Five Nights at Freddy's Ultimate Custom Night: REVISITED

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] me [Music] me my mo my me my may there's far corners to my bed and foreign that song has been stuck in my brain uh for ages since that trailer dropped uh that has been literally stuck inside my head um hello hi welcome uh it's been a bit i know i've been to the hospital i know i'm fine i know uh but yes we are back at it again with another five nights at freddy's revisited this time it is ultimate custom night as you can see from uh this here i have the ultimate of the custom night to go into this yeah i was in the hospital again uh it's fine same thing as usual intestinal blockage it happens it's just a common thing because i've had multiple abdominal surgeries in my life scar tissue does build up it's a factor thankfully for the past two times that i've gone in i have not needed surgery again um and this one god uh i i in the past like you've probably seen the pictures of me when i'm in the hospital um i have this tube in my nose right uh so that is a nasogastric tube it's called an ng tube it's common thing in hospitals and surgeries because what it is it's a tube that literally goes down through the nose down your uh esophagus and into your stomach and it literally vacuums everything out it sucks everything out of your stomach up into the tube and then it goes into a dump the reason is when you have an intestinal blockage if you think of your intestines as one long tube this has nothing to do with ultimate custom night but i know there's people that are curious about this which is why i'm going to be talking about it um because i was in the hospital for this and everyone's always curious uh but an ng tube it sucks out because when you have blockage nothing can go through your from your mouth to your butthole it's one long tube it's pipes right think mario right think mario pipes that's basically what it is the food is mario going through the pipes and then it just like goes through but then uh-oh mario can't go down out the butthole anymore this is a bad example um but when you have a blocks that so what happens oh you suck it back up out um you're eating what it's a perfectly fine analogy it's fine um but this time i did not need an ng tube because i uh the initial uh blockage the danger of blockage is that it keeps compacting all of the food that you ate and eventually like the threat is that your intestines could rupture right that's very bad um but i did not eat enough beforehand to cause a problem it was just coincidence i went in early enough i noticed i know the pain uh so i was able to get to the hospital soon enough that i didn't need it however however which is why the difference between um my latest tweets which is so funny i've talked about this with other youtubers a few times now um the difference being uh from the last time i it was i needed to poop this time i just needed to fart right uh so i did and it's so funny because i talked to all these other youtubers about it's like man you're the only youtuber i know that can get on trending just from a two-word tweet that all it says is i farted and it has 300 000 likes and everyone in the response is just like yay hooray it's and i'm not proud of that but it is a thing that i that i could say has happened twice you know it's that that meme like if i had a a quarter for every time that's happened i'd have two quarters anyway so i'm fine um but the solution this time was and this is if you're eating i apologize it's just i'm going to be talking about this i will be playing ultimate customize in just a moment and also i'll be talking about how uh on monday in space with markiplier part two launches it is i won't spoil anything about it there's a link in the description that leads to the premiere page i highly recommend going checking it out because i will i hope you all are gonna be there if you haven't seen part one go see part one part two is gonna be so fun you are going to love part two i guarantee you're gonna love part two but link's in the description um back to the story so uh how it was solved is seven rounds of hospital-grade laxatives we had this idea uh back in the day for unisonis we had this idea ethan had this idea actually he had this title i hope i'm not spoiling it um by revealing this um maybe i am but i don't think we'd ever actually do it uh it's an idea called laxative olympics right that that's just it that's the title of it and the idea was that you would take a laxative and then you would try to go as far as you can without [ __ ] yourself so so basically uh that's what it was and when when you think of like taking laxatives right usually in any other normal circumstance you you take it once right so i had a sh they gave me a shot glass worth of hospital grade laxatives i was like okay here we go and then um then two hours later they give me another then two hours later they give me another and another and another and another and another every two hours so this is i was in the hospital the reason i'm talking about this is because i was in the hospital i i forget that people trickle into these live streams and then there is context that is lost but i was in the hospital so seven rounds you do not understand the devastation that will do to your body and man your shots shots shots shots yeah absolutely anyway so i'm out of the hospital i'm totally fine i'm 100 okay it is all good so many people are just like oh my god just play the game it's my stream i went into the hospital i get to do whatever i want with this stream i am going to play the game however this is ultimate custom oh forgot there was sound there we go that's probably pretty good okay so this is ultimate custom night ultimate custom night is a very interesting one in the five nights at freddy's book the encyclopedia universe it is uh just a custom night it's basically a choose your own adventure much like in space with markiplier part two of which is linked in the description below hey why don't you click on that and then set a reminder and then join us for the premiere where we can all watch together live at noon pacific on monday i don't care watching school skip gym class to watch it um but this one is interesting because you get to set each one of these individually based on their difficulty right so harkening back all the way to uh five nights at freddy's one with 420 mode which was a very difficult mode and this one has what's called 50 20 mode which is something i have not beaten i've been the hardest mode on almost i think almost every one of the the previous ones that had this kind of mode i did not beat this one and yes i know that has been a a black mark on my record of five nights at freddy's being the king of that thing it's really hard and my my biggest problem with it was that what at the time and the reason that i did not want to dedicate so much time to doing it is because i was busy with other things at the same time but also just because i didn't like the idea that you needed to exploit the game to be able to beat it however i've not looked up in depth uh into the strategy of beating ultimate custom knight at 50 20 mode and i've seen more and more people through sheer reaction time speed and knowledge of the game be able to beat this with with a few things that are are common to the quirks of the game which i'm fine with quirks of the game and the programming and the layering of it is interesting and i like that because that feels fine but i remember when the first few people were beating it it had to do with like breaking the game and kind of like waiting and finding this like rng to get through however i believe oh who's uh i was on matpat's stream a while back dj something oh i feel bad what a handsome man an incredible individual unbelievable but it's just like uh i want to show you real quick what 50 20 mode is now i'm not i don't even remember how to play but i'm gonna i'm gonna show you this so that you get an understanding of what chaos 5020 mode actually is i forgot how many goddamn controls catch fish oh i forgot oh my god okay let me just i i'll i'm gonna give this a glance and then i'm gonna come back to it later so you got your powdered power generator silent ventilation heater power ac global music box all off and then all off of the or x is all off okay z is flashlight which is strange uh i guess it makes sense [Music] close forward vent close left door monitor closed door close side bend catch fish just the idea of catching a fish you have to catch a goddamn fish uh close ad desk fan and then return to menu which i won't need because i'm going to be sent to the menu real quick so this is 50 20 mode [Music] dude oh my god catch the fish i don't remember anything about hi oh god hello jesus oh god oh my god what do i i've forgotten everything oh my god you're not so big hey hey you dick you shut up i'm perfectly average height how dare you anyway so that how okay what was the um what was the volume like on that one i made it 18 seconds i think you have to make it what four and a half minutes uh it's it's it's uh it's chaos hello can i get back every hour on the air oh yeah every hour oh god i don't remember uh yeah how was the volume volume okay on that um volume was all right i like the sound of that volume was a-okay which is good in my book okay so now that we've established what that is i'm going to take them all back a bit and i'm going to just get familiar with the office again a little higher a little up on the volume was great volume good volume was fine i'm getting a lot more volume was fine than it needs to be turned up at all the volume was alright so i want to go back into this with nothing there's no animatronics now this is 050 mode which is a perfectly valid way to play this game uh but the reason i'm doing this okay there's actually buttons where's the where's the honkable nose and there he is oh there he is okay so this is the chaos that is this particular version of the game there are so many mechanics you got one two three four five six six is all off i believe same as x uh you've got all of these different cameras locations you've got these things called faz coins which are all over i needed to reset the ventilation i forgot that was a thing i forgot about the fast coin system oh the nonsense that is that you have your ventilation system with blockages of where the vent goes you have your duct system of the different places where anima animatronics can go through because remember there are 50 of them and on the right side here you can get all your different uh things to do i could still lose this by running out of power i think but you got your temperature that you need to worry about ventilation that you need to worry about what did i hear there shouldn't be any animatronics here there shouldn't be any end why did i hear something okay whatever there's a it was a el sweepo i don't remember so you have this one is where toy freddy is playing a version of five nights at freddy's this is where you are buying things to the death i know this is called the death coin or the dead coin or something like that but you need to buy these because they can show up in this hallway there's two foxes that's right there are two foxes i completely forgot about that it's two foxes there's three what oh yeah what can i do for you why are you here i don't even remember why you're here uh soundproof sure right he shows up no matter what now clicking on that is a random chance of dying instantly or getting a bonus i don't know if the meta is to click on him all the time and just get the rng of the bonus because i imagine that sound proofing is good i don't know i have no idea i have not read up any strategy about this the only thing i've seen is a few people actually beat it i don't know how they did that i don't remember what that coin does what does that coin do okay we got this this this this you gotta reset the ventilation here all the time you've got this side vent here which is controlled by f and then you have the desk fan is controlled by space all off desk fan oh it starts off who touched me bird i did could i get ten fast coins please thank you i don't know what the percentage of that is i think the difficulty does go up but i'm not 100 sure death coin stops certain things from killing you okay i don't know what certain things that is just yet i'm going to slowly introduce animatronics here very slowly and steadily as i go by because i really truly do not remember the vast majority of what these things do i love the double eyebrows here love the double eyebrows i'm at 20 power because i was looking at that ventilation it's just such chaos it's so it's it's madness right and i love madness life needs a bit of madness but this game is madness this is just pure chaos absolute unadulterated chaos hi me bird likes you so i'll do you a favor okay thank you i'll take the i don't know what one one percent power one percent power doesn't seem like a lot but then again sound proofing probably is the best thing to go for that i think yeah life needs a bit of madness absolutely okay oh [ __ ] i'm out of power but i think it ends at 4 30. doesn't it it's 4 30 right yep okay 4 30. i did it zero points god okay so i did it i won my first round of ultimate custom night hey look at that that's great so these power-ups um basically they give you a little bonus i'm probably pretty sure that beating it uh requires some of these or at least to play i i think giving you the tiniest bit of advantage i think you can't get the act the maximum amount of points if you do dd repel but i don't really care about that i don't really care about getting uh 10 600 points um so also in this if you don't remember there are these various uh game modes that they have assigned here that offer a certain amount of difficulty right it's basically to get you started because some of these things who knows where they get started um hold on i need to really wrap my head around this the challenges are great because they get you started out and you can feel like you're accomplished but in all honesty it's probably not that great the hardest difficulty that i personally beat this last time i did it was 550 i beat them all at level five difficulty that was like my personal thing i felt like that was where there was a nice balance of challenge i felt good about beating that and i felt like i was very accomplished for that that's where all that every hour on the hour came into play there very good but you know it's no 2050 mode so let me let me start off it was chaos old friends no no no no no no no no creepy crawlies one that's probably a lot of vent i'm gonna start with bears attack because you got freddy fazbear from the left hall keep track of him on the monitor and shut the door when he's standing in the doorway he moves faster as the building gets warmer golden freddy he will appear in your office throw your freddy mask on or pull up your monitor quickly to cause him to disappear phantom freddy shine your flashlight on him to cause him to fade away if you don't he will jump scare you giving time for enemies in the vent to sneak into your office he causes him to appear faster invisible on the cameras can only be seen when he reaches your left doorway close the door on his face to send him back to the darkness invisible to cameras can only be seen right doorway okay so same things here left right uh click him quickly otherwise he will get in your face with an air horn agitating sound sensitivity okay he climbs through the ducts uh occasionally activate and ask for five fast coins you can alternatively use the heater to cause him to malfunction okay climbs in the vents but can avoid the vent snare listen to his voice shut the vent door before he gets through interesting so right so that oh god lefty too much noise too far away for the music box but the global music box can calm him down i don't even remember where the music box is whatever let's try this i need those instructions again i need oh god they're not going to give it to me okay so if i recall oh hi oh that was fast okay you need that oh i'm so not okay uh you go away okay so ventilation you're gonna go through there no matter what we whoa you're gonna go through there that is much faster than i thought it would be because i feel like that's oh hi you uh heater oh god what is that oh right the heater makes people oh god the heater makes them go whoa my god [Music] thanks oh boy thank you what can i do for you uh could i get some soundproofing i guess i don't know oh [ __ ] uh oh god what does that mean what did that mean what do you mean i don't know what that means i don't oh god okay so that that that's fine i think i yeah i eat him okay my god right freddy left hallway forgot about that click him all right right right right right good god i feel like a baby i feel like just a wee baby i feel like the tiniest little baby god it feels like forever since i've done this there's so many different things that i gotta i gotta address and i gotta get to try that again let me actually let me look at that okay so that's why those guys were more often they weren't at one they were at ten ned bears at one he's pretty much fine same with molten freddy he doesn't move that fast but lefty is the one that i can't forget about either because he's gonna be there all the time right and noise and heat okay let's try that again let's try that again let's try it again all right so the trick of it is do i turn off the desk fan right away is that like the strategy or is the desk fan better i don't remember okay anyway left hallway i don't know if i need coins for anything here just curious can you oh god can you close the vent i saw oh god help me all right i don't know if you can close it you totally can't so you can close the vent from the camera which is helpful there he is okay he gets closer than that um i think right yeah he does but that's okay this seems weirdly slower okay oh my goodness no deposit five point you freddie doesn't look right thank you for depositing five coins you're welcome thank you oh god oh god okay so freddie's getting closer i don't remember where his actual threat of being close is i don't think he's there yet i do not think he's there oh good oh my god i got that just at the last second okay where is you're over there you're fine um i don't know where let's say for example lefty would be i'm forgetting something the fan is off thank you for depositing five coins okay so far so good so far so nothing i'm forgetting something aren't i oh that that i'm forgetting something i am 100 forgetting something absolutely forgetting something the power generator right you can generate power or at least like it'll slow down your consumption of power or something like that i don't remember exactly which oh my god okay right but it's loud that's the problem with it he might be there not okay okay easy i need to not run out of power i'm about to run out of power but i just i just gotta be careful with it okay that's okay i'm gonna turn on the fan for just a second okay so this is manageable he's going down the wrong path up there get rid of you turn off the fan turn on the generator i don't think it'll ever make the power go up but i think it will offset like one thing of power consumption right is that my thinking is that correct i think so so far so nothing he's fine so far so good oh my god got that turn on the power ac actually no i don't want to turn that on with power generator and the fan that's what i want where we have good okay turn fan off almost there almost there turn fan on just to celebrate i did it [Music] oh man oh man that was nerve wracking and there was barely anything in there there was barely anything in that one but i did technically beat it so that one i could either um i could either go up because there's more difficult version of that with another bear and another bear and then there's an even harder version of that and then there's pay attention which i don't really know what i'm supposed to be paying attention to oh my goodness and then ladies night and creepy crawlies all of these are split up uh basically in a way that gets you introduced to all of the individual animatronics and start to understand their mechanics on an individual level which is the difficulty that gets bigger and bigger and then it gets horrible and horrible and i do know that there are certain number of these that are pretty easy to beat even at level 20 mode but i'm not there yet i am not there yet by the way um side note part two of inspace with markiplier is launching on monday it's going to be a premiere at 12 pacific there's a link in the description set a reminder because we can all watch it premiere live together if you're there i highly encourage you to and i can't wait for you to i i can't freaking wait for you to see part two i am so unbelievably excited for you to see part two part one the response was exactly what i was hoping for but part two oh you guys are gonna love it okay so what i'm gonna do now is i'm actually gonna instead of pay attention i'm gonna go to ladies night uh because i wanna get a more diverse spread of characters here yes set a reminder if you set a reminder it'll give you a notification definitely when it's about to go live uh but just so you don't forget set a reminder down there over on the link in the description below and then you'll get a notification when it's gonna go up all right ladies night we got chica while chica doesn't care if the music box is wound up she can grow tired of the music selection this when the sounds of pots and pans stop you only have a short amount of time to change the music good uh put your freddy fazbear mask on when she sneaks into your room to fool her and make her go away unlike the other animatronics in the vent once mangled reaches the vent opening he will never leave use the vent snare to prevent her from making it that far jj she will try to sneak in through the side van close the door wait till you hear a thud if jj slips in she will disable the door controls temporarily okay with her chica she climbs through the air vents but may get stuck when trying to enter your office use a vent snare make it stuck i love i love that so technically isn't there a strategy where she gets stuck and that prevents anything from gum a binder that would be hilarious jack ochika when the office heats up she will appear in both halls at the same time close both doors to make her vanish this won't work if the office is 100 degrees or more okay circus baby purchased her plushed away from the prize counter when she appears in the right hall to avoid her attack the office door cannot stop her she will approach from one of the hallways listen for which hallway she is in and shut the appropriate door happy frog air vents audio lure to keep her in place she is immune to the heater audio lure i forgot about that check the left and right hallways when then double click on the wet floors hit the wet floor sign i forgot about that oh god okay fun time she will appear at random to distract you there is no way to avoid her god damn you fun time chica all right scrap baby she will appear on the opposite side of your she will appear on the opposite side of your office desk when she moves using oh right literally sitting across from me okay yeah all right oh yeah phone guy oh my god i forgot about phone guy um [Music] okay review chica pots and pans freddy mask watch the vents watch the right vent air vents don't keep it too hot both sides plush toy that's why i need 10 fast coins listen for ballora vents doesn't get affected by the heater rock star both signs both sides wet floor sign fun time for fun time and scrap baby okay here we go i got it i got it guys i got it i got it okay so chicken oh god what is that is that is that something i have no idea okay audio lure i don't know what the audio lure even is oh pots and pans whoa hello oh god pots and pans oh okay we're okay turn on the power generator because i don't think that there's anything that i i need to check for that just yet you're okay god the pots bits i'm dead no i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay i don't have near oh i don't have enough coins give me coins oh my god give me coins please coins please please i'm begging you coins one more uh bye got it okay good we're good i think we're good there i don't think i need coins for anything