"This Rifle Fires WHAT?" - Firearms Expert Reacts to EVEN MORE Team Fortress 2 Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's taking another look at the guns of team fortress 2. seriously we've shown him almost everything this mad game has to offer and he's survived so do you remember when we showed you tf2 previously and there was a jar yep let me through yep the syringes are full of the same thing what piss it's basically a piss a sniper rifle how lovely if you want to see more of jonathan reacting to the guns of team fortress 2 make sure to subscribe as we've got two previous videos on valve's classic shooter and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan has been added what do we have here then this is a very short sawn off shotgun i'm not sure what the notches in the barrels are for they almost look like wire breakers sometimes shotguns certainly on some rifle have notches to let you put barbed wire in them and then you blow the wire open with whatever ammunition is in your gun um clearly that's not what they're for here i think they're just a stylistic choice there's another another odd design key at the back there where the barrel meets the bridge it's sort of notchy but not open thankfully because that would be probably bad it's sort of it's got a bit of a homemade vibe to it i think that's just the crude art style to be fair and then the really obvious feature underneath which i thought was going to be some kind of a launcher seems to just turn the whole gun pink and increased its power it's one of these uh i suppose it's a classic team fortress gun in that it looks pretty much like a real gun albeit through the lens of i don't know warner brothers or something but it has a weird thing attached to it that does weird stuff i think that's a fair summary and then one final word on realism as it were there's a break open lever on the top of the of the model doesn't look robust or enough to actually function and in fact the character just kind of fudges his thumb across the lever doesn't really seem to do anything with it but that doesn't seem to be how it breaks open [Applause] this is a really weird gun so this has the um the lever and the general kind of vibe of this the winchester 1887 the famous lever operated shotgun this one's a 10 gauge or 10 ball but it's only really in the lever and maybe in the butt stock the rest of it is well it's weird so it's got a sort of browning auto five hump on the back there which the ats 1887 really doesn't it's a just a constant curve there housing the the hat the sort of semi shrouded hammer and the breach the weird drop out at the bottom of the gun breach mechanism which you you would have seen before i'm sure but yeah very very strange so it's got features of at least two real guns and then it goes crazy so we have a drum magazine on this thing and only one barrel but we're cranking the lever three times and then we're firing three shots i don't really get how that would work i mean a lever with a drum i guess you could use the lever to advance the drum magazine and the weapon that's plausible i don't think anyone's done that lever action guns typically will have a tube magazine some have a box magazine on the bottom i don't think anyone's seen the need to try and do a drum okay i am i am now getting the the baby face reference so the drum magazine is reminiscent of the thompson submachine gun we've got a bit of tommy gun here so tommy gunn smashed into 1887 with a bit of browning also five thrown in it's always fun to try and spot the the possible inspirations for these things right so this i gather is the stock pistol and it seems to be a pretty much a macaron pm a russian pistol based or soviet pistol i should say based on the uh volta ppk it's sort of it's going to look a little bit like both of those now a few quirks with this thing right away the slide doesn't move now i have criticized games before for having a slide that moves too slowly this just doesn't move at all so it's a little bit old-school in that respect the hammer doesn't move either we have a nice visible ejection port on the left side of the gun relatively unusual most users being right-handed ejection ports are typically on the right side or on the top or somewhere in between the two and then the reload is also very strange flipping the gun forwards sort of throwing the magazine out and then slapping in a magazine from the top is a pretty idiosyncratic and rather unsafe way to reload a firearm because it's going to be pointing at you when you slam the magazine in and because it's spinning around your firing finger your fingers going to be on the trigger when you slam the magazine in and it wouldn't end well finally finally the sights are quite odd it has a gutter on the top pocket pistols close combat pistols sometimes do have gutter sights and sometimes both so a tiny little front sight within the gutter for more precise aiming but then which case is usually a proper notch rear sight as well this has a big chunky front sight sitting within that sight channel and then no sight at the rear so kind of making the instinctive aiming potential of the gutter a bit irrelevant and then making precise aim impossible because the front sight is gigantic and it has no rear sight but again this is me analyzing this thing as though it were real and you have a perfectly serviceable reticle in the middle of your hud okay i was completely off with my imagination that this was some kind of a laser for an air dropped attack or an airstrike as a name might imply this is as i probably should have realized one of a family of weapons in team fortress where it's generically a rocket launcher so you can shoot it just like a normal rocket launcher it even has the the weird shoving multiple rounds from the front reload that the others that i've seen in the game do it's styled like it like in a weapon but actually all it is is it's better when you're in the air the name is still valid just i was reading too much into that so when you're um launched up into the air rate of fire certainly increases