Small Engine Total Rebuild - with Taryl

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[Music] do you know what this is wrong now what's that this is alien technology what are you talking about blade man this is called an orbital ignition module an orbital what orbital ignition module the way it works is you can put this out any non-running machine and it'll make it work really well let's see in action all right let's uh let's try that snowblower over there that they had to bring in about 20 years all right perfect yeah okay give it a pull Wow I told you wow that's crazy where'd you find something like that anyway blade man no time to explain travel as we have mowers to repair yeah I'm sure there's a lot of people would like to get their hands on this blade man oh yeah I'm sure they would but this was intended to be used for good but in the wrong hands it could be used for evil well don't worry blade man we'll just have to keep this little top secret weapon top secret sounds good throttle a [Music] little ignition manually would be a real shame if there are hands [Music] I don't know plain man this thing won't start and the customer is on his way right now to come and get it now might be a good time to use that light-up ball engine starter thing getting in the orbital ignition module yeah yeah I think now would be a good time blade man okay fine to-do list from the desk of the stand [Music] pick up dollar sign suit from dry cleaners two cans of extra greasy hair wet thank you card to chopper for tip on orbital emits and module what steel admissible to power great that wasn't even a riddle sounds like he's really getting lazy wonder how word got out about the module well I probably didn't help that I posted a picture of it to the blade man in throttle Facebook page great sounds like the scammers got plans for that module yeah and if he built this lawnmower Annihilator he's surely gonna put us out of business he must be stopped let's stop him - the blade will be off [Music] their to-do list did I hit one of these pockets ah here it is right here oh wait this is the riddle left the wrong piece of paper great well the Brearley on to me by now guess that just means um we have to work a little bit fast Oh time to rock and roll baby pterodactyl hair today's how-to video is going to be on this here 5 horsepower Briggs and Stratton engine we're going to rebuild it we're gonna rebuild it the way that I rebuild motors everybody rebuilds motors differently this is the Terrell way and we're rebuilding this for actual customer and the reason we're rebuilding it and not having them just go to harbor freight buy one and have $99 motors is this one's got the extended camshaft which is for the reverse on his roto tiller or his garden scratcher if you want to call it that so that's why we're rebuilding it because he wants to have that reverse this motor is in pretty bad shape to the lifters were stuck we had to beat them out it's pretty pretty gold up on the cylinder now we're not going to bore it you know and put an oversized piston and all that in there I'm just gonna hone it try to get as much of that scratch out as I can and then we're gonna rear inge it and new gaskets and seals we're gonna upgrade to electronic ignition because looks like an animal almost chewed through the wire here we're not going to replace the piston the piston looks pretty good now I went ahead and cleaned everything up because he brought it to me all disassembled because the motor was locked up and then I had to take it from there so the first thing you're gonna do when you rebuild the motors you're gonna disassemble it so we're gonna take the flywheel off and this crankshaft out so we can hone it Plus this starter clutch which you've seen before in other videos I've done it's pretty sticky and hard and we're gonna do the carpet raid or two we're gonna rebuild the carpet Reiter let's take off the flywheel take the kink the crankshaft out [Music] [Applause] now see how sticky and gummy that is that's what was making this hang-up so you have to get make sure that is clean which we're gonna do because we're rebuilding it okay our flywheel is already loose so we can just remove it but in case you needed to remove it you don't want to beat on the end of this crankshaft with a hammer cuz you're gonna flare it out and then this isn't gonna go on there right and if it does go on there it's gonna bind up and it's gonna create a problem so stens make a knockoff tool it's got a piece of brass down in there it's over the crankshaft and you can fry on the back of the flywheel with a pry bar or screwdriver and it'll remove the flywheel the part number is seven five zero - zero nine one you can probably get this from our friends over there at Pro Parts Direct dotnet there are stens dealer so we're gonna pull the flywheel take the key out now we can slide the crankshaft out so what you're going to do is inspect the part and see make sure everything's good sure there's no galling or make sure the crank journal looks good this one looks okay now this one here is a little scored up so we're gonna polish that up some with some real super fine sandpaper and usually this happens because it was ran low on oil that might even be some aluminum transfer so if you want to remove that aluminum especially on a crank journal savior's locked up on here and if broke that broke the connecting rod you had bunch of Ludum in or aluminium buildup on there you use muriatic acid you brush muriatic acid on there and it'll bubble up you have to keep doing it a bunch of times until you get all that aluminium off we'll try some on this and see if it bubbles up okay we have some the erratic acid here now you got to be very careful with this stuff this is poison and it's got a bad smell to it so you better handle with care' if you use this and it stinks so try not to breathe it there's very little aluminium on this one if it had a lot of transfer on it it would really full ball but that's what you can do to remove that Elementium you don't want to sand on there because you're going to remove material and then the crankshaft you know will be out of round and it'll knock Plus I'm going to show you how to check the clearance on that all right see those two little marks that's some aluminium that foamed up from the muriatic acid now use water to wash it off all right I'm gonna what's