy it plus it's just a really pretty book I wish I remembered better what this was about I just remember reading it for the first time and thinking that that was definitely something that I would enjoy next we have heard of the Moors by Holly black this is this was a mistake on my part I was really excited obviously when queen of nothing was coming out and I was looking for book boxes that would have queen of nothing stuff in it like hangover kind of recovery kits or collector's edition boxes things like that and I came across one on shelf love crates site and it was gonna be like a mini getaway box for I can't clearly remember what it was called anymore but it gave me fairy wood vibes if that wasn't what it was called and I thought that it was a queen of nothing box and we would be getting queen of nothing inside and you know all that good stuff so when I received it and I opened it up to find not queen of nothing I was pretty shocked I didn't realize that Holly black was coming out with another book at the same time as queen of nothing with similar fairy themes and dark fairy enchanted forest vibes so I ended up with it I wasn't too excited about it to be fair but it looks like it's a Maleficent sort of retelling so I might still give it a go let me know if you guys have read this and also let me know if you made the same mistake as I did or if I'm just you know clueless so there's that I feel like that wasn't a very positive note but let's talk about something else so let's talk about other things that I've collected of Holly blacks in this time the first which is the cruel prince Barnes and Noble Black Edition they release the pre-order for this months ago and i pre-ordered it the moment that it came out on Barnes Noble because I was worried that it would run out and that there wouldn't be any more and I'm really excited that I did because I already own a couple editions of cruel prince or just one edition I believe I own the al-qura Edition which is really really cool and now have just the burns Noble Black Edition because I already own wicked king and queen of nothing in these so they're all gonna match very nicely together so there's that and then speaking of queen of nothing I have a few copies actually so I have three editions of queen of nothing that I got I have my Book of the Month edition because this was one of the options for the why a Book of the Month in November I am a Book of the Month affiliate so therefore I receive one of their books well I get to choose which book I get every single month and I also have just an affiliate link and a discount code which I always leave in my description in case you're interested in book the month and for this month there wasn't anything that I was entirely too interest earned was December it was December there wasn't anything that I was crazy interested in but when I saw that queen of nothing was on there that it would be like The Book of the Month edition with the little insignia and that it would have the stamp and that it was the classic cover that I don't own or that I don't believe I own I definitely went for it and picked it up because you can never have too many editions of a book you love which then goes into the Barnes & Noble collector's edition that I have because again I have wicked King and I'd already gotten cruel Prince so I had to also get the black edition of Queen of nothing and I have the really super fancy fairy loot Edition that came in their collector's edition box that has just this really amazing hardcover with the stenciled edges and the why snake and the Holly in the background and the crowns and I unbox this if you guys wanted to check out that video so I will link that up above I'm obsessed queen of nothing is the third book in the cruel prince trilogy if you weren't already aware of it it's so great it's full of just Fae mischief and it has a great hate to love and slow burn romance between Jude and Cardin and Jude is a regular human girl in the fááá-- world which is not done and Cardin is a Fayette Prince and he's a little bit cruel so I just really love it I love it I ever read it yet but I loved it three editions makes sense right it doesn't make sense I know you guys don't have to tell me so I also got the beautiful by Rene Audie a this is actually the fairy loot in focus okay this was actually the fairy loot edition it's super stunning I believe that this is actually the UK hardcover print it's slightly different than the u.s. I prefer it over the u.s. and it has these amazing burgundy sprayed edges the beautiful is about vampires in New Orleans in the 1800s 1860 Oh 1872 and it follows one girl who is desperate to try and escape her past and her life in France as she comes to New Orleans and somehow gets dragged into the dark side of New Orleans so it was it was I don't know I expected more I believe I wanted more vampires to be quite fair so it sounded really great but I was expecting so much more about the Empire some vampire lore and I didn't get that so being aware that I know tiny people really did enjoy the vampire aspect so I believe that that was just me my experience so these next two books I actually got in an Alec rate they came together in that box because it was a month that we got two books in and that's gonna be I hope you get this message and Criers war I hope you get this message is about the world is ending and it's following three teenagers as they kind of try and cope with that and wrap their lives up in the next few days and I really like this edition as well it's sort of like a neon green and maybe it just looks very aesthetically pleasing well Criers war also had some