else i hear them still going oh god what am i doing why oh my god i forgot about that uh looks like you might be going over there one of those is not affected by that you're okay there you're oh god oh what floor sign where is it where is it where's the wet floor sign is it over there i don't know uh oh come on that's hard to click i remember that being an [ __ ] now that is not fun okay where's they in the vents okay at least some of you might be affected by that power is not great but okay okay there's an uh there's definitely something that i'm forgetting here i just don't remember what it is okay you're fine there you're gonna be blocked that's fine uh oh i'm not clicking on you i likes you okay good so i'll do you a favor all right uh power please okay who you're both coming there which is fine uh okay so far so good shockingly so far so good okay who's okay you're all coming up there which is fine i don't know why i'm getting coins but i am so there you go we're still stuck there oh okay so that's good but i think that um chica is not going to be thwarted by that i'm not who just got thwarted by that chica was thwarted by that that okay yeah that's too hard to click i hate how hard to click that is it's like a triple click or a quadruple click or something like that i forgot about you oh my god chica i'm dead am i dead i'm not dead i'm not dead i completely forgot about that i'm fine okay i'm fine i haven't seen jj at all which is okay in my book are you guys you're there still stupid still stuck okay it's hard to click not doing it still hurting her okay okay all right hey look at that hey look at that okay game theory just dropped a video about me what the hell is that about wait hold on what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what is that what is this video ah interesting fascinating it's just like one time oh wow he made a video about in space with markiplier i knew i knew that he played it um that's so nice hang on one second let me see if i can uh that's so sweet hold on one moment let me uh that's so nice that's so sweet oh i uh i kind of want to watch this i i i wasn't attending this but matpat is just such a sweetheart and i'm kind of curious of what this video is um if i watch this it might have spoilers for part one but there shouldn't be anything for part two because matpat has not seen part two so i'm gonna i think i've actually got to watch this uh if you guys want to watch it for yourself uh the game theorist if you don't know about the game theorist where are you who are you what have you done um yeah it's very sweet so uh maybe i'll give it a little try maybe maybe um if you guys are down for it maybe i'll give it a little a little lookie-loo a little bit of a looky-loo you know what i mean maybe a little bit of a little bit of a lookie-loo you know could uh could do a bit of a lucky loo okay here we go i did not know that this was going to be coming out i was like dead serious i this just got uploaded like a few minutes ago uh so watching this is is my first time even knowing that this was going to happen so i'm very curious of where this is going to go um obviously all support to matpat and the game theorist if you want to check that out leave a like on this video i also want to say that all the people that have done play throughs of space thank you so much those of you who have watched it on stream if you guys see anyone that is streaming uh be on the lookout for when part two drops if you see anyone that is streaming or does a video about it leave a like like show some love it's incredible i'm so honored that people would uh so this is kind of a an interesting little surprise for me so here we go do you even know who you are i do and soon they will too hello internet welcome to game theory the show that's officially decided that a multi-choice youtube series is in fact a video game that's right today we're talking about the wibbly wobbly tiny whiny story of in space with markiplier the follow-up to mark's first youtube original a heist with markiplier both projects have you teaming up with mark to navigate through a choose your own adventure style quest of course things don't go as planned and the resulting chaos has you whip panning your way through a sea of interesting places and people you gotta separate your bones from your meat otherwise you're gonna get chaos i mean the man has a great point there you do have to separate the bones from the meat and in outer space things get even more interesting engines are looking good captain really the supporting cast for this thing is out of this world chef's kiss 10 out of 10. speaking of things that are out of this world seamless segue for the win as you might expect from anything sci-fi in space doesn't just mess with branching pathways but also with time loops wormholes and the multiverse all concepts that boil down to one thing lore now if this was any other project i probably wouldn't be making this video sure there's lots of branching paths and cool easter eggs hidden inside of them but the lore would be right there for you available for anyone that's diligent enough to dig through the various decision trees but this is a markiplier project and if you've ever seen my past videos on markiplier the projects he touches tend to have a bit more bubbling underneath the surface for the uninitiated markiplier has quite a large amount of lore on his channel with characters ranging from wilford wharf stash to darkiplier characters that started off as little one-off jokes that eventually became fully fleshed out with their own backstories and motivations we've dissected some of this lore before but within space part 1 being markiplier's biggest and most ambitious project ever i suspected that these personalities might be making a return sure you can play through in space to kill off mark as many times as you want totally fine if that's what you want to do great go for it but there were also moments that kept setting off my theorist senses namely the constant paradox or one-off lines that seem to imply a greater history to this world lines like do you even know who you are sprinkled throughout told me that there was a mystery here a big reveal waiting in the wings to happen in part two so i dug in and let me tell you there is a lot hidden here buckle up theorists cause i'm about to launch your brains into the stratosphere i think i've figured out what the main climax of inspace with markiplier part 2 is gonna be and despite all the hints that mark's been throwing out i don't think it's what you'd expect i i'm gonna pause this for just a second because i am incredibly curious as to what he is going to say here i am what he says in this video he does not know where part two goes so i am curious and i will not confirm or deny anything that he says also if you don't want any kind of guess or spoiler for part two do not watch for now and then come back to it afterwards later on i'm gonna keep watching because i'm curious uh and and like i said part two there's a link to it down in the description below if you want to get a reminder for that go there and also there's a trailer for part 2 that you may not have seen where the multiverse is littered with the corpses of your failures all right here we go also before i get too deep into this i'm sure some of you are thinking that i've cheated that i'm gonna spoil the ending because i was in the show the truth is i wouldn't be making this video if i did know the ending mark is a good friend and he's worked really hard on this project i wouldn't want to ruin the surprise that he has for his audience when working on the show i never saw the whole thing i was only exposed to the parts that i was in tldr here i don't want to act as the tom holland of this mcu markiplier connected universe this is being treated like any other video that we do we're dissecting clues that are presented within the videos that we have at our disposal and that's it we're not pulling from any extra insider information so in my initial playthrough of in space on gt live i pointed out that we needed to be wary of celsie the head of cryo played by pamela horton alright so uh pam always important to note with these episodes as we've done in a previous theory pam tends to be the same character in different settings you see pam's most notable character to date has been celine from who killed markiplier a four-part murder mystery released back in 2017 about a friendly poker night that goes south and when it comes to markiplier lore this series really is the foundation for his mcu as it provides us the backstories for pivotal recurring characters in it a pompous jerk named actor mark dies yep that is officially what he's known as in the canon and the primary suspects include his childhood friend damien the mayor i know i'm supposed to be a leader in this scenario but i can't help but feel lost damien's sister and mark's ex-wife the mystical celine something tells me this seemingly significant event is actually a footnote in a much larger mystery unfolding in our midst and the wacky mustache twirling gun-toting kernel life needs a bit of madness hey chap it turns out actor mark's death was all part of a greater plan thanks to some magic within the mansion actor mark is able to take over damien's body while damian and celine both take over your body which gives rise to mark's most infamous character the red and blue filtered darkiplier meanwhile seeing his friends die and come back to life takes a bit of a toll on the old colonel which causes him to go mad all these characters then recur throughout markiplier's other narrative videos when darkiplier suddenly shows up in an ending of a date with markiplier we know that he's connected to damien and celine thanks to the same red blue filter and the recurring theme of choice and the colonel story continues in wilford mother loving wharf stash where we see the detective from who killed markiplier hunting down the now deranged colonel transformed into the reality warping killer slash journalist wilford worf stash name after name after name just so you could distance yourself from the real name you should be called murderer wow there we all are how the hell did you do that so when in space features a surprise appearance by wilford boogeying down to 70s music wearing largely the same outfit he was wearing in mother loving morph stash you know that these cannons are going to be somehow connected given those connections i did some digging on pam's new character celsi just before the release of in space part one mark posted some photos to instagram showing the credentials for various crew members aboard the ship bert gunther and of course celsie but did you notice anything different about celsie's card all of them have their faces scratched out but celsius instead of the typical black is scratched out in white with a very distinctive blue and red accent a motif that's been used time and time again whenever dark applier is kicking around you also very obviously have a name connection celsi celine very similar so could these two actually be the same character could celsie in this new series actually be the seer celine from who killed markiplier the answer is surprisingly no mark has definitely put some parallels in there but i couldn't find a linchpin to say that the two were definitely one of the same so why put in a red herring like that well just because celsi isn't selene doesn't mean that celine isn't aboard the ship during in space if you choose to fire all weapons at the wormhole mark opens a locker that's covered in post-it notes you've got references to tiny box tim worf stash mark's undying love for the captain but take a look at the bottom posted it says doreen celsi connection okay we've talked about celsi but then who is doreen this one's not super complicated on our tablet we have a list of crew members with the name doreen l whittaker on it later when an old woman glitches into reality to offer us some cookies mark refers to her as mrs whitaker so think it's pretty safe to say that they're one of the same but what does that have to do with celsi or celine for that matter well take a look at doreen's clothes the outfit doreen's wearing is a flowy black dress covered in a celestial pattern stars planets that kind of thing which is incredibly similar to the dress that was worn by the mystical celine throughout who killed markiplier but that's not all in one of the secret endings dorine appears and says some very familiar sounding lines but that's your choice you always did have a choice i won't force this on you you have a choice here celine as a character has always been about choice talking about giving us a choice or a lack of choice that we have so it's important that doreen is saying these exact same things and finally doreen gives us this very important line so mrs whitaker we need you to get i'm not married anymore a fact that gets repeated a couple times i told you i'm not married anymore why make us so aware of this detail about a seemingly random character well it's designed to point us in the direction of another character we know the only other main character within the franchise to be divorced celine she was divorced from the actor mark in who killed in short celsi was the logical stepping stone a hint from mark to us theorists that celine was in fact here just not in the body that we expected her to be in not in celsi but in doreen so selena's here and wharf stash is definitely here then where are the other characters from the story where are actor mark and most importantly of all darkiplier well back in may of 2019 mark released another video as part of his markiplier connected universe damien this video if it wasn't obvious focuses on the character damien and the frosty limbo that he and celine exist in after the events of who killed markiplier in it we see damian going through a looping cycle day after day until his routine is broken by the evil actor mark narcissistic as ever and obsessed with having someone play the villain to his hero you don't realize this place is a dream a never-ending starring role as the hero but what is a hero without a villain you honestly think that you're the hero in all of this well of course i am in the end celine seeds control of darkiplier to damien alone so he can get his revenge on actor mark while she goes to rest you can't come back from this it'll change you well he did say he wanted me to be the villain maybe he should be more careful with his wishes notice the language here this repeated emphasis on the battle between a hero and a villain now look at in space part one at the start of the story when we're introduced to our head engineer and primary mark he gives us lines that seem to imply that we go way back just like old times here captain and then later in the majority of the endings we're confronted by an old version of mark one who again seems to share a long history with us friend of mine oh close confidence i missed our exchanges of conversation one who apparently has something to apologize for i'm sorry about a lot of things and someone who's been waiting a long time to try and stop our apparently evil plans i can't let you win this is the final confrontation good versus evil the hero versus the villain when he succeeds he tells us that it's time to move on it's all in the past because i beat you it's weird none of this seems to fit like i know that we screwed up the multiverse via our choices as the captain but it doesn't seem like this is the way that this character would respond seems like he's commenting on things that are outside of the story that we were presented and he is the thing is we've seen one character say all of these lines before repeat all of these same ideas friend of mine oh close confidant oh my friend it's all in the past but that's all in the past good there's an evil the hero versus the villain what is a hero without a villain this isn't just any mark this is actor mark he's now in the role that he's always dreamed of he's the hero he's the one that gets to save the multiverse from evil mark put it like this during his breakdown of damien he's in this world where he gets to play out the leading role of any story he wants he can't imagine other people not loving that he's just a narcissist he can't even imagine that he's wrong but then why is mark so determined to defeat us it seemed like the captain was meant to just be us the viewer put into this adventure but i'm not entirely convinced that that's the case even doreen has us questioning our identity you can't say i'm surprised you always were stubborn do you even know who you are do you feel like you've been here before or is this just history repeating itself she knows us we are damien we are darkiplier someone celine always thought was stubborn someone who's been stuck in a repeating loop of events someone who keeps being told that they need their rest just like the signs next to our cryopod tell us get some sleep you look tired in fact there's a lot of small stuff hidden in here too like how in who killed markiplier we get this line from the detective maybe i shouldn't have trusted someone so goddamn gorgeous and in in space we regularly hear things like what could never laid eyes on a creature so handsome and or beautiful we are once again considered attractive this is why despite the fans crying out to see darkiplier as a part of the series he's yet to show up we've been inside his body the whole time we've been looking through his eyes it's also why actor mark is so determined to beat us notice what happens during all the endings of part one were sent to a place outside the known universe i know that's the point a black void with blue lighting but is it just me or does this look a little bit familiar like say the black nothingness with blue that we see enveloping damien in who killed markiplier or again in the ending of the video damien the problem is we don't remember who we are on multiple occasions we have celine in the body of doreen trying to jog our memories makes you feel like you've been through all this before do you understand dearie she's trying to bring damien to the surface she's trying to remind him of who he is and what he has to do and so now with the universe being rebooted i believe that's exactly what we're gonna start to see damien beginning to remember darkiplier becoming who he was meant to be the reboot means the stage is now set for actor mark and darkiplier to have their final showdown after all these years they can finally put to rest this quest for revenge that's been keeping them going for so long recently mark released a teaser for part two full of codes that translated to quote seven gods aligned a key formed from their union the lock hides in time seven gods you say remind me how many characters were in who killed markiplier oh yeah seven celine damien wharf stash actor mark even the detective the chef and the butler the last three of which appear as frame perfect glitches in the endings of in space basically what i expect we're building towards is a reunion of all these characters towards the true canon ending of the whole series an ending that'll put an end to the darkiplier actor mark feud or maybe reverse time back to undo the events of who killed markiplier that is why we've been getting all these noir themed hints throughout his recent videos it's a callback to the overall tone and noir moments of who killed markiplier we're building to the climactic ending of the markiplier cinematic universe an ending that leads us back to where it all began but hey that's just a theory a game theory i'll see you in space on may 2nd i am neither confirming nor denying anything in that video i am just honored that matpat made it in the first place please go send the game theorist all the love in the world for that one i am honored that they take the time to do stuff like this because it is just like it's it's i wh why would he take the time to do it leave a like on that video it's on the game theorist channel it's just so fun to see someone dig in that deep to something like it's just like it's an honor it's i'm just freaking honored so seriously mad fat thank you so much i'm sorry i didn't smash your perfect pokemon i just oh man i'm just so tickled i cannot wait for you guys to see part two i cannot wait it premieres on monday this monday in two days in two days almost exactly two days from now for two premieres and oh man just i'm tickled to death i'm just tickled uh i just love it i just i freaking love it it's so cool to see the link to part two premiere page is in the description below if you have not set a reminder for that go now and set it and then come back here i am gonna go back to ultimate custom night i am going to keep playing that that is definitely happening but for right now definitely go set a reminder on the premiere page because we can all watch it live together and then immediately after the premiere the choices will appear and you go and it's just like the gates open and flood flood into it like it's two days away oh my god i just can't wait it's ah i'm so god damn excited for you to see it i can't i'm so happy with how it's come together i'm so happy with everything that has gone into it with how it has turned out oh my god i want to talk about it so badly i want to talk about it so badly you guys don't understand you guys don't understand it is such an honor to be able to do stuff like this it is an honor to i got to write a comment on this video just like i i confirm nothing i deny nothing or whatever seriously you all will have to watch part two to find out just how horrendously wrong matpat is or right now uh is on monday may 2nd can't wait for you all to see it and thanks so much matt for uh being a part of it nothing but love nothing but love except love for your quote perfect pokemon sorry a few typos okay there we go definitely leave a like on that video it's it's so sweet it's so sweet it's just sweet of them give love to that video and then it's oh that's great all right anyway sorry i i know i've been distracted i've been distracted a lot you know i just want to talk that's all i want to do i've been wanting to do that for so long now because as you've noticed i have not been posting videos regularly in the interim number one of which the reason i've been doing that is because i didn't want to uh saturate the channel with content that was not related to uh in space with markiplier because frankly i'm extremely proud of it and i worked two years on it i was taking a break i was i wasn't even taking a break because there was still so much work to be done uh on the show that i had to buckle down i only got done with the final touches of part two uh yesterday that's just god i i'm just gonna take a few minutes to talk about this because i i've wanted to i've wanted nothing more than to talk about it and and like it's it's on the eve the eve eve of being the day of the release of part two and finally after part two comes out i am gonna do a big stream talking about it uh probably the following weekend i don't know exactly what day but you know i want people to get a chance to actually see it and go through it before i talk about it um god i just i'm so proud i'm so proud i'm so proud of myself i'm so proud of all the team that's made it i'm so proud of like just you guys for enjoying it i'm so proud of everything about it so it's such a deep deep feeling of satisfaction that words cannot describe this is why i do what i do this is why i make the videos that i make that's why i'm driven to make things cause it's it's beautiful it's beautiful it's so wonderful i it just is it's wonderful i'm not talking about the show the show is your opinion on the show beautiful i think it's beautiful but like i'm talking about the experience the ability for me and especially like i've been doing youtube now for 10 years 10 years that's a long time i can measure my progress as like a creator as as a youtuber as as a filmmaker now and as like all these things that i didn't know i could do and now i can with confidence i know i'm like i can make this [ __ ] i can it's just oh oh people tell me matpat just made a video yes i know i just watched it um anyone here that has not given love to that video go give love to that video but ah it's wonderful it's everything i could have hoped for you know i always talk about this about the things that i make i look back