Fishing for Catfish in Chemical Creek

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look at that oh that is hideous that's my boat not sure what that is but it's gross well it's a gorgeous spring morning i'm out before daylight getting to the boat ramp getting the boat in the water and uh going out today uh gonna try out a new fishing reel combo that i think is gonna surprise you uh i'm gonna try doing some anchoring to catch some fish and then i'm gonna have to battle the wind at some point today come along with me let's go catch some fish hey folks i'm peter melhorn today we're going fishing in some beautiful spring weather we've got some bad weather coming we'll talk about that later uh but for now i'm going to get the rods baited up and get them in the water i think y'all know what's in here oh there it is guys y'all know what that is ain't no dying we're gonna throw a denying we're gonna throw it right down there on the catfish cutting board by the way if you want one of these really cool catfish cutting boards i'll put a link down in the description below or you can go to my website there's a link there and there's our promo code for all catfish products type in catfish at check out c-a-t-f-i-s-h you get a whole bunch of money off anyway we're fishing and i got a little surprise for you in a minute something you're not gonna believe well you may because you know i'm crazy like that so anyway today we're it's not like fishing and stuff today today today today putting the ripping lip super cat bait casting right on the boat that's not the amazing part though uh i have been using their spinning rods on my spinning tackle for about a month and uh decided to give those a break love them so far and put these on the boat i'm putting pinky on one of them they're red so guess what we're putting on there you got that right we're putting some of this magic juice on here strawberry jell-o goodness well they ain't no surprise that i got this on the boat y'all kind of expect that by now it's uh been working been producing fish so daddy's gonna keep on using it to keep it simple oh look at that for you guys at home red rods are going to equal the jello we're going to put some cut bait on the other ones i've got six rods i know you're doing the math you're going deeper you only got two red rods what's going to be the other jello rod how are we going to know which one that's jello that's where the surprise rod's coming in oh look at that folks we are going old school we're going with a spin casting rail and an ugly stick catfish right this rod has caught thousands of catfish look how old this thing is look at that we're going old school we're going retro i got to get it tied up i got it spooled up with some andy line i put on there last night we're gonna try to catch some fish right now guys it's nice and calm out here man there is no wind at all it is slick but wind's coming uh the wind's gonna pick up significantly today uh i'm gonna get up to some what i'm seeing on the weather weather 30 mile an hour gusts so we're going to be drifting here needless to say as that happens uh i'm not a big fan of anchoring in that sometimes you have to and it's just frustrating no matter what you do you've got boats swaying and moving around especially with my boat just like a bobber it's on top of the water so for now we're going to anchor i'm going to try this early and uh as soon as this wind starts to get up and gets consistent i'm going to go to doing some drifting so it'll be big drifts like drifting man that's gonna be a lot of wind but that's okay we can fish it uh i can drift in any kind of wind it don't matter how bad it gets i have a lot more confidence in that fishing uh drifting in the wind i do anchoring in the wind or at least i enjoy it more you can catch fish either way but uh i just i i can control my boat speed don't have to worry about spinning around like a top but for now for next little bit we're gonna give it a shot here see if we can stick one all right guys i got it tied up here uh put me a uh santee rig on it got me some chicken i'm gonna sweeten the pot with it because i know they love chicken man i have not fished with a spin caster in forever ugly sticks been a few years since i've used those a lot so we're gonna chunk this thing out there and see if we can hook into a piggy boom got i think we got one going on yes uh catfish pro rod hooked up baby hooked up this one has you guessed it perch on it perch bait first fish on a cut date man there's some nasty stuff in this water i'm gonna show y'all a picture of this in a second they call this chemical creek for a reason good gracious oh it's nasty in here i think i can lift this fish in one thing it's gonna be all kinds of gross look at all the crap that's on it there's like this nasty part of it's piling the other part is some not only knows what poor fish i hate to release him into it look at all that stuff huh look at all the crap that's on him that's nasty huh gross i think i got one hitting this rod ain't even got this one back in the water yet yep that would be the ripping lips rod matter of fact let me do this pop this one boom he is hooked up i'm trying to put a rag on this to get all this crap off the line that's pretty bad yeah i didn't even get that