THEY WILL FIND YOU | Little Nightmares - Part 1

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Hello, everybody! My name is Markiplier! And welcome to Little Nightmares. Now, this game is something that I've been following for a while now. And if you don't know anything about the game, you're kinda in the same boat that I am. But what I do know, is that you seem to be a tiny little fellow :3 that is in a world that he does not belong. Or she, I'm not entirely sure... And uh... In this world, everything seems to be much bigger than you are... [Quietly]: Is that someone in a top hat? Or am I se- Oh.... *spooky music kicks in* *anxiously* Hi.... Hello..... *spooky music gets louder* *music cuts out* Okay..... So that's how we're gonna start this game... So yeah... this is who you are.... Either way you almost seem like a child lost in a world that doesn't want you in here and uh... That can be terrifying by itself... Oh.... Okay But... One thing that I've seen, and- and again I have explored too much about the game, but one thing that I've seen is that the environments are just big and expansive. Not just in like, 'OH IT'S OPEN WORLD!', but literally to you, they are big and expansive because this world was- NoO-AHAYE (almost sounds like he's saying 'No way...') *Mark makes begone hand gesture* Okay... Go away please... But this world was not meant for you... This world was not meant for ME... Whoever this person is... They're not supposed to be here. Or maybe they are! Maybe this place has been invaded, but... You'll see soon enough what I'm talking about... [Quieter]: And I don't know what I'm supposed here... Am I supposed to.... uhh..... *gasp* oooh! Press F to use lighter Oh! Well, that's handy! I wouldn't have known about that until you told me!! Ohhhh... So it was? Oops... No? It was? *le gasp* Oooh, there we go. Okay.... Alright! Good! So now we just need to go in the hatch? Oh-OKAYEEEEE.... ALRIGHTY THEN.... We'll carry on... in this nightmare-ish world. How do I crawl? Ah, just like that, in every other game you press the control button and you crawl. (LOGIC) Alright... [Sing songy]: Hidee hidee hidee ho. *still sing songing* I don't know where to go! *quiet sing song* Hello Ah.... *small chuckle huff* Okay, yes. Spastically jump up and down as best you can over there. Okay.... Hello.... Why can't I move forward here? Does it not want me to move forward? (apparently) Ooooooooooh noooooooo! oh counter - 1 Oh no! - 2 Ooh no! - 3 Oh I already broke the game! -4 Hello!! Hi, my name is Markiplier, I break every game that I find... (sounds 'bout right) Oh no... Oh- OOOOOOOOOOOH, WHERE AM I? OH I'M DEAD! ... Well, frick me then.... I warped through the world and then fell down, because I am too dumb! Okay, let's carry back to where I was. Admittedly that was probably a rare bug, but... If it keeps happening, I am gonna hold it against it. Can't help it... Well there we go. Oh, now we're going smooth! Okay... Let's just pretend like that never happened. Unless it happens again... And then I'm gonna make fun of it relentlessly. Over, and over, and over again. Oh...Ooooh where am I? Cause in a way it reminds me of Inside and it reminds me of uh.... Of uh..... Of uh... [Talking to self]: What is- What was the original called? *remembering horrible memories of limbo* Limbo! (Told ya!) Limbo is what it was called! God- Man... My brain- You could hear the cogs slowly getting the rust and cobswebs out of them trying to remember that name. But yeah, it's kinda like the sidescrolling adventure, but this one is a bit more freeform than that one was... Or maybe it's exactly the same amount of freeform... It's hard to tell these days... I don't know if I'm doing anything, but okay. *quietly* Alright... So is that another lamp that I can light? Ooooh no.... Ooooh.... It's that Japanese doll... (Now you know this is a horror game) Oh, I'll just pick it up then. Okay, alright then. I don't know why I'm taking this... But I'm gonna take it with me on an adventure. Come along Jerry the Japanese Doll (Good name) euhh... Why am- *chuckling* Why am I doing this? (Don't ask me) Eeah... Ooooooh nooooooo... Why is that hanging in the sky? Oh nooooooooo.... Oh, what was that? (That was the sound of my dignity fading away) Okay.... A little bit of parallax scrolling going on there. Can I hide under here because something might come in here? I