at is let's say for example the fall of slender man for those of you have seen my first uh i guess you would call it a sketch or short film or whatever on youtube um i look back at that and i don't i don't i don't look at it with a critical eye in terms of like belittling my work i i can look at it with a critical eye and be like oh man technically it's terrible the lighting's terrible the camera's terrible the setup's terrible uh everything about it you know the editing is is mediocre but honestly i never look at it like that because i always look back at the things that i made and i'm extremely proud um just because it was the best i could do at the time i've had a chance to talk about this i'm i i did a video with uh anthony padilla with bro god i have not been able to collab with people for a while um you know i was on a podcast just like being able to talk about it being able to talk about the corridor guys you know corridor digital corridor crew like oh man just being able to say how wonderful it is and to echo the sentiment that it's not that i'm special you know what i mean it's not especially looking at me 10 years ago you guys saw like pictures of me i looked like a nerd because i was a big nerd i didn't know what i was doing and i'm not saying i'm not a nerd now because i am absolutely and i don't know everything that i'm doing but just because i wanted it so badly to be able to do that you know i have it i have it now i have it and i don't know where i'm even going to take it now because i've got so many other things that i want to make and i've got so many other steps in front of me and that's like the most exciting thing to me is that i see this path ahead of me of like things that i can make in this landscape of of making things and it's just like it's overwhelming sometimes not in terms of being like oh god i have so many choices it's just like i'm happy you know i am i'm extremely extremely happy and i i cannot wait for you to see this show part two huh i cannot wait thank you guys seriously thank you i do this for you i do it for myself and for you there's a reason why i want to get this stuff out for free you know there's no cost to it you know it's uh it's all there for you i did this for you and me and all of us and everything because it's it's it's it's worth it it's worth it to make stuff like this it's worth it to pursue what you want to do to artistically go out there it's worth the work it's worth all of it because that's what really matters is like digging into yourself finding who you are and finding what you can do because you don't know what you can do until you start doing it i encourage anyone out there who is looking to pursue something like this or something else or anything that you want to do creatively to literally start taking the steps towards it whatever step you take you don't know what the road is it's just forward because you don't know where it's going to end up i took my first step in making videos and even before that i took my first steps in creating things like i didn't just land on youtube videos i started trying to make a comic like my brother you know i tried to art i switched degrees for a few moments for one semester into art school from engineering because i wanted to pursue some creative stuff i tried writing i tried game programming um i talked with the corridor guys i didn't even want to do let's plays at first you know i wanted to make short films you know why my channel is called markiplier do you know some of you may know but do you know it's because i wanted to make videos where i play all of the characters short films where i play all the characters i wanted to multiply myself mark multiplier markiplier and i'm doing some of that now i have i have my goal my goal i have it and so few people can say that but it's like that's that's yeah just take the first steps seriously it's never too late it is never too late and and just like keep digging challenge yourself push yourself do things that you don't know if you can do it because that's the only way you grow yeah anyway thank you seriously thank you all right i've got a lot more ultimate custom night to do this this stream has gotten away with away from me because i've been doing things that i i i but i am going back to ultimate custom night i swear right now in fact right now i am so here we go god uh all right uh there's a link in the description that leads to the premiere page of part two it's on my channel set a reminder be there i'll be there when we all watch you together live it'll be a good time and send matpat love that was the other thing all right we're back we did bears attack and we delayed god this is such a shift it's fine it's fine it's fine all right bears attack ladies night i want to do pay attention next uh because it's a it's another different smorgasbord of animatronics that i have to deal with that i don't know if i can deal with but i will deal with them i love you guys thank you thank you so much for being here with me through thick and thin and now you're gonna be here with me as i work my way up to maybe 50 20. maybe i don't know i literally set aside all of today to try to do this i don't know if i'm going to ever do it but at least i can make some progress on it okay all right so we got bb side vent uh same thing as jj so bb and jj are the same i just gotta look for those beady dead eyes in the side pen uh marionette keep the music box wound okay if i don't keep the global music box on okay easy enough slumped over in your office do not shine your light on him if he was sitting up you must use your flashlight to reset him okay good to know c button to catch a fish otherwise it'll lock your monitor funtime foxy check his curtain to see when his show is set to begin then be sure right check every hour on the hour i remember i said be sure to watch this camera the exact time to postpone the show otherwise that is when your game will end all right helpy i know healthy okay [Music] keep the noise down you'll begin to hear his symbols crashing faster and faster eventually leading to a jump scare uh close the ad to do that i think it's enter to do that she will appear random to distract you no way to avoid her afton will attack once per night making a lot of noise and causing the lights to flicker close the right vent door to stop him okay so i need to check look for the side vent keep the music box wound don't shine unless he is standing up see to catch a fish check for the show time healthy don't make too much sound ads fun time chica and then afton okay got it let's do it let's see what happens mr hippo story i do know about that okay he's slumped over right now okay so i want to keep actually i cannot keep okay 3am got it oh oh god what what i forget okay no one's going through the ducks but 3 a.m okay so 3 a.m is every 45 seconds i believe is when 3am rolls by my god hello all right good to see you oh god i forgot about the phone call why is my wibbly i don't know okay every hour on the hour i need it 2 15 i think to be here is what it oh god oh god oh god okay oh [ __ ] well i'm boned i recognize you but i'm not afraid of you not anymore anymore do you even know who you are okay that was a lot god uh all right good to know let's try this again yes this is live let's try this again so wha i forgot about the winding of the music box that is the one thing that i did forget and i need to check this side path uh 1am okay so that's good because at the very least that's soon and then i will be done with that forever i need to regularly turn off the fan okay does changing the music cause a problem i don't know 1am almost time almost out oh i almost forgot again it's almost time for 1 a.m showtime here we go be there i'm here i'm here yay i made it okay now i never need to worry about him again i think oh okay so i think i think that's done for that there you go funk bonk your noggin whoa okay good god okay hello this is sudden all right so i never need to worry about william afton again or springtrap i shut up go away springtrap right right am i crazy about that i think that's true oh my god oh my brain is trying to wrap it around all this nonsense oh hey he okay okay all right both this is a lot to pay attention to but it's not impossible there's no one going through the ducks i don't think so and so long as i keep the desk fan on and off that keeps the noise down and my power consumption at least pretty regular i think anyway not gonna bother with you okay it's just a lot of patterns that overlap that i need to worry about and then a system of hierarchical priorities right forget what the problem is if you do old man wrong i think he just locks your monitor okay power is good power's good everyone's good we're all good no there's no show is it oh my god there is another show oh god that's right oh god is it i forget oh god no okay it wasn't 2 45 oh my god i missed that okay it's uh three uh three o'clock would be oh you're right you're right you're so right you know what you're right here we go and here we are okay and 5 a.m i forgot he does that again oh my god okay okay okay anyway oh i forgot about that okay 3 45. hey listen i i had an idea if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting stuck into a freddy suit try playing dead you know go limp 345. maybe you don't think that you're an mp costume instead 340. if they think you're an empty costume they might try to stuff a mental skeleton into you i wonder how that would work 345 okay 345 oh my god not right now please don't please don't 345 got it okay 7am i'm good on that you're good you're good we're all good we're all good we're all good my god we're all good we're good thank you for reminding me about that chat thank you for reminding me okay power is very good and i think we're solid we're solid all the way we're solid all the way we're all the way solid 100 solid and boom [Applause] [Music] oh my god that was so close on the fun time foxy funtime foxy is the bane of my existence every single time i'm fine intermission oh i forgot about this one [Music] [Music] [Music] ah foreign foreign [Music] i just want to know like whose idea was it to put that in was that scott's idea to put these in who's i it just doesn't that doesn't gel with me that that was scott's idea to put that in i just don't feel that it doesn't seem right it seems very wrong anyway okay so next up is creepy crawlies level one so mangle right vent snare same with the vent snare uh he will appear in your office poised to attack throw on the freddie mask to make leave again okay music box spring trap close the vent door to send him away i think he doesn't he still gets stopped by the vent snare doesn't he toward the end opening a bend in the wall in front of you doesn't he anyway phantom mangle when you see him on monitor quickly close it or he will appear in your office and create an audio disturbance entered difficult to see on the vent radar he will make his way towards your office listen for the sounds cue of squeaking metal then close the vent okay he's difficult to see on the radar is that mean impossible i don't know okay this is all vent stuff that's easy enough um audio lure audio lure can you do an audio lure i don't even i don't even remember what the audio lure is okay and then not too much noise and then molten freddie climbs in the vents avoid the vent snare listen for his voice and shut the venture okay so it's a lot of vent stuff here that's what creepy crawlies is all about it's pretty much all vent stuff the only thing that is in the physical office itself is uh phantom mangle man marionette i believe all these other ones are air duct and music man yeah everything else is air duct okay so i really need to pay attention to the air duct the vent and music box and look out for phantom mangle okay easy enough can do go [Music] and bonnie was bonnie on there wait what was bonnie on there what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean okay so that can push him back or a heater can push it back for some reason i don't know why but it can um both i've already forgotten everything that i need to do music box right keep that wound and then check this okay you're going there i forget which one can be affected by what but i'm sure it will be obvious as time goes on uh that thankfully i can do that from anywhere okay you're coming there that's good oh god oh god bonnie that's right you did you did say bonnie i forgot about bonnie you're absolutely right i did i was like bonnie you got what happened oh you got trapped by that okay you're good there keep i can keep this wound anywhere that is very nice okay you're coming there i don't want you oh god oh god he's coming through okay you're all fine there okay let's try to get him there whoa what is that what is that what is that oh my oh right he's hard to see i forgot about that the squeak right right right right right right got it got it got it got it okay oh [ __ ] how'd you get through i don't know you're good okay then snare is okay who's coming through here you're still good let me see if i can push them back a bit okay okay i'm not doing good on power definitely it looks like i might have to do the other side to that one maybe you're closer whoa who did i get oh i keep forgetting that like the actual snare will stop them okay but it's not stopping that dude right okay what okay i don't need to look there i'm fine there everything's good everything is a-okay huh what did i get i did i did i'm good okay we're good it's too much it's too much to look at it's too much to think about my brain is breaking my brain okay let's push it back a bit okay audio lure is there uh what audio audio lure i don't know i don't know i'm gonna run out of power i think i can afford using the generator a bit oh my how did you get in how'd you get in how oh my god i'm so screwed i'm so screwed i'm so screwed i'm screwed i'm screwed i'm screwed dude right you i'm so screwed i'm so screwed i'm so screwed i don't hear smashing slamming but i know it ain't good okay oh god oh god if i can just last 10 seconds oh my god [Music] [Music] oh that was stressful as hell god that was stressful okay so i had more power than i thought i i thought i might be running out but i'm okay i'm all right oh i hated that but but apparently music man wasn't as bad of a threat as i thought he would be i thought like the moment that i started making a lot of noise that he would be there okay no that's 20s no that's not good old friends uh classic a classic classic oh i don't like that [Music] chaos chaos chaos of course chaos chaos you gotta separate the bones from the meat otherwise you gotta get chaos have you ever said how good of an actor matpat is okay so i did all of the baseline challenges the basic ones the basic [ __ ] ones what i want to do now is i want to kind of selectively pick some of these that i know i did not get exposure to so i understand what their mechanic actually is or maybe i could just do bears attack too oh it does add a few more oh boy chaos you want chaos i could do chaos i could do chaos do you want chaos i'll let you decide life is yours to choose after all [Music] all right chaos it is let me look at this so toy freddy sits in parts and service room playing five nights with mr hugs on his big screen tv click the cams right i have to click the cameras on that one then be sure that the appropriate door is closed playing a game within a game that's hilarious all right marionette that's his music box same thing about that nightmare freddy um flashlight to shine on them before freddie appears okay uh nightmares you hear the sounds left and right that's fine uh both at the same time but only when the office heats up so i just can't let the office get above 100 degrees and we'll be okay whole main consequences c button catch the fish when his mini game appears otherwise he will lock your monitor got it ballora uh listen i didn't even hear ballora last time approaching so maybe i got that trash in the game hey trash in the gang all right uh vent people rock star freddy will ask for fast coins rockstar bonnie search the cameras find his guitar right [Music] that's annoying all right rockstar foxy all right okay so this is just increasing his thing i think when he's at a zero like the the pair still appears but the risk of dying is extremely low all this does is increase the risk of dying so if you never click on it you're fine music man [Music] chip fun time foxy and then okay once per night so i don't need to check any of the curtains i need to play the game keep the music box flash flashlight close doors play old man close doors pay attention to the event click helpy get uh fast coins oh my god rockstar bonnie find the guitar don't click on the parrot keep the noise down close the ads get distracted and then vent on the right easy [Music] here we go all right so events let's just try to keep the audio lure oh my god i forgot about you already oh my god okay what whoa my god what in the world don't be shy what what me excuse me excuse me this is chaos one okay all right okay let's try that again okay trying again oh where's the music box why is this not here uh where do you you need this door okay i got it oh my god go away okay you're their music box this this vent system put that there whatever you need your guitar where could it be oh my god close that there's the guitar oh my god that's there put the flashlight there and poof and catch that and okay we're good turn the fan back on this just oh my god close that put that there who's there someone say excuse me i don't know what you're talking about who are you put that there you're good there uh stop that there and then turn the fan off oh my god oh great [Music] that's great oh my god oh okay we're good turn that up oh hey what's up pal how are you doing oh my god okay this is fantastic oh my god who's there i don't wanna no thank you no thank you what am i doing oh my god i forgot about you you're still good there just do your thing i don't know i've forgotten everything that i need to do oh you're still good there okay why is the lights flashing we're fine okay this is insanity and this isn't even close to 50 50 mode this is what i remember doing like the or 50 20. whatever it was i don't know you still good there yeah you are oh the ducks oh i almost forgot go away i am not doing great on power i know that so i'm gonna turn the generator on you're still good there oh god the guitar okay guitar i don't oh my god please please please there it is okay you good there turn that on okay oh music you still good nope you're not good anymore there it is okay okay turn the sound ventilation off or power generator oh my god i am not doing great still good oh my god stop i thought i heard something on the right there i couldn't tell i don't know was there something on the right no i don't know okay you still good yeah you're still good go away this is nuts this is nuts this is insanity go away i don't want to talk to you i might oh my god no uh-huh yep you're so good there okay good on power go down power very good on power totally fine nope not today go down power use box is good you're still good go away almost there you go away fan off close just in case i thought i thought i screwed myself [Music] damn i don't know why it was bonkers in the first hour only that was nuts in just the first hour and then it got real calm i don't know what that was about i have no idea what that was about like it didn't make any sense everything was so crazy i don't know why velour killed me that quickly but it must have just been over overshadowed by all the nonsense that was happening before either way okay chaos one is done i'm not gonna go for chaos too because it is just too much more that i am not ready for just at this moment i think i'm gonna go back to bear's attack because i'm gonna do bears attack two because it makes it makes golden freddy harder it adds the nightmare ones and then it makes ned bear and all the other ones a little more difficult unless how many points would this be this would be a thousand points so i'd get over a thousand twenty five hundred to get the sister location office yeah i'm gonna try for points here i know that there are some here that are easy to deal with that are technically harmless like say for example bb is technically harmless jj is technically harmless by themselves um marionette is easy to deal with because it's just the music box spring trap nah um these are well man consequences is technically harmless [Music] trash of the gang are technically harmless healthy is technically harmless [Music] [Music] um yeah let's let's oh phone guy all right yeah let's uh let's go with this because this will get me above a thousand so it'll be on the way and then i can build from there yes yes i just gotta make sure the music box is wound that's the only thing music man but i'm gonna be making there's gonna be a lot of noise going on let's just be let's just be honest there's gonna be a lot of noise so oh well chip you're right l chip and oh and rockstar chica you're right or funtime chica you're right and if i don't click on the bird two thousand okay that's good that's good i'm i'm not [Music] but night marionette ah no phantoms are they harmless oh they are harmless okay yeah these are harmless that's 2600 that'll get me to where i need to be mr hippo i'm okay i'm all right i'll leave that this is 2600 afton that's true i guess i could just close it no let's do let's do this let's do this let's just do this all i got to worry about is the music box i think i think i think i i think here we go just kind of worry about the music box i think i can make as much noise as i want just gotta worry about the music box oh my god what do i do i completely forgot i've completely forgotten what i do what do i do what do i do are you oh it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my god i forgot about that [Applause] [Music] i could just sit here and do nothing i'm aware of that except for the fact that the music box is here oh my god my god oh my god good lord oh my god oh there's a button to skip that i just need to know what it is of course you come here oh my god oh my god blind get that all right we're good hello i can't see [ __ ] hello dumb face in there can you not be there every single time [Music] [Applause] it's like unreliable to be able to actually do that he always comes when uh it's like they time it i'm sure they do i missed it apparently i don't know what happened go away oh god no no how soothe i'm doomed i shouldn't have put shouldn't put the name i'm blind quite as long this time [Music] the ad right enter this okay you're going away you're going away because you're the only one that's actually lethal that i have in this moment so the other one that i could do if i wanted to keep everything a little bit sane would be to have [Music] i guess [Music] i wonder if it's like because i think it's by a minute 30 that you need to have one of the plushies if you only have one of them and you buy the plushie ahead of time then you're good right then you're good right right right right bonnie bonnie if i don't check the cove right if i don't check the cove bonnie's fine if foxy isn't there bonnie doesn't do anything right right okay now i don't i i don't need to do nothing right i don't know go away why why am i even looking at the camera i don't even want it you gotta i forgot you gotta like uh slam that down when you go up here i want to get used to some of the controls you know yeah you have to like run with the silent ventilation system otherwise you're not going to be able to do anything you got to like put that down oh no no no no [Music] why why oh no did you put the music box in there no you did oh foxy's in here the one i did not need oh my god i oh god you [ __ ] i don't know what to do about that i i literally am unsure of what to do i don't i don't know okay so if you're here that means bon i don't know i don't know wait am i stupid am i dumb i don't know i don't know oh no i don't know i think it's fine i don't know me of course it is of course it is am i okay i i don't know who's here who you stop no great i love this whoops i gotta get off that screen i'm doing something to bonnie real bad what is happening my ventilation that's right that's why that kept breaking look at all those coins oh my god i don't know what uh the [ __ ] brought in here but it seems okay somehow