Five Nights at Candy's 2 (FNAC2) - Fangame Review

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[Music] five nights at candy's was certainly one of the better-known fan games to sink your teeth into back in 2015 and while these days it's far from a perfect fan game people really seems to get a kick out of it at the time a simple to the point emerged of five nights at freddys no crazy gimmicks no goofs no gaffes just a fun alternative to freddy's one that just worked a colorful cast of characters clean look and visuals and some entertaining phone guy banter was all you really needed hell even scott cawthon himself showed support for the game trailer on YouTube it really puts into perspective how long ago this all was but the game definitely had its flaws with the glaring issue being just how similar at flights of that original Freddy's game I myself look to do more of like an intentional parody rather than a unique fan game but it's still valid criticism for sure and one thing I think a lot of people had issue with so like with every successful fan game in need of a sequel and so with five nights at candy's on I'm sure the Creator Amir Marco knew those four more potential to be added with candy and cocoa and so a successor of five nights at candy's - was released on February 28 2016 candies - is quite the departure from Candy's one in pretty much every aspect imaginable visuals gameplay sound design it's all the totally different experience and what better way to show all of that off other than to review the damn thing so here we go once you make it past the title screen featuring a somewhat intimidating candy you brought not straight to the main gameplay but to a short introductory cutscene not really a catch see more like an interactive text conversation the long and short of it we the protagonists made a bet over some thing and lost said bet as a result we're committed to spending five nights in an old factory featuring the old and decrepit roster of animatronic mascots who else once this nameless dude has finished typing you're free to respond and you can type literally anything you damn well please and boy howdy did I make use of that freedom yeah right so the premise of this game I can't lie it's pretty much just the bog-standard the ones family-friendly animatronics are now old and broken and withered and shitty and gross and withered you know not the most original but keep in mind this is still only early 2016 we're fanging said this nature hadn't been completely burned out yet sir like yeah whatever it gets a pass Emil said it himself though each of these candies games are intentionally fangames of knife 1 & 2 2 & 3 & 3 & 4 respectively so sure it makes sense plus the guy does do something interesting with this idea stick around and you'll find out what so just like in the first game here you're playing as Mary Schmidt well so you'd think Mary and Marilyn are essentially the same name but Marilyn Schmidt's is apparently different character entirely as stated in the newspaper when you lose Marilyn's only 17 in the year 2007 that year the game play takes place so as a Marilyn you're required to sit in this factory until 6 a.m. each night sure why not there's hardly anything in terms of story that you'll find in the night segments and the set up is obviously built around the gameplay which you know if story isn't the focal point of your fan game then it's fine in my book first thing I should probably mention is that there is no phone guy this time just a couple of tooltips explaining exactly how the game works for now for style I have mixed feelings on this on the one hand I understand that they're basically essential if you want to build an atmosphere like this without some [ __ ] screaming you about how everything's fine but at the same time I think it would've still been cool to have you know someone giving you tips like for example what if the same guy you were talking to in the intro left you a message even if only for the first night or two maybe like bragging about how you're the one who's got to sit in that factory and they're sort of giving you baby tips but in a way that doesn't necessarily sound like they know what's actually going on in there I don't know like a couple of lines something like yeah you remember those weird robot things from candies and how they were noise sensitive yeah they were freaky as hell you know something like that I mean that's just an example as I'm writing this script you know I'm sure something like that would have been cool and tied up more to that introduction or keeping it with the theme of older and abandoned candies props and animatronics maybe have a few old training tapes lying around that just so happened to gloss over how each animatronic works and how they react the noise or whatever kind of like flat three anyway I'm rambling you get the idea so as it's likely painfully obvious at this point this Factory is where the core gameplay takes place and the best way to describe the gameplay here is not to but everyone is spring-trap so you're situated in the bottom center of the map nine rooms you can view through the cameras orbiting your location similar tough enough to you'll have a light to illuminate the long hallway ahead of you no door in sight what's different here however is one you're limited to a single camera flash on your phone or flash beacon with a set amount of power and to that light is only useful for checking if one of the robots has entered set away that like in gonna do [ __ ] this time so in order to stay alive you got to work with your environment to pull them away each room for whatever reason has a respective phone and answer vaiting said phone creates noise that the animatronics are drawn to like a moth to a flame and that's precisely how you defend yourself against the majority the robots here thankfully they don't work exactly like