dunno! Alrighty then, so I'mma try and get on this thing, but I guess I can't carry that anymore I'll just go on my way. Boing! (regular boing) Boing! (medium boing) A-BOING! (whoa boing) A BoInG! ("I lost my marbles" boing) There we go. Okay, where am I now? (Narnia!) Oh. Hi! At least it was a cushy landing.. OHHHH!!! I just noticed the legs And what's with the chairs?? Wait! If you look in the background, they're all warped out of place. What is that?? What is any of this? Oh my god Are you kidding me? Can I get this note? Oh man, I guess maybe my character's just not interested in that. Why is there an eyeball on the door?? (Illuminati confirmed...) Oh no, I'm gonna need to take that chair. Excuse me! Don't mind me. Just gonna grab this chair. *Chair sliding* I need it. It's my friend. Need to call it "Chair-y" (cherry?) Alrighty then. Oh boy. This is already taking a dark turn. I guess that's why it's called "Little Nightmares" (Duh?) Got it. Okay, pop up there. Hup! Boink! YAY! I solved the puzzle and I went in a room I don't want to go in. (Yeah that sounds right) Aaaah Ah yes. Black goop. Exactly what I wanted in my adventures. And what the hell is with the machinery in the background?? Why are there hands on that door? Trailing from the black goop! That does not bode well for me! That spells DEATH! Alright, fine then. Frick you. I'm going in here. Hrrrraaahhh Oh, hi. So, there's nothing but a pair of shoes in the refrigerator that a trail of blood led to. And I don't know why that doll was there. (To haunt your dreams) I wasn't able to take the doll with me. I wouldn't have been able to climb up with it. I don't think anyway. Alright. Who's here? Eugh. I don't know if I wanna crawl through here but here I go, apparently. Alrighty then. Euughhh Ohhh. Alright. I'll light this. I'm guessing this is like a check- uh ohhhkay? Hi? How you doing? How you doing? Okay, I'm just gonna.. just gonna.. You're just gonna completely ignore me then. So, this must be a checkpoint. Some sort of save system. So when I hit that.. Definitely saves. (I just needed the confirmation that it saves, thank you for your service) Alrighty then. I see how you work. So, if I go back, there might be some other way to go.. And something leading to some sort of monstrosity but.. Like, I don't know what that guy was. Was that one of me?? (Oh God, not two Marks) Was that what that was? Like some sort of representation of- of myself? Maybe? I can't climb up here, can I? So there's gotta be something to do with this. (Yes, it's a ladder...) Maybe I can, oh! (There ya go) Well don't do that just yet, but climb up that and try to get *gasp* OHHHHHHH (moment of realization) Oh, that's why that fridge was made all weirdo-like. Oh good! Oh good! Oh good. I mean not good, I still don't know what the hell is going on here, but, still getting used to the controls but at least- *facing reality for a brief moment* HHHIII!!! Oh nO YoU dOnT! hello? Hello? *Black goop thingy makes noise* Eughhhh, I don't want to do this but Imma let it happen just to seeEEee. Ahh! Oh my got squoozed (squeezed) *sound of the majestic markiplier* why? The poor little guy. Oh, here I am. Not dead. Just waking up in an alternate reality. haboosky! (TM) okay. You're not gonna get me! I'm gonna boosh you the heck out of here. and imma carry on with my li- don't you frikin' dare! nonononononono nonOnOnOnO. Good thing I don't have a stamina bar in like the last one. Alright. *shaboosky* Mokay carry me awAAYY! CARRY ME AWAY!! o meh god... it's so kewl I'm going through these so fast that I think I might be missing somethings but... oh kay i just wanted to get away from tho thing, those things so quickly can i do this? ooo, not quite there, so how 'bout this one? oop no, not quite there either. wow, ooh aaah I should have known! Or maybe I shouldn't have known, I don't know if I could have known that. oh boy hey, hey buddy how ya doing why do you sqUIGGLE!!!!!! ah this is not good, oh no *iiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuugggggghhhhhh* NO! oh god counter -1 oh god counter - 2 oh god counter - 3 oh god counter - 4 OOOOOH! no no no no no no no thank you, no thank you, no thank you *houoh* oh god counter - 5 oh god counter - 6 oh god counter - 7 what the fuck was that about? oh no, they all swarmed me. That's not comfortable at all! Oh I am, I am supposed to come down