🔴LIVE! Catfishing Into The Night! - Tips on Catching Catfish at Night - Tips on Dragging at Night

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hey guys theater milhorn here I hope you're doing well it's a beautiful evening I'm I don't like Wiley doing some dragon for some catfish we're gonna be fishing into the night don't know how long I'm staying out but I've been out here for about an hour stopped and called bait for a while and hey man what's up got somebody checking in already stuck and caught some Brimfield to tank up with brim and started drifting and I've already put four fish in the boat matter of fact I think I need to click them off nope already click them off there we go we're up to four twelve pounds about the biggest country girl what's up girl how you doing and then Tech's ass hanging everybody's jumping in tens in how y'all doing hopefully your subscribe to me on instagram cuz i put a notification up there and i also just went over to peter melt more efficient on facebook and put a notification up muddy river clear chris Flores what's up pal are you got fishing or you've tired from a hard day at work so everybody's on the out tonight very cold I know the hometown crowd here on the East Coast in my area is probably gonna be tuning into the Panthers game at some point hoping they win and the rest of the country will be tuning in to hope they lose because everybody else hates Cam Newton so I'll probably lose some of y'all or you really don't give a crap about preseason football like me and hoof it's a you're gone so anyway I you hadn't noticed I've got a new website up deidre milhorn fishing I finally went ahead and launched didn't got it up it's in its fledgling stages and also started a blog on there which I know nothing about so the first couple of posts I've got some other stuff I'm gonna be putting up and I'm also gonna be sharing that over on the catfish clothing blog that they're putting up so we have how about Clark how you doing Betty glad to see ya Tony's in here very good guys nice little crowd of people jump again I'm only quali dragging some baits as the rest of the country calls it we call it drifting trolling whatever so anyway it's Santee rigs on the bottom and what I did I started out in the river channel I'll kind of show you here get this over to we'll do a little tutorial on the sonar here I'll show you exactly what I did zoom that out all right let me get you up here you get a lesson you get actually some some lesson here on drifting and some terminology because I know I realize some of this terminology is confusing for people all right you see I started out down here and within the river channel these lines here marked a river channel as I come in closer on this you'll see what I'm talking about there's a mark for a 16 bound blue from the other day that I caught let me zoom in hopefully you guys know how to read a topographical map and contour lines but I lose it there we go but those tight lines mean a steep edge same thing here you can kind of see where the old river channel runs up through here that's the old river channel that was there that they put the dam up on and flooded all this to make a lake go so anyway I started out down here you can see in the middle of it came up at a pretty good ways and came over to this edge pardon the boat Rock here because I got a weight coming in and got on this edge here started coming up the edge of it and that's where I've been catching fish that and I'm all the way up to here so anyway that's kind of quick down and dirty tutorial on what takes going on sometimes it's easier to show people on a actual graph like that but yeah if you haven't if you've got a summer unit that's got mapping on it and he did horizon it's the cameraman any media drives me crazy we get a sonar unit with mapping make sure you understand what those contour lines mean kind of get a wrap your head around them hey Terry Douglas around what they mean us because that will help you I I take for granted I was in the military and we did land navigation and topographic math for something we stared out all the time so once you get your head wrapped around it'll click and you'll be able to look at one right away and tell were the ups and the downs and the high places are but there's plenty of tutorials that can explain it online but yeah make sure you understand that cause it'll make a lot more sense to you and you get out and start fishing so anyway today I've got six rods out six rods this is the quick quiz for you today there we go and two long planer boards all of them on the bottom I've just got into space that little bit I didn't feel like fiddling the for planer ball or for planer boards the only reason and dragging some brim and what's up dammit how you doing pal another local guy that's what I got going on hoping to get on some more fish I'm staying on that channel edge make a little turn here waters clear big thing is the water temperature let me get back over here to the other screen water temperatures dropped is what it comes down to it is down to 85 degrees which a week ago two weeks two weeks ago for sure this time of the day water temperature up around 90 91 degrees so we've had daytime highs in the mid to low 80s sorry for that shadow let me move the camera a little bit here there we go in the mid eighties and our overnight lows had been in the 60 70 degree range six upper 6070 so that average daytime temperature is dropping so when that drops so does the so does the water temperature what's the difference between trolling reel and a baitcasting reel nothing well I'll say this there's some people use actually technically nothing Hope Diamond hold that question on slim line there is no different from you and the reels are the same you can use any kind of real I use a bait caster real manly coaching and wet line I didn't see you can do it with a spinning reel if you've got one of those I guess some of the trolling rails may be referring to some offshore stuff some of them have line counters on them which is basically allowing you to measure your line if you got those great you can be very precise of how much line you were putting out each time and you're able to replicate that each time but you don't need that you can do it with a spinning we're spinning reels the reason most of us use bait casters is because you can push the button release line and let it go out you can do the same thing on a spinning rod it's just it may be a little bit easier on these they've got a clicker on them so that you know you can engage a clicker and all that but either one of them works don't get if you're trying to do this don't get bent out of shape on having to have some kind of high-dollar rod and reel and combo and stuff to do it this is a very simple type of fishing and just to clarify somebody asked the other day messaged me what's the difference when he trolling and drifting well I'll put it to you this way there's two ways there's only two ways to catch catfish one is sitting still and the other is moving this is from a bug you're either anchored and sitting still or your boats moving and basically we're trolling technically you're using a motor to move the boat and drifting you're using current or wind to move the boat that's all it's a moving boat it's the bottom line the boats moving across the water whether it be motor propels or a wind current propel and within each of those techniques anchoring and drifting trolling dragging there's just all kinds of different ways to do it Damon who was in here so good drifting trolling fisherman and he can tell you once you get into trolling drifting the basic way is you put the rods out and you flood across the water with the wind don't pay you just let it go set it and forget it and that's the way I started out doing we would go to Santee Cooper run to the other side of it and put out a drift saw it float all the way across the lake for six seven hours and catch the fish the whole way never paint any attention to work as you get into trying to catch bigger fish and fish specific areas and gets a little more technical using trolling motor drift socks trying to position the boat running into the wind and gets Panther six Texas is near our eyes but somebody's given me a score update I appreciate that it gets more technical as you get into fishing trolling and stuff you can get very technical especially when the guys who tournament fish and are trying to fish a specific ledge or Ridge or humps that kind of and stay on it and all that it gets for example there's a lot of times when fish are holding the certain areas in your drifting form you may drift to 300 yards reel them in turn around get back and go back over it's just almost laying out of grid as you go through there so that's that's kind of the difference so anyway good question good question I love the questions hope that helps my spinner has clickers and can unlock to let line out let's get real yeah you know there are the to get spin and roll whom have a planer board going off the spinning reels had the little lever of the good ones that you can flip over and stuff well I think I got a fish on the planer board let's see what we got up here yep small fish but listen any fish on the life eats a good fish so beautifully they pulled him off he's so little I may put his lips apart I'm level horizons that annoys me cutting off people's head that annoys me that's better little fish I'm only pulling Brown today that's all I got with me Peter got dropped nose head when he was a kid did you do why did you have to tell everybody now they may not feel sorry for me knowing that it's precious he's a precious one let's catch you wandering these are the determinative edition Signature Series planer wars I'll have those on my website under the gear section here pretty soon a channel cat our go Panthers go Panthers go Panthers go Panthers go go go go go the lunacy they learn to see the game must have started early oh yeah that's some college to work the game let me get this back out bear with me guys you ever wonder on the pointers cast it out you don't have to chunk it out for bottom planers come in a pair one for the right side and one for the left it's got a little clip here put a line onto it it's a little curlicue thing Reds on there like that that is what attaches the lines of the planer board that will not come off now in the front of the line front of the planer board it goes into a clip you put it into the water it pulls tight and you catch fish hopefully the purpose in a planar board is to get the lines out and further away from the boat so you get