FS2020 - Airbus A320 FMS/Autopilot Tutorial Basics

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hello everyone this is in response to a pretty often request asking about the fms slash autopilot on the airbus a320 neo now this aircraft i'm just going to start with first is a definitely a pretty slick representation of this aircraft i got a little bit of experience with the more advanced mayweather versions so there may be a little bit of hmm basically in this video today we're going to be taking a look at just sort of the basics as far as how i can get you from one point to another how to enter things directly into the fms as well as how to do things like adjust the altitude select it in management modes again this is a unique aircraft especially if you're coming from other airplanes all right let's go ahead and hop inside so uh first things first when you find yourself sitting here if we're at the ramp we want to go ahead and get ourselves electrical power doing that's pretty straightforward you just kind of look up above your head and you have these two battery switches i'm just going to pop them real quick and you're going to notice you've got this little light that says exterior power and it has this little this is a veil if i click that we now have electrical power to the aircraft and we're not running the batteries down that's really important if you're going to be sitting here programming our fms speaking of our fms if you press ctrl 5 on your keyboard you can jump down to this mcdu this right here is basically where you're going to be entering all the information about your flight plan into the main computer of this airbus so the first thing we want to do is we're going to go to the page that says init when you go to this one it's going to bring you to this neat little thing here that's going to allow you to tell it where you're coming from and where you're going to now if you had set up a flight plan before you set up this flight this information will be pre-filled out for you i highly recommend that you do that because this is a bit of a process to go ahead and dial everything else into the fms but you know we're going to do it anyway just for process so today we are at francis green airport that's pvd we're going to use a slash and then we're going to say where we're going to in this case we're going to be going to bradley international airport here this is where most of my scenery has been saved to the cache i'm after typing that in with a little slash in the middle i'm just going to click on this soft key right next to this box here as soon as you mash that it's going to pop up this little menu looking for any flight plans you've already put into the computer now this is neat because if i've done this flight before you'll actually see what you need in this case i don't have one so i'm just going to click the return button so now we are nice and initialized now on an airbus fms you've got this little set of arrows whenever you want to go to the next page you simply click to go to the next page that's going to be your left arrow if you want to go up and down these are not reversed but they're going to feel reversed this actually makes the page go up and again you'll see exactly what that is now in the real world there's another detail that we're going to put in here and that's going to be right down here where it says cost index cost index is simply a ratio of how much fuel i want to use to climb versus again you know if maintenance is more expensive than fuel then we're going to want to use a really really high number it feels more expensive than maintenance we're going to use a really low number it's basically something that's going to dictate what kind of performance we're looking out of this aircraft as far as i can tell it doesn't make a difference so i'm just going to put 100 in you can look up your specific airlines cost index if you need to again this is you could do a whole video dedicated to what this actually does i'm just going to put it in like that for now flip over to this page this is where you can go ahead and dial in things such as how much fuel you're going to be taking so for example if i know that my trip normally let's say it's going to take on again it's not going to take one ton you could come in here and you know i could say something like it's going to take 22 minutes or whatever it is and normally that would allow you to dial that in so the aircraft could actually estimate all these details we'll actually come back to this in a little while so now that i'm initialized it's time to actually go ahead and dial in our flight plan so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down to this guy that says fpln and go ahead and click on that now on an airbus the way you dictate my waypoints is actually by selecting the previous waypoint and then adding a waypoint to it so you're sitting there going okay show me okay fine so for example i'm taking off from pvd and i'm going to be traveling along the victor 3 167 airway all the way to hfd hotel foxtrot delta and then swinging around to land at bradley so if i wanted to enter my first waypoint which in this case is called jewett i'd simply click right here and then you're going to see that it has an option for departure if i choose a departure today i'm not going to do a departure it's a pretty short flight but you're going to see this thing this is next waypoint so in this case i noticed that my first waypoint that i'm going to be interested in whoops got to be careful there it's going to be do it so i'm going to type in jew id just like that and then i click right here where it says next waypoint and it's going to go ahead and load that in there