Five Nights at Treasure Island (2014) - Fangame Review

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/penicticmario 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good job as always!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Realshow 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Haha funni inverted color mouse

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SCP-1504_Joe_Schmo 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so there's no doubting just how rampant the fan game scene is regarding five nights at freddy's i mean with such a simple base formula fan tribute some projects exploding in popularity alongside the original games themselves was and still is an inevitability of course among that first wave of let's face it enough clones as most of them were back in late 2014 uh one of them had to come first i don't know if we'll ever truly figure out which was the very first maybe the first three fan games never gained enough popularity to rarely break ground or after such a long time ended up wiped from the internet all together but hey take one of the most popular disney creepy bastards shove it into that good old naft template and it's probably close enough to earning that title five nights at treasure island while this is considered to be the very first fan game by many i think it's a much safer assumption to call this the first popular fan game for a tribute based on a game that released just four and a half months after the game it was based on it hit it pretty big among the community and let's players alike and to this day i don't know why i mean nothing's particularly amazing about this game other than it being based on a good old internet campfire story and as novel as that is i could make a fan game based on thomas the sodding tank engine and it will probably blow up so that is sort of kind of meaningless in this context yeah exactly so despite this thing looking and feeling pretty on par with a lot of other fairly mediocre tributes at the time five nights at treasure island's peaks for one reason or another will we figure out why is there some insanely gratifying secret to this thing to uncover hey maybe if you reviewed it you'd find out i i i'm i'm building up to the shuttle five nights at treasure island a basic ass title screen with the base gas fund accompanied by that strangely iconic radio interface ambience is what greets us sends well this is a five nights at freddy's inspired abandoned by disney groupie faster based game alright this is a quick rundown for context abandoned by disney is a creepy bastard i don't know listening basic too close facts is a hobby of mine all right it's an albeit short pretty entertaining legend surrounding the abandoned you guessed it treasure island now that there's no lie disney did in fact construct and later decommissioned treasure islands quite infamously in fact while it was technically renamed to discovery islands later in its life discounting all the clear paranormal activity it was a legitimate thing but was shut down for a publicly undisclosed reason you can go take a gander at the surprisingly decently written original read if you want the details i'm not going to sit here and spoil it all but i will spoil however is the ending you ready hi the protagonist finds a seemingly totally untouched mascots only area in contrast to the reasonable decay and foliage overgrowth of mowgli's palace a structure supposedly to have been unveiled if not for the closure of the park he fumbles around for a while until he eventually finds a character prep room land with cartoon mascot costumes and it was fine and daddy till a young one of the prosthetic donald duck heads off the wall land oh and then a colour inverted mickey mouse costume props itself up from the middle of the room and rips its own head off spurting chunky yellow blood everywhere now while a story about a white mouse leaking mac and cheese out of its neck isn't the most conventional setting for a horror game it is still one of the most well known creepy bastards out there combining that with the new hot fat of the mid 2010s let's just say maybe there's some good reasoning as to why this thing blew up the way it did it doesn't say [ __ ] about the quality of the game though waiting for a slow ride well bringing us past this funky looking render of photo negative michael with cement coming out of his esophagus to the many screen this is just a demo yeah the full game was never released and while the first demo was thrown up on deviantart by an art 1996 on december 1st 2014 i have here the second and final demo uploaded on the 13th the download to this game was lost for a little while though until cool chris 2007's dope has dropped a comment containing a link to it so uh my guy thank you surprisingly between showing this off both a couple of minutes and about 10 seconds ago and right now not much has changed on the title screen here sitting here for a few minutes does something funny though watch i haven't touched the button and i'm pissing my pants already first night first impressions and yep this is about exactly what you'd expect from the words at night freddy's fine game and five in no particular order it's pretty basic presentation-wise is what i'm getting at there's no beating around the bush here as it's painfully standard the game opens to a phone call with an instructor explaining the way the mechanics to you nothing new here he explains that we're here to collect the