Part 6. Tree trimming, floor repair and return of the Viking! General Store

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald [Music] morning everyone and welcome to today's episode today we're gonna be doing a few things one I'm on my way to pick up Patrick right now he is gonna be coming with me to do some moving we've got to go make a pit stop at a fellow's house and buy a couple things yes I'm still out buying antiques but then we're gonna start moving some of the bigger fixtures over to the new location we're not gonna be able to completely move just yet but I'm gonna get a few things started and a few things moved over so off to go pick up Pat and then go pick up some treasures from a guy's basement I guess I should let him in there we go wandering that morning ready for some exciting adventures yes at the shop and this is one of the cabinets that has to go today honestly Pat it's not gonna be much fun getting this thing in here we had to take it out on kind of an angle because it's so big it's the least favorite thing that has to go the other one that has to go today is this big guy right there with the billiards sign on top and the billiard sign itself those are the two most cumbersome cabinets in the whole store and today is a day to get the move ready hey got the shelves loaded up at the store now we are headed off to go meet a fella named Gary who's gone a couple Coke machines there's some other stuff that he wants itself don't know full film inside this but if I get them all well let's hope we get them I'll show you what they are one machine in vendo forty-four there's actually two more machines while one of the machine in the basement and some other stuff you have to get and since we were down to the fellows basement we offered to take his old TV to the recycle depot farm and we have a moving truck and a little more difficult for him to get out of the basement and we got the coke machines loaded up Pat I'll come over give you him okay let me let me help ya we're at the new store and before we start work on unloading the truck I hear some noise happen we'll see what it is I recognize that voice is that could it be is it the one and only hands prod are there Fred Patrick - yeah I got Patrick here - yeah so the boys are up there taking the old sheeting off so yeah do you have a look inside and see it's kind of wet yeah it's pretty gross definitely some repair so what even up to since we worked on the house whatever you do well if you have a minute I'll show you what needs to be done around here yeah not problem okay so this tree hey Dakota it was just we were talking about safety first yesterday your shirt went missing somewhere along the way that's what it was so um these branches here that go over the roof need to come off like basically yeah well if we do that there's not gonna be much tree laughing oh my god so it's a big beautiful tree but it's in a terrible location by power lines and everything so I almost wonder if we should just take it down well not just this what Brad did lower one okay so we might be able to prune it back and I mean anything over the roof has to go for sure well this whole thing can go this whole what this whole tree can go yeah that can go and then your building and eventually you're gonna have damage oh yeah it's already caused damage and then we're thinking about the bigger trees that are at the front they're the Karianna fruit okay so that'll be probably after this gets gutted on the inside I just cleaned it up then to help with the boys and then like I probably spend a night or two here so let's worry about that stuff on the inside in the evening or whatever it sounds good Patrick and I have a moving truck here we're gonna start moving some fixtures in we've been busy this morning we've been at it since 8:00 this morning hey Pat fixtures no that would be next time okay so we're gonna get at it but yeah so how did it go in here so far well that's all cleaned up the garbage is gone wait a garbage is gone yeah did you yeah so we want to basically get it down to this lot these lateral slats that are underneath there because then we'll know we have no well we'll see once we get this up and we'll know what we're working with here but I don't know the boys have pry bars and stuff like that I do you okay so I'll leave you with that Patrick and I are gonna go inside did you have a look inside the building Arnie no oh look slide from the two coke machines I got I couldn't help but bring back this it was in the fellows basement the Charley angels hideaway house it's like a I don't know very unstable beach house like a podium I don't know what you Barbie and then you live up top I don't know where that door supposed to go you fall off into the ocean who knows anyway it's a weird thing made by Hasbro is kind of cool so I don't really see one before - probably because it's a hugely impractical toy but we bought it as ours now you know when you just take your old Coke machine for a walk down the road that's what's happening here I can't really get the truck very close because there's parking all along the front and we have that storage bin in the back to the dump it in the back so I can't drive in the yard so there's a lot to do for now truck is unloaded these are all the shelves for this cabinet glass broke on top we had to throw it out in the dumpster so we are gonna go to Home Depot and maybe get a piece of plywood so we can build a new top which is fine because this goes on top now anyway it doesn't really need to be glass look at all this stuff but by the end of the day hope they'll have it all put together so I'm gonna tell the guys Patrick and I are headed out hey guys Patrick and I are headed out to go get another load for a quick pit stop pickup I believe the plywood be finished nicely on one side decide the spacing up got to fix that countertop when we get back we might really do uh my father-in-law Patrick's