[4K] Getting Started with Xbox Microsoft Flight Simulator (Tutorial)

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The best tutorial is to play the in-game tutorial...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Kore_Soteira ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Here's the landing follow up. I'm not sure what the new tutorials are like, but the original ones left a lot to be desired when playing on the PC, so these go into a fair bit of detail about playing with an xbox controller


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rockah ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just wanna fly over my house. Does this game have a free ride or joy ride mode?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PlayboyCG ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Second post on this sub of the same vid without giving credit lol.

This video is made by Squirrel: https://youtu.be/2LiB4shHu5o

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Conflictioned ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So cool. Iโ€™ve been to Rio before. I canโ€™t wait to experience MSFS. Brazil is one of the first places Iโ€™ll be โ€œreturningโ€ to. I loved it there. I canโ€™t wait to visit all of the places I traveled while Iโ€™m Brazil and more. Wooooot!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Flowwiththego1313 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When is the game playable? Iโ€™m still getting the coming soon screen when I launch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/andrewface ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi guys squill here and welcome to my getting started on microsoft flight simulator for the xbox now if you're new to flying or if you're new to microsoft flight simulator on the xbox or perhaps just struggling and looking for some tips and tricks on getting started and flying on the xbox using a controller then this video is for you i'll teach you how to make some setting changes to make fine a little bit easier on an xbox controller and then get yourself set up for a sightseeing flight to talk you through taking off flying around a landmark such as well the o2 in the back there and uh basically just controlling the aircraft basic control of the aircraft so you can enjoy yourself and explore the world in this beautiful sim my goal really is to just get you up in the air and not be afraid of flying so the next couple of videos i'll teach you the basics now if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell so that you don't miss out on any notifications but for now let's get started so here you are you've made it to the home page of microsoft flight simulator on the xbox what next well at first it can be a little bit daunting not really knowing where to start but for the purpose of this video the first thing we're going to do is make a few adjustments to make life a little bit easier now you can use your controller for this you can move the left stick around and you get this little cursor and then when you want to click on something just press the a button to go back press the b button alternatively and i found this a little bit easier this game supports keyboard and mouse so all you've got to do is plug in a keyboard or a mouse into the usb port and then when you move your mouse you'll get a mouse cursor you can use this in the ui you can also use it while you're flying as well but personally i just use the mouse when i'm flying around and i've got a keyboard plugged in as well i just bought a really cheap keyboard and mouse from argos i think it was 20 pounds it cost me wireless keyboard plug it in off it goes makes life a little bit easier when navigating around but feel free just to use a controller now click on the options and go to general options on the left click on camera and scroll down to the bottom and just make sure the instrument heads up display down the bottom here just make sure you turn that on and then apply and save that's going to make sure that when we go into an external camera is going to show us what the aircraft is doing in terms of its altitude and speed and that kind of thing just makes life a little bit easier it should already be on by default next thing is the assistance options now the assistance options is a bit of a balancing act i'm going to pick some settings for you that will strike a balance between leaving you in control of the aircraft but also allowing you to make mistakes now feel free to come back here later go through these options and adjust them to your own personal preferences but for now could you please for the purpose of this video make your aircraft systems medium uh make your failure damage easy your navigation options needs a medium notification is medium piloting is hard and i'll come back to why in a second poi points of interest medium and then for user experience just going through and turn all of these off now like i say you can always come back and change this later you may be wondering why did i choose piloting is hard because it's my belief that you're better off trying to fly the plane by feeling what the plane's doing the problem with a lot of this stuff is it'll take control from away from you just so that it keeps the plane in the air and you're not really gonna work out how to fly a plane properly if you do that don't worry it won't be tricky we're gonna set off on a nice plane and i'll teach you how to do it so just put it on parting hard click apply and then go back final change we're gonna make is in the controller options so click on control options and then you may see a bunch of