Mark gradually loses his patience with Security Breach

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and i can't wait for this to hi why do you move at a slower frame rate than everything else yes what you got something to say say to my face oh okay it's actually a bro where did you come from that how do i grab your proprietals what did i get i didn't even oh my oh my god hate hate it hate why is it in here with me oh no bye-bye it's past your bedtime you must be punished okay what purpose does this serve for the education and care of children oh good yeah this is here for babies to find good yeah that's that's fine let them play around with the wires you know no no hi okay you can't get me in here right really hoping that that's a no oh there you are okay are you currently sprinting at me as if you're gonna kill me because it doesn't seem to be working are you just sitting there waiting i think you're just sitting there waiting you still there oh there you are oh i see a little strange there you go you did it good job then maybe oh my god do i have to do all those again i'm guessing yes this is five nights at freddy's redoing work is all part of the experience what is that about that's weird oh oh okay that yeah that's fine are you like right there oh my god you're right there oh my god what do i do about that nothing i run i run that's what i do i go away i know where the last one is oh my god run get up get up and run there's one right here oh my god how do i get in there oh my god oh my you [ __ ] oh god what the hell get it no get it clean up clean up you you you you yeah no how did i get you all ready oh my god oh you son of a [ __ ] it was on the bottom floor the whole damn time i'm fine mr sun man where'd you go i got a word to pick with you it's definitely a different departure from a lot of like the previous five nights at freddy's i mean big open roam and all that um it's got some quirks to it definitely but i love the style you know i can't fault it for that it's definitely got the style there hi please take this map take a map you're by far the scariest thing in this whole goddamn game i'll take one thank you but also screw you go to hell am i able to look at the map now oh i'm able to look at the map now [Music] hi okay well you're not that scary i guess oh okay wait am i dead from that tiny thing i can punch that thing from here to timbuktu oh hey how are you doing okay that's not so bad ah you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't know where i am oh hide hide hide hide hide hide there's no hiding place oh hi no no no no no okay that's not what you said i'm gonna die here okay where's it gonna drop me great good you are going to need a much higher security level to get out that way come back to me right away okay well this was a bunch of usefulness okay do i have to go back the way that i came how did you get there i do not know if this is where i'm supposed to be hey you don't know what what i don't get you and your teleporting ass hey look an old poster that i already collected [Music] what do you mean you don't see anything where am i i'm nowhere apparently here no there no hey nowhere i am nowhere all right well that was useless you are now looking at the exit to this level can't see it let me zoom for you it's in between these two washing machines i did not find this for 45 minutes am i not supposed to be where i am right now okay well all right oh boy i don't know where i'm going there's no real clear directions oh come on there's nothing there there's nothing there's nothing there why is it telling me to go that way hold on this is this is expressly unfair how is this oh my god and then hyper speed chica it's hyper speed chica [Music] oh so the door doesn't door what's my mission isn't it just return to freddy how do i do that oh oh oh oh oh my god wha wha wha what no no god no god no no no no it was right there oh my god oh my god i i haven't saved [Music] roxy raceway i know where that is okay well if only it wasn't absolutely low resolution this game is 80 gigabytes and yet they couldn't spare a single kilobyte for this map all right that's completely unhelpful well now i'm gonna make progress i hope it seems to be oh a roxy balloon and what exactly am i supposed to do with these collectibles ah that's not gonna last something tells me that's gonna become a pile of goop in my pocket but oh well shove it down there with the shirt in the balloon that was obvious okay well oh boy can i run you're the best you will find it uh-huh okay how's that narcissism coming along right good good great you should be able to run a showtime program which will activate the lift you seem a little twitchy there freddy also because of your twitchiness i was paying attention to that not what you said what did you say i better avoid that spotlight what spotlight i don't see oh that spot okay apparently i didn't avoid the spotlight you don't see anything no how do you see anything you don't you don't how could you you couldn't there's no way oh oh my god oh wow well this is fun why how do you see me so you're right there and you're not moving did