Firearms Expert’s FAVORITE Weapons Of 2021

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of farrah's and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on today's episode we're taking a journey down memory lane to check out some of jonathan's favorite weapons from the past year this is probably the most detailed in-game model of an akm i have ever seen really really nice to see a a very rare historic firearm depicted not only in a video game but something where you really get hands-on with it like that jonathan and the whole team here at gamespot just want to say thank you to everyone who's watched the show over the last year we really appreciate your support and of course if you'd like to help out the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video and if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming new series lowdown a show where we take a look at the history and impact of some of the most iconic weapons in gaming from the shotgun and geralt's silver sword through to the m1 garand and the desert eagle jonathan will be making plenty of appearances over on that show too so make sure to check that out right let's take a look at some of jonathan's highlights from the past year all right this is a really really quite a fun one for me because this weapon if i can call it a weapon is something that's actually from the royal armouries collection and i have it with me today it's not identical to what we see on screen as i'll explain in a moment but i am about 90 odd percent sure that the aoka pistol is based directly on this specific object so the difference is the big one i mean the sticks the same pretty much and the wire wrapping it onto the together the big difference is the barrel which in the game is some sort of an iron tube whereas on the real thing it's a 20 millimeter cartridge case and to make it a barrel all they've done is dent in the top of it and drill that in the center to create not only a touch hole or a vent if you prefer but a pan for the priming powder and that's probably the biggest divergence from the game version this is really a medieval handgun or hand cannon recreated using the cartridge case as a barrel and you need that depression to fill with powder so that there's something to go flash so that the gun goes back what we see in rust is the player is striking the barrel with a rock and it's creating a spark off the iron or steel barrel and the sparks somehow going into the gun setting it off it's not completely implausible but it's pretty daft so whereas this is not not a very good weapon and but it would fire for for one shot the one in the game i'm not confident would work at all they've kind of covered that by showing it require multiple random hits from the rock to actually fire so they put that level of thought into it of course wow um this is the first i'm seeing of taco i've heard a lot of people talk about it seeing a lot written about it that it has a lot of realism in its depiction of firearm and just from that short clip right away i can see what they're talking about so we've got the the makarov or makarov very much a cold war pistol very much a sidearm it's not not really a combat weapon although people with the training can obviously use it that way and it's really nicely modeled the sound effects are probably the best i've heard just from that short clip but that that sounds like a gun being fired in a building perhaps um i don't know how much it changes as you move in and out of spaces perhaps we'll see and the way it's handled is really cool the brass check the press check that he does to make sure that it's chambered around a bit of a modern thing but um it is done and it is in there and you get to see the cartridge in the in the gun okay um i gather people have been keen for me to see the gunsmith section of of tarkov and i can see why that's really really impressive the sheer variety that we see in here cosmetic as well as what looks like some pretty practical changes that you can make um i think i'd probably spend my most of my time in that section of the game and not actually shooting anybody because the ability to virtually customize guns like that is that's practically a game in itself that's really good i really like that i'm gonna have to get a second mortgage and get a gaming pc i'm gonna pause there where to start it's a real gun as i'm sure people have already googled a 2.7 millimeter bullet incredibly small and the gun itself is incredibly small so the actual cartridge length and is tiny as well just get it out the way this thing would have zero stopping power a bullet of that incredibly lightweight traveling at that very low speed is not pulling off head shots at 50 meters or whatever we just saw i have to chuckle at the um dainty way that the the character handles the thing and sort of squeezes it between his thumb and forefinger so as you can see as you would have seen from other videos on this i'm sure it is tiny it's as tiny as it's seen on screen in fact i think it's tinier as to how it works in the game yeah they've got that right imagine doing this in uh under fire press the magazine catch tab on the base to pull the magazine out and then with a tiny belt of magazines or something pushing a fresh one and yes it [ __ ] as it as it does in the game it's a real gun um but it's not a real gun in the sense that it doesn't kill anyone but it might irritate them i suppose the most cowboy gun ever i think the uh single action army cult we have a nice first generation 1870s vintage example and the um the red dead 2 representation is really good and as we saw in the clip you can clean the guns which i thought was a really nice touch maintaining your firearms was an important thing to do and it's rare to see it done in a game so that's really cool although of course a simple white with an oily rag is not usually enough to clean up uh rust like that the way it functions again pretty spot on the first person view pretty pretty good it's a little weird how he hangs on the on the hammer so that when he pulls the trigger the hammer flies forward out from under his thumb almost no reason why that wouldn't work but not really good practice because if you slow down the hammer there's a small chance that the round might not go off generally the rate of fire is what you'd expect from a single action gun i.e [ __ ] it fire it pocket firing you can't pull through on the trigger to fire a shot now that's a really interesting gun that we've seen there that's the the viper mark 1 which is a british experimental submachine gun of the very end of the second world war so this this thing does show up in my new book on british ballpark firearms because it's one of the relatively early attempts really really nice to see a very rare historic firearm depicted not only in a video game but something where you can really get hands-on with it like that looks to work as it probably does work we don't quite know because we're not going to shoot it it's the only one that i know of that exists there may be others let me know if you do no but i don't think there are and um when it's pulled up to the to the eye sort of aimed fire you'll see that you can see there are no sights and it's kind of cumbersome even in vr and that's because this was designed as a commando weapon for