so now you can see i have a brand new waypoint you can actually see the fms running around with that waypoint trying to find out where to go now my next waypoint after that one is hfd so to do that i'm going to select the waypoint i just inserted type in hotel foxtrot delta i'm going to click right here for next waypoint and it's going to give me some choices in this case really i'm going to pick the one that i know it works now this flight plan is not complete until you click this button down here the moment i press that it goes ahead and saves my flight plan so now i'm taking off from pvd flying to jewett slowing down getting to hartford and then i should arrive at bradley now you're probably sitting there going well that's actually not so bad i kind of like that that's cool so what happens if i accidentally do one of these things it deletes it so if you press the clear button and select the waypoint it's gone so i highly recommend that we go whoops and hit undo that's one of the neat features of this particular version of this fms it's pretty easy to use so what you would do now is you go through and you lock in each one of our little ones now something worth noting let's say i say 1000 slash real quick notice when i hit that it doesn't give me the ability to dial its altitude so that's something you kind of want to watch out for this stuff with fixes don't worry about this too too much again you can come back and edit them later on if you set up your flight plan automatically it will actually allow you to dial in a lot of these details speaking of details let's go ahead and take a look at our performance page now now performance is remember this is a very they just call this the electric airliner basically there's a lot of really cool controls in here for one it'll give us all of our v speeds in this case our rotate speed again this is assuming we do two notches of flaps we can see it's going to be 119 knots we can change our transition altitude we can even do things like if we have a noise abatement procedure we can come in here and change our thrust reduction altitude this is going to be important later as you'll see when we have to try to fly this thing we can dial in the runway we can even dial in things like a flex tent now what's a flex stem we can actually trick our engines into believing it's hotter outside than it actually is to cause the engines to spool down a little bit in order to conserve their lifetimes you know you could come in here and us for example i'll say 45 this is going to be celsius and now if i take off using this my engines will actually not work as hard which you want to calculate this carefully and that's for a completely different day now the cool thing is here now i've dialed in all my takeoff details this is everything i need to know so now i can go to next phase and you have a climb setting notice there's a cost index this allows you to dictate what speed you'd like the aircraft to climb at so in this case it says managed just with a little star right there means at one tree two knots this will change as soon as we get airborne but what we could actually do is let's say they call us and say well we don't want you guys doing more than 230 knots you could come in here and actually dial that in so that you'd be using this speed to climb versus what the computer thinks is the best climb speed now after that of course you come to the cruise now this is where you're going to be able to go ahead and see what your crew settings are in this case notice it's managed to be 250. of course depending on how high we actually go up this could actually be different value coming over here you can set all your descent details like right now i can crank up my descent speed just a little bit higher if i want to get rid of that i can do it just come in there and clear that out of course then we have our approach this is something we'll worry about quite a bit more in detail once we get closer to the ground and of course if you need to go around you've got all the details that you need to do right there and that's going to be basically all there is to it as far as it goes one thing i want to say though is if you go back to the init page and i meant to mention this a second ago this is where you're going to be dialing in your cruise flight level so for example our flight is only going to take us up to flight level 1 1 0. i can click here and now we've dictated exactly how high we want to go that's about as far as you'll need to go with this tool note that there's also an option up at the top left which allows you to go direct now this is cool if we want to proceed direct to hartford i could click this button right now and override everything to immediately go to that point we'll do that once we get in the air because i don't want to confuse anybody too much the important thing is once your flight plan looks the way you want it to look once your performance data looks the way you expect it you're pretty much all set and ready to go in the real world a lot of this data actually gets data linked down to you so that you can use it directly unfortunately we don't have any of that another thing i want to point out is you have your navigation radio options here but keep in mind you have a regular navigation radio directly below it so don't get too too carried away with that generally when i'm flying i like to use the regular flight plan page just to kind of keep an eye on things all right with that all set let's go ahead and take a look at everything else i'm going to pop my head back up here real quick i'm actually going to reach up and turn on a couple details here flip this to automatic i'm going to go ahead and push the master