Simple Bobber Rig catches Thousands of Crappie Every Year (How to Tie Slip Bobber for Beginners)

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[Music] good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another one I got to tell you a little bit about this guy right here this guy was in the shop don't do this so actually back in April I was changing out spark plugs and getting ready for Grenada before whole Cova 19 thing hit and then I had to cancel that trip but I kind of rushed through it because I was trying to get everything ready and stripped the number two thread on the cylinder take your time take your time huge thank you to Roberts marine for getting this done took a one day one day turnaround I thought for sure this was gonna be in the shop for like a week took him one day tap that out put a new insert in and then ground up the prop a little bit dinged a big prop also changing impeller haven't changed that since about on the boat which has been in three years so thank you to them one day turn around so we can get back on the water filming these videos for those of you that are beginners in pan fishings crappie fishing specifically this technique that I'm gonna show you today has caught thousands upon thousands of crappie and it continues to catch thousands of crappie every single year it's a very simple setup it is a slip bobber and a live mental rig and I kind of started using this different type of bobber so I got a box of bobbers that they sent me but I started using these which ones are they here we go guys these three in ones I'm gonna explain why I started using these instead of what I have been using which I know a lot of you guys saw these videos on these wobble bobbers focus camera on these wobble bobbers there we go yeah this one's pretty beat-up it's still good I mean this will get bobbers but the main complaint I always get about bobber fishing is when I tie on a slip bobber my rod is completely dedicated to that slip bobber especially from from newer fishermen newer anglers so this is gonna solve it this one right here it's gonna solve your issue we're gonna tie that on a couple rods put some live minnows on also I got some new Aberdeen hook so I think I'd be gonna be pretty cool you should probably check them out but enough talking let's get to the lake what's probably the boat [Music] all right we're on the lake right now a little bit noisy because we're right next to the road but this is the entire setup so the first thing you're gonna put on is one of these it's a rubber bobber stop I sell these for like I think very like a buck real inexpensive so first thing you do is slide one of those on the line I'm using six pound mono right now 500 size reel you can tie your own slip but these are pretty pretty handy see it's got a little metal loop here and all you're gonna do is you're gonna put your line through that little metal loop just like this just do one of them helps if your contacts are not spinning on you so you got to pull through like that then you're gonna grab one of the beads little rubber bobber stops and you're gonna slide it down onto the line while holding this other part and slide it all the way past the tag and see how the little tagging sticking out you got to slide it over the top of that and then you can pull the line up from that little loop now you got your rubber bobber stop on the line now these are the hooks that I'm using these are the zone lock hooks and I'm gonna show you exactly why I'm using them cool thing about these zone lock hooks see how there's a little bit of a bend before the barb there so the reason so the cool thing about these zone lock hooks there's a little bit of a bend before the barb and the reason that's important is when these when you hook into a fish and that fish actually slides up that mouth gets torn up by that barb normally but this prevents that from happening so one it's a little bit more ethical okay it doesn't tear up that fish's mouth with crappie especially pop crappie or known as paper mouths so it's super easy to to tear a hole in their mouth and potentially lose the fish which is actually the second reason why this is kind of important the less chance you are the less you tear up that fish's mouth the less chance you have of that fish getting off so that's kind of why that's important plus I'm using live minnows today and it's actually going to keep that minnow kind of on the bottom of this hook shank so to tie this on normally I like to tie four live minnows I like to tie Snell knot and I'm going to show you why I like to tie that after I tie it on so the first thing is you're going to take your tag in and you're going to put it through the opposite side of the point so the hooks like this you're gonna take your tag in and put it through so it goes this way okay away from the point of the hook so like that then you're going to pull out probably I don't know four or five inches of line and you're going to pinch that line against the bottom of the hook like this okay and then you're gonna have you got your tag end up here get your main line going through the eyelet of the hook you can take your tag end but you're gonna leave a loop with your left hand my left hand here pinched against the hook in the line so it's going to create kind of a loop here in a second I'm gonna wrap it around the shank I'm actually gonna wrap it around the shaft of the hook four five six times whatever you feel like wrapping so just like that then you're gonna take the tag end and you see this loop that we created on this side you're gonna take the tag end and actually put it back through that loop then you grab the tag end so I probably got my fingers in the way of the camera here and take the tag again put it back through that loop okay we got it through our loop like that now we wrapped it a bunch on the shaft of the hook here so we don't want any of those wraps going above the eyelet of the hook so we're gonna slowly pull down on the tag end and then we're going to slowly pull down on the mainline going back to our rod tip and you'll see they kind of cinch up on the shaft of that hook and you can kind of slowly slide them up to just underneath the eyelid of the hook and they should all slide up run underneath there then you pull the tag end and the main line tight not too tight I probably could have wrapped it a few more times there but the reason this is important if you noticed the main line is going over the top of that that eyelet of the hook okay and when you set the hook so fish bites it you set the hook it applies pressure upwards okay because you're casting out