things up here depending on what you've got plugged in but you should see the controller here and it should be on default if you've got any profiles they'll be shown here but what i want you to do is just go to your default profile and then what you need to do is click on sensitivity over here that will bring up this sensitivity page which is what the heck is going on here but we're only going to make two adjustments and there to the trigger key so if you press the left trigger on your controller you'll see that it moves that axis there so what i want you to do is bring the not that sensitivity ignore that one that sensitivity down by 50 so try and get it as close to -50 as you can don't worry if it's not exact and scroll down and make this one here which is the right trigger key bring the sensitivity for that one down as well it's a minus 50. doesn't matter if it's 51 that'll do minus 50. i had it then 49. that'll do and click done now the trigger keys are used for the rudder and so what that's going to do is just make it a bit easy to control the rudder and we'll see why in a second now you need to give it a name because you're changing the default profile so i'll just call this uh so we'll call this one microsoft flight sim tutorial press enter and then click ok now what it's done there is create a custom mapping because you've changed some settings if you ever want to go back to default just scroll through and your default will be back here it's always there it's just a profile and you can change things in your profile to your liking but just leave it on that for now apply and save and you're done that's all the setting changes that we're going to make so now we can start focusing on where we want to fly now we get to the fun part where do we want to go flying let's get set up to go for a flight it's a little bit daunting at first looking at its menu thinking well where the heck do i begin well there's discovery flights these are a great place to sort of jump in they are predetermined locations predetermined weather time of day even pre pretty similar aircraft they will just spawn you in and you just kind of go flying you need to understand what you're doing to fly around and enjoy it but it's a great place to visit when you've done this tutorial video if you like go to those and have a go we're going to do that because we want to kind of control things a little bit but what we might do is go to a location such as rio de janeiro which was in one of the discovery flights but we'll control all the parameters so if we click on the world map on the top right that will give you this screen now it's a bit like google maps or google earth if you've ever used it in the you kind of spin around all this is bing maps i should say you can you can spin around with the controller or with the mouse wheel just hold left mouse button and drag around or if you use a controller just use the right control stick to look around you've got the moon in the back there um depending on what you've got set up here if you're on live whether or not or live time of day it will show you what's going on in the world currently so one of the first things you want to do is pick an aircraft so top left click on the aircraft selection here in this list depending on what version of the game you have and whether you've bought anything extra you'll see all the aircraft that you have in your hangar there are many kinds of aircraft in here single and dual engines uh jets turbo props you name edits in here even down the bottom you've got uh bush planes such as the shock ultra which have giant tires on them they're great for bush piloting if you like where you can just land in the middle of a field uh very bouncy tyres very forgiving aircraft so they're they're good check them out they've even got versions down here that have floats on them so you can land on water and even skis on them so that you can land on snow we're not gonna do any of that in this video we're going to keep it simple so what i want you to do is scroll up to this one the cessna 152 aerobat and click on that then you can click on livers if you want and choose delivery you can click on weight and balance and in here you can select how much fuel that you take on board more fuel means you're heavier leave it on 50 for now that'll be fine then go down to customization and if you want to you can click on here and put in your own tail number 555 that will appear on the tail number of the aircraft and when you're ready you can click uh close that's the aircraft now chosen now that brings us to where we want to go flying now if you happen to decide that you want to go flying say i don't know australia and some plenty of places to fly in australia it might be nighttime where you are don't worry we can change that in a minute and make choose the weather the time of day all that kind of thing so what you want to do first you just choose where you want to go and then we'll we'll go with when we want to go you may notice some icons i'm wondering what these are these little sort of brown circles these are airports some of them are kind of major international airports such as adelaide down there melbourne here other ones are much smaller you tend to do smaller ones as you zoom in these with a little it's kind of i don't know that symbols call that they'll kind of marker that that depicts some kind of point of interest that could be a place that you want to visit there are many points of interest in this sim and uh we're going to go with just one of them in a second um sorry mouse just started to freeze so if we go down to say here there's melbourne you can