"Shoulder Fired Flak?" - Firearms Expert Reacts To MORE Borderlands 3 Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armories museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode we're back for a second part of jonathan's look at the madness of borderlands 3. unsurprisingly a shoulder fired flat gun uh is a risk to the user i don't want to tell you shoot explosive shells out of a shoulder-fired gun it's probably going to be a bad day for you as well as the enemy if you want to see more of jonathan's take on borderlands 3 make sure to subscribe and check out our previous episode on the game's firearms if there any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see nothing breakdown let us know in the comment section below right let's get back to the guns of borderlands 3. very much a sci-fi pistol i'm not sure about the little bubbly grip textures that's where texture tends not to be grippy enough for it for a pistol you want something more like skateboard tape than you do little bumps but it has you know it's a it's a nod toward functionality at least trigger looks like it wouldn't really function as a trigger other than for an electrical directed energy weapon which i'm guessing this is some sort of given the dials and general configuration of it it's a little bit reminiscent of the maxim 9 which is an integral suppressor pistol so you have you have actual modules you can add to create a more suppressed but more less wieldy gun or shorter gun that's handier but a bit louder it has a similar sort of silhouette to this but it doesn't have that knuckle bow double trigger guard so this has a trigger guard on its trigger guard so you can trigger guard while you trigger guard i don't know it's it's redundant design right so this is an energy weapon as predicted with two different types of ammunition luckily it tells you what they are so incendiary clearly that's going to set characters on fire and also shock rounds which i presume will have a stun effect so far so good but so that that big chunky front end that honor something like the maxim 9 would be a design feature to accommodate either either a mechanical change or in case of the maxim nine it'll suppress a space in this case it's part of this mythical energy weapon but it's also a front grip so i guess we have a reason for that second trigger guard in that it's a stop for your hand for a two-handed pistol the thing is a two-handed pistol doesn't make a huge amount of sense you want the whole point of a pistol is that it's portable compact you can carry it around all day you have to put two hands in it now of course modern pistol technique is two hands all the way if possible for stability and accuracy but something that looks to require that you hold it two hands because it's that chunky and heavy you may as well have something with a stop on it and be able to deliver more accurate fire and this has no capability of fitting a stock to it i'm overthinking it all right well the gears of war-esque permanently attached sword bayonet that has zero penetration because it barely sticks forward of the muzzle so it's more of a cutting weapon and then the rear part of the blade is compromised because it has bikes that get in the way of that the edge glows so is it some sort of plasma nanotech blade i don't know it has a serrated top of the blade as as real blades often do but you can't use the top of the back of the blade i should say because it's attached to the gun and can't be taken off so that doesn't make any sense and that's just the tip of the iceberg because this thing is some sort of tesla punk nightmare it's probably the best description i can come up with and the right hand side is even more insane than the left the sights are completely bonkers as well i'm seeing a bicycle chain on this thing now there are real world guns that are driven or have chains in them the huge chain gun being perhaps the most notable of those electrical motor driving the breach of a gun with a length of chain um wheel lock firearms going way way back have a short length of chain connecting the main spring to the wheel itself and there are a couple of others so weirdly enough although it's a bonkers feature to see on this equally bonkers gun that at least has some parallel in reality let's just have a look at how it works shall we check out that body count well i mean it is some a conventional firearm in that it has bullets or fires some kind of conventional ammunition i think although it's not entirely clear to me what's energy and what's not but it sounds like a gun it's got barrels it's got a feed shoot reminiscent of something on an aircraft there's a lot going on here it's insane using incendiary rounds of some kind and then there's some chance of it catching on fire and you then have to pour liquid on it to put it out which seems like a fairly fatal design floor sure guns get really hot when you shoot them a lot but um spontaneously catching fire is not usual so it seems that if this thing gets too flamey you actually do a barrel swap sort of the whole front of the gun comes off and you replace it of course that's a real thing that we get with firearms to prevent excessive wear to the barrel you replace the barrel on a sustained fire gun and then if you have two barrels by the time you fire another 200 rounds or whatever your original barrel is now cool enough to use again rinse and repeat uh you generally don't shoot the barrel to destruction pull the barrel off and slap a new one on i'm not even sure where you'd carry that this the the so-called disciplined warlord is probably the most conventional gun i've seen yet it's got the obligatory science fiction thumb hole stock which is not a great idea on a machine gun weird hints there of ar-15 m16a2 pistol grip a little bit and the trigger and the trigger guard remind me a little bit of that but a fairly 20th century looking muzzle break on there present day angle 4 grip but it seems to be built into the gun rather than being an accessory and then a 19th century frankly cartridge and belt feed system yeah okay we're still using the version of that now i would hope for better or different in the future very quirky system here so what looks to be a fire selector is not a fire selector it is changing the zoom on the scope and the scope is sliding its objective and ocular lenses apart and increasing magnification don't know why that would be a thing and i don't know why you'd operate it using a switch on the gun especially one that is by the tradition of the better part of the century a fire selector or at least a safety so that's a slightly perplexing design choice gatlin gatling gun i don't know what