Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 1’s Guns PART 2

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and this week since so many players have returned to the trenches Jonathan is taking another look at some of the World War One era Weaponry of Battlefield 1. right well they've done it to me again we've got a semi-cursed gun it's not too bad I could sort of picture some incredibly flamboyant Russian officer having some gold-plated modified 1895 sniper rifle make sure to subscribe and check out our previous episode on Battlefield 1 where Jonathan showcased the tiny caliber pistol from the Royal armories collection and if you like this kind of content we've got a brand new season of loader airing on the channel right now new episodes will launch every Sunday including deep dives into sniper rifles the AK-47 and the scar so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for those right let's take a look at some more of the weapons of Battlefield 1. this is something I don't remember from playing Battlefield one I did put in quite a few hours to this game there are cutouts on the frame of this 1911 pistol behind the trigger and that's to allow shorter fingers essentially to wrap around and reach the shorter trigger that this doesn't have so what am I talking about well this is built as a 1911 M1911 it's actually a weird mishmash but we've got the extended safety beaver tail of an A1 by the look of it we have the finger cut out Groove things in the frame of an A1 I think I'm right saying everything else on this is original 1911 from 1911 I.E what you'd have in the first world war you wouldn't have the Cutaway bits back then because they are features of the 1911 A1 which came in in 1926 if I remember correctly something else I don't remember from playing this game the rear sight on the 1911 is really really wide sights on pistols in this era were not great not by modern standards they were designed to be low profile and not snag on uniform or whatever this is very very broad I have to assume that's similar to the enlarged rear sights on games like Call of Duty and probably Battlefield as well thinking about it where you're trying to give the player a wider field of view and because you don't have to line up your frontal area site nothing's really lost except for people like me picking Nets sudden surprise stopped 1911 pistol here so I had to just run and grab the closest thing we have which is this piece it's not the same it's not the same as what's on screen what's on screen is very much inspired by the John Dillinger pistol so it has a Tommy gun shaped front grip ours is an IRA capture design intended to be fully automatic with a detachable stock it's pretty rickety extended magazine and they did not go despite the RAS fondness for the Tommy Gun they did not go for the tommy gun shaped front grip it's more of a broom handle it's a bit of a mess to be honest now both of the neither of these fits the first world war setting this is 1970s John Dillinger was around in the 20s after the war of course so to my knowledge nothing like this existed in the first World War uh perhaps an obvious inclusion for a first world war set game that's trying to up the ante and include as many semi and full automatic weapons as it could this is the howl this thing the howl is a genuine self-loading only adaptation of the smle for the first world war did not see any significant use that I'm aware of it's bizarre it's you know the word steampunk gets bandied around with a lot of these guns uh you know they've done a great job with this it's got an extended trench magazine which our our version does not the only criticism I would have I think um the way it appears anyway is the bipod from memory from our two examples that we have here they don't have a bipod I'm not aware of this of the of this having a bipod I could be wrong on that foreign the operation of this is okay except the magazine change we've got a major fudge on the mag change if you're trying to do a MAG change on this we don't see the player character press the magazine catch as far as I can tell you can't really use your firing thing where you can't at all use your firing finger to press that magazine catch up this magazine was not designed to be easily replaced despite the early intent of the Metford to have a spare magazine for emergencies to swap it was never meant to be a quick change magazine so it's hard to reach and hard to press the best at times this one as I say is even harder and because of the hand guard here you can't you know you can't sort of brace it and get in and press efficiently to remove the magazine you certainly can't do it with your support cam either so you're holding it like this braced into your your arm pit come up like this you can try to you can just about maybe get your thumb in but I can't get it to release and then bearing in mind the extended mag would seriously getting you your way anyway you'd have to come in like this press up I won't do it because the mag might fall out press up hard on the catch and maybe let it fall and then you put on a spare magazine but this is not designed for tactical magazine changes it would have been topped up with stripper clips foreign the mg08 slash 