see as you zoom in more airports start to appear as you get closer the sort of smaller ones start to appear we're gonna go with south america so we're gonna skip around here and fl find south america on the map by the way down the bottom left here if you click on the view button on your controller or that symbol there where it says more uh that will allow you to click on show legend which will bring up the legend it might make it easier for you to understand what all the different icons mean you've also got open filters so that you can choose what filters you want to displayed let you kind of look through that but what you want to do is you want to find south america which is this thing here and this is what we're after this is christ the redeemer that's what we're going to go and fly to and go and look at you might want to pick some other location on the map that's up to you but what i want to do essentially is zoom right in and then begin to find an airport nearby that we can take off from so we'll scroll right in like this and as we scroll in you'll see the bay hip here there's some airports appearing now down here there's also one just over there called santos dumour as we scroll in even more but just like bing mapsters or google maps does as you scroll in it pulls in more and more detail of the area and we can see chrysler redeemer is is up on a hill that's why we've chose it because it's nice and easy to find this looks like a good airport to take off from if we could take off from this airport and kind of fly south we should be able to just turn right and fly straight over so that'll make life a lot easier now if uh when we want to take off from this uh runway what we can do is we can click on one of the parking spots the trouble is with that is if you choose to spawn from a parking spot it will start the aircraft what they call cold and dark that means the engine off we don't want that we want it all to be up and running so we can just take off and have some fun so since we want to fly south what we'll do is we'll click on one of these up here don't worry about the numbers and that is 20l we'll click on that and then we'll say set as departure that will then it will spawn as on the runway and we'll be facing south so we can just take off turn to the right and go and find the thing we're looking for now if this is all dark for you then what you'll want to do is just change it so that it's daytime because it depends where you want to go in the world as to what time of day is that top right up here is flight conditions so click on flight conditions and it's probably maybe on live which means live time as you can see here it's now 1904 for me or 7 p.m roughly on the 24th of july 2021 so what you can do instead is just go choose a preset this will allow you to change the time of day what day it is and also what the weather looks like so it being the southern hemisphere that we want to fly in south america i'm thinking would change this to like say december december 2020 look at that christmas eve 2020 what a wonderful time that was and we'll choose the time of day we can slide this bar here and we just basically want to make it so that it's daytime there that's all we really care about so if we go for i don't know say 1500 utc you can see in the background it's all light so we know it's daytime and we'll go with let's say a few clouds like that you can go with whatever weather you want if you want to have some fun scroll down here and start choosing rain overcast lightning um but you know if you want to just fly and explore clear skies or a few clouds is more than adequate so click close now and you should see when you scroll all the way back out again that it is indeed because it's the southern hemisphere it's all lit up like it's daytime though beautiful so now we can just click go fly just double check you've got the right plane you're taking off from the right runway uh runway two zero l at rio de janeiro in the right plane flight conditions are all set click fly okay right if you did everything i said hopefully this is what you're going to see although you know you may not be the same kind of weather depending on what you chose but you should be inside this little cessna 152 and the engine should be running on the tarmac don't worry i'll talk you through the controls but it's very useful to know how to bring up the controls if you want to look through something and even if you want to map your own buttons the way to do that is the left thumbstick just click it in and that will bring up that little circular crossover that you've probably seen you can move that around the screen and you can interact with all the things in the cockpit but up at the top here there's a little sort of sub menu if you move over to this one basic controls and press a that will bring up the controller button layout and this is where you can see what by default what button mappings we have you can of course change anything here but you can see that the flaps and the parking brake and landing gear all on this d-pad you can see the throttle is over here on the uh a button and b button one of the important things to note as well is that this here is showing you the base layout if you move the right stick through it you get through different modifiers now we won't go into the details of that but it's something to be aware of that if you basically hold down for example the rb button that will put you into the uh what they call the systems modifier and that brings up all these options so when you hold down the rb button all of these buttons become active but don't worry about all that that's