We Test Different Execution Methods with Ballistic Dummies

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capital punishment executions The Taking of one man's life for his crimes is it moral is it ethical these are questions we're not here to answer and Grant them what we are here to bring you is cold hard truth and the cold hard truth we are bringing you today is what does it look like and how effective is it we're going to be testing out various execution methods that are real world using the actual weapons using the actual ammo and we hope to give you guys a good visual representation of what it looks like because what is important here on Grand Thum is what Micah science that's right science and we are here to bring you science in a world of wishy-washy nothingness but before we do that we of course have to thank the biggest sponsor of the channel the biggest sponsor of the channel is The Who mic soran desert Institute that's right soran desert Institute if you're looking to get your start in Gunsmithing they are the people to go to we love them they do sponsor our science and it's not always good science but it is still science so big thank you to them and of course we cannot forget who Micah rber arm which we are the only influencer to have ever bullied a real company into uh releasing a Skittle sticker I know I don't know if I'm proud great Optics great price we love them and of course guys if you're looking it better at dry firing mantis turns your gun into a dry fire machine we love it I use the hell out of it on my off time just shooting the TV constantly rest in peace Jennifer Lawrence now my name is Michael Jones I am a retired military Avid shooter and uh big proponent of gun science and today we're going to be answering some very cool questions now what we have right here is a ballistic Dummy from ballistic dummy Labs a very good approximation of what the human body is we have bone we have blood we have organs and this is about as close as we can get without using what Micah real human beings pedophiles which aren't real human beings so we're going to use these as a standin and we're going to be starting with I think one of the most interesting executions and that is how they execute people in Utah thank you m now Utah still has a firing squad now firing squad used to be used a lot more not so much anymore cuz they considered inhumane and hopefully we can prove that not true so in Utah what they use is Winchester 94 rifles chambered in 3030 now we could not get Winchester uh 94s and we couldn't get Henry's uh but we told rossie that we were going to be doing a execution video and they happily sent us gun so thank you Rossy the rounds used are Winchester silver tips in 3030 this is a uh fairly old ammunition and as much as we can tell from our Insider Source uh these are the actual rounds that are used and they were very hard to source so in Utah they use five 3030 rifles and one of those rifles has a wax slug in it that way if any of the guys you know are very sad about shooting somebody then they can you know mental gymnastic yeah like well maybe I had the wax slug cuz apparently it feels very much so like real recoil so in any case only four of the rifles are actually firing a slug so we have four Shooters each firing one round of Winchester 3030 Silver Tip into the chest of the dummy and we'll be doing our first execution video so enough talk let's get on with it just going to make sure our guy right here feel a little calm we have a little bit of nicotine calm them down this is a you know pretty intense so with all that being said let's kill him all right right here we have our posi we have a stock fou defense boido and then of course who are you representing PT P tattoos all right cool so uh we have these vagrants we're going to be putting this guy out of his misery four rounds 3030 Mike are you ready I am three two one [Music] look at the flowering off those rounds entering like that is beautiful ballistics when they came in he just doesn't have a chest anymore he do look at so it so we have a couple different impacts so to be clear there's a little bit of lag and stagger between all the shots in slow-mo it's pretty simultaneous but like you have to imagine like even police officers all shooting together or you know whatever jail officers who are shooting like they're not going to be perfectly timed you're kind of going to get forish rounds in around a second it's kind of brutal he's going to feel at least one of them for a little bit uh I mean you would with lethal injection too how long does lethal injection take like 30 minutes I'll take this any day first round when it came through you can see completely shattered the rib and went straight through the heart that's death right there right here we have these two came through the lung tissue blew out the ascending aorta upper round right here traveled through shattered the collar bone if we come out the back this is where it gets crazy cuz we had two rounds exit out through the lungs you can see all this tissue coming out we had one round go through the spinal cord that's your dunzo dude and it kind of got stuck right there and the other round also crushed through the spinal cord as well as through the heart you're death man this is quick I I would take okay would you take lethal injection yeah for sure cuz they put you to sleep first it doesn't always work doesn't always work what about would you take the electric chair over this no no hanging no you'd rather get shot first absolutely I would get shot 100% now we've tried an American execution method but what about some other countries throughout the world let's do some of those so Micah we're going to be doing the Soviet SL The Russian Execution method you know what that is um I don't know it's usually something like you exercised free speech so they shoot you in the back or something give you some spicy tea that's pretty good so you're going to be taking one round of 9 by8 to the back of the head they're very economical they don't have a lot of money so that's the best way to save the money cuz they have a bunch of it so whether it's a macro or if you're polish or what what have you 9 by 18 which if you don't know is a little less than 9 mil and a little bit more than 380 not a lot of power you're about to get Abraham Lincoln we're not losing in Ukraine wow that was antil climatic yeah that was super antil climatic it it's just not that much it's like they want him to suffer a little bit Yeah okay but come take a look at this right here so it did straight up you know star pattern in the back of the head you have all that gunpowder that's burnt into there and we did have a piece of the looks like of the jacket that exited out through the nose and penetrated through the skull so certainly you're you're going to die you're going to you're going to die taken around to the head like that it seems so unnecessarily brutal even compared to like the 3030 just don't get executed Rush dude Jesus next up we have Thailand now the question is how would Thailand execute somebody it's actually quite interesting so what we have here is we have the person we executed is tied up against a post and their back is facing towards the shooter which is a machine gun that is clamped into a vice we then have a sheet that is between the accused and the shooter so that they don't