here. Oh, I see how this is. ok so, you're there you're there you're there there's a ssssnarrow escape route (ssssnarrow escape route's are the best route) oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy *ererereaarararaerea* ok ok OK ok NO! NO!!!! ok no, no, no, no ah my god, ah ma god, ah ma god, ah ma god, ah ma g-NOOO!! ooo, oh ma god, oh ma god, oh ma god, oh ma god. pull this off i guess pull this off? do i do somthing? *effort* *panic, disgust and fear* Oh my god, those little bastards! *uegh* ok well i did that i guess. good i'm lighting the fires frick a dick I don't know if I've had a chance to miss anything yet. I haven't had a chance to look anywhere for anythi- yaey (scared sound) fucking stop that and everything is terrifying when you're tiny like this. and what's with the black ink creatures? like, what is that? and what are those things with the cones on their head? (cone head instead of pyramid head apparently) uh i have no idea i have no idea at all but it's charming and terrifying at the same time. HOOP! wait, was there something back there? There might have been another way to go over here, but I'm not 100% sure. we'll see nope. that is a way to instant death. so let's just keep moving here (Smart move) so maybe those things are related, like the things that put the hand prints, might be those little guys. and they might all be from this black ooze and this black ooze is definitely something i just don't know what gonna find out maybe i shouldn't be running but here i go. bold into the darkness boink *markiplier noise* Shoobedywhoopty come on now. yay! No more darkness! Oohhh, yay! OK, i can make this jump can't i? *extreme effort* ooh, long jump baby *markiplier celebration noises* shoobedyboop boopbOOPboop i made it ok what is it all for? like what's the purpose of it? why did i choose to leave the safety of my briefcase to d- ooh hi they're so fast they're too fast to be comfortable for me so, I just don't want to deal with that anymore Okay then. are you just rejecting me or is this a, ah I can't open it. it's not a good leverage on it ok, so he went down there, but there is something up here ok, somewhere up here somewhere to go? oop *quietly* where am I? *quietly* what am I seeing? huh Maybe I can squeeze? yeah! but what was the point of this? nothing? oh. what do i have? woah it fell down! Oww! hahaha, my knees! oh! I have a paper airplane? What would be the point of this? is there a special reason for this? is this just an artistic object that's in the world that I'm supposed to just grab and maybe have? does this have any- WOAH NICE! sweet through bro congratulations, you're so (a) expert at that haooo! alright, im not very gOOooOD ?? *Metallic sliding* Hello?! Hi and why? oooooh whaaat is thaaaaaaaat? whaaAAat is THaaAAaat? ooh that's not good but again i can't exactly do anything with it here so i guess I'll just toss it off into the... distance *angelic song of flight* alright goodbye! ho boy. ok, im gonna climb up here where apparently someone escaped from. what looks like jail? why would i be breaking IN, to jail? like what would be the benefit of that to me? why is the camera doing it like that? why is the camera all shaky? i mean i love the dynamism of the camera but its not good for my psyche. oh, dont go back down, come on NOOO! I didn't do thAT! why would you do that? fine then, I'm still gonna go for it. and again, i dont know what that is-WHOAH! well i see more of you now! good god, what the frick are you? alright come on, get up there. come on go go, go go, go, go go, go, go, go baby go now this time when you get up there, please do not fall down like an idiot i think this is supposed to be played with a... a game pad and not a... not what I've been doing here. there we go, ok. cause it's just the *tiniest* bit janky on a keyboard but that's ok because I'm, gonna get it just fine can you light that please? thank you. ok so that must of saved that. and for some reason these eyes seem to be a theme here so if there's something to do about the eyes- ew is that tolite paper? is that giant toliet paper bigger than my head? OOOOOH I'm in a bathroom! I just noticed that! GrooOOooss (giggling) fricking gross, why do i have this? *babyplier effort* i don't know wha- oh that's electrified oh hang on so maybe if i pick this up and throw it at the wall, it's gonna light on FIRE!! No? that's