Fishing for Catfish in Deep Water

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there he goes there he goes that's a good fish very good fish he's a big flat head no he's diving again let him die all right folks the plan is today to head down to the lower end of the lake drop the boat in and go out to some deeper water uh my past several guide trips i've been catching fish in deeper water and the water is not uh really cold or really hot right now we're in early fall so we're gonna see what we can find and talk about some of the reasons the fish may be there guys i think we may have a little bitty fish on my spinning rod told y'all i was gonna do some spinning rod videos do some spin tackle that's what i got made a couple of drifts here and i hadn't gotten into any fish this is the first one this is a big cat fever rod by the way it's their spinning rod this is an ancient mariner it's their 5 000 series spinning uh reel it's got some heavy braid on it uh and the only reason i got that braid on this because of what i had at the house i just left it on i have been using it shark fishing doing some saltwater stuff overkill for what we're doing here especially when you're catching four pound channel catfish like i just called but it's what we got on here that's what we're fishing for now sucka get him get him released alive but yeah it's one of the uh big cat fever one of their spinning rods they make a it's virtually virtually identical to the uh medium heavy actions that i use from them i've been using for a while it's just set up in a uh spinning setup a little bit bigger guides on it like all the spinning rods have painted up the same core candle on this one like i said it's a ancient mariner 5000 series pretty big reel i think it's overkill for what i'm doing but that's what i got i've got another one on the other side of the boat that is a 4000 series on the other rod so that's probably a little more than what in line with what i would suggest for most people all right guys that uh first fish was not exactly what we're looking for but i was happy to catch one um what you didn't see was me making a pretty long drift covering a big swath of water where i caught some fish on a guy trip the other day some good fish there was nothing there so uh kind of made a move over here to the main lake even deeper water than what i was in and at least i got one in the boat guys we're gonna have a good eater right here that's a fish oh that's a fish that is a fish i was wondering what was going on i ain't hooked into a decent fish yet this ain't gonna set no world record but it's nice to get something besides channel cap right here in the middle of the river channel some deep water gonna get ready to change something here in a second get this one in first feels like it's decent fish [Music] not an on fire bite like we have had past few weeks but that's fishing you gotta fish when you can but we're taking it down probably gonna be about a 10 or 12 pound fish you say a lot of bubbles might go a little bigger skipping the teens maybe i'll take it he hit a big bait that fella hit a big bait that was a [Music] mistake yes i am dragging both baits today we got the chicken and we've got the perch going both fish so far come on purse and this one came on a perch head there you see some of that nice fish good one hey that makes it into the teens anyway happy to have you as a guest let's get you back now that's a little more of what i'm looking for uh that's a good fish that one came right on the edge of the river channel right where it drops down into you know 50 55 feet of water and uh marking a lot of fish out in this area it's not on fire with the bite there's not a lot of fish biting again i'm trying both baits i've got uh the perch out and i've also got the chicken out that's been producing fish uh those first two fish have come on the perch so uh i'm gonna keep dragging across here grow across this deeper water and see if i can put another one in the boat i may have one taking a bait here yep boom it's funny i was sitting there drifting hardly any wind a little bit i noticed the boat started going to one side i'm sitting there on my phone looking at stuff answering some of y'all's emails and questions and uh i look up the boat's starting to go to the side and look at the like well the boat shouldn't be going that way i'm looking for a rod slowly pulling over got a fish this is the one i just caught the last fish on and uh put it back out with perch head on it big perch in and it went this is a better fish good fish we're about 50 feet of water oh there he goes it's a good fish i'm gonna net this one my boat attitude right here there we go yeah something's been up with the fish pulling back deeper i had guide trips out here for a couple of days and uh fish were scattered and caught them and it was a good bite and i tried some of those same areas this morning and it wasn't working so i came out here to this deep thinking water may have pulled deep and it looks like they have don't know why though makes no sense there he goes there he goes loosen that drag up some there we go yeah it's a good fish very good fish there's a big flat head no he's diving again let him die let him dive got him big old flatty bam we've caught three fish and we got a lake wiley slam we call it a slam whenever we get a flathead channel captain blue and that's a good flathead good looking flathead there all the hooks out of you oh yeah oh yeah simmer simmer that oh yeah baby hello flatty no tag in it good shot of it there get him back alive so that you guys can go catch him bam flathead time just what i'm looking for uh i always like to catch flathead no matter where i'm fishing this one's out here open water uh this is big open water there's nothing really steep or anything out here that was just one that's out feeding probably uh chasing some shad or perch down here on this end of the boat another one that came right away on the bait i put back out that big perch head and uh who knows maybe seen it falling through the water column and started following it not a super duper slammer bite none of these bites have been explosive i think i'm just getting some opportunistic feeding fish maybe what happened was last week when we had all the good fishing a few days ago when the fishing was really really good um who knows maybe the fish are just you know they they fed and they their their bellies are full and they're locking it down who knows all you can do is fish guys get on the water and fish and try to figure it out which is what i'm getting ready to do try to catch another one well guys we're almost