very interesting aspects of it it's a very stunning book in general but it was giving me sort of greek vibes mixed with robot vibes so I don't know why that was who so it looks like it's about two girls falling in love one of them human one of them made oh yeah so it has to be with the autumn a and the human so there are kind of like robot and human aspects of this to the humans ended up being servants in this story so yeah next up is going to be ninth house by Leigh bardugo I was so excited this is another book that I was incredibly excited for and just didn't get to it is Leigh bardugo 'zed Abe you into the adult fantasy world or urban fantasy I believe but it has to do with a college setting and Ivy League vibes and one girl who is trying to discover the cult-like stuff that's going on in the top houses I believe so there is some sort of mystery element to it I believe there's also some just fantastical elements to it and I'm interested to find out what it is I've definitely seen very mixed reviews about ninth house here it also made me kind of hesitant to pick it up myself but I know that eventually I will because it does sound really interesting I love Leigh bardugo work so I definitely want to support her in her adult journey let's talk about another book that I bought a million times and that's going to be dark by what's I don't even know why that's in there okay so dark dawn by Jay Kristoff this is the elephant in the room because this is probably my most anticipated sequel of the year a finale in general as well because this is the finale to the never Knight Chronicles and I have loved never Knight for a while for a year at least yeah because I read it last year so I started never Knight last year read God's grave loved it and waited for a whole year for dark dawn to come out and I still haven't picked it up and I don't know why this is the signed first edition for the u.s. u.s. editions so there's that I got that one to match my u.s. editions that I have of never night and I don't believe I've got oh no no I've gods grave I don't have never night so there's that and then I got the illuminate version of dark dawn which was stunning this came in their getaway box or you know they're collectors edition style box that they came out with freer dark dawn and it was so stunning I filmed that so long ago but I haven't posted it yet because I kind of wanted to do it in tandem of me actually reading Kirk Taman I haven't done it yet but this is the book that came inside there it has amazing neon sprayed edges also signed and it's obviously the UK Edition which is beautiful then I have the water stones edition of dark dawn which has the black sprayed edges and these ones I'm actually planning on kind of painting on the little stars because there was a constellation version of this for the gold Sport Edition that I thought I'd gotten and I never did get so definitely want to do also signed by dick Kristoff there were so many opportunities for me to get the little cat and I didn't get it but that's okay because I actually found it in my gods grave edition but I've had all along so I that's just dumb luck and then one last version is the actual version that i pre-ordered which is dark dawn the u.s. edition pre-order form this one isn't signed I believe oh no it is okay mm no I don't know I don't know I have to I think that one of them is pre-ordered and one of them came in the fake crate unboxing that I did it so that would make a little bit more sense and that's how I ended up with four editions of dark dawn and still haven't read one of them so yeah now that that's you know out of the bag let's move on uh I have what do I have next I have which light by LJ Smith this is actually a bind up of one of the individual stories in the night worlds books I do own the bind ups of the night world books but when I saw that these started coming out and that they're on book outlet for a really good price I decided that I'm going to slowly start collecting them so I really don't know if she's ever gonna finish the end of this series I've talked about this in my bookshelf tour from this earlier on in this year if you want to watch that you definitely can but it's about an hour so to get to the part of me talking about this you're gonna have to watch a little cell but I decided to start collecting them because it is a series that I did really love as a child and these books are very pretty so and once I collect them all I'll probably get rid of the actual bind it's next is bone houses by Emily Lloyd Jones this was an owl crate Edition for October I believe it's a very spooky style book I believe that in this world there are things called bone houses where basically the Dead come back to life and that's what they're called and I don't I don't exactly know I believe that maybe they don't always come back to life and there they have to go on a journey to figure out why they're coming back to life something along those lines seems spooky either way then we have a hunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson this was also in that owl crate edition it has these really stunning light grey sprayed edges it's just a really pretty version of this book I have watched the haunting of Hill House Netflix series and was really really interested in the actual book and I believe that you guys told me the Netflix series is actually a sequel of sorts to the actual story of hunting a pill house so I'm really excited to try this one out and see what it's like I was supposed to read it again for Halloween didn't get to it there is what kind of girl by Elissa shine Mel this is an arc that I received