definitely electrified you can't fool me, that is 100% oh look around by using this? *Astonishment* What?? Oh Oh, oh Oh, oh, OHHHH!!! oh... ;) oh no, no let go of that! i didn't even do that! k close this door. come on, come on close it, close it, close it, close it. good. ok so what i gotta do is i gotta take this over here, and then i gotta jump on this, i gotta slam this. the poop stool grab that and bam! uh oh uh oh, uh oh uh oh, uh oh, uh oh uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh go quick or ealse your gonna *sing song* DIIIIIEEEEE ok well we're here now and there's more eyeballs and is that more hand prints? why? is that from a baby one of the giant things or is that just from me being ah, subjected to these horrors ok go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go *sing song* GOOOOO!!! ok, we did it I guess we didn't need to do any of that! If we were just gonna go over there. Where am I now? Am I going back in the shittin' room? Why would I wanna go back in the shittin' room? Oooh. Was that just another way that I could've gone? And I wasn't supposed to go that way immediately because I'm too SMAAaRT and I wanted to go a better WAaAY?? Is that what I did? probably hooup! Okay. oop? nope. Can't jump there. There we go. Hoop-ba-doop. Nope Too bad for me. OK Merry-go-round? Why? *sighs* What would be the benefit of this? Why is this here? Am I about to get hit by that train and die? Good. Oh. Ow. Oh, I detached it. Oh shit. I'm sorry. All right, so there's gotta be an electrical system over here. That means that I gotta find it and shut it off somehow. So where oh where is the electrical system? Oh no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. Fuck your shit. Ah. I think I see it. Ahhh. I think i see it, I think I see it. So we're gonna ruuun, jump, grab I got this like a boss Ok so what is that? *music box plays* Hey! SORRY! I know that's bad luck in any game ever! (Good, why'd you do it?) Oh, wait! I know what I need to do. Oh, it's the's the same electrical box for both of them. Ah. So I've gotta somehow get through both of these bad boys In the same amount of time. I see. But now that I know that I'm able to better handle it and then I can sprint through here. Really quickly as fast as I can. Sprint through there. Get through there. Don't. I don't know what the hell you just did. I think you bounced your skull off that bad boy. Oh forget about that, you gotta go! Come on! Come on! Ohh that's creepy in the darkness. Creepy! Creepy crawly! Creepy crawly! GOOOOO! YES! Just barely dude, just barely. Man, this security system needs some work if a little.. like infantile child is able to do it. And also why do they have so many blocks? Like playing blocks meant for little children. Not meant for big, strong whatever the hell you- what are you?! Ohhhh noooo! *Illuminati eye moves* OHHH NOOO! Why are there babies?! Just dead! What are they gonna do to me?! Oh my god! *laugh cries* Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh that's horrible. Oh that's horrible. Yeah wake up. It's time to get moving and not die again. :3 This poor kid. At least I'm assuming a kid. But this poor kid. And what the hell is this set up for? And the eyes come back as a theme except this time it's literally killing us. By just looking at us. Ah, no no ow ok Are you ok there? You caught a few, heh, you caught a few flashes there. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy. Ok so there's gotta be a way out, ok I see I see. I'm almost there, I'm almost there. Woah! NO! NO! JUMP! JUMP! No-ho-ho oh my god. Ah it was too close. Ah it was too close. I almost got melted like in Terminator 2. Geezums. Ok. By the way, this is much better playing this, uh, wth a controller than it was Oh, come on.That looks like you can climb it. Oh, you CAN climb it. Ok. There we go. HAbedeupbotboobadoobopiedoo Don't mind me! I'm gonna die. Okay. So there's something else here. There was something over there. There was something down there in that cage and I could go down there so let's do that. I don't want wanna miss out on the obvious stuff if it's staring at me right in the face. Hello! Where are you going you lil scamp~? Come back here! Ooh Hello. Aah You think you blended in? N'you did not. I'll light this for you. There you go. What are you? It- Oh! It's looking at the painting! Oh' that's so weird. But