New water pump and tires for my pickup truck

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all right so my trucks been overheating for a little while you can see the temperature gauge there that shouldn't be going over 210 over 210 is bad so usually this truck runs very cool so I know there's a problem with the cooling system so to get the temperature down what you can do is you can turn the heat up all the way and then feel it you know and if it's pullin hot air or you know out of those vents then you know it's pulling hot air away from that motor and usually that will get that gauge down but as soon as you don't feel hot air coming out of those vents you know the truck's not cooling itself putting that heat on got the temperature down quite a bit there but it's still running too hot [Music] [Music] all right so let's see if we can figure out what's going on here so you got any fries in there [Music] that's actually really cool all right so the truck sitting that Idol you can see it's getting pretty hot [Music] all right so I'm looking I don't see any leaks from any of the hoses and this still has antifreeze in it so I bet the water pump is leaking and yep alright so usually you know when all the hoses are dry and you got any fries leaking from the front of the engine that's usually the water pump look on the ground [Music] but yeah it's leaking water so you can see it leaking right off the front of the engine right there and I know it's if you're overheating somewhere it's really tempting to open this and add more coolant but let me show you what happens when you open that hot the trick is you got to get away from it quick so you can unscrew it and it's and it's on screw right now but I'm holding it down as soon as I let off of that it's gonna explode watch you so you don't want to touch that that's hot that wasn't that fair there's not that much coolant in this thing all right let's see let's get this truck fixed all right here I'm driving it now and that's a pretty good example of it overheating so [Music] are that got it down struck to my house to fix it and I'm not going to drive it until it's fixed and there's our radio I installed bubble videos ago that's pretty sweet I still like it I'm not having good luck there's my wheel right there and sucks [Music] [Music] but the first step is to drain the antifreeze that's more this is just water all right under the back of the truck now [Music] all right I always kind of learned if bolts are hard to get to at least make them easy to do these were stiff going in that new part they're metric so I don't have any new ones here but running a die over these will make them good as new so the way to tell what bolts you have so here's all my metric caps and all you pretty much do you can match up the end to get the diameter right and it's pretty easy to see that's an MA and then you hold it next to the threads and it will sync up exactly and it's very obvious like a wrong one you know here's a 1.75 that's way wrong but you can just see that they don't go in all right so we know we know we need an m8 by 1.2 v tach so that's right there all right so these taps they can only be you only start them from the bat side [Music] [Music] all right now these bolts will work like new all right so this tube these always rust up - this is just a piece of conduit but it works perfect all right now let's get back to that radiator [Music] the way you get these plastic tanks off is there's like a nub in the middle you just pry that out and then they can lift up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you gotta unbolt the fan before you take this out unless you want to cut out this area right here then that'd probably be a lot easier but all right now this clutch fan needs to come off the old water pump [Music] all right now this is when you can usually tell the water pumps bad I'll have play in it now it's not that much but you can hear it [Music] so this truck could have had a few different engines in it and this was the smallest one the thing I liked about having the smallest engine in a truck is there's usually a lot of room to work on them especially in this case sometimes a water pump will be one inch away from a radiator and you got to take ten other things apart to get it out this is probably one of the easiest water pumps to do [Music] [Music] you you I actually put a water pump in this truck a few years ago and I think when I did it I put grease or anti-seize on all these bolts it's nice they're all coming out very easy [Music] alright here's the two water pumps they look the same see this one's got the factory Chrysler symbol on it this one was a brand new aftermarket so one thing this I guess that's got to come out of here and go on to that one let's try to get that out of there and I think when I put it in this one I put gasket maker on at the seal in there [Music] this is muriatic acid someone says it will dissolve rust [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well that stuff worked pretty well and check out what happens when you drip this on concrete I've never even met tried to stuff before [Music] you you all right now whatever you're doing this good idea to change these hoes is this a new hose here you [Music] so I'm going to try putting this together in a different order this should slide right in here without the fan alright this thing here is called the clutch fan and it even said in these instructions to change this I'm not gonna bother because I installed this one maybe three or four years ago but what happens is like if this gets any play in it see this is completely tight I can't move this fan at all the way that works the hotter the air is coming off the radiator it makes the fan spin faster so that way when the engines cool you're not wasting gas running this fan all the time and make an extra noise but when there's hotter air coming off the radiator it makes the fan running faster the problem is they go bad and then the fan doesn't run fast enough and it won't pull the air through the radiator and if everything could be perfect on your cooling system but that will be bad and it will make it overheat one time I even added a snow plow to a Jeep and winter time ten degrees out Fahrenheit and the thing was overheating just driving down the road couldn't figure it out I changed everything in the cooling system radiator pumps hoses home and cooling system still overheat and finally figured it out it was the clutch fan was bad as soon as I put that on it fixed it [Music] [Music] all right so I'll show you how you test antifreeze to make sure it's 50/50 so that you use this tool here I'll put a link in the description for this these are pretty cheap so here I'll start off regular water you squeeze that fill that up to this line right here and then you can see this this style down here says the freeze point so you see it's it's facing pretty much straight down so it would freeze that well it's pretty much lost the chart so now I'll try this straight antifreeze and you can see it's to negative 45 so ideally they want this to be negative 34 50% water 50% solution so that's pretty much off the chart again at 45 negative 45 so I'll just try doing it like this so I'll pill up half water let's see what happens here in half and fries oh I didn't get enough look at that so we're right in there raybert should be alright so let me get this truck filled up so I'm juicing to start up straight antifreeze here cuz the engine may still have some water in it this is 5050 you you what you want to do to pop these off is slowly at any freeze as it's running all right that looks good I don't see any puddles underneath it or anything leaking so I'm confident this is fixed this is a foreign room just seeing if it works or not that looks good on there I guess this could be