data whatever the hell that means that he's fully aware about the paranormal photo and a good mickey costume that walks around and kills people that the fire exits to the left you know standard safety procedure run down garbo except uh he's kind of a dick i don't know he's just kind of mean about it all for no reason referring to me like you look like someone who doesn't care i mean i'm the one critically reviewing the demo for a cancelled five nights a very fun game based on a disney world creepypasta so i'd beg to differ what isn't so standard here though is the lack of lights and doors two crucial mechanics to the original five nights at freddy's which okay i'll give it that treasure island went ahead with attempting to innovate a little especially with the obvious amounts of fangames at the time doing nothing but copying the door mechanic the one mechanic the game does have though is underwhelming to say the least imagine the cool mechanic in five nights at freddy's 3 your primary objective is to lost springtrap to the room furthest away from you with an audio cue but he might not always run straight to that room you might get an audio error the cameras might shut themselves off preventing you from seeing him the ventilation might make you hallucinate and cause you to lure a springtrap that isn't really there there are factors to be considered when dealing with him now imagine all that stripped down to the absolute bare minimum make us in your office boom person out of here you're able to shut the cameras off to produce the sounds in the same room relatively somehow and this brings them straight back to a starting point it really is as basic as you can get not to mention how long the nice drag on for nearly 10 minutes a pop is unnecessarily drawn out especially for how much actually happens over the course of each night there are other costumes wrapped around the facility too you got photo negative mickey and the donald duck head as described in the creepy bastard and armless oswald the lucky rabbit suit shoved behind a crate here goofy's chilling out over here like a little log of ass waste then barely any of them pose any kind of a threat mickey walked into my office twice and i saw oswald on like two cameras that he isn't supposed to be on and that's about it the only other character that ever interacted with me was donald who just decided to spawn on my desk accompanied by the most awesome sound effect on repeat hell yeah i don't even know what his mechanic is to create a stronger audio lore for mickey to reach my office faster i mean with all things considered he's doing me a favor with how slow the gameplay is here there is a second night here though just kidding everything i just described happened on the second night night one was like night two except uh nothing happens at all ever knight two does give us a phone call from somebody completely new which is something you don't often see in traditional fan games but even then it feels totally forced and serves no real point as a feature i'm guessing in the full game this might have had lore purpose or would have worked better as an elaborated part of the experience but in a two-night demo it feels totally pointless visually things still aren't that great though at least the office and cameras are consistently decorated and missing a fairly roundabout abandoned feeling yes the game based on other bands and complex feels abandoned go figure but god it's pretty amateur if you're familiar with the 3d modeling and animating software blender well sometimes for better or for worse it's quick and easy to tell what's been used for rendering out assets it's all the default roughness maps with super basic point lamps to light the scenes a lack of any form of texturing on some materials it's a symbol to use program but that doesn't necessarily translate to people particularly taking full advantage of that that's me critiquing the visuals in the context of modern day 2021 though before fan game dance really began sinking their time into these things so by late 2014 standards i mean that's all right uses that same goddamn font every fan game of the time seem to use and there are a few visual quirks here and there that give it that cute early fan game charm but it's difficult to call it very visually pleasing talk about the color palettes used here washed out greens and rusted browns i mean they can work well when they're implemented correctly but as a confused zoologist and correctly identifying iran would say and if we're speaking more generally here there's a certain level of i don't know fangame quirk that seemed so ever present around this hero of fan content the scroll detection that allowed you to look around the office is pretty jank flicking your mouse down to toggle the camera view doesn't temporarily remove the trigger so if you overestimate your mouse position and bring it back up it'll open the cameras again you can manually scroll left and right through the cameras i know i'm nitpicking here but as for revered as this thing is in the hearts of many when this thing came out and shut off that people could in fact adopt the formula into something fan made it really doesn't stand the test of time in my opinion and it's not like this is something that i think was really needed to have been spelled out to any of you it's a clearly dated game it's not even finished but well it's easy to critically [ __ ] on this experience as a game there's no denying that it's interesting