switch for the apu go ahead and turn my fuel pumps on and now i'm going to come over here and press the start button for the apu so i'm gonna let that get rolling let's now take a look at the autopilot now an airbus has a different philosophy than some of the aircraft you've probably encountered as far as this goes for one you have two modes for every one of our knobs notice you don't see like an flc button or a nav button or anything like that basically you can either say the fms has control in which case if you take a look at my mouse right now it's an up arrow it says managed or you can say give me the ability to control it which was one the down arrow which is the equivalent of pulling the knob out for example if you take a look at my speed knob if i push it in notice you get this little dot saying the flight management computer's got it if i pull this it's going to let me dial in the speed i want to be traveling at so i'm going to push it back in letting the flight management computer do the work for me now a lot of times when you're working with air traffic control you're going to get an interesting set of requests they're going to be saying things like would you be so kind as to climb to this altitude if that's the case you've actually got to dial this in manually and i recommend using selected mode and we'll actually demonstrate that let's pretend when we took off today we're only going to be authorized to six thousand feet so i'm actually going to say selected versus using managed if you leave it in managed remember our maximum altitude is eleven thousand the aircraft will automatically level itself off at six thousand this is considered what they call a constraint also notice level change there's our flch if you're looking for that of course we can set off vertical speed but we'll deal with this once we get airborne so let's go ahead and get this aircraft started everything's pretty much good to go this would be probably a really really good time to call up air traffic control and says uh could you back us up please hmm let's see do i need any of these good things no but i need a push back it's so much pushback from these guys i just don't know what it is notice we're skipping a lot of things like initializing stuff like uh we need to make sure our navigation uh we want to steer to the right and let them take care of that while i get ready for everything else okay so now our flight management computer is all set everything's ready to go it's just a matter of starting this thing up and getting our flight going so let's go ahead and hit the beacon light that's our bacon light turn it on just let everybody know we're starting now an airbus is an easy thing to start so what you're going to do is throttle is going to be at idle we're going to set this little knob to the start selection and turn those on now i know professionals are going to be looking at me going what did you just do i know exactly why you're thinking that because in the real world you're like you can't start both engines at the same time and i said well that's microsoft flight simulator 2020 at least so let's go ahead and back this thing up and i think i almost ran somebody over i think this is about enough backup i'm pretty comfortable with that uh fuel truck watch it watch it wow i really hope i don't bump into something parking brakes out all right we gotta wait until he gets out of our way our engines are now currently spooling up takes just a moment for them to get going all right looking pretty good now you're probably sitting there going ah but you skipped a step and the answer is yes i did in order for these engines to actually start i'm actually going to shut them both down again this was a mistake i apologize you have to actually turn on the apu bleed first ah you got me now let's try it it's gonna be a little bit more polite now that it's actually got some air pressure and you can see the engines are actually turning over oh man that was a bad mistake i apologize for that i really should have followed a slightly tighter checklist but again the focus is going to be on the flight management computer as well as the mcp um am i causing a bit of a backup here kind of looks like it oh well let's go back to clearance uh we don't need we can actually request clearance now that we've dialed things in i'm actually going to be departing to the west providence ground red 6'4 request taxi for west departure with uniform red 6-4 hotel echo oh we're doing runway 1-6 today nice i have no idea how i'm supposed to get around those guys i'm just oh there they go come on come on all right well that's going i need to get everything else up so let's go ahead and dial in our flaps looks pretty good to me everything's all set there everything's all set there our engine's available yep engines are available awesome so now that we know that the engines are started properly this time i'm gonna go ahead and look up here i'm gonna go ahead and shut this one off shut off the master switch everything is looking really really good i'm happy with that happy with that now i have to somehow navigate around these two guys uh yeah i'll take that taxi clearance all right guys you're gonna have to move because i'm a little bit bigger than you are okay give a little bit of power here come on come on come on come on excuse us excuse me watch the right wing watch the right wing oh boy oh boy thank you thank you and i think i almost took off half the way i know you guys at home are going oh my god twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch it's all right all right those two fuel trucks are out of my way and i am on my way beautiful all right so let's talk about the throttle on