former father-in-law I'll just check it out the Hans mobile here and I see Hans has been busy ripping up the floor you can definitely see we've got some weak spots here how's it been going over here well at least it's not a 100-foot drop you got to be careful it's not too bad no true well unless you fell on all these nails that are sticking up here well in joshan Dakota left to go probably go get materials and lunch you said right I see they've either started turning this into a prison cell or they're getting ready to frame that in which is the actual case because we're deleting that one window because it's alley side just for safety you don't really need it there this is the one we put in the other day and then we're taking out that little window over there which I've already got out too so they probably to go get a plywood or something I'll check with them when they're back Patrick and I have a moving truck to unload that's what we're doing okay been moving so I'm filming myself moving probably should have set that up anyway Patrick and I and Harry has joined us my friend Harry who has a motorcycle repair business for all your motorcycle needs are helping me move so we've got the bottom of the cabinet in here we're gonna go and get the top put it on top a little bit you can see it overlaps a little bit with the window but I think it's just gonna be or at the right spot so I think we're gonna be okay there even if we get it on top we can cheat it over just a little bit so it clears that window friend to be perfect there we go one billiards sign I can't really Center it much more than that because it has the brackets built onto it still can't go over too much more and I don't really want to cut it because somebody might eventually buy that I want to rehang it but it's up and out of the way I'll light it up and make sure it still works Patrick has just plugged it in to test it out and it still works thank goodness because that was super expensive to get that built up get it repaired I actually found this in a field with my dad one of my very first youtube videos from a couple of years ago that billiards sign was in a farm field you go back to my my my history of videos you'll find it as one of the early ones hey so the last thing Josh and Dakota are gonna do for me today cuz I have a busy work on the other side is cutting down a new piece of plywood for me to go on top of this cabinet do you think it needs braces in there yeah Lisa needs braces so the idea is to cut this down make a little platform on top I did have glass there before it was cracked the move did it in sadly and then this has two on top okay I'm gonna go return the rental van I'm gonna go return the Patrick cuz they're both hourly I thought you cut it to pieces yeah I thought you cut it laterally or you cut it horizontally to get your sections and then you just do two parts one one in there and one there it's not like it's a 4x8 not a 4 by 10 which is what we need and the cabinet's on the red wall ready to go in nicely I've gotta do a little bit of wood stay in there the guy's finished up dirtying up the top for me and then I could start getting some of the clutter off the floor yikes still another hour and a half so worth of work and then starting to get some of the product on the shelves here these are some of the whimsical retro toys and some actual vintage [Music] have you covered doors back on some of them need repair out for the move but my pile is a lot smaller than what it was starting to get all the old drawers put back in the cabinet and I noticed they didn't notice this before that this one's signed it looks like WH hope could be the person that built these cabinets or who knows and most of these are numbered on the back or on the side and you have to kind of find the corresponding spot because they're not all exactly the same this would have been a custom built piece of furniture and you want to make sure you put the right drawers in the right spot and just hope that they think not I had so many patterns in here this lady looks like she's into herself into a nun I guess it goes to show that knitting can become a bad habit well Josh and Dakota are gone there's a tornado warning in effect for area it is really warm it's probably in the high 80s in Fahrenheit about 30 degrees Celsius so the guys are gone Honda's gonna stick around and clean up for a little bit so I'm gonna say goodnight to him and head back home getting home at just the right time this does not look like a friendly storm that's brewing over our neighborhood right now was this not a fan of thunderstorm so never a good sign when the clouds start turning brown those are gonna be pretty heavy how about I think we'll play the old cars stay in good shape tonight have to see in the morning holy cow the hail is the size of golf balls out there it's just starting to come down do you see that you can hear it cutting on the house that is not gonna be good for our cars well we just started getting hail it's I have I don't think I remember seeing hail that big look at that one that was like a four inch piece of hail that just fell no sometimes you just there's nothing you can do we'll go down to the basement if it gets really bad this is pretty awesome that well our siding can get rekt hard whoa saw that there's nowhere to put our vehicles right now with it's safe our garage is completely full I've nowhere to bring stuff in was it ran outside to get the big piece of hail okay bring over the side this is the big one yeah holy cow that is next to a cup a little cup still but that's like tore hand even this is my head - and Abigail hand it's like the seams when not so close - gross okay I'm putting it over there that is not good when he all that size is coming down hey the hill has stopped for now let's see what we have that's not that's not a great see if any of these hit Melissa's car yeah we got one dent there quickly that's