18 which is immensely heavy so I'm going to rest it on the chair here and hope it doesn't crush me and parts you don't wish to be crushed in now I put the belt box on here complete with crank so there is an animation for cranking the belt box which is nice I won't try to feed this into this gun because this mgo8 belt is very frayed and fragile and I don't want to damage it any further but when you load this thing it's not as straightforward as the game would imply you cannot flip up the top cover like a modern machine gun slap the belt in place and slap the top cover down you have to it's a maxim feed it in with a starter tab pull it physically across to the left while you [ __ ] the gun twice that's the standard drill for all Maximum pattern machine guns and we're not doing that we're not doing that here and you could not do it from a standing position you'd have to put this thing on the deck and either have a have an assistant Gunner to pull the belt across for you or realistically with a weapon like this that's modified for one man to use you could absolutely do it I would absolutely do it on your own but not from a standing position it would be physically impossible to do that this one has aircraft sights or anti-aircraft salts installed on it this was a light machine gun gun from memory I'm not aware of an aircraft adaptation for it however if these are anti-aircraft sites which seems Seems more likely actually Zen maybe I don't remember seeing them but hey there's every chance that they are correct foreign istic as in they weren't actually in use in the first world war but they did exist guns in this game the Winchester 1907 probably my favorite just because it's I don't know it feels like the most capable thing that you could have 1907 of course when it's once introduced but as you can see from the from the reload which is Faithfully done you've got a magazine catch here press with the thumb pull out with the same hand the animation seems to have the thumb go for the catch again you don't need to do that just like we don't with an AR or something you just plug it back into place cocking handle or charging handle at the front uh produce C operated it's very stiff it just I think just the look of it is great it's short it's light it's handy the because the wooden four end on the version here has a full grip on it now they're worse than 1920s modifications to these for law enforcement so before the foregrip there is plausible but wouldn't have been done until Prohibition in the states the weird Leather Pouch on the front that's strapped over the barrel I yeah don't know that seems like it'll get in the way worth saying there's a lot of detail in these in these gun models you know you can see the the little extractor there on the face of the bolts it's a really nice attention to detail on basically all the guns in this game foreign [Applause] rifle but not any old Springfield 1903 Rifle this is fitted with the euphemistically called the experimental device one of the well relatively rare instance in this game of a name not being included this is the Pederson device invented by John Patterson the idea was that you could carry the blowback operated so semi-automatic pistol it's a it's a semi-automatic pistol you shove up the back of your gun of your rifle I should say so that whole device would come out the back and be carried in a metal tin and then you'd have the magazines inserted as we're going to see in a moment the great big blowback slide effectively on top of it it's a very distinctive look to the gun with that little magazine sticking out the side uh keep an eye out for the cut out in the receiver of the rifle pull point of removing this device was that you could have the ordinary rifle bolt installed for long range accurate not accurate and firing and then when it when the time came to go over the top you would swap out the two bolts effectively and go semi Go full semi uh automatic so it needed a cutout in in the receiver to eject the spent cartridge cases that did not adversely affect the operation of the rifle with the ordinary bolt installed suppose it might let a bit more mud and water in or something but probably not a huge issue so you can always spot a converted 1903 for the cutout in the left side of the receiver so that's a a very nice touch indeed we're actually we're not treating this as a separate weapon that just happens to look like a Springfield this thing is actually being converted before our eyes exactly as it was intended to be into a semi-automatic pistol caliber carbine rifle thing they've reduced the visible recoil of this thing firing this low powered cartridge which is good if anything I think they haven't reduced it enough if you watch the the sea and Arsenal shooting video of this the the weapon recoils very very little it's a very heavy steel and walnut rifle with a very weak cartridge relative to that so it barely moved so it's a beefier cartridge than 22 but um a much heavier gun so it's kind of ends up being much the same my old friend the martini Henry grew up watching Zulu as I think every one of my generation did intrigued by this kind of middling technology so the rifle depicted is specifically a mark IV Martini Henry you can spot