MSFS - G1000 Tutorial (UPDATED)

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hello everyone um in today's video we're going to be taking a look at the g1000 with uh some of the changes that have been made as well as some updates to some of the stuff that has occurred since the last u1000 video way way way way back in september let's get started so first things first the g1000 is a glass cockpit display it basically replaces all the traditional instruments that you see inside of an aircraft there's a bunch of different families of glass cockpits this particular one is the g1000 and we'll take a look at the g3000 a little bit later on note that even though you have all these sophisticated pfds and mfds and beautiful displays you still have some backup instruments down here which are completely independent of the instruments that you see up here in the event for example we had a complete electrical failure we'll go ahead and simulate that real fast right let's go flip everybody off at once and you can see i still have my backup instruments they still operate perfectly fine so you don't have to worry about situations like that so like i said it's always kind of nice to have these keep in mind very very modern aircraft have a built-in reversion mode which is going to be what this little red button does right here notice i don't have the ability to trigger that mode which is kind of a bummer because it's neat it's neat all right so the gps i should say the g1000 is divided into two displays your left one is basically going to be your pfd it's your primary flight display and your right one is going to be your mfd or that's your multi-function display the way i always like to think about it is this is your primary instrument this is the guy holding a map up so you can see where you are kind of a thing on top of each one of these displays you're going to have context sensitive information as well as your audio and frequencies that you're going to be working on you'll notice for example that i have a distance as well as a bearing and i also on this side have a ground speed desired track track an estimated time on route notice there's nothing here because we have not yet dialed in a flight plan or selected a destination for the particular aircraft so with that out of the way let's go and take a look at the buttons both sets of these have a whole little rack of buttons on the left side as well as the right side these are duplicated so all the buttons that are on this side are the same as the buttons on this side however work it's a little different is the buttons on the right are actually context sensitive to what's being displayed up on the screen for example if i press the menu button over here i'm going to get this little menu as pfd set up if i press menu over here you're going to get a totally different menu that's going to appear for map setup i'm going to go ahead and close both of those get to those in a little while so the first thing we're going to take a look at is actually one of the most not so excited versions which is how to control your radio frequencies now on this aircraft like many aircraft of its size you have two different navigation radios you have two different communication radios to us the frequency that you're going to be using is going to be the one at the top the one that you're going to be ready on standby is going to be the one that is highlighted if we want to switch between frequencies all we do is we simply press this double arrow button now if we want to change to the other navigation radio we simply push in on the big knob that says nav speaking of knobs all knobs have this kind of funky little nature to them you have a big knob which is a what i kind of hold on the back side i always call it big arrow you have the little knob which is the knob that sticks out of the big knob and then a lot of times there is a push button that you can use in this one as well you'll notice my altitude knob is like that you'll notice my fms knob is like that as well you'll also notice that my course knobs like that and you'll even see that my cdi knob is like that the context for those changes depending on what you're trying to do so let's go ahead and play with our frequencies first to be comfortable with that let's say we want to load up 114.9 or zero into the left navigation radio or i should say nav1 so i'm just going to use the big knob to control the ti basically the hundreds and i'm going to use the little knob here to control our kind of tenths place their 100th place so now that my frequency has been selected i simply press the swap button which will automatically snap it into the other position and now if there is a radio identifier at that it'll actually tell me who i am talking to right now in which case this is a hotel foxtrot delta this is hard for vor station now let's say i want to put a completely different frequency down here so i'm just going to come down here i'm going to press the big knob in so it allows me to select the next frequency i'm gonna go ahead and dial the frequency in let's go ahead and call it a we'll do one one one point one zero which is a nearby ios and i'm just gonna press the swap button just like that now if we're close enough to actually get the identifier which we won't be able to because it's being blocked by a mountain right now it'll actually appear right here now if i want to go back up to the top one i just press the knob and whoosh i'm all set that works the same way as it does over on the communications radios as well let's say for example we want to use our com radio to go ahead and listen to what the adius is at a nearby airport so i can come down here again i'm using the big knob in order to control my hundreds i'm using the little knob here to go ahead and control my tenths now one thing you're noticing is that i get five thousandths here every