Fixing a tractor

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all right so I just brought my 1993 Ford 1520 tractor in the garage to do a few repairs on it the main reason that's in here it's been overheating for a while now and it's kind of been like a problem for years but only really when your brush hoggin because that really takes a big toll on the engine you know because it's running the engine hard plus you're moving and I try to go as fast as possible especially with the hydrostatic transmission just to get it done so it's it overheats and I mean but now it's so bad it almost overheats just doing regular work will fit that otherwise wouldn't be hard so I think it's just the radiators 30 and I pressure washed it before but you can't really get to it because the battery's kind of in the way so what I want to do I think I want to take the loader I want to bring this back inside and pull the loader off of it and the other reason it's in here is it's got a leak the hydraulic and transmission fluid that's like it the same fluid are leaking out it looks like from the back here it almost looks like from the PTO but let's try to figure out what's going on with this leak first cuz I probably gonna need to order some parts so I mean this is all definitely wet this is what but I mean this is perfectly dry right here this all looks dry up in here this thing might need to come off of here I feel like the leak is under it I don't know what would be under it but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] this plate here I actually added that because this uh know how well you can see it this filter here I probably smash that off this tractor I don't know probably once every two years or something or maybe once you hear it it's just so annoying once I added that plate it hasn't happened you I mean [Music] we're here what the problem is you look look at this area right here look at the bubbles for me just pushing on that so this plug here is rusted out that needs to be replaced all right so this needs to be replaced let's get that ordered all right let's try to find the parts for that tractor you alright here it is here part number 16 so let's see they call that let's see if that part number does anything on eBay yeah here it is alright I just got the new part in the mail so there it is there all right well that worked pretty well that looks like that's in there fine I bought two of them just in case I have this one but it's not leaking so I'm not gonna mess with it cuz that requires pulling the PTO out which probably isn't bad but you know I got a rule against fixing stuff that's not broken so here's the dipstick right in front of the seat to check the fluid level so I'm sure it's so yeah there's nothing shown on that dipstick all right so it's got a while now all right so this is supposed to be like a quick detachable motor the whole time I've had this tractor I've never had the need to take it off but let's uh I want to take this off to do a really good job fixing the front end of this thing so let's figure out how this comes off all right so it looks like the loader assembly itself kind of hooks on here on the front so there's no hardware there it's just like hooked in there and right here it looks like all they want you to do is take this bolt off and then this plate will swing down and the whole thing is released and the but first you know the hydraulic lines there and those are just like quick couplers so they can just unplug with no tools this type of plug when you unplug these it seals on both ends so the hydraulics shouldn't move but just in case something does move I'm not none of my feet are under anything you all right I should probably should have watched like an instruction video how to do this but I feel like if this just got lifted up right here you could back the trots or out of it so let's try doing that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the plan is here to fix this grill so this is all smashed up so I got another piece of metal about the same stuff of holes in it but it's a little bit thicker so that should be stronger plus I'm gonna put some type of guard in front of that so it doesn't get all smashed up again and the radiator needs to be cleaned so good so this is the screen that's supposed to keep the radiator clean but you can see there the radiator is pretty dirty that's probably the most of the reason why this is overheating as soon as that's cleaned out it should run cooler [Music] [Music] [Music] with this battery out of here it makes it pretty easy to get to the radiator all right so you can see how dirty this is this is definitely why it was overheating and it looks like there may be a small oil leak in that area there so after I clean this up let me try to fix that if there is one because that will make the stick to the radiator right so this uh this gun went bad for no reason but the company sent me a new one this one looks a little bit better hopefully the other thing about this it just kills the battery all the time so you have to hook it up to power [Music] tractor all clean now so I suspect that that hose right there is leaking so let's start it up and take a look at it and if it is fix it before putting it all back together okay so after running that for a minute you could see it's leaking oil so that was our oil leak right there which was the oil was getting on the radiator and then the dust would stick to the oil and then more oil would go on that dust and that's why the radiator would clog up with dust causing it to overheat all right so let's get this section of hose changed maybe that side too also [Music] [Music] this is as tight as a hose clamp [Music] you the hardware and these battery terminals was messed up to the point where it wouldn't tighten down not so much this one but definitely that one well let's just change that hardware [Music] see this is why I always do the positive first because if I had hooked the ground up right there that would be a spark