they mean by that it's a gatling gun that gatlings i suppose what they're saying there you can feel my iq lowering watch me crank it watch me roll let's watch him crank it shall we well i don't think i'm any clearer on what a gatling gatling gun is clearly it has it has a hand crank that we would expect and it appears to have multiple very s very slim barrels inside a shroud i mean i'm surprised it doesn't have expo an exposed barrel cluster because that's the signature feature of a gatling gun it has the crank which is the second signal signature feature of non-electric gatling guns but it has this weird drum car wheel magazine thing and it's not clear where the rounds go in that and as you crank it spins and somehow it's chambering and firing and all that i don't follow it seems to be very much an impression of how a gun works the only way it can work is if we have five magazines mounted onto a hub essentially and each one in sequence aligns with the feed lips that are on the outer rim of the drum thing i mean there's no way that could work but that has to be the way it's supposed to work so each spoke feeds around one after the other so one two three four five one three four five until all of the spokes are empty is the best i can do on that one all right i think i recognize a quite two style space shotgun when i see one and it based on its name and the sort of damage modifiers and the general appearance of it i'm pretty confident this is going to be a sort of shotgun that fires big hot chunks of metal uh nope it's not that i should have taken it more literally it fires literal flaxshells we've had exploding artillery shells for a very long time so you shoot them like a conventional munition or cannonball effectively but they are a shell a hollow metal sphere originally filled with some explosive content and they burst and the idea is as an anti-aircraft weapon because we didn't have aircraft until the beginning of the 20th century that so the same basic technology used essentially as a giant shotgun on the battlefield against infantry now becomes in modern form a way to make sure that aircraft fly into shards of metal which doesn't do a lot for the aircraft's ability to stay in the air that's the idea you've seen any war movie with aircraft bursts of flat going off that's that's this but in a shoulder fired package now i was going to say the obvious disadvantage of that with it with a flak anti-aircraft gun the bursting is happening hundreds of meters away from you so you've got no chance of fragging yourself in this case unsurprisingly a shoulder fired flat gun uh is a risk to the user and we saw some significant splash damage there i don't know what to tell you shoot explosive shells out of a shoulder fired gun it's probably gonna be a bad day for you as well as the enemy wedding invitation of all of the names for guns that i've seen wedding invitation is probably the weirdest uh i will say that the aesthetic of this thing is somewhat different to what i've seen so far hard to describe another take on the perennial thumbhole stock which is seemingly purely for aesthetics interesting very very long scope john i'm not really sure why you need such a long scope on an advanced weapon didn't see the revolver sniper rifle nature of this coming but there it is weirdly we've got a bit of real world here right in the back there we have what i've previously referred to as the rolo cocking handle of a swiss k31 straight pull rifle and we have the ring pull cocking piece of a rifle of that family but for some reason the cocking piece is how you shoot this thing or i guess it's no i guess it's more the the cocking handle is ornamental and the cocking piece is the cocking handle and then we're somehow using that to fire it really quickly and then it's also a revolver with a swing out cylinder and my brain hurts there is a nod toward functionality in that we have to rock the scope out of the way to swing the cylinder out for reloading so i guess that's that's good except that that would not lend itself to accuracy and retaining zero with your scope if you're constantly rocking it in and out of alignment you can do that with a magnifier because it's not changing the point of aim of the actual optic in front of it you can't do it with an optical sight but then with future technology why would you have a straight pull revolver rifle another possible reality check is that swollen foregrip which is reminiscent of the british em2 bullpup rifle probably inspired by it but it isn't by any means a straight copy of it so it could be coincidence but i'm going to cling to what's left of my sanity and say that that might be that's a combination of a revolver rifle revolving rifle a swiss k-31 and a british em-2 with a bit of modern blocky suppressor front-end aesthetic thrown in for good measure and a conventional scope and scope mount but it's not conventional because it swings out of the way okay squinting very hard i can sort of see uzi here that pistol grip and especially the grips and the magazine in the pistol grip even though there's a second magazine of completely different shape in front of it but that i think is for the underbarrel weapon makes this sort of like a highly modified uzi you could almost see a movie making this by putting an uzi in a housing of some sort definite easy inspiration i can confidently say let's find out what the hell this thing does [Music] oh wow this is this is breaking me we've got two fire modes clearly labeled pistol and double barrel but we have three magazines one at the back with visible rounds there's the uzi style one in the pistol grip and then there's the rifle styled one up front and then the fire modes are feeding from like one fireman the pistol fire mode firing mode fires from one of those magazines i think the middle one and then the double barrel mode fires from all three of them so two but even though there are three barrels on the top section and then a fourth barrel on the bottom but the fire mode is called double barrel and this is like something from a fever dream and i think i'm just gonna give up [Music] join us again next time and in the meantime if you'd like to donate to us there are links in the description goodbye [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 284,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderlands 3, borderlands 3 weapons, borderlands 3 guns, borderlands 3 expert reacts, borderlands expert reacts, borderlands 3 firearms expert, borderlands firearms expert, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: sIXyAmjv-6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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