time i rotate this knob on some radios you're only going to be getting the quarters of the plot two five kilohertz if you want to think about another way so let's go ahead and dial in a localization again i'm just holding my mouse over this and i'm rolling it if you need to you can actually left click and uh just hold on it i left clicking and holding on it sometimes is easier to do but it's going to be a little bit slower so i'll go all the way down to one five so i've got 118.15 now let's go ahead and swap my frequencies real quickly by pressing this button notice it's the same regardless of what side of everything that i'm using this particular point now again i'm being blocked by a mountain so i'm unable to actually detect what that is actually going to be saying as far as sound goes so let's go ahead and switch back to this now some of you are probably saying well wait a minute what if i want to use my com2 for that purpose i'd say hey that makes perfect sense go ahead and push in this knob here go ahead and drag it down to one one one one one eight point eight five and we're just gonna go ahead and swing all the way around on the other side and bring ourselves in the correct direction towards it and now we're good to go i'm gonna swap that frequency one more time now something i have to warn you about just because you've selected a frequency up here does not mean you're going to receive audio from that frequency as a matter of fact you won't unless it is nav1 or it is com1 if you want to actually be able to hear or transmit on a particular frequency you have to come over to our audio panel which is located here in the middle the way this works is pretty straightforward you simply push in the button that you want to transmit on com1 com2 we don't have a com3 of course in an emergency you could transmit on both at the same time if you really want to make people crazy over on this side is your listening options so for example let me say i want to listen to com2 but i want to transmit on com1 i select this button for com1 this to these two for selecting on com2 now let's say i wanted to check the ndb i should say the morse code data from my little harford vor what i could do now since this is on nav one is i could come down here and press the nav one audio button and now i'd be able to hear the morse code coming through assuming that i'd have my volume turned up high enough so if i don't want to listen to that anymore and go ahead and shut that off notice i have options for adf nav2 as well as auxiliary which unfortunately i didn't plug my mp3 player in so we can't listen to that today so that is going to be as far as radio tuning now some of you are probably going well wait a minute you forgot an entire set of radio tools what about adf well adf is handled a little differently on this particular instrument we're going to come down here to the bottom where it says adf and dme we're going to go ahead and left-click on that once it's going to bring us to a tuning little screen here now if you press the button again it makes it go away so kind of keep that in mind notice it has a volume mode up here in the top right which is interesting because we can actually tune that volume based on turning this one on and off now let's say we wanted to dial in an adf station now this is where it's going to get a little trickier whenever you have a screen in the bottom right side of the g1000 you're always going to be using this knob for the purposes of talking to it generally the big knob here is going to be for going between pages and the little knob is going to be to change values now notice that this is flashing that means it is selected and you have a cursor ready to go to disable that flashing we'd simply push in on the button but for this particular context we're not going to worry about it too much so let's go ahead and now go pop down here we can change what dme mode we're in of course we could do nav 1 or nav2 we can leave it as nav2 for example and skip the dme information from nev2 even though we're getting it from a different place and navigating on a different dma but for us we're going to go up to the adf and we're simply going to use our command here to go ahead and dial it in now for where we are currently there are no adf stations nearly close enough to us that we could actually get a value notice i'm using the big knob in order to change my position and i'm using the little knob to change the value now the way this one works is pretty straightforward we're going to press the enter key once and it's going to save the whole value into the standby i simply press the enter key one more time to lock it in to our actual adf radio so now that it's in there assuming we'd be able to go ahead and receive that which we won't because this one's been out of service for the last eight years we would actually be able to go flip on the audio if we wanted to listen to it or we could actually display it by going up to pfd selecting bearing one until we got ourselves to adf which like i said we have no data at this time so we're unable to see that so go ahead and put the adf menu away i just hope we make sure that people kind of aware of that go ahead and pop the adf button make it go away okay so the next type of radio we're going to be interested in looking at is going to be the tron's transponder so the transponder in this one couldn't be simpler we simply come down here which is xpdr press that button once and it's going to bring on all of our different options here basically this is going to be the mode standby obviously is going to be off on simply is going to be letting everybody know where we are and alt is also going to send them the altitude this is a critical most universally you're always going to be on alt mode over on this side you have control over your code by pressing the vfr button in the united states that's