that is also coming out in February 2020 I was really really intrigued by this synopsis but basically in it there's a girl that one day comes to school and claims that her boyfriend has been beating her and it kind of starts a whole debate on whether she's lying because if he's been beating her this entire time then why hasn't she come forward before now everyone starts taking sides and deciding who they want to believe so I think that it's going to be a very poignant story and very hard-hitting so I tend to really enjoy hard-hitting contemporaries and definitely jumped on board when they asked me if I wanted to receive a copy next we have how to make friends with the dark by Kathleen glass low I have heard stuff about this book and really good things it's a very dark book this is another one of those hard-hitting contemporaries I'm pretty sure that I would enjoy but I don't really know that much about it so I'm going to go into it blind but I know that I heard amazing things and that's why I actually picked it up when I saw it on book outlet because people were really raving about this and when I found it for a good price I just kind of had to these next few ones are actually going to be booked the month books I who again have been an affiliate for a little while now and I've hauled the 10,000 doors of January I tend to haul B's in my reading blogs so check those out if you wanted to see like more in-depth talks about them but this one it's sort of a magical realism style book and she is living in a house and each of the doors take her to different places I believe so that one seemed very interesting then we have the song of the Crimson flower this one I actually was really intrigued by its following Asian folklore and this girl denies her best friend but then he's cursed and then she promises that she's going to free him from the curse and she falls in love with him along the way it sounds like it's gonna be really cute anyways then we have frankly in love by David Yoon I'm really excited to read this I haven't gotten to it yet though but I've heard really really really cute things about it we have Frank Lee who kind of is on a journey to love himself I believe I'm not entirely sure I've seen just really great reviews though oh yeah it has to also do with like the dichotomy of him being Korean but growing up in South California and just not really knowing where he fits in and his family really wants him to end up with a Korean girl but when he starts to kind of fall in love with a white girl he just doesn't really know who he should be falling in love with and if he's doing the right thing and if he's denying a part of himself by not doing what his parents want him to do so I was really intrigued though by the synopsis because obviously just growing up I feel like if you are more than one race if your family is half anything if your mom's one if your dad's the other or if you are like a first generation of anything in a new country it's hard to know which one you relate to most or which culture to really fall into and I just feel like that's going to bring a good talk to that subject and then I have this one which is actually I didn't unwrap it because I thought the famed mistakenly sent it to me because it's color me in and I had chosen another book in that month but when I emailed them they told me that it was because I actually had put in my request too late and so they had already sent me this one so I'm not entirely sure what this one's about but we will find out next we have city of brass by s a checkerboard II I've heard so so many good things about this series it is an adult fantasy and I don't really know what it's about I have no idea but I've just seen the covers I've seen the amazing reviews I've seen just so many good things said about this series and I wanted to join in on the fun so I got Vidya Frost the UK editions are actually prettier though than the u.s. so I'm debating once I read this I'll decide if I want to get the UK editions as well because I like having pretty editions of my favorite books so I need to decide if it's gonna be a favorite yet you know and we have the gilded wolves I have heard mixed reviews about this I've heard absolutely phenomenal phenomenal reviews where the writing is just beautiful and stunning and it's bringing a new twist to his story that I feel like people have seen before and then I've seen the other side where people say it's a little too similar to six of crows it is a heist style story but I I don't know where I'm going to lie in it I have read Roshini chococheese books in the past and I do really really enjoy her writing so I'm excited to see kind of where I lie on this or having yes I have enjoyed her writing so I'm excited to read this one myself I know that people do say that sometimes it's a little too similar to six of crows which is why I held off on buying it for so long but I found this on book outlet and it was a great great price so I purchased it and we will see because six of crows was amazing so if something is going to be just as good then it'll be a great great read either way and again Rock Chalk she's writing phenomenal then we have shadow frost by Coco ma I got this in a fake crate it is absolutely stunning and they gave us also a code for the audiobook so I'm definitely going to have to hop on this one I don't really remember what it was she only has one job to kill a demon that cannot die ooh that seems really cool I don't remember this one at all actually the summary or anything like that I just remember being in love with the cover and being excited about the audiobook download so yeah I'm sorry