in this journal to get some of those marks off and I'm using some 1000 grit sandpaper okay that's as good as it's going to clean up now that's up to you if you'd want to use this crankshaft over because I know y'all are gonna be saying why didn't you mic everything and mic this and mic that not everybody's got all these micrometers and stuff plus again this is some garden scratcher engine this isn't the Space Shuttle or a race engine just a little flight boards Briggs and we're just gonna freshen it up and we're trying to do it as cheap as possible so this will be fine it's not gonna ruin anything it's not gonna lock up we just wanted to get that aluminum transfer off because those are gouges in there actually that'll carry oil through there though that might even be better but we do want to check the clearance between the connecting rod and the journal and we're gonna do that with this plastic gauge that's what this is called plastic gauge clearance indicator and what we have here is zero zero one one thousandth of an inch to three thousandths of an inch and how this works is there's the plastic gauge that little rod so we're gonna cut a little sliver of this off and we're gonna lay it in this connecting rod and we're gonna tighten it down and it's gonna smash that and then you take that little piece that smashed and this is your gauge so whatever it lines up to that tells you how much clearance you got so I'm gonna go ahead and cut a piece off and get it all set up alright there's our little piece of plastic gauge and then of course our connecting rod has match marks on it or the cap there's a little matte match marked here and here this little boss this little piece that sticks out so most connecting rods have a match mark so whether it be a 5-horse briggs motor or a big v8 motor you rebuild them all the same way they all work the same way got valves connecting rods Pistons doesn't matter there's just little little things iron might be a little different well when you do a rebuild it's all the same so now we got a torque that down so whatever the torque spec is and right now it's smashing that you don't want to turn to the crank you don't want to spin it because then it's gonna smear your ear plastic gage [Music] you would want to do this say you had to have your crank Brown and you had to put an oversized rod in it and you get it back from the machine shop you would really want to do it then but this is a stock rod and stock crankshaft it was already in the molder so I'm sure the clearance is fine but you usually want to do this when you get it back from the machine shop just to make sure that they did the right job all right see how it smashed it so now we stick this up there and that'll tell us what kind of clearance we got you got to match it up with that line see that's that's too wide that's way too wide it looks like it's this one right here point zero five one millimeter which is the same as two thousandths of an inch and that's enough clearance that's what we need that's that's fine that's perfect on a car engine that's where your oil pressure comes from the clearance on the right so if you got no oil pressure in your car chances are you got a bad ride somewhere chances are I said it doesn't always mean that but that's a good indicator now you got to get that plastic gauge off of there which just comes off so now we know this is all good this is all good to go for when we get ready to reassemble so of course you're going to want to clean all your parts make sure everything is clean and since we're all going to upgrade to electronic ignition we're not going to need any of this and we're gonna put new seals in should always replace all the seals so once you get your motor all tore down and everything is inspected that's when you're gonna want to go and figure out what parts you're gonna need look at all this crap in here and then you make a list of all the parts you're gonna want to replace because you got the whole motor toured up that'll save you from 20 trips back and forth to the parts store so we're gonna eliminate all this points condenser we're all shot anyway and like I told the customer where I go they chewed through the coil wire you want to put another points coil on there that's gonna cost just as much as an electronic one why don't we just upgrade to electronic so he said okay so we're gonna get rid of all this now we need this we've got to use this over don't have to save that and then make sure you keep track of all your nuts and bolts and everything but this we're not going to use garbage we're not going to use this point through this cap garbage there's a points plunger in here we're gonna take that out look at it was stuck anyway right there just left it in there we're gonna take that out and they make a plug we're gonna plug that hole when we go to put it together we're gonna put a new seal in so we're gonna pop that out we don't need that and like I said gonna inspect everything now we're not gonna clean it just yet because we still have to hone it take all your valves and everything out your springs you could tell this thing's been out in the weather it's all corroded so now we're just gonna get an engine home and we're gonna home that all right now this is the home we're gonna use it's got stones on it the ones that work the best are the ones with the little balls on it a ball home and of course I don't have one I'm gonna have to invest in one the reason I don't have one is because I don't rebuild many engines anymore and make them so cheap you just buy a new one so you put the hone in there and then you're gonna want to lubricate it so I got some lubricant in the can while I go slow go up and down if you don't have a home there you could take it to your local engine rebuilding shop and have them hone it for you wanna go slow go up and down [Music] keep her lubricated you could use kerosene - Pharisees that's like an oil light oil [Applause] we just want to get most of that that going out will get most of it out and again it's not the Space Shuttle with the five Brig [Applause] it'll run fine when I get done with it now now that everybody's got a parts washer tank that's why I said you could use that lubricant but if you do you can do it in here you can do your honing in here this solvent this is actually carrot saying that ideas for solving all right now that was the best