going to automatically set your transponder to 1 2 0 0. if you want to go ahead and change that code you can press the code button and dial in whatever code that you need to do notice the soft keys along the bottom here are linked to the number that is mounted above it so for example if my code were one two three four i just go ahead and type in one two three four note if you start typing a code and you made a mistake oh god what do i do you can always press the backspace key or if you want to bail just press back and now when we go back to our code we should be able to go ahead and reset oh no what have i done you should be able to go back and push too many buttons now what you can do is you can retype it exactly as you needed it today one two three four and now we're all set and ready to go so i can now press back and that is my new one note if you're asked to identify you can always press the ident button right here this is the quickest and easiest way to do it to get out of this just go over to the back button and bring us back to our main page so that's going to take care of it as far as radios now we're going to take a look at now is some of the display options that we have available on the g1000 so looking along the bottom we have a whole set of soft keys and really really handy menus each one is going to kind of have its own function depending on what the context of the situation is the first one is controlling this little map down here this is called our inset map if i press the soft key that says inset it's going to give me the ability to turn on topography think of this as terrain you're going to get these little lines now you also have the ability to turn on weather assuming you have any weather visible next rad by the way is satellite or weather it is not weather radar so if you had any extreme weather it would actually start to show up on the screen you can just press it again to shut off if you don't need it and of course if you want to disable it completely you can press the off button and get rid of it so i'm going to turn that one back on i actually like to have this little radar here i'm just going to go ahead and press the back button and we're going to go right back to where we were you can see got my inset everything's looking pretty good by the way if you want to change the zoom of this little chart down here what you do is you come over to range and you can just zoom in and out just like that also notice that this particular option gives you the ability to push this button in and if you do so you get the world's world's smallest arrow now instead of using this for zooming you can now use this arrow to actually drive it around to actually push yourself off the edge of the map just like that now if you ever get yourself in a situation where you're like i can't find where my plane is you can just push in on the button boom and it snaps you right back to the setting that you had just a few moments ago also in the bottom we have the pfd settings and going up to the pfd real quick we have a lot of different options this one is brand new this is synthetic vision and we can now finally shut that off so if i press this button you'll see this thing this is sin terrain if i click on it it disables the synthetic terrain thank you my frame rate has returned i press it again boop and my synthetic terrain returns this is a super handy button i'm glad they finally added this back in i'm gonna press back next one we have is wind options you have three different types of wind options for this particular display keep in mind on the ground you're not gonna get much wind the first one is option one which will show splitting the headwind from the tailwind now what fascinates me is this visible display is showing a wind even though we're not in the air i'm not gonna think about that what this basically says is we have a three knot crosswind coming from my right and we have a one not head wind hit me in the face option two gives us a big ol arrow that shows us the direction of the wind as well as the speed of the wind again this would be the magnitude and option three my personal favorite will show you the direction of the wind and it will also tell you what the speed of the wind is now if you don't want to look at this wind option you can just press the off button press back and away it goes the next option is dme one thing i want to warn you about dme though is if you remember earlier this is where you're going to be getting your dme source from if you want to change that you have to come down to that and actually adjust this before you start going a little nutty uh down there at the bottom go back up to pfd we'll go to dm i'll press it and that'll turn on a dme display notice it says it's linked to nav1 it gives us as a frequency it also gives us the distance away from that dme station which is 14.6 nautical miles now note if we use a bearing mode we're also going to get this now if we want to make this dme go away i can just come down here and boop and make it disappear bearing one now you have two different bearing displays in addition to what you have for your big line here the magenta one pressing bearing will bring up this little tiny menu which will give you the dme at the top the name of the thing you're getting the bearing from at the bottom as well as what the source of the bearing is all the way here it'll also give you this handy dandy almost like an rmi like line that will point you in the direction of that bearing so if i press it again notice it says no data because we don't have anything from nav to press it again it's going to give you the gps which surprise there's no gps data i'm gonna go ahead and press it one more time it gives us adf like i said we have no adf data at all i'm just gonna shut that off so now on the right side we have the ability to select my other bearing so in this case