Five Nights at Candy's - Fangame Review

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hello everybody my name is go motion and welcome to a half-assed review of a three-year-old five nights at freddy's fan game you know I'm probably more surprised than you are so I finally decided to continue the series after a and just for future reference at least for the candy strategy of fan games this will be a weekly series just to test the waters and see if people are into it these will be in a Friday apart from this one to edit videos during the week some trashy ship post on the weekends and whatever other garbage I had decide to toss into the mix five nights at candy's one this fan game was the first in the trilogy of fan games though trilogy may be the wrong word to use now seeing as a cryptic teaser video has popped up on developer Emil MCOs YouTube page teasing seemingly a fourth installment of some kind candies came about after MCOs frustrations with the candy the cat fan character being used in various spin-offs without permission and a response to this created an official candies game to basically dominate over the rest of them now I don't have a source to reference this because I'm a lazy cupboard if memory serves correctly Emil mentions having the game originally be a complete carbon copy of the original Freddy's with the game's sole purpose to serve as a project that just existed as a way to deter others from creating these unofficial fan games and while this was one of the key reasons the game was created it wasn't the sole reason like it was at that point but this clearly works in his favor resulting in a fairly large cult following for the series to the point of having actual bootleg merch modeled after the characters which Noah honestly wouldn't look too out of place with some of the official merch making the rounds despite original intentions however thankfully the game turns out to have somewhat of a clevis pin with intrat new additions such as night vision ends or IRB honest that's basically it nonetheless it still made for a neat spin-off and served its purpose and like any game five nights at candy's had a can you imagine a world where we're all represented by a font the story behind Candy's one is a true cinematic masterpiece JK Rowling get the [ __ ] out of here we're talking advanced social commentary the likes of which that have never been seen before through the eyes of mankind until now so basically it's the same story as the first five nights game really you blares the spiritual successor to Mike Schmidt Mary Schmidt probably birth from the bowels of someone's cringy deviantART gender bent fanfiction working the night shift with what I can only imagine to be some kind of brain damage judging by the complete lack of reaction to any oncoming threats the restaurant from the second five nights at Freddy's game has closed and in an attempt to take its past glory candies bugs and fries has taken advantage and began business with a colorful cast of animal characters to saturate the market with these include the titular candy the cat his twin Cindy Chester the chimpanzee the penguin and a handful of secret characters that I'll delve deeper into later is pretty much the same premise as five nights at freddy's 2 except the law is actually somewhat digestible here one thing I will say about this series as a whole is that it genuinely does have a satisfying story that isn't a complete tangled mess and while the story in the five notes of Candy's Canon is much simpler granted at least it is easier to follow and leaves us as the player with some food for thought keyword some [Music] we're also treated to a few cutscenes here in there through the eyes of a security camera the majority of these cutscenes feature who was referred to at the time as the reverse puppet or the tragedy puppet or as I like to call them deviant ROC puppet contorted and glitching in front of a barrage of machinery and tubes with a conveyor belt in main view it will force the player to flip from left to right view as he moves closer each time he's in view ending with the scare as he slides into a close up before the feed cuts out there are a few other interesting things to know here firstly it's clear to us that each night progression progresses add a fourth in the cutscenes this remains consistent until night force cutscene where strangely the time and date match exactly that of night ones cutscene signaling some kind of paranormal activity which could be backed up by the fact that we see candy and Cindy both active and staring at the camera during night force cutscene is implied through 92 and 3's cutscenes that there was a murder or rather a pair of murders leading into a crime investigation and it's later hinted at that a pair of twins were killed and their souls went on to possess both candy aunt Cindy this would explain the erratic behavior that they portrayed during the cutscene with them brought to night 5 & 6 is cutscenes strangely monochromatic before learning that these scenes feature the once polished animatronics that a show during gameplay is beaten down and out of order I'm a little skeptical that there's not even a hint of wear and tear in the 23 year wait from 1964 to 1987 but yeah this makes that [ __ ] sense man the puppet returns during night 5s cutscene this time spending the majority of the feed facing the player while messages on the screen spell out a mistake my mistake a problem and finally your problem while these messages make sense with context from five nights at candy's 3 I'm gonna go ahead and assume that this was meaningless cannon fodder at the time of release with the potential to have a story built around it now of course I'm not saying this is bad thing it's definitely something that a lot of games do it's just something to point out and it's food for thought for players who want to dive deeper into the law finally I just want to comment on my sixes cutscene especially the way we see the