Hard Hitting Hand Cannons 💪

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the heck man what's up peasant scooter what are you doing in a limo don't act like you don't know Scott it's all over the news I won the lottery and I'm a millionaire now yep you won the lottery all right and so did 5,000 other people it says the winning numbers are 1 2 3 4 five six yeah I play the same numbers every week you know it's going to be divided between you and 5,000 other people you won like 200 bucks yeah whatever dude I am a millionaire I don't care what you say driver get me out of here have some skills for the road you [Music] square what's up every everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and as many of you know I am a hand Cannon connoisseur and over the last year I have added a lot to my collection so much so that some of them never made an appearance on the channel and some of them have never been fired and that is just disgusting so today I'm going to introduce you to some of these new hand cannons and we are going to blast some stuff so we're going to start out smallest and work our way up to the biggest hand cannons that I have to show you today first up is a 1911 chambered in 460 Rolland so I have a Glock that is chambered in 460 rolling and I liked it so much that I decided to get the 1911 version but it never made an appearance on the channel so if you don't know what a 460 rolling is it's basically a 45 ACP on steroids these are Underwood Ammo 230 grain 460 roll and I am loaded up with seven of them and I'm going to BL last scooters Beetle Bug oh no you just got jammed all right we got her fixed here we go you just got jammed I think there was a bird in there I'm pretty sure a bird flew out of that car you know what I forgot to put on my safety glasses the whole time I was shooting that car big mistake and you know what else is a big mistake not subscribing to the greatest gun channel in the world Kentucky ballistics hit that subscribe button them big guys you got to go for the legs that 460 rolling is definitely packing a lot more punch than the old 45 5 ACP the next hand cannon that I have to show you is one that has been requested for years this is a Ruger Super Blackhawk but this thing is chambered in 480 Ruger this is the 480 Ruger that is a 400 grain soft point and I am very excited to try this thing out downrange I have some pudding and some sweet peas so this being a Ruger black Hawk it is a single action revolver so that means the cylinder does not open you have to load them in in this little loading gate right here I've never fired this gun before so first I want to figure out where my point of aim is so I'm going to aim for that steel Target first we're going to go for the pudding first oh all right now let's mix in some sweet peas oh I hate sweet peace [Music] [Music] I can smell it and it's disgusting yep that is quite a disgusting mess and it makes me want to frown but the 480 Ruger makes me want to do the opposite I think I like it so the next hand Cannon I have to show you and for us to try out is a Smith and Wesson 350 Legend and if you don't know this 350 Legend is a rifle RI you're my J anyways what I was saying is the 350 Legend is actually a rifle round these are Underwood Ammo 170 grain soft points and the Smith and& Wesson 350 Legend holds seven of these things this is an XF frame revolver so it is very big and very heavy it actually has a compensated Barrel so this recoil should not be very bad at all it should be quite pleasure meble to shoot which I hate I want some recoil I do understand though that most of you probably don't enjoy recoil as much as I do but if you'd like to learn some techniques on how to handle recoil better you should swing over to the Kentucky ballistics breakdown Channel I have a video over there that gives you tips on how to handle a hand Cannon like a pro and that is linked in the description down below first I'm just going to take a shot at that steel Target over there dang did you see that muzzle flash that was a lot okay I'm going to take one more shot at the steel Target I like this thing The Recoil on this is pretty faint but you are throwing some serious Firepower let's go ahead and go for that glue hey okay glue again oh I think it's just zipping right through these things let's get the mustard again look at the splatter oh on that BM Oh y looks like the old 350 Legend did a legendary job at making a mess this thing is actually a lot of fun to shoot it is a very Hefty revolver and the 350 Legend is not producing too much recoil and I think this compensator really helps a lot and it is creating quite a flash I would love to shoot this thing at night sometime not bad I think I like this thing the next hand Cannon I have to show you is one that you've seen on the channel many times but not quite like this this is a Magnum Research Desert Eagle chambered in 50 AE with a very patriotic serak Co I love the way this thing looks but it does have one problem the guys over at Magnum Research played a prank on me if you see right here this on the bottom looks like a heart and if you look deep into that heart you can see it says Scott and Matt I appreciate a good joke but they pretty much ruined this whole gun by putting Matt's name on it other than that I love the way it looks but now we need to see if this thing will function what are you wondering why I'm shooting eggplants well it's because nobody likes eggplants [Music] [Music] not too bad for a gun with Matt's name on it for those of you who are new to the channel what I was just shooting was eggplant puree and it is absolutely disgusting it smells like a wet ashtray and it looks like pterodactyl poop other than me to shoot it who in the world buys this so I've saved the best hand Cannon for last a $500 Smith and Wesson Magnum and as many of you know 500 magnum is my absolute favorite handgun cartridge this 500 magnum is unlike any I've shown on the channel before this is a Smith and Wesson John Ross Edition John Ross is one of the original creators of the 500 magnum and Smith and Wesson released a limited run of this revolver this thing has actually never been fired so I'm very excited to break it in all right we are loaded up with some Underwood Ammo 350 grain jacket at hollow points and we have gravy and pudding golly that thing kicks I like it let's hit some gravy all right we got one more more thing of gravy that came back at us we almost got slathered in gravy like some biscuits as usual the 500 magnum was absolutely smacking those targets but so was this guy it was absolutely punishing my wrist and I think that's because this thing does not have any kind of a muzzle break and uh you're just getting the full force of that 500 Magnum but you know what I absolutely love it they should make all the 500 Magnums like this that way you really know what you're [Laughter] shooting oh I am not 200 lb anymore that hurt oh being a big boy has its consequences oh okay so the last thing I need to do today is something I haven't done in a while and it brings me great joy dual wielding hand cannons oh no you just got jammed so we did not have the best luck out of the 460 rolling let's see if we can do any better with the 500 magnum and the Desert Eagle ow you've got to be kidding me right now you just got jammed okay we are going to eliminate the risk of a jam I'm just going to stick with the 350 Legend and the 500 magnum [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] ringing that steel finish off with my left [Music] hand I love five 00 Magnum more than any hand Cannon out there of all the ones I showed today which was your favorite let me know in the comment section down below well that's going to be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it I certainly had a great time if you had as much fun as I did be sure and give this video a like and if you don't want to miss out on future Fun hit that subscribe button also be sure to check me out on Kentucky Customs Kentucky ballistic short Kentucky ballistics breakdown patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to Kentucky ballistic.com just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics and I'll see you next time [Music] are you not entertained [Music] hey he
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 773,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kentucky ballistics, hand cannon, kentucky ballistics hand cannon, most powerful handgun, 500 s&w magnum, desert eagle, kentucky ballistics 500 magnum, desert eagle 50 ae, 350 legend revolver, most powerful revolver, 500 magnum kentucky ballistics, 480 ruger, desert eagle 50 cal, kentucky ballistics desert eagle, biggest revolver, most powerful pistol, kentucky ballistics most powerful gun, 500 smith & wesson magnum, 500 magnum, 50 cal pistol, kentucky, ballistics, 50 cal
Id: i02b7Jmxw80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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