and you're probably gonna when you set the hook the line is going to go over the top of that eyelet apply pressure upwards and it's going to give you a better hook up ratio you're gonna clip the tag end of this line off like that and there you go there's your snow map tied on this next part is a little bit controversial I guess most people when they use a split shot weight like this one they put it about six to eight inches above the line I'm going to put it directly above the eyelid of the hook and I was actually fishing on Rend Lake this is almost a year ago now springtime crappie fishing with Andy the owner of ACC crappie sticks and this is how he's had it set up we were fishing buck brush in about two to three feet of water and the reason this is kind of important and the way this is set up crappie are notorious for a negative bite so what will happen a lot of times is when they when they go to grab the minnow they'll raise up in the water call them with it they'll keep rising and when that happens your bobber will actually go sideways it's called a negative bite if you have your split shot let's say this split shot let's say six inches above the hook like that what will happen is when they grab it all sudden there's just a ton of slack line and this split shot is keeping that bobber straight up and down so you're not noticing that there's a bite that's why I'm gonna put it right above the eyelet of the hook so the next step is this bobber super simple bobber three-in-one now you notice I could have set it up like a regular slip bobber all the way through or put the line all the way through the middle of the bobber but the biggest complaint with people new to fishing and new to bobber fishing is what if I want to take the bobber off and just start casting maybe got a bite instead of an Aberdeen hook and a split shot you got a jig tied on and you just want to put a plastic on it start casting the reason this bobber is cool is you know it's got two different slots in the spring here the top slot closest to the spring right now is for a fixed bobber setup that bottom one is meant for a slip bobber setup and it's removable so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put that line right through that bottom notch right there it's gonna slide it in the bottom rush and I'm gonna let the spring shut and it's gonna allow it to slide up and down the line just like that so that is our setup that's how you tie it on super simple and if for whatever reason if you want to go to a jig instead of the Aberdeen hook and a split shot you can do that and that way you can take the bobber off and start casting your jig out I know that was kind of like a big thing for a lot of people brand new to bobber fishing is what happens if I set up a slip bobber and then it's fully designated to slip bobber fishing well this you can mix back and forth forecasting or bobber fishing so all right now that we got it tied up let's put some minnows on and catch some fish drop the number one well as you can see we've switched Lakes different day I ran out of time on the other Lake had to run back and do something do some house stuff nice little about a nine nine and a half inch fish solid eater for northern Wisconsin looped all over me though but I am set up on a very deep brush power well I think when I first started filming this probably three or four days ago the water temps were still in kind of the mid to upper 60s right now they're they're touching on 70 so these fish actually moved out pretty deep I'm in about 22 feet of water right now which is actually soup well we're coming towards the end of June so it's not really that deep but depending on the lake and depending on the water temp you could find fish as shallow as 12 feet and obviously as deep as 20 to 23 feet so we're gonna try to catch a couple of these fish that slip bobber is so great if you needed to cast out a long way fishing some of these brush piles right now if you needed to cast out a long way being able to reel up to almost like a foot below that hook it's really easy to cast there we go grew up in number two I'm gonna show you how I'm looking my minnow up these are all probably gonna be that's a little smaller guy that's about an eight inch fish they're not gonna be big on this lake but still a ton of fun to catch him if you notice I actually had to slide my slip bobber up a little bit this is a dead minnow let's get a fresh one here I just slide my slip bobber up a little bit or the slip stopper I wasn't quite deep enough and for the most part these rubber bobber stops I haven't had a ton of trouble I haven't had a ton of trouble of them getting stuck in the eyelets as long as you have the bigger eyelets on these rods something like this right here I've got the bigger eyelets you should be okay when you run into those those micro sized eyelets on the rods that's when you can run into trouble that slip stop kind of sliding all over the place but for the most part it doesn't slide up and the hook in this minnow there's a few different ways you can do it most people they hook them right below the the jaw don't go in the head or don't go through the brain just kind of go short between the eyes is that if you go too far back in that in the head it will actually kill them right away some people actually hook them through the back as well but for right now because these crappie actually like to eat the head first they'll these these crappies gonna be pretty aggressive actually pretty much as soon as I drop it down I get hit let's flick it back over this brush pile oh yeah they are deep hmm if that's a crappie it is a good crappie yeah it is a good crappie oh it's about a 10 inch eater and that one shut off throw him in the box here we go another solid 10 inch eater right there you notice they're not creating a huge hole in the crappies mouth cuz that hook that little that little bend in that hook see how it stops that that barb from getting up there stops that barb from hitting that crappies mouth tearing a hole in his mouth and letting that fish get off there's one there we go yep there's another solid eater yeah these crappy Erica taking that bobber right under it's another solid 10-inch er now kind of catch any monsters today and we got some both boats piling up on the spot so we're gonna move that right there oh I can get it keep it up all right there is a loaded crappie crib right there we got some waves bouncing but there it is Oh fish just hit it on the drop I wasn't gonna see if I was too deep that crappie came up and just smacked it I wasn't even I don't even think I was like 6 feet down like