all right so that's on there nice and tight now if that new bolt before it wouldn't get tight so you know a trick that works sometimes you'll take a little screw like this and then just kind of jam it down between each thing and that will make contact again but that's this is the better way to do it [Music] all right it's been running for a while here now and there's no wetness on these hoses at all so I'm confident that's fixed so what's the machine all apart like this this is a good time to just kind of check the whole thing over look for it looking for any other leaks or just any other problems so everything looks nice and dry on this side right so on the other side here it's got one leak you can see this return line here look at how that broke right off all right I think I could just cut that shorter [Music] all right that should be fine [Music] in this thing here this comes apart all right all leaks are fixed on this thing let's change the oil you [Music] all right so to keep track of oil changes what I'll do is I'll write down like the date and the hours or mileage on a piece of paper then put some packing tape over it and that way you know having so many different machines it's tough to keep track but it's easy that way all right I'm gonna get some type of grill on this tractor so I'm gonna go right up to here so about a foot is fine and then for this direction so we've got I want to overhang that a little bit so six plus six on this side plus 18 all right just a little bit wider but I think that should work and there's a foot right here it's easy to cut that stuff square all you gotta do is stay in the one row a line of circles [Music] [Music] you you [Music] let me try straighten this out [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure I never had the screen that went on this side but let's see if I can make it so let's do 19 by all right so the hood stops at this height right here [Music] which is ten but I'd like to be able to use these things to hold it down so if I made it nineteen by eleven and a quarter and then trimmed it you [Music] [Music] alright wait alright that looks pretty good let me just make some hooks for the bottom so this actually stays in there [Music] [Music] all right I'm good with that little spray paint and that's good to go [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] that's pretty cool I like that that should keep you know anything out of there that would be a problem all right I'm good with that now let me get something to protect this grill [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I definitely got a little spoiled with that nice MIG welder I have that certainly does a much better looking job this is certainly fine it's you know that's never gonna break even you know that welder there that's just an AC welder they also sell well there's that look just like that that can do DC and the DC ones do a much nicer job also you know they're like triple the price for them to buy the machine but you know it's kind of worth it but for you know I bought that a long time ago for someone who's like it just wants to get into welding you know that is a very affordable welder that can weld some stick thick material you [Music] you [Music] [Music] the loaders on I got to put these on I kind of made a little mistake I didn't label these at all where they go so I guess there's a few different combinations here okay it's it goes up and down like up and down is up and down like it's supposed to be but it's backwards alright so switching these two will be correct all right so I got a 50-50 chance of getting this right so let's see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I just got this field finished up so that went pretty well the my favorite part about it is the tractors temperature gauge stayed under halfway the entire time before it was like even if it wasn't overheating or close to overheating it'd be like 80 percent so that's great that this is definitely fixed so I guess I'll kind of end this video I'm just curious what kind of other equipment people are using for cutting fields like this now I've tried a few times to get all my friends who do hey to come hey this and they're never interested because they say one they can't get down in the driveway because the drive are getting in here is pretty crazy and two they say they have too many accounts and they say it's not worth it so I'm just kind of curious that's something I've never done before and I'm kind of thinking about maybe getting into it but I think I think you got to buy like four pieces of equipment to do it so I don't know if it's worth doing for just a few fields but I'm sure I could pick more up and as far as brush hog and I'm just curious what other people are running for brush hogs my the first brush hog I ever bought I bought new from tractor supply it was like they're those yellow country line brands and it was okay I definitely was hard on the thing and pretty much destroyed it within maybe four years then I got a really good deal on this one this is a bush hog Squealer and I was thinking oh that's like the name-brand a brush hog this thing should last forever and it's definitely tougher but you know I tore this thing up pretty bad so I'm just curious what else is out there that's maybe better I mean that thing was like new when I it was used but it was like in perfect shape and I guess I've had it maybe four years now so it's looking a little rough for four years of working but it is working and it's I've never brought this tractor out brush hog in somewhere and came home with the job not finished so that's the important part alright well on to the next job [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,782,066
Rating: 4.8874397 out of 5
Keywords: Ford tractor, brush hog, overheat tractor, repair, mechanic work, cooling system, metal fabrication, welding, drill press
Id: N_14GqFaC7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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