not too bad I can't tell yet the rain surprisingly her hood doesn't look too bad oh I got some I got a few denturri knees on that on the Beamer roof is nearly all glass on this car we'll know more in the morning but definitely a little bit of hail damage the morning after the storm our cars and our trees saw a little bit of damage did get a few dents but overall everything's fared pretty well hopefully I don't get another storm like that tonight I checked on my ambulance it looks like it's in pretty good shape still so no worries there I'm off this morning to go and check on the general store make sure the property's ok and to see how hands is doing because he spent the night at the store as my my gatekeeper a little check and see what progress he made last night I hear sounds well good morning hands up how was that storm last night for you I know you got hit or did your truck it all dented up no yeah ours my ambulance is okay Melissa's car got dented my car oh yeah it was bad so I see you're hard at it this morning walk oh it's worse than yet this talky talky stuff went really good well yeah we're getting down well there's just you know a little bit left to go here not too much more to go and yeah it looks like they nailed it pretty much every inch or two inches it's crazy but appreciate you putting the work in do you think we'll get to cutting down some trees today well I'm hoping I'm hope oh yeah well me too put on a shoulder to cry for your viewers right well hopefully the show isn't you falling out of a tree again but today I brought in a bunch of soapstone sculptures and things because I want to do this case over here to have a lot of art inside of it so I'm gonna start on loading my car and while I've got a lot of cleanup to do in here still - there's stuff kind of all over the floor that I've been sorting electricians coming in about 45 minutes I've got to get this place ready so he can do his work - soapstone sculptures are indigenous to the peoples of the north so from the Arctic area original soapstone sculptures but they would have used for their own purposes would be quite small because they're nomadic they travel with with their food basically they'd have to move around so they would want to carry a big 10 15 pound chunk of stone with them they would have been very small but later is people discovered them and they became works of art they got made bigger and bigger so people collect these it's beautifully hand-carved and generally locally or or almost locally made we have a stone carver that comes in sees us and brings us these wonderful little things every so often so we're gonna make sure to do a nice display and get them you know proudly presented here indigenous art is beautiful and well crafted we love finding it when we can and bringing in the shop from beaded moccasins to baskets to sculptures amazing artists that have passed on their traditions for centuries it's just one of the wonderful things that we see here in Canada and many parts of North America that I love carrying in the shop so the electricians are here in fact they're down in the basement which is kind of like a well more than a crawl space it's a it's a basement we're getting a couple plugs installed in the floor today reason being that I want to be able to put showcases and have things that can light up and I don't run cables across the floor so I'm looking at getting two installed one back there and one a little bit closer that way when I do my showcases the middle we can plug directly in or if I decide to put my Zoltar or something like that right in the middle we'll be able to do that without having any hindrances to our customers getting around the shop they're just having a look and check it out and hopefully they'll get started it means we'll have to drill into the floor though which is kind of a bummer but it's all for the greater good electricians are here working on getting the plates in Oh does that where I said to put it just kidding they've removed a chunk of floor but this is the hardwood look how thick this floor is I swear it is it a bomb shelter down there that you can be protected from nuclear fallout from you know five layers of plywood this is crazy you ever seen a floor that thick before no these look like 1970s platform shoes holes you can put them right on the bottom Oh nuts well as they are busy working away I've emptied off this counter I think it's gonna become more of a library sort of idea over here and I've moved my toy department over here which I actually like quite a bit better because I can fill these bins full of stuffed animals and soon-to-be hot wheels and things like that so I think it'll be kind of nice plus kids like to be kind of you know near the front of a shop where there's windows and light and parents can see them so it's a good spot for the toys when I was in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island I picked up this antique book press now found out I had family on the island and thankfully they were coming to have inton and brought it with them because it's pretty darn heavy it's about sixty pounds I think I've got the perfect spot for it right on top of my antique bookcase next up for me I've got a window claim I'm gonna stick on my front door here it has to get in here to the glass make sure that there's no bubbles or crinkles I'm gonna clean it then I'm gonna razorblade it and then I'm gonna clean it once more you can hear all the little clicking sound that's debris and stuff that's left on the door it could be from dead flies could be whatever paint spatter I don't want it on there because it's gonna make it so my sticker doesn't go on properly so I'm gonna go over the whole thing until it's perfectly smooth then I'm gonna clean it one more time and yes you can use a razor blade I'm just using a box cutter removed from its sheath very carefully but you can use a razor blade it will not scratch your