why? Is the painting of IT? Or is IT looking at it because it kind of reminds IT of ITSELF? Whatever IT is. I mean- maybe that's a human. Maybe that's what those dead babies out there were. Jeez. Like- I don't know what it is but- Something bizarre is happening in this world. But know wha- I don't even know how to make sense of it. It's cuz- What is- Like- what is this place? Come on! You can make that jump. There you go! What is the point of lighting the torches then? If it's JUST to provide light for those little guys then maybe that is a reward unto itself but Beginning to think maybe not. Oh good! Landed in a nice, soft pile of ashes! Ah! So comforting to know! That so many died to cushion my fall. Let's carry on. There's another way to go over here so- Let us see. Almost fell down right into the *inhale* direction of the eye. And I can only assume that there are all, like, prison cells. Right? wOah. Oh there's another one of the dolls! (Jerry the Japanese Doll!!) What do I do with you? I don't know what to do with it! What do I do with it? You go under the bed, maybe? You wanna just stay under here? Nice and relaxed under there. You stay under there. That's where- That's where you probably wanna be. Oh jeez. Okay. I can't even jump when I'm holing that thing so- Lemme try to get on the bed. Lemme try to JUMP for FUN! Eah! It's so fun! This eye is watching me be a bad kid. Oh, jeez... I'm not getting any higher... Alright! Tuck and roll and let's get out of here. I don't know what the point of that was Unless there's something secret starting in the wings Nooo Just a bunch of handprints and for some reason an open door- but it seems like this was made by someone my size as well Then again, I just don't know how it all correlates But that's what I meant when I said I don't know a lot about this game When I go into these things, I want to know as little as possible Because- Like uncovering the mystery of it is half the fun- And I'm gonna juMP FOR THIS YES! I dunno what the point of this was I can't even grab onto this, can I? Nah I might be able to swing it if I was like- really persistent, but I'm really not so I'm just gonna keep going Cause I don't know what the end goal of that would be And I'm just gonna probably waste my time if I try *Scared Mark* Hi Hello? *A scared Mark* Hii-okay DON'T LOCK ME IN HERE ! OH MY GOD!! *Scary music* OH MY GOD! What are you?! Hi... Hoooo... Oh no! No Don't you reach your looong arm under here. You- Ooh no. OhOOO NoOo!! OH NO! *scared Mark noises* Oh No Are all the children Sel-eEPING? Oh okay. ByeeeeEe! Bye. Okay. Byeee Oh, they're sleeping but why did it- So maybe it wouldn't have killed me. I feel like it may have put me to bed or somethin' Oh I can't even climb up here. Can I talk to you? Seems like it may be important to talk to you! But it's not letting me climb up there. Okay. I'll carry on then. Just carry on, on my own. Youpty! No. It just won't let me up there. They're all sleeping but- Man. I mean if those are infants That are the size of me Again, that doesn't bode well with all these giants around here. Yeah, I thought these playing blocks might've been a little big but- Why are all the kids dipping their hands in black ink and painting? Oh, maybe the idea of not going up there and talking to them is because I don't wanna talk to them. That'd be a bad thing to do At this juncture in my life Okay, I see what I need to do. I can climb up here. Okay Do-biddy-do-boop... Man, the camera is really cool in the way it's just dynamic like that. I mean, that's probably gonna be a headache when I have the bad angles and what-not. But for now... You know, it's really hard to program a good camera so they did pretty good. I mean, limbo of course And limbo and, uh, the other one. Inside. Both do a very good job at it. Uh, I hope to not draw too many comparisons between those games and this one but, It is dark as blazes. HELLO!? HI, how's it going? Okay, oh... That is a big-ass rat. Although, maybe on the contrary... Maybe I've been thinking about this all wrong. Maybe they're not giant, maybe they're normal sized. I'm just abnormally tiny Along with those-- *The hunger sets in* What, hi, why? Whaa... Are you starving? Please don't tell me you need to eat that rat.. Please don't tell me the point of that was to eat the rat and make me feel good about it. Please tell me that wasn't