right look i don't know i don't know anything about anything i'm an idiot clearly clearly i'm an idiot so if i'm an idiot you all have to enjoy my idiocy [Applause] nonsense nonsense this is nonsense i i think what i need to do is i need to quickly like either press on the same one that's right i just remembered like you can clear them by pressing the same one even even if you're already on that screen it'll still clear but you do need to press so [Music] i don't know what's happening i'm doing good on power because i can just run that generator which is great i wish the uh you might need to actually like remap the enter button not that it's impossible to click on it but it does make it a bit difficult i am getting better at it though i i would i will say that like some of these are like muscle memory back into me like some of the things that i need to do this is strange so you always need you probably need to hit that first and then reset and then come there yeah i think yeah okay yeah the danger comes from like having the nightmario net or whatever it is and having all that at the same time because it doesn't it does make it so that the flashlight is like such a tricky thing because you can only flashlight so many things at once and some things don't need it you will kill you will die if you flashlight it something you won't okay so there was no risk of dying there [Music] oh [Music] all right good good good good good do we get a movie yep we do dear diary yesterday was so amazing and i met such a wonderful guy but i don't think it was meant to last for my heart belongs to another he's so amazing and strong and so so cute i've been thinking about him all day and i think he's really into me too he's the only one for me i just know it and i know just how to get him look at that top hat that amazing top hat he'll be mine by the end of the day i just know it i told him that i needed help with my homework but once he's there i'll have him and once i have him he'll be mine forever there is only one thing that could possibly go wrong the oil all right well that was horrifying um good great so good anyway oh i see it did it did do that but thankfully somehow i managed to avoid dying to that i don't know how i i have no idea how okay so i'm gonna go back to the challenges because i'm i'm gonna slowly work my way up in terms of skill on some of these now it won't get me as many points that's the thing it won't get me as many points but what will give me is a steady increase of skill to be able to beat all of this also there's the mr hippo death stories do you guys want a mr hippo's story or do you want me to keep climbing on this well i mean i will obviously keep climbing on it but we could go through the mystery hippo stories there's something like so hilariously funny about the mystery stories i don't think it's guaranteed though is it all right you know what i'm going to be mystery about i forgot about that i just want the mystery of those stories i think i think it's like a chance if he kills you but not a guarantee i don't know if i can just pull him down towards i probably can come here you be lord be lord and kill me oh there we go uh it seems that you have met your end oh what a pity you know i i don't feel too bad about it though after all if it weren't me it would have just been one of the others i guess i'm honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts you know it's it's not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there and not easy to get down either and not as young as i used to be as you can see i used to be able to do all sorts of things you're young you're vibrant you have that sort of pep in your step uh it reminds me of a conversation i was having with one of my good friends orville we were having a nice picnic one day i believe it was summer no perhaps it was was it the fall yes yes it was the fall because the leaves had turned already but i said to orville i i says orville i have a story to tell you and orville looked at me you know kind of odd and and said what's it about i i said to him not every story has to be about something orville sometimes a person just wants to talk why does everything have to be a story i said to him he just looked at me and he said well you you said you had a story and you know he was quite right i did in fact i told him i had a story i suppose if a person just wants to talk then it's best to not announce that you're telling a story telling a story does come with its own pressures and expectations i i suppose after all if you're just talking to a friend and there's no more expectations than if you were talking into the wind words by themselves aren't expected to carry it aren't expected to stick but if you know if you announce you're telling a story well then there'd better be a point to it all you know no one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight so you know it's it's good to be mindful that when you tell someone that you're about to tell a story that you have something to say telling someone that you're gonna tell them a story is tantamount to asking them to stop what they're doing and and pay attention you're basically saying hey hey hey buddy stop everything stop what you're thinking i have a solution to everything and well i didn't really have any story to tell in in hindsight i i probably just misspoke when i said that i had a story i think it would have just been better to tell orville that i wanted to tell him something rather than tell him that i had a story but you know even then it might have put too much importance on the whole thing either way it was quite a nice day i remember i remember that we were drinking tea is this what it's like when i just ramble on for hours and hours and lead you on with promises that i definitely have something that's worth your time but i just keep going and going forever is that the only one are there multiple hippo stories are there multiple hippo stories [Music] yeah it is like that okay well good to know but are are there multiple hippo stories or was that the only one there are multiple oh my god okay um do you want more do you want more i can give there's three different oh my god oh my god all right fine all right we're going into this this is a revisit after all we could see i i do want to say like i love the fact that there are secrets he's quick he's booking it he's moving fast for an old hippo all right so come on buddy i'm gonna take this opportunity to go to the bathroom have met a terrible terrible demise have fun but uh you know i i don't feel too bad about it after all if if it weren't for me it would have just been from someone else you know i guess what i'm trying to say is life life goes on well from for everyone else life goes on not not for you you're you're dead that's neither here nor there it reminds me of one summer day in the park i was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend orville and i said to him i said orville i i have a story and he said to me what's the significance of the story and i said to him orville not every story has to have significance you know sometimes uh you know sometimes a story is just a story if you try to read into every little thing and find meaning and everything anyone says you'll just drive yourself crazy had a friend do it once wasn't pretty we talked about it for years and not only that but you'll likely end up believing something you shouldn't believe and thinking something you shouldn't think or assuming something you shouldn't assume you know sometimes i said a story is is just a story so just be quiet for one second of your life and eat your sandwich okay of course it was only then i realized i made sandwiches and poor orville was having such difficulty eating it elephants have those clumsy hands you know actually i i suppose that's the problem they don't have hands at all do they they're they're all feet and i i couldn't imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet now if i recall correctly there was a bakery nearby i said to him orville let me go get you some rye bread now i'm unsure if elephants enjoy rye bread but i assure you that orville does now this was on a tuesday which was good because rye bread was always fresh on tuesday they made sourdough bread on monday and threw it out wednesday or rather they sold it at a discount for people wanting to feed the ducks and then probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out i i don't recall i do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every wednesday and then go feed the ducks he would buy all of the sourdough bread of course you know you're not supposed to feed the duck sourdough bread at all it swells up in their stomach and then they all die it uh at least at least that's what i've heard you know i i never saw any ducks die myself but i did notice a substantial decrease in the duck population over the course of a few years i just never thought to stop the man and tell him that he was killing the ducks by feeding them sourdough bread and if you want my opinion on the matter and i told orville this as well if you want to feed ducks or birds or any kind for that matter it's best to buy seed i mean when you think about it breads of any sort don't occur in nature they don't grow on trees or spring up from the bushes i don't think birds know what to do with bread what was i saying oh oh yes yes so i bought orville some rye bread what a fine day it was okay thanks bud oh thank you pal all right i don't think i'm gonna subject you to another one of those because because we got we got so much more to go through but i do remember there are other animatronics that have the same thing where they have a secret to them right isn't there there are other animatronics that do that you want another one i do you do i'll do a poll do you mr hippo third third time's the charm i'll do a poll look i i don't feel like you know what you're asking for uh okay look i'm sorry it's 71 to 29 right now um look i'm of the no column but even i've been overruled all right this is what the revis is all about this is what okay okay life is yours to choose or whatever oh my god okey-dokey but while while that's happening you guys tell me which one is the other character that that does the thing oh i forgot right does this one have a hunk anyway you're going the wrong way dumbass you've gone the wrong way my friend you have met a terrible terrible demise but uh you know i i don't feel too bad about it after all if if it weren't for me it would have just been from someone else you know i guess what i'm trying to say is life life goes on well from for everyone else life goes on not not for you you're you're dead is this the same one either here nor there it reminds me of one summer day in the park this is the same one i was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend orville okay no oh god oh god oh you can't get out oh oh god what's the significance of the story i said to him not every story has to have significance you know sometimes uh you know sometimes bail good old alt f4 coming in as a friend is there another one oh yeah it seems that you have met a horror oh my god demise my friend oh my god but uh you know these these things happen in life life goes on not for you obviously you're you're dead but uh it reminds me of a time i was i was having a conversation with my friend orville we were uh where were we i think we were by the with the the river we were sitting by the river and watching this just flip over the falls and uh i said to orville you know sometimes i feel like a fish leaping over and over again it's different always trying to get somewhere though i don't know where only to find myself in the jaws of a beast he of course looked at me surprised you know have you been in the jaws of a beast friend to which i said no of course not orville i said no no no no i i simply meant that life can seem like a relentless endeavor to overcome meaningless obstacles only to meet an equally meaningless fate regardless of your efforts regardless of the obstacles you've passed and uh orville he he stood and proceeded to drape me with a picnic cloth to which i i i asked him i said friend what what are you doing he looks at me very concerned really i feel like you've gotten too much sun indeed indeed i had he proceeded to pour me a glass of just ice cold lemonade oh you ever mix it with iced tea you do like little half lemonade hat oh it's so you should try it somewhere you can't because you're dead but anyways so you may be asking yourself how did i go from sitting by the falls and drinking lemonade to being wedged in the air duct not only with orville but with an entire assortment of fruity colored friends well there's uh there's really no good answer to that but perhaps i met a demise of my own at some point and this is my afterlife or my dream whatever it might mean i honestly don't know or maybe it doesn't mean anything at all maybe it doesn't mean anything at all all right all right good good good oh my god thank you for rescuing that i'ma look up uh look at my some nice secrets there's probably like a write-up on the wiki or something like that um i know you guys are helping me out and i appreciate that but i also just want to like double check everything ultimate custom night okay so [Music] interesting hold on a moment i'm looking at things i'm staring at things i'm staring while i'm uh i'm pulling this up write in write in chat in the comments um things that you know and you want to see that are secrets in this game and also link in the description to part two of in space with markiplier which you are going to see and also matpat released a theory about in space with markiplier that you should go see and send some love much love big love big hearts all the way um leave a like on that video and leave a like on in uh part two premiere and be there monday at noon pacific okay i'm gonna look at this okay oh interesting okay so the thing about old man consequences okay so you put old man consequences at one and then you catch a fish that's what you do right that's what you do yeah thank you mods for putting the link in the chat there all right so we just got a catch a fish what's that web always there yeah probably excuse me old man consequences old man will you old man all their consequences there is a there's entirely a possibility that he won't appear here through the entire forgot about you through the entire time that we play through this night uh which is which is so possible it's very possible but he's only at one so in the meantime it gives me a time to review this wonderful game look at it all in all of its glory and all of its grandeur i mean really honestly it kind of it's kind of beautiful because it harkens back to the first game a lot you know you still got that same sense of like the office is basically the same the setup is basically the same it's just so much more you know you don't get the same sense of horror and disturbingness because there isn't actually like a a linear story through this but it's still you know it has a lot of charm i do appreciate this one it is nice i like it a lot yeah and also i i've seen some people asking i am fine i just got back from the hospital like a week ago now i am 100 good if you if you want to find out how all that went down when uh this stream ends you can go back beginning i talked about in the beginning of it yeah so uh yeah i'm good i'm good and for those of you who don't know i was in the hospital last week but same thing as usual intestinal blockage i'm fine old man consequences where are you where are you where are you no i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm 100 okay don't worry about me worry about where old man consequences is [Music] i'm i'm lying i'm lying about being fine i'm pretty sure i'm fine i'm pretty sure fairly certain about that i just wish old man consequences would show up am i in the hospital right now yeah this isn't live or i'm live streaming from the hospital this is a green screen backdrop here oh there is hello what is this come and sit with me a while leave the demon to his demons rest your own soul there is nothing else [Music] is there anything else to do glitch into the pond is there some way to get in here oh ah there we go i'm glitching in wait oh it crashed well i mean i'm sure that's supposed to be what happens yeah okay okay okay okay okay all right is there a point to that is there a point i have no idea is there a point probably probably okay you you player exits by drowning themselves in the pawn in the same way as fnaf world which actually caused the game to crash before we see the gray people uh so apparently this sound is an extremely slowed down version and i'm going to turn the volume down for this of this [Music] [Music] all right you know what i i had in this game um actually that i don't see on this list um that's kind of strange when i when i opened the game there was a jump scare did anyone else see that why is that not on the list that's very strange seriously when i opened the game it did a jump scare did anyone else get that literally before i started streaming i got that i think so wait hell let me try to try to get it again i thought it would have been rare jump scares 100 okay cool is it yes hold on i know the game's closed trying to see you never got jump scared in the beginning there was i swear no you get it first time you that's right you get it the first time you play that's what i thought i thought it was that i thought it was thus it's fine right that's that's what i thought okay so the next one is golden freddy and then i do the death coin thing whatever that means hold on one second it's golden freddy on one use death coin on him got it golden freddy on one use death coin on him i don't know how to use the death coin which is the other problem in this equation i don't remember so i need to get coins buy the death coin does he approach more if you have a certain something that does not want to give me coins come on there we go okay how do i death coin i'm guessing just when they appear i think whoa was that hat always there is a hat always there i don't remember that maybe oh my god go away [Music] thanks thank you this is definitely what i i needed right now what did you add how do i tell what you added i don't know what you added i don't know how do i tell what you added whatever it's probably fine this was not there before oh s opens the monitor that's super handy that's extremely handy huh and there i go mousing over it again that's gonna be hard having a break oh wait god damn it oh oh how do i death coin i don't know how to death coin how do you death coin i don't know how do i death coin i did i did it didn't do it [Music] it didn't do it press d no that's not it oh right with music man there it's not possible that's what it was right okay that's what it was i see i see i see i see music man all right right that makes sense yeah i don't like it but it makes sense if you think about it okay and then death coin okay now i just spam this oh my god all right well all righty then that's what that is well that was not very interesting that was not very interesting at all that was hardly interesting hardly hardly you know this doesn't say anything this doesn't say um some say the other easter eggs i know that there's more i know there's more there's more right fredbear is very important i i'm aware to the lore of course to the lore but what i'm looking at the vent characters right didn't orville wasn't orville something about orville i don't remember i don't remember at all nad bear nad bear had voice lines i do remember that i do i do remember that i do remember that ned bear maybe i definitely have the lines come here ned bear get over here wrong side here we go where are you no come here come here ned bear come on silly billy there we go come on that bear please i was just waiting for you to drop your guard hmm oh isn't it like super rare it's rare isn't it it is it's rare oh oh no that's fine it's rare right isn't it it's rare i'm looking at some of these things hold on one second no no no no no i know there's more does orville have does he let's find out let's find out what he's got i am going to get back to the actual like a game of the game in moon open it up come on buddy oh he doesn't get he doesn't get attracted does he no he does he does he doesn't he doesn't he just goes wherever he wants orville please come on buddy oh here you open her up oh no no you don't want to go towards the open one oh come on whatever man come on let's go ah he's death come on kill me i'm here kill me kill me come on yes yes i'm gonna die yes yes death and any minute now any minute now any minute now come on kill me there we go i don't get out much so you'll have to forgive my enthusiasm ah that's it that's nothing to that there's nothing to that there's nothing to it there's nothing to it i think i think what i'm gonna do is one second i know that um this would be an easier way to do this oh it's kind of it's kind of exists right i thought it would have been there hold on hold on hold hold hold here we go got it okay so is by this characters that's ned bear stranger danger [Music] i was just waiting for you to drop your guard whoops that's gonna leave a mark this is how it feels and you get to experience it over and over and over again forever i will never let you leave because in the whole story of this particular game the idea of it is that it is purgatory right that's the idea it is purgatory for is it william afton is it afton is the afton i really at this point is crazy that i don't really know the lore that well i really don't i i've just honestly i don't i wish i did but unfortunately i don't this is for some reason people want to pick patch this big bag i consider it a dignified death not really it was actually quite pathetic [Music] [Laughter] hang on i gotta get in the game i don't remember that at all i don't remember that at all hold on a second wait i don't remember that at all i never died a big batch i never ever died to pick patch that i love that come here you oh is he not lured no he's lured he's lured he's lureable come on you come on you come here even monkeys fall from trees [Music] everything's better with a banjo plan but that's uh uh that is that is a goddamn delight that is a goddamn delight let me get the other ones if you sit by the river long enough you will see the body of your enemy float by [Music] [Laughter] the nail that sticks out gets hammered down the talented hawk hides his claws i just love it i love that i think that's so funny god this hilarious oh i've got a knock on the door is that what i think it is okay i'll be right out to get it oh all right one second don't mind me hold on wait for it i got a delivery i got a delivery yeah i got some lunch because if you if you haven't figured it out i'm going to be here for a while because i want there's a lot to pour through here but also just like i want to uh i don't know two days until part two comes out two days can you believe that two days man all right so uh while that's happening let me go pull up you guys want happy frog let's see what happens let's just uh [Music] let's just give a little death to happy frog to make it official let's see what happens and this way i can enjoy my food oh yeah for some reason i thought it was going to happen instantaneously i'll give it some time let's see what happens here hello please kill me there we go now we're getting it [Music] no no no no no no come back don't run away i know how much you left i bet you weren't expecting me where are you turn your back for one second and i'm like was you ninja skills okay i can see why you like that i can see why you like that the adorably sickeningly cute i get it i see what's going on here also i'm farming up those things which is awfully nice let me go back um let me look for what is a happy frog is that the name happy frog happy frog um oh wait this is the wrong place oh god where is it hold on here bam okay you and i don't get to talk as often as i'd like all right you and i don't get to everyone underestimates me but then they turn their back and i'm like boo and they're like [Music] move over freddy fazbear happy frog is the new star of the show we've only just begun i will never let you leave i will never let you rest i didn't know there was one of those there we've only just begun i will never let you