one back out yet another piece i have a little pack of them coming through here about the same size nothing super huge take it nasty water dude nasty i'll show you that in a second i guarantee you that it's not the same fish that it's a little bigger actually semi-semicima there we go man hopefully one will hit my subco reel really good fun eater-sized fish there yeah all that stuff on him wow two back to back in a hurry let me get this one back out up here and get some of the magic goodness oh the miracle bait man there it is they won that little piece factor look at that that is goodness goodness scrump delicious oop drop my hook my first fish that i've caught on the rip ripping lips bait casting rod caught him on the spinning rod good action i like it look at that oh that is hideous like i said some of it's pollen there's also like this scummy film there's my boat you see my boat there i got just a line of stuff on it not sure what that is but it's gross ah there comes some of the wind uh i was talking about it's not bad yet but uh starting to get a little breeze now uh two fish back to back right quick uh makes you wonder is there like a little pack of them moving through did uh one fish bite and spark another one who knows but we got two close together there one on chicken one on perch so uh kind of an even split here um i always wonder when that happens you know is there like a little group of them feeding or does that one fish sense another fish feeding and decides to hit whatever bait's closed i don't know who knows what happens with that but uh eater-sized fish nothing super big uh hopefully i can get you know an hour out of sitting here uh i'd like to spend a little more time just in case there's some bigger fish uh we'll just see what the wind does right now like i said it's not bad uh i am curious about that nasty stuff in the water though is it's pretty gross i'm gonna have to clean the boat today for sure to get that stuff off of it uh but yeah we're gonna give a little sit here uh springtime it's a nice morning right now uh the bad part is it's gonna be getting cold uh here soon but we'll talk about that and what effect that may have on the catfish all right guys got one going on the chicken chicken side of the boat red rods and the zebco 88 it's all got chicken on it uh i'm drifting now made her run down the lake and uh decided to do some trolling the uh wind's starting to blow but not bad uh the bite was not on fire up there just got a hankering to move across the water and drag some baits so that's what i'm doing had one good slamming bite a minute ago did not get hooked up and then got this one so this is on that new super cat ripping lips rod uh i've been trying out and it's another good eater-sized fish come out sucka there it is good heater fish good eater guys good fish nice one now one thing i failed to do earlier oh squeeze the chicken i caught a fish earlier on chicken i didn't squeeze the chicken and i just caught another one so i gotta squeeze the chicken again yeah folks that bite uh up there wasn't on fire it wasn't bad i could put a couple fish in the boat uh i had to pull down up there anchored it to get hooked up on but a little breeze and was just kind of anxious to do a little dragon and just see what the drift bites like and uh so i got my rods out split up nice and even again uh with uh three of them with chicken and three of them with cut bait and we're just making a slow pull across here wind's not bad yet uh it's just kind of a nice little steady breeze right now marking some fish in here there's some good arches i just want to cover some water and see if there's a consistent bite uh i can get on through here drifting uh because as this wind gets up it's going to be the uh probably the best way to fish so let's see what happens guys i'm thinking there may be one on the planer board yeah boom got one on that planer and we got one on that planer too deuces this feels like a small fish if he's still there let's see what we got there yeah yeah yeah this one is on chicken side i'm gonna be a little bit liberal with getting this thing in here not the proper way to take a planer board off but when it works it works two fish on planer boards hit almost identically at the same time 80 feet apart funny how that works we're talking about that earlier getting two fish almost back to back that one there guys the channel cap that's hooked into the throat pretty good and now sucker down are you hooked boy they bleed when you get them in the bottom of the mouth luckily there we go channel cat on chicken you know what that means guys you know what that means let's get this other fish this is uh feels heavier it's off to the side of the boat now deal with this board like i said guys this is normally this was like a true trophy monster fish i would just pop that clip and let it slide down the line but we're not tournament fishing it's a good fish though that's a better fish this one catfish pro rods and reels you've seen these on my boat before i've got some videos about them 30 pound andy line check these rods and reels out at if you're interested in getting one right now i'm using it to get this fish in better fish if it's a boga grip i'm hoping it's a boga grip fish yes sir nice nice knows he's