Firearms Expert Reacts to Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon’s Guns

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's taking a look at the mech combat game armored Core 6 a game that features some big big guns giant grenade launcher looks really more like a large bore Auto Cannon like a tank gun this is my kind of Mech gun something that would be impossible for any team of infantry to operate make sure to subscribe for more content from Jonathan and let us know what other games you'd like to see us cover in the comment section down below right over to the mech I don't think that's a coincidence with those u-shaped magazines on these pistols so one of the things we don't have unfortunately uh is the French Union pistol with basically that design of magazine now this is more open to the elements than than that and then you might wish and actually the more I look at it I'm yeah so the superficially and presumably reference-- wise it's based on this weird pistol with a extended magazine that is carried all the way to the to the muzzle of the of the firearm in order to give space for more rounds it has to be the inspiration but looking at it it's quite different it's got a a partial enclosed magazine and then a weird open bit I'm going to try and look and see if that does anything that's really weird so this rejects what look like normal pistol magazines well not necessarily pistol but normal firearm magazines straight box magazines when it's empty those are what are ejected this big curved thing is not is not being ejected so I don't know what's going on guns themselves they look saiger aks74 uee a bit Yeah the handguard design with the gas block at the front coocking handle where it is the top cover it's like a really abstracted short AK design I think there's even a hint of the rear sight um front trunion of an AK right in the middle of the gun so something a bit like this which you've seen before but we're not going to have many real guns for this episode so let's get this out anyway always feels like a reach comparing guns like from games like this to to real ones cuz but I'm I'm fairly happy that that's that's been the visual reference for it and it does strike me as a bit funny that giant robot fighting suits with rockets and we're doing a Kimbo pistols kind of nonsense for humans but he I I know may maybe it's less nonsense for for giant robots disuss the actual description text here says strictly speaking this new unique weapon is not a true shotgun as its area attacks interesting turn of phrase are enabled by firing individual projectiles from multiple barrels simultaneously that's completely correct this is in fact a volley gun not a shotgun now the end result is much the same there's actually a really interesting historical parallel here I think it's interesting anyway what am I talking about well the somewhat famous knock volley gun seven barrels all at once 50 caliber flint lock used by the the British royal Navy fighting ship to ship all loaded individually all fired at the same time the result of firing this is essentially the same a modern shotgun whatever sort pump semi doesn't matter with a choke and Buckshot giving a certain pattern at a certain distance this is how you did that at the end of the 18th century beginning of the 19th century this was a way to deliver that fairly tight pattern at distance so you get the effect of a shotgun at a longer range and that's exactly what they're talking about here so instead of having one barrel and a spread of shots you have a cluster of barrels all parallel putting that pattern out in straight line rather than having it come out of a single barrel and spread in a maybe less predictable less cons consistent way now what's the in Universe uh explanation for why you would do that rather than have one barrel cuz they have breach loading they have am ammunition technology they have chokes they probably have electromagnetic pattern control or something and the answer is I don't know and they probably don't know either but it means you get this massive volley gun very impressive looking very similar to this concept that's a really nice both really nice shots there we've got a showing the something of the pattern the cluster of shots they're all tracers of course and then the ejection it opens up like a giant brake action revolver and a load of casing has come out so we have all this high technology but it's still using cased ammunition because it looks cool when you reload the gun that's the only reason for having it now having talked about how you would use a cluster of barrels to create a tight pattern we then see the massive spread of this thing absolutely huge spread so it's it's a very video game Trope shotgun not shotgun thing this has to be a Spas 12 has to be in Inspiration but every bit of it has been changed but that the folding stock over the top plenty of shotguns that have that that aren't the SP 12 the magazine tube being the same length as the barrel thereabouts I mean depending on the muzzle device this the spass doesn't always look like that this is a classic example of second guessing designers are reference cuz I can't say that this is referenced from as spaz 12 but it's the most famous shotgun of this configuration I would lay money on this being based on the Spas 12 even though there is no actual component replicated from that gun and actually I'd be amazed if this is optionally semi-auto this is going to be a pump gun a pump action shotgun for a giant Mac is just very silly in my view now can't say all that and not show you a spous 12 so here is one of ours not quite the same proportions but very very close indeed it's funny how the butt pad of the shoulder stock there is not sitting flush I mean I can replicate that on this spass but soon as it gets clunked it's going to lock down into that position the whole point is to keep it streamlined maybe less of a concern when you're however many foot tall walking machine but why does this have a shoulder stock and I think the answer is to reference this gun or generically uh pump action shotguns with a sort of Riot style folding stocks it's somehow funny to me that the the shells the cases there are still classic sort of high brass plastic holes rimmed brass heads cuz we have to know that this is a shotgun visually if we still have shotguns in hundreds of years I very much doubt we're using the same ammunition for them so it looks like it's manually operated and there's some kind of I have seen this done actually inertia in going on where the arm is brought sharply down and then up again meaning that the pump handle stays where it is in space and the gun moves within it as it were and you cycle the gun that way I think that's what they're doing it's not the classic action movie hold the pump grip and throw the gun up and down it's the other way of doing it which is less commonly seen But for for cool guy points and in this case it's cuz the max having to use it one-handed and I guess it would have the ultimate strength and acceleration to make it work regardless I think that's what I'm seeing either that or they're just glossing over it and it's actually semi-auto but they want it to look like a pump gun burst machine gun I mean kind of all machine guns are burst machine guns if properly operated and machine guns per se do not typically have a burst limiter function on them cuz it's kind of unhelpful arguably unhelpful on any