you know i've got my heart for right over there i can press it and get all my different informations now what makes this really cool is you can actually do multiple bearings and the dme all separately all along the bottom of this display at the same time now i usually say that's a little bit too much information but some people actually really like doing it that way so you want to kind of keep that in mind when you're making decisions for how you're going to be operating this aircraft let's go put everybody away the last option here we have is hsi format that's going to change the shape of this i'm going to push it real quick we have what they call 360 hsi which is a more conventional like almost like a directional gyro or you have an arc which uh folks who are big big fans of airliners they always fly arc which i think is a little silly i think it's a little easier with 360 but hey each of their own and this gives you the ability to change it to that mode personally i like this mode because like if i'm landing for example i can see very logically which direction i need to land but again do it works for you next we're going to take a look at the cdi option cdi changes the navigation data source of this needle right here if i press it right now it's going to switch to vor 1. if i press it again it's going to give me vr2 remember we have no frequencies down here if i press it again it's going to go ahead and switch to gps so the important thing about this is whenever you're using the navigation autopilot over here on the left whatever you set this to is what the data is going to be sent into directly it's really really critical as a matter of fact if i press nav right now you're going to notice it's going to give me a roll up at the tippy top because it has no data at all if i switch this over to vor1 notice it says vor up top now now if i were flying a gps approach this would say the word gps to tell me its navigational source is gps it's really really important that you can see the difference between those two because again you don't want to make yourself too too crazy here now you can see it doing its little happy dance at trying to lock onto that go away autopilot nobody needs you right now flight director you can see that give me a nice little run for my money here run for my money love it okay okay so the next thing we're going to take a look at we already looked at this one a minute ago it was adf dme this basically like i said allows you to select the tuning for that making our way over here we have tmr and slash ref what this does is this basically enables us to go ahead and display a couple different things for one it gives us a timer and for two it gives us the ability to add v speeds onto our airspeed strip so i'm gonna go ahead and press this button in to select my cursor here and now i can go ahead and come down to these individual positions let's say i want to set my rotate speed i just come down here and use the little knob in order to set it on i'm just rolling it forward and let's say i also want to see my v y speed which is my best climb i can come down here and dial this in note down here we can also dial in our minimums if we're doing some kind of an instrument approach notice we only have one type of minimum that's barometric and it'll display that right on the side of the screen here let's say our minimum altitude obviously we're flying into hartford for example i believe that's going to be 340 feet 340. and now we have our minimums and you're also going to get this nice little sideways seagull thing basically letting you know now the fun thing is you have this great little timer here so if i were to set this timer let's say for example i'm going to go ahead and come up to the again i've just done one small knob let's do a two minute timer two minutes i'll go over here and i can actually set this to count down now notice i can't go off the end of this to fix that all you're going to do is push in on this toggle select and call it cursor once i'm sorry press the enter key once now press toggle selection and now you can go over and set this down so now if i were to come over here and press start timer i just come over here press the enter accept button and it starts counting itself down now note there's no special alarm or anything that goes off when this happens as a matter of fact unless this is visible on the screen you're not even going to know that you're getting a timer on this one to the right of that you have the nearest option this is basically going to tell you where the nearest airports are currently located now i can again i can scroll down very very quickly like this again i'm using the big one right here and it also gives you all the handy-dandy frequencies and available runways and everything like that pretty much all down here to get rid of this display of course you can just press the nearest button and get rid of it but one of the great things about this display let's see here is it gives you the ability to select one of those directly let me go ahead and do that again so you can see it so let's say i want to fly over to let's see some bravo 6 that's a bit of a drive for us ah cto now that's a really long flight for us let's say we'll do um we'll do bradley so if i highlight one of these again i'm using the big wheel here and press the d with an arrow through it i can actually create a direct instant course to that particular position now if i wanted to actually make this my flight plan i could press the enter key and it will instantaneously select that new local spot and point us directly at it so it's a great great great great way and an emergency to go ahead and create a flight plan for whatever is closest to you moving our way around here we're going to take a look at these handy dandy buttons these buttons are your best friend now you're going to be using these quite a