those due to the hump here so as far as how the right how well the rifle is depicted now that we know it's a mark IV it's pretty good looks too short to me proportions aren't right I think the butt length is right but everything forward of the of the action body or receiver yeah I can't quite put my finger on that but I don't think it's an optical illusion I think the rifle is too short something I've noticed I think in the game overall but it's especially noticeable with the great honking cartridge that the martini fires is the relative size of the cartridge to not so much the weapon but to the hand of the operator the Handler they either have huge hands or the cartridges depicted as too small so the hands seem to be in scale with the rifle somehow but not really with the cartridge by this time they've been replaced from 1894 onwards for machine guns because the martini was basically out of use by this point they were made out of as normal cartridge cases so if you were using your fantasy retro Martini Henry in the first world war you wouldn't have the potential issue of the very weak rolled up brass cartridges I'm not even going to complain about it being in Battlefield 1 because it is very cool who knows some some Rogue officer might have possibly taken one to the front but if he did we don't know about it okay I'll stop you there we have another very heavy machine gun in fact literally by some definitions laser definitions a heavy machine gun as in a fixed mounted machine gun not designed by any means for carrying and operating by an individual or Soldier which is what we see here as as cool as that is when it's depicted in a movie or in this case a game it's completely unrealistic and I won't say no I will say impossible if you were going to try and heft this thing and run around with it I don't think you've had the nice hardwood and Brass belt box on there I think you just let the belt out well I don't know would you the belts are quite long 250 rounds something like that I don't know you either have additional weight in bulk or you have a belt trailing around Rambo style and you certainly can't held this one-handed and hold belt with your other hand so not quite impossible but but not far off foreign French names of course but it was the American Army's name for this gun so something it's much more plausible that you'd be finding and using one of these multiple Nations have used it it's a it's an actual light machine gun not not some ridiculous heavy thing that you couldn't possibly use in this role having said that it's still incredibly heavy and awkward to use and the idea of using that from the shoulder you know it's plausible with a brand gun but something like the Hotchkiss uh it's it's heavy it's awkward the strip feed system is extremely awkward as well it's uh well depicted here I think and of course that gives us a nice bit of variety a good trade-off of ammunition capacity versus a different animation really we don't really have the weight penalty of the belt fed guns to worry about but hey it's variety it's period it looks good it works well we have taken objective apples all right this is I think it's one of my favorite Battlefield 1 weapons because it's it fits their their remit so well in a way that doesn't kind of push outside my comfort zone if that makes sense to you in terms of anachronism this thing existed this is the Italian cheer regatti the the Cherry regatti is is well modeled it works basically as advertised it has a selector switch on the side something I picked up on looking at Wikipedia you might remember the as50 incident well I might have another one for you guys this trigger that pokes through the bottom of the trigger guard people are wondering oh I've been wondering why on Earth it does that and the answer given on Wikipedia is that this is for this is some sort of Arctic trigger guard so that you can operate the trigger with with mittens on if I lock this thing open how do you close the bolt there's no bolt catch the answer is trigger and the reason it pokes through is that you're not pulling it far enough back to fire the gun you're just pulling it far enough back to close the bolt and then you can get on the trigger proper and put it all the way through to the rear and fire the rifle that is what that feature is for as far as the internet's concerned that's an Arctic trigger it isn't it's the bolt closure device right so we've just watched a bit of reminding myself that'll use this a fair bit when I played the game of how the the bolt is closed in the game and it is just manually shoved forward now I understand why they why they thought that but that's not how it works as we now know this is a strange and rare Beast indeed we don't have anything like this well unless you count the shosha a machine rifle a light machine gun which this is a relative of potentially only one of these exists I think I've only ever seen black and white photos so it's another classic backfield one weapon in that it existed in the time frame somebody could have robbed it from an experimental facility somewhere and gone to war with it but they didn't it really does look cool being so short and submachine gun like it's called a submachine gun in the game clearly