I feel pretty I hate when I pull the book and then I really just don't know what it's about so this is why I need to do what different styles of hauls next up we have a house of salt and sorrows by Aaron a Craig this is a twelve dancing princesses retelling and it has to do with these twelve sisters who live by the sea and they are the Dukes daughters but slowly they start dying off their mother has died and slowly all the sisters start dying as well and when they start going to balls in the middle of the night it might tie all together and they might discover why it is exactly that this family has been cursed I actually just finished this one I really really really enjoyed this it has a lot of really amazing aspects in it I thought I hadn't known the 12 Dancing Princesses story but it turns out I did know it so that was really fun to kind of catch on to the hints of the original story in the retelling of it I feel like it was done very very well I loved the love story there was a bit of a psychological thriller aspect to this as well and maybe an unreliable narrator so I had a great time I think it had a lot to work with but it did it really really well because obviously we had the mystery of why these sisters were dying and what was going on and we also just kind of got some good lovey-dovey scenes between our main character and a mysterious suitor then we have the never tilting world by rinche Apeco this is another book that I got in a fake crate and two sisters broke the world two sisters will save it oh this one is actually really really cool so I it's one was born of darkness one was of light and they kind of had to separate their kingdoms but the world is dying because of that so they have to fix it because a long time ago two sisters that one was dark and one was light had a fight and that's how they didn't end up separating I believe that it was along those lines but this one seems really really cool so I'm excited to check that out as well then we have the merciful crow by Margaret Owen this is another one I'm really really hyped about it has to do with merciful crows who are basically assassins but that they are sent on mercy kills so when people are too sick they will kill them rather than let them suffer or situations like that but I believe the prince has to run away with them and he promises them that he will give them a lot of money because as merciful crows they don't really have that much recognition or money to be able to spend and if they're able to save him from a murder that is being plotted against him then he will be able to give him the riches so I thought that this one was really really intriguing and again this is another stunning stunning cover next we have a river of royal blood by amandajoy this is actually one that I recently hauled in faerie loot that's actually already linked because that was the one that I also hauled the queen of nothing box in and this one gave me really strong three dirt crowns fives I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to love it because of that because I just almost felt too many similarities to other stories that I've already read like three dark crowns because there's two princesses that have to kill each other so that one can become the one true heir of the Queen them but there were also like Fae instructor vibes which gave me a little bit of throne of glass five so I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to love it but I don't want to judge it too harshly so I definitely need to give it a shot then we have winter wood by Shae Earnshaw this book is so stunning I recently broke it and I have been really sad about it since then I keep my books in really good condition guys and I when I dropped this while filming my TBR for the month I was really really and I'm sorry that it happened because it's so so stunning it definitely gives me near which vibes it has to do with a town and they want to find the Walker wow I cannot remember what it's about I just remember thinking that this room gave me near which vibes so yeah if you want more in-depth details about that check out my TBR video because I had better thoughts on it then but right now I just kind of want to get all these books out of the way next up we have not line but two copies of supernova but this was an accident I accidentally pre-ordered it twice and then even though i pre-ordered it twice I didn't put in my information for the pre-order and missed out on the fun pre-order benefits that Marissa Meyer was doing try to say pre-order like five times fast because I cannot so supernova is the finale to the arch enemies renegades trilogy I have been reading arch enemies for months now and I put it down halfway through and I haven't picked it back up but I really really need to because my dad has already finished it and he really wants to get on to supernova so some of you guys are saying that I should give my other copy to him and I said the same thing but when I offered it to him he just said that he didn't really have any place for it because he is kind of in the process of moving so yeah I still just have two copies I know that it's pretty easy to return things to Amazon but it still makes me nervous and I haven't done it and I feel like now it's just too late so next we have conceal don't feel bye Jen calamita I received this for a sponsored video that I did in collaboration with Disney book group and I was really really excited about this it's a another one of their Twisted Tales series Disney has been releasing these in the past few years where it's just kind of taking a villain story and twisting it and giving you a different vibe