just too much detail at this stage but it's it's something to be aware of so you click a to get rid of that and then left click on the left thumbstick to remove it now we're good to go now you want to get your controller and primarily with the xbox controller the left stick controls the plane and the right stick controls the camera generally that's how it works so using the right stick if you kind of look to the right though you should be able to see up there on that hill christ the redeemer and you see because we've got the settings that i gave you for the assistance options it's even labeled it for you look it's got a little marker so it'll be really really easy to find all we've got to do is barrel down this runway take off turn to the right and head up there it's about 2 000 feet altitude speaking of altitude and i don't want to sort of blow your mind with stuff but there's a couple of things that just to keep your eye on the first thing is the altitude which is how high we are and also the other thing that's important is airspeed which we'll come to in a second now if you look out the left though you'll see that the sea is right there which means we are very very close to sea level just a few meters above it probably so our altimeter which is this little thing here this is telling us how high we are off the ground if you notice it's actually reading negative sort of 200 feet at the moment so we'll just quickly fix that so look at that dialer click on it with a and move to the right on your right stick move to the right until it says about zero and then b to quit that's it that tells us what we need to know which is right now we are pretty much on the ground we're about zero there's a big hand in the lit handle so the big hand goes all the way around and then the little hand will start to count it's just like a clock really so that currently reads zero the other thing to pay attention to is this one here this is the airspeed this is how quickly air is flowing over the aircraft if you like and this is critical in terms of flying if you go too slowly you'll drop out the sky if you go too quickly your your plane will likely just tear itself apart although it won't because we've set it not to right that's the technical stuff out the way now if you press the view button on your controller which is the uh the one just bottom left of the xbox button press that and you should get this external view here and because we configured it to show the hud this shows us airspeed bottom left and bottom right is the altitude so you've got all the information that you had when you're in the cockpit it's just presented differently use the right stick and you'll be able to sort of look around how beautiful this bay is and if you start playing with the left stick you'll notice that things start to wiggle and move on the aircraft if you jump back inside you'll see when you move the left stick things start to wiggle and move this is the yoke this is what's controlling the pitch of the aircraft and how much it turns think of it that way now the trigger keys remember when we remap the trigger keys left and right trigger that wiggles that little bit on the back that's called the rudder and that's going to let us you're the aircraft by turning it also controls the steering so when we are barreling down the runway which we'll do in a second we're going to use these trigger keys just to sort of keep the aircraft pointing roughly down the middle now you don't need much when we start going down the runway the aircraft will probably start going left a little bit in which case just give it a little bit of right trigger just a touch like that just keep it straight doesn't matter if you don't right down the middle it's a big runway just get it down there the tendency for new players is to try and use the left stick to steer it a bit like they would in a car or something you see it going left to start steering to the right that's not how a plane works we're going to use those trigger keys to keep ourselves pointing straight down the runway now when we pick up some speed that dial on the bottom left there's going to hit about 50 which is between the 40 and the 60 when it hits 50 i want you to gently start to just pull back on that left stick you see a little wiggler just pull back on the left stick and when we're doing about 50 or 50 knots is what that is that will be enough speed for us to take off so you just gently pull back and the plane will start to leave the ground exciting stuff there's a couple of things we want to do first though number one we want to remove the flaps we don't need them on the cessna don't worry about flaps just press up on the d-pad and you'll see in the middle of the screen where it says flaps press up on the d-pad and you'll see it says flaps has gone to the top and the flaps have come up on the actual wing don't worry about that we can cover that in other videos we won't need it for the purposes of what we're doing now the second thing is the parking brake now if you jump back into the aircraft bottom left there is that little lever is the parking brake uh just to the left of the yoke if you press left on the d-pad you'll see that parking brake go in and out you want that to be all the way in the parking brake will stop us from moving so we definitely want that to be pushed fully in now the plane is now ready to roll you can do this from this view or you can do it from this view it's entirely up to you i would suggest first go just do it from this view here what you need to do is basically give it full throttle uh and then when you give it full throttle the plane engine is