I could hone it there's still big gouge in there but at least it's nice and smooth now in reality it should be board with an oversized piston but again it all has to do with cost we're trying to keep the costs low it's gonna work but I mean if I was doing it for me personally I would have board it and put an oversized piston in it but this is what the customer wants so you could see where that piston head stuck you could see the where the rings were but this will be fine it'll run it won't smoke and here's another little hillbilly machine trick these are toes stick down sticky da pads that's a 180 I believe we're gonna [Music] santé check and see how flat the heaven or the deck the deck of the box [Laughter] [Music] because again you're going to be doing this yourself this is the do-it-yourself how to channel we want to make sure we're gonna get it pretty flat it's pretty flat so you just keep doing that [Music] while to make sure that that surface you're using is flat to perfect would be a piece of granite to sickness to see right here it's not touching yet and that's on the exhaust side and that's usually where it gets hot so you just keep doing that until you get it all nice and all right got it nice and flat again all the way across now I went a circular motion at first for a little while and then after that I just went back and forth on the table back and forth back and forth back and forth and I kept turning the block so I go like this and then I would turn it and go like this and I just kept doing that until it was flat and we'll probably do the same with the head so next we're going to want to do the valves we're going to want to clean up the valve seats now I got a video that showed you how to do a valve job so you can watch that video but we're going to go over this again now the valves are bad too this was the intake valve so I you could buy new ones if you want but I had some old 5-horse valves and then I just resurfaced it on my machine now check the valve guide make sure it's good not a lot of play in it because you might have to put a bushing in there and then to do that you got to have tools for that too so you probably have to take it somewhere to have it rebook and then this is the exhaust valve which I'm gonna resurface so this was the original valve exhaust valve so I'm gonna resurface it on my machine over here come over here now this space is at 45 degrees that intake valve was at 30 then we get that intake valve you can see this has got a different angle than this so you got to be aware of that you got to know what your angles are this one was at 30 this one's at 45 again you're going to either have to buy a new valve or you're going to have to take it somewhere that's got one of these machines that can resurface it [Music] you can see where the valve was hitting on the seat there we go new valve brand new again more hillbilly machining with sandpaper maybe we should call this fun with sandpaper all right I got some Emery cloth here this is like inch and a quarter wide tear it like that the terror like that like an X like a T or an X or a T and X stick the paper over the valve fold it over and this is your hillbilly valve resurfacer now I've got a regular new way cutters but they're expensive again not everyone's going to have these tools some guy working on his car working off his car Porter in his garage he gonna spend all this money he just wants to do it themselves and it's cheap as possible and that'll clean up that net seat or again take it to a machine shop now you're adding cost taking this block there and telling them read echod bore it hone it cut the seats cut the valves clean the blocks like man I'll just do that myself Carol showed me how to do it and the way to tell when you're done is when we lap the valves in if you got a nice line going around the valves where it laps it's gonna seal all right now we're gonna lap the valves in with some valve lapping or valve grinding compound rebuilders aid yeah because it's for a rebuilder so put a small amount around the face of the valve with the valve in any guy ever want to do all suction-cup things going back and forth you don't have to spin it put it in a drilling spinach just back and forth and I like to pick it off kind of clean it off and then see what you got that's what you want a line nice smooth line going all the way around now if the line was like segmented or like a dotted line then that valve is warped or the face is bad and it's either gonna have to be reground again or you're gonna have to replace it so we're going to lap these in now while we got it all apart because when we start the assembly we're gonna have to set the valve clearance we're going to have to set our clearance but we'll do that when we start to put it back together all right here's our other valve nice line going around so the valves are done so valves are done the hoenn job is done pop the seal out it's all full of solvent so now we want to wash it and we're gonna wash it in soap and water because we want to get all that grit nastiness out of there we're gonna wash it itself in warm water dish soap warm water did I say dish soap and warm water just soap and warm water come on little engine block it's time for your bath oh you're so cute okay let's get in the water oh I know it's warm yeah that feels good don't it engine block rub-a-dub-dub engine block and a three gallon tub feels good yeah you like that yeah baby's all nice and clean now watch your baby yes yes your nation king baby yeah technically baby's ears yeah that feels good don't it baby yeah clean baby's ears yeah yeah you don't clean who's a clean boy who's the clean boy clean aren't we nice and clean down all right enough of that okay now you should have assessed your motor and it gotten gathered all your parts that you need so the first thing we're gonna do is put the seal in we're gonna put the cranks new in now you want to hit it around the edge when you're put to seal it once you get it start and you can tap on the face nice and flush all right next we're gonna block off that hole then we're gonna install the crankshaft when you buy the Briggs OAM coil now I don't know if this comes with an aftermarket coil but when you buy the OEM coil they gave you a new key and they give you this which plugs the plunger off so since we're upgrading to the new electronic ignition coil we're