a water spread coming down when you're drifting I think we may have another fish on but first I am gonna fire but see what we got I'm back just when you thought you lost me now let's see what we got here not a fish there's along the pointer I thought I'd seen it good yeah these off sometimes with these planers it can if it's a small fish that they'll pull the planer back one time and then it's kind of hard to tell their own there I've dragged them around for a while sometimes again hanging on this channel edge picking them up actually got some arches on the bottom now that I'm seeing nothing big now no big fish they're here somewhere they beautiful sunset I'm gonna show you this sunset here this is nice that was the little thumbnail thing hopefully you guys that are subscribed to me on follow me on d2l horn fishing on Facebook got the notification I put a little thing up another beautiful channel kit nice Oh scores tied up at a rattle on that one I've been keeping score tonight that is fish number six and we're split tonight three and three so I was keeping score there rattles have slightly outperformed the ones without rattles over the past few trips and some been using them for those you don't know anything about rattles I'll show you here in seconds did I get this bait back in the order they are no I don't need any updates remind me later sorry bit a little noise there I'll put it right here on the front so it bumps against that because it's gonna float up in here with nothing else at least I've caught some fish these last few feeds have been born for fish catching this one back in the water for you again chuck it out there let it hit bottom hit that clip on treasure this where you can see it that's on there it's a little pigtail bamm-bamm she's on ready to go we've got about even and I don't planner well I'll take that back yeah several of them have been on the planer boards very nice show y'all this sunset this is just all beautiful hold on there stay with me BAM look at that how about that folks they're not that it's crooked you can't have the rods in the middle of it there we go look at that Oh Oh somebody just just snap a picture that freeze that frame and put it on your desktop I mean that's just beautiful right there you can just play a loop of this and just listen to me talk in the background oh it's beautiful Oh okay enough of that I'm sorry I know that got really boring really bear with me I gotta grab a drink I've been jacking my jaws for 16 minutes standby standby I'm still with you haven't left yet still love you hope you're doing well Bam Bam number six goodnight goodnight go home right now and be a decent night I was gonna give you a little heads-up if you followed any of banging I may be hon my stuff earlier past couple weeks fit down here at night fishings been is pretty slow it's been seven eight fish a day I came out the other day during the day I didn't go live that day for some reason and it was a good day I caught like 16 fish in about five hours so let me deal with this hung up rod and then I'll go over some details because I know we got some people coming in late here great crowd and I thank you guys for joining in hey dater what kind of conditioner to use I'm gonna tell you something about my hair you're gonna laugh at this that one's not coming loose one of the downsides to trolling is you will lose rig's occasionally so some other and you get loose some of them you don't let me see if I can pop this one loose and break it alright I'm gonna tell you something about my hair and the women are gonna cringe when I tell you this okay I either have to wash my hair or we talk about my hair that you brought it up Chris Flores it muddy river I didn't have to washing my hair about every two days alright don't wash it I don't wash it it takes about a week it's kind of ready and then it balances out and it stays the beautiful play that it is now a hair stylist told me I'm lucky that I have that kind of hair like that they said pretty much I don't have to wash it if I don't want to as crazy as that sounds but I do I do have to occasionally I can actually go a long time without washing my hair and it doesn't get ready or it actually looks really kind of yucky whenever it's just been washed to Scotland place why are we talking about my hair Chris Flores muddy river catfishing y'all all go subscribed to his site and ask him why he's asking me silly questions one more shot on the sunset here oh look at that folks look at that look at that there we go BAM back ok so what's that sound what is that right there what is that what is that rut well look at my finger look at my finger fish I heard it stand by hooked up again baby oh yeah this will fit right into if you go to dieter Melbourne fishing calm my blog I talk about stable water temperatures stable by that late summer late summer stable bike late summer early fall bike I think that's what we're into now water temperature 84 85 degrees at the end of the day stabilities here for a while so not necessarily big big fish but you can catch fish you can go ahead and light a day like today and put fish in the boat consistently this'll be in thank you feed him don't warn fanclub coming by there can lack congratulatory stand innovation for a monster channel cat I feel like Kevin VanDam when they cheer for him when he catches a 2-pound ditch pickle like it's the greatest thing on earth which is basically what I've done that's cool it's fine channel cat rounded anal fans the way you identify about that I was gonna do an anal fin ray count that's a big old hyphenated term isn't it to identify that could have been a white cat look more like a channel on the head but white cats and channel cats look very similar and again it's the anal fin that be careful who you say that around by the way if you're at work and you start talking some eye on the phone about anal fins and counting the Rays just telling you they'll call human resources you'll get report you'll get written up it won't end well people just don't know what anal rays are down there at the office you'll get that report Bob's talking about anal rays again we warned him about that yeah BAM like a baller all right where was I so much happening it's so exciting this is the way all polite fishing churches be full of catching and stuff and let me get back over to the sonar in the right place BAM yeah we're kind of getting up onto the flat here I think that's why I'm getting back into the channel cats and out of the blue so what I'm gonna do I'll show you what I'm talking about show you I'm talking about what I did here is I started the drift up away from this channel edge which is right here up in here there's where I caught a blue that's something win who knows win I'm mark on my teen or size fish but I'm up here onto this flat area where surround that's kind of stable in there around 20 feet trying to get back over here that's the plan tutorial on how to drift that leaves everybody y'all just like lost your minds down just like what the heck is gonna happen next anal rays and fish and craziness where was I was going to talk about something somebody mentioned something I've already spooled one reel tonight what happens is you get here and you get to fiddling with stuff and you forget that lines going out it's about down to the knot that's a lot of cranking to get about though I know I'm bring everybody up today a lot of new people in fishing on Lake Wylie been out here probably an hour and a half bender probably two hours settle something called bait got a bunch of Bram got them on rod and reel got him in the tank matter of fact turn it on and two boards tonight saw them running and came down here and I started drifting an area kind of right above just is what we call knob knob in obd we have a bridge that spans the lake in the middle and you're either fishing knob or saab and I'm slightly nor a Buster Boyd bridge so that's where the knob and side come in so that's what I'm doing dragging some baits put seven fish in the boat which is really cool and pretty good little bike I don't know what's gonna tell you the rattle thing talking about that I'm kind of doing a little test I think I'm up for two three rattles are winning these right here guys a hookers terminal tackle sentence now I do rut use conditioner when I wash it hyper use conditioner then Chris stop please please I think your daughter is taken over the feed and asking me hair question that's what's going on your daughter is taking over it's not even Chris Flores folks it's his daughter on here asking me hair product questions so hey you know what though if it is just daughter what we need to do is get our own hair sponsorship deal and we can both have all the hair products that we need so it could be a transcontinental partnership with a hair care products place let's talk about that later anyway I digress back to how many rods great question there from somebody Glen hey cochlea how many rods can we have in the water here in North Carolina I'm actually technically in North Carolina I'll tell you what I mean by that in a second we can have all of them into water I used to run some fishing tournaments here for our fishing club and people would ask how many rods can we use and I said all of them there is no rod limit all kidding aside we do not have a rod limit I know some parts of the country there are rod limits and we have no rod limit and you can fish all of them so it's yeah it's it's a good freedom to have I know I know my boy Luke and the guys up at Northwood Sangli and they can only fish one ride per person so it's a lot tougher fishing well I like that I wouldn't care it's a it's a level playing field for everybody so I mean yeah if I was held at addy would I think would be great for the fishing and great for the fishery and it would really change tournament fishing because I really believe some people have an advantage because they are able to catch a lot of bait and a lot of rods and be able to put more rods in winter anyway yeah we're lucky we can fish all I'm actually South Carolina to what I was saying about technically on the lake I'm fishing the North Carolina South Carolina line divides a good part of the lake so and most of it is up the river channel until you get to the north end and then it gets kind of funky up there and that's where you get a ticket out because people think it's somewhere else but technically right now I'm in North Carolina it's the same in South Carolina I think South Carolina may have a law for bank fishing fishing on the bank you can only have two per person I think that's the way it goes