Firearms Expert Reacts to Bloodborne’s Guns

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode since the release of the Elder ring DLC shadow of the UR tree has got us in the mood for Souls borns we're looking at some of the firearms from bloodborne apologies to the artist ahead ahead of what I'm about to say but that's the ugliest blunder bus I have ever seen hopefully that's a badge of honor designing for this game and not of criticism per se we've also got another from soft episode in the works so make sure to subscribe to avoid missing that and of course let us know what other games you'd like to see us cover in the comment section down below right over to Jonathan it's a pretty good looking flint lock pistor well in the scheme of things flint lock firearms in general are not done Justice in in many games so in terms of the design it's very stylized but this believe it or not is based on a real design of flint lock pistol t the Balkans that region and they have a particular style of pistol in it's in detail but but specifically that metal sort of almost handguard looking thing on the top of the barrel is purely stylistic you don't grab it there at all obviously that is a real feature and together with the decoration maybe the shape of it but it's it's very it's hyper stylized I do have a pistol from this is actually from Kosovo so it's not quite it's it's in the sort of right ballpark and it gives you it's the right sort of this this is the real version of what's in the game but it lacks that classical Eastern European if you like the Mediterranean area decoration and it has the basic lines of a of a flint lock pistol of the flint lock pistol that we see in the game so a really good example of a of a very fantasy modified real world thing importantly for me it has the main bits of a flint lock present and correct so well present certainly so there's the [ __ ] this is missing Flint as they often are the the frizen and the pan here this should this should of course should be to use it needs to be cocked famously uh powder in the pan and the pan closed I don't know if the game is going to show us that typically they they'll be modeled in the their rest state and they'll just stay like that and magically bullets will come out so I'll see if I can spot that but the recoil The Recoil of these things is very low you'll have some muzzle rise they're fired as an extension of your arm essentially so they arm at at full stretch for for Cavalry style pistol which is what this is and then they've modeled the sort of to the side recoil of something like a Desert Eagle or some something insanely powerful which this this isn't this is a magical monster killing pistol though so The Recoil May well be very high I don't know right another real world inspiration here this this is I'm not sure what that great big lever on the side is doing I might find out in a moment but this basic configuration of a pistol Barrel in the hilt alongside the blade of a sword which should be able to show you an image of one of ours I can't lay hands on it at the moment but we have two from memory combination gun sword short sword hanger things the gun bit can't get a great look at there's some kind of mechanism running to the muzzle there which I don't understand there's a visible trigger inside the the knuckle bow so there's a knuckle bow with a protruding guard on it and then a double shell guard which is kind of bizarre what's going on there it appears to be transforming is it an extended barrel that's what looks like the barrel is extending out from the action if you've got enough negative space inside the body the receiver of the gun for the barrels to be stored in it you've done something wrong because you need you need a mechanism in there so extending barrel guns look cool but they don't really make any sense the closest we've got in real life are sort of pocket pistols where you can screw a barrel on but there's a barrel in already there I think that's what's happening there's a lot of kind of smoking mirrors almost literally here as to what what the heck's going on Gatling gun so it's interesting that Dr Richard Gatling exists in this universe undeniably cool with the big hat the long coat whatever weapon that is on the right arm and then an insanely huge electrically driven or magically driven mini gun Gatling gun thing with cases spewing out it's complete nonsense of course but it's it's great fun it does it does make me sad that the thousand round per minute presumably rifle caliber Gatling gun does so little damage to these things even with apparently Magic Bullets So speaking of Magic Bullets so I've seen two references I think now to Quick Silver ammunition now as the chemists amongst you will know Quicksilver is not silver you can't just put another word in front of silver and make it silver but more so Quicksilver is mercury shooting Mercury at beings that are vulnerable to Silver presumably wouldn't do very much I mean Mercury's to toxic so it wouldn't do them any favors in the long run but uh I don't think it's the effect that they're going for so I think that's a that's a bit of um use of language hoping that you're not familiar with what Quicksilver actually is and I I guess I don't see why they've invoked magical bullets in this because the guns are so ineffective it would make more sense especially if you had silver bullets were super rare and they did loads of damage and then the ordinary guns use ordinary bullets and then it would be like dog soldiers which is the best worldw film of all time fight me in which the Silver Bullets would be the only thing to do damage the mp5s and the g3s and things can only drive them back which is seem seemingly what we see here and that's actually very consistent with the folklore there's a good episode of load out on this by the way where conventional Firearms are they can buy you time but then