an airbus so if you're used to boeing or other aircraft you usually think of the throttle as you push it forward you speed up you pull it back you slow down that's not that far different on an airbus the only difference is is that on an airbus that auto throttle actually has modes that you can set it to that actually works a little differently and i'll actually show you what that looks like in just a second again i'm just trying to show you the fms and the mcp here go ahead and hit the brakes i'm going to go ahead and show you what this looks like real fast parking brake on all right so if you look at the throttle itself you'll notice that it has a cl notch it has a flex notch and it has a togo notch this simply means that when i take this throttle if i'm anywhere in this zone i'm basically manually setting the rpm the engine and the thrust if i put it to this line it's basically going to manage it for me if i put it to this line it's going to give me everything we have if i push the throttle to this line here instead of giving everything it has it's going to give me whatever that flex power is again don't worry about that too much we'll take a look at that in a second all right let's go ahead and get rolling i'm actually going to go ahead and ignore you because again we're just showing you off how the fms works always get permission before you take off let's go ahead and release the parking brake get us rolling strobe light's gonna get flicked on we're gonna flick on all of our lovely takeoff lights awesome go get us going and i'll show you what i mean so for today's takeoff we're going to be using a maximum performance takeoff now again this is a nice quirk on this aircraft because i can literally just push the throttle all the way to the firewall and the engines will automatically get me the best power that i'm going to need in order for my takeoff process myself just a little bit more power here all right oh this is a short runway all right go ahead and hit the brakes there let me show you exactly what i was talking about i'm actually going to pause okay take a look so if i push my throttle all the way to the climb d10 right there you're going to see here that it's going to say climb you'll notice my engines are spooling up to climb power if i push it up to where it says the word flex you're going to get a new indication that's going to say flex if i push it all the way forward it's going to give me toga power which is going to give me maximum performance takeoff and you can actually see what mode you're on right there so what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to drop that back down to zero because we don't want this aircraft zipping away again i'm just using the active pause feature so you can see what that looks like during a takeoff so now that that's all set of course like i said if i unpause i'm gonna go pound pound pounds on the runway and it's going to be kind of hilarious but i'm not going to do that right now so let's go ahead and reset things we're gonna get a little jump i'm gonna push the throttle all the way to where it says flex and you can see that set right there and off we go now keep in mind i haven't set any special modes on the mcp at this point i'm just going oh boy this thing's got some pretty good acceleration remember at any time i can go like this and set it to maximum power if i need to but i don't really need to give it a teeny tiny tug remember this is an airbus we have fly-by-wire controls and we are airborne as soon as you get vertical go ahead and lift those landing gear up and now notice my thrust mode has gone to mct which stands for maximum continuous thrust get rid of those flaps again we're running pretty light today notice no flight director indication if you want that you have to come by and push this button right here flight direction is basically telling us that we're going straight i'm going to go ahead and start turning towards our course the nose up just a tiny bit right now now what's going to happen is once we cross 1500 feet watch this you see where the thing says lvrclmb right here it's reminding me to set it to climb mode on the throttle as soon as you do that notice the throttle is automatically bringing itself down to whatever the desired climb power is of course now the flight director is like go down go down because we're going from massive takeoff thrust all the way down to kind of a normal thrust here give that a nice gentle push again we're holding about 250 knots it's going to get us to our correct altitude i have not turned on the automatic pilot yet we'll do that in just a moment looking pretty good looking pretty good nice taking ourselves a nice wide turn here now notice i am not touching the throttle right now it is completely managed and you can tell that it's managed because this little athr light is turned on at this time now notice you're starting to get a little close to 6000 the system is automatically telling us to level off this is a good time to turn on automatic pilot channel one so now what's going to happen is the aircraft is going to continue climbing until it gets to 6000. now notice i'm look down at the throttle it's still set to climb mode but it's automatically setting the rpm magically basically and again that's one of the cool things about this particular aircraft another thing i want to point out is notice that the aircraft is climbing at 230 knots you're probably going isn't that a thing we did it actually is a thing you did if you go back to the performance page you'll notice we selected 250 230 knots so if i come in here and say 250 you can actually overwrite that if you choose to do so again it totally depends on what your requirements