yeah that's kind of what it is I've got six out that's a good comfortable number I can I've drifted with ten I put out planter boards and everything and I've run ten and it's uh you know it if you got the bait it helps if you have people because it's kind of a painted about to bring stuff in but that many that many lines out so for now in South Carolina Bob said okay kill I knew there was something I thought something had changed when they changed that crappy law couple years ago or something so which is fine but yeah that's what's going to hold that brought everybody up today a lot of people coming in tonight three in Michigan very cool very cool I would I kind of wish we had that roll a little bit I mean I think it may be good for the resource and I've never really thought about it too much because we've been kind of spoiled with being able to do that so Dana said I just got some hookers terminal tackle and then they're short yes they are short they actually sent me some hooks to try out and the hooks that I got from I really haven't demoed them yet I'm going to and do some more stuff with them they it's almost like a kale but it's a big kale with a heavy wire and it looks like it's really good for trolling live baits so I'm looking to trying those suckers out and giving them a little more of a try there's some really heavy hooks and very cool lists that we got here money do you have your own blow dryer I love it Chris as much as I give you PAC about rattlesnakes out there and fishing in ditches it's alright man I'm gonna guess what rods going over oh we got over there there's reeling backwards baby I can adjust the camera if you're wondering why I don't go crazy getting to the rod I'm fishing circle hooks and generally by the time I know the rods going off hooks in their mouths or it's not it could be a shirt there was a sharknado here earlier in the week and they think some shorts may have gotten into the lake so it's possible it could be one but you haven't seen any yet yah shark or short that pops off got into their family getting the other one I'm almost at the bottom saying I missed it I almost put it in the ski boat up fish on the other side you come within casting distance ugly you might get to see what I'm fishing with all right let's see what he's got on it yeah that one as it got close to the line and nothing will help you lose a fish like getting another line up near it because it just puts enough relaxation on that line and they pop off right here at the bay that's a little channel cat we didn't lose nothing this feels like an another channel cat look did he pop off nothing he's still there sometimes that over a horse sees fish especially when they're small but I realized they're small I just go to winching on them I usually turn to hook side of the mouth a lot of times and now by the way Chris are your daughter who's ever hacked in there I actually don't dry my hair believe it or not I just towel dry it and break it back with a comb and put a rubber band around it I'm good to go why are we talking about my hair again I've got a fish right here and we're talking about my hair nice little blue probably should bugger grip this fish there you go you will break stuff when you do that that's what I did yes hang on folks I'm still here yeah Pam nice blue good one I got that line leader got around this fin and cut it I'm catching them pal we're catching them alright let me get this fixed by the way rattle that is nine fish five own rattles so nice a something new we've got new toys I got on here and was complaining which I'm really good at it's not complaining it's actual field testing is what I do anyway the rig rat boxes I had we're too small I needed bigger ones well apparently the rigged rap gods heard me and a box showed up I've got big rig wraps I got big boxes this is the coolest one I can put three rigs in it already Todd it's really cool I'll show you I'm all about to but the coolest thing they sent me some of these ceramic cutters they're designed for braid is what you're made for weird that hook is you're designed for braid and they they just cut everything really good but I tried it on some like some thin breakers I've always had issues with cutting thin braid it's just it's hard to cut and it gets twisted up in the scissors or whatever let me check let's change my bait speed so these little bad patties I got them on the wayside rig wrap calm but cutting little stuff like that they're really cool and they great with the brake I'll put a link on there you can check them out and get you something if you want them very cool there ceramic cutters so they're they're really neat I'm on the flat let me put this back in the water stay with me good crowd tonight by the way thanks everybody for joining in I really appreciate you taking time out of your evening and somebody get me a panther score real quick [Music] we're fish a little bream bait scheme interesting I would not be a bit surprised that the bike does not slam shut after dark just a little thinking thinking let's see what happens let me get this line cast down and yeah here's what happens when you forget to knock your reeling gear yeah so anyway that means I get to sit here and we own this thing to get some of the line back on because I'm sitting there jacking my dials talking to you guys that's okay it's a small price to pay there's some line back on that reel spool gone man that's crazy anyway where was I new people are join in thank you for joining in thank you for watching the show I really appreciate it that's me doing that on that ride by the way dragon on Lake Wylie 85 degree water somebody asked about the plankton and guess what certain bloom right now it was barely visible when I got out here I found some places in the river channel where I saw it and I'm going to show you what's happening it'll probably fill up the entire sonar screen but I thought were slowed down I picked up the speed might be why I'm not catching fish whenever I got hung a minute ago I when it gets really stuck I just pick up the speed and it'll pop it off so let me show you what this plankton bloom looks like right there like that one in gear two worth of the boat here here's what it looks like right there you're gonna really start to see it in that part of the water column none of that was in here earlier when I rode through you can also see it on the side scan here in that part of the sonar cone but yeah it's starting to pop up off the bottom it's only sitting right on the bottom and as it gets dark it starts raising up in the water column so that's what's going on there sorry plugging my charger back in and typically it's not a big deal at night it does seem like the bike dies off though when that happens I don't know why so what I'm seeing now is a lot of stuff starting to stay above it I'll show you real quick here you see this there's some bait schools and stuff that are starting to hang out above it now I'm not seeing as much down on the bottom and I'm only in about 25 feet of water so we'll see what happens with this it it may mean that I have to drag back into a creek or something is that's typically where I get hit better when that stuff starts to happen so that as these water temperatures continue to fall that will start to go away and disappear so one of the things the summer that's a pain there's a lot of bait there was a good hatch this year there was another fisherman stopped and talked to me earlier and we were talking about the amount of small little B fry today and there's a lot of it here somebody just asked me and by the way I know I missed a lot of questions how many cat species are you targeting I'd be honest with you southern fishermen I'm not really targeting anything this is what I call God trip fishing if I was out here on a guy trip I would just be fishing for catfish I'm not really targeting anything I'm not really I'm just trying to catch fish here once again start what's gonna happen is I'm gonna end up going across some humps that may have spent some flat heads historically and that's where my son caught his personal best a couple weeks ago if you saw that theme but I'm not really targeting anything I'm not really working any kind of structure or anything like that that would hold flat heads or anything that would hold blues so yeah it's just kind of dragging around like I said a guy trip type fishing if I was a fishing guide I would be out here trying to put fish in a boat and you know fish some stuff that should produce some big ones but you know first and foremost fit fishing baby it's been a good night so far I mean I cannot complain at all so so might just said hey hey Casey said hey yeah that's Casey hey man what's up great crowd tonight thanks for everybody joining in I really appreciate it if you got in it hadn't heard dieter milhorn fishing comm is a that's my website I've got a blog on there there's it's kind of the hub it's the catfish hub of the planet at least in my mind it's it's kind of the hub for everything that I've got now and there's links to Instagram Instagram Facebook and see that finger right there I got crushed in a tripod I was doing a shoot day before yesterday it's horrible anyway that one is YouTube so I got links to all my stuff on there and I've started a fishing blog and I'll be selling some tackle and some gear my t-shirts eventually once I can figure out the best avenue for that that's kind of the hub of everything so so yeah you can go there and just go off in different directions on what's going on so the blog is kind of going to be a written rambling of all this crap that I say out here it'll be much more concise and to the point that trying to do those a few times a week just on some topic snoozer today what's going on fish and why's it may not even have anything to do with fishing to be honest and they just kind of be about the lifestyle because that's really kind of what this whole thing is about this kind of my fishing lifestyle that's why I got the channels so I'm gonna get a sip of I'm parched from talking so much it's a little warm and muggy and nothing refreshes like a nice cold diet Sun drop I mean after all it's got part of my name in it so it has to be good one day somebody from Sun Drop it's gonna see that and I will be as big as loop with pure leaf mm-hmm you gotta turn the can so you can see it now if I'd get a fish right now it'd really be cool anyway what else that you bring people up to date on I think that's it what is the limit on the different types of catfish they're all of them you we have no limits here the only limit that we have on the North