spring-trap where there's only a chance that they'll wander away no as long as that room is vacant they'll fall for every time but the room does have to have nobody in it as activating the phone with one of the buggers already standing by well though straight up disable the phone only temporarily mind you but it becomes detrimental during late tonight so if you're not careful also because the animatronics can be at three different positions and the hallway relative to you but the first few nights I just assumed that because there are also three phones on either side of the building that you have to use the correlating phone to stop them but no literally any phone will work now we're safe to walk you the remainder of the core gameplay is more or less borrowed from from app three or rather how those mechanics will play out on a map like this candy Cindy and Blanco wander around the six situated rooms posing really no threatened list it really doesn't matter which room they're in either if they ever do decide to attack they'll always approach from the far side of the building so don't be a dumb idiot like me and tried to constantly lure all the animatronics accounts 12 and 13 they ain't gonna get you that easy and of course they'll pop out when they feel like it Laurent back to any vacant camera rinse and repeat but there aren't two other animatronics here that keep the game varied but she's got Chester he's relatively simple to get the hang of you'll hear a sound cue of him banging on any one of the vents and it's your job to seek him out call the phone in that room and he will piss off into no-man's land and for those listening with stereo sound a rare occurrence in 2019 I'm aware you'll hear him further to the left or to the right indicative of which room you situated in this doesn't totally eliminate the need to check the cameras while the sounds keep panning will differ slightly depending on the specific camera especially with all the ambience is difficult to determine which of the three left or right rooms he's in exactly but it's certainly helpful in tracking him down and trust me you don't want to shoot the cameras - all right so hear me out imagine a world where phantom Balloon Boy from from a3 was even more of a dick and that's right now okay let's explain this here he essentially functions pretty much identical to Balloon Boy he'll appear on your screen if you're not quick enough to switch to a different camera or flip up your monitor he'll temporarily disable your security system fairly similar concept to be be messing with the ventilation but at least in that game the ventilation is not as essential as viewing and interacting with the animatronics in this game like Inferno 3 I get it you got time to fix your screw up there's only one guy to deal with but especially in act 2 720 once he appears you're gonna make a split-second decision which essentially just becomes an insta-kill because you're never given enough experience during main gameplay twist because you're never given enough experience during main game plan to instinctively know how to deal with him and I think he really is only this much of a problem on 720 in earlier nights you're given a little more time to deal with the bastard but man he's so goddamn annoying I think the reason in general he doesn't work great is because he's such a unique case that's far more demanding than having to seek out which camera Chester's on for example the penguin bears the only mechanic that involves a split second reaction and it's not handled in the best way I think it also helps in flat 3 that you've also got to look out for phantom chica and phantom mangle who behave in the same way as phantom bebe and get you used to that behavior so subconsciously you're always more aware I think if the Penguins difficulty states only changed how much she pops up when your screen they're not for how long he pops up on your screen that would fill leagues mofetta me and I probably won't feel cheated out of winning tonight but hey I love the entirety of the gameplay that's really the only gripe I have nights one two five six seven twenty other than the penguin I think everyone has their place and all in all it's actually pretty decent fun one thing I thought I'd mention though on night six where you're faced with the rat and introducing the cats I actually feel like that night was a lot easier than intended maybe basically everybody else is gone and these two pretty much just fill the roles of everybody else with the cat banging on the vent and their rat filling the role is but I never felt as in danger with these two because there were just less robots to track down I don't know I mean it's so pretty satisfying to prevent these guys from kicking your ass so yeah I don't know so difficulty balancing as a whole in this game really not too bad the gameplay certainly doesn't have the same problem as Kenny's one where you're essentially doing nothing for the first night or two these guys they're more or less constantly active I think it also helps that the mechanics are relatively unique of course in the sense that they're almost like the remixed versions of when after 2 and 3's gameplay styles but it means that anybody who's played those two games might get a kick out of how the handle to you that's not all of the gameplay covered though in addition to 720 mode there's also what is simply referred to as nightmare which is arguably much easier yes these two mofos back at it again and genuinely the only thing that ever killed me here was the system era thing and the one time I was too late I'm finding the cat and I didn't finish it legitimately because it's just pure luck I'm not getting the system error out which I didn't want to stick around for longer than I had to to avoid getting yeah legitimately on and a bit so after completing a night you're greeted with a minigame yeah