bit whoops i'm going to press enter again here so this one right here allows you to select a direct course to something so i'm going to press that real quickly and you'll notice that whatever your last waypoint selected is will be displayed at the top here now if i want to go up here so i can actually change where our destination is i can just wheel this around go up to it again i'm using big knob for menu or page and just start typing in exactly what i'd like to do again once you wield this once the little cursor here you're going to be able to go select between each letter let's say we want to go all the way down to the coast here so we'll say uh kilo golf oscar november which is going to be groton new london again i'm just using the little knob to control the little letters i'm using the big knob to control the big letters g-o and perfect now if i want to activate this as my waypoint i'm going to press the enter key it's going to say activate i'm going to go ahead and press the enter key again notice we don't have the ability to dial any of these in which is kind of a shame once we're happy with it though we're just going to go over to activate press the enter key exactly once and now you can see my flight plan has now updated itself immediately with that new destination again the direct 2 is a great great great tool here's one of the problems though if you remember a little while ago we had changed this so that it was vor1 which means if we wanted our automatic pilot to fly us there we've been in a bit of a world of hurt here because it wouldn't be following that new course that our gps created if we want to do that we're gonna have to come down here and click on cdi until it says gps and now notice it automatically selected a course of 135 and of course it's pointing us directly where we need to now if we want to have some fun here we can come down here to pfd and we can go ahead and do something silly like this now we know exactly how far away we are to our destination and there's this neat little blue line which will actually tell us how to get here and again depending on how you want to set this up you can go absolutely nuts with that so making our way across um we've got our menu option now the menu button by the way is your best friend press menu it's going to only give you one choice here which is a shame the realtor 1000 actually has quite a few choices i'm going to pick this one right here i'm going to press enter and of course this gives you the ability to set the brightness so i'm going to do a selection cursor notice there's an auto mode we can set it to manual if we want come over here and we can crank this way way down if we want to make this a little less burning out your eyeballs again this is going to take probably a lifetime to get down there but this is where you would change that particular setting oh look at the differences in brightness make sure you press the enter key when you're done you're just going to go over to menu bop it a few times and it's going to go ahead and clean that one out whoops if you ever had this issue or you can't make something go away you can always hit press and hold the clear to go ahead and get yourself out of it or what i always like to do is i press time or ref twice and boop it's gone all right so that's everything on this side now we'll take a look at this instrumentation once we get airborne over on this side you have your mfd now the mfd again this is a multi-function disc device the purpose of this thing is to give you all sorts of useful information up at the top you've got the rpm of the engine i can see right now i'm sitting here at about 930 i'll give it a little bit of gas to get a little closer to a thousand we have our gallons per hour this is fuel burned oil pressure in the green oil temperature in the green exhaust gas temperature this little teeny tiny one by the way just indicates that this is engine one that we're looking at we have vacuum pressure which is very very low when we have our fuel capacity obviously i've been sitting here on the ground for a little while just burning fuel we also have how many hours are in our engine we also have our electrical information now of course if you did something silly like uh you know shut off one of your critical components such as the alternator you're going to have some issues here i'll put my alternator back on problem solved i notice we have the same set of radio communication controls up at the tippy top here as well and we also of course have a couple different options down here the first one is the dc ltr option that just simply says declutter that's for the purposes of getting rid of extra detail on the chart that we do not need to see a note by the way that when we use our range control here it's going to be resuming out the entire map here as opposed to just a little piece right there so i'm going to go ahead and press the declutter button a couple times and you're going to see that it kind of goes away no problem so next what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the map button now this is really really cool because they just added this and i think it's wonderful it brings us to this nice little display that says gps if i click on this it gives you the ability to select topo which is going to give us all topographical information and it also gives you the next red option which gives you the ability to control the weather now some of you are going well that's pretty handy how can we get even fancier than this the answer is yes so i'm actually going to go back a couple pages i'm going to press menu and it's going to bring up this thing up at the tippy top that says map setup i'm going to press the enter key once yes so now what we can actually do is we can select the orientation of the map to change the orientation of the map once this is flashing like this press the enter key