Carolina side is there's a one fish per person over 32 inches so there's no creel limits here catfish are abundant there's a lot of them and they're they're very Hardy fish and right now we have no limit so I'm torn I don't know if we need them honestly our population is growing or it's stable and doing good works at so I don't know that we need them they're good it's like a wee baby saris here back to that massage and a planer is going to may have doubles here maybe doubled up yep plane tours going off if you can see it out there it's popping got still small fish but it's fish it's good fishing yeah I think this is the one that had all the line out and I should have reeled in more because it's a long way out feels like a channel cat he's flipping and flopping if you absolutely have to get your fish in and you want it to keep or heat or something and they get on top of the water best thing you do is let them go back down small channel guess what rattles have taken the lead that's fish number 10 fish number 10 I'm gonna rattle that's six to four it's a little brand fillet six out gum magatsu will brim fillet we got here I think the one may still be on the planar board will see my goodness what a crowd 49 people thanks guys for joining in I found out that the best time to do these things is in the evening because people are sitting around you can throw this on while you're watching TV I am number 10 I'll check this planter board I think there's efficiently it's a great thing about circle hooks generally once it are in there think he's wrapped up in my planner board I just fit out nice eight pound fish and no rattle on that way there you go nice one oh it's picking on my bed picking on the boat fish poop 51 people number spam 11 good bye guys let me get this one back I figure out the mess again the trick is take the planning board off before you put it out cast it out first what I'm doing now dude come on player there we go turning a dark and mess with my light at the end a second drift pretty good untangle I've got all big cat fever rods out tonight they're black let me say it again they're black they need to be white big cat fever get a can of paint let's put out some white big cat fever rods for night fishermen come on listen here's the deal if I can say the magic word that rig rap needs some bigger containers for my rigs and they show up I think I can say big cat fever needs white catfish watch for night fishing they should magically appear just sayin just sayin just sayin once you say just sayin you can say whatever you want that's the way it works those are international pop cultural rules just sayin this is crazy I'm always happy when I catch fish these are the theatre Melbourne limited-edition Peter my more fishing limited edition custom plenty of force guaranteed to have a chance to catch a fish yeah you don't say that guarantee me what else you're guaranteed to have a chance to catch a fish bearing with me getting them in the water no come on those are you run finder for Setar first time you will put one out backwards eventually trust me first me here with me got a little knot in the line almost like a little backlash thing going on but it hadn't been cast imagine that there we go what you do with this planar board so make sure everything's engaged yeah what you do is you put them out and they'll float it out for a while just let some line go out and knock them in gear and when you do that it'll pull it tight and start to go out what I'm gonna do well I sit here and Jack my dolls Entertain You is I'm gonna pull a light out because it's gonna get a little bit dark starting to push the limits of the camera and don't trust these Yahoo's I'm putting on my PFD hallway it's a good idea to wear it but especially at night lots of bad stuff happens at night you get this light up bear with me good crowd guys good crowd very flattered that everybody's hanging out I'll show you real quick the light I use it's actually one of the lights I use at work it's a great big video like it's got a battery on it and bam it's bright I will just put that up here it's just a little bit of light on me BAM there we go Hey wishing see me a little of my cut some of that off any bit just enough to see me and see what's going on so anyway bring everybody up to speed on fish did I click everyone and click it off I don't know I think we're at 11 last time I remember saying it yeah we're dragging on like wall-e six rods in the water show us the boat I'll do that it's gonna be hard to see it because it's dark I need to do a boat tour I want to stay light but I'll do it real quick and then I'll tell you alright so yeah here's the boat up front trolling motor it's a min Kota there's only a 12-volt not a super big one nice big deck up here this is a Carolina Skiff 198 dlv right there oh yeah that's not a cooler folks that's a Yeti got me some Sun drop in there now show you a little trick see that jug of frozen that's the job of frozen water I put that in there and then I put some water in there that serves two purposes one you can pre chill your cooler once I'll tell you about more about that later you need to do that no matter what color you use but especially high-end coolers and I don't say I've been doing that set up it nice in there put a gallon jug and out of that I'm keeping a big freezer it's frozen and I put some water in there it's just of a pond and center console as you can see there I've got a flip-flop seat there that's custom made a buddy gave me his old one and I added some stuff to it and it's pretty big on the inside you can't see it real good now I'll do this during the day then off the back it's a nice big deck back here there's storage in here batteries over here and then a live well here with all the daddy's little babies in there so nice big Suzuki 90 that is about 10 years old and I'm a retired at the end of this year and get me a bigger one I'll show you real quick what's happening so we're talking about the plankton bloomer look at that it's extending all the way up the water column now Kabam we're gonna do is down here make a run we're going back down into the river ditch and back up onto some point here we're gonna try running back up into this Creek and see if we can what I'll do with the fish dragon bait six rods and water and put 11 fish in the boat and I hadn't been out here I don't know did I get out here at six caught bait fishing at seven there's something like that y'all could tell on the Facebook when I started it so it's been a good bike it's been a good bite things are getting stable we're into the summer I think we are anyway we're into a little bit of stability now with some temperatures water temps are down just a little bit and I think goodbye it's gonna be about like this probably into the fall this is when you know it'll start to get better once temperatures start getting into the upper seventies you start catching a lot more tender fish consistently so hey good evening what's that Betty thanks for tuning in I know the let's see what is it that's still over a month away for six weeks seven weeks away the Cabela's King cat event will be down on like watering South Carolina I'm actually planning to do I think I got to work that weekend so I'm not gonna be fishing they're gonna be there but they should I'm gonna try to do some stuff leading up to that a little bit of a info show some people around possibly some people aren't from the area or gonna be fishing it's just kind of what's going on the lake way you can put some fish in the boat no guarantee to win it it's but I think you know if it's the traditional bike down there it's gonna take about a 20 pound average to win it that's in 10 fish two days so so if you if you're not 200 210 pound range you're gonna get a check so I don't see any reason that will change this year unless something super weird happens and there's a super cool down usually we start to get rain that time of the year I know the last year they had it I think was when we had big floods here so so yeah it's a we'll see what happens with but I'm gonna do some stuff leading up to that that's the plan so I just said country girl caught a big fish that I miss all that and all the yak in here I was going over so much stuff I hope she did I hope she finally met got her new personal best that would be awesome I think she was around eight pounds for a while and she was hanging in there trying to you know I told her she'll get it she'll get one she fishing area doesn't have super big blues so that's one thing for people to keep in mind wherever you fish out it can be kind of demoralizing going on the internet and you know if you're friends with a bunch of catfish people everybody's holding up big monster fish and well then don't worry fish you may not ever be able to catch a fish that big they're not everywhere you know they're not in every Lake so you know you kind of have to go by what's in your legs if your biggest fish is 15 16 pounds and you're catching 12 15 16 pound fish you're the top of food chain so don't get discouraged by that keep fish and keep digging keep learning and keep going at it yeah it's a you'll you know strive to get the best in whatever water you're fishing in update Panthers 14 Texan seven very cool just curious what do you do thank you for that what do you do live and see you online you video production yes that's what I do actually some people have asked and it's scary that as bad as the videos are that I put online I actually do it for a living I actually have a you can actually see some stuff we've shot D term Elkhorn com that is actually the production company website and there's some links on there to the video stuff we do a lot of stuff that's NASCAR related because I'm in Charlotte and so a lot of stuff is around the NASCAR industry but we also do car commercials we shot a car commercial yesterday for Porsche and you know the day we did some NASCAR stuff up at Richard Petty Motorsports if you follow me on Instagram I had to picture the big 43 on there so it turned his power down on this here a little bit so yeah we do all kinds of stuff I was it's a busy week in Charlotte in my industry because the I wish there were 12 of me yesterday and today because we've got the PGA Championship here and also the Panthers I could have been doing both of those but had all this other stuff going on so yeah blessed to live where I live it's it's it's a good market for what I do and you know I love what I do it's tough when I have to get on the grind and not get the fish but yeah it's it's cool so yeah that's what I do you know check out dieter milhorn