on it and this one has to do with what if on and also never really knew each other and Elsa kind of grows up being alone but feeling as though she can remember her sister and I'm really excited obviously I'm absolutely obsessed with frozen and frozen to right now so I have been dying to read this and I haven't gotten to it yet but it's on my TBR for this month as well so then we have blood of the elves by Andreas of Kowski this is a book that one of you guys actually sent my way this is the first book in the true series of The Witcher it's the book after the first two of geese short stories and it's it's the actual series of finding ciri and helping her out and basically doing the storyline that we know and love from the video games and I do believe that this is the storyline that the Netflix series also follows I'm really obsessed with these books I think that they are so well written and I cannot wait to get to this first one I'm I love Geralt of Rivia I'm very attached to his character and I feel very attached to him because I love the video game so I'm excited to read that and thank you so much to the lovely subscriber that sent it to me next we have this really really cute edition of Peter Pan this actually came in a fake crate another one that I unboxed recently and it is just a pocket-sized amazing leather edition that's exclusive to them that they created I don't own Peter Pan at all I've never read Peter Pan and I'm really really excited to have this edition of it because I could really just carry this with me and finally read it because I love that movie so you know what's strange maybe that's why because I actually have two editions of the Guinevere deception and I believe that and the reason that I didn't have this in my pile was because I haven't uploaded the vlog yet where I unwrapped it but I got it in a subscription box so I'm not gonna tell you which one you can probably use your deduction skills and figure it out but I got this one in a fake crate one that I've already unboxed and talked about and then this one in a different books that I won't quite say yet just because that video is not up yet but I love both of these editions I love the classic just gold and purpley blues but I love the sea green and silver that got changed in this cover I'm really really excited about this this is a twist on the King Arthur tale and I just feel like I'm really going to enjoy it so I'm very very glad that I got it in those subscription boxes and I'm addicted to both of the covers so I don't know if I could get rid of one so hopefully I absolutely adore these books because I have the two pretty vicious who friggin into the end next we have Dark Age by Pierce brown I got this from the fake rate sale that was happening so I also have the little sign book plates they were doing a past items sale and I picked up dark age while I was looking at it this is the first book in his new trilogy so or is it the first book in the neutral yeah it's the first book in the new trilogy I do believe so I have absolutely no no no no this is the last book in his new trilogy for the second book apparently I don't know anything about red rising but I did read the original trilogy I absolutely adored the original trilogy I loved arrow I loved the world it has to do with this crazy crazy world where everyone is born into a color and actual colors have different abilities they have different strengths and weaknesses and the reds are basically the lowest of the low they're almost like enslaved it to everyone else without really knowing it and then there are the golds who are the rulers of their society who are physically mentally and overall just made better and meant to rule so we have Darrow who's born as a red but who decides that he's going to become a gold and to take down their regime that's a very good trilogy so I'm really excited to jump into the new one but I apparently need to get iron gold then go into Dark Age so I'm missing a book in the middle then we have serpent in dove by Shelby Moran this is a beautiful fairy loot edition with the bronzed edges all right well if everything looks a little bit different it's because my battery died I ate a meal I got lipstick on my chin waited for my battery to charge a little and now I'm back in the sun's gone so ho let's just let's do our best to finish this haul strong because I was trying to rush it and I still didn't get there in time my battery died so obviously it's a little too long but let's go back I was talking about serpent in dev so this has to do again with a witch and a witch hunter that have to marry each other to kind of console their separate faiths it has definite hints of Catholicism in the witch hunter aspect of it all and he's kind of trying to save face after attacking her in public and she is trying to run away from her past I did find this plot a little bit predictable but it was kind of fun to just kind of see that hate to love a forced marriage kind of situation come to fruition and overall it's definitely kind of worth it I will say a lot of people were saying that this is pretty smutty there is one smutty scene I don't think that is enough to call this pretty smutty but that's just me and let's talk about the books that I got in Aladdin ale this is a beautiful beautiful library in Buenos Aires in Argentina I went there in my time in Argentina and I absolutely adored it was just so so studying and I definitely wanted to pick up some books while I was there I got books in Spanish because if I'm gonna get anything I want to be able to expand my Spanish reading I don't normally read in Spanish I get a lot of questions on that