to document and view this thing as a relic of its time fan games at this point were still going through those growing pains where all people really had to work off of were the first and second games and while you might imagine this left far more up to the imagination of the developer people wanted their ideas out there and brainstorming entirely new scenarios and mechanics purely for the sake of differentiation isn't something i think was a concept at the forefront of many people's minds when it came to them just wanting to show off some goofy or interesting approach to the series something simple like removing the doors and lights from f1 is actually something i can get behind and while the substitution for those mechanics is a little too basic and underdeveloped for my tastes here later fan games did show far more potential this was an era of fan game developers figuring things out it's only really needing to tweak what was already there in order to produce a fan game that met the power of quality most people found at the very least acceptable but evernote so warriors one that flumpty is five nights at candies these were incredibly popular fan games released in early 2015 the latter two functionally barely doing anything to distinguish from five nights at freddy's one hell these games are literally almost identical the cool mechanical change removing the windows and forcing you to open the doors to check if anyone's outside but it was the presentation of the rest of the experience that set these games apart from the garbage low effort junk games that anybody with a click team license could spit out no problem i'm not going to say and pretend that fnaf fan games are incredibly original experiences because most of them shortcut them aren't a lot of the fan games i've covered even ones that i've phrased a lot of them copy a lot from each other and the original games and while in a good amount of cases this actually isn't an issue due to how recycled mechanics nairs can be transformed and remixed into a new experience nothing's going to stop game job hosting copious amounts of unreal engine free roam tributes and that's the kind of thing i always want to consider when bringing up content from six years ago anyway deviating from the focus of the video don't worry about it it's just a hobby of mine five minutes to treasure island well yes it has that charm and that nostalgia factor for some it doesn't hold up too well and even as a demo it's not the most compelling thing i've ever played while basing a fan game on an existing spooky concept is novel and can work well it just misses the mark here not necessarily in terms of staying true to the source material rather taking what made that source material scary in the first place and translating that into an interactive experience but it's not like there wasn't more plans for it here's a render of what i'm assuming would have been the ultimate cast of characters you would have faced off against and the idea of introducing several people over the phone calls may be serving a purpose for functionality maybe having story significance that is a neat idea i haven't seen explored or elaborated upon anywhere else unless you want to get the duo of phone dude and fun guy infant f3 though that was obviously barely character interaction at all i'd not know if this is just me but treasure islands i know always giving off this strangely eerie aura to me something that feels a lot deeper than what's ever been shown off at face value yep this is one strange ass game it's hardly a good game but it was the first truly big fan tribute to such an innovative series and maybe for that reason alone is why i still see appreciated to this very day but it'd be interesting to see what could have been if this project was stuck with for the long haul right yeah with such a popular cancelled fan game from six years ago what do you think happened oh hell yeah an entirely new development team across the span of several years took that initial promise of something cool that spark of hope the original fan project delivered and ran with it to create a full spiritual successor to the original demo released on november 28 2020 just two days shy of the six year anniversary of the first demo of the original game from the game show screenshots alone i mean this doesn't look half bad at all a bigger map for more cameras even looks like you can run the facility yourself well as far as free ram in a 2d game engine will get you this looks solid and this is something i definitely want to check out hunting for everything that was borrowed from the original game seeing what was tweaked improved carried over man i love these for now though it'll always be entertaining to look back on the backlog of old attempts at creating something that would stand out from the crowd an fnaf fan game that had set itself aside from the rest and while i don't think we'll ever see ourselves in a frenzy of fan developers pushing out games in the same way as once was i'll always look back fondly on those who did for trying out ideas purely for the fun of experimentation but hey who knows maybe a new iteration of the thing despite lacking the iconic junk of the original could turn out to be the definitive way to experience [Music] [Music] you
Channel: gomotion
Views: 138,771
Rating: 4.9730363 out of 5
Keywords: gomotion, go motion
Id: m2tAQwt4oUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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