assaulting over a beach and you could sort of see from how it's shaped that it's actually fought under the arm one-handed use so you're looking where you're shooting and you're grasping it under the arm giving you loads of control over recoil but you've got no right no ability to aim that's a fascinating historic firearm and i'm really glad to see it in this game we've got another mp5 this one that i've grabbed is it's an sd the suppressed version which is what we saw being used just then i quite like the way that one was depicted i'm a connoisseur of um video game mp5s and that one pretty much nailed the mp5 in general and the sd specifically the sound effects are not far off what you actually hear in real life when you shoot this thing or you hear this thing shot people often say it's so quiet all you hear is the bolt clicking back and forth which is mostly true slight pop from the muzzle the loud clang of the bolt moving you're gonna know something's going on but you might not know that it's a firearm and this was for the decades was the default definitive suppressed submachine gun wasn't really worth using anything else provided you could afford this i like that if it wasn't for the fact you only get one shot that's almost like an ideal zombie weapon that's a 12 gauge single barrel break open shotgun they were very common in the old west that looked like it might be in either johnson or stevens or something and it's obviously been modified with a quite a cool hatchet attachment and is is drastically cut down if this is like 1880s and the cartridges are black powder you would want a smokeless powder loaded cartridge basically because if you're firing black powder out of that shorter barrel it's going to be pretty weak the burnt rate of black powder is is different and wouldn't be hugely effective so we'll have to assume that those are nitro cartridges um incidentally the cartridges looks quite authentic there's a tendency in games to just stick modern looking cartridges which don't look totally out of place but those with a different color and the detail of the headstamp that actually looked like some they dug out some late 19th century early 20th century maybe cartridges to model there strangely enough the first thing i've noticed about the ak here was the ejection pattern if you've seen a real ak fired it's got a really aggressive forward and upward ejection pattern so slight slightly weaker and off to the side ping something in my brain that wasn't quite right there that's something you're only going to get absolutely right if you've had a camera behind a real ak shooting or have found some footage of it doing that the other the other thing from this first person perspective is the depiction of recoil which i think is good the the ak is an excellent weapon but the impulse of a relatively powerful intermediate cartridge and the shape of the buttstock and the mass of the bolt carrier slamming back means it does tend to jump so although the ak was designed very much for automatic fire it was two to three rounds from the shoulder anything more than that and it does does become a bit uncontrollable and i think that comes across well um i've grabbed an ak not because none of you've seen an ak before you have this is one of my favorite objects in the collection i've chosen this russian type 2 as we as we tend to call them because of this on the butt gp dylan one slash seven and long story short this belonged to colonel gregory p dillon of the one seven air cavalry this is actually from vietnam and it's it's really something to hold this every time i pick it up okay pause well we're off to a good start there with the browning automatic rifle the m1918a this is well modeled well implemented i think they're running on the slower of the two rates of fire makes you realize listening and listening to that and watching it how you know a well-trained soldier firing rapidly you know can easily match that sort of low 400 rounds per minute or 300 and something i think it was the other sort of minor nerdy detail is the lack of the carrying handle which is also correct because most of the a2s you'll see now as well as probably having their bipods will have a carrying handle on them which is another kind of moving toward like machine gun thing well that feature was not fitted during the second world war so these guys have done their research it's well modeled it's well represented apparent recoil rate of fire all of that seems to be pretty good and the effect on target as well you know firing bursts short bursts of twos and threes as you probably would be doing and the enemies going down so there's none of this bullet sponge nonsense it's our old friend the kalashnikov ak in this case the akm the modernized ak introduced in 1959 and at this point pretty much the most common this is probably the most detailed in-game model of an akm i have ever seen lots of detail there in the 3d model itself so much so that i'm able to nitpick tiny details like the front of the gas block here it might be the angle it might be me but i don't think so this is an akm gas block so note the ramp here and the shape of the front the gas block on this rifle is much more ak pattern so the earlier version when you do this good a job on an in-game gun this is your reward you get nitpicked if i wasn't looking at a front right court of view of this thing i would not have spotted that we have the the pkp uh the petronagas as it's called which is essentially an assault variant of the pkm entirely appropriate to see it in this game of course and what i'm what i'm struck by here in the loading animation is some really nice attention to detail where the player character lifts up the feed tray and checks visually checks the chamber to see that the gun is clear which is something that video games don't normally trouble themselves with but in any kind of armed force is absolutely essentially part of the drill part of the manual of arms so that right there tells you that you are playing a milsim i really like the reloading animation in general here because it feels the gun model feels like it has more weight it doesn't just feel like one of those um belt fed assault rifle like machine guns that we get in first person shooters it's more kind of he's having to manhandle it turn it over fit the ammo box put everything back into position it looks like it might weigh something which i think is it helps immerse you in what's going on thanks again for watching if you enjoy this kind of content please make sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel as we'll have new episodes of firearms expert reacts every saturday and new episodes of loadout every sunday again please check out the links in the description of the video if you want to help support the royal armouries and we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 588,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, eoka, rust eoka, escape from tarkov, battlefield v, kolibri, red dead redemption 2, viper mark 1, horseshoes & hand grenades, insurgency sandstorm, hunt showdown, rising storm 2 vietnam, hell let loose, arma 3, squad, weapons breakdown, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: 9Yo7oabIbSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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