gonna put the plug in done now get you gel loom which mine is right here looking all over and it's right in my face you're gonna spray that journal spray a little on here put a little on the seal now we got the crank in so next we're gonna put the piston in here's the Rings we're gonna use which we got from our friends after old PartsDirect net they're the stennes rings the aftermarket rings again because the customer chose to go with the cheaper rings we went with the stands aftermarket you can also get the Briggs OEM rings from Pro part two they have them so we're gonna take the Rings out they come with an instruction sheet that shows you how they go on the piston but before we do that we want to check the Rings in the war ok so the part number on these standard five-fourths rings the stones number is five hundred - zero one seven five hundred - zero one seven almost looks like a six but it's a five so you want to check your ring and gap so put the Rings in the bore and then push it down with the fist in about halfway and then check your gas and you know what that's a pretty good gap now there is a tolerance for that with a feeler gauge but I could tell just by looking at it yeah we got a good end gap so you're going to want to do that with every ring just to make sure because you know especially if you've gotten your lock bored you're gonna want to check the end gap and your especially when if your block was bored you're gonna want to check that end gap at the bottom in the middle and at the top because you may have to file the end of the Rings to get the right end gap but since this is a standard wore we already know that this had been worn so it's going to have clearance but if it was a fresh board job you're gonna want to check those end gifts so this one's even bigger on the oil ring which is fine and then here's the one that goes in the middle of the piston and again I could tell that one's good so this is this is acceptable all right so you're gonna want to install the bottom one first which is the oil ring and this one it doesn't matter which way it goes on go on either way that doesn't matter it's the top ring in this middle ring so they do make a tool a piston ring expander but just walk it on try not to expand it any farther than you have to because you'll break it and then make sure it fits in there and it doesn't hang up if it does you're gonna have to find out what's making it hang up and file it out of there now these are marked top and second so we know this is the second ring and we want that second up because there's a little groove on here we want that down that's called the oil scraper that's what takes the oil and scrapes it back down so I needs their marks second so we know that goes into second grooves again be careful don't over expand them there we go and then this one says top so we know that faces up so we could see it top and that one will go on easy now we have to space the gap of the ring now what I like to do is I like to get I like to put the gap and we get a marker here I like to put my end gap like this one gap here one gap here one gap there almost like the mercedes-benz sign or emblem one end gaps one end gap one end gap that's all I do it I know there's all different ways of doing it but that's how I like to do it so one there one over here and one over here now we got to lube up the bore some gel lube got to remove the cap and we got to make sure we're gonna put the piston in the right way and the right way would be so you could see these match marks on the connecting rod because if we put the fit we're gonna put the piston in like this we put the piston in like this we can't see those match marks so that's how you know it's in the right way some Pistons have arrows on top that tell you which way it goes towards the flywheel side went on this Briggs this is the way we want it so we could see those match works so we know what goes in like this now for this you're gonna need a tool you're going to need a piston ring compressor there's my piston ring compressor which you could probably get at an auto parts store I'm sure you can find one on the inter screen so what I like to do is I like to raise it up a little bit I don't like to have it resting on that bottom ring I like to have a little gap when I flip this on so I'm going to go ahead and tighten it up just snug it up so it'll stay in place and then I'm gonna push the piston up a little bit then I'm going to go ahead and tighten it then I want to make sure that this can confessor a square I also want to make sure that my crank journal is all the way at the bottom because I don't want it at the top because I might hit it as I'm driving in the piston so I want it at the bottom and then I also want to make sure the connecting rod is this way I don't want to like this or off-center I want it nice and straight down so there we go just like that then I use the handle wooden handle of my hammer to tap it in see now it's stuck stuck on one of the Rings if I got to tighten it up a little there we go there see it went it went in I got lucky if that happens where it hangs up just do it over again now you can bring this around and again we're gonna have to spray some Lube on there so spray some Lube on the journal you get some on the cab we're on the connecting rod rather and get that lined up now push on the piston with your fingers push it down now we're gonna put some gel Lube on the cap and there's our match mark right there those two marks on the connecting rod that one there and that one there now we got to put our oil dipper on now the oil dipper can only go on one way because you wouldn't be able to get at the bolts if you tried to put it on this one [Music] and then we're gonna torque the connecting rod so get your bolts in get them snugged up then we'll torque the recommended connecting rod bolt torque is a hundred inch pounds if you don't have a torque wrench an inch pounds or a torque wrench at all and then you're gonna want to go gradually you don't want to go right to one hundred each you want to go to like 50 and 75 10 100 and if you don't have a torque wrench you're just gonna have to just get them tight but don't snap them off and if you want to use lock tight that's up to you I never do I've never had them come loose just go back and forth after you get to a hundred just go back and forth just to check them