I was super aggressive super aggressive fish seems like these uh these crappie if you can see here make sure I don't hit my marker buoy but there is the school there's the school right there there's a ton of them I got very big they're probably 9 and 10 inch fish but in 20 feet of water see that the water também was 70 70.5 we warmed up quick in the last couple weeks here summer time fishing this is what it's going to be like these fish are gonna push out depending on the water temps if the water temps cool down they're gonna push back into that 15 foot or less depth but with these temps in the 70s there gonna keep out to that 15 to 20 foot mark some of them might push out a little bit deeper I think 21 22 23 is probably gonna be the deepest I see these fish most of the summer until the fall when that water temp really starts to plummet that's when they push back out into into that edge of that wintering basin I think I got to go to the other side of the lake holy smokes his wind just picked up out of nowhere my trolling motor can't keep up I got it on max right now yeah we can't fish here get on the drop hit it on the drop I had to move spots that south end of the lake was getting real nasty that's another another 9 inch fish yeah that's out then to the lake was a real nasty with the waves and I actually moved because there was about four or five boats stacked up kind of on this section of of this brush right there we're not big fish but that is a crappie crib see if there's a more yeah there's a ton of them stacked up on there and there's a deeper weed edge these northern lakes see that that weed edge is in 15 16 feet of water that's where it stops it's thick real thick and then it starts kind of getting sparingly starts getting kind of thin and then these brush piles are set up on that deeper edge of the weed weed pile for these summertime crappie we're there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is the simplest setup that will catch thousands of crappie every single year across the US and Canada super simple set up basic Aberdeen hook well this one's anything but basic this is that zone lock hook it's got that Bend just before the barb to prevent those fish from sliding up hitting that barb and tearing a hole in their mouth I know this is a little controversial set up but that split shot I really like to kid it right down to the hook because especially if you're fishing in deeper water like I was today we were fishing in 20 feet earlier you probably saw me fishing in probably 12 to 15 feet but when you're fishing in deeper water and it's gonna happen in shallower water too but those fish will come up grab that minnow keep rising in the water column and if you got that weight set up like this if it's set up a little bit higher they grab that hook and I keep rising in the water column your bobber is gonna be stuck like this but if you have that weight set all the way down when they grab that weight and raise it up in the water column that bobber is gonna go from straight up and down to sideways a negative bite so key rod and Bob slip bobbers about that awesome little there's two notches there for you it's two notches this one down here that I was using that is the slip bobber notch the one up closer to the main part of the bobber here that that is for a fixed bobber setup is sufficient in shallow water or you I would say probably anything less than about six feet you could probably use that depending on how long your rod is and then also it's got the hole in the middle of the of the bobber here that bobbers hollowed out so you can use it like a regular slip bobber if you want to I'm personally going to be using it this this top little notch here just so if sometimes if I'm fishing with just a straight jig you can take it right off just go to vertical jig fishing I know a lot of people had questions about that if they tie on a bobber it's just designated to bobber fishing now it's not go ahead check these out all link these below but that's the entire set a very very simple setup catches thousands of crappie we didn't catch any big ones today but there were a ton of small ones on some brush piles if you don't have brush piles in your leg this question actually came up on Instagram not too long ago if you don't have brush piles in your life in the northern states we have giant weed beds that grow up in really deep water I actually showed some of them on a live scope here the weed bed came out to about 15 feet and then the brush piles these are cribs but they were dropped onto that 15 to 20 foot mark so just after the deepest weed pile their weed edge if you don't have brush piles or cribs like her in this lake the crappie will stack up on the deeper edge of these weed beds so look from Foreman probably 12 to 20 feet of water depending on how clear the lake is now if you're fortunate enough to live on a body of water that is open water year-round basically Missouri and southern Illinois anywhere south of that oftentimes you'll have large dock systems that are in the water year-round those crappie will actually suspend around them or up underneath them you can still use this setup for any brush piles that people put out around their dock system still great set up you're trying to get up underneath that dock you might want to take the bobber off and just kind of pitch the minnow in there or pitch a jig up in there but great summertime tactic it will catch thousands of fish for tons of anglers across the US this year go ahead try it out my rod and reel and the entire tackle setup will be in the description below appreciate you watching if you got any comments or questions you can post them in the comment section or you can message me on their Facebook or Instagram I always appreciate hearing from you do me a favor if you're brand new to this channel click that subscribe button click that bell and if you found this video helpful click that share button I really appreciate it we'll see ya [Music]
Channel: Flopping Crappie
Views: 139,514
Rating: 4.8678613 out of 5
Keywords: Simple fishing Rig, Bobber fishing, How to tie a slip bobber, how to tie a slip bobber for crappie, slip float, how to tie a slip float, crappie fishing, summer crappie fishing, how to catch crappie, how to find crappie, find crappie in the summer, july crappie fishing, august crappie fishing, locate summer crappie, live minnows, live bait rig, flopping crappie, how to, wisconsin, black crappie, white crappie, best crappie setup, best crappie rig, best crappie bait
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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