are on a given mission also notice that the speed mode has been managed so if i push that button in now it's going to pop up to 250. isn't that cool that's again a little different than you're probably used to so let's say we go ahead and get a call and they say i just climb and maintain a thousand so we say here climb and maintain a thousand so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to dial in 8000 and i'm going to press the down arrow i'm basically pulling the knob out saying give me control so what's going to happen now is the engines are going to automatically spool up and we're going to start climbing vertically once we get up to power how do we know that this is working because the climb indication just popped on moments ago now notice i'm not dialing anything in as far as navigation information goes right now the navigation information is coming from the fms and is being driven through if you want to think about it over here the managed heading mode again it's just a slightly different way of looking at things but it works really really effectively note now that since i've given control of the speed to the mcp i should say the fms we're automatically climbing at that speed i selected down here you can see we're working on our way up to 8 000. now here's a word of warning if they suddenly called you back and said climb and maintain flight level 110 you'd have to come here and give the knob a touch again in order to get it to actually go up to there and not level itself off at 8 000. so again that's something that's going to happen so let's go ahead and continue to climb as we make our way up here and let's take a look at some of the other modes on the mcp here there we go this is control 2 by the way so now let's say for a second uh they call us up and say could you take a turn right heading three four zero and like two three four zero i'm going to come to this knob i'm going to press down and i'm simply going to dial in 340. [Music] and just like that the aircraft is now turning to 340. notice this dashed line here that simply says that i am manually controlling the aircraft's direction if you want to switch back to go ahead and proceed back to your course just come over to the knob and press the up arrow on it and this line immediately goes solid again and now the entire aircraft starts turning back towards it because in essence we've given the flight management computer control of where we're going in this case it's going to be taking us over to do it right here so we're getting ourselves a little bit of altitude here everything's looking pretty good it's a good idea to start playing with some of the other buttons now let's say they call us and say uh you know go ahead and reduce speed to such and such you know caution traffic or something or even better notice that our speed right now is only about 290. let's say we want to manually control the speed i just press the down arrow give this thing a couple wheels and now we're doing a 310 is going to be our selected speed that's a really really tricky thing that you're going to have to kind of get used to but remember i never have to touch the throttle in order to do any of this it's completely managed by the flight management computer so i think that's really really cool you can see it's out doing a little bit of chasing and at any time if they call us and say yes to maintain a navigation we can just come up here and press the up arrow and then it's going to pick whatever we decided when we selected the performance page just like that so again that's sort of a neat trick with this aircraft that you're not going to get on a lot of the other aircraft whoa all right let's take a look at some of the other features but first i'm being extremely rude to my landing lights and being extremely rude to the people who again are all professionals i am not a professional i do not fly airliners i just have a good time with it i can make them work the way i want them to all right so approaching jewett let's go back to our little mcdu here so you can see after we cross a waypoint it's going to select the new waypoint in green for us in this case our next waypoint we're going to be traveling to is hotel foxtrot delta which is heart for vor now one thing you haven't seen yet is how do i set up how i'm going to land the aircraft well that's all going to be managed from here too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on desk kbdl kilo bravo delta lima and then it's going to give me this option for arrival now arrival is a catch-all term for both arrivals and approaches so if i click this button i can then select which one i want to do in this case today i'm going to do ils tree tray and if you click that it's going to automatically let you choose your terminal arrival procedure in this case i'm not going to pick one and it also will give you transitions assuming there are any transitions you can also of course go to vias in this case there's no vias here so i'm just going to hit no vias and again this would be if there's a specific waypoint to start at and as soon as we're ready we just come down here and click on insert temporary so now look what happened our aircraft now is automatically lined up with homie you're probably sitting there going but wasn't it aimed up at hfd a minute ago the answer is it was the reason it's now pointing at homie is because hfd is one of the waypoints for ils tree trees approach now if we had to we could always come in here and press the dir button and we could go ahead and dial in one of our white points and we could immediately overwrite it and say hey i actually wanted to go to hfd vfr hotel foxtrot delta as opposed to where i was going