you get stuck i think you got stuck oh you're stuck behind the barrier you idiot oh my god what's happening what is happening to me why why why what is happening what well that seems a little illogical but okay hi please take this map take a map yeah me too buddy don't know it's enough of the utility tunnels it looks like there's a security office nearby if i can find another security badge i can get into parts and service does it look like that to you because it don't look like that to me what do you see in here i'm seeing dick and diddly uh that wall just moved very good greg very good i can't there's no way okay i'll go without a flashlight that's fine flashlights for nerds that's the scariest part in this game what the hell [Music] oh what did i do wrong i'm not gonna lie it has been pretty buggy so far but this one actually felt clean and put together and well well organized so you know i'm i i kind of like it i hope it gets i hope it continues like this for the rest of the game because this is very fun because that's it's fine hi hello how you doing you good you good i don't have time for this okay all right sure fine i'll go here then [Music] and not save oh oh my god like to reiterate the fact that i have not saved in a spell oh yep that's what i thought okay well i'll be back guys all right oh now i can save something was just broken before i have marked both locations on your map have you you did what no you didn't no you did not you didn't do that don't lie to me freddy you didn't mark [ __ ] on my map what are you talking about big guy please tell me that's freddy okay okay okay okay okay okay uh uh buddy i'm over here oh hi okay yeah thanks pal oh yeah where did you go come with me come to me friend i win hey you have defeated the alien army good job space cadet proceed to the winners elevator for your reward all right so i gotta go get my reward where's my reward where's the winner's elevator where's the winner's exit where do i go uh uh i'm a winner i'm a winner i wanna win i'm so blinded by my success that i can't possibly discover where the winner elevator would be wait oh i had to put my phaser blaster in the faster blaster return did it tell me to return the phasor blaster did it tell me that now where the hell are we going okay hey what's up chica feeding frenzy in the bakery won't turn off even when unplugged the game just keeps running there's no way it has that much residual charge yeah well things don't seem to work properly around here no matter what you do investigate the phaser blast office wait was i not done there oh god my god hi i thought you were freddie give up no you okay buddy you alright come on freddy come on oh oh oh my god freddy come on freddy you can do it come on freddy ready freddy you there oh you're not here what okay whatever he's gone apparently get the security upgrade oh i was supposed to go here well okay well this isn't exactly a problem because i can just hop in you and go on my merry way freddie where are you are you in the room right now freddy okay i knew you were coming that was you okay what happens if i do one of these there's nothing i get it i see where it all connects i got all of it hi okay thank you for that yeah yeah yeah i know i know i i okay get out well last part and gift i guess i'll try to get in there you can't tell me otherwise freddy oh i can't even get freddy here [Music] [Applause] oh that's concerning but i'll have to get to that in the next episode freddy no still no freddie here hey hey watch yourself i'm sorry what the hell was that could uh use some advice on what's going on around here parts and service is concerned that chica will suffer heavy damage if she ever gets caught in a trash compactor uh-huh well that's a subtle hint that's where the staff robots in this game are scarier than anything ah it's all right you don't need to do that there's gotta be something back there that i didn't see hello monty mystery mix was it down there and i just didn't look hard enough really oh hello are you the mod are you the ice cream mix oh i couldn't have just gotten that it's kind of confusing when everything is in a box and game on where am i going all right hi hello hi yes i do actually take one of these thank you i'm off hi i'm off to go smash cheek in a [ __ ] yes i can this is not my laser right between the eyes how's that one yes uh-huh [Laughter] it is interesting that there have been kind of like different choices that oh my god you guys whoa where where where stop oh my god stop that okay if you could not it's mystery monty mix mega monty mystery mix don't don't oh my god oh my gosh i'll take that thank you very much ah wow god hi hello yeah okay don't worry about that don't worry about that whoa oh my god i was not that close to you i'm hopping in i'm hopping in oh god oh god hey hi i'm take one of these oh god you're not affected by one of them oh freddy hey fredster what you up to all right upgrade freddie and parts and service i got to go to parts and service okay freddy you ready for an upgrade we're going to go down to parts and services and you are going to be able to talk better you [Music] did you hate the idea that much ready click on the bow tie to take it off thanks i i got i got it that much yeah okay all right thank you click on the voice boxes i get it i get it i get it my guy requires freddie get over here freddie really freddie please oh my what is it cause you ran out of power i'm curious oh oh what what whoa whoa whoa bug i found one what the hell so if you bring freddy close to a door that's level 10 it'll open for him i like knowing about that i'm going to use that all right freddie get over it god damn it freddy okay thank you for opening that so what is with the loading issues so wow loading's a little odd oh of course for those of you who don't know what just happened i had to approach that gate in freddy and then when he got close he automatically like shouted and the door opened had i not been in freddie i would never have known what to do at that point and there was no indication of what i was supposed to do okay nobody likes a loser well you know i guess you don't like yourself then because you are the biggest loser i've ever known you chased me you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] don't tell me that your orbiting pattern was just there ah hi you think you're better than me always every time oh my god oh okay thank you don't don't no no oh god you sucking suck ass oh my why how the boy you're going back behind the thing god you will need a working driver spot in order to use this card oh man the robot's missing its head what what back at the raceway near the northwest stairs if only i knew which way north was yeah it was right by the safe station it was literally next to the safe station nope or it wasn't or it was not all right it's got to be back here somewhere this is kind of where they were saying back behind the stairs i don't know if it's upstairs or downstairs let me try going up the stairs oh do i have to go all the way around i bet i have to go all the way around i bet they're gonna make me do that oh hi really really this is what you this is what you put here okay yeah feeling about that so now i gotta go to the west arcade to repair this head this game has ups and downs there's moments when i really feel like that five nights at freddy's connections however there are certain moments when i'm just like okay okay but i'm willing to let those go because part of me just like i there's there's still that carrot on a stick that's drawing me down into it so freddy freddy i think he's stuck outside the building freddy freddy freddy well this is a bit of a problem freddy because um it's locked there if you see the dj say hello he is such a nice fellow [Music] he is such a nice fellow he is not oh hell no okay i'll be with you in a moment oh my god i didn't know you were going that way no no god no let go of me we got issues every time every time you suck it says oh my god okay a little oh the west arcade was not shut down properly some data may be corrupted initializing startup sequence before proceeding reset the audio manager circuit breaker located next to the dance floor also oh here's one yes no no no really that doesn't count as one why is gregory here oh why would that be a good protocol please reset circuit breakers to all zones three zones remain janitorial surface arcade arcade oh oh oh oh yeah i had every reason to worry i'm sorry oh i'm sorry is that supposed to be entertaining janitorial oh my god wha why oh my god that's a problem that's a big problem okay i'm gonna gun it out the other side wow stop please aha that's one got it i must run yo oh my god why why holy sh shoot oh my god you are the worst oh yeah i should be using my cameras okay what do we got i'm there i'm right next to it i'm literally oh my god oh my god where oh god no no god damn it i have to do all that again why why music's so big oh that music's rough damn it you were nowhere near me oh yeah that's why it said run before i get it but i want to look no i don't want to look oh my god don't do that oh my god oh my god why do i keep looking oh my oh my god why did i look why did i look oh no are you serious oh my god oh my god i wanna see this thing okay i get it i'm running i'm supposed to run i get that but you're not even gonna let me look at it the most visually interesting thing you could possibly imagine and i'm not even allowed to look at it and you don't even put an autosave or nothing whoa that was too close please get out of the way what oh my god hi oh hey bud whoa oh why did you stop there you [ __ ] all right not looking not looking yeah that's so yep here we go oh my god are you kidding me are you serious right now don't do that [Music] wow all right welcome back to this room that was an ordeal for me but you know very cool sequence didn't want to play it 10 times but very cool oh oh oh that's what it say to do so i do it oh they're beautiful oh my god oh my god oh my god okay wow oh god please no oh this oh i i don't know why are you climbing on that box [Music] hey am i bugged or something is this not quite right i have a feeling it's not going hang on okay okay okay okay okay i just i did that on purpose yeah i think