Firearms Expert Reacts To Resident Evil 7’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery of the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history on this week's episode he's going to be checking out the weapons of 2017's survival horror classic resident evil 7. ah the pump action shotgun thank goodness i said to myself when i finally acquired this in the game it's the best implementation of a pump action shotgun i have ever seen if you want to see more of jonathan reacting to video game firearms make sure to hit that subscribe button and if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you'd like to see jonathan break down let us know in the comments section below if you'd like to help out the royal armouries museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan our old favorite the glock glock 17 ish you can see in the the preview there's a lot of texture detail to it and there's quite a lot of accurate glockiness about it as well all of the weapons in this game have been sort of idealized in a way or stylized rather from their correct look so this is uh generation two glock 17. yeah a lot of it's um correct if you can say correct about about a virtual weapon it's missing the accessory rail on the front which is appropriate to the gen 2. so if i if i recall without um overly traumatizing myself this is a this is a policeman's pistol that you pick up and the the capacity is very low capacity is 10 rounds jurisdictions that restrict magazine capacity in the states and elsewhere will limit magazine capacities to 10 rounds but needless to say law enforcement are not restricted in that way and so the the capacity should be 17 rounds but in terms of gameplay 17 rounds especially if the enhanced handgun ammo would make a lot of the other weapons in the game [Applause] redundant though this game has two of the more iconic pistols ever invented and incorporated into computer games we've seen the glock already and now the m19 i think it's called is actually for the most part a colt 1911. whereas there are departures on the glock model the uh 1911 has features from i think i'm right in saying this or if not something similar the smith wesson model 1006 so what i think they've taken from this are the curved trigger pivoted trigger rather than the sliding trigger of the 1911. the angle slide serrations point is they have derived the 1911 into something that's slightly different and i'm not sure why because there's no copyright reason to do that and the 1911 is such an iconic handgun that's that's gonna even people who aren't gun nerds are going to look at that and go looks a bit weird even though i only played the first resident evil for about an hour and then didn't come back until resident evil 5 don't hate me for it even i know the samurai edge pistol from the resident evil franchise and so it's as it's a as everyone will know it's a tricked out beretta 92 and this version has a mounted accessory rail that the original beretta 92 doesn't have but the modern versions do and then you've got a sort of an integral sound suppressor with a very modern shape to it we see a lot of different ammunition types within video games these days and as well as the normal and enhanced handgun ammunition we've got in the final bit of the final level of this game this iconic pistol and it's firing something something different something that has a much greater effect thus turning what would otherwise be quite a weak weapon into something that can actually do serious damage with each shot now that has been experimented with well poisoned ammunition certainly has the nazis and the soviets both carried out experiments with bullets containing poison payloads but that was strictly poison that was not necessarily whatever these are long story short is none of these governments found that it was worth pursuing so it's funny how a sort of throwaway sci-fi gameplay feature can connect with reality when you start reading around the subject ah the pump action shotgun thank goodness i said to myself when i finally acquired this in the game and uh luckily it wasn't just the the feel the sound the look of the thing that made it seem powerful it actually is powerful in the game and you know a headshot from one of these things will will take down your typical mutated beast thing and this the pattern of shot although not as wide as typically depicted in games gives you a much greater chance of actually hitting something vital a load of 9 32 caliber balls from a round of buckshot is pretty devastating if the target is not armored or some sort of supernatural mutated freak of science in which case you might have to fire twice when we say pump action shotgun whether we know it or not we're probably thinking of the remington 870 or maybe the mossberg 500 they are by far the two most popular pump action shotguns in the world and this is in absolutely standard civilian sport shooting defense configuration standard length barrel standard length magazine tube and that limited capacity but sheer amount of power just works so well in the game and the ability to reassure yourself by topping up that magazine tube before you turn that next corner it's great it's the best implementation of a pump action shotgun i have ever seen if i thought the pump action was a sort of leveling of the playing field playing through this game i should stress uh if i sound a bit melodramatic about it it's because i was playing it in vr so uh the better the weapon the better i felt and a great upgrade to the pump action weirdly because in the real world it'd be the other way around was the over and under break open standard skeet trap clay pigeon shooting shotgun i i abandoned old faithful the pump action and i went for on the face of it what would be a downgrade so instead of having between five and seven rounds of 12 gauge with a pump action you you go down to only two rounds but in the game the same ammunition is somehow more powerful out of the over and under shotgun which is needless to