once and then you can use the big one to go ahead and select it remember the correct answer here is heading up although people you're going to use what you're used to so i'm going to press the enter key now notice the map now faces the direction the aircraft is facing another really really neat option here is the fuel range and reserve if i press the enter key on this one it gives us a range circle so we know exactly how much fuel we have available obviously since i'm not moving right now i've got about 37 hours worth of fuel but i'm not going to get very far so i'm actually going to shut that off to make this all go away of course i'm just going to press menu twice and poof it is gone so that's going to be the it for as far as setting this particular instrument up controlling the zoom of course like i said on the other one we can actually push this button in we can use our little cursor if we want to go zoom it around the screen like this we can even have a little bit of fun with that whoa zoomed in a little bit too much hey would you look at that go up here to meridian real quick that looks pretty good direct now notice you have a different menu when you press the direct option here so i'm not going to stress about this too too much i'm actually going to make that one go away and normally you could use this cursor to go ahead and drive around and get information about things in the chart as well but not quite all right so now with that all out of the way uh let's go ahead and get this aircraft nice and airborne and then i'll go over some of the other options you're going to see in the g1000 all right we're now on our way interestingly enough as soon as i get airborne i immediately started getting some calls all the way from here from switching to my other frequency on the other channel of course if i want to shut that off i can just press the com2 button to make that go away all right let's take a look at the actual display now on the pfd so what you're going to get here is a wide variety of useful information pretty much all concentrated in one area over here on your left is going to be your air speed now this is not going to be your true air speed or your ground speed as a matter of fact true air speed is listed down here ground speed is actually listed over here this is going to be your indicated airspeed note on this particular speed tape here we have a green zone which means the same thing as over on our airspeed indicator down here we also have the white zone which is the safe flap operating speed you also notice this little y in this little r if you remember a little while ago we went ahead and set these up using our timer and our reference so that we'd be able to see them of course i forgot to stop my timer so i'll go in here and i'll go ahead and stop that real quick as well i'm in here looks pretty good all right so now what we're going to do so we're just climbing up using our autopilot and heading in our general direction so over here on this side of things you're going to see this weird little magenta little sticker here this is your flight director this is basically what the gps is using i should say the automatic pilot is using as a reference in order to get to where it's trying to get above this where you see the 5 the 10 and the 15 now this is going to be your pitch right now you can see we're sitting here right at seven and a half degrees which is kind of the magical angle above your pitch you're gonna have this little needle here which is going to show your roll so right now you can see where the triangles are pointing at the triangles that means your roll is exactly even each one of these lines has a different meaning as far as angle 5 10 15. obviously you come all the way out to 30 and of course anything over here would be a 45 degree roll interestingly enough this little teeny tiny piece right here is going to be your bubble for the purposes of determining slit for example if i start pushing on my left rudder this needle will now start moving itself over to the right because the aircraft is now flying sideways if i were to bring the rudder back to center you'll notice this re-centers itself and is able to kind of kind of realign itself and everything along those lines down below this on the right we have ourselves a glide slope information in the event that we were tuned into any sort of a channel that gave us ils normally when this is triggered you will also get a separate set of information down here on the far right side we have our current altitude as you can see as we're kind of working our way upwards here we're about 2500 feet and you can also see our selected altitude at the top to the right of that you have your vertical speed we're doing about 600 feet per minute and at the top you have your selected vertical speed but that would be a discussion for a different day below that we have our current altimeter setting it's at 299.2 if we want to change this this is a little tricky we have the barometric neon right here and we have our cdi knob above it make sure you grab the right one when you go to make your specific instruction changes over down here we have our directional indicator we took a look at this before you can see we're heading roughly southeast we can see we're perfectly on course because our little lover line right here is a perfectly centered of course we have our distance to our destination mounted down here and we're going to go ahead and level off once we get to that altitude of 3000 feet go ahead and press that knob notice as soon as i leveled off this is going to flash and tell us this is what our selected altitude is also note that we have our options down here as far as zoom and everything like that goes okay so now that we've got ourselves a little bit of altitude we're starting to pick up some speed now that we've gotten to a nice safe cruise altitude now is