she was supposed to be able to charge you know you want us oh my god oh my god okay hey okay here we go and i'm through okay i'm through very fun very cool very scary loved it a lot still a little buggy but you know the jank i'm starting to embrace it all right well that was great thanks freddie thank you and finalized bam good news it is almost six o'clock you will be safe now if you find an exit but hurry the daycare attendant is loose one last time what escape escape the p what do you what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what are you talking about wait hold on hold on a heaping helping of a hot second hold on stop this can't be the end alright so i don't know what this is about it's saying that you know it's it's almost done or whatever is is this just like a last sprint for collectibles so that i can get what i need or what i've missed or something like that so that i can get everything before the end of the game what what what no but i i have to put the eyes back in again what [Music] now i'm gonna save before i finish that's a good idea then i don't have to do that again oh my god freddy hurry up freddie no here where are you going freddie are you serious freddie not there oh my god oh my god no not tonight not tonight not tonight don't do it don't do it oh my god where are you what happened what what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened i saw a mission pop up that said plan a what let's go freddy what is this stay lee vanny vanny what is this what does this choice mean i'm clicking it oh oh what what what what what what disassembly what what oh what what what what what happened what you are my super star [Music] did they run out of budget for the last animation i probably still can't save i'm betting aspara theater i never even went over here fazbear theater oh freddy you're in the fazbear theory yes you are there's so many areas in this game and it doesn't feel like they're all utilized what i think happened is they obviously put an incredible amount of detail into the game itself right the actual environment of the game i think that the game originally played a lot differently than the way it does right now because what we have is a series of really interesting moments that are connected in a way that isn't as cohesive as one would think it would be there are a lot of really polished moments that feel very uh nice and they're they're cohesive and they're the experience is good and on the other side there are moments that do not feel as connected and other things the the spirit what the hell enjoy the comedy stylings of staffbot what [Music] yeah okay can i enjoy the comedy stylings of snapbot this is another thing that feels like it was going to be something but maybe it's not going to be something i don't know oh god how you oh my god no not monty not monty not monty not monty i can't stop monty i can't stop monty freddy freddy please freddie freddie now now freddie now now freddy no oh no no no no no ready not like this please give me give me a freddy freddy oh my god freddy ready you bastard this morning there was a patch for this game and i think i think what the intention was to fix some bugs and possible exploits with freddie being able to open doors or being summoned too closely clearly the way that he's summoned now has changed but in doing so it seems like they broke him entirely so thank you everybody so much for watching i'm done in this episode we're gonna finish this but i'm gonna go to the golf course because i'm assuming that's monty's area it's i think it even said monty's golf course [Music] so that means that there's got to be something in there that can stop him from being such an a-hole it's gonna be really unfortunate if i die and also how do i get a level 10 pass how does that happen [Music] only got two bars of power left so i need to be very careful about this okay what's the map say oh if i get caught i'm dead here he comes hi buddy all right let's hop in this charger no no no are you kidding are you kidding no i'm not gonna be able to charge with freddy this whole time is that what you're saying to me is that what you're saying because that's kind of bs that's a little ridiculous no no no not like this not like this hide hide i died [Music] oh my god i've never been more scared of those things never oh no no no no hide hide hiding hiding immediately that's not a heidi are you kidding me chica's delicious bath to fitness oh my god these buttons change the maze i wonder what the right combination is i also wonder what the right combination is so i'm guessing that the maze in its current configuration will not allow me to get to the place where i need to go for the maze or the the vent right where am i what is this what is this and where am i freddie bro i can't summon freddy here [Music] but there's a security office which means that there's probably a badge here no it's not i can deactivate the alarm but it will take some time what oh god no oh so i know where the daycare theater is because i saw it before oh i can get in them now you know what actually since freddy works never mind spoke too soon