it's your um whatever magical species specific weapon you're using like a wooden steak or whatever that can do the the real damage so it's kind of not quite there for me on the LW side so far all right here's this sort of spear arm gun thing we have got a couple of spear like gun spear combinations in the collection that hopefully we'll be able to show you some point neither of them are very similar to this but this this is much different this is very short almost more like a sort of Road digging tool really with a huge spear point or was more like an Arrow Head really reminding me of the um EDTA glove weapon from Blade 2 which maybe it's inspired by given the subject matter of the game so he's using that to sort of punch in this chemical that will kill vampires here it just seems to be doing damage I like the sort of wind up showing that you're using your your own muscles to drive it in not just however it's operated okay a cannon a plus five cannon no less cuz of course large metal tubes can be upgraded somehow sorry overly sarcastic there U it's RPG stuff large prototype Firearms I mean this is questionably a firearm it's literally called a cannon it's a massive caliber it looks like something that a non-s superhuman wielder wouldn't even be able to pick up very easily it's overly convoluted in design I would say those flanges those reinforcers as we say do exist you've seen them I'm sure probably walked past some in in Britain because um they were used as ballards laterly this is not a Bard this is this is a gun now as to the actual deployment of this weapon kind of does what you'd expect the the thing on the top that I spotted is just some sort of guard or um handle and guard more like a shield boss equivalent for a big gun there's no visible mechanism it just magically ignites just like it magically reload it plays its role perfectly well though it looks like a cannon uh the big CasCal and the button on the back there if it didn't have those we might go doesn't really look very very Canon but it definitely does we have a much more conventional and even bigger Cannon here on a field Carriage mounted rather precariously on a sort of Rocky bit of terrain there which I would not be happy with I'm sure a gunner would be even less happy with um but the the carriage is a pretty conventional design it's it's fantasy but it's not very it's not very different than a real field Carriage would be of maybe the later 17th century or something and the gun itself likewise it's just got too many reinforces and they may be a bit too Square edged so let's see what the destruction of this is oh dear oh dear that's terrible so I I was getting all excited there about this impressive field piece you know the scourge of the the 17th 18th 19th century infantrymen and cavalryman alike king of battle whatever you know Ultima ratia all that nonsense and what do we get but boom so uh whoever loaded this thing is very short on gunpowder or very short on skill cuz there's hardly any gunpowder in that gun and then even the explosion of what's I think meant to be some sort of shell so a hollow iron sphere with explosive within it is kind of unimpressive as well so I don't know if that's an in-game joke or maybe it does a lot more damage to enemies but it's pretty disappointing okay so this has some sort of a burus inside it seemingly anyway it's a giant impact weapon with some kind of explosive effect kind of like a gun on a stick surprisingly we do have something from from our world that is a pretty close parallel to this thing this is called the the cash knocker it's a bit Grim frankly I mean I know I know guns are uh often for killing people but um this is for for humanely dispatching animals this is a trigger plunger that gets hit when it impacts and then a a it's a captive bolt gun um so that just shoots out part way so it's not a firearm it's an explosively powered impact weapon which is what I'm seeing here so this has a a trigger at the end of the grip and it's it's about reach and positioning but clearly in a sort of zombie apocalypse scenario you could swing this around and it has a hell of a lot of impact like a like a big heavy hammer and if you contact it also has a a a really devastatingly powerful piston that shoots out and will crush whatever's under it so it's it's a I don't know what to call it I think that's why they called it the knocker it's really quite alarmingly similar to to what's what I'm seeing in front of me here albeit without the burn magical furnace thing and if if that's not blood bny enough for you in terms of aesthetic how about this one this is early 20th century first half of the 20th century I'm no expert on on Humane colors but it definitely has that brass and wooden nicely made look to it it also has a conventional firearm Hammer shrouded here this fits the aesthetic better but as far as the proportions and maybe the effect I I guess they do the same job the the more modern example is a good fit okay that's that makes everything I've seen so far look conventional a piercing rifle fired one-handed from the hit it has some sort of crutch style butt stock on the back but our friend here is not interested in using that shape of it very odd it's I guess it's a sort of spear half pike rifle I can't see how you'd shoot it accurately as a rifle can't see any sights does have the butt on it but it almost looks like a weaponized crutch to me not sure what the the sort of barbs partway down are I guess if you are meant to be shoving that into an enemy well those would make it impossible to pull well not impossible I guess but harder to pull out not sure what the advantage there is I mean historical Spears have barbed points sometimes but there's usually a reason for that this looks more like an aesthetic choice this is also apparently a rifle with a gigantic wheel on the side impressive piece of design but it's it's we're veering