glass and what am i putting up this my store hours my information for how to breach s it's gonna go in the window and the nerve-wracking thing about putting something like this up is that if you get a crooked or you get a bubble in it you have to order a whole new one it's very difficult to take these off and reapply so I'm gonna have to be extra careful today when I get this thing put on soak the window a little bit with some warm soapy water and you're gonna squeegee this out and once you get it in place you want to make sure that you squeegee out any bubbles you want to work from the middle out I'm just using an old credit card that I have but they actually make proper rubber squeegees for this which are very inexpensive but this is what I'm using today and it does do the trick so see this giant bubble there you just kind of work it you walk it all the way to the edge and out because you want to have it nice and clear there's another little bubble if you can see it right there I'm gonna walk it over right off the edge like that I'm gonna keep going until I have them all done yeah now to see how it looks from the other side there you go well okay well that's what you'd expect your hours your name on the door give people an idea of when you're around and it's not too in-your-face what is gonna be in your face is when I get the giant store name painted on the roof later and he should actually be here it's gonna be well he said about one o'clock so another 30 minutes or so and Dave should be here so this has sort of a rubbery backing on it is that waterproof in here yeah and like a weather tight seal so there's one underneath here yes stop anything going into the basement and then go I'm here to stop any water actually getting it down to where the wires are that's the perfect fit for ya josh is back and we are working on venting the heat ducts through the fixtures because they're sitting on top of the old registers so what's the plan alright well thanks you got me to cut the hole on the first day when we had it over there and we kind of change their mind what we're gonna do is we're gonna reroute with a series of whatever these are called some hose fittings and Malwa and maybe come out the same hole luckily the way these are designed it'll fit behind that and it'll wrote nicely without being in the way so people will be able to completely cook closed and open and all that perfect and then it's gonna exit on the cabinet which is different because when this place was built the registers come up straight from the floor like a normal house yeah yeah so we have some we have another different part that's gonna come up it'll work okay and we're doing the same thing over on this side too which Checotah is kind of beating that yeah nice hand has been back here busy working away getting the old rotted subfloor and actually you can't smell it on camera but it smells good now it was musty and gross this wood starting to dry out I can see it's not nearly as soggy as it was before so that's starting to feel good we'll start repeating with these boards and replacing those after the dries a bit I have to run out and figure out what type of fixture I'm gonna put up here because after the weekend I'm about a different electrician coming who's gonna work on this room so I gotta have my lights ready to go I did have some old porcelain ones but they are why they're just - they're gonna come down too far so I don't want them to anybody hit their head on them Oh see if I can find something it looks similar old fashioned and grads like the gold digger videos and then there's a car crash ones have you ever noticed that all those car crash videos where there's like the worst wreck you ever seen you're like it's all like in Russia or something yeah it's like you know it's in Europe and like some guys do buying this motorcycle at like 500 miles an hour and you know like it's a semi back flips like spider-man yeah it's always like in Russia or like Ukraine or Poland or those people are nuts right I could see that Russian polish and Ukrainian I don't know the guys are working on getting the vents in the electricians are over there getting the floor plates in did you know did you guys tie it into the panel already - yeah whoa that's come along here we'll check on that in a second josh has got this panel I made missing a while back just kind of be a gap filler it'll do the trick I see the nice duct work so that way we don't have to modify in the floor in cases Kevin ever had to move it's very easy to undo what we've done here but it'll vent it nicely out the front and we'll get some good heat flow coming down here that looks awesome - action all right it had special guests my father-in-law Dave came by for a visit but wait there's not one but there's two days so this is my friend Dave who's a wonderful sign painter and artist and you do pinstriping too right you do it all and we've brought Dave in while we brought this to even this one's just hanging out actually maybe you can go for lunch with yeah time this this Dave we're gonna have a look outside and I'll show you what I need your help okay there's only few people in town in the entire province that have your skill set and what we need to do is a cool store frontage sign up top there so you've got some ideas for me been helping you out with the concepts aren't wives the best oh I seen the font you think is that old timey journalist oh yeah that's fine I was gonna ask you about that it's actually called a Quentin there's a lot of different variations of it you know jazz it up as much as you want without hopefully screwing up your lunch ability great that's the big thing because it's got to be readable but if we did this with merchants yeah just merchants for a change yeah and that lower font doesn't look as fancy as the top Claude I'm yak-yak what I was trying to do there is get a little bit of segregation without losing the legibility