my spare here's the thing for lowering the spare tire down from the factory it was some weird shaped thing that rusted out I just used that piece of conduit and welded and not to it and then not is the same size as the lug nuts so when you're changing your tire you know you're gonna have this tool they're not looking for [Music] alright so the tires that were on my pickup truck are actually putting new tires I just bought these but the other day I had one of them right here I had to side while a blowout drive it offroad and this is the second one of these I've had go bad like that so I've been driving off-road a lot lately so I figured I'd put a set of mud tires on the truck so I just got these you know these were pretty cheap did you know they have a lot more tread and the other advantage is the sidewalls seem a lot thicker so these should be a lot less likely to puncture while driving off-road so I just picked up another set of these factory dodge wheels I got it for 50 bucks so I'm going to mount these four tires on the four rims I have with the worst tires on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this inside of this pie are gone all muddy that needs to be clean so for years I never had a good tire machine and I would never pay anyone to change my tires I just I'd always just refused to do that so I would always borrow mine and I could generally do it one time I even made this tire machine I still have it it's just like a big flat thing all the posts thicken up and you could use pry bars and pry fires on and off but then I got a Coates 1010 which is all right but it always had issues with weird rims and I felt like 80% of the time I had a weird rim on the thing so it wasn't that useful I probably want to work while in this room but it was like a center thing and then you'd screw it it down but you know the thing just didn't work well then I got this from my friend has an auto mechanic shop and this was a great machine but he was doing a lot of high-end cars and he needed the latest and greatest entire machines I guess so I bought this off of him but you know this is the only way to go with Tyre machines the way it clamps on they're awfully see how that works [Music] you're doing a really small APD room I have these what's going on let's go on like that so if you're doing like a warrant rafter or a TV or something little this machine will still work but a tired machine like this this is the only way to go that they were carving machine light and there's some on Amazon I'll put a link in the description because I've been tempted to get a balancer because I don't have one but they're so cheap like I it's like 800 bucks free shipping for a brand new machine so um I'll put that link on there and if anyone has an opinion on that machine let me know in the comments cuz especially with the balancer because I'm still thinking about buying that I get this old wheel weight off of here [Music] [Music] so easy that is this a nice fire machine [Music] you [Music] you as some people recommend like a nice ease but I think Greece is the best thing for bolts to keep them you know so they don't rust on there you can actually get them off in a year or two you [Music] anything it looks better Wipro about these I guess with you you none of these will come off and this sockets about ready to explode so make sure I have safety glasses on and something you get more power with a shorter socket let's see if this does it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you these self-tapping screws are great for screwing plastic pieces onto cars look at that that's good as new when I bought this truck the cab was gray it had one white door the tailgate was maroon and the Fed was white and I got a gallon of this paint and just brushed it made it all the same color you know there's a few times where I folded this tailgate in half and I thought it was completely ruining but every time like one time I even took it off and split it and then took a block of wood and a sledgehammer and just pounded it all back together and I put the new locks in it and it's good as new you know but look how nice this tailgate works look at that that's a nice tailgate you you know whenever I make something sometimes I'll try to weld the date in it so this year so it just looks like lines but it's 11:11 so I made that in November 2011 all right the trucks been run and all the antifreeze is mixed up in here so let's see what mixture ended up with all right and we are at negative looks like negative 35 all right that's that's perfect that's exactly what it should be and it's a good idea to go around and just check all your machines too with these like especially before wintertime then make sure you know the antifreeze didn't end up with too much water and it's somehow and I'll put a link in the description for this lift these are actually really cheap these are no less I mean especially considering what people will often pay for a pickup truck I mean I look like this is like in the twenty five hundred dollar range you know just spend twenty five hundred dollars less on the truck and get a lift also because it's like you'll have it forever and it will pay for itself in one or two repairs [Music] [Music] all right the water pump and new tires are finished so this trucks ready to be used people may question the size of these tires I know they look a little small on here this truck does have a lot of fender room and can fit much bigger tires this is the size tire that's supposed to be on this truck 245 75 16 now I know even skipping up a bunch of sizes even put in 305 on here fits fine and nothing rubs the reason I have this size tire on the truck is because towing because most of the time I'm towing with it and usually heavy stuff like you know up to five tons plus some times and having this that size tire makes the truck accelerate and brake so much stronger I even usually put two 85 s on this in the winter that's going up like two sizes and it's fine driving around with no trailer or plowing is completely fine but soon as you have a heavy trailer on there you notice a big time when you step on the brakes they just feel a lot weaker when you go to accelerate it's just weaker so that's why I keep this size tire on it and a few other people may question you know why keep repairing a truck that's rough getting it you know a lot of people would have bought a new truck probably years ago condition wise this truck has been really reliable so that's usually when I'll replace something when it when it's breaking all the time or especially if something has to major repairs in a row but this truck I've paid almost nothing for this thing and I've been driving it since 2011 so it's been a really good truck there's an old video on my channel of rebuilding the transmission in this thing that no one ever watched it's not as complete with the narration and everything like the new videos but you know it's still that is the transmission out of this truck so alright so let's go let's go test this thing out [Music] [Music] you [Music] and this broke when I was pulling this piece off so I just got a new one all right so a good test for the truck let's tow the skid steer up a mountain good boy Levi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right great the truck is running nice and cool we'll have to climb in that long hill all right well I'm definitely gonna call this a success so I could keep filming more stuff about the truck but it'll be in plenty other videos
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,785,225
Rating: 4.8372025 out of 5
Keywords: dodge ram, water pump, overheating truck, auto repair, auto lift, mud star tires, spare tire holder, tire machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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