rats stumble around and this unpredictable bumbling manner is genuinely creepy to look at one thing I will commend the series on is the way bills and portrays some of the animatronics as entities that you should fit this is used to its full advantage in candies 3 where the gameplay revolves around this very idea and by ironic way across the trilogy so far the jump scares have at least in my opinion being the weakest scares it has to offer but it's moments like these that make five nights at candy's really stand out from the ground even even if it is a [ __ ] photo it's very cool and with that it's time to lead into when it comes to these phenomenons there isn't really much to discuss regarding gameplay mechanics other than tweaks and slight changes to the formula candies however for as much as it's shamelessly brands itself as a closed carbon copy does mix things up a little for instance candies has its own foxy mechanic with an interesting spin your office is an information booth and large windows sits in the front facing wall the blank animatronic is capable of smashing through the glass ending your run with the game over however you'll be required to check the appropriate cameras situated right outside the window in order to know when to close it you could call this a shameless mechanic but I like to see it is giving the gameplay more dynamic where you're forced to be focused on three possible entry ways instead of only to another notable mechanic is the night vision ability flicking through the cameras if you double-click on a camera night vision is toggled though it seems closer to activating a flashlight but I assume is just due to game reasons but now by the way this adds flavor to the gameplay in spices things up a little when you find yourself frantically searching for that one animatronic you've let slip [Music] [Music] of course there's also a customized restaurant layout almost like an expansion on the classic fan off one layout it's a bigger playing board so there are more hiding spots for characters and more characters in general speaking of hiding spots the doors look slightly different than they do in five nights at freddys instead of a light button the animatronics eyes will glow to alert you of their presence giving away their hiding spot now this is actually a clever difficulty balancer because in the early nights this makes the game a little easier and keeping track of your enemies is pretty much a cakewalk however later on a new character emerges from the darkness known only as old candy this [ __ ] that doesn't have eyes meaning that you'll be forced to check the cameras often as to not lay your guard down and let him sneak in and gently push you're brainless body over this adds a layer of difficulty which certainly makes the mechanics stand out as before Candy's most characters worked exactly the same as each other in other fan games save for one or two Foxy's I know it's a bit off-topic but one thing I liked about the phone guy in this game is the fact that he has a certain charm to him that's hard to pinpoint in these fanatic loans and certainly different fields are the phone guys in five minutes Freddy's one through three this isn't really an important factor but it's the things like having him apologize for drinking a latte in the middle of the cool you know small things like that that can really bring another whites to dimensional character to life a little I mean to be fair the phone guy is only literally [ __ ] tutorial but some added Flair creates more of a connection for the play to resonate with so you've beat tonight five you'll take into the title screen and find yourself facing an ominous red sixth night as foreshadowed by the shadow cast over your paycheck you're expected to face off against the new enemy the rat as well as these two big boys that I didn't introduce earlier so a while this video is falling apart the [ __ ] scenes the difficulty is expectedly cranked right up and with a new enemy to boot you were in for one hell of a ride especially now with two eyeless animatronics after you when you do eventually beat this night however you're taken back to the menu with the second shiny guard star and both the custom night and an extras menu why the twist custom night is fairly straightforward really 7:20 moment is a thing you're rewarded with rewarded with the pink slip a notice of termination effective immediately due to animatronic tampering standard stuff and once you've completed the night that's basically all that's left to do three stars you have SARS in the panic disorder because you stared death in the face for a minimum wage nice one brain look despite what first glance is might hint at five nights at candy's actually offers a neat take on the classic formula and create something new out of it it's definitely different enough to be passed off as his own fan game however it definitely doesn't feel too original and rightfully so but personally I wish there been a little more to the core gameplay then a few tweaks and additions to five nights one visual present I just novel David Lee Webb I think it's fair to say that this game has a fantastic amount of polish everything from the title screen to the cameras the visuals are very pleasing for the most part one thing you won't find in a lot of fan games is a consistent presentation whether that's down to inexperience or conflicting ideologies or clashing our direction but it's safe to say that Candis knows the aesthetic it's going for and absolutely now's it the feel that the game has always felt like a mash-up between five nights at Freddy's 1 and 5 nights Freddy's 2 where the office and your environments indulge you in this cramped claustrophobic atmosphere reminiscent of five minutes Freddy's one whereas the overly colorful plastic feel of the props and especially the mixture of toilet animatronics coupled with the rats blank and old candy the quote-unquote withered animatronics definitely give off those old-school