and get people to focus on obviously number one number two and then number three but basically what you are your name and an official okay now would you would you do this in a like would you outline it yeah absolutely and what would be the the middle color like what would the colour scheme being well if we were gonna start this we're working on kind of background there creamy I create a pink out in do it in a nice strong color like say a black and then pick an outline color that's going to go with the building to kind of set it off and then play on those colors or essentially the colors that would be complementary to them with these three in order of Lily now my only concern is that when I look at the color palette from back of the day everything is black and white I haven't seen a single movie from 1910 where it's in color so I guess we only have two black white and gray to choose from from the sounds of things times is done in here the guy's got the door on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drawn on the turf well that's a big improvement already you can see the side of the building again after who knows how long that's it for tonight I'm gonna call it a night Josh from Dakota are off for a little while they've got another job out in another area cuz they don't just work with me they do all kinds of this stuff to Hans and I are gonna work on the addition tomorrow he's gonna be tearing down some more trees finishing that up and sign painter Dave should be back on Monday got a little bit too windy and stormy today for him to get up and paint the sign but he should be coming back on Monday to do that so that'll be the next update there but I started getting some shelves rearrange some stock set up I have to clean off the top of those showcases I'll probably do that tomorrow or the next day a long day it is nice to start seeing some items come into the shop I took the bookcase from that area decided I didn't like it there and put it over here next to the this is gonna be sort of like merchandised bookcase bookshelf kind of idea I thought well would be much nicer to have it there well that's in place the billiards sign is back and working the showcase is getting set up I even have to get some glass cut as we had a couple little whoopsies happen but have time to get that done but it is starting to come together and I have plugs in the floor which is handy because I was using it for vacuuming all in all really pleased with the work that happened in the last couple days here and I'm sure it's gonna get even better the next day you come I think that sidewalks been buried for a while defconn's all the way around that way so let's say they had it going from the garage running up the side of the house and then down there and it's just that that tree was there for so long it created a layer of dirt over top of it that was gone it's gone no more sidewalk it's like the Atlantis of sidewalks I see Hans was busy back here to finish up this morning he got them all stacked up nice - we're gonna take some of this home and use it as firewood but no more are the trees going over top of the roof trimmed it right back I mean we wanted to save the tree so it's a little funny a little bit funny looking right now because it's been trimmed back but at least we saved it and it won't destroy our roof anymore you can see the damage that was done up there this is much more open I better give him a list of the royal tour than the inside here - after a long hard day I thought I'd take hands out with me he was right there we're gonna go to a Brazilian steakhouse unlimited salad bar yes please and since I'm avoiding sugars and breads there's actually quite a bit to choose from here it'll keep me full other than being the serving up heads of garlic which I've taken like probably five heads of garlic Melissa's not gonna be happy with me they want fire with these skewers of meat different types move pretty much the whole time when someone walks up with one that I don't want almost feel like I'm rejecting them like it's not it's not you it's the skewer it's a little bit of guilt there yeah definitely a lot of food these places but the amount of meat are the service is fantastic yeah these people just walk around with skewers of meat like the entire night but where does the meat keep coming from it is it the same skewer they just walk around until somebody takes it the dose it starts off like Rare and then by the end it's like well done so maybe it keeps getting cooked along here and sits there the mystery it's a beat mystery with the full stomach I sent Hans on his way we call it a night and we'll be back again soon next episode we start tearing into the exterior of the building to get the sign painted on the front and the special reproduction advertisement painted on the side wall so stay tuned for that I have to give a big shout out to Patrick Josh Checotah to our good friend Hans the Viking and to our friends electricians for come and help us out and everybody works so hard on this episode really appreciate all your works and stay tuned as we continue to recreate a hundred year old general store for our antique shop thanks for watching guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check us out on Instagram and Facebook under curiosity incorporated bye for now you [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 88,320
Rating: 4.9702749 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, general store, curiosity inc, alex archbold, hoarder house, hone reno, renovation, how to renovate, how to build walls, electrical, diy, property brothers, mike holmes, building restoration, restoring a building, historic recreation, wild west, flippers, hoarding, reno, discovery channel, history channel, full wpisode, tv sho, television, vlog, trending
Id: 8iI17ozrpfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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