there spoke real too soon i'm just gonna ride them out because i don't have time for any of the other [ __ ] aha and i'm willing to bet that nothing has changed oh my god everything's changed please tell me that you can protect me we're never going back down there again but we're fine how do i get by you guys oh god oh god no no not now no no oh god oh my god freddy could you please rescue me no oh oh god he did the thing why is it still red oh my god why oh my god freddy could you please i can't believe it but i have what i need oh my god if i don't get this made it to mazer says still no saves guys still no saves so one would move left and it would put blue in that yes okay god that's a terrible way to do this but i got there eventually that took oh no you don't you don't don't i i know you're there do not i swear to god i'm gonna go for it go if i could run oh no you [ __ ] now oh my god no i swear i was ready to destroy everything i was ready to destroy everything i was so ready to just obliterate everything i was gonna burn it all down oh hey here i am oh god no no no no oh no oh no what i'm gonna do oh god what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing i think i gotta hit something in the hole in one over there oh my god oh my god oh my god did i get it i see i see i see you oh god oh my god run oh my god that's not fair come on [Music] okay okay huh this is the most insanely harrowing adventure i've ever seen god i hope i don't mess up the upgrade in parts and services boy i really hope i don't mess that up oh my god i'm hoping that this just like is actually the end and if it's not i have no idea what i'm gonna do i literally have no idea what i'm gonna do if this isn't the end i i don't know great job now close the casing good job oh okay that's it use monty's claws to open special gates scattered through the pizza plex i have seen those yes okay is that it oh god no i would like to go out this way but apparently i cannot oh it is a long six a.m this is it okay so i just gotta grab it and then i stay in the office because i got it's probably going to make me play some kind of five nights at freddy's close the doors thing okay here she comes i just gotta pay attention which way she's going right gonna close this door closing closing oh my god oh my god oh my god i was right there i god i was muted i do that every time what i want to do is i want to get that security office done before all of the golf stuff hopefully it means that i'll have less to do after i can't save which is the big problem i did see all the comments of a lot of people saying oh you can shoot the security bots now i've tried that before i've tried that and it didn't work c c c c c see it does nothing so this like now that i've done this before and i know how it goes it's not going to be that bad it's much more manageable if i know what i'm dealing with why what just happened i don't like that whatever that is okay it's fine okay see there we go i got that perfect i can save i'm going to make a new slot oh my god good thing i saved working perfectly good thing i saved wait they have a no there's a targeting thing in i don't understand you why would it not be on there's no level 10 i don't believe you i don't believe you i do not believe oh god you guys might have to sit through me fiddling with the maze i literally cut out 25 minutes of me fiddling with that maze that's why i was so aggravated when they almost got me because it was just like so much there well would you look at this [Music] gregory what are you doing i cannot see he doesn't want to let me in anymore it's too mean to him he's really mad at me wonderful are you still mad at me he's still mad at me i might have broken i think i might have broken him well i wonder if what if i zap myself with this aha i've fixed him perfectly fixed now done i can't get out of him [Music] i can't get out of him oh boy i really did i am the best as really laggy i'm like neo i see the code that lies between the textures in the walls i tamper with the fabric of this reality and everyone is just my play thing oh i can get out well i know that there's a lot of bugs right there's a lot of bugs it was aggravating at points but i think it's like more ambitious than it was able to execute on but that doesn't mean it's bad like yeah there are bugs but it hasn't really prevented me from playing the game and it hasn't made me stop wanting to play the game you know whoa that was you orbited way sooner than i thought you would distraction why is moon mad why is moon mad all right so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna go see if i can take care of uh monty before even getting in golf because if i'm not mistaken i have a path to go there i would love to zoom in on this map this map doesn't have as much functionality as i would have thought oh [ __ ] okay well the last time i said it doesn't matter oh what ready did you break the elevator for me did you break the elevator come over here step away from the elevator there we go okay i don't think he was supposed to be able to come up here and i somehow broke him into here yeah [Music] oh