Fixing a bunch of small engines

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[Music] all right I just brought a few small engine things inside the garage to fix them tonight all right so let's start on this four-wheeler first all right so this is that guy I just fixed that driveway for bought a house this came off the house supposedly this has been sitting for a while it ran a little bit well battery's dead now to it but it runs a little bit but then it dies I think it's just got the carburetor probably just needs to be blown out so that should be an easy fix on this let's see if any my Scott in this air filter first no it looks good missing something no okay that's how it sits and I charge this up like put it on 15 amps you know I feel like this thing's just out of gas I mean it's there's gas in there but it's I don't think this thing's broken [Music] I was gonna bump it up to 50 amps I bet you this thing starts let's see [Music] I think we're just out of gas it's driving around for a while to make sure it's working before we do that let's just make sure it's got oil in it it's good it looks nice and clean also [Music] yeah this thing runs perfect there's nothing office the one thing it does need though these tires they're hard as a rock there's probably 30 psi in them on an ATV [Music] on an ATV you only want like three psi and the tire seats is 3.2 and 3.6 on an ATV the tires are what gives it a lot of its suspension you know when these are you could ride this thing around it rides so rough all right I brought it back in the garage a lot of mosquitoes outside so yeah the gauge I mean it's 30 psi so an easier way so you don't have to hold that thing the whole time this tool here that can be used to let air out of it whatever more actually all right so me pushing about as hard as I can that's probably about perfect right there having the tire pressure right on an ATV is critical it makes such a big difference to having the right psi so I could try to check it with this but you know that this the needle doesn't even go low enough this goes up to 160 psi all right so they sell low psi tire pressure gauges that's what this is so instead of it being in like 10 20 30 increments this one's like you know this one only goes up to 20 psi all right so that says we're at 8 psi I have a hard time believing it me and get it down a little lower six and a half it's five and a half you know these tires are so thin that's at five and a half psi but that's that's good right there true three would be too low with these tires now if you had like some big mud tires on this thing you know with really heavy sidewalls you know some of those tires like you know they're like tractor tires and you could have them with no air in them and they'd still be hard so all right well that last tires deflating I'm gonna bring this back to the guy who owns it he lives pretty close by I could just throw it on a trailer but you know it would be funnier I have all these scooters just up here like they're decorations but I used to ride these before I had my driver's license I used to ride these scooters everywhere these go pet scooters these things are cool because they fold up let's see if this will start up and I'll use this to ride that home when I drop off the ATV alright it's been probably 10 years since I started this thing maybe pretty impressive if it started right up and I might have drained the gas out of this when I stopped using it I don't know all right so this folds up like that it's primer bulb right here oh the primers hard is a rock so it needs a primer ain't gonna run I'm gonna drain that gas back out of there all right let me try this one this one I bought this one at a yard sale and redid the whole alright so I should ride this thing around for longer than five minutes just to make sure it's actually fixed [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah this thing is fine there's nothing wrong with this I like this thing with the automatic it's nice you'll have to shift or anything all you gotta do is hit the gas cool all right well that was easy but you know that's good news that it wasn't actually broken so I don't know if that really counts as a repair but well at least the thing is working now so all right let's uh I'm gonna drive this back to that guy's house then some sm of scooters this little motorcycle has been sitting up here like a decoration for years let me get that down and see if that will run all right I just put air in the tires just put a little gas in this thing and see if we'll start up I remember this ran last time I used it gone yeah yeah and it'll go all right let's get it outside this thing's gonna run [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to take this on the blacktop [Music] [Music] alright yeah this thing's running good I'll put a link in the description for these I remember years ago my friends and I all bought these because they're so cheap there're like 200 bucks free shipping and it goes like 30 miles an hour which is feels like a hundred on this thing alright let's see if we can get this scooter running again so here's our bad culprit here this primer bulb the rubber on it is like hard and brittle and just broke apart wait this whole carburetor keeps coming apart all right all right so we got a new primer bowl here pull that one out that one goes in [Applause] look at that that's good all right let's put it back together [Music] all right let's put the