calm and that shows you kind of the other side of what I do so it's it's a nice job and the scent it's it's a double-edged sword to work that I do constant spurts I may go on a tear and work five six seven days straight you know 15 16 hour days and then be off for a week so it's almost like it's almost like a fireman with a bad schedule it does provide some opportunities but having a business for yourself you kind of have to work when the work happens so I'm not in a position to where you know I'm just up and not work and get somebody else to do it so yeah it's cool it's like anything else you got to work at it just like with this YouTube thing out I love doing this and you know trying to get it to grow and get bigger and reach more people and this work you got to grind it out and get stuff going and get stuff happening that's what I'm trying to reach people as many different directions there's every time I get on a plane and fly somewhere and I fly across this country and I look down I go holy crap I've got you know eleven twelve hundred subscribers and there's you know 300 million people in this country so there's a lot of people to reach but yeah I heard the stat eight million kept nishang gross in the country that's a lot I don't know if that's true or not but it's pretty good don't tell us the score recording okay somebody don't I got people telling me to score Danny because I out here fishing so oh god it's just somebody - don't look at don't look at the feed don't look at the feed its meow say that's good I love your videos you can tell you are comfortable in front of a camera well let me be one wasting time clear about something what I do is behind the camera I run the camera this is doing this side of the camera is different but yeah I can just check my this is something I love I love the fish this is my lifestyle and I'm very comfortable talking about it yeah not the best fisherman as you can tell by any means but I love what I do and I love talking about a lot of educating people so that makes it easy I'm curious I don't know how well I will do in front of a crowd of people but that is something that I am planning to do this winter and fall is to try to do some seminars at Bass Pro Shop and Cabela's and some places like that just to kinda to try to spread the word and also move past my fear of public speaking and speaking in front of groups so I think I'll be okay and skip end Jack my Johnson talking because people from what I hear actually enjoy what I'm talking about I can tell from the 15 that's kind of the thing initially is you're kind of self-conscious when you do this and I tell that to all the new people that are trying to do it you know they say it's tough in front of the camera because you're so self-conscious about you know trying to do it perfect and all that and I found that trying to do it perfect a waste of time and it comes across way to fake and to planned and to forced and I just get her and Jack my jaws and be myself so there we go remember I predicted the bite was gonna die when it got dark now I got a feeling that's what's gonna happen we're gonna see here that means I just have to talk to you more I can actually read some questions then - very proud of you what's cool I appreciate that it's it's very interesting country girl I see you're here now how big was your fish somebody said that you call it a new personal best chiming and let me know country girls one of the original fans of the digger mint horn lunacy and so we're all rooting for her and want her to catch her big fit what a 30-pound er oh my god you gotta have some did you get video you got some pictures out of it oh god I hope you got some pictures I'm not going to look at your face but hopefully you got some pictures that's a big fish that is a big fish that's a heck of a leap from going from 8 pounds to 30 that's a big jump so bad at school that is congratulations why do you think the bite will die off after sunset it's a very good question I don't know I here's what I think happens okay I'm I say that in the rod skoe I believe what happens with this plankton blooming I got a feeling these fish moved from where they're at on the bottom and I don't know that it's dying off as much as what I'm doing it's no longer working that's probably the best way to describe it this beautiful picture by the way oh pretty pretty pretty yeah anyway yeah I don't think it's so much that the fish quit biting I think you're biting in a different place and they're not biting where I'm at so I think that's what happens I think maybe if I change stuff up when and anchored on the bank and put lines up and down the bank that probably you know would change I get some fish there is that how long are we fishing tonight dieter that's a good question I don't know Panthers are win and get sorry I had to say that dirty or I sell on fish I don't know I'm gonna try it for a little while longer what time is it it's only 15 till mine I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I want to make this turn up into this Creek and see if their stuff up in there I'm gonna try that I'll probably be on for a little while longer have you tried suspending with your boards yes let's talk about suspending and let's talk about how it doesn't work for dinner melon fishing I tried that religiously for the past two weeks and especially when the temperatures were up the thermic line was in place it is the best time to suspend fish I tried it suspended lines off the planer boards bobbers attached to the planer boards bobbers out the back and down lines it's about and the catches were minimal so now the bite was slow overall so it was a fair trial I don't know but that seems like the time the time to be doing it so I'm just well listen it works I notice a quick fish is that way a bunch and you know he's talked to me and told me anything to be doing more of and probably if I give it some more kind of a wood but you know I haven't so I'm not a super big fan of it as much as I hate to say it all I need to do is catch 160 pound fish doing it I'll sudden want to be the biggest fan of suspended fishing in the world so just work 12 hours fish I need a washing some fish I may be on that line we're just gonna play it by ear here defense how much I've got to talk about it's uh watching the thing up here I got a question for you guys some of y'all there's 46 people on here they'll be some more I got a question there's some tournament fisherman in here okay how much would you pay to enter a tournament if there was a big big payout I'm curious what the let's say you have a chance to win $10,000 cash not a boat not a boat and a bunch of prize crap what's the most you would pay to enter a tournament to win $10,000 you'll think on that for a minute gonna get some answers how much did you pay in the tournament 500 at the blacks in October blacks has one coming up that's very cool for ten thousand five hundred bucks to fee I'm getting two fifty to five hundred that's that's that's that's interesting all right let's raise the bar twenty thousand dollars how much would you pay to enter a tournament to win the $20,000 first prize and obviously probably pretty good payout on down curious I'm just curious where the numbers are I'm curious where everybody is at in the world with with you know most tournaments now were your local tournaments are I don't know one hundred and hundred twenty bucks hundred bucks whatever you're bigger much your national ones during that two hundred two fifty range but it's not a really big cash payout to fifteen so it seemed like the we've got people at 250 to 500 dollars I've been curious I've been curious where the temperament is at of the fishermen right now 500 there's people on the 500 range okay let's go that's good to know I'm just curious i I've been curious as to where it's at and where it stands and where did bass temperament is and just how many serious players there or I know there's been some tournaments here that raise the entry fee a little bit and the turnout went way down but it was a monthly series and you know monthly series you're gonna fish it every month it's a lot different than entering one big tournament for 500 bucks a year you know [Music] I'm curious I think there is a fit I think I have a small fish let me see what I can do here guys crank some line up over here Thank You Sara yeah it's up on top typical blue bite on a boat if you were maybe of this you hook one don't realize these on there drag him for a little ways they'll come to the top of the water for some reason that's what this is done I'm almost willing to bet it's a blue I'm gonna need my headlamp guess what I forgot tonight guys ferma so bear with me I'm gonna get a headlamp out of here yes all right hold on guys think I'm doing yes he's in some lines easy got into another line there trying to pop this hook nice little fish we get this line on tangles and back in the water guess why rattle rattle all right let me get this one out I actually got to cut a piece of bait up here guys thanks for your patience I'm still here I have to reconnoitre some lines I may have one on planar board bear with me here first and foremost quicker see if I got one on this pointer yep he's there gotta get that light a TV face thank you sir you still there y'all are getting to see some decent fish in the night get this one in the boat here bear with me another eater sized fish another little feed a family fish nice blue now no planer no planer on that one I'm sorry no bobber on that one was on the planer board no but I bet on it all right this is where you can go get you something to drink go pee and all right through the popcorn go ahead and do the popcorn you got time I'm gonna get these spaced back in the water you got time popcorn pea and a drink getting baits in the water slap the girls and make them home damn boss player on that one all right guys about a minute got a better minute and a half and I'll be back so make sure you get a cold or if you get a beard for two of them into a big kitty okay you're right back got a check one more line they got tangled bear with me good time to check bait to actually been pulling for a while here what a phenomenal bike tonight this is crazy it's a great bike great fishing we got here on bait make sure we still got some meat on the hook like a left that one that long ways to know your back trying to read some of your questions I brought my glasses I can't read it that's pool too much line out on this one all right can you smell the popcorn yet it should be in the microwave should be about done that's why it's good to check on that