to that new position so in this case i'm not going to select that i'm just going to leave my flight plan on its own and we're going to start getting the aircraft ready for a landing pop back up here again make sure you always maintain whatever air traffic control tells you to do what we're loading in a city go ahead and say oh i believe it's 1800 feet beautiful so one of the problems people usually have with this system is they're like why can i not get 1800 feet they do one of these things for 20 minutes and it never works the reason for that is if you want the hundreds you have to go to this little lever behind it and click on it and now it will give you the hundreds again if you click on it again now you just get the thousands in this case 1800 feet so in this particular case we're going to go ahead and do a i'm going to descend on my own i'm going to go up to the knob i'm going to press down on it again i'm pulling it out i'm taking control and you're going to notice you get a new message that says d e s that is a manage descent now if i wanted to i could actually take my throttle and pull it all the way to zero which sets us to idle mode which is going to give us an open descent you're probably sitting there going okay you're blowing me away here what does that mean well an open descent simply means i get to play with the throttle to tell us how fast we descend remember it's just a flight level change that we're doing here all right obviously when we travel under that distance we have to be tremendously careful of going that speed that again of sloppy piloting on my part awesome all right let's go ahead and flick on the landing lights and get ready for a landing i'm getting a little laggy but i know we're getting close to a city looking good looking good that looks good looks good looks good looks good lovely again i'm abbreviating a lot of procedural items here only on account of the fact that it's either not simulated or again my focus is i just want you to be confident with this actually i'm going to go ahead and get this to manage mode because i don't need to be doing 285 right now all right we're going to start our descent down beautiful eastern connecticut here usually you can see the rose yeah you can see it you can make it out today not bad not bad at all let's zoom our view out just a teeny tiny bit here and we're doing a big old circle here because of the way that this works i'm actually going to kind of speed it on its way heading hold mode i'm actually going to set it all the way over here get us a little slightly better lined up for where we need to go beautiful i should have timed that a little bit better with that particular waypoint otherwise we're going to zip into it and that's not going to work too well for us awesome so again that's going to be your absolute basics let's start thinking a little bit about how are we going to now go ahead and land this aircraft now the approach hold on this is actually pretty simple the one thing you're going to need to know is you're going to need to know your ils frequency and you're going to need to make sure that your course and everything is set up correctly so to get that going again i'm just kind of waiting for everything kind of brings us around here yeah see what it did it took us to that waypoint brought us over here and then spun us back around again it's just little things you're going to have to watch out for when you're doing your flight planning you would never do a flight this abbreviated with this aircraft anyway so kind of keep that in the back of your head also bring us around i think that's going to be 300 degrees or so again i'm just going to set this up by hand to make my life a little bit simpler now looks like it's going to be 313 and right there beautiful again i'm just doing it manually to save us a little bit of time here okay so let's talk about an approach of this aircraft so now we've selected our approach procedure we came down here if you're wondering why the camera is tilted by the way it's just the nature of the fact i'm turning so what we could do now is if we want to plan that we're going to go to perf next phase next phase and then we get the approach now there's a lot of stuff going on in this particular page you have your transition altitude which it'll automatically take from before we can dial in the local atmospheric pressure we can do the local temperature we can do the magnetic and the wind and it will actually pre-calculate a lot of work for us automatically this number down here by the way is going to be our approach speed now normally in this airbus you could actually come over here and select between configuration 3 which just means i'm using three notches of flaps and full flaps just by clicking these two buttons here but at this time it doesn't seem to work the way i want to the other thing you want to watch out for is going to be these two details i actually have to put the engine back to climb mode because i'm going to leave it as a managed descent there goes all right so now what you're going to see here is you're going to see mda and you're going to see dh for those of you who are doing instrument procedures you'll know the difference between an altitude and a height an altitude simply means you're going to be above sea level a height means you're going to be above the ground so in this case i'm just looking at my approach plate real quick i notice that my decision altitude is going to be i got to take a look at it real quick let's see here looks like the weather in the real world is not so good doesn't surprise me that's what hurricanes do looks like our decision height is supposed to be 580 feet so i can actually come in here