up on the bank here still in 40 feet of water it's a steep bank old pinky went off sadly i let way too much line out on pinkie i'm gonna be reeling for a while decent fish just getting ready to reset was looking at my mapping software my navionics just to figure out where it's gonna go next we've got kind of a south wind going on so i'm trying to figure out a drift that'll keep me in some deep water for a long time my river basically runs north south but in this area it kind of makes a little bit of a bend so trying to find me a good area to make a good pull along some of that deeper stuff being on the lower end of the lake there's a lot of deep water here so uh shouldn't be too hard we're gonna reset here as you can see behind me i'm almost up on some piers another good fish for him got a feeling they're pulling some water today uh expecting some heavy rains tomorrow and uh that will two to three inches of rain so it'll be an increase in water in the lake so probably drawing it down some it's another one in the teens finally got one on chicken yeah good fish get this nice blue come on that deeper water no mud on them i guess they're somewhat active fish i could lie well there you go right before i was getting ready to run it up on the bank at the end of that drift i put another low tiner in the boat uh what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna load up and go down a little bit further down the lake i got pretty much a south wind which is one contrast to what was out here the end of the day on some of the guide trips i had a north wind and we had to win for several days and it could be this this just kind of scrambling up the mix here a little bit with what's going on and that'll happen sometime you just have to keep fishing so i'm going to run down the lake a little bit uh make a long drag along the edge of the river channel into it and uh see if we can stick one guys we may have one on this rod here it went over and then bounced back slack yep there we go man i'll tell you what these fish are not on fire i gotta let him get below the drift stock yeah let it go down this is not a big fish covered a lot of water i am into about 50 feet right now you notice i'm kind of nursing these fish up a little bit generally i'm not fishing this deep of water get down below that drift side big boy when i do if i can i try to take my time getting them up especially once i get their head up off the bottom i try to work them up a little bit slower just to help with some decompression issues that last one we caught got right up at the top and blew up a bunch of bubbles that's a good thing this one i've got a big easterly drift sock out behind me i'm trying to get this thing to drop below it sometimes he'll get up here in water column and then dive i think he's just there you guys he went down now finally sometimes they just want to get drug along on an uber ride a catfish uber one is on the perch guys it's on the perch and this will be fish number five of which four have come on perch what does that tell you tells you that bait ain't working today also fishing some waterways i have a theory that some of these fish let me get this thing in the boat and i'll tell you my theory oh barely got that one i want y'all look at this this thing is i'm glad i nursed it or i never would have got it here that one ah he may be hooked better than i think i thought he was barely hooked that hook's in there pretty good pow i think that's called a backstabber it's very similar to an owner hook these are from hooker's terminal tackle i think it's called the backstabber similar to an owner nice wide gap like a gamakatsu but it's got a shorter shank on it messing around with them trying them out nice blue good eater size one that's a super duper get him back alive now what i was saying my theory on the whole chicken thing is i believe that maybe magic combo with that chicken maybe when these fish are around muscle beds feeding that's what i'm thinking past few guy trips when we were using the chicken and killing them and we're also pooping snail shells and mussel shells in the boat it's my theory it's just theory so you're probably wondering why all of a sudden are the bigger biting fish in the middle of the deepest part of the lake uh it's not extremely hot it's not extremely cold well to be honest i have no idea uh it's part of the reason sometimes you can figure it out sometimes you can come up with some kind of reason uh maybe you know in the winter time there's more stable temperatures deeper or in the summertime there's cooler water uh but sometimes we can't make any rhyme or reason out of it who knows what the reason is that's why i say covering water is very important that's why i like to drift uh drifting and trolling is a great way to cover water and figure out what's going on with the fish i started out in a creek this morning fishing and uh didn't really catch fish i had caught them there like i said two or three days ago i came out here and said well you know what i'm gonna try something a little deeper and poof catching some fish it's not on fire it's not crazy but it's way better off than it was back in the creek so why they do it who knows maybe these are just the hungry fish maybe all the other fish have fed up uh that were in there where more the bait was it's hard to say you just have to fish and be willing to roll with the punches and don't get locked into i've got to do this certain thing right now because this is what the magazine said to do uh a lot of times you just have to adapt you can catch fish deep in the winter or in the summer you can also catch them shallow and i mean two three four feet of water in the winter or the summer it just depends what's going on with the food and the bait and where the feeding fish are so don't get locked into a pattern uh lock in to where the feeding fish are i got a channel cat on this rod doing a little herky jerky head shaking there i also got kind of a gaggle of stuff behind the boat because we're getting close to the dam which you can see behind me i think we're getting some current play off of that i think i'm gonna have to go to the other side of the boat with this one probably going to get every line in the process 20 pound braid on here uh power pro and it's a pen 4000 series i got every line in the boat underneath that wow might have gotten cleared of everything anyway it's a 4000 series pin battle two uh 20 pound braid and it's a big cap fever medium heavy rod and you guys intimidated by baitcasters this is a great setup perfect stuff this one may pop loose he's barely hooked you had to bite that finger didn't