going to get loud and it's going to start moving forward you'll see bottom left the air speed starts to pick up and like i say the plane will start to veer off probably to the left so what it does just give it a little bit of right rudder be gentle with it give a better right rudder when that airspeed hits 50 pull back on that left stick gently not a lot just pull back a little bit so it starts to climb if you pull it back too much the plane will climb too quickly your airspeed will drop and you fall off the sky if that happens start again don't worry about it you're here to learn right so what you want to do to put full throttling is just hold down the a key and if you see where it says engine bottom left you see a little triangle on the engine watch what happens when i press the a key you see it move around just keep holding it so it goes all the way around now it's going left a little bit of right rudder that's the right trigger key there you go a little bit of rudder just touching it letting go touching it if you need if you don't go the other way just pull the left trigger key like that just keep it going in the middle now we're at 50 gently pull back now that's it you're up just keep it hovering let that air speed build so look bottom left watch that speed you want to be sort of just pulling back now climbing so that's about 60 to 70 anywhere around that one bottom right you see the altitude now is starting to go up see like a clock we're now 300 feet above the ground which is great just keep it between 16 and 7 so use the right stick if you want to sort of look around so we can see where we're going um just pull back on the stick and lean it to the right so the aircraft will start to pitch right just be really gentle really gentle these things are really sensitive let's start hiking around you know really gently start pulling it up and down this is what's gonna happen we want to be climbing though so just keep pulling back to keep that speed at about 70. that's going to get us enough climb going if you see the speed coming down just push forward on your stick and you'll get more speed what you can do is trade altitude or height with speed if you're going too slow you can pull back gain some altitude a bit like going up a hill in a car just slows you down if you're going too slow like this just put the nose down point downwards gently you'll lose a bit of altitude but you'll gain a lot of speed that's how you make sure you stay flat so we're going to head off in that direction i'll jump back in the cockpit and you can see the same thing on the controls here on that left reader there there's the speed you see so i'm just keeping it around 70. gently moving the uh the left stick and we're going straight for christ the redeemer altitude now is little hands on the one so 1000 big hands on the floor 400 feet we want to be around about 2 000 ish by the time we get there but you can see we've got three kilometers left so plenty of distance just keep that airspeed keep your eye on the airspeed i can't say this enough that airspeed keep it about 70 to 80 anywhere in that mark is good it's quick enough that you don't follow the sky we stay flying and slow enough that we're actually got a good climb breaker now if you get yourself up to about 2 000 feet also just level yourself out at two thousand feet let's go to external camera you get a better view of what's the redeemer if you do this we're at two thousand feet now so just pitch the nose down slightly so that you stop climbing you'll now start to pick up speed remember the throttle that we held a to sort of do maximum throttle you hold b watch that triangle on the engine hold b and bring it back around to about where it's on that 20 marker that's 2000 rpm on the engine that's a good kind of rpm to just get a nice level flight going and here you are this is the landmark that you wanted this is the one that you picked or whichever one you went for and you can basically just fly around it so when you get near it just move the camera with your right stick turn the plane as you can see the beautiful landmark very very accurate there is the bay of rio de janeiro and if you managed to get up here which i'm sure you did congratulations you just took your first flight and uh saw your first landing feel free to sort of look around the bay and go and visit things there's lots to see and do here if you want to sort of descend and go down and look at some stuff just pack that throttle off though just see how that triangular engine just pack that off and sort of gently go down like that you'll pick up the speed just remember when you want to level off bring the engine back to sort of you know about two thousand dollars just on twenty-five just but yeah feel free to have a look around so this is the getting started video i think that's enough for one one day uh feel free to explore the map now just go around spawn somewhere take off fly enjoy yourself in the next one we're going to teach you how to land the hood just the basic supplement which will let you get back on that's a bit more advanced but for now just go and have some if you find the video useful share it with your friends give it a thumbs up and check out the video description you'll see a link to a playlist which will have all of my tutorials and i've got stuff that's a bit more advanced but if you're just getting started just go take care guys
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 286,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus
Id: 2LiB4shHu5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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