a good time to go ahead and take a look at some of the other options that we have for making more complicated flight plans with this particular tool so let's say for example um we wanted to go ahead and take the grand tour here i want to take a look at my current flight plan simply come down here where the flight plan button is and press it once notice you have two flight plan buttons one on that side and you have one on this side this one is going to give you a preview of the whole flight plan this one's going to give you a little teeny tiny menu it does not matter which one of the two flight plans you want to go to war with here though they're exactly going to be the same keep in mind that whenever you do a direct 2 course you're always going to go ahead i actually got to reduce my rpm a little bit here again a little fast whatever you do with direct to it's always going to generate a fake little waypoint where you started from and of course it's going to make your way in that general direction so i'm going to shut off my flight plan option here i'm going to come here so when you're working with flight plans you got to remember it's a little tricky to kind of fits with so what you're going to do is you're going to want to push your toggle selection cursor in and then you're going to go ahead and use that in order to select exactly what you want to do now the current leg of your flight plan is going to be this little magenta line so for example if i were to come down here and create a new leg i can use the large knob to come down to this new leg let's say we wanted to stop by a bridge port so instead of using the large knob here i'll use the little knob and just come in here and type it in directly now the nice thing with some aircraft you actually can go in here and manually dial these commands in rather than having to sit here and wheel this little knob of course in the real plane a trying to wheel this little knob is quite a project whenever you have a very very strong turbulence and a lot of times these displays have a bezel where you can actually grab it with your finger all right now kpdr this is core key that's bridgeport i'm going to press the enter key and now you can see we have a brand new waypoint added on to our flight plan so now if i were to come over here and actually zoom out a little bit you can see that my flight plan has a new leg by the way the leg you're flying on is always going to be magenta the leg that you have in the future or that you've already passed is going to be white now let's say we want to go from bdr we want to go up to bradley you know why not i could come down here i could navigate all the way to the bottom one more time and i could go ahead and dial again this was one little knob and we're gonna go say we'll go to bd and we'll make this bdl enter enter and now you can see we're going user groton bridgeport bradley you can see now we have a nice little triangular flight plan here so that's going to be it as far as using the active flight plan now let's say we want to go ahead and get rid of bdr we come to bdr we press the clear button normally and that would go ahead and eliminate it and you can see poof it is gone you know that is no longer one of our appropriate legs here you can see we're gonna take the grout and then we're gonna scoot scoot over to bradley be very careful with the clear button you will cause yourself flight plan issues like crazy and unfortunately i can't press menu and select um open flight plan like you can the real one see we have all these like wonderful little options here in context options under the menu screen here a lot of these are not available at this time which is kind of a shame but we'll deal with that so now let's say i want to go ahead and say well you know what this has been a fun flight but i really really rather just go to this part of my flight plan if i want to go to a certain part of the flight plan i can just press the d and now it also gives me the ability to select it but also notice we've got ourselves a glitch here where it says it's taking us directly to bridgeport so you have to be very mindful of the context of what you're doing notice you can cancel it by coming in here and hitting cancel you can also press direct make it go away everything looks fine so you want to be careful with that because this is not a perfect tool so again we'll go ahead and take a look here and now notice because i reselected it it gives me the ability to do the direct press the direct button now the aircraft is that turning itself flying in it okay so the next thing we're going to take a look at is how to select an approach into a certain airport let's say we want to fly an ils approach into our current airport that we're flying into we could actually dial the ils approach in a way point by waypoint but let's keep it simple so i'm going to come down here with the proc button notice like i said there's a different context depending on which one of the screens you use if i press this proc button you're going to get this one press this brock button we're going to get this one it does not matter they're both connected to each other so let's go ahead and say i want to select an approach um we can go ahead and select our approach by coming up to here i'm just going to use one small knob and you can pick the one you want um i'm a fan of ios 6 it's i don't know it's just it's the one i always think of whenever i think of it at this airport i'm going to press enter now if i want to change what transition i'm on i can just go one small selection cursor let's make this one go away now i can change my page let's say instead of pen i want to use a pano because that's the only one i have to choose from if i want to i can come down here and go ahead and select my minimums let's say here we go notice we cannot select our minimums in this version if you want