we're hitting all those phangan cliches for real though the visual presentation of these minigames is arguably more appealing objectively of course but certainly more technologically accurate than the faux Atari phone after restyled mini-games you usually find in these tributes it's like they're being played off an old CRT or something what with the visibly dirty overlay in scanlines that the pixel snapped perfectly again with this guy taking the time to add extra detail to his Fang him that actually does improve the experience as a whole chill out bro these minigames really only surf story purpose with the majority of them taking place at that original Caddy's bugs and fries we played enduring candies won each minigame has you playing as a different character you'll rotate through each mascot you encountered during that game essentially you just fetch quest after fetch quest picking up the dismembers robot parts of chester the chimpanzee collecting drawings unit of that sort of thing occasionally you'll have to follow this lad who I can only seem to be shadow candy and that's really the gist of it like last time I'm not here to uncover all the hidden secrets of the story but you know I can still appreciate these minigames for what they are upon life is completion you're given access to a barrage of these minigames first following shadow candy as old candy then collecting drawings as blank and finally again as old candy dealing with bad parenting what can I say deserved it so yeah that's most of the gameplay covered but I got a confession to make guys I never be 720 mode and and this is just a secret between you and I I never finished nightmare mode either what but how by some strange glitch that is far too common just my complete chance if you're playing the regular gameplay with candy Cindy Chester and all that this doesn't work with the rat and the cat in the same way if you Knight to anyone sometimes the game will just yeah the game is stuck like this until 6 a.m. you can't interact with anything and nothing can interact with you you're essentially invincible in this state and yeah you can complete the night like this now if you're thinking I immediately bypass 720 and nightmare mode with this know that we'll be doing the game injustice and I wouldn't be doing my job right now would I I definitely still put a good few hours into each respective mode but purely for the sake of wanting to cover as much as possible I started intentionally killing myself to try and get the glitch and only three attempts in I was home free I am incredibly certain that a meal maco probably knows about this but for some reason that still prevalent to this day look like yeah here he acknowledges that it's an issue that he supposedly fixed but for reference I did play through candy soo in the latest patch 1.07 yeah I dealt with this at least twice during the first seven nights completely by chance and it's hard not to kind of feel bad because this totally eliminates the challenge I mean even with the rat and the cat we're simply dying doesn't activate the glitch I was just messing with the monitor and calling random rooms while the cat was banging on a nearby vent and exactly the same thing happens and I skipped the night but hey those with integrity will restart the game and beat the thing legitimately huh what so that's a wrap on the gameplay side of things and I'd argue that despite how much more simple the gameplay some feels the surface value Kenney's to has a lot more going on under the hood and is therefore a more engaging and fun experience in my opinion personally I think at Trump's Candy's one game played by a longshot like game just drags on and well the remastered version did have that cool secret basta switched up the gameplay you dealt with too many animatronics in the same way but hey that's all fixed now so I can't complain so the next obvious question is how did the visuals hold happens okay this is something I'm kind of conflicted on just like Annie's won for the first time yeah candy sue has a lot of that trademark macaw polish that is just pleasing to look at however the environments in this game are a tad too bland for my tastes don't get me wrong though I get what Emil was going for it's an old worn down factory slash warehouse that in-universe obviously isn't designed for looks but each room just kind of looks identical and I don't mean that necessarily in a literal sense like after a while yeah it's not like I couldn't form an association between each room in its respective camera but it's like every room has the exact same level of decoration if you want to put it that way each one is just one or two pieces of furniture a few shelving units maybe a few drawings on the wall nothing stood out to me as well unique like imagine if one room was just a dumping ground for a ton of old broken electronic parts or maybe one rooms more focused on furniture storage or I don't know just anything that might make the rooms feel like they have a use of purpose and this is something I'd argue that can ease one actually did better than two in that game each room had a use and how to appropriate props and construction that reflected that you know anyway it's not a major issue and as it stands I think this setting is actually pretty cool and surprisingly not something I've seen a lot in fat games to be clear I do not browse game draw for fan games very often so I could be totally wrong in that statement but you know it works for candies why not if changes were made to this I wouldn't expect any major overhauls in fact I think keeping a couple of the rooms just the way they are would be ideal for that variety also I think the way flashing your light down the hallway here compared to flap 2 is far creepier having that split second camera flash to view your enemy casting that shadow behind them always felt like a spookier choice to me