for Nath two vibes and to be fair it definitely works the cutscenes too while they're very simple again nailed the look they're aiming for I especially like the blood-stained metal June night threes cutscene especially I don't know what it is about it but in a time where games can look this garbage it's nice to see that blood wasn't represented by a completely opaque red texture and instead looks somewhat realistic now of course it's not perfect right we're not talking GTA 6 level graphics here so what I'm gonna be showcasing right here is some crazy I mean some freaking crazy graphics that look almost exactly how the next Grand Theft Auto games graphics will look like for example the jump scares don't make the animatronics look cool too pretty when you count the amount of polygons on the screen it's it's called subdivide speaking of the jump scares like I mentioned earlier they're probably the weakest aspects in terms of scares and while they're serviceable even for a fan game they're a bit of a letdown the sound design for the scare is fine but I think it's definitely the slow animation to bring the player out of it unfortunately the jumps guess for the withers characters are even worse with blanks jump-scare having him literally just walk up to you I think you know you [ __ ] up when this is markiplier reaction to your jump scaley no I changed my mind this is exactly the reaction I would have if someone casually wandered up to me despite all of this though Emil Marko is one of the only humans on the planet to use the perspective talker actually thank in the perspective tool is a click scene plugin that allows the user to bend images to make them look three-dimensional and is being used in every five nests of Freddy's game if you've ever played a click team fan game chances are it's used this tool problem is the distortion makes it look like [ __ ] minecraft Emil avoided this issue by going ahead and rendering the office as a panoramic image which means it looks like this and it looks a whole lot more natural when a filter is applied over it good bad there's also a software RGB split effects on the cameras which again is a nice touch it just adds a touch of realism to the experience and with that out of the way it's time I'll be using this slice of the video to mention other miscellaneous things and criticisms because I organized my fan game reviews like pyrocynical doesn't believe children we were afraid while we weren't friends I'd never [ __ ] talk to you but still you don't unfold para cynical aunts words you understand go back on Twitter and follow me ok ok good the track that appears on the title screen fits the scene perfectly with the somewhat sum of a piece in a minor key complete with bit crushed percussion and a standalone since drinking the instrumentation along with it there isn't much else to say about it I just it sounded cool there's also a few Easter eggs in this game including of the mark of my one having him pop up on the office monitor a rare chance to find shadow candy where he'll appear on screen and enter your office once he pulled down the maintenance panel the origami cat that can appear in one of three camera feeds the rank getting closer to the player in the extras menu if they leave it long enough there's also the classic nose honk gag on the posters in the office and finally a secret camera that replaces two posters with seemingly blood-stained boards with you fell asleep and it is your fault of hearing sprawled on each and no I did not just go to the Candy's wiki and read out every Easter egg another detail that I think is kind of cool is having the time up here on a physical clock instead of appearing as part of the GUI which is nice and it's just another factor that helps the game break away from the standard formula because we can litter so overall I think the funnest candies is a perfect fan game no and I think there are definitely a few areas it could improve on I know I'm giving constructive criticism on a three-year-old game of shut up it's rhetorical I think a lot of what the criticism boils down to is the fact that this game well yes it looks nice has a fair amount of playable content and is generally a good game it's all a bit to say me in the sense that you probably won't get too much more out of this than if you were to play five nights Freddy's one or two now I'm not saying that it's better or worse than either of these two but it's almost like an expansion like I mentioned earlier if you're looking for a dumb fun simple fan game with enough difference to passes an IP then this is probably your game on the other hand though I think that as a trilogy starter it does a great job at setting up future games it offers new laws of the table features original characters and actually makes an attempt to strive for a quality experience and I know that the game had the advantage of being released during the course unquote fangame craze of 2015 and honestly it did Emil a favor as it clearly inspired him to continue this series in something different they branched off from the original formula of five nights at Freddy's and by game three had an almost completely different play style but in conclusion as a standalone game five nights at candy's well not totally revolutionary did bring some new ideas and concept to the market and served its purpose that'll do it for this video guys I know it wasn't the most in-depth review but I haven't done one of these for a while honestly so hopefully by next review I'll have a fully developed structure to bounce off I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next [Music]
Channel: gomotion
Views: 111,883
Rating: 4.9360991 out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, fnaf, five nights at candys, five nights at freddys fangame, fnaf candys, five nights at candys review, fangame review, gomotion
Id: Kxhmuphldog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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