the point... Oh no, it was the point, wasn't it? Oh no.. Oh no... Oh no... Was it? Okay maybe it wasn't because that rat seems to be out of here but, Oh good. But at least my kid needs some food. So I'm gonna try to provide. Be the best papa I can.. I don't know if I can, but I'll try. Ohh noo! Wait, that's not normal hunger. Is it? that's something.. something different.. is that just hunger? maybe it is oh hi hello! uhh... apparently i'm extremely hungry or extremely constipated. please help help me! help me? thank you! i don't know what this mystery meat is but i'm very grateful. oh... oh... yay, thank you! thank you! i think.. i think this is good for me i'm not sure though god you are.. I guess we're about the same size actually now that i think about it, you're not that much bigger than me thank you! how do i nod thank you! thank you very much i really appreciate it Let me light the ways, I thank the.. oh boy i can almost see your face yeah you seem normal except your skin is like ash and grey that's weird.. why? ok bye, thanks for the food. i guess you're gonna huddle up in(to) a ball and regret giving me that food I guess... okay... (carrying on! (2x)) Why is there a noose in this room? (2x again) Why does there have to be a noose in this room? *breath* I dunno Why did the first room- like the first actual... why... these are freakin big showers! For a freakin big clean, am I right? I need a big sizable... WELLLLP I'M JUST GONNA CAREEN OFF INTO THE ABYSS and then never ever ever continue this adventure again No, come on.. you can do better than that, I know you can! Come on... Get out there and show the world what you got... Show the world your stuff... and everything that comes along with it. nm...alright It is very easy, to just, end up drifting off the edge there, because of the way the cameras changes so much... It...the...the perspective of where you're going is all dependent on the camera angle which is kinda.. funky Or maybe it's not, maybe it's the other way around, but it just seems that way to me *metal sound of a cage* whoah, Ima do a sweet wall jump boink, hell yeah.. did that, nailed it, I'm so good at this alright so.. hm- why do they have so many cages.. by the way, i've never contemplated the idea, that there- these are all in fact, cages and lockers, and why would any civilization need this many cages!? Like why? Wh..what's the point of this? eeupte! [aka, random sound for jumping] Alright come on.. swing swong.. we gonna swing swong here? what we gonna do, where am I gonna go and also WHY is this here? maybe I can do this? Am I actually manipulating it or am I not.. NOPE, THAT WAS A MISTAKE Okay, wh- I don't know where I was just then. Was that where I was suppose to be or where-is-it Or-is it something else? I have no idea... Okay, but I think that wasn't right so I gotta use physics or something to.. GOOOOOooooo-oofp! *Pretends that thing never happened* Alright so, I gotta use.. unless I climb up this.. OOOHH, that makes a lot more sense, in tryin' to swing swong it over to there other side... Stop being such a goofp.. and maybe go the right direction, and I'll be fine... eeYAHHH bm.. [aka, more Markiplier sounds] ...mmh.. what's at the top of the chain? yeah.. I thought about jumpin' but maybe there's somethin' up here. Proba-ehOh EHA! [Again Markiplier sounds] It's a pulley mechanism and I need not have gone this high... Just kindof a factor that I could, and I did anyways, because I'm curious. Ima gosh, darn, curious, little, raincoat-wearing, kid Like.. in all honesty, maybe I am exactly the same as the others, but it just doesn't seem like that might be true... Just hard to tell when my eyes are covered like this. ..and this this-This is a normal sized ladder so there's some weird juxtaposition [aka, a fancy word for placement] of what is normal sized, and what is non normal sized.. Given the only normal sized thing, I've seen are.. the other children like me, and then again Maybe they're not normal sized, and I'm just extremely malnourished, because everything wants to kill me and.. you know, maybe..maybe.. there's other factors too.. I-I honestly don't know. yaaheay *voice cracked yay* I got that up here.. why.. did I need to do that.. ah.. good! sssshhhuuuu chungles! [Markiplier sounds TM] Okay I'm gonna go for it come back here You come back here You come back here now (2x) I'm gonna