and say 580 and then i can say my decision height is going to be 200 feet again that's where you're going to be putting your minimums in if you're approaching that kind of a situation so that's looking pretty good i'm going to go down to my navigation radio next that looks good that looks good we're coming down quite nicely actually let me take a look at her speed looks pretty good to me and now our navigation stuff is going to be already preset when you click on the nav radio button now notice it's already pre-selected our ios frequency for us and it's pre-selected our course we can actually come in here and do something silly like for example if i went to pick an adf frequency i could do that if there was a particular frequency i wanted to do any sort of vor work i could dial that in you can even dial in what the course is going to base in this case i happen to know for this runway the course is going to be 328. so you can come in here and do that if you wanted to be able to monitor the ils separate from a vor you can do all that work inside this radio navigation page again for those of you who are familiar with these things this will be relatively straightforward it's just going to be there as opposed to in the radio directly behind it all right everything's looking pretty good we're losing a lot of speed here i think the aircraft assumes that we're automatically on approach mode so i'm actually going to take control back from the aircraft and i'm going to put it back to the speed that i would like it to go i'm going to take a look at my throttle again i'm going to leave it on the climb detent it's going to automatically spool up the speed that we needed to do and now we're going to be good to go so the aircraft now at this point again we're picking up a little bit of speed we'll continue our descent in just a moment all right looking good so i am in control of all these items this is our speed this is our current heading you can see that it's basically got us dead-on to where we need to be and this of course is going to be our altitude taking a look real quickly i can see that i need to be at 1800 feet when i hit the homie intersection but there's another intersection called hadex h-a-d-u-x which is going to be at 2500 feet so why it decided to skip that intersection i'm not 100 sure again i have to experiment a little bit this with this myself but i am going to bring the aircraft around and we really need to start thinking about landing we're a little low this by the way is your radar altimeter setting you don't want this to get too too low and again obey air traffic control if they told you to be at a certain height at a certain time make sure you're at that certain height at that certain time and again check your flight plan i just want you guys to be comfortable with this i just want you to be comfortable with this you know we're not going to do too much of a formal flight here only on account of the fact i'm still getting used to this aircraft myself i just like i said want to share everything with you let's go ahead and take a look our speed looks good our altitude's good that looks pretty good to me we are perfectly on course again i'm taking control just to make things a little bit easier for me the ils system is set up our performance is set up i'm just trying to work my head away through it backwards okay it looks good q h looks good uh at any time by the way you can come over here and actually turn on the radar if you're so inclined this is actually the button for it in case you're curious with this which actually does in this case i don't think there's going to be any weather that we need to worry about so i'm not going to get too paranoid about it whoa we're cashing some pretty serious stuff in today all right looks good so now we're pretty much ready to land this aircraft now it's just a matter of getting a little bit closer which we'll be in just a moment and then we're just going to come around and land it obviously you wouldn't normally be flying this low we'd probably be closer to 2500 feet oh boy this is definitely a choppy forest but that happens i have done some things to try to improve performance a little bit since we had launch but it just seems basically that streaming is still going to be the kicker right now get a little closer i'm actually going to flip this on now when you're doing an ils coupled approach with this aircraft highly recommend you come up and press the ls button if you don't do that you're not going to get an ils display notice the moment i did that it automatically told us what ils frequency we're talking to it automatically told us how far away we are from it as well as its default frequency and since we're a little farther away it's automatically gone ahead and told us where we are relative to where we need to be in this case taking a look at the map real quick you can see i'm ever so slightly off bring myself to the left just a teeny tiny bit here and then we should be on right on course again we're going to do an automatic approach here i'm going to let the aircraft do all the flying all the way down to the ground just to make things kind of interesting for us all right notice we're starting to get vertical information we're like i said we're a little low i don't know why i decided to shave off that first intersection without that intersection you can imagine it's going to be a little tricky to be perfectly lined up here hence we're so low right now we're basically a thousand feet off the ground all right i need to come to my right a teeny tiny bit at any point of course i could give control back to the rest of the aircraft once we get close to this point we're really going to have to