one back in all right got one more to check this is the one that was tangled up I'm a one fish that we brought down and then I got one fish to click off and we're about to make the turn up and there they go around the point here with my son caught his big fish man that is why I don't drift a braid that would have been braid I would have to cut that braid can be a nightmare to drift with especially when he gets tangled that's the biggest thing boom baits going on that one too glad I checked [Music] all right for shizzle I'm back that's crazy what fishing my wife asked me other day she said you're there live for a long time some nights and this lighted Justin they're alive for a long time what happens when you have to go to pee I've encountered a yet flicker 13 fish amazing 1350 yeah I'd have to do a pee break get on a live feed let's see what we got here you bla bla broke up a cut bait 100% cut bait I'll fish life sometimes but here's the deal and a probably 99% of what these big catfish eat is alive I mean you know everybody says oh they're bottom feeders bottom feeders they don't necessarily eat off the bottom they're on the bottom and feed up works like a lot of fish why our cut bait has more sin if it's more sent through the water column so that's why I like it that's why I prefer it I will fish live bait have nothing against it it's just depends worm fishing typically typically I don't catch this many fish on my baby say maybe because I'm a reservoir fisherman that may have something to do with it I know with the flat heads especially most of the flat heads I catch are and all my personal best friends have all come on cut bait nothing wrong with live bait there I'm not there's just here that's what seems to work better that was not enough time for popcorn it's three minutes in there I think we had three minutes anyway they do fish mid dips the fisherman that's all dragon bait if you're asking that I fish the middle deaths or dragon bait sometimes it I don't have a lot of luck with it I just I have not had a lot of luck with it but you can catch fish there how does the planner board work let me tell you all this because a lot of people don't understand this and I take you for granted people know what they are but they don't I mean it's not a real common thing what it is it's a and I'm going to do a little more in-depth video with this I think in my swimming pool they're basically a piece of thin metal and what happens is you tie your basically got lines tied 2-2 of it and what is happening is as the boat is moving you're pulling against it and what that's doing is the water is catching it and when the water catches it you know what's gonna happen it's like when you put your hand out the window going down the road in the car you turn your hand like this nothing happens but when you turn it a little bit of an angle it goes out away from you and that's what's happening in the water these things swim out away from the boat you put them in they're out of the boat you give them some line and they'll just float they'll float back to begin with and then when you tighten the line up it pulls the nose out and they swim out and they hit kind of a sweet spot depending on how much line you put out and how fast you're going as to how far they go out and what you can do is you can put the first set out you know swim them out away from the boat to here put another set swim them out to here and basically what it does is instead of fishing the width of your boat when you're trolling or drifting you're able to fish 60 70 80 feet depending on how wide it is so that's that's not only going to work when there's either a the boats moving and the movement is what pulls them out away from the boat or you can fish them in current if you were anchored up I think we've got something you can fish them in current in your anchor you can put them out there go out behind the boat you let them out out out and this is you engage the real boom they'll tighten up and they'll swim out away from the boat so that's another way to do them there's a lot of people don't know that but yeah you can fish them that way so yeah good question stuff in here any of the monster turn doesn't play efficient any of the monster tournaments this year I don't know if I'm going to fish them there's the one in Memphis that I'm thinking about and pretty sure I'm going to go out and fish with Lyle from catfish weekly which if you guys haven't subscribed do so while you're on YouTube catfish weekly it's the show that comes on every Monday night it's a live show do a lot of tournament talk on there but they also have guests on there be sure to subscribe to that definitely it's a growing show it's gonna get bigger and there's people like myself and Luke up at North Woods angling and Chris Flores that are gonna make the show get bigger because I think it's great for the industry and great for the catfish world and they're great guys anyway I'm gonna try to go out with Luke and Wow and fish with him out there pre-fishing from what I've been told about fishing the Mississippi and those big rivers I don't fish that stuff and that's a whole different world of fishing it's a different style of fishing that I'm just not I'm just totally ignorant up but I want to go fish with him and learn how to do the bottom balancing and I'm thinking about flying out there and fishing with him for a couple of days pre fish and he's already hooked up for the tournament and what I'm thinking about doing is going out doing some life stuff on the boat with him and then maybe doing some live YouTube stuff from the actual tournament weigh-in and kind of show everybody what's going on so I think that would be fun Memphis is a crazy town the one thing that really drives me to Memphis is the barbecue so if I wasn't doing a fishing channel I would probably be doing a barbecue channel and I've actually thought about piggybacking it some how I'm doing it but that's a whole different story but yeah that's yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking about doing all of the like the the one in Ohio stuff it's all river fishing and I'm just you know I might be willing to come out here and jump on a boat with somebody if they need a partner but me going out and doing it until I learn how to fish that kind of stuff it's really I'm kind of wasting my time I mean I'm just it's a waste of time and money for me to do it but I'd love to learn how to do that because fishing that constant current and that swift current you guys that fish that stuff we get intermittent current out here we get current in you know water releases at a dam and it's almost like a tidal bite it sparks a bite boom it's on but you guys that fish that constant stuff it's a totally different way of fishing and we just we just don't do it here and you know it's kind of is what it is you know when they have tournaments out here and guys come out here in fishing like the Cabela's and stuff and they got a water I mean it's like there's no current nothing's moving yeah different world so but I'm hoping to do that I think it would be fun I think it would be fun to go live from out there and do some stuff just to do some live stuff from some different waters and I think would be a hoot to be on a boat of law and dock and just kinda have a good time so but yeah we'll see page Richard Petty were you in Greensboro now the country girl Richard Petty is the actual respirating Motorsports is in Mooresville now his old shop where he's from and stuff is up in level cross which is near Greensboro I've been up there plenty of times cool place it's a the old shopping museum upstairs really cool I mean it's really historic and I so remember we're never operating out of that place so a lot of cool stories to them up there none of which I can tell them here but yeah but yeah he's in morsel miles Richard Petty Motorsports is in the old Robert Yates shop where they used to be they had a team so I think a couple of people have been in it since then let me see what my speeds doing okay but yeah we did a behind the scenes with aric amirola crew chief I think I got a fish I got a fish bear with me I said what we got here well there we got me yourself the only thing about fishing at night is seeing these wounds Hey and remind me about the Salam line somebody asked about that feels like a blue but it feels like a small [Music] easy perfect dieter fish if ice keeping fish to eat be a perfect seven bounce feed the family on that one right there very good we're relational let me tell you about my release I've had people ask about it you wouldn't believe how many messages I've had about like it just bait back honey as you know I torpedo my fish into the water we got sorry so much silence dead air dead air dead there stay there let's do it baby let's do it ascend one what was that number say BAM 14 fish crazy crazy crazy anyway I forget where I was that dang 60 60 people was up for a second island 259 thanks guys I really appreciate y'all chiming in and coming over here hopefully you subscribe if you like the channel and like the lunes if it goes on here please hit subscribe that's awesome hit the thumbs up that's good Facebook our YouTube loves when you hit thumbs up for some reason it makes me look like a hero but anyway yes subscribe if you haven't and then make sure you visit Peter milhorn fishing comm that's kind of the hub of everything you got to get on Facebook I'm almost to a thousand I've been harping on this thousand tried to do it in the first six months and I didn't do it and I think I'm only like 50 people away so go wake up your neighbors get a knock on the door hello oh crap my just shouldn't it did just do everything up the screen tell them to hit like I'm dieter no one fishing on Facebook that way I can get to a thousand there's some promotional stuff I can do that's the only reason you won't hear me harp about it after that where was I I went to Richard Petty to do a shoot today wasn't with Richard it was a little crew chief for aric almirola and slime like no I do not fish longline I did a test with it which you can see on my website somebody gave me some 20 pound I tested it and I want to get some more and do some more tests it's got a lot of stretch to it if I was like sponsored balm and had a supply of line to fish with it would be different because I think you need to respawn that line fair pretty good bit it's got stretched to it and if you put it under a big load my concern is is that it's going to stretch it out thin and it's doesn't come back and it's more likely to break so it's kind of like with the guys that