hooked now oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah simmer come here baby don't miss you got you now got you now thank you put him in the boat boom got him is he gonna go oh yeah down to the teams we'll take that guys anytime i get a fish in the teens it's a good fish and that's a good one nice fish always happy to get one like this let's get it back alive boom there you go guys doubled up two fish a good one and a small one but we're happy to get them uh pretty productive on the drag so far i'm happy with that tells me there's some fish in here uh kind of figuring out which way exactly the wind's blowing right now i'm just drifting with the wind i got a small drift sock out i'm going to reset here in a minute this will probably blow me up onto a point here and i'm going to have to reset i'm going to make this drag again when you put three fish in the boat like that and have several bites it's a good sign there's fish in here and they're active and they're feeding so i'm going to make another drift across it probably going to put out my bigger drift sock and see what i can get into it's been about evenly splitting out with fish so uh i think we've had three on the chicken and two on the perch but no dominating no dominating overwhelming presence and uh water's a little dingy uh some of y'all if you follow my channel i'm not the biggest fan of drifting and dragging the muddy water but it's in totally muddy it's just dingy looking it's working fish are biting and this water is this color uh it's been a while since it's rained a matter of fact it's been now i want to say about 10 days since we've had rain so this is just some uh subjects hanging around some inflow from the river so uh happy so far uh wind's gonna get worse but uh we're prepared for we're gonna reset here in a minute see if we can catch some more guys i think we got i'm going on the planer yep baby another chicken bait wind's starting to get a little bit stronger here get this sucker off here pretty good hit i'm up on the point i was telling you about but i'm coming off of it that's where that fish was i'll try to do is keep that line tight seem to work like i said i don't advise you to use planer boards that way it's not the way you're supposed to do it but i did so this one is into another line that's what that flicking is there on that one if you see that guys feels like a better fish got my bag up here in the middle of course he may feel better because he's in another line good to be in there yeah he's not that big i think it's more line drag than anything but a nice fish nonetheless yeah that line's pulling me pretty hard come here baby come here baby open your mouth whoa summer you're gonna get to hear the chicken if you get up here now you're gonna get to hear the chicken got it oh there he is guys good looking fish got line all over him let me move some stuff out of here because you know what's gonna happen he's gonna talk to the chicken talking to chicken he's talking to the chicken you got to have fun folks you gotta have fun listen after all all we're doing is fishing man nice fish chicken chicken chicken here pretty fish yes good one true big splash big splash again this is on the red ripping lips rod trying to keep the red theme going and also got my red bone town sinkers and then red chicken see i'm trying to keep this easy for the folks at home you can even like keep count while you're driving down the road mo mo chicken no chicken momo my chicken my chicken got the head mo chicken man said mo chicken oh yeah it's goodness colonel colonel sanders knew what he was up to there's another fish on the planer board uh i think we've had about six fish in the boat now i think half of them have come on the planers so uh i've only got two planer boards high right now so a disproportionate number hitting those for some reason but it is what it is we're catching them uh catching some fish and uh after i got that one in and got it released i put the big drift sock out uh that's slowing us down now to a good point four and i thought i was gonna have to reset on that point but the winds kind of started to make it shift to the west so uh it's blowing me straight up the river here and uh i'm just gonna finish this drift out and see what happens uh it'll probably end up being about a mile long drift if i stay on this course so uh it's gonna cover a lot of water uh so far four fish on this pool so far which is good uh and we'll just see what finishes up here no super whoppers yet but i'm telling when i'm covering water like this and i'm getting bit i know good and well it can happen anytime that you get a good fish so for now keep on pulling them see if we can catch some that's the bite right there guys that is the bite that is the bite that is on a planer board that is way back there oh did he come off i can't tell can't tell can't tell they have boards skating in awful easy matter he's going up stream one we will see in a second that fish is still there oh yeah he's still there i think he's just coming upstream i think he's hooked good i'm gonna take a chance taking a chance this is not smart guys not smart i got slackline slackline not good not good not smart not smart he's heading toward the channel he's going under another line this fish is all