it's the this is the last place that i want to be i know i need the claws for a lot of things there's probably some areas that are just completely inaccessible without me getting those claws so i think it might be time for me to finally do that it's time to upgrade freddie get to the end so that i can go into the golf course get the claws and then i won't be bashing my head against the wall trying to find things that i may not be able to find and i'm pretty sure at this point in the game that i'm good enough that i won't die randomly from the craziest stuff let me go save here because from this point on this will be the last time that i'm able to save pressure's on we're good we're good this is easy this is the easy part no stress it's amazing how different the pressure is when i know from now on that it's like game over if i died oh what oh it's not letting me go up this oh you [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] it's always gotta do something it's always gotta mess with me somehow i know i'm staying thank you for the past i'll take that yep i am glad so we're going here i can't say i need to go back whoa hey pal me no you are a douchebag and you're blind oh you're blind you're blind you're blah okay now why why don't oh you do not do not don't why why would you do this why are you like this why are you like this stop being like this are you serious what we're gonna do is we're gonna do this real quick like we're gonna be done in a flash i already know what i need i need three on the verge see this is all the stuff that i cut out that you get to see not that button okay we got it definitely got it is it open i can't tell why is it open no welcome to the party buddy welcome to the party it's gonna be a good time now that you're here and easy some kind of skill left in these old really oh this is bugged man good job [Music] there might be another oh don't [Music] wham all right thank you for that can you there seem to be well oh perfect perfect ready almost buddy you not quite keep trying ready freddy ready excuse me open the door freddy open the door open the door open the door yes oh i i'm gonna cheat through because i'm gonna get in here with him he's oh wow that's weird that's like a heart what if i hop out am i through it's not my fault that i'm playing at such a high level that the game can't keep up wait what the hell no i definitely got that one because that one is that one is uh that's the magnet that i used on the machine i found the free gift uh it's a crappy mr hippo fridge magnet i know if i was just in freddy this wouldn't be a problem but i'm not okay that's a problem now i now have a problem freddy get over here get your ass ass here ass here now on the double on the double okay that was a fruitful adventure lad guys panic scream scream at the top of your lungs panic it's the lag the leg yeah the problem is there's so much place and i don't know exactly what needs to be clawed open what needs to be done i'm not 100 sure about all those things because there's a lot of things that i could potentially do i just don't know what needs to be done oh my god are you kidding me are you serious really i can't have freddy back here why give me one good reason give me one good reason oh why holy crap i have no idea what's going on this is very bizarre bob i'll trust you on it i'll trust you i'm trusting you on it okay i'm trusting you on that i'm gonna go there then i go all the way back to the daycare and then go all the way back i'm not risking this area because i know that chica is still up there and there's a present back there apparently i'll get that on the way out oh he is there well that would be all of them right so i go back to the daycare i go through all that stuff and i'm good to go right whoa my god god damn you no where where oh no [Music] gregory you have a choice to make the door is open well we saw her hide out right and phaserblast maybe we could catch her there if she thinks i escaped maybe we can surprise her yes come let us end this i'm trying to skip it's not letting me skip i can't oh my god i want to skip you gave me the option and yeah it's not here you said skip and it's not skipping here what what no it's just one of those things where it's like god i'm trying to be so careful and chica spawns on top of me and that kills me saw her still can't skip this like i'm fine [Music] the end a five nights at freddy's security breach i want to be very clear that doesn't mean that i'm done with this as frustrated as i can get it doesn't mean that i dislike the game because there is like love put into a lot of the corners of this game there's not a lot of polish in some places but that doesn't matter i do enjoy this and i think the experience is very good um i will however do all of the endings i'm not a quitter if there's one thing that i'm not it's quitter [Music]
Channel: Xploshi Plus
Views: 4,458,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, fnaf, security breach, bugs, glitches, compilation, anger, rage
Id: rjCrq751eiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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