and I am a lot slower of a reader in Spanish and I tend to just kind of want to finish books as soon as possible so I don't read as often in Spanish but maybe this will kind of make me want to so the first two books that I got were actually these stunning stunning classics of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland we have a lessee on advice I left Matt a VHS so Alice in Wonderland and then we have at least a add nervously pick hole which is Alice Through the Looking Glass and obviously use they're both written by Lewis Carroll and they're just so so pretty together I'm really really happy to have these on my shelves I have so many editions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland you think I would have read it by now I even have analysis Adventures in Wonderland tattoo I've had it for years and I still haven't read the book so I feel very fake fan when I say that's but I need to read it I definitely need to read it so then I also got Harry Potter Potter Harry Potter e la Piedad F Yosef on which is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and this is the first book of you know the Harry Potter series and he just looks so cute I really liked the art style for this I think that it's just very beautiful I love the color palette I love how he looks it's just very nice Hedwig's in it it's just really really cute and I'm really happy to have this edition and the last book that I got is probably one of the more exciting ones well it's not me I don't know but my mom got it for me my mom got me all these folks actually I was going to purchase them but she kind of kind of went ahead and I don't have to get this one because it was a little bit pricey but she still did and that is Illumina viviendo which is the name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss this is a stunning Edition that I actually don't own and I really really like these covers for it so when I saw in Spanish I was just in love I don't know if I'll ever get to reading this one in Spanish cuz she's thick she's heavy but I feel like if I did I would just really get a better grasp for larger vocabulary words that I never ever ever use in Spanish because even though I'm fluent there are definitely times where I just realized that my vocabulary is very limited because people don't use huge words all the time you know that's it's just it's hard to pick up on them when I didn't learn it like in the country or in school or anything like that so I'm excited about that and the Luna Luna had stopped stopped using the litter box in traffic video and the last week of this haul is actually the only book that I got for Christmas and it's definitely amazing and that's going to be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling this is the illustrated edition Adam actually gave it to me he was going to give it to me for my birthday but it hadn't been released yet so he gave it to me for Christmas and I loved it so much she's so beautiful she's so I think I don't know how they didn't make her a thicker because I feel like they should have but maybe they're just aren't as many pictures or pages of pictures in this one either way I'm really really excited to have this in my collection I have been collecting the Illustrated editions as they kind of come out and this one is definitely a must Goblet of Fire is going to be so beautiful I can't wait to see how it was Illustrated because this illustrator has been doing such a fantastic job Jim Kay and I just know that Goblet of Fire was meant to be a picture book like the imagery in it and the movie is just lacking in certain aspects so I'm excited to see how the book does it that's it those are all the books so I ended up having one extra book so I believe that brings our grand total to pretty 9 books hauls that's wild guys please let me know how you would like my hauls to be done I obviously can't sustainably do it this way I didn't remember half the summaries I don't know how I could have remembered half the summaries when it's just such a large amount and I have to kind of make this a reasonably sized video so I just can't be going on and on about books so please let me know how you would like me to do them if it's like after a certain amount that you want me to do them smaller hauls huge hauls if you like this kind of style or monthly it's up to you so thank you so so much for watching though today guys I'm so excited to add these into my bookshelves I recently did a book on haul with this in mind because I wanted to be able to add all of these on because I may or may not be filming a bookshelf tour soon before I get out of this house because I am moving and I would to have a little capture image of what my bookshelves look like at the very end of this year so I'm going to be reorganizing this maybe filming a bookshelf tour and yeah so thank you guys so so much for watching and I will see you in my next one goodbye I don't know what that was but [Music]
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 85,083
Rating: 4.9493365 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, read, reader, reading, reads, series, fiction, literature, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, rec, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, nerd, dork, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, huge, haul, last, decade, year, biggest, so many, recommendations, queen of nothing, sueprnova, darkdawn, dark age, house of salt and sorrows, ninth house, middlegame, Gideon the ninth, arc
Id: OZZ6xB3ahSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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