a couple times just to make sure it stays at 100 all right now that's done now let's put our lifters in now his lifters were stuck in there I had to beat him up with a hammer I need a rag here so I went out in my junkyard and I found a junk Briggs motor and I stole two good used ones out of it so that's why I'm wiping them off because they're a little dirty oily so again you're gonna want to lube them up stick them in and you know what that one is tight [Music] let's try the other one yep that was probably one of the ones that I had to beat out all right that one goes good no maybe not yeah they're both a little tight oh there we go I'm gonna have to check them yeah this one don't don't want to go so that's gonna be a problem so now I'm gonna have to go and kind of make sure that that's clear I'm gonna have to bore that out you're gonna need a wall reamer for that and I think I got one somewhere let me go find it I found the old Briggs reamer caming this old green cardboard - had it forever this is probably the first time I've used it 30 years that went all the way through they spray a little little Lube on it this was the bad one [Music] okay wipe out any kind of boogers that may have been in there or came out let's see what happens oh yeah yep that's what it needed Jolie was nice because it's stickies and it kind of holds it up there for you too while you're trying to put the camshaft in which we're gonna do next now I noticed on the camshaft we got a little good chunk missing out of there so I'm gonna try to smooth that a little bit I don't want to take anything off at the top here because that's that's the lift give it the lift I think it'll be fine it's probably not going to ruin the the lifter or the tappet but I just want to kind of sand that a little bit so I'm just gonna sand it with some Emery paper alright i smoothed it on a little bit it's better than it was it'll be fine I mean this was kind of roughly machined anyway from the factory it wasn't real polished but it'll be okay so again sprayed some gel lube on the lobe and on the end of the cam and the little pocket that the cam goes in then we got a line up our timing mic marks mic timing mics line up your timing mics night sounds like money alright I dropped the cam in line up your marks now if you've got the Briggs motor that's got a ball bearing on here you're gonna have to pull that ball bearing back so you can find a mark there is a way you can kind of figure out where it is what I'll take into bearing off but there it is that's all you line up the timing the valve timing those two marks so now we're gonna put the gasket on and put the cover on but before that I want to put those two seals in which I got right here here's the little baby seal six nine one nine five two this one's a little tricky to find even on the parts look up you notice it's got grease on it already they pre greased it and then this is the PTO one they make a bunch of different PTO seals depending on what engine you got so we better look yours up but for this one it's to 94606 and again when you're installing the seal want to tap on the edge of the seal these are nice because they're just they just gotta be flush there we seals in so now your gasket now I like to put a little bit of sealing on this and I use that high tech I like the high tech lock type makes it I think there's some other companies that make a sticky gasket sealer I like that for paper gasket so I usually give me a little wire and then hang it from the wire then I usually go over the garbage can spray it on there like spray paint don't go crazy with it let that hold the gasket in place for you because it's sticky both sides come on a little gasket dude you could lay it on a flat surface and spray both sides but I usually do it this way that way I can get it all then you gotta let it sit for a minute or two go chill a little gasket chill over here by slippers has got some of those motorcycle parts hanging in here stupid slickers okay I got the gasket installed got seals on lube up the shafts and as you remember this journal I had to sand it a little bit because it was a had a little aluminum transfer the same was with the cover it was a little gold up so I lightly sanded it by hand with a little emery paper I didn't go crazy I just kind of lightly sanded it to make it sure was a little bit smooth but it should be fine put the cover on and you may have to get that governor gear to mesh so you may have to wiggle it a little a little tap you don't want to force it something's going on fire sirens oh they're not coming here there we go you don't want to force anything there we go all right now we want to put our bolts in ninety inch pounds is what they recommend and of course you're going to tighten them in a cross pattern a little bit at a time again [Applause] I've got our cover on the torque it's all spinning over make sure everything spins free you didn't have anything bound up and then you want to check for crankshaft and play you got to have a little bit of inflate if you don't have enough and play you have to put more gaskets you'll have to put two gaskets they even have little thin gaskets where you can get it right down to the you know whatever spec they want but it's all I do is pull out if I can hear it wiggling back and forth as long as it's not moving a quarter of an inch it'll be fine you just got to make sure you got a little bit of inflate all right now let's get the valves in we already lapped them we want both valves closed and the piston at top dead center and you can already see this one has no clearance this one might have some so this one we have to grind off the end of the stem till we get the clearance we want six on the intake 10 on the exhaust is well usually what I do 6 and 10 so if you don't have a valve grinding machine like I have you have to do it on a bench grinder you have to take it off the end of the stem put it on the bench grinder and I usually spin it while I grind it you're going to make a bunch of trips back and forth from the grinder to the engine block until you get that six thousandths what I normally do to get the six is I start with a 5,000 speeler gauge and when the five thousandths goes pretty easy then you're usually at six no clearance let's start grind it not enough gotta take off some more oh yeah there it is right there there's the money I feel a little