choke on let's see if it starts up [Music] you know what I always loved about these scooters is the way you could just carry them now the unfolded and you could just compression start these two yeah that's one runs good all right here's the one with the bad gas tank so I just got a new gas tank for it looks like at the same part [Music] [Music] that's nice got the fuel lines already in it it looks like they got the blue one it's supposed to be the in [Applause] [Music] we're gonna try starting this one outside all right so this scooter here the motor on it wants to run but it's just like so hard to pull over so something's like binding up that motor so let's take it apart and see what's going on here [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what I think here's the culprit right here this bearing it looks like seized up yeah when I go to even try to turn it it's alright so I think that's the issue Rock runs away run away alright I'm noticing these holes are threaded here to push out this bearing I [Music] [Music] [Music] just got this new drive spindle in the mail so I'm not even going to bother with this third bearing support this was an aftermarket accessory anyway and it really doesn't need it so here is the original drive spindle and it's the original size it's a little bit smaller actually it doesn't well maybe it's the same size huh thought those would be smaller I guess I could have just bought this alright [Music] [Music] right so this scooter it's just like a direct drive that drive spindle here just rubs on that wheel and that's what makes it move now it's important that you're supposed to have I think it's 70 pounds of pressure from this wheel onto that spindle because if it's more this I've seen these motors break on these things and then you got to either change the motor or the crankshaft if you put this on right you don't need it all right so the way they recommend doing this is to kind of kneel on it and then then tighten it up make sure you have that on it too all right and the engine was running away before but I got it returning all the way now so see if this starts up alright that's running let's try it outside [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so these scooters are both running well that's good while I'm talking about these scooters I should talk about the first one of them I got so when I was 13 or 14 years old before I had my driver's license I always had three wheelers and four wheelers but you really weren't supposed to ride them on the road I got one of these scooters and I rode that thing everywhere it was this red one here and then a few of my friends bought them and it was just I had the most fun on those scooters because it was like having a vehicle that you can actually get places on before having a car here's a few photos of me riding it when I was I don't know probably 13 or 14 here and that one I had put like that extra exhaust on it and stuff to make it faster this one here I actually fixed this for someone probably over six years ago and I told him when I fixed it try not to hit rocks with it because the blade I had to well the blade to it because the bull had broke some someone else had broken two bolt off in here I couldn't get it out and the mower would have been garbage otherwise so I just welded it all together and it's lasted a long time but you see what happens so let's see if we can uh let's see if we can save this you [Music] all right that's not exactly the right way to fix it but that should work but start it up and see if it shakes I forgot this fell off to hang on you know really it needs this bracket I don't think I have one though [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here's the chainsaw that I use all the time I bought this new right after Hurricane Irene the pull rope just broke so I have this roll of rope that I used for push mowers now the diameter of this rope is slightly larger than what was in it but let's see if that works [Music] all right so the old rope is out of there all right you don't want to take this apart any further that's a mistake that a lot of people make all you do now is you wind this up all the way all right you know I don't want to go through this way but it's just easier [Music] the way you do this you want to make sure you know you don't have like this much rope hanging out of the pull rope all the time that's annoying but you also don't want to make you also want to make sure you have enough rope to pull it it's annoying when you pull it and it just stops so you know one way to kind of test it I'll just pull it and well if this fat rope that's all I'm getting on there so I'm gonna cut this you know probably right around here so pull this out a little bit [Music] so it's nice to use a clamp like this so you're not stock holding the rope the whole time because all right that should be good let's put this back on [Music] let's just tighten that up while we're at it and it still looks plenty sharp [Music] all right that seems pretty good with that thicker rope it does feel like the pole is a drop shorter but it's still you know it's totally acceptable this sauce starts easy if I have to do it again I'll probably just get the next smaller size rope but it's it's certainly fine like this all right so I just dropped off that four-wheeler to that guy and then he gave me this to fix all right let's uh first let's check the gas does that be pretty funny up there that's got gas in it