tarkman fish down in Florida when they hook into a tarpon even if they don't it's a boat they're in every school and every night because they put such a load on the line and put so much stretch into it and so much it'll stretch it then that was the thing we saw in the test was I've done a pretest with it and I had a whole bunch of Andy line and I was using it and it's stretched too but it was you know it was under a fifteen percent stretch and when I tested the slime line the problem was where we had had a bucket that we would fill with water and that way you could get an accurate weight as to how much it would hold it stretched it was like 40% stretch its I was using I think I'm like just you can look at the video and see to get the exact numbers but roughly it was an 18 inch piece of line that was stretching to like 24 inches or something or I forget what it was but anyway 24 26 inches before it would break we actually had to adjust how far the catch piece was below it because with Andy would stretch down and get about that far if I mean it would break with the slime line is stretched all the way to the thing the first test you'll see in the video I did it live so he was my son was helping so it was kind of chaotic but it stretched all the way to the chair that was blowing and we had to redo it and retie and everything because it stretched that for the great thing about that is is that it is forgiving if you get a fish and you got a stiff rod it will stretch and get before breaking it broke very high I will say that 20 pound line I want to say broke at 27 pounds something like that so it's breaking way above its rated weight so that's a good thing and like I said in the video I don't know that too many people are gonna put 20 pounds of most people only have you know Regals that I'll put 20 pounds drag on it so you know there's something to be said there but it's it's breaking way above its it's rated weight so that's a good thing but yeah I I'm not one that's gonna put black lights and all I know it glows in the dark or something but I would rather have big cat fever give me some white rods can you see these rods back here okay I'm gonna point at them right there's a rod see that road right there see where that white ugly stick is pointing that's a rod they're here or this ones that I'm give them a hard time you're gonna make a white rod is what I'm saying I'm gonna badger them until they come out with a white catfish ride I got a feeling it's go ahead I'm gonna give them a hard time hopefully they're watching this get that adjusted there but yeah I haven't right now I have actually went up to 30 pound line I fished with me dead of just 20 pound line forever get a hold of Steve Douglas and go fish with him on the Ohio he does it all boards yep students a good guy actually talked to him on the phone for about an hour today really good guy yeah good guy I'm gonna enjoy seeing him here soon yeah I want to fish with him too we're trying to get over to get together place ever in eastern Tennessee but we'll see we're trying to make it happen but uh but yeah right now I've got upgraded from 20 I fished for 20 pounds line forever and I went up to 30 because of the planer boards I just want something a little bit bigger a little bitter bite on it and I tried braid for a few days out here if you watched any my videos I had some of my reels that had a braid on it and I put those on some rods and I don't I just don't like braid it's just so stiff and I love braid for I think I got a fish I love brave for like my lightweight rods perks rods boom rods all that kind of stuff but it's just so stiff for catfish and I just but I went to the 30 pound and that's I think what I'm used to here on out either Andy or Lemoine X a great line that's another good one that I've been interested you know that whoever makes slam line I like to get someone to thirty pound and try it out you know hey slime line whoever you are if you're out there send me two thousand feet of it are two thousand yards of it and I'll put it on some reels and see if it works I'll put it through the paces see if there's a fish on this hold on hold on I think he is by George I think in fulfilling his own there I think it's a fish that I may be tangled in another line I don't feel a head shake that fish may have given up that fish made given up fish it's a fish and it was in another line Wow I think that fish gave up must be a French Channel KITT there yes how does that mean I'm sorry France sorry no let me get this line untangle bear with me folks untangling the line that should not be that hard let me cut a piece of bait one more second alright I'm coming back man what a night what a night what we have to anybody keeping counting anybody remember the official fish click 15 baby 15 and I hadn't been out here that long it's crazy what's up man James is on here what's up pal we're doing the we're doing the official rattle count tonight in case you guys don't know wow bug on the mirror there it is the rattle jingle bells' capture spells the bugs are showing up it's gonna be bad 15 fish ate our own rattles so it was kind of lopsided there in the beginning but it's kind of even out a little bit now so oh look at the bugs somebody send me get on my website and email me a message that says tater put the thermos L on the boat before you come back out at night this is bad yeah span let's say who's seen it what was that rambling about you use 20 come on I hear your braids and they'll give you some stretch what's bar so I said what's bar just got out oh yeah let me get everybody an update real quick just say god there's so many people man thanks for joining in guys I really uh it's really cool y'all come in here and watch me fish out here this is really awesome give me that I'm fishing on Lake Wylie dragon bait some troll how much I can get away with here with keeping wow this bugs are some raisin bad back in this Creek and that dang planer board has got a fish on it dadgummit let me get that now you can see the bugs probably really good notice that line was going in an odd direction this may be a decent fish a decent turf fish they're decent fish all the bugs are hideous this fish should be in about four lines it's went from that way all the way over to this way gonna be a mess arias in one line this is gonna be a mess I see them up on top the term angling comes from the old fishing days of where fisherman went angle a rod different ways to land the fish that's what I'm doing right now to try to get this fish around some of these other ones he's not a monster but God I got a mess now there he is that one back in the water oh the bugs are bad boys the bugs are bad let me uh this your bathroom break bugs back not my phone in the lake oh they're bad now can you see this let's see if we can see them there we go nice yeah yeah yeah okay I'll see what I got with the lines quick minute for a bathroom break I'm gonna get these lines untangles take your bathroom break get your popcorn get another cold drink so you know guys I'm untangling lines and getting swarmed by bugs so bear with me bear with me alright there's two of the three untangled I am working on Lasan you got time to make a sandwich quick sandwich not a heated sandwich just a quick sandwich alright that went better than I thought Oh hold up bugs are nasty they're nasty clicker sixteen fish I'm gonna try to get as far over here as I can I really got to bring my light pole out it would be a lot easier with these bugs you can see them now Oh - what happens there anyway we're worried with the question when using a planer boards at night do you use any type of light actually I don't generally use my planners at night for that simple reason as a matter of fact I'm getting ready to pull one in right here matter of fact while I sit here and talk to you I'm gonna reel it in for that reason they've got a place on them for light sticks and there's a company I was laying in bed did a live feed last night that makes a little light stick it's got a battery in it if you guys are watching message me I'd like to demo some of your products and put them on some rods to try some stuff out I forget their names and I was watching it and I forget the name of the light stick things but they look pretty cool and these planer boards I just reeled one in sorry about that they've got a place on there for a light stick you can put a big one on there if you need to they I just you know it's I try to keep it simple I really do I like things nice and simple you can whisker sticks that's it that's it whiskers I keep confusing it with something else with drifting sticks but yeah I try to keep it simple I'm just a simple man I'm like a country song oh right a bait bait on there ain't nothing but a simple man they call me a redneck I reckon that I am things are going on it make me mad down to the coal very good politicians and crime in the street madam Hill an angle take it no more well Charlie Daniels one of only a few people I've ever gotten an autograph from I mean what death of Matt I'll be honest with you I forget who asks I couldn't say who asked that question that fishing Steve I've covered a lot of depth here I've covered everything in the part of the lake that I'm mad about the deepest is about 38 feet where I'm at in the river channel and I fished from that all the way up I've been 25 feet now coming back into a creek mouth now is that on the main Lake the main channel I've come up into a creek mouth so I've covered pretty much everyone heard it from about 15 feet out to that 38 feet just inhaled a bug so the only thing I haven't done is like some super shallow Bank fishing and I'll be honest with you it's the time of year for it this is a good time to you know the bank guys get on the bank and they chuck lines out as far as I can but a good strategy in a boat is to get out on a pointer somewhere and cast everything up to the bank is there a lot of fish feeding up on the bank this time of year it's actually a good time of the year for it say dude I'm telling you guys this has been a great night of fishing yeah I mean I'll show you real 16 fish if you followed any of my live feeds earlier a couple weeks ago it was five to nine fish a night or a day when I was fishing and fishing in some of these same areas so it's it's using any heads yeah actually I have somebody's asking about the I'm using fillets in heads usually what I do is take a brim fillet off both sides and then use a head and besides hey so Mike just said hey come see they're off the glare of the light hey what's up why don't you guys join in thanks a lot for coming