leave i will never let you rest all right that's fascinating thank you for that um appreciate it okay so let me look up um uh uh orville orville elephant audio what did you think of my act i don't get out much i hope you enjoyed the garage oh here we go he tried to release you he tried to release us but i'm not gonna let that happen i will hold you here i will keep you here no matter how many times they burn us so it is some kind of a purgatory that's the idea behind it right it is a purgatory he tried to really try to release you he tried to release us but i'm not gonna let that happen i will hold you here i will keep you here no matter how many times they burn us so that's in reference to pizzeria simulator because the end of that one when you actually beat it unlike i did in my revisited i did way back in the day it all burns to the ground right that's the whole concept it burns that's the idea behind it but someone is not letting that happen and i know that there's some kind of like digital connection with the vr game like something about how because they're trying to keep punishing and maybe it's like a vicious cycle of like endless punishment which means you just never escape from it in the first place uh you have this scenario where you've created an even greater evil by trying to punish the evil that was before and in doing so make an even bigger monster it's like the cycle of hatred perpetuates or some crap like that you know what i mean fun time foxy is funtime foxy got some stuff fun time foxy uh let's see oh whoops that's not the right page fun time funtime proxy audio here we go custom night all right no that's the sound here we go it seems you couldn't make it to my show so i brought the show to you there's there's not there's nothing lore wise here is there show times are on the hour that's just hurting for the eardrums you guys are just jerks i know it's loud it's very loud all right is there any other uh jacko chica okay all right i am a burning reminder of your misdeeds hmm come and burn with me the fire within me burns the turtle and now you shall as well greetings from the fire and from the one you should not have killed the one you should not have killed i'm kind of guessing that you should not have killed anybody but that's probably someone important right the one that should not have killed okay who else what am i eating i'm eating lunch that was uh that was um fiery chica regular cheek audio withered bonnie um let's see okay withered bonnie audio hmm i'm not seeing that one withered bonnie withered bonnie i'm only seeing one withered bonnie hang on one second let me look at this chica audio uh ultimate custom knight i never thought there's the reference again to the one you shouldn't have killed he's eating once it's okay yeah i'm i need to eat i do i promise okay this is um toy chica though where's my beak lodged in your forehead of course let's go somewhere more private so i can eat you that's awful okay well that was not worth my time that's right and don't you come back now you're here it's apparently rockstar chica that'll teach you for trying to trick this old bird thought you could fool me with that sign but i was too smart for you i may not like wet floors but the smell of fresh meat is just whoops looks like you're the one that slipped up this time uh-huh anyway lefty right no left lefty lefty audio that's another one of the weird ones oh is lefty the one you should not have killed is that the idea here i've been looking for you and now i will never let you go shhh i'm so glad that i found you let me make room for you it will all be over soon ah golden freddy is the one you should not have killed i see there's probably a quite a few lore videos from matpat about that okay good rock star bonnie and well there better be something good yeah cause i'm not seeing um oh wait withered bonnie no that's different bonnie audio oh here we go [Music] [Music] see you stark i didn't know that i was stalking you all right interesting uh who else was i looking for right rock star bonnie audio [Music] okay all right oh there's some we already did mr hippo unless there's another mr hoppo out there i don't think that there's anything more about mr hippo all right and i'll look it up if there is another story i'm not even gonna play it i'm just gonna know for myself good god oh my god there's four there's four of them oh my gosh four of them i'm not gonna play it i'm not gonna play i'm not gonna play it i'm not gonna play it i'm not gonna play it i'm not gonna do it okay here's nightmare freddy i am remade but not by you by the one you should not have killed there we go that's the one you should not have killed apparently good good good now no light can save you now i'm not gonna play it i'm not gonna play it i'm not even gonna do a poll i have always been hiding in your shadow what a gift to relish a victim do you really want it you really want it so what you really want i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it give me a chance to eat my food i'll do it all right but but you guys got to tell me which one is the new one because i really have no clue how would i know you know what i mean you asked for this my friend you have met a terrible terrible demise but uh you know i i don't feel too bad about it after all if if it weren't for me it would have just been no we've heard this one out we've heard that one definitely have heard that one before uh it seems that you have met your end oh what a pity you know i i don't feel too bad about it though after all if it weren't me it would have just been one of the others i guess i'm honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts you know it's it's not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there and not easy to get down either not as young as i used to we heard this one no no no no no they don't all start like that it's not identical it's not identical it seems that you have met a horrible demise my friend but uh you know these these things happen in in life life goes on not for you obviously you're you're dead but uh it reminds me of a time i was i was having a conversation with my friend orville we were uh where were we i think we were by the with the river we were sitting by the river and watching the fish leap over the falls and uh i said to orville you know sometimes i feel like a fish leaping over and over again always trying to get somewhere we did we there's one we did it we did that one got the one about the fish my friend you have met a terrible terrible demise but uh you know i i don't feel too bad about it after all if if it weren't for me it would have just been from someone else you know i guess what i'm trying to say is life life goes on well from for everyone else life goes on not not for you you're you're dead but that's neither here nor there it reminds me of one summer day in the park i was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend orville and i said to him i said orville i i have a story and he said to me what's the significance of the story and i i think we've seen that one my friend you have met a terrible terrible demise but uh you know i i don't feel too bad about it no we've gotten terrible terrible demise we've gotten horrible time friend you have met a terrible terrible demise no no no but uh you know i i don't feel yeah i i have the the transcripts of it in front of me at the moment so that we're looking we did terrible terrible demise have met your end your journey has ended and horrible demise those are the different ones we've done horrible demise we've done terrible terrible demise we've done we need journey has ended journey has ended that's what we're looking for journey has ended hey it's oh god oh god what mys my friend but uh you know these these no that's not it that's not it that's not it no journey has ended ah it seems that you have met your end oh what a pity no journey ended my friend you have met a terrible terrible democrat no journey there is well uh it seems that your journey has ended very sorry about that it was was always going to end this way of course if it weren't by me it would have just been by some other you know terrible thing just you could not imagine how terrible it would be just i get scared thinking about it i'm glad it's not me it reminds me of a of a time i was speaking to my good friend orville we were we were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons i was on the left he was on the wait was i on the right or left anyways it doesn't matter we were sitting on there watching the pigeons and i i said to orville friend those birds are frozen and he kind of looked at me like i lost my mind but i reminded him that it was winter you know and often birds will sit in a tree until they freeze and then they they you know sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up and they can you know move around again so i said to orville you might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw because they can't very well enjoy them in the condition they're in to which he asked what i meant and asking what condition the crumbs should be and before he threw them to the birds assuming that i meant the birds couldn't enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in when in fact i had meant the birds could not enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in considering that the birds were frozen you know so he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground i said to him orville why did you throw the bread crumbs to the birds when i just told you they're frozen to which he responded the bread crumbs are not frozen again misunderstanding my words i didn't mean to say that the bread crumbs were frozen when i said i told you they're frozen i'd been referring to the birds you know in hindsight what i should have said was and this would make perfect sense why did you throw the bread crumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen he misunderstood upon my correction stating that he didn't know what else to do with the breadcrumbs and that perhaps you know when the birds thawed they'd still be able to eat the crumbs so i i said to orville i said this is what i said to him i said orville the birds may be dead sorry my mech was low all right so i'm still eating lunch but what i want to do right now what i want to do right now is i want to see someone beat 50 20 mode uh now you guys can suggest which person to do it um i know there's a couple people apply plenty of people that have beaten 20 mode but i want to know who we should watch beat it in its entirety to learn dark oh okay all right seems to be the popular suggestion so let's give that british bastard let's give that guy some sweet delicious views one second let me open this up here because i have some food that i need to eat and then i need to get that underway also reminder in the link in the description is the link to the premiere page of part two of in space with markiplier which is premiering this monday in less than two days in like 47 hours you're gonna see that set a reminder on it so that you can join and we can all watch live together if you've never done a premiere it's very fun ask anybody that was there in the last one it's very fun we can all watch it together and then you can play it all you want all right where is this okay i think this is the one we did it i think i think this is it this might be it okay hold on here hold on um actually before before i do this i need to go to the bathroom so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to i am going to do something here that you're just gonna love i call this um i call this picture in picture delightfulness uh one second here delightful picture in picture-ness you guys get to see all the lovely people who are over on the premiere page dedicated it's actually stunning how many people just camp out in the premiere page um but i need to go to the restroom so you guys can see this and then i am going to go to the bathroom while this plays and then i'll be right back so have fun watching yourselves i guess link in the description for that i'll be right back [Music] through the night and wake me [Music] my bed [Music] [Music] and one takes my soul away i'm back i'm back hold on hold on i'm here i swear i'm here hello you guys having fun you guys having fun good glad you're enjoying yourselves here all right next up on the docket is doco who we are gonna watch as they show us how it's done with 50 20 mode in ultimate custom night my palms are sweaty mom's spaghetti i don't know why oh my god wait hold on hang on one second i have to pause this what is happening hold on look at the ridiculousness of this moment here you see bonnie here is actually in front of these papers how does that make any sense what is going on here what is the lay the let me flip my camera over to the other side as well because i'm blocking some of this not that you can actually make any sense out of any of this what is happening okay i'm just gonna let me just join no taco here there we go okay so let me actually back up a bit because i believe that this is the way that you uh fight this this is like the first time you beat it so there's probably like some some glitching of the game i believe if i'm not mistaken anyway thank you for depositing five [Music] please deposit five points thank you for depositing five points oh yeah wait no sorry yeah guys this is me ish me doco here playing yeah i'm doing it guys i'm gonna win i mean i'm gonna win so what i'm seeing here what i'm seeing here is this is not the original one that he did is this not the original yeah i'm doing it guys collaboratively i've got the mouse taco's got the keyboard we're a team right buddy high five oh he's busy he can't hide by me right now but anyway we're a team this is a collective win so what the [ __ ] is that what does the legs do what's with the legs wait i i don't understand any of this oh that's me please thank you for demonstrating five coins me oh [Applause] teamwork oh my god we did it buddy [Music] i know right yeah [Applause] look at that scarf baby [Music] boy oh it's okay don't cry don't cry we did it you and me pal you and me hey you know what i'll even give you most of the credit i know it was actually 50 50 but you deserve more oh you split 60 40 credit your way oh god guys i know oh man what a team effort what a team effort [Music] me too many [Music] oh [Music] oh anyway he had to go daco had to go doco had to leave it's weird all right so i didn't learn anything from that yeah you know he was he was uh inconsolable so he had to he had to go anywho all right so um i think uh this someone else because i didn't learn anything from that i literally did not learn anything what is this 50 40 mode that doesn't even make any sense 40. okay here we go here's here's a video explaining uh of 50 20 mode the actual like mechanics of it oh dj surf has one well there's i'm gonna give some love to taco i mean no not love to dj surf of course oh i'm back to normal videos and like i said in the live stream when we beat 50 20 mode i am going to be doing some theory videos and then i've got to read this baby oh god and then we'll just continue doing normal videos like we always do um so before i wanted to go on to the theories though and when when i posted my 50 20 video of the reaction and stuff a lot of people were asking if i could do a tutorial on how to beat 50 20 mode so far i do want um it's pretty simple um in my brain but it's actually very difficult to talk about through doing it and then like doing it while talking it's really hard so and then i'll watch my video and pause the video and say i did this and this and this and just see if it makes sense to any of you guys please remember that this run of 50 20 mode is very look based when you have got the practice involved with it you can be great at this you could be amazing and it's very easy to learn i promise you guys the the the start of this is very easy to learn it's just you can get really unlucky with a lot of things mainly toy freddy rockstar bonnie and uh foxy okay that's basically it and all of the other animatronics are very easy to deal with very easy to deal with and um if you haven't seen the run you guys will probably know what's going to happen and the main thing that you've got to look out for is your power okay if you look at the end of my run i had one percent power left and others run out of power just before the end and and that's you're gonna that's gonna be your issue but the best way to do this is to keep switching between the power generator and the fan to the fat off to the global music box the global music box is your best friend in this because it looks after chica from jump scaring you and of course it looks after the puppet and that will get some time to get used to also power up to your best friend frigid because it starts at 50 degrees free fast coins it's really good and 2 extra battery dd repel does not work in 50 20 mode guys don't bother wasting it okay dd is indestructible in 50 20 mode she will spawn whether you have it on or not so just ignore that so keep your power ups open if you've practiced before 50 20 mode you should be okay with this run guys okay and remember that you have to buy the def coin to get rid of funtime foxy use the defcoin on funtime foxy okay guys so here is my run uh nice and simple okay guys it's gonna be really quick but this will be like i can pause the video and talk about things so that i think we should have done this first really so as you can see what i'd usually do and i'll say it again uh turn off the fan and put the power generator on or you can leave the fan on if you want to it's totally up to you click on the wet floor sign to remove it and then as soon as you go on the camera guys press f to get rid of balloon boy or jj getting in the office and then open it again you'll be safe okay um i quickly switched to the duct system put the uh position of the audio law camera cam eight shut off uh mr hugs get some fast coins on the way which really does help i went straight on to the um the prize corner went straight off the monitor okay put on the mask just in case of golden freddy guys shut there because fredbear was there again more fuzz coins really good way to just get fast coins if the animatronics spawn straight away it's really helpful okay then i do the cycle lift up the camera shut the vent lift up the camera shut the vents obviously there's more problems as well i've made a mistake here uh with bb but it's totally fine don't need to worry about it i actually need to pause this because i was so busy goofing i didn't actually take in anything of that what he said so i need hang on i need to actually go back what the hell did he just say any of it it's actually really quick but this will be like i can pause the video and talk about things so that i think we should have done this first really so as you can see what i'd usually do and i'll say it again uh turn off the fan and put the okay power generator on so turning off the fan and then amazingly you turn on or off the fan power generator for 10 seconds then switch to music box and i'm curious about that is that just for the sake of getting rid of the need to go wind up the music box i i'm just kind of curious what that's for specifically right i'm sure he explains it but you know i'm just asking questions or you can leave the fan on if you want to it's totally up to you click on the wet floor sign to remove it and then as soon as you go on the camera guys press f to get rid of balloon boy or jj getting in the office and then open it again you'll be safe okay um i quickly switched to the duct system right okay so that makes sense so if you just keep that audio lure there they cannot go anywhere put the uh position of the audio law camera cam eight shut off uh mr hugs get some fast coins on the way which really does help i went straight onto the um the prize corner went straight off the monitor okay but on the mask just in case of golden freddy guys shut there because fredbear was there okay what's the music box around 10 to check timer so in all honesty what is doing is trying to eliminate as many variables as possible you're throwing blanket sweep things to try to make this work correct that's basically the idea i think again more fuzz coins really good why did you just get fast coins if the animatronics spawn straight away wait what how do you get fast coins what are you talking about more fast on the mask just in case of golden freddy guys shut there because fredbear was there again more fuzz coins really good way to just get fast coins if the animatronics spawn straight away what how do you what do you what do you mean what are you talking about went straight off the monitor okay put on the mask just in case of golden freddy guys shut there because fredbear was there again more fast coins you get fast coins for shutting the door on nightmare if they knock on the door you get a really i did not know that i did not know that really good way to just get fast coins if the animatronics spawn straight away it's really helpful okay then i do the cycle lift up the camera shut the vent lift up the camera shut the vents obviously there's more problems as well i've made a mistake here uh with bb but it's totally fine don't need to worry about it there we go one more fast coin and we should be good but balloon boys in the way so up and down again shut the vent got ten fast coins okay shut all the doors put the heater on for a little bit put the music box back on why the heat why the heater okay now i go to the uh the price corner remember guys left middle door shut including bbs uh you don't need to shut bb's door when you quickly go up and back down because he doesn't have time to get into the office and neither does jj so i've got ten fast coins guys the second challenger has appeared like i said didn't he just say that the cycle was you open the camera you close the side vent and then you you ff to open that down but this one you don't but he has awf here and that is plushtrap quickly by i've reset the vent as well that's really good reset that and then there's plush trap okay so it's a two birds with one stone i def coin fun time foxy as well as watching plus strap plus trap goes then i go straight to cam two turn off turn okay so that makes sense with the deathcoin effects funtime foxy because that would be the problem getting at funtime foxy on the right hour because you number one have to check first number two you have to make sure that you can get there in the first place which would be difficult to do when everything else is going chaos chaos so then just by staring at uh trap plush strap goes away okay got that down the monitor i put my mask on just in case of golden freddy and we are now happy we are completely fine now and safe well i'd say safe okay no the next animatronic is nightmare chica to get rid of nightmare chica guys it's really easy and also very helpful as well because it cools down your office use the ac the cooler that makes the jaws go back up and she will get eradicated here's a very cool tip as well if you know nightmare cheek is about to come just turn on the cooler ready for her she will never appear on the screen because you've just used the cooler as soon as you spawned and she's gone okay remember that but i have to wait a little bit longer easy peasy and also guys ah right you're you're totally right about that i forgot that some of the animatronics in the vents are not affected by the heater i did forget about that you're right the ones that wouldn't be affected by the lure would then be affected by the heater that makes sense and also the heater affects this dude here um if you have a cool temperature just use the heater on rockstar freddie and i've noticed if you even like tap the keta and then go back onto something else eventually rockstar freddy will just go off anyway even without using the heater oh you don't need to keep it on the whole time for ah that makes sense and so yeah um this is basically just chill time now as you can see though guys foxy is on the desk so i shut the left and middle door risk it lift up the camera back down and bonnie does spawn on the table you cannot you can you can't see him but bonnie's there if you do have foxy on the table wait about six seconds guys and then lift the monitor back up but remember to shut the middle and left doors before