bit of drag on that 6000 and then you do the same to the other side if it needs it nope so I gotta take a little bit off of this one yeah there we go just the heads just take a hair off probably because of the little bit I took off the face dropped it down so that a little bit I took off the face I had to take off the stem that's perfect all right now our valve springs onto five Wars breaks you know this one's taller than the other one the taller one is for the exhaust the shorter ones for the intake but what I do is I put two exhaust Springs on I'll put an exhaust spring on the intake to give them more tension especially if you're rubbing the motor you're gonna want more spring tension so we're going to install two exhaust springs and wipe them off and then he had some bad keepers on his they were all rusty and nasty so again I took them off a junk motor now you got to have this valve spring tool this really makes it easy to put these in if you got one of these so you can line that up like that actually it's better if you line it up towards you a little key slot so that way when you put it through you can pull it back towards you and it locks it on so line it up like that back towards you and then that way when you pull back on it it's locked on and unloosen it pull it out there's your dinner do the same to the other side okay when you do the intake valve you got to have the key this way the exhaust you have it towards you the intake you got to have it out if you've got one of these tools because the block kind of curves right there and you'll never get it in and then you're gonna have to push in on the tool this time there's your dip valves are in now we got to put our valve cover on and a gasket okay his valve cover or breather was all rusty so that same motor that I stole the tap it's either than the valve I took the breather off of that and if you notice there's two holes at the bottom those are drain holes for oil when oil gets in here it's got a drain so if you put this thing with you can upside down it's not gonna work right kind of have numb holes at the bottom and the gasket what I do to gasket here it is it's got little cutouts in it or those holes and then I sprayed the high tech on this to sew holes facedown and then put screws in tighten them down alright install the flywheel and the key now the washer is cupped so you got to make sure you put it on the right way you want it cup and then I went ahead and cleaned up this shaft and I old that whip down there and I actually cleaned this part down in here this all down in here I clean so I'm gonna use this one over and then if you do a lot of these pick yourself up one of these starter clutch tools 192 for four comes in handy make sure you get that tight otherwise you'll share that key this fan screen is little netted I'm gonna fix that put the screen back on then we'll put the coil on okay if you don't have that starter clutch tool what you're gonna have to do is beat on these ears with a hammer to unloosen it and it's gonna martyr it up kind of mess up the starter clutch bunk if you ain't got the tool what are you gonna do alright now make sure you clean the flywheel if it's rusty want to get that magnet clean make sure this is clean too it's not rusty or has anything because it's got to ground real good to this and the coil says this side out the camera may not be able to pick it up this side says cylinder side and then we got to put this little air deflector on get the magnets out of the way with the coil line and by the way in case you wanted to know that coil number three nine seven three five eight if you want to upgrade to your electronic ignition so lift up on the coil as high as it'll go snug the screws down line the magnets up with the armature ten to twelve thousand business car is about fifteen thousand they give you a little card in here you could use this little card will work to set your air gap so let's do that let's set it with a little card instead of using that a little plastic cake magnet sucks it down tight against the flywheel sucks the coil tight against the flywheel now you can snug your screws up it give you this kill wire which has two leads on it so it does two different things you can just cut one off so we're gonna plug that in there's a little tab on the back you're gonna plug that in and you kind of want to route your wires keep them away from the flywheel we're just gonna run them out here for now okay we're getting there now let's put the head on that's what a fresh piece of 150 is what I had 150 sandpaper you can use one eighty if you need to and if you notice it cleaned up pretty good except for right here and again that's on the intake side so it's a little warped we're getting there hillbilly machinist or as I call it fun with sandpaper oh yeah cleaned up good I'll clean that up a little bit more get all that carbon out scrape on it a little bit then we'll put a new head gasket on and torque it down all right now we're gonna put the head on new gasket now you notice some of the bolts are longer it's not much shorter the long ones go all around the exhaust want them around the exhaust side and then the shorter ones go in the other hole now some of you might be wondering during this rebuild that you know maybe I don't want to go through all that rebuilding you know if I got one of them engines with the extended camshaft well you could just take the camshaft in this cover off and stick it on another five horse flathead or L head as they call them if you have one you can interchange the parts it'll work but we didn't have another motor to do that with 140 inch pounds on the head bolts okay got the head off torque just going across pattern again this as long as you get up tight go gradual up to 140 inch pounds I put the recoil on a new spark plug put this little cover plate on and I put them up get back on so now I'm going to fill it with some fresh dinosaur syrup I got 10w30 dinosaur syrup here you don't want to use a synthetic oil on a break in this the rings won't seat if you use a synthetic motor oil and then the motor will smoke you got to use regular petroleum grade motor oil you can use 30-weight I'm gonna use 10 3030 weights fine 10:30 is fine no synthetic you can use the synthetic after you break the motor in you want to get those rings the seat I would say maybe after 5 hours of running change the oil