it is not what i thought it was okay i have to immediately pause to say this is somewhat visually and certainly in the name an alien reference as i'm sure i hope all of you have already spotted this is a reference to the flamethrower incinerate incinerator unit as aliens calls it from the original alien movie i'm not sure when a palmer comes in i mean yes flamethrowers do project effectively napalm so it's just an alternative term for flamethrower in this case it's a bit busier than the one from the movie but it definitely it's definitely reminiscent of of that one i've just had a flashback guys to the canon weapon from fallout because this is a similar kind of idea but whereas in that game we had a like a metal frame and a rotating cannon within it that you would then load from from the muzzle this is in some ways more conventional it's kind of like a cross between a cannon and a blunderbuss with a what looks to be a fuse sticking out of the breech i'm gonna be intrigued as to how that works let's have a look and see how this thing actually works so actually a breach loader there's another kind of dump in the rounds reload although at least it's going in the breach end this time and that the thing on the back is indeed a fuse but it kind of magically lights itself the player character is not lighting the fuse the fuse just lights presumably when you pull the trigger this is much more of a cartoon cannon and the fact that you open it up like a breech loader though there are breech loading guns of well going right back to the 15th century actually with reloadable chambers that look like giant beer tankards that you fill with the charge and you put the the shot up the barrel in front of them stick the breech in behind with a wooden wedge and make sure that's nice and tight wrought iron breech loaders we call those so we've breached loading cannon right from the earliest times they were you couldn't get a good seal on them they were cumbersome it was just easier to go to muzzle loading for the next several hundred years pretty much i can't think of any artillery pieces that hinge open in this way probably are some weird patients out there for that it would be problematic for practical reasons to have the breach drop as though you're breaking open a shotgun breech loading artillery pieces they will typically swing out to one side it's much more convenient to do it that begins in way seconds right i do recall the the big old sentry gun from this game this is like a mini version of it now the big the big issue if this were a real thing and sentry guns do exist by the way not yet for any kind of infantry use they're for fixed a defense of a fixed position and they're they're pretty rare but but they are remote weapon stations are common on armored vehicles now but we have the technology in theory to identify track and engage autonomously enemy soldiers so something along these lines would be plausible it's just not really in use at the moment and the major drawback of this design for me would be the kind of checkered hazard tape and the great big reds emergency services style flashing light on the top of the gun that that makes it an absolute dead giveaway to be attacked and that is one of the problems with fixed weapons installations like this is when you're engaged by one you might take casualties but you'll see where it is and you'll counter attack and it's it's dead in the game this is just a sort of lighter more tactically flexible version of a sentry gun so this this character's secondary weapon is pump action shotgun from memory i think it's loosely the ithaca 37 which it seems as soon as you mentioned that i think of vietnam first probably and then aliens this version has the bizarre gubbins mounted to the side of it that i guess sort of conceptually links it to the sentry gun so and we can see the sort of status effect there of it glowing blue immediately after the sentry gun explodes and there's some kind of a boost that you get there as a sort of revenge thing yeah so thinking about it that unit on the side of the shotgun is some sort of uh it's got sort of like a radio receiver on it and its sole purpose seems to be an a canister of energy and when the sentry gun dies the receiver detects or transmits that fat to the gun and the gun is overcharged supercharged somehow it makes it more effective i don't know why if that were a real thing why you wouldn't just have that as an option but i guess there's only enough fuel in the tank as it were for one go and when would you need that most it's when your your main force multiplier has been taken out taken out so it does make a weird sort of logical sense on the face of it this thing is some sort of tranquilizer gun it's got the darts well syringes with flights on the back of them such as we would see in a tranquilizer rifle it's bolt action which those often are but the the actual effect of it so this this is reminding me of the tf2 syringe gun which was just a weapon remember rightly it didn't have any kind of health effect or anything like that and from what i've seen so far neither does this thing it's more of a themed nail single shot bolt-action nail gun really i do like the corks on the end of the syringes on the end of the needles that's a nice comedy touch there so remember when we showed you tf2 previously and there was a jar yep that we threw yep the syringes are full of the same thing what piss it's basically a piss a sniper rifle how lovely oh dear so i had hope that the the infa the now infamous jar of fluid i thought that would be it for that particular theme but no it seems that uh my first impression was that this would be some sort of tranquilizer gun not so much uh those are syringes or like tranquilizer gun rounds you know like syringes with fletching on the back effectively to stabilize them in flight and it's pretty horrific to think about it if this were a genuine thing because presumably the needles can all the syringes contain the urine and they then stick into you which is delightful okay i'm very much enjoying the um the