been giving you access to a fairly limitless flashlight in an already fairly bright environment couple this with the fact that the animatronics are constantly on the move and I'm very clearly advancing towards you and overall it's not an overshoot to say that this is the superior game if you've actually wants tension also also I think it's high time I mentioned the way Chester's animation works it's one of my favorite little things in this game when you look at him banging on the vent door it's implied that you're watching him in real time just that an incredibly low framerate which is cool on its own but watch this and that's it's great yeah it just looks dope as hell to watch him speed off like that obviously it's just the mind filling in the gaps here which is why it doesn't look janky as all hell but definitely a good move on a meals part could have just done the same thing with Chester's with the other animatronics just 7th teleport out of the room but no he went with the cooler out but tossing all that aside if there's one thing to appreciate in the visual presentation Department [Music] I don't know maybe it's because my earliest memories of the internet will write the tail ends of that era that I've got a soft spot for it but I don't know man I've always just kind of been a fan of that UI if the Penguins error message didn't look so cool I would have punted the little [ __ ] out of my window hours ago and to most people detail a seemingly small as this might not matter that much of face value but it's primarily what you'll be interacting with for the entirety of the game so I think having a decent looking UI as proper important one thing that doesn't totally add up here would be the fact that the factory supposedly closed in 1993 but you know this is the same universe in which four USB ports existed seven years prior to when they are invented so you know sky's the limit when you don't give a infringement oh speaking of the newspaper I got this from yeah looks like the factory we're playing in during Candy's - is the same factory where these two kids died cool okay with organized being time to head over to the rest of the extras menu and yeah it's about what you'd expect nothing as fancy as Candy's remastered but you've got four renders of the animatronics jump-scares and also a dedicated section to some behind the scenes stuff development sketches to be exact at least here we can finally get a good look at each of the quote-unquote withered animatronics and I can safely say they range from looking like genuinely well-made and accurately torn apart models to ugly as piss okay the first economy tronics do actually look quite cool they're not withered in the same sense as fine ass withered and I met animatronics I always thought that the random and excessive holes and tears just gana looks weird and stupid no here you actually got disassembled and cracked plastic parts revealing pinholes and skeleton parts and all sorts it makes sense and looks good but with a blank is just not the most appealing model to look at my honest opinion it's nothing to do with like the tears and holes I think I mean the rat cat designs here are definitely decent and they have the same thing going on there's something about blank just rubs me the wrong way here I'm thinking that might just be down to the lack of detail in the materials he looks like he used a razor this is something that was fixed with Candy's remastered and you know admittedly he does look kind of cool in a couple of frames but I wouldn't be faster fan mail just went with the candies one model I mean the rat hardly looks much different from that game here while his blanks are beat up in comparison kind of a minor complaint and like I mentioned in the right scenario he looks kind of creepy but here now he just looks like a piece of school equipment on a final note can we take a second to appreciate how kick-ass them menu theme sounds it's this atmospheric Cynthia electric piece with that I'm honest Larry Hall in the back it's actually kind of Awesome it's fit with these ambient digital sounds and yeah it's good in terms of the soundtrack as a whole yep it constitutes is 50% of it right at home in the same campus Kandi's remastered in terms of quantity the other original track here is the ending theme which is definitely nice and suits the mood but come on man give me that bit crushed percussion there's also the mini-game theme that counts I did speed up and it's the music used in the extras menu and candy is one I'm aware is not part of the EOC but for those curious as a tapper a trivia alrighty so now that that's all said and done that's it for most of the game except for one of the stars on the menu screen what's that about oh yeah very cute it's a teaser for Phonak 3 oh I wonder what is going to happen in that game is what I would be saying if I was posting this review about three and a half years ago does I write the script it dawns on me that candies 2 is nearly 4 years old but yeah that really is everything to discuss it in closing I think 5 minutes of counties 2 is certainly step up from his predecessor in nearly every department yeah it lacks a bit in the way of visual presentation in a couple of cases and the penguin is a [ __ ] now have to deal with but despite that Isis do I look good time with this one so now the question is if candies 1 is essentially fangame if enough one and two and candies so as a fan game if 2 and 3 how in the hell do you combine 5 nights at freddy's 3 and 4 into a fulfilling comprehensible experience [Music]
Channel: gomotion
Views: 547,156
Rating: 4.9631734 out of 5
Keywords: gomotion, go motion, fnac, fnac2, five nights at candys 2, fangame review, fnac rat, fnac cat, fnac2 review, five nights at candys 2 review
Id: f0v-ABqDt0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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