okay so these are a pretty easy fix it's um usually just this diaphragm goes bad so those are bad diaphragm right there [Music] all right let's see if it starts up so you do Prime's you do one two slow ones and then one fast one on these the fast one shoots a jet of gas into the engine and that thing is shaking itself apart we got a bent crank I'm gonna pull the spark plug wire off so you can see I don't know if you're at the best angle but you see see this shaft right here it's been alright that's alright we could save this alright so this is you can see how much does is bent see this is bent upwards so pretty much tammer and it usually will fix this [Music] alright that's much better happy as you can see it's still bent alright let's go a little more with it [Music] alright pull it all right stop all right all right stop stop stop something [Music] all right so that looks pretty good that's about as straight as it's gonna get all right that's fine it's fine all right so that's um let's start it up and see how much it shakes so that should run a little smoother once it's been run in a while you know the oil that mixed around or whatever but but it wasn't shaking all over the place so that's good so this is fixed alright that's definitely fixed that's not shaking too much anymore so it's definitely important with these not to hit rocks alright let's see if we can get this running alright this was something I grabbed off the side of the road had a free sign on it now I can see it ready that this cable is broken that would be neat if that was the only reason they threw this out so I'll show so these cables you can obviously replace these but I'll show you a free way to change this instead alright so we'll pull this off from the bottom here all right now let's just spray some oil down through the that thing alright now we can take a roll of mechanics wire here and just feed it down through this pipe all right now I got that through I could pull it but all right that's plenty I see take this cable here tie it to the spot where it used to go all right sometimes I'll put a little shrink tubing on it it looks cleaner so puts it there I pull the bail up and then you just kind of want to test it like pull this down make sure it's actually pulling in and off so you can pull this a little tighter here oh that's working nice our deck that's good that works very smoothly all right let's see if this will start without having to do too much to it so let me just check the oil first that's good looks nice and clean it's at the right spot oh wow alright this gas tank needs attention [Applause] [Music] see I don't know about this one right so this is the part that's always bad before getting too far into this you can see right here this that's a hole so this gas tank is garbage all right I just found this other gas tank out of parts mower you see that's a much better shape all right so let's see what's in here so it's easy to dump it in a glass container and see what's going on all right so that's what wasn't there that looks like gas that you can tell it's gas because if there was water in there the water and gas would separate gas is probably old so it's no good but I'll show you what I mean I'll add some water to it and I'll show you what happens see how they just don't mix now see how there's a clear layer of water and then a layer of gas on top of it all right and to get these clean sometimes you can stick a rag down in there and blow up [Music] all right I can see down on this tank that's clean enough all right so there's our part so I'm gonna use the carburetor from the other one it looks better well the primer doesn't have a hole in it so all right that should be good you all right all right when it won't wrap up like that that means this thing here that's what gives it a straddle that spring it's out of adjustment so I'm gonna start it up clamp it [Music] you all right it's running but it's not really it doesn't really have full power that's doing now let me just try a new air filter before it changed the carburetor you know that's better but that's still not running right you all right so this this and this are different so they'll change these what you do is you pull this out and then pull that out you you you all right this one motors running well now [Music] all right let's try to get this running the story that came up this this supposedly ran and then it sat for a couple years so hopefully it's not that broken so let's first start on these flat tires all right these tires you know I'm sure I could get air in this again and it probably leaked out in a few days some people would change this I think that's a waste usually this stuff here fixes these tires with the slow leaks you know once you put this in it they're fine for years and it's easy to do so [Music] we got it to tell the year of these things on the Briggs & Stratton motors the first two numbers are the last number or the year so you can see that makes this one a 93 so you could see these tires they have little cracks in them from dry rot but you know that slime will fix that right up [Music] look at this leak right there so you can see it's spraying soap on it watch I'll roll this backwards so this line gets to it and it'll stop all right I can hear the tire leaking before there's nothing now you can see in all these dry rot cracks blowing all the soap there's no bubbles coming out so that's fixed so let's try to get this motor running now so