it isn't in by any technical definition it finds a a full power rifle cartridge it takes the questionable open magazine design of the show shot machine rifle and makes it even more questionable by being even more cut away and exposed to dirt and whatever else needless to say we have no idea how how well this would have worked my guess would be not well right well they've done it to me again we've got a a semi-cursed gun it's not too bad in the scheme of things I could sort of picture some incredibly flamboyant Russian officer having some gold-plated modified 1895 sniper rifle but only really in a sort of the king's man-esque retro futuristic setting so I suppose is what we're in so this thing is uh it's the rifle of course the 1895 Winchester So like um most of its Winchester stable mates it's a lever action only the bottom drops out of it I suppose like other later Winchester's with a linear bolt coming out the back [Applause] now not directly related to the rifle itself but the it's obviously part of the kit of the of the sniper and this idea of a Deployable steel Shield that you poke your rifle barrel through and and you have some protection from incoming fire absolutely correct you know those really did exist would you carry them around running and gunning and set them down knowing full well the enemy knew where you were absolutely you would not you would install this somewhere where the enemy weren't yet or weren't aware of you yet and use it as a as a snipers tool or you would have it on a trench parapet again hopefully disguised because you don't you don't want to encourage incoming fire what if one of those bullets could come through the loophole in the plate and at the very least you're drawing fire to your positions not a great idea to advertise your position but these things had a place they were used and they would stop anything other than I don't know a very powerful the game rifle or something depending on their Construction foreign next up this is a fascinating one very unusual looking gun I'm sure you're the gray nine nine Parabellum is correct now it's hard for me to assess this because we don't have one of these they're only two in existence and one of them's complete I believe it's the Tula State University collection but from the descriptions that I have read it's pretty well represented except that I think you would have to shove that cassette of of cartridges all the way into the right so that it can then feed back across to the left and then be removed when empty that's my reading of the very complex mechanism of this thing so as depicted it's an 80 round capacity uh we end up with the realistic plus one if we leave around in the chamber and replace the cassette and that's comprised of 10 rows of eight cartridges incredibly complex and frankly ill-advised mechanism Burns through one stack of cartridges and then ratchets the whole thing across by one fires the next row and so on and so forth there are there are machine guns that do that sort of linear feed different thing but none that do it with vertical strips that I can think of which makes the whole gun very tall hence that bizarre profile and the the arrangement of the boxing receiver then dictates the bizarre butt stock and the weird grip really does look like a fantasy submachine gun and in a way it's it kind of is because it was never put into production it was never used by anyone it's one of the least plausible guns in the game in that respect but it's kind of cool to see it kind of represented and preserved in digital form thank you foreign I can do it's spelled sjo but uh this is a Swedish word I'm so sorry sweets um you speak our language so perfectly and we don't speak yours at all I feel very bad about that anyway um fascinating design so this could easily have been consigned to the Dustbin of firearms history but uh made a massive comeback with well not to be the the Beretta inertial system totally different gun but it uses the same principle but essentially it relies on the on the um The Recoil of the gun it then stops and with a two-part bolt with a spring in between it's able to then unlock itself using inertia it's so hard to explain this one but um you'll grasp it like I did when you watch the animation all right everyone thank you for watching those were more guns from Battlefield one been a while since we did the first episode I hope you enjoyed this one as always if you'd like to check out our own Royal armories YouTube channel featuring yours truly and some colleagues as well please do that and we have our own social media accounts of course three sites here in the UK that you can visit if you're able to visit details of that and events and everything else on the website thanks again we'll see you again next time [Music] all right
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 898,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 1, battlefield 1 expert reacts, battlefield expert reacts, battlefield 1 firearms expert, battlefield 1 weapons, battlefield 1 weapons breakdown, battlefield 1 weapons explained, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: g317yW6Sdvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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