to select your minimums you have to set it down here be careful like i said these are little tiny things you got to watch out for it will give you this beautiful little sequence at the bottom now this is something you have to watch out for and you're going to notice this and that's the fact that our sequence here can be loaded or it can be activated loading simply puts in the end of your flight plan activating makes it a new thing someone actually press activate here and you can see it instantaneously activated our handy-dandy flight plan let's go and zoom in a little bit so you can see it and it's going to take us right down to penna take us a ride on honey and take us right down onto the ground obviously we can't fly this directly on account of the fact that i haven't actually taken the time you know to set up my current altitude and everything like that it is worth noting however that whenever you set up an ils approach your radio system will automatically usually if again if you set this up in flight simulator before you jumped into the actual game itself will actually load in the ils frequency in the background so that when you go ahead and lock into it it'll actually be ready to be swapped automatically you can see right as we crossed pana intersection i pressed the approach button as soon as i did that it automatically selected the correct ils frequency it's always critical that when you do do this step that you do double check to make sure that actually worked properly and you can see it automatically changed my cdi mode to lock two and you're probably saying why didn't do lock one and the reason it did not do that was because of the fact if you remember earlier i had dialed in that ils frequency into the bottom and it automatically grabbed onto it which again is just a testament to how effective the particular tool is now the next thing we want to take a look at is now that we are in an ils approach a couple new things have appeared the first one we have is this little diamond right here which goes ahead and describes our glide slope hence the letter g here and you can see that slowly makes its way downwards and of course so once our autopilot grabs onto this piece right here it'll be ready for its approach speaking of approach i'm gonna go down to timer and ref i'm gonna go ahead and take away the things that i do not need here oh press enter whoa it says you have oh no it's done the thing it's done the thing this will happen from time to time where it does not recognize what item you're actually grabbing onto ah there it goes wow it's giving me all the menus here unfortunately sometimes this will happen where you're unable to grab it just tap this a couple times to disable the selection cursor and you should be able to go to the item that you want okay so we're going to go ahead and set up my v app here on the corn you can pick any of these that you want to use a lot of times i pick my glide speed and that's what i do is i just modify this real quick come over to here i turn this one on real fast go over to the ones we do not need anymore disable that one and i'll go down to my v y i'll disable this one our minimums are slightly different for this i'm actually going to come down here to my minimum so i'm going to go ahead and set them correctly they're going to be 400 and 400 feet right on the nose enter key a couple of times show the selection cursor and we are awesome so now what you're going to see is that coming in for a landing here is we're actually going to have a little carrot here that has a little glide speed on it which we're going to use as our reference speed for our landing all right we're on glide slope you can see that it's been captured properly it's got this little green little diamond if you have the white diamond here it means you have not successfully captured it you can see we're kind of coming right on in here coming into our nice safe little landing of course we're getting a little bit of chop because we're importing all these beautiful places and we're coming up a little fast here but that's okay again this has been a fairly long video so far but i did want to be as comprehensive as possible for helping folks out a big thing with the g1000 and so by the way i forgot to mention if you need to change your selected heading you just come over here and i'll go ahead and wheel the knob for heading if you need to select your selected course you just come over here and wheel that but i think we'll save that for a different video and it seems that somebody's built a bunch of houses in the middle of a little rental here which is just uh one more of those fun little details that makes it so much fun all right hopefully you've enjoyed this video and like i said we got a little on the long side but i thought it'd be a good time to go ahead and give us a nice comprehensive video kind of explaining all the different features of the g1000 obviously more than one aircraft in the simulator do have the g1000 at their disposal and they all work pretty much the same way you're gonna have slightly different instrument instrumentation you might have slightly different displays dispensing depending exactly what you're trying to do but they all in general work about the same way we're going a little slow here this is more of a cessna 152 approach speed but that's all right all right let's set this thing on the ground and we'll call it a day looks easy gotta pull that nose up just a teeny tiny bit a little bit of fancy feet work here it's a 172 so you're always playing with the feet and we are on the ground all right folks enjoy
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 24,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MSFS, FS2000, G1000, Tutorial, Audio, Navigation, CDI, HDG, Setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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