over the place like a striper he swam straight at the boat and made a 90 degree turn he's going upstream now he's still swimming just realized he's hooked boom there he is he knows he's hooked now good fish good fish we'll take him take him all day long that's us guys all day long how light that fish is that gun stop stop stop stop that one got him oh god here look at there that light colored fish i wonder where these at y'all know something don't you look at that yes sir yes sir 16 pound range good fish very nice fish look at him there get him back alive y'all know what's coming don't you that's right chicken pow that's another one on the planer board and another one on chicken plainer boards are producing some fish for some reason i don't know if these fish are scared of the boat or if that's just the way it's working out right now but yeah definitely uh a disproportionate number of bites and catches on the planer bores especially considering we only got two out but uh a lot of them on the chicken side so uh making a little longer drag than i expected i was about ready to pull the plug and make a move and i got a bite on that same planter board a few minutes ago i was reeling in a line to check bait uh and that board folded over so still had bait on everything i'm gonna finish this pull out see what happens uh this is close to where i was anchored at and had been catching some fish so maybe those fish have just moved around a little who knows we'll keep dragging some baits through here and try to pop another one wins pretty steady now and uh as soon as i get to this run i'll reset but for now i'm catching fish and i'm gonna keep on dragging all right guys got this chicken bait going on old pinky hook that small fish make sure it's still there maybe a very very small fish it is a very very small fish we got bit finally man that's a long drag without a fish this one is barely going to count i'm not even sure what it is oh here's your little one he's a little one little bitty blue man little bitty sucker that is not the kind you want to mess with learn to be very careful if you haven't seen the video i put one of these fins through my hand the interesting thing is oh oh oh you know we're going to do it you know what don't you chicken chicken interesting thing is a lot of arches on the screen we'll talk about that in a second all right guys so what i'm saying earlier is i'm drifting with the wind i'm just letting the wind carry me i'm using a trolling motor to guide the boat you can troll into the wind you need and that is totally trolling at that point you use the trolling motor generally speaking especially on a day like today where it's really can have some strong wind you better have a strong trolling motor i only run a 12-volt trolling motor on my boat because generally i'm going with the wind if you are trying to troll in the wind or trolling the current you need to go to a 24 at least and a 36 ideal it's a little more work it takes a good control of your trolling motor you need to have a remote control so you can control it but uh either way very effective way to catch fish in the wind and work the wind to your favor so what i was saying about arches was uh the last part of that drift back there there were a lot of arches uh right up there uh on the bank uh within a couple hundred yards of it and uh i really pushed the drift man i was carrying it right up to the piers and uh just couldn't get any of the bite sometimes that's the way it is though uh especially here lately with us middle of the day the bite has been it's slowed down it's the best way to put it bite's been better early middle of the day it's uh slowed down now on all those days i've been anchoring up i've been trying to hit spots where i could pick off some bigger fish mark some bigger fish and uh one of the reasons i wanted to switch up to drifting today was to cover water because even when a bike slows down there's always going to be a fish somewhere especially if you put a bait in front of it that may eat your bait and that's kind of what i'm hoping is going to happen today as i finish this drift out through here and try to find that one dumb one uh that's willing to eat because you never know uh even when the bite's slow things have slowed down there can always be that one out there that's what i'm hoping for well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching here are a couple more videos that i think you're gonna like i'd watch that one and then that one no no do do that one first and then that one i just watch them both they're both good
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 8,247
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: dieter melhorn, learning how to catch catfish in a place you've never fished, using chicken for catfish bait, using cut bait for catfish bait, Fishing for catfish in the spring, how to catch catfish, fishing for catfish, catfishing, catfishing video, CATFISH FISHING, catfish, drifting for catfish, Cut bait for catfish, Anchoring for catfish, catfishing tips, tips for catching catfish, Catching Catfish from a Boat, Cut bait for catfish bait, Learning how to catch catfish
Id: CLP1Uj0nG-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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