start slowing down because if you look we're only 19 nautical miles away or so looks pretty good now again if you're on something like that sim you're going to be doing a lot of manual control up here it's much much safer by the way to build like i said the navigation plan inside of the little nav flight planner in microsoft flight simulator than it is to try to enter each waypoint by hand it's also going to mean the built-in air traffic control is going to be much more polite to you it'll actually know where you're going and that's going to be like i said much better at least at this time of this version of this program all right ripping over i'm curious what like that is i've actually looked outside for a little while we're just about to hit the homie that sounds kind of funny all right just take a look making sure everything makes sense we're going to start our deceleration in just a moment keep in mind if we were on managed mode for this all over different modes up here this would start slowing us down quite a bit earlier it would start changing our altitude quite a bit earlier everything would be happening but again just for the purposes of keeping things moving today i'm going to take more manual control of this aircraft looks good ils is showing we're about 14 nautical miles away does not surprise me just doing a quick guesstimate this is about 5 miles i actually want to come to my left a teeny tiny bit here because i want to hit the ils which is going to be like this a little bit smoother all right i'm about 13 nautical miles away it's going to be i can't do the math quick enough in the back of my head it's going to be something like minute 50 i think is total approach time notice by the way our selected decision altitude is right here all right good all right good looks good all right i'm liking it i am liking it this is definitely not standard procedures again just trying to show you the details let's go ahead and arm the approach i'm going to come over and press the appr button now remember when you arm the approach nothing happens until you get close enough to actually initiate the approach in this case see how the aircraft is turning it's because it has captured the localizer a little early let's go ahead and start slowing down again at any point i just go boop manage mode and it will slow his way down to basically nothing slowing down start preparing for landing there we go now the neat thing here is it will automatically preset your speed based on your flap setting so you can actually see this little f here that tells you when your next flap is notice we're about ready to capture the glide slope next flap check to make sure gear is down gear is down flap is down and we are good to go again i'm a managed speed mode we are just a little bit below glide slope engine should start spooling up i'm still on the same detent i was basically when i took off last notch of flaps if i look out the window let me go ahead and look at the window so everybody can see there's our runway just like i promised so right now you can see that we have speed is managed we can see glide slope is managed we can see heading is actually managed if i go up here and push heading hold in obviously again we're in approach mode so all that is automatically managed i'm not touching the throttle and you'll notice it's staying perfectly steady so now it's just a matter of putting this thing down on the ground i'm going to allow this to actually use its autoland feature now one neat feature when we autoland is we still have to pull the throttle back we still have to engage the speed brakes that's going to be still our responsibility but as it stands i think this will be a pretty good ending to the video in just a moment i'll probably take a look at the boeing 787 a little later i'm a little more comfortable with boeing avionics in case you couldn't tell and at the same time is this is still like i said this will get you going i should probably stop saying that right now imagine this entire experience if this were horrible weather or imagine this entire experience if your computer broke down and you had to do it all by hand oh boy that would be a lot more exciting all right looking good looking good looking good remember at any time by the way if you need to abort the approach you just take the throttle and jam it up to the toga option and it assumes oh we're going around 900 feet everything looks good again i'm gonna let it do an auto land let's see what happens i'm getting a little bit of that morning turban it's not too too bad okay looks pretty good by the way if you take this aircraft off of automatic pilot expect the nose to spike up on you all right looking pretty good notice it says land that's a good thing it's assuming we're automatically landing we are just responsible for the throttle and the speed brakes this is pretty cool to watch we've already passed our decision altitude as well as our decision height looks good coming in nice and smooth this is going to be interesting not still not touching the controls that was not much of a flare roll out reverse full reverse i'm going to help it out just a little bit and we are at our destination all right hopefully this video helps out a little bit with the controls and the airbus the flight management computer like i said it's got a lot of the details the real one does but not quite everything and it should be more than enough to get you started on flights with it other than that enjoy
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 76,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N246x9vr-eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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