before I take it all apart Messel fit let's just see if it will start all right oil where oil looks clean but it's low it's down on added it's probably down half a quart now let's check the air filter now you always want to make sure looking for mice on these so mice like to get in the air filters and they like to get under these engine covers and you can usually tell if they're under the engine cover like when you go to turn it over and you see a bunch of you know Mike's nest stuff hanging out of it and it's really important to get that out of there because what will happen is it will make this overheat because the air can't flow through it properly and when these overheat I mean generally motors hate that what kind of happens on these first of like the valve seats pop out all right that filter looks fine it's not all chewed up doesn't look dirty foam is missing around and I have one here it's an used one but it's good enough all right so previous owner to this thing gets something interesting with this battery so this originally took like this weird rectangle-shaped battery and nose rectangle batteries are like three times the price of these these are the standard batteries usually when I would get these lawnmowers is I would cut out this area down in here and take some sheet metal and get this battery to fit down in there so you don't have to buy those expensive batteries but someone else did this that's that's good enough so I had a trickle charger on this for a couple days two amps let's see if it charged up I think this is gonna start [Music] [Music] all right it runs the it wants a little bit of choke usually that means the carburetor is a little bit dirty but I'm gonna take this outside and try them all in with it and it may clear itself up if not like if something's runs but it needs the choke pulled that means the carburetor is dirty well let's take this outside and give it a try [Music] alright this lawn tractors running pretty well now one thing I really like about these lawn mowers these tractors will do a really good job clearing leaves off a lawn because they can go the same speed backwards as they can forward and with that is you can mow you know forward backwards forwards backwards and just blow all the leaves one direction I'll show you so the way the transmission works on this thing it's like a variable belt drive and the right side here is like the speed and you can put it all the way in seven and the other thing is nice is pushing the clutch in half way doesn't just disengage the clutch it actually gears the Machine down so you can be going fast and just step on the clutch halfway and jump down to a lower gear ratio to slow down for hills or turns the other thing is you can go just as fast in Reverse watch me watch how fast this thing will go backwards [Music] that's why I always keep one of these around just because they're good for doing leaves and it's nice that they go fast backwards a lot of lawn mowers you go to Lowe's and stuff and buy one they go so slow backwards it's so frustrating even go backwards and - like they won't even mow and reverse it you got to disable all those safety switches let's get all the leaves off this lawn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I was just running this thing probably almost two hours and I got every leaf off the entire yard I really like this lawnmower it's nice that it's very fast both directions it's nice that you can easily change the speeds the deck the way the blades are designed really blow stuff out very hard it doesn't clog up and it really chops up leaves very well so it was running a little rough at first but then you know just as as I ran it it just cleared right up and was running fine with the choke all the way in so that's good this is definitely fixed well it wasn't really broken but this is definitely ready to be used and as far as techniques for mowing you know it's nice the forward/reverse works fine but if you can just like start next to a house and just keep circling around it blowing leaves and everything one direction that's probably the better way to go you could never do that in this lawn before for years and there was always this rock that was right here that stopped lawn mowers from getting through like four wheelers could get through here but lawn mowers never could and then probably three years ago now I dug it out with my yan Mar and it's just it's made this yard so much easier to mow all right so I'm gonna kind of end this small engine video now I could keep finding broken small ends and stuff and fixing it forever you know I've probably fixed at least six things in this video so I figure that's enough fixing small engines is a kind of fun thing to do so that's you know I for a while after I'd be at work I just come home and probably try to fix at least one thing a night you know as far as push mowers or something because they're it's so easy to get them people throw them out all the time I mean even a lawn tractor like this something little will happen to it and someone will just throw it out so it's usually easy to get these free or cheap when they're broken all right on to the next job [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,982,332
Rating: 4.8556352 out of 5
Keywords: small engines, fix lawn mower, fix goped, goped scooter, pocket bike, fix pullstart
Id: PvYr_vM-86M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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