get on you.. eventually.. and then you're gonna let me ride you.. ride up until the end. Y-you make sense with that one? Ye- here we go, and.. OOOOHHHHH BABY here we go (3x) BOINK! Nailed it... I'm the best the best there ever was... So if I climb on this thing I should be able to get up there right? Yes I am, because I am a detective {and} logical creature... Hello... why is there a lighting in the distance? Ooo, filing cabinets, but why though.. Hurrph... ooOHHH! CAN'T OPEN THIS Alright fine then... Yeah... there we go just climb up on that one and maybe.. oouptee Yes and then OOUPTE ok *sounds of power being turned off* ooo, that's less than good I think ooo, that seems UNgood Someone might notice that one (2x) Oh...hey Can I push this in here? HUUURAAHHH [Mark sounds TM] I don't know why I'm doing this! Please tell me this isn't the one where that guy's Hanging..oohOH Hi... It's a noose though.. It is indeed a noose.. Oh hi.. Why are you in a cage? Why is That one in a cage? Theres gotta be a reason that they're caging them up, right? There's gotta be a reason.. HUUAH ohhh... OkAy... Was there a Point to that? Was there a Reason? *sounds of rope being pulled back up by mechanism* Was there a reason I did that.. EHOOII [Mark sounds] Fucking god damn it son of a.. biscuit! huhh, alright, but why though? OH NO.. WHY (11x) Why are they here now? (2x) n' why is everything dark.. oh *realization* that's right, that didn't just shut off the power there, that shut off the power EVERYWHERE I forgot that I was GOING HERE! I totally forgot that that was my point ohHOoo.. RiCKy! okay, alright then, wow. whu- am I on a boat? WAAHHehoo.. okay! am I on a boat? I think I'm on a boat... I'm on a.. *pauses* I'm on a boat. [Statement finally established] This {is} super weird... Why am I on a boat.. and this boat is.. is bizarrely.. uh intricate ..which is.. Jussst super weird... okay.. Uhh ..that was close okay we're fine (2x) hey, Eye, there's no problem.. there isn't.. there's no problem at all... and.. shotpty whoopte whoopee whoopte.. I'm Outta Here Why is the Eye there, wh- g-OHH COME ON Why do you make that so easy to do HUHH Why do you make that so easy to do.. OH.. COME ON, I'm behind the Eye again, you son of a bis..cuit al-Ima gonna try this one, trying' to go back this way cuz' this seems like a MAaRRrginally better way, then it was before, YeAh this is easy! Why wouldn't everyone just go behind.. because seems to me like- IIIEHehh..ooho [Mark sounds] seems to me like there was a very clear- oh.. NO, COME ON WHY DO YOU CLIMB ON THAT THING DON'T DO THAT, DON'T BE SO EAGER YOU'RE GONNA DIIIIEEE Alright.. let's go, and lets not careen off the edge, huh how 'bout that alright lets- OOHH.. YoU aMoSt diD iT AGaiN.. boinky! Okay, we're fine, we're fine... I don't know WHY this is happening, but we're fine.. oh I see.. I needed to get up here or else I would've died AHgain a goof! uuhhgn... where are you locking me in NoWwwOOHH... Hi okay, I'm not gonna stand and wait there or maybe I will! I thought that was going to be another situation with the Eye! Okay, but we're out of there, and I got an achievement for "The Prison" I dunno' what that means but.. WE MADE IT TO ANOTHER AREA and thankfully this Eye is offline, so I'm gonna end this episode here. Thank you everybody, so much for watching let me know, what you think of this down in the comments below I have so many questions, going through my mind, as to What this is all about and who this kid is and.. wh- why I was in the Prison, in the first place. Did I escape from there? Maybe I was originally inhabiting that... and I was starving because I tried to escape, and therefore.. there's this other world of other larger creatures that... captured us and changed us I have no idea.. something about the inky blackness is just corrupting everything *outro music starts*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,208,789
Rating: 4.9371724 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, little nightmares, inside, limbo, game, new, review, little nightmares gameplay, little nightmares part 1, little nightmares markiplier, little nightmares playthrough, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, part 1, scary, horror, nightmares, little, tiny, tilt shift, giants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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