say completely unrealistic but i don't think the difference in power was so over the top as to be immersion breaking now this one's a a new one on me because i have yet to play any of the dlc for resident evil 7 and i must admit completely stumped me because although i know a little bit about the airsoft world i have not seen this particular gun this isn't a purely airsoft design it's almost a bit reminiscent of quite reminiscent actually of the fn scar rifle in terms of the receiver architecture and the lines of it but then the front end of it has super aggressive breaching shotgun look to it very sci-fi so suffice to say it is based on a real-world replica firearm and it's not really a replica because it doesn't exist in the real world of guns so quite an interesting video game weapon i don't know if there's enough recoil being simulated in the way that's firing or i guess uh chris redfield just is a bit of a unit i get the the need for this in the dlc it's almost like going from alien to aliens in terms of the the volume of enemies it's going to throw at you and the need for a higher capacity shotgun that's quicker to reload the capacity looks a bit high 12 rounds uh in a box magazine would make it very tall maybe they're staggering it 10 round magazines are not uncommon on competition practical shotguns now and they do stick out quite far i think 12 might be pushing it a little bit uh this game is a really interesting mixture of expected glocks 1911's pump action shotguns and the unexpected this being a good example of that uh the pp19 bison bison russian design completely derived from the ak assault rifle the thing that really distances it from the ak though is the magazine system as we see in the footage it's a drum but it's a helical feed drum so it's a spiral of rounds hooks on at the front latches in place at the back as depicted however what it doesn't do is magically come off when you pull at the back of the magazine because as correctly depicted the in the 3d model there's an ak style magazine release button here or lever here you have to press to remove it the rate of fire is a bit low it's a bit chugging and it has a real meaty sound effect that really calls to mind a rifle rather than a pistol caliber submachine gun the report in game ought to be a little less punchy i think and the rate of fire ought to be higher so the real thing is like 700 rounds per minute this is more closer to 500 i would say here i come you're going nowhere one of the more horrific scenes in the game the weapon that we see in use there is clearly not real um it's a sort of improvised flamethrower effectively someone has designed and made it themselves i have picked up behind me a real world flamethrower the lpo50 soviet design fairly classic backpack flamethrower and the three tanks which give you three shots fire as a weapon obviously has a long history whether it's a burning rag on the end of a stick ripley's flamethrower an alien it's really more of a psychological weapon for i guess it that's how it worked on the alien it's like instinctively uh not keen on on fire as an individual weapon as an infantry weapon it's not tremendously effective it has more of a psychological impact something that games don't really illustrate this sort of does is that you are not shooting naked flame you are shooting burning thickened fuel and it sticks to the target so we do we do see that but somehow i don't think i've i think i've yet to play a game that doesn't quite convey the sort of how terrifying these these are as weapons this is something that i haven't tried to find a parallel for because it's so obviously homemade or craft produced as we say in this world it's like an art it's a bit of art design more than it is a practical weapon it's got all sorts of bits on it that seem to be cosmetic so it doesn't really resemble any real world weapon in terms of function break open single shot grenade launcher it's a sort of m79 filtered through the lens of jack baker's twisted mutated mind i guess or whoever made it possibly lucas is supposed to have made it effectiveness wise obviously being a grenade launcher just like real life it is considerably more powerful than a given projectile but it's firing projectiles but with an explosive payload of course fragmentation blast damage so something a bit more fallout like in in your resident evil i suppose what the hell is this what are their fancy toys [Music] ready for use this is obviously not a not a gun of any kind but believe it or not the power fist glove thing from the from this bit of dlc sort of has a real world parallel and it's uh sufficiently rare that we don't have one the sedgely fist gun was designed for the seabees the military construction workers working on basically engineering constructing things for defensive purposes in the second world war a a glove was designed it has a plunger trigger so just like um jack is punching the the monsters there but he's using some sort of energy what the centrally gun did was just fire a bullet the enemy got close enough to your construction vehicle but you didn't have the ability to draw a pistol and shoot you'd literally just punch them and it would hopefully kill them with that shot if you'd like to support the work that we do here at the royal armouries we have links in the description to how you can donate or become a member we're also doing a series on our own youtube channel on firearms so do follow the link in the description and check those out as well and i will see you again next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 555,658
Rating: 4.9732223 out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, resident evil 7, resi 7, re7, biohazard 7, biohazard, resident evil 7 weapons, resident evil 7 guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, weapons breakdown, guns overview, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: yBccvP-WyCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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