you do that and always use the heater before you do that too switch back to the music box up down and bonnie should appear on the table okay if we have them if we have bonnie on the table guys that means foxy's not gonna move or anything okay so that's great but like i said it's inevitable that foxy will eventually get into the office but you should be okay guys you should be a okay because when foxy does get into the office if you quickly switch back uh to bonnie on the table foxy can't progress to kill you so having bonnie on the table is 100 a must okay and foxy will troll you at some point in your runs he will always troll you because that's what sadly what fox is like for example he's in the office now with his legs and his body but he can't make any more progress to kill me because bonnie's on the table as you can see now fox is on the table again if i quickly lift up again and again foxy's moved a little bit more but foxy is still on the table annoyingly so i'm surprised i'm not dead wow okay that's really lucky that's what i mean guys you can get lucky with foxy foxy still didn't attack me and bonnie's now on the table so that's really good okay the next challenges are the minority okay so that was a lot of information to say a few simple things there just like the mechanics of how foxy works um and what you need to do in terms of like what i noticed in his actual playthrough of this is that he's not lifting the camera very much right so he's not engaging a lot of the animatronics that are based in the camera so a lot of what i did when i did like 520 is like i was trying to beat everything's mechanic like head-to-head right this is a strategy to eliminate as many variables as possible and eliminate the chance that certain animatronics are going to kill you right makes sense venus that cover your screen for about 45 seconds and as you can see here bonnets here just click on a nose and she'll go away just like sister location custom night really nice and simple the problem with and bonnet though is sometimes night marion's lurking there and it can be really annoying i've died a few times to that or also remember guys the min arenas are really annoying with night marion again you can't see nightmare on sometimes so always put your mouse at the left side of the screen always if you don't put your monitor at the left side of the screen you might die because the left side of the screen like the bottom left um is to save so night marion does not spawn there and always make sure to check out for nightmare bb as well because you as you can see through the gaps and everything the nooks and crannies nightmare bb is currently standing up and active just flash him and he'll go away yeah no he's he's not wrong about that that is hard to see that is that is so weird it's just this tiny tiny tiny window to see that and actually i can see that nightmare uh freddy is starting to pop in here too this is just like this is awful this is the worst why would they do this there's got to be a way to get rid of those things right or maybe not but yeah that's a tiny thing to see but but the good thing is with what he's talking about is like the less the monitor is up the less risk factor you have if you're not flipping up and down non-stop then you run less of a risk of causing that to kill you right because a lot of these things a lot of these animatronics are based on a system where if you enact change say you flip the monitor that is the only way that they can actually instigate an attack some animatronics not all obviously some of them just like do whatever they want whenever they want but a lot of these things work on a dependency of change right you have to change the scene you have to flip up the camera you have to switch cameras stuff like that you know what i mean okay as you know already okay so yeah that's basically it guys we can just chill remember though to keep switching between the power generator and the fan to the global music box okay that's really really important um like i said so basically keeping from the very beginning of the game the the whole concept is keep the global music box going because there is no time to go wind the thing i am curious how he deals with toy freddy how does toy freddy get dealt with at the start of the run i had the power generator on for about 10 seconds 10 to 15 seconds and then i switched to the music box it's about 15 seconds for chica to get angry and the puppet about 15 seconds too so always switch to the music box and and keep you you'll learn it yourself guys just keep switching and between the power generator and the music box because if you don't have the music box on you'll die right that makes total sense that makes total sense i get that maybe there's other animatronics that are like affected by the music box and going to the power generator makes sense too um i don't know if his fans going right now because that would just be like keeping power in there um and i guess you would just listen for music man because that's the only one that really kills you from noise so yeah i've got everything on at the moment the power generator on with the fan for about 10 seconds turned it off switch to the uh music box next up is lol bit that's the next challenger all you need to do is type lol on the keyboard it's very easy it doesn't cause any interruptions you can still play while this is on and just type lol as you if you watch me i just willingly willing willingly whatever you say and just um do this easy gone forever okay now as you can see the ventilation error is coming up and we only check on that literally last minute because we don't want to go on the cameras at all guys okay we want to avoid the cameras as much as possible i reset it but i quickly shut the left and middle door always remember that and always remember to use the heater for like literally three seconds before you go on it okay because you'll get jump scared by the vent duct animatronics right ah okay so the reason that must be is that the animatronics in the vent are again change based right so the the animatronics can be all the way up to the end of the vent but they cannot actually kill you until you do something to instigate a change like put up the monitor so the reason he says put the heater on is to push them back the ones that are not affected by the audio lure which is in place you shove those back and then you shift you you you do the left and front vents because the the ones in the vents in the front the top of the ceiling must also be the same in that they are change based where you can only pop up the monitor to die and by shutting that before you do it you don't die similarly a lot of the animatronics say like regular five nights at freddy's won freddy fazbear in the left only kills you because it's change based this is what i'm imagining these things are about okay keeping the left door shut and the middle vent short keeps rockstar chica and freddy from the left door getting you and the vent animatronics from getting in such as all of them and a mangle and with a chi cam okay so they only get in when you're on the monitor but if you've got the door shut they can't get in okay and that's basically it for the most part guys i keep lifting up the monitor going back down i did that guys because foxy was on the table um and now bonnie's on the tables that's good that's what we want never have foxy on the table guys like i said bonnie needs to be on the table for you to progress like i said though foxy will eventually get into the office always also here's a tip guys if you've got a second spare keyboard and you're not using it and you've got no purpose of it just use it um on below your desk and take out all the keys apart from see and enter and you can use your feet and to get rid of old man consequences and l chips adverts it's really easy and really really it's it's i love that i love that as a concept that you would have to do to be able to beat some of those other things so you don't have to press c and enter is very far away however i would also say you can simply bind that to your mouse buttons and then you can click those however they also doesn't the stream deck foot pedal that they make now that you could bind probably to separate keys i do love that about the spare keyboard thing ripping out every rip out every button except for see and enter that is such a crazy suggestion that would actually work but it's such an extreme thing to jump to i love that that's where his mind went it's great do i respect that big respect anyway it's easy to do because you won't get distracted then uh with your hands and fingers and you know it's two two birds with one stone then and that's basically it guys when you've done the first part you just pray that toy freddie doesn't jump scare you or you'd make a mistake okay um you are going to have some issues at some points where toy freddy jump scares you were like 4am or 5am but that's just that's just look guys you've just got to get lucky with toy threading and keep remembering to switch between the power generator and the global music box okay so as you can see again guys the ventilation's about to go so what i do is use the heater and you can hear them like tapping when you've got the heater on that's them backing away okay and then switch to the global music box reset i had the i did shut those doors then very quickly it's just in your system you get really quick at shutting doors and going on the cameras so i noticed that the uh the the marionettes are gone right okay and then switch to the global music box reset i had the i did shut the door and foxy should be on the table so that's fascinating they they do fade after a while hey okay what caused it and then switched the global music box reset i had the that is interesting to me that is interesting to me because i don't i don't remember him saying anything about why that did that do they just fade after a while no matter what they disappear after an hour oh okay well that's not bad oh he did say that i must have missed it i did shut those doors then very quickly it's just in your system you get really quick at shutting doors and going on the cameras and foxy should be on the table that's bad so we have to wait a little bit because you know the captain that's them backing away people before okay look those doors then switch to the global music box reset i had the i did he didn't see the table until he had the mask lifted because he needed to lift the mask so it's when you come back from going to the vent not only is okay so the pattern is like you turn the heater on you you close left and front doors uh open the thing click the ventilation drop it put the mask on immediately go to the left and maybe if you see nightmare on the way and foxy should be on the table that's bad so we have to wait a little bit because toy chica caused a problem up and down bonnie's on the table nice and easy it doesn't matter about bb or j bb is not really a problem and it's just jj jj is a bigger issue because of the doors um if phoebe does get into your office make sure to shut the middle vent um if phantom freddie's about to jump scare you because if phantom freddie jump scares you and you've got the vent open that allows the vent animatronics to get inside so if he's about to jump scare you and you can't flash him should the middle vent and you'll be okay for the rest of the run you will have no issues at all like i said foxy will eventually get into the office and if he does just lift up the camera again and back down and just hope that bonnie gets onto the table because foxy can't progress unless fox is on the table okay it's as simple as that okay and when you're at about 5am guys um you're in the all clear basically when you're when you're at about five a.m this will be my last ventilation thing and bonnie's on the table so i use the heater shut both doors up and down done that's it the run is over now guys i do not need to check the camera ever again so i know that it's over now okay foxy can't kill me because i'm not going to lift up the power generate i'm not going to lift up the monitor now all you need to do at the last brief moment is keep switching between the power generator and the music box that's it and keep your mouse at the left side you don't want to die by night marion at 5am and that's basically it guys and what you'll see you can see it flashing here guys use the vent use the vent uh system don't do it do not do it you don't need to and there you go so the only other question that i have is in the beginning of this did he at any point need to address like the plush animatronics pressure right is this it okay put on the mask just in case of golden freddy guys shut there because fredbear was there again more fuzz coins really good way to just get fast coins if the animatronics spawn straight away it's really helpful okay then i do the cycle lift up the camera shut the vent lift up the camera shut the vents obviously there's more problems as well i've made a mistake here so you even made a mistake by not closing that side vent and letting balloon boy in there which could have been a coin or obviously could have been like not having the uh the flashlight be disabled which is obviously a problem so uh with bb but all the doors put the heat though up and down again so a little bit boys left middle doors shut including bbs yeah so the problem is they cost 20 coins on the hardest difficulty okay so you're he's not buying that ever so what causes that to never be a problem you know if you stay on cam 2 they don't kill interesting okay that's why he said stay on cam 2 and okay that makes sense because i i still don't know how um toy freddy is taking care of maybe toy freddy doesn't kill you if say for example you have like the the the door closed on the left that might be cam stalling yeah foot equals no issues yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so this is good knowledge this is great knowledge actually this is fantastic knowledge i totally believe that beating this is doable now what i want to watch is is it uh i want to see hold on everybody hold on hold the phone one second okay this is good so this is another person that has beaten 50 20 mode right this is i believe this is dj sturf who has also been knit this is a video where there's the toby eye tracker involved so i can actually see where he's looking which should be interesting one million combo hey what's up everyone dj sturf here and i have something here that i think you'll find interesting it is the toby eye tracker five all right so i got an i get it i get it i get it i get it for that and then mr coke one replied no idea but still food for thought food for thought indeed thanks mr coke one all right here we go with 50 20 mode with the tobii eye tracker 5 it's like the stupidest intro ever so anyway enjoy please deposit for depositing five coins hey please deposit five coins please deposit five coins please deposit five coins please deposit five coins please deposit please deposit five points thank you for depositing five coins [Music] so what i'm noticing that's a little bit different from the it's not too terribly different right there was a lot more activity happening in the first two minutes of this than there was in the other one this is a more recent version i would say of a 50 20 win and it's fascinating because one of the distinct differences i noticed is that he's not using the heater because if he was then this would be dealt with with the coins asking for the coins he's actually physically depositing the coins which i find to be fascinating i don't remember the last time that he popped up the camera because he hasn't in a while so that's still part of the same strategy generally let me see if i can find this so yeah this is strange he actually did set this up i don't know if doco did as well but he actually did set this up here so that it could be taken care of basically which i think is like that's fascinating that's fascinating anyway i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep watching on this okay so foxy's in so he wasn't paying attention to fine he did okay so doco did so this might be a similar pretty similar okay [Music] i guess if you have it anyway it's less of a risk because then you don't have to worry about switching from the heater because you do have time for that coin you don't really need to i guess and maybe minimizing the use of the heater is like minimizing the temperature gain and then you don't have to worry so much about putting the air conditioner on maybe it's a more reliable power system because he does seem to have a lot more power than doco did at the time i'm just gonna take the risk right why not because he's got a minute left to go and he's still got 38 power that shows me that a less utilization of the heater is actually being more beneficial because less heat means less work less nonsense and i think it still is up to rng about getting that bonnie switch right now i'm pretty sure that he doesn't have to open the camera again right well at least that's an eye tracker you can see what i'm looking at pretty close and he does use his fan versus the ac so that's what i see in my periphery as opposed to like full on me looking at something i'm guessing what he does i'm guessing what he does is probably he utilizes more of the desk fan plus the power generator um i was i wasn't paying attention exactly to what was on at the time yeah general 5020 strategy does not even use the heater which which makes sense to me um the only time you would use the heater is to push back animatronics or in the vent that are about to kill you and the only time that you would do that is when you were opening the vent because why not if you're getting coins from getting those things anyway and you've got things locked when you're because you're on camera too and you don't sit away from that so so really it's just the opening phase of trying to set up so that toy freddy has a thing huh fascinating not bad 25 yeah 25 that was good okay so that's the tobii eye tracker five interesting okay all right fascinating i'm kind of curious there's it doesn't all right i'm not gonna say it doesn't seem as hard because definitely it's difficult right but i remember when i was on matt pat's live stream this guy dj surf was also on the live stream and i watched him beat it live on like his second or third try it did not take that many strides and don't get me wrong what he's doing is very skillful he's really got this down to a science but that shows me that it's not as heavily rng based as it seemed previously so technically it should work right right right okay interesting interesting interesting interesting but the question is i'm trying to understand how much time it would take me to learn all these things that need to be learned to be able to do them i actually i want to see something this is going to be very strange okay this could be a little strange um i want to look at something because i haven't seen it in a bit it's an old there's a small youtuber that needs to uh get some attention definitely i just want to see what this other youtuber did this strange bizarre youtuber did originally so long ago in this endeavor right that's all i want to see i'm going to give it just a couple more tries because this is this is obviously not going to happen oh wait no this is post that i want to see um what i was doing well i guess i'll just sit here then well you know this is fun right okay not that not that ah there we go okay ah there you go there we go oh what am i doing ah god my brain my brain my brain but from what i was seeing there it's nearly impossible but i don't okay that was me prank 20 i'm losing it already i'm complete no no no no thing is pretty much out but with so many is that a new record 23 nah 20 yeah hold on hold on hold on where the hell is i know i did this at some point where i actually played i i didn't do 20 50 20 mode i did uh 50 eyes it's not going to look that's what the hardest i did was what am i doing i have no idea what is this other strange youtuber doing here we go this is what i was looking for i just wanted to see because i in my entire time playing this i never looked up any other person's strategy in terms of playing i was just trying to beat this on my own just the way i wanted to beat it with uh 55 mode you want to see this so i'm winding the music box obviously they don't do that i'm worrying about funtime foxy obviously they don't do that 4 a.m i don't even have my audio lure in the correct place i don't think i'm looking over to the right which is like why would i need i'm moving i'm closing doors in the background which is correct but i'm doing it more times than i need to i'm also buying all of these things because i'm flipping cameras in a sense i'm making this a lot harder than it needs to be which was the idea because i like that um but also like it won't work for 50 20 mode every hour on the hour oops i had that thing left open there here we go 4 am coming right oh i see you i saw you up there and boom six so i just gotta end the game on that ass i forgot about that yeah if you actually if it says six and you're not there when six o'clock rolls around you do still lose so i just gotta the the trick is i gotta have enough power to get to that so yeah this is what i'm doing wrong is like i'm not using the power well actually i am using the power generation enough but i'm flipping up the camera a lot more which does drain a lot more battery than it would okay i just wanted to see that for the sake of understanding where i was previously i love this thumbnail wait i i forgot about this hang on i i forgot that i had a lot of fun doing the thumbnails for uh anyway that's strange oh hey it's me help me hey look it's me wait no you can't see me wait wait hold on hold on a second let me get you oh hey let me get you a good view of where i am anyway look at that hey it's you guys hey what do you know you can't see me oh that's not good i don't have a back button anymore guys i don't know what's going on um what do we do what do i do guys i don't have a background what do i do help okay oh god it's like we're stuck in some kind of warm oh whatever i've done that before um so if you guys hey guys i'm gonna keep going on this just a little bit longer but i'm gonna make at least an attempt at some of this stuff but do remember in space with markiplier part 2 comes out on monday 12 p.m pacific there's a link in the description that'll take you to the premiere page where we can all watch it together together together like a team like friends do what do you say so do click on that link in the description and join me for the premiere because all of us can watch it together live set a reminder on there you go to that page you set a reminder you come back please do it now now i'm still going to be here when you get back and we're going to try all this nonsense but please remember to set a reminder so that you don't forget so that you're in the middle of your class and then you can run screaming out of the hallway into the bathroom and watch the premiere please link in the description please do it it's going to be so fun it's going to be incredibly fun you are going to love it you are going to love it i want to see how many of you guys uh also um left them left them love for uh the matpat video let's see let's see how we're doing here 32 000 likes 32 000 likes there's more than 32 000 people here right at this moment please go to the game theorists and click the like button on this video here i did and i'm pretty cool don't you want to be cool like me please do do all these things because it does help him and and i want him to know that like i do appreciate him making a video about this it is that it's just an honor like i don't i just like you know i wouldn't expect it so do give some love to that like click the like button not here don't worry about this like button give matpat over at the game theorists some love there click that like button on the game theory video which is titled the end of markiplier go check that out that would be cool that'd be so cool and then set a reminder because you will be oh so much more cool you'll be so cool you'll be cool like me look how cool i am i'm markiplier the definition of cool yeah also the mods are linking that video in the comments in the chat right there so please give some love please i love