in here watching night night time seems to be the best time beads I don't know what we're gonna do when it gets cold because the one good thing is we fish all year I will be doing this all year down here in the south we I know some of my boys up north mr. Luke will not be able to fish was this thing called ice wolf fish all year I'll be out here in the winter doing this so that's the only bad thing is doing it at night it gets kind of chilly not typically don't fish at night in the wintertime but we're trying to make something touchdown Panthers Bob Clark said to do Sweet Caroline pah-pah-pah y'all have ever been to a Panthers game you'll anyway nothing like a nice refreshing diet Sun drop do you ever go to Lake Norman mr. Steve thinking about going up there in the morning I've got to head down Oh some bad news for a family I hate them everybody out my wife Tanya who a bunch of y'all see chime in here every now and then her stepmom passed away and they're having the funeral Friday so we're I'm actually gonna be leaving sometime tomorrow to get down there I've had to work a few days she's down there but thinking about going to fishing a little bit before I leave in the morning I've got a bunch of stuff I gotta get taken care of before I can leave so I may get up at 8:30 and go for a little bit but 24 to 10 Panthers yeah you know that's um that's some sad news but unexpected - does the other bad thing set but yeah I do good - Norman I have not been up there this year I got a feeling the damn bite is over the water temperatures as cold as they are dinner what is a cellar strategy for water reach stripers this time of year no idea I don't know I'm being totally honest with you on that Jake I know you seen some of my probably my striper videos I've got up on the page I've had two people three people text me and call me and asked me what's going on with stripers because they can't find them they weren't doing pretty good pretty much summertime is a Midlake deal it's one of those from Clearwater up to June Creek kind of deals you just got to find them and I've had like three different people message me wondering where the stripers are sex are some water I'm a lob well right now we're here in the past couple of weeks of thermic lines been in place that's really changed around where the stripers aren't stuff so I wouldn't know where to start I wouldn't new to the channel somebody new welcome pal thank you thank you thank you thanks for chiming in joining in yeah I wouldn't know where to start with stripers on watery right now I accept that net Midlake areas where they're gonna be they're gonna be somewhere in there and they may be scattered whatever I knew I'd probably even go further closer to the day em because I'm there like no Clark ceiling places like that that's what those guys are catching a lot of them and down on Lake Murray that's you know everybody's down at the towers fishin so that's probably your you know best bet I'd honestly put in down at Clearwater a little lake and start at the dam and work back up that's probably the safest bet to try to find something maybe a breaker let me deal with their standby yeah all the new people Bridgette you joining in I'm curious how you found out about it if you are new and just found this on by YouTube notifications good thing we got 46 people if you found out about this channel by being notified on youtube throw up the thumbs up or some little thingy I don't know what do you do let's see yeah something just say I did or something like that I'm curious who all found out and got notified about it because that's all new stuff for me on just how many people how they find out about this speed I mean obviously I got people who subscribe and they're notified Connie Queen Connie Queen very cold how is she doing tell her I said hey yeah I remember her from high school I just stumbled across her Facebook page today she was a friend for somebody else on there that I saw so very cool very cool all kinda it's kind of interesting where all the connections come from I got some football tickets today from the girl with the high school with it hardly ever see and he's on Facebook and she's oh my god I work for somebody to watch your official channel so it's kind of crazy so yeah if y'all were ever out and see me anywhere come say hey I've had some people like stare at me real weird and I wonder what's going on did I walk out in underwear or something but then they're like aren't you and yeah come say hey I talk to people all the time to boat docking bay tramping around and it's really cool it's fine it's a I'm really happy to share the information and you know like I've said before I think educated anglers are the key to protecting our resource because I think when people are able to catch fish consistently they're able to and feel good about releasing fish consistently because they know they can catch them again so like the info you hand out see that's cool there's people just stumble onto it and yeah if you subscribe you'll be notified and make sure you just also subscribe on Facebook d-terminal on fishing or just dealer Mel horn on Instagram because what I'm doing what I'm trying to start doing so I know I'm gonna come out here and go live like I did tonight I'm gonna try to put up a video on or put up a little blurb said hey I'm going live in 30 minutes or whatever so theater did you go to high school I went to ashbrook and guess so I went to South Point I was over in Belmont with the rednecks which now South Point has become the little the little good school in Gaston County because of all the Belmont transplants so yeah it's not the town it used to be and that's probably a good thing it's probably good it has been phenomenal fishing I have caught more fish tonight then a couple of trips put together so East Gaston Oh big rifle for South Pointe I'll still love you though it's okay that's all behind us now you too don't send me anything about anything going live now James have you went up and hit the little gear thingy or hit the bell you hit the bell on YouTube the little bell is turn on notifications make sure that's turned on and also make sure your phone stop blocking it somehow you're supposed to be able to hit that little bell and that's the notification thing that that's weird but I have heard and I have read that YouTube doesn't notify everybody even when your notifications are on and I can't figure out why that is I don't know if that's a throttle up kind of thing was I notice usually when I come on it's like boom there's 1314 people come up real quick and then it kind of climbs up climbs up so I don't know exactly what that deal is but again if you subscribed or follow me hit like and follow on Facebook I'm Deidre milhorn fishing and also on Instagram do you remember where I'm going to try to start sending out those notifications and go hey I'm gonna go live at 8 o'clock live at 7 o'clock that kind of thing so that's uh that's kind of my plan one day I'll probably have like an email list and email people and tell them what I'm doing it maybe even one day I have fantasies about having a halfway normal schedule and being able to get on with certain days but right now I do it when I can and I apologize for that I know a lot of channels do stuff too where you know they do it every Monday Sunday whatever and with my schedule on the way I work it kind of varies so it's hard for me to do that so so I just kind of do it when I can and writing it out here and good Lord willing I'll be able to you know get out once or twice a week and be able to do it I still got the edited videos I've got a bunch of those on the shelf that I try to keep for when I can't come on and do life but I'm trying to do the live stuff as much as possible and trying to do they use the other ones that are on the shelf and it and stuff to kind of fill in when I can't get in when I'm working out of town that kind of stuff yeah it's been a great night I'm probably gonna wrap it up here it's it's I I'm gonna quit while I'm on top it's it's how many fish are we up to I mean 16 fish day that's 16 that's an amazing night amazing night of stuff okay yeah I'll get you one of those books but yeah it's amazing out of fish and I appreciate y'all joining in I'll try to do some more check out the block the block hang on dieter milhorn fishing calm that's kind of going to be hopefully some information to peruse back through some times some stuff in written form it's a little bit easier to take in and digest there's gonna be some fishing tips time I'm gonna go over a little bit of that fishing calendar stuff that I've talked about on here when there are certain times of the year certain things happen and I'm gonna try to lay some of that stuff out in there a little bit more in depth and just use that for some of the written information and again it's just about I'll share this stuff and you know building the community of people that are into the same lifestyle or enjoy the same lifestyle or you know are interested in it and I appreciate all y'all tuning in and what'll happen is I will put this video up tonight a little go up right away but I'll do some stuff with the title come back in if you have any questions or comments I missed a lot of questions and I apologize them here for doing that but once it's back up come in and put any questions you want to down there I've got a dang good track record of answer and everything now one day when you know a hundred thousand people if you know good lord willing I ever get to that point it'll be a lot harder but right now you can suck all the information you want you out at me I try to answer every one of them and at least come in and have a good laugh with you on some of the compounds but for now I'm gonna sign off hit subscribe if you enjoy it and they'll have a great night and we'll talk about you again here soon you
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 17,691
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Keywords: tips on catching catfish at night, tips on dragging at night, how to catfish with planer boards, live catfishing, dieter melhorn, dieter melhorn fishing, catfishing live at night, live catfishing at night, where to drag for catfish at night, what is the best depth to catch catfish at night, best bait for catfish at night, best bait for catfish when dragging, catfish, catfishing, Catfishing Into The Night, tips on drifting for catfish at night
Id: tMgmtd_5Pyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 0sec (7080 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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