special effect of this of this weapon as it were which is labeled crikey which is a very british slash commonwealth term uh that's a a an explanation of surprise or alarm which seems fitting given that if my submachine gun turned gold and had like red electricity around it and suddenly did more damage i might actually say crikey myself the gun itself is pretty pretty reminiscent of the tech 9 ap9 kg9 that lineage of really more of more machine pistols although with a shoulder stock fitted to it like this um i'd have to call it a submachine gun not much point analyzing the detail as ever with tf2 but front sight it does remind me very much of an mp5 so it's a game take on a compact submachine gun okay i'm breathing a sigh of relief i can genuinely feel a slight sense of relief because this thing looks like a real gun and that gun is the colt python it's got quite a lot of detail correct we've got a an attempt at the colt pattern of cylinder latch which you pull to the rear to be able to open the cylinder although in this version it's on both sides which doesn't make any sense but they just mirrored it and it's pretty close in just about every major feature the only sort of iconically cult bit that's not there is the shape of the trigger guard which has this double curve in it on nearly all colts which isn't on this model but the lines are there it's even got the three ribs of this particular barrel length of the python now the colt python is the 357 magnum flavor of the cult magnum family if you want to look at it that way the snake revolvers all named after various venomous snakes [Music] and in use it's a pretty standard magnum revolver the the character's grip is somewhat questionable in the the real gun has this hump in the frame which is for the web of your hand and it's to help deal with the recoil of the gun now if you were to hold it with your hand wrapped around that usually called a knuckle if you had your hand wrapped around that and you fired the real thing i'd be a little bit concerned well depending on how strong your grip strength is that you might get a bit of hammer pain if you've got a reasonable amount of strength you'd probably prevent it from from flipping that much anyway it wouldn't be a problem but not the recommended grip for this type of revolver all right that's a really weird gun clearly inspired by the ray guns of well i guess the 1930s 40s 50s 60s where it or it basically looks like a rocket ship that you hold in your hand but usually when you when you include like a sci-fi ray gun blaster laser weapon in in a game it's not my experience of memory it's usually stupidly powerful or at least capable this thing did not look incredibly effective and had has a comedy uh pump up action with a sort of pressure valve readout on the side implying that it is powered by air that you pump up with your hand but then the energy blast it shoots is energy so who knows how this thing is supposed to work i think it looks kind of cool um i'm not sure it really sort of fits the the aesthetic and i don't necessarily i don't know it doesn't didn't look great [Music] another weird gun what a surprise now i was thrown off by the dragon head on the end of this thing and the name heater initially and stupidly assumed it might be some sort of flamethrower i say stupidly because the term heater the nickname heater has been a term for for a firearm for quite a long time um so it is a it is a term for a gun as opposed to an incendiary weapon which this is not this is basically the niche it fits is really the sort of mini gun niche within a game i would say although it doesn't have the multiple spinning barrels it has one barrel with a ventilated heat shield on it and then just a big ammunition container underneath and a rear grip but it pretty much functions like a mini gun or a chain gun there's a rear sorry there's a front sight there that is completely negated by the great big dragon head on the front of it the dragon head is super you might be surprised to learn is a real thing on firearms if you go far enough back on artillery guns and on handheld firearms as well we don't have any i don't have any to hand but we have examples in the collection here at the royal armories of actual dragon heads chiseled into the muzzle of a gun barrel which if you think about it is a tremendous amount of work you'd have had to have started with a much larger bit of iron or steel and chisel the metal away so that the dragon head is noticeably bigger than the diameter of the barrel it's a it's a heck of a lot of work but then these are heavily decorated items so so strangely enough there is a there is a real aspect here that i very much doubt anyone developing the game would have been aware of although they might have picked it up from other from chinese weapons that they've observed where the gun does defy expectations is and links it more firmly to the dragon motif i suppose is it's a machine gun but it's a machine gun that sets you on fire so so it's sort of an incendiary weapon in a twisted tf2 logic kind of way thank you as always for watching this review of the guns of team fortress 2 and i'm led to believe the final part so this is your lot guys sorry but uh it has been fun as always we do have a link in the description if you'd like to help us out here at the royal armouries with what we do you can also check out our own youtube channel it's worth a look if you if you like your firearms and we have various social media outlets beyond that as well twitter facebook instagram the usual and if you can visit one of our three museums you're very welcome to do so thanks a lot [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 917,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, tf 2, team fortress 2 weapons, weapons breakdown, guns breakdown, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, team fortress 2 expert reacts, tf2 expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, valve
Id: 2N4WM_fykqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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