have to watch the person getting shot now originally used an older Submachine gun that was quite loud and they would fire a burst of 15 rounds of FMJ into their back until they hopefully died uh they wouldn't always die but apparently that really scared the prisoners cuz they could hear the automatic gunfire so they switched over to an MP5 SD which is very very quiet as you know the SD stands for super duper quiet so the uh the execution method for Thailand is 15 rounds from a submachine gun into the back through a sheet now they paint a Target on the sheet to ensure that they're hitting um the person correctly now we don't have an MP5 SD so what we are using is an MP5 with a suppressor firing subsonics we're going to get the exact same ballistic effects so let's get shooting [Music] that's so bad I don't like that at all makes me feel very uncomfortable there's slugs going through the heart partially exiting cracking the sternum you're dead come here look at look at the back right here Micah like look at all look at all 15 rounds right there that is death it's it's just brutal I feel like there's a cleaner way to do it with a gun and it's not 15 rounds from a submachine gun into the back I mean they don't do this anymore but it just felt wrong okay conclusion for taii execution method uh 10 out of 10 do not want it to happen uh so far I'm taking the uh four rounds of 3030 what about you Micah I'll take the four rounds 3030 then this then the maok back very last it just it seems so unnecessary now our taii guy right here is pretty injured but he's not dead yet so we're going to do another American special this is a specialty of the Navy Seals we're going to do what's called a canoe is it a authorized uh killing under the laws of armed conflict or War crime that's not for me to decide I'm just going to show it to you so what it is is when a combat's on the ground and is still alive a safety round is put under the chin through the head uh and then apparently will create that to new like effect why is it called a safety round uh just to make sure they're dead because you don't want them like popping up with a gun or pulling a grenade you know something like that you just want to make sure they're they're not alive safety round lives are expensive ammo is cheap give them another round and of course we'll be using the HK416 which is the uh was one of the weapons of choice of the Navy Seals uh as authentic as possible with the actual military ammo I can't wait interested to see what it looks like [Music] oh [Music] it caned him it just opened him up dude it's a literal canoe there's like a perfect like you going in his face let's give him another one let's give him another one you ready you not satisfied with the result I just I I you know I'm just dang yeah that's uh extremely uh that's it man I see why they call it a canoe well there you have it now we're probably going to do the most famous execution to have ever occurred Bonnie and Clyde specifically that [ __ ] Bonnie if you're not familiar with Bonnie and Clyde they were Outlaws and a posy was sent out after them led by Frank Hammer what a badass name now we do know from variant accounts or we believe that when the posi ambushed Bonnie and Clyde that Bonnie one of the posi members stepped out and put a around through his brain immediately there's good evidence to suggest that Ted Hinton then with his Colt monitor unloaded about 20 rounds from his magazine into horal Bonnie right here now this is a representation of Bonnie she's a little bit smaller so what we have right here is we do have the Ford V8 glass this is a really quality reproduction we do have the dummy behind it and of course more importantly we have the col monitor so if you're not familiar with the Colt monitor it is basically a bar that has been tricked out it was called the FBI's fighting rifle you have a large break to stabilize it it is horrifically loud and it is firing 30 six very interested to see the damage in the post-mortems on Bonnie it very much so shredded her body and uh shot off her hand and stuff so it was pretty brutal of course she was shot with other rounds but let's see what it looked like from the CT monitor [Music] oh oh no Bonnie no Mike Bonnie bunny I'm so I'm sorry so we're going to pop up a couple photos right here here's what's really interesting to me and that's that I'm really happy about this the glass behaved just like it did in the photos and the actual car is still on display so I think it's really interesting that we see kind of the same pattern and the same bullet size from the 30 cal from the uh P monitor I think that's really cool there's like a nerd in me but also what was really interesting was that glass shot back into the dummy you see all that glass and shrapnel coming in this was probably horrifically violent when it happened they probably died quite quickly well especially Clyde rest in peace um another thing to consider too is that they were a slight upward angle so that probably counts for the fact that Bonnie's head was not saw off like it was in the case of our video but the the 30 6 clearly had the power to do it you have to understand it was a moving car they were firing probably a ton of adrenaline so they probably didn't get as precise hits they're a little bit further away but it certainly demonstrates the power that was coming from Just One of the weapons that was fired at them during this time pretty incredible this is the way I'd want to go just taking 20 rounds from a cold monitor just gone dude it saw saw my head off dude just do it well that brings us to the end of the execution video we've tried out a lot of different methods right now and I think I'm going to rank them by how how I would like to be executed I will say Colt monitor would be my number one my number two is the 3030 and after that don't let me do any of the other ones because they seem horrible Michael what what what are your top two I think just mostly style points the CT monitor wins yeah style points the CT monitor is pretty freaking cool and then 3030 yeah I mean if it's the last thing that's going to happen you it better be tight you know overall I will say you know compared to like hanging lethal injection and some of those other things I'll take getting sh getting shot dude that sounds way better to me I think they're just lazy man they don't want to clean up yeah they don't want to clean up everything in any case guys hopefully you enjoyed it I think it was really interesting seeing what the potential effects were in these different execution scenarios maybe which ones worked better which ones didn't and the effects that we saw stay tuned we have way more cool things going as always guys train get training we love you guys we got nothing else for you soft arguing on the internet doesn't gain you anything
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 3,341,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: testing execution methods, execution methods, execution ballistic dummy, firing squad, firing squad utah, testing the firing squad, death penalty, 30-30 ballistic dummy, bonnie and clyde, colt monitor, russian execution, thailand firing squad, what does a firing squad look like, ballistic dummy, ballistic gel, high speed camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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