hard into the anime scale and balance weapons here it's got a sort of Sword handle and pommel almost like a modern Auto Cannon look to it but it has an octagon Al Barrel which instantly says 16th 17th 18th century I don't know what the great big wheel on the side does I was tempted to say someone's misunderstood how a wheel lock works so we've got design elements of a wheel lock I don't have a problem with it being in this world I mean the wheel locks were still used for sporting purposes and well into the 19th century and they look cool and in many ways they're better than certainly better than matchlocks um and arguably sometimes better than Flint locks as well so it's nice to see the wheel locks in here what's throwing me off is the gigantic cart wheel on the side don't know what that does I don't think they have misunderstood that aspect of the wheel lock I think that's some additional feature to the smaller wheel that they have model what they haven't got right exactly like the flint lock is that the dog is just sitting here doing nothing there's no turn of the wheel there's no um reloading process there's no sliding pan so it's the barest minimum of of there some sort of wheel there's some sort of dog for the ignition system but really they're there as visual interest this is an old gun this is telling you this is an old gun there's no interest here in actually making it make sense but hey look at the actual weapon why why would you care about it making sense okay this is interesting I think I like where this is going it's a sort of well I won't say steampunk but fantasy Victorian flamethrower based on a sort of blowtorch SL oil lamp thing there's absolutely no need for the projector to Pivot upwards on firing like that that I can think of might not be my favorite flame uh effect that I've that we've seen so far with with game flamethrowers it's a little bit kind of Emeral it's not that sticky gloopy horrifying burning fuel thing that we've seen done so well lately it's quite it's an old school take on a flamethrower it's just like blowtorch not true effect of a flamethrower apologies to the artist ahead of what I'm about to say but that's the ugliest blunderbus I have ever seen hopefully that's a badge of honor designing for this game and not a criticism per se big heavy squarish clunky Barrel oddly designed stock of course the protagonist doesn't even use I haven't got a sort of carbine blunderbus to hand but we've shown them before on this series and they're they're very sounds silly for a blunder bus but a lot of them are quite delicate in terms of their look they're designed to be aesthetically pleasing to be light weight this is kind of the antithesis of that it's what it's what it's closest to really is a a medieval hand Cannon again but a real size and shape one some of them were very large but instead of being on a half thig stick essentially this is has got a more a more conventional firearm stop but there was never anything in history that like this I'm sure you don't need me to tell you [Music] that okay so blunderbus again but in pistol form that style of decoration on the barrel always makes me think of cheap diecast replicas but does exist we have a number of things in the collection where essentially you start with more metal than you need and you chase away the metal and leave those raised bits of decoration behind one of those things is a Lauren only Peter with a lever action and it's just beautifully decorated in that style that I'd be interested to know what what visual reference was used to to come up with that is it coincidence is it based on fantasy armor or did someone see an actual firearm with that style of design and extrapolate from there so real blunderbus pistol best I could do at short notice it's missing a couple of bits is this French piece here as you can see much much smaller cuz to be a pistol it can't be too long and heavy this is actually very really quite light and pointable very exaggerated flared muzzle on this one I think I I think I like this more than the um Vulcan style flint lock just being a bit shorter I think it makes it look more wieldy oh I see so this is a volley pistol so this is firing both barrels at once it's then needlessly spinning around there's no clear reason for the barrel cluster to spin spinning barrels are a thing they go turnover guns or pistols or whatever they happen to be you fire one barrel with with usually with the for a flint lock the pan attached to each Barrel so you have double pans and then one lock behind it for a wheel lock you would have all the mechanism back here and the barrels just rotate and all you have is a pan point being you either rotate the barrel to fire one shot rotate them rotate them again to fire the second shot or you have them fixed and you fire either one and then the other or both at once like this is firing both at once and then rotating it achieves absolutely nothing but that is a spiffy hat thank you all for watching The Guns of bloodborne that was a pretty wacky one I'm sure you'll agree uh but fun to do we do have here at the Royal armories three museums which you can visit hopefully um if not um and as well we also have a lot of Social Media stuff going on I myself am on our own YouTube channel you might like to check out if you like um people babbling about guns which is what I do there but whatever happens you're pretty sure to see me here again next week on Gamespot
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 248,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne, Bloodborne weapons breakdown, Bloodborne guns breakdown, Bloodborne expert reacts, Bloodborne weapons, Bloodborne guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, elden ring, shadow of the erdtree, from software
Id: 243dtvBvcXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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