and if you want to run synthetic then go ahead all right there we go all the way up to the tippy top all right we're gonna lick it off without putting the carburetor round right now just to make sure it runs I'm gonna spray a little carb spray in the intake port well I'm a little straw came off alright ready I got my assistant here I didn't spray enough there we go alright let's put a carpet right around it alright surprisingly the gas tank isn't all rusty inside it's nice and clean and the air filter really isn't that bad I could probably just blow it out now I'm not gonna do that I put a new one on what the throttle is frozen I can't get the throttle shaft to move and I'm sure that diaphragm in there as hard as a carp sharks are pretty hard you ever catch a carp got some hard skin on it you know it's even harder alligator gar ever see the skin on an alligator gar that's a creepy looking fish they look at throttle shaft rosin like that movie frozen sorry I need a Phillips screwdriver take out the three screws now this is the old carburetor that's adjustable I don't know if I mentioned but that motor from 1982 was the code date on it not as old as the 1970 that we did on the tiller or gardened that other garden scratcher and then what was that other garden scratch we had a big 8 8 horse for exotic that blew Sears 1 forget year what year that one was sixties I think we got to get this throttle shaft froze unfroze we're gonna take a look inside this is a pretty easy carburettor to rebuild screens are clean a little Bowl down here is clean that's surprising for the shape that this motor was in everything else being frozen little boots in good shape - I got them if you need it we're gonna put a new gasket on new diaphragm but first we got to get this throttle plate on throws some carbs right on there first there we go alright not too bad this is gonna be simple so I'm gonna take it apart washer I'm gonna wash it real good get that gasket off we'll take the cover I'll clean up the tank the outside of it put it back together for new air cleaner on it finish up this rebuild video I'm getting tired I'm drinking some beer ok when I was washing this in the parts cleaner I dropped it and I broke the 2 ball so I guess I'm going to show you how to replace the two but first I took the four screws off and this diaphragm is a little hard so we're gonna replace it and then there's your pump springing in your little pump cap make sure these holes are clear blow through them and sometimes this cover will warp - you'll have gas leaking out of it so you do the same thing hillbilly hillbilly machining you could sand it make it flat again on with sandpaper I'm gonna clean that out a little bit blow it off my hose reels leaking well through there the cap and the spring back in with the new diaphragm on with the cover back on now I got a video that shows you how to rebuild these carburettors and one thing I tell you is the check this tube this tube will get a hairline splitting it and you won't even see it in there and you'll be like Mike arbitrator only runs when I spray starting fluid down it it won't keep running well chances are this tube has got a little hairline split in it you can't buy that tube so what we use is brake tubing 3/16 brake tubing and if you look at my video I show you how to cut it and measure it and you really don't have to put this tube on the end with the screen you could just take a long piece of brake tubing and run it all the way you know just keep it about 1/4 inch 5/16 cents off the bottom of the tank and it'll be fine so that's the thing to look for hairline crack now these tubes they go out real hard so what I do is I snip this little end off first that first step and then I get mr. heat gun mr. he guns warm up there too breathe your hot stinky breath all over that too [Applause] warm it up then that'll help you just shove it on there be careful because if you slip off you're gonna stab yourself with that - you gotta wiggle it wiggle it wiggle it might even have to put a rag on this cuz it'll get hot all right we got it started now we can heat it up to work man you got some stinky breath mr. heat gun how was it garlic toast I love garlic so yeah I can smell it there we go there we go now it's not enough all right now you can take a scale or some kind of thing to measure the depth to make sure you got it on far enough okay we're good we're about quarter inch off the bottom because if you don't get it on far enough it'll be hitting the bottom of the tank and then gonna suck up any gas don't worry about that little clip they give you the foot over it you'll never get that on either once you heat it up with the heat gun look at that thing anything coming off with our new gasket on and if you want I'll explain how this carburettor works it works the same on all the other ones in my other videos but what it does is this fuel pump sucks the gas out of the tank dumps it in this little compartment which is like your float Bowl fills that bowl up there's a little notch in the side it dumps it back into tank so when this thing's running it's constantly pumping fuel filling this bowl dumping it back into tank that's how it works behind here this adjustment is a little brass fitting which on screws and then there's two more little holes behind that so we're gonna take that out make sure that's all clear all right I pull out the high speed screw and here's the little jet that the high speed screw screws into and behind here are two holes just like on those other carburetors of my other videos a big hole on a little hole you just want to make sure those holes are clear I don't know if the camera can pick it up but there's two holes down in there they'll get you some wires tip cleaners make sure those holes are clear then put this back in this is on the adjustable carpet Raider the Newark arbitrators there are no adjustments on it and then there's an old ring under here a little packing seal check that you can replace it it's just an old ring and when you screw this in this is important don't screw it in very far because if you screw it in too far and then tighten this down you're gonna Ram that needle into that brass thing and you could break it off or ruin it so put that in there snug it then go ahead and turn this until it stops don't force it half one full turn half one and a half turns all right that's our