this there's up to 34 000 likes but that's not enough you can come back here right afterwards you'll go there i'll be right here still please take the time to do it now and then i don't know then you can do whatever you want and i'm gonna try to bash my head against the wall with ultimate custom night and then we can all enjoy the surging circle of love that is embracing the internet right at this moment together wouldn't you like that wouldn't you like that please please please okay anyway let's see how many people actually went oh oh we're up to 35 000 now so 3 000 of the 45 000 people here actually went guys is it so hard i asked for so little someone went through the trouble to make a video about me and the project that i made i know that some of you probably already liked it so whatever if you can do we're up to 36 thousand likes on that i really appreciate that share with a friend give out all the love in the world make it a very successful video all this stuff and also be here for the premiere on monday please please be here for the premiere on monday noon pacific standard time part two is going to be it's gonna be so much fun it's gonna be so much fun so much fun thank you to all the people that are currently chatting once this stream is over i'll be over on the part to uh chat um hanging out with you guys so tell the title oh it's game theorist the end of markiplier that's that's the name the the the mods have been linking it in the comments there and then chat yes but please do be there please and then play the hell out of it you are going to have so so much fun with part two you're going to have so much fun you're going to have so much fun i know you will i know you will i know you will i know so anyway thank you i'm shaking and i'm here yeah i'm looking at the comments in uh or the chat in the part 2 premiere page and if you haven't seen the trailer for part two uh go see it because the amazing people at burning tractor made this incredible and haunting trailer i mean i did the audio for it the audio was assembled from a few different pieces but like it's beautiful it's wonderful it's haunting it's so creepy if you haven't checked out the website my god have you not even checked out the website the lore that you're missing out on did you even know that there was a website i bet you didn't i bet you didn't i bet you didn't i bet you didn't know that there was a website there is there is a website and hey there might just be some changes on there okay okay okay all right enough about that yeah there was a website you must have missed it okay but enough about that i i'm gonna go back into this so there's a few things that i need to do uh to get to the point where to get to the point where i need to be to be able to beat this is it's interesting thank you for doing all the things thank you for that really appreciate really really appreciate it did you like the map happened to you did you watch it you'll watch it after this one definitely um but also all the other things i said liking or setting a reminder and liking the premiere page and be there on monday and uh tell someone something nice okay cool good good all right so what i'm gonna do is i just want to walk myself through everything that i need to do because i need to get familiar with the controls if i was going to get this i have to do a certain number of things in a very specific order before anything gets done so it's like when i pop it up it was like so you have the first things first put the power generator on so that seems to be oh it's also popping this over to the right you basically get enough coins to be able to get the death coin you come over here i i could have sworn that they put the camera on the middle one and then the x on that one i don't know i don't know why so every time i i pop this up i need to turn the heater on which one's the heater heater's three silent ventilation doesn't make any sense why would you do that does it make any sense silent ventilation doesn't do anything because the temperature just keeps going up anyway so what is the point what is the point of that i don't understand what can i do for you what can i do for you so deathcoin come here hit the death coin on this one and then man this is just so much to think about oh i didn't even remember to do this which is very important because you need to keep people i think what you probably need to do is keep people a little i think i saw them put it here this one set up that one snares are not effective right so then once you did that basically once you get the death coin and put that there you park this here the music box i forgot about that five is the global music box i want to see something real quick um so let's say i no not you i let's say i have the marionette right i need to see how the global music box affects this so let's say for example i'm opening this up i'm going here music box is draining five it rewinds it what fascinating i didn't know that it rewound it i thought it was just preventative but no that's that's incredible i see okay i see okay all right so that's one let me see about toy freddy toy freddy is right here uh let me just go ahead and do 20 because i want to see what's going on here so this this put that there you there was there something to do like so like wouldn't that okay so it's changed so why is this okay to never look at again i'm so curiou why is this okay to never look at that so it's but otherwise i would be on a different camera i would be over here or no i would be over here [Music] [Music] there's a random chance he will kill you no matter what so what you're saying is that is the rng you you are relying entirely on that as an rng mechanic to be able to get that because you just hope that he doesn't get you huh oh he can only kill you between point zero and point five intervals on the camera are you kidding me what you're joking how did people discover that how how would you know that i don't know what animatronic is weird that's just bizarre there's no way that's so strange yeah i know the death coin can be used on toy freddy but i'm imagining that you're gonna use the death coin on another one because you want it on funtime foxy because of reasons right strange there's no way that i would be able to time that to the millisecond you've got to be joking is that serious is that actually this the the strategy is that actually the strategy is it there's no way there's got to be a better option freddy's harder to manage than foxy you know what you might be right about that you you might be because all no actually i don't know if that's correct am i lagging by the way am i am i lagging hello have i been lagging this whole time when i'm a camera up when i'm camera uppy have i been lagging this whole time no i'm good okay i better be i better be okay cool good good to know okay so he yeah i don't know because isn't the whole thing that you cannot get away from this screen i'm just so curious because because if i recall wasn't the whole idea actually i can test this i can test this let's say we have um circus baby right circus baby apparently if you have the camera open on two no matter what you have no chance of dying right isn't that the idea isn't that the idea number one crate is the strategy i don't know what that means i don't know what that means i don't know what that means also remember part two link description definitely check it where are they don't they appear by now isn't that a thing i thought 45 seconds in you would die isn't that the idea am i crazy i could have sworn right oh wet floor sign that's also right why aren't they supposed to be here this is maybe supposed to be here is the baby's supposed to be here like crazy either one three or five interesting well it wasn't one i guess this just must be an rng thing but i want to see if i die from having this open you know what i mean because if i don't die then that means that i have to camera stalling tutorial i'm sure i could i do want to figure out some things out for myself that's part of the fun right isn't that part of the fun or is it only winning the fun thing fine so like there's there's concessions that you have to make for all of these that's the problem like you you get half dozen one six to the other and you have to go one way or another uh to compromise right so in this factor if this is the way to beat those things then you would have to keep the camera on camera too now the counterpoint to that the counterpoint to that would be the idea that you buy the plushies which if you only really need to buy a plushy buy one you know what i mean it's not necessarily that hard to get coins you know what me mean right am i cr they're not there why are they not there like if you're always closing these things and things are slamming into the doors left and right all the time you're getting a lot of coins right plus couldn't you make the argument that your your risk is clicking this thing me bird likes you because because then the most valuable thing here is the ten coins because at that point you have almost what you need i think crazy i'm crazy i don't know where they are at the moment they're supposed to be here it's weird it doesn't make any sense i mean it makes sense but also it doesn't make sense doesn't make sense i should have activated all of them there you are okay so theoretically i have not bought this but i'm keeping camera two up why i don't know but apparently i will not die if this camera stays there right camera's stalling right i don't die i'm not dead yet i'm not dead and theoretically i would be going back and forth between the music box and all this stuff i'm not dead so okay if you didn't do that if you did not do that you would need to get at least 30 coins by the first hour of the game which is a tall order it is it's tall order but the question is what is less rng dependent because i'm fast i'm faced but you don't want to be too long on the other menu because that is also a problem a lot of tricks linky description part two of in space with markiplier if you haven't seen part one again or yet do it do it do it do it what did amy amy texted me an hour ago that this was my funniest bit in years what did i do exactly one hour ago and how do i recreate that how do i replay what i just what did i do an hour ago guys help what did i what did i do an hour ago amy thought i was funny what did i do help me help me what did i do an hour ago what did i say what did i do what did i do oh the doco thing all right okay good good good good okay all right that's good to know that's good to know i see okay all right good good good i'm kind of curious i love you hang on one second uh oh man i tried youtube shorts a little bit ago i'm not i'm not sure what schwarz is all about i mean i don't mind youtube shorts like youtube shorts cool and all but i i don't really use it too much i'm not gonna lie but at the same time i just like kind of i just i just wish it had its own tab on youtube like youtube shorts having its own tab because i just don't like them cluttering up my videos because i i work very hard on the thumbnails to my videos and i make sure that they're very meticulously designed and if they're not meticulously designed then i'm kind of pissed off but at the same time it's you know it's whatever ish whatever it's fine all right what was i looking up completely forgot what did they just what was it gonna look up what was i gonna do what was i gonna do what the f what was i about i was going to look up something and i've completely forgotten what it was because i was so excited i thought that amy thought i was funny yeah exactly i don't even mind i really literally do not mind if um if you know they don't if shorts didn't show up in sub boxes i would actually be fine with that because at least it's predictable because the idea is that if you're swiping through the shorts tab which is fun you know admittedly it's mostly just tick tock content that's ripped and put there but if you're swiping through it's algorithmically based and fast and you never would need to go to a subfeed because it will learn what you like creeps into your brain and all that stuff so i'm fine if it doesn't go to sub boxes it would just be nice to know it's more consistent or something like that i have no idea just just like some transparency on how it works in the first place what was i going to do no it wasn't about the it wasn't about the amy thing it was um mark simp for amy confirmed i was confirmed a long time ago my pal that was confirmed long ago um [Music] i've completely forgotten help help me oh okay yeah i was gonna um freak freak i've completely forgotten [Music] oh man adhd moment yeah no uh i mean yeah probably but no yes no yes no yes could be actually i was switching medications recently uh which is what that whole cvs thing on twitter was about um god oh oh i was gonna do 50 20 mode that's not what i was going to do this it's it's camera stalling no what's the [ __ ] no i already i already get what that is i just did it no oh god right yeah uh there was a i had a problem with cvs for a long time hold on i'm trying to remember it's a camera guy for the is okay oh i remember what i was gonna look up it was if camera stalling only worked on one of the camera things if it only worked on that thing so that if if there was another way that camera stalling could work it would work somewhere else okay got it i'm fine everything's good it's all good okay don't forget power-ups yeah i forgot about the power-ups but at the same time i don't want to use them right now until i was trying to do anything actually officially yeah adhd defeated i did it guys if i did adhd how am i feeling i'm fine i was at the hospital recently also the cvs thing had nothing to do with me going to the hospital i know that was like a coincidence because i tweeted that literally earlier in the day that i then went to the hospital not related in any way shape or form so i'm not saying in any way that cvs sent me to the hospital that's legally i'm trying to cover my ass here that's not what i'm saying i did the adhd yeah the cvs thing was i i was switching medications right and this is not something that i wanted to like publicly tweet about because it's not a public matter right it's not a thing but the problem was right i was switching from i i've been taking adderall for like 10 years and i'm not condoning any of this this me only me i'm not a doctor ask your own damn doctor about this [ __ ] but i have been taking adderall for like 10 years and there's this new medication called the stars that came out that i wanted to try and the problem with a new medication is that trying to get your goddamn pharmacy or insurance to even understand that there is something out there let alone pay for it is a [ __ ] nightmare i spent literally and when i said on that tweet that i've been trying to get an answer for months that is not a lie that was not a lie in any way shape or form right i got my first prescription in september of last year literally september of last year is when i first got this prescription for this new medication right and i would call up again and again and again i would call cvs being like have you ordered the medication and they're like i don't know what this is i've never heard of this medication from like that's cause new can you order it and they're like oh we'll try to order it and then the next day they would call like it didn't show up and i'd be like why didn't it show up and then be like i don't know why it didn't show up our supplier just didn't buy it how about you try a different medication i'm like how about you try the one that my doctor wrote a goddamn prescription for how about you do that and then literally i got so busy with uh doing in space all the all the post-production stuff that i actually i didn't get an answer for so long that that prescription expired right so i had to circle back around get a new prescription go back to cvs and i thought i thought that it was like this was this was now a month ago at this point i thought that in the interim it's it must not be a new medication anymore it must not be people must have heard of this mythical esteros and then people could probably have an idea of where to get it and so i go to the cvs to get this goddamn prescription and they still tell me that it doesn't exist and i'm like they they give me this thing we're like whoa we ordered it but uh you know your insurance won't cover it or you know the it might be out of stock at the manufacturer you know what they [ __ ] weren't because i called the manufacturer and i said why is cvs not getting this goddamn thing filled and even they were like we don't know why they wouldn't there's been people at cvs who have gotten this before and i'm like what do you mean what do you mean that people have gotten it why am i the bad guy here and the craziest thing the craziest thing is that when i finally made that tweet when i finally made that tweet was the only time that someone actually tried to answer my question but even during that call i called them and i was like can you tell me what's going on no can you why is the supplier not buying it i don't know can you talk to the supplier no and so what they did is they called the the pharmacy that i got it at to finally be like why is this not happening and what it turns out is there was another cvs 20 minutes down the road that had it and yet this cvs they're all cvs didn't [ __ ] know that because they didn't type in their system where is this thing and i was like god it was 20 minutes down the road the whole time and you didn't even tell me so all i did was have the prescription transferred and a day later boom i had it but it's like it never would have happened if someone just gave me a goddamn straight answer anyway that's my little rant about that i am now done about that that oh i forgot how angry i was right because the problem was i was angry and then i went to the hospital so i got like things shifted real quick right things took a turn for the difference so so is the met any better for you uh honestly it's too early to tell because i started a few days ago so there's like a transitionary period and also like i'm not i'm not gonna give any recommendations for stuff like that uh so far so good i haven't exploded i will i will say that i'm sleeping better that's what i'll say i don't i can't speak to anything because i haven't i haven't tried it long enough but you know so honestly oh this might not have been worth it but so far so good i don't know it's like placebo effect where i have to love it you know what i mean after all the trouble that i've been through it's like i must i must but anyway so but like i said it's not something that i wanted to like talk about publicly because it's it's it's not your problem but then it's the only way that it can work i haven't yelled at a corporation in a while you know i've not last one was del monte or actually takis was dead to me so you know having a good old fight with the corporation is always always a fun endeavor you know always fun anyway i'm i'm good i'm good guys i'm good i'm good yeah any any type of thing about like prescription stuff that's a conversation between you and your doctor that's a conversation that for medical professionals to take care of which oddly enough you know what it's not like pharmacists aren't medical professionals but my doctor wrote the prescription why should an insurance company even have any say in what i'm not going to get into it i'm not going to get into it not going to get into it okay all right i'm here for five nights at freddy's okay i'm here to have a good time i'm here to tell you about in space with markiplier part two which is coming out monday that's gonna be a real fun time link in description set a reminder [Music] anyway it's all good now it's all good now i have my i'm good it's all good okay so what was i doing i've completely forgotten what i was doing this game i've completely forgotten what am i doing i'll test out okay camera right if the camera stalling works on different things so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna look up uh you said that dj sturf had a good uh camera stalling thing right okay let me look at this camera stalling uh one second boy hey what's up everyone dj sturf here i'm going to start the night over here let's turn on dd repel my last dd repel lovely and i have five nights at freddy's right here in the foreground what why just the first one and i'm not going to do anything too crazy here but i'm just going to move over to cam 2. i'm just going to leave it there let's drag this down a little bit yeah i collected a fazz coin in the background come on freddy come on freddy i freddie at 20 everyone else at zero you are you here freddy yeah keep running freddy keep running keep running yeah one more one more oh no my right door is open oh no but i have my camera on 4b is he still going to jump scare me a lot of people on the streams that i did for five nights at freddy's one were like oh man well you gotta you gotta close that right door otherwise you're gonna get jump scared but i have the camera on cam 4b this is called cam stalling this has been around since the first five nights at freddy's game there has to be a check in there that says if your camera's matching what this animatronic's on don't let them jump scare you they can advance but they're not going to jump scare you if your camera's stuck on this one now if i had my right door open now and i moved off to any other camera if i wanted to go to pirate code for some reason which you really never have to check you just have to do a frequent cam check in five nights at freddy's one so phone guy was wrong on that dynamic in in some way but if i moved it off the camera right now i would get jump scared by freddie or i would have freddie come in the room and then at a random time he would jump scare me that's how that dynamic wait hold on hold the phone you didn't actually need to check on foxy in five nights at freddy's one what what you only needed to open the camera what oh oh right you could eat oh so so all of that time i was clicking around cameras i didn't need to do that oh well i did hard mode so i'm better ha take that dj nerd it goes in five nights at freddy's one but basically you want to check bonnie from time to time uh because like very frequently because you can't really hear bonnie in five nights at freddy's one as fitting that we have nightmare bonnie in the background here and ultimate custom night and also whenever you see cam 4b there's also some priority and images going on as well and chica takes priority over freddy meaning if they're in the same spot there's not a graphic that shows both of them it's just going to show one of them and it's always going to be chica so if they're both there you're going to see chica and when you see chica you're like okay well now i got to check the right side to see if chica moved toward the door or if chica has moved away okay so cam 4b is basically all you need for five nights at freddy's one and i hope that helps someone out because 420 mode is really easy and almost always replicable with a very high power percentage remaining i have to reinstall it to see what this means in the meantime part two in space link description set a reminder i'll be there after this stream just kinda just gotta look something up you know just gotta just gotta look something up let's go really think about something okay just gotta just gotta think about some stuff you know just gotta uh where's this game there's this game just gotta think about some stuff and things you know what i mean just got to think about something oh [ __ ] i forgot well anyways i guess i don't know whatever god i don't do i really want to play through all of five nights at freddy's to try to test dumb theory ah welcome to five nights at freddy's one we've re-revisited that's what this god but you know what i i guess it's for specifically the other thing where can i mute this goddamn call i'm back baby oh my god you can't mute it oh i can eat it [ __ ] it baby i'm back come on roll i'm back baby [Music] five nights at freddy's won the revisiting use the skip short cd what what cd plus what what do you mean c hold c d what [Applause] hello everybody my name is markiplier and i've been through some [ __ ] but now baby i'm back alright so i made this [Music] [Music] dopamine is rushing