you we're down trying to help you out you were a good-sized gentle kid that is a good size that's a good-sized channel cat for lake wiley they don't get that big anymore nice one get it back alive yeah this uh set up you guys that are looking for something a little less intimidating a little less expensive but i'm telling you throwing a baitcaster if you try it it can be frustrating so set up like this to put some fish in the boat i need to get me another fool for this when a replaceable spool put me some mono on there make it a little bit easier but bam we're catching there you go guys that was a fat little fish uh about 50 feet of water right in the middle of the river channel i'm kind of dragging upstream i'm actually going upstream instead of going with the currents kind of the way the wind's coming winds coming out of the south water's flowing out of the north so i'm just kind of floating up through here and uh there's a nice little fish and another one on chicken chicken making a comeback i was wondering this morning it was like uh pretty much all of them there but i think that's uh close to half of them about equally split and let me keep dragging here see we put some more in the boat it's a uh decent bite uh not on fire not crazy they're scattered but definitely seems like for whatever reason the eating fish are in here and around the deeper river channel water on the catch the fever rod this is the 4000 series spinning rail here i think i showed you earlier only 20 pound braid it's like a guitar string it's what i use typically fishing down at the coast saltwater fishing i don't use this rod but i've got a smaller rod but i use it uh chasing drum flounder some uh trout all that kind of stuff decided to put it on this reel or this rod give it a shot show you guys so you can catch these fish on spin and tackle you don't need big old giant crazy stuff to do it this isn't a big old giant crazy fish i wish it was but good normal-sized fish that most people are going to be catching where they're fishing semi-sweet thing oh you pooping in my boat that one came on chicken chicken side of the boat chicken making a comeback here late in the day a fat blue boy that's a fat little pig here piggy piggy give me an oink i ain't working lately back alive but yeah guys 20 pound line just sandy rig rod works just fine i probably go with a lot of rod but i got a lot of muscle with the big cat fever on and uh all that reels for just taking us live all right guys there's one on the uh chicken another blue good eater size blue uh right here in the middle of the river channel 50 feet of water is what i'm pulling through now i don't fish this depth of water all that often to be perfectly honest but it's working right now and uh again that was on chicken so maybe there's some mussels down there they're getting into who knows but uh whatever it is it's working got a mild breeze probably about five to six miles an hour but i got a big drift sock out i'm pulling through here very very slow at about point three point four and just creeping up this river channel just trying to give them all the opportunity they need to eat one of these baits guys just think pinkie fold over we'll see if it stayed buttoned still on there and i don't think it is i think fish came off that was a chicken bite rod went over came back well there may be a fish on here if it is it's coming swimming through the boat i want to jump in the boat with us go for a ride he wants to get a picture taken is what he wants he wants to uh get a pitcher feeder metal horn fishing we can get him up here he's flopping and jerking oh sometimes guys you let them have the hook that one there looks like a whole lot of digging there we go let him have it i have 13 pounds good fish let him take the hook with them they worth it meg alive guys i think i got a pig sneaking off with a piece of chicken i was actually just bringing some stuff in to move actually go home i've had a pretty good day it was evenly split got a couple rods in and stowed away and then i seen this one slowly creeping over chicken bait chicken bait you believe that chicken we're just gonna go home even five a piece but no no chicken how to make a comeback chicken made a comeback that may be a good fish it knows it's hooked now kind of swim off to the side looking like he didn't know he was hooked see look out here we got some color i think i won't need a net would i hear that thing clank these guys hear that net hit the boat and it's like look out i'm leaving town goodbye that's a good bend feels like a blue heck yeah hey right there folks is a heck of a way to finish today let's get him in the boat and see how big he is he's into my braided line all right you're not hooked deep good not hook deep well you're hooked deep but you're hooked in a good place beautiful hook removal excellent let's get you up here get some look at you there he is look at that nice 20 pounder hello world nice fish chicken monster even on the chicken yes like back alive i'mma end the day with that one that's a great fish uh 11 fish in the boat let's see how bad our braid tangle is here oh this may be an easy one no is there ever an easy tangle with bray i think if i cut my mono i can get this off here without a mess but anyway finish up great day great day fishing deep water that's where they're at folks no matter what the magazine tells you whatever it says in the book whatever it says on tv that you're supposed to be doing a certain time it's not always that way sometimes these fish are going to do what they're going to do for whatever reason they're doing and you just got to change your game up that's what we did today so hope you all do the same go catch one well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching here are a couple more videos that i think you're gonna like i'd watch that one and then that one no no do do that one first and then that one i just watch them both they're both good
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 12,421
Rating: 4.9625292 out of 5
Keywords: dieter melhorn, are catfish in deep water, Drifting for Catfish in Deep Water, catfish in deep water, fishing deep water for catfish, Fishing for Catfish in Deep Water, deep water drifting for catfish, Deep water catfish, deep water trolling for catfish, big catfish in deep water, are big catfish in deep water, deep water catfishing, deep water for big catfish, catfishing in deep water, fishing for catfish, how to catch catfish in deep water, fishing deep for big catfish
Id: q5UQfQ-6KDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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