starting point put this on got your screw with the little clamp for the breather crankcase breather to then you got your other two screws make sure the holes line up make sure your gasket holes and everything are lined up tighten the screws down now they got so many different configurations of throttles and linkages on these five horse kharbut raters it can be very confusing and hard to understand how they work this ones are pretty simple one just got a throttle cable that controls it at the bottom the choke let's make sure the choke pulls out no it dont where's my pliers this is frozen there we go well carps real help that all right okay ready to be installed put it back on the engine let's wrap this baby up this is the wire I need to use the strip back one I don't need the one with the eyelet so I'm gonna cut this one off just cut it off as far back as you can save it if you want because this is where our switches down here our kill switch here's our throttle so what you're gonna want to do is hook this Lincoln Lincoln Abraham Lincoln hook into Abraham Lincoln it's got to go from the inside here there then the spring governor spring hooks to the lower leg here there we go and again like I've said in some of my other videos on these Carver traders this down here this arm when you bend that arm and put more tension on that spring it's going to increase the RPM if you bend it up and decrease the amount of tension on the spring it's going to lower the rpms hook r2 into the breather cover that's got that rubber grommet on it and sometimes they use one gasket manifold gaskets sometimes they use two on these old ones sometimes they got a big thick gasket with a big leg it all depends on what model engineer is you it you is you have you is what model engine you is so whatever model engine you have that's why it's important to look it up look up your parts because that spec or type number it's got all the information on that specific motor one thing they may it didn't make it easy to put these screws it's hard to get at this one that's why I'm using this long blade screwdriver I can turn it a little bit at a time there's a bolt down there to tighten up oh did I gave me the number for that tube there's a number for that picked up two three nine one eight one three I just saw this laying there and I'm like did I give them the number for that to soak in our kill wire bend it over all you do is push on that tab now we can check our throttle see if it moves it moves alright so now we're gonna adjust the governor we're gonna make sure the governor works so we want it on pull fast want it wide open that's this this position here with all the tension on the governor spring and then we're gonna loosen that nut create let me get a 3/8 wrench loosen that up we got it on full fast and we want to go all the way this way clockwise full clockwise so full fast clockwise on this tighten down the nut one thing about these governors if you go the wrong way just go the other way if you went all the way one way and it's running wide open you went the wrong way just go back the other way all the way and if it's still running wild then your governor is broke inside the motor and you've got to take the motor apart to fix it all right I want to check these screws make sure they're tight because like I said they're in a bad spot the bad idea of this kind of got to get in there screwdriver sideways to tighten them i've even ground down wrenches to fit in there Brown the heads of them down to so I can get them on there here's one you know i ground it real thin I don't know if it'll work on this one nobody know only works on that top one and that's stupid how they did that got to use like an offset screwdriver or you got to get in there there we go all right I got a new air filter and this little cap this says on there this side up so everything's got a marking on it usually not everything I should say wipe that off this side up there's a new air cleaner with the free filter for this particular model and there was a wing nut here it is and then there was this cup of and a gas cab so we're gonna fill it with dinosaur juice see if it runs see how well it runs by a fine tube carpet Raider and what else that should be it okay it's time it's time to fire up the five horse Briggs rebuild see if what kind of job I did on it alright I got it mounted to our test frame and I hooked up a temporary travel let's see if it'll run [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there you have it Lombok five wars Briggs rebuild now remember follow me on Facebook follow me on Instagram subscribe to our YouTube channels go to our web store WW terrell fixes all Big Cartel calm and as always there's your dinner [Music] let's see if this baby really works which is some light a ball from the dollar store stain really works here time the costs of Kaos baby free scammer we're here for our ball you loses it too late I already got the ball rolling with my lawn mower dilator here time to rid the planet of everything mole related starting with you you want you little module come and get it wait man meet me around the other side [Music] gotcha now blade man got any last words as a matter of fact I do always buy your lawn equipment from a servicing dealer that's great advice blade man too bad there ain't gonna be any more lawn equipment scammer time to drop the ball looks like the balls in my court now scammer hey what's that this is my scammer Annihilator you've got any last words oh well actually I do first off I would like he didn't even let him finish plate man I musta hit the trigger by mistake or did I [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 1,012,243
Rating: 4.6403837 out of 5
Keywords: how to, how, to, rebuild, re build, build, install, total, totally, completely, piston rings, engine, small engine, small, piston, valves, valve job, blademan, throttle, orbital, ignition, module, the scammer, lawn mower, annihilator, plastigage, 5 hp, briggs, stratton, carb, carburetor, restore, restoration, will it run, get running, won't run, won't start, fix, repair, clean, DIY, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, funny, informative, instructional, taryl, fixes, all, dactal, grass rats, garage, tarly, overhaul, choker
Id: CrrObcvvxFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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