through my little brain [Music] here [Music] baby come back [Music] [Music] [Music] give me [Music] have i finally grown taller this always seems smaller i'm the biggest [Music] dopamine is rushing through my little brain hello [Music] baby out of control come back [Music] all right that's enough i just needed a mood boost i needed to get my mood up because um i just had the most devastating news that you can skip nights in five nights at freddy's oh anyway so we just oh it was playing bam baby i'm back i'm on a roll no that that's a great one um can i just say huge immense incredible thank you to shmoyoho accent on the yo where's the whole i can't remember they they they just did such an incredible job making the music for space and like i can't wait for you to see what they have in store in part two part two is gonna be so much fun but give them all the love in the world for contributing so much to it they've done so much for me and my channel and the show and everything you know like in heist yancy's song they made that they made that it's oh it's just like there's so many talented people on on youtube and i'm so lucky that people are gonna be able to or be willing to help me out on this so just oh yeah yeah i'm so good at this bam oh god damn i'm good god damn yeah they made all the music well not all the music some of it obviously is this music from uh stock music sites but ah man i wish i could say more they're just like they're so talented they're so goddamn talented yeah yeah yeah i am the best oh i forgot the game just quits is this supposed to happen whatever that's why i'm the king that's why i got the crown sixth night all right this one's gonna be tough guys i don't know a little goddamn yeah no they they just made some incredible i oh can i okay before i do this i i do want to pull up another one of their songs that i just like is like they've made a bunch of songs for my channel just like remixes and stuff but also at the it's just like they're also incredibly talented professional musicians like you guys [Music] [Music] rises [Music] anyway just like number one bangers oops all bangers but number two just like oh man they're just so talented they deserve so much more than the algorithm will get them and if that's up to us giving them the love they deserve we're gonna do that so send them all the love of the world i don't care tweet at them like their videos watch their stuff incredibly talented just like stupidly talented okay but anyway what we're gonna look at now is if this is true about this nonsense here about this because i always had this thought and i knew that there was something about how if you didn't do something the animatronics wouldn't do anything because they had to wait for a change to happen i did not know that extended that there was some kind of permanence in where the camera was positioned in like the the when it's down because i know that when it's up it can do that thing where it goes static and things can change but the the thing about it is like i didn't think that extended any farther than it actually was also how can you see if bonnie's there that's the other question that i have so if you keep this here right that's the idea i don't know maybe you still gotta check these so he's there i guess you can always see [Music] see there yeah he's there will he really will he really not she's there oh i forgot about foxy right i forgot about that so so is the thing where you just need to flip up but that's that's crazy freddy doesn't attack i always thought it was a thing where you had to close that door before putting up the camera that was the strategy that was it oh i know i know about the 87 thing i guys i did this many years ago i know this wasn't even there at first i know this so well when i first played this when this first came out if you did this it wouldn't do anything scott added this in after the fact i know that that's how well i know this thing that wasn't there originally i am aware of that bam crown shush silence peasants anyway back to ultimate custom night oh yeah thank you motz for linking shmo yoho if you haven't listened to shimo yoho they're awesome all right so with that i didn't even finish that video i was watching that video trying to learn more about the camera stuff i just got so sidetracked all right hold on because this is a 15 minute video i want to see what the rest of this is about and by high power i'm talking you know anything at seven percent plus uh on on any sort of run okay there's also a little trick here where um you kind of gotta time it out like one two one two one two and you get a drag but i just kept the camera on 4b the entire time and freddy didn't leave at all so that's five nights at freddy's one and um yay we got notice of termination yay okay that's five nights at freddy's one cam stalling has been around since five nights at freddy's one the dynamic is still here here the plush animatronics the controversy is is so real but it's not a glitch this is something that has to be in the click team action grid as an actual check like if you're on this camera don't let this animatronic jump scare you there are only five that this applies to but they apply to all the plush animatronics plus two more and i will show you the other two as well and i hope that this can help you with your strategies because you can use this in other nights as well so if you have lefty for example if lefty's at 20 it doesn't matter if you can it doesn't matter you can just put the camera on cam 3 if no one else is a camera hog like funtime foxy where you actually got to move off the camera so there are gameplay dynamics where you can use the uh you can use the uh whatever the readme the guide or whatever for all those but we've also seen that scott left off a few of those dynamics initially like for chica because chica was also soothed by a music global music box being played but it also doesn't mention that it's at the 15 30 45 one minute or whatever if you're ai 20. interestingly too i have 23 seconds right now that i can move off the camera but if i if i'm not back on cam 2 by 4 minutes five seconds which is 20 seconds after the hour here one three and five uh at ai20 i would get jump scared so now i gotta stick on this camera because it's almost interesting so there's a 20 second window when a new animatronic appears here that you can go off of it but you have to be back for the camera stalling to still apply it's 405 and it's really strict you'll get jumpscared at 405.0 if you're not on cam 2 or if you haven't bought the plushie so there are alternative ways of of reaching a solution to getting rid of this animatronic but one of them is definitely programmed in as cam stalling so let me show you the other two and i'll finish i'll just finish tonight but you've seen this as an example and um yeah this this is the prime example of what people have called glitches or exploits or whatever but it's something that has to be programmed in the action grid to actually register so that's why i say this has been around since five minutes afraid is one and uh that's it so let's go to the other two examples um and here we go uh first one's rockstar chica and i don't have a dd repel so i'm hoping that this dd isn't calling someone but this this will be like a one minute demo or so so um i'm just gonna i'm gonna go over to cam one and you can see rockstar chica advance and let's move the sign over to the right side so that rockstar chica can attack because if you had it on the left side then that would block rockstar chica anyway so we're just gonna wait a little bit here you can keep it hot or cold i mean it doesn't matter just for this isolated example i wish i had more dd repels at this point yeah there's rockstar chica oh no the door's open though why isn't she attacking because rockstar chica can be cam stalled and if you let the ventilation go out all bets are off you just want to keep ventilated and all that um yeah if i move off the camera right now rockstar cheek is going to jump scare me so let's actually do that all right i'm going to move to cam seven ready set jump scare warning all right instant i may not absolutely instant because rockstar chica can be cam stalled it prevents rockstar chica from coming in your room and that's it however as a contrast let's look at freddy because freddy cannot be cam stalled and if you're looking at freddy we're just gonna watch the the frames advance all right so i'm gonna keep it on cam one and freddy either advances uh at a two or three second starting point usually here so there he goes at ten he might have actually started at four this time it's one of the first seconds of the night but here we go he's just going to keep advancing we're going to see freddie and freddie since the door is open the only thing you have to do is shut the left door to get rid of freddie and you just do that before a camera check and you're good but here freddie's going to jump scare us just in either 38 or 39 seconds in so jump scare warning oh 37 okay even quicker this time all right hmm so the thing that i ask myself about this is what is the intended behavior right so it's not a technological limitation that one does something versus the other right one one is something where if i had to guess given that there is a distinction and this happens to other characters there is a reactionary component to it something where no that doesn't make any sense either this has always been my problem with this methodology of playing is to me much like what i just discovered about five nights at freddy's one if if let's say for example and i'm not i'm not trying to discredit anyone else's accomplishments that's not what i'm saying this is all my personal opinion about this is if i had known about this trick with keeping five nights at or keeping freddy fazbear on the camera and that would eliminate him as a threat i don't know if i could say to myself that i actually beat him that's me that's me that's my thing and this is my exact same mentality of why i chose to do 55 mode versus what i was seeing was the outcome of you know people being 50 20. and again i am not discrediting anything that anyone has done it is not like it does not take skill to do these things to be able to get that but it's skill and a whole lot it's it's not exploiting i don't want to say it's explaining like he's right it's not exploitation it's it's it's lessening the mechanics that i believe were intended to make it easier and i have a i personally have an issue with making things easier in considering it beaten you know what i mean then again there's a whole there's a whole argument to be said but if i had known in five nights at freddy's 1 that you could do that trick i don't think i would have done it i really don't because i liked how hard it was i liked how much nuance it took i liked the fact that i thought me going over to foxy on the camera had an impact and that i needed to do it it made it harder than it needed to be but at the moment no one knew any better so it was exactly as hard as it needed to be and when it comes down to mechanics like this and the camera stalling i think for this one with ultimate custom knight it is a necessity i'm not saying that it could not be beaten without these mechanics because to be perfectly honest i kind of believe that you could if someone tried hard enough and actually did the mechanics represented to them i wonder if anyone has done a tool assisted like 50 20 mode where you could see someone doing this what what it is and what it represents is something that is like a ultimate challenge in terms of like my skill and at the time i did not believe that i had it i actually it's true even now i don't is i have enough time to be able to do 50 20 mode in the way that it could be i don't think it's impossible because there are certain things that you can definitely do and i i do believe that having mechanics of this is is definitely good and whatever it's like a fine line of wherever you decide to draw it it's my masochist is showing hey listen i like a challenge i do and i applaud the effort of everyone here that is doing this to the difficulty that it is i'm not taking away anything from that but my personal satisfaction in beating these things has always been overcoming like something that i thought would have been literally impossible anyway i'll leave it at that i'll leave it to that my only thing that i could say is like because i don't know enough about 50 20 mood to even say that i could beat it in any sort of way i'm not saying that i could i definitely haven't put enough time into looking into the mechanics and i'm not trying to criticize anything that they're saying personally speaking though i draw the line if if the example is five nights at freddy's one and you [Music] hold freddy at that camera to beat the game you did not beat 420 mode that is where i draw the line i have every right to speak about that one i have no right at all to speak about the ultimate custom knight because i have not beaten it i will say that that is where i leave it and that's what i say so do i decree it anyway now back to me failing now back to me failing completely all right hold on a second here all right so doth do i decree it all right i had to take care of a little spam thank you very much all right now back to this where am i here i am excellent all right so the other thing that i want to test out is how many coins [Music] how many coins you get from the doors because i gotta figure out what the actual economy is to this because there is like these guys appear at the doors right no matter what they appear at the doors is there anything that i just had a thought hang on i have to test it what happens when the heat gets up have i ever thought about what happens when the heat goes up like what is the physical effect that occurs when it gets too hot so i have the heater on right now so i'm literally boiling myself alive it gets hot does anything else happen is there only is it only a situation where certain animatronics are affected by the heat what occurs what happens not a whole lot but there are certain uh animatronics that are affected by it heat causes him to appear faster okay how much faster that's another question they don't like the spice i get that i understand that i understand that intensely okay so you're there so let's turn the heater on or peter on is that faster it is that faster might be it's hard to say it is it is faster okay it's definitely faster definitely definitely faster but a little bit interesting okay all right so that's another that that's another interesting thing is there any other character that's affected by heat one work of the office is 100 degrees or more ah that's the issue so if the office heats up she will appear in both hallways at the same time interesting and you can't close the doors is that was that what i read like you cannot close the doors how do you know when she appears ah there she is so she'll kill me if i open the doors or is it going to happen anyway it happens anyway sorry jumpsuit ah okay hello please can i please i need to please please i must uh there we go okay so that's interesting that is interesting oh hello someone here i missed it i have no idea is someone here someone by the name of dj who i see nothing a myth a shadow in the night gone forever oh there you are okay okay i see i see i see cool uh interesting fascinating fascinating it's me hello what a handsome man much more handsome than that darko fellow what a nerd i don't know i always love going on to mad past live streams and just being the biggest [ __ ] possible that's what i usually do when i'm on other people's content in the first place i just try to be as big a dick as possible hello all right i look dj i'm i'm doing ultimate costume night you proud of me look i'm learning all right let me see so the interesting thing about heat is i wonder because the i mean obviously heat is bad but is heat really only dictated by this as a problem i think there's another one that um the pink [ __ ] the pink [ __ ] uh the pink [ __ ] causes to spawn right right there's something that does that there's something wait why don't you have anything oh oops have you guys not seen anything oops uh now look i'm learning i'm a good youtuber i'm a good streamer i'm a great streamer i know exactly what i'm doing go see my show in space part two is very good it's very good actually it's extremely good you're gonna love it link's in the description all right yeah so yeah i think there's another one that that brings in don't let it linger yeah because there's some there's some things that i unless i'm misunderstanding something there's some things about this that i i'm not i'm doubtful of of my like looking at this in like terms of the fastest way to beat this uh in a way that i would want to beat it ballora gives you nightmares why what's wrong with balora i'm so curious i'm gonna do a thing here um i just wanna i just wanna test something out here i'm gonna die immediately because i'm gonna forget someone's mechanic even if they're like number one i'm not gonna be able to do it you get that there you get that there you have five for the global music box to be able to do that you set that there oh god what do i do i've completely forgotten um so foxy is technically there and if you look that's good close this there's so many people there's so many animatronics that i'm probably forgetting some you want the death coin for fun time because that's gonna happen anyway there's a show there oh and then you have right you still have all of this nonsense you don't need the show here whatever i'm not doing this the way it should be done even if i wanted to do it the right way you're there you just flash golden freddy there for a second you know how it'd be right that one interesting and i'm gonna probably how may i be of service to you i'm gonna die definitely okay i guess you forgot about me well i wasn't about to i was about to get you something am i lagging am i lagging horribly probably not oh yes i am yes i am fascinating because because this is what i loved about like doing the i do like this game i don't want anyone to think that i don't i really actually do i think it's a fascinating complex ludicrously designed beast of a game it is just stupid how much is here there's just so much going on so many layers and i wish there were more secrets actually i really do um and it's something that's like thoroughly enjoyable to just ratchet up the sheer difficulty and the number of things that you got that it it's like very pleasing to the brain you know and i mean it like scratches a very particular extremely complex itch that i think is just fascinating it doesn't apply to any other game that i have seen in recent years or in past years it reminds it's like a bullet hell in a lot of ways which i enjoy i love complex very tightly focused platformers yeah yeah most of these secrets are just voice lines i mean what else could they really be i mean you could have like some secrets hidden in here game mechanics and stuff like that it scratches an itch it scratches a very specific itch and it's an issue that you don't get a lot and i have not played a lot of bullet hells recently but you know it's kind of like i like the concept of having all these plates spinning up in the air and you're juggling like a chain dozen chains saws at the same time and you get like think it's like a complexity of like patting your head and rubbing your stomach and trying to like i can't even do it properly but because like doing all that it's very very cool very very cool 50 20 best time 18 seconds you know it baby you know it but i think here's what i think despite everything that i've just learned in this stream i would not say with any sort of confidence that i would be able to beat it at this time in in enough time that i have for today i definitely would not be able to beat this it is too big of a task and i have not dedicated enough time to it however what i will say is that i swear i swear there is a different way to beat 50 20. and i'm sure it's already been done that i'm sure it already has but there's a different way because even looking back at me playing 55 and seeing like yes i was very quick not not as quick as i needed to be to be to beat it more easily but i was very quick and it was something that was super super interesting to keep all of these plates in and to like oh yeah every hour on the or every hour on the hour every hour on the hour and doing all those things like it's very interesting i want to come back to this if you haven't if you haven't figured out i am out of time for today i this this stream has gone on way longer than i thought it would uh but at the same time like if it's for just about five hours now at the same time i want to come back to this one i really do i want to come back to this one i want to because one of my favorite things to do is exactly what i've been doing is like looking at each of these individually and like trying to understand the nuances of it i know that there is definitely going to be some compromises that need to be done that you have to find one or another i'm curious about this i am super curious about this but it'll wait for another day so i want to say this very very quickly before anyone goes hey hold on hold on hold on hey listen when i come back i'm going to part two of in space with markiplier comes out on monday at noon pacific there's a link in the description i will be in the chat after this messing with you guys over there if you want to keep going um but remember i will get back to normal videos that means a normal upload schedule of completely normal videos two weeks after part two releases i know some of you are like oh but it's been so long i worked on this for two years right after going through unisonis and then straight out straight before that i was doing heist i haven't taken a break since then this is my break i've earned it however there will be a space behind the scenes live stream that we will do the following sunday not tomorrow sunday one week from sunday all about the process of space because we i want people to have a chance to watch it i want people to have a chance to enjoy it to tear through it really appreciate it i mean [ __ ] we put so much time and effort into it you rabid animals stop ripping it apart in two hours just in just pace yourselves you need like one of those doggy bowls that has the puzzles in it because you just consumed too quickly if you consume too quickly tell a friend about it and spread the word about it give all the love to the people that were a part of the show everyone who contributed go give them a thank you for the delicious meal that you just devoured and way too quickly okay understand and also really truly just enjoy that all of it you are going to love part two you are going to love part 2 it has everything you want i promise you it has everything so check it out on monday i will be there and you will be there live at the premiere so that we can all enjoy it together and with that being said matpat did release a video about in space you should go check that out and give it a like if you didn't already and remember in the link in the description right down there is the link to the part 2 premiere set a reminder so that you will be reminded when 12 p.m pacific standard time rolls around on monday okay i understood all right thank you and as always i will see you when monday 12 noon that's p.m pacific standard time i don't want to see you at midnight on the page it will be too early or too late so i'll see you then just remember monday okay and with that i'm gonna go okay bye guys farewell thank you so much for joining the stream i will see you all monday and check out the website while you still can while you still can okay all right i'm gonna go now but i'm gonna watch oh no i'm gonna go i'm gonna watch you i'm gonna go
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,704,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, ultimate custom night, markiplier, in space with markiplier, iswm, fnaf, fnaf ultimate custom night, markiplier five nights at freddy's, reactions, revisited, gaming, lets play, playthrough
Id: BSq_x5MNdmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 300min 46sec (18046 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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