firearm but certainly on a machine gun now this isn't a machine gun in any technical sense except maybe the US legal sense of being an automatic firearm at the end of the day it's a machine pistol for this for this guy reminds me of the the hammer burst from Gears of War actually referencing the AK again clearly with that curved mag which somehow needs a great big Armature support at the front not sure why cool design I like the the clean lines on the top there I don't know why it has a stylized front sight though cuz there's no rear sight and no way to use the front sight and no need for a front sight cuz it's a mess it's like they just thought there's negative space there we need to fill it with something oh okay so that attachment thing at the front is for an extended mag oh a double mag okay this kind of references the very long I think 100 round AK mag that was developed that Clips onto the muzzle of the rifle but that's feeding in a Warner this is I'm not sure how that's working actually but we have a spare mag stored at the front that somehow then Finds Its way into the gun this looks like an antimaterial rifle to me sort of referencing a muzzle break but it has sort of flaps instead which I don't understand great big mag on top a sort of handheld neopup maybe or or like a handheld Auto Cannon is where I was going with that but so a big weird shaped mag on top but then some massive what look what looks like an ammunition box container thingy on the bottom as well there's a ah there's a shoot there's an ammunition shoot very angled I don't fancy the chances of the rounds making it cleaning into the gun do that and it's very small relative to the size of the gun and even the empties that are being ejected so they they've referenced an ammunition feed but really it looks too small and too angled to be that oh hang on those boxes on the bottom are feeding into the gun and what's that in midair there I'm so confused that's the barrel that took longer than it should have for me to figure out so we're ejecting the barrel I like the reference to replaceable to quick change machine gun barrels so I'm guessing overheating maybe the ammo is infinite I don't know I haven't I wasn't paying attention to the to the HUD and then the reload is reloading the barrel which we have seen before in something but I'm not clear on what if the ammo is feeding from the bottom and the barrel is just being ejected is the top container actually for spare barrels cuz it's not big enough I've lost the plot there sorry giant grenade launcher looks really more like a large bore Auto Cannon like a tank gun uh there's a there's a recoil dampener system on top by the look of it it's an artillery piece it's like an anti-tank gun um but it's shooting grenades so I guess more like an automatic mortar where the line between artillery and mortars is pretty blurred in any case handheld and handheld at arms length essentially with no support at the front so the the wrist and hand strength L of these mechs must be significant oh okay we see the rounds here so they look like giant this actually this is very reminiscent of the um MK 108 uh the German M Smith 163 rocket fighter Cannon there were two of them in the belly very slow firing would be quite an aring trajectory as well but they're used for close range so you fly right up to a bomber unload these Explosive Rounds 30 mil rounds and then glide back to base in theory it's nice to see the round oh there we go yeah it's an auto loader so it's a hopper on the side not a magazine the rounds are then conveyed on a on an auto an artillery autoloader over into the breach that's cool this is my kind of Mech gun something that would be impossible for any team of infantry to operate in a mobile way it's what this is doing okay Napal bomb launcher Ultra hot not just hot incur some weird shapes going on there they're not there for shouldering it or holding it they don't appear to be there for feed mechanism purposes either curved thing on the top on the face of it it would be a magazine but it's facing the wrong way and would be feeding directly into the barrel rather than into the breach but I think that's what it is but then the weird shape on the back of the receiver almost looks like a magazine like an internal magazine but it's facing the wrong way again the different wrong way giant caseless grenades no they're not caseless interesting little green cases that look like 40 mil grenade round cases are coming out but then the projectiles going down range look massive maybe it's the perspective the smoke Trail thing that's really a video game thing for indicating the arc which you could have done with a HUD in a Mac game so I maybe wouldn't do the smoke Trail implies that they are somehow propelled by a onboard rocket motor or something rather than being shot as a projectile from a case little bit confusing that weapon and it's ammo giant pistols why not very reminiscent of the RoboCop Auto 9 in some configurations at least it's changing literally as I look at it those are huge now absolutely huge looks like we got one of each there shorter Barrel extension and a longer one huge long barrel pistols kind of Mak sense for robot suit fighting because you don't have the worries of weight unwieldiness butt stocks you don't have to worry about any of that in theory your suit keeps them on target so all of the Firearms probably should be effectively handguns and so far I think they are actually none of them are being rested on the shoulder none of them are being shouldered they're all being fired like pistols it's just that these look more like what we understand pistols to be and they look super cool I have to say like a Kimbo away there with the cases ejecting the huge long barrels flailing in the breeze inertia cocking of the slide there I've seen people do that with slide operated pistols you like punch the pistol forward and the slide stays where it is from inertia and the round gets chambered that way I really I really like that here because how else are you going to load the thing of course it glosses over the reload the mags just find their way in somehow but the uh the cocking is I like that another explosive launcher charged to arrange the spray of projectiles into a vertical spread interesting typically you'd have a a sort of beaten zone of wherever these things are landing with Splash damage or whatever frag damage that's very unusual it's like a sort of giant flaming shotgun effect that you control the spread of not what I was expecting at all I was expecting a grenade launcher string in different Arrangements oh okay that little Airborne the little projectile canisters that then burst there's a lot of thought going into the weapons in this game as much as as I'm kind of comparing them to real stuff and and criticizing them in in some ways this is a fantasy setting sci-fi fantasy essentially as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter really doesn't matter what's cool is what matters oh okay I've completely misunderstood how this thing works it's throwing these canisters into the air that is cool it's like a it's like an atle where you're throwing a dart or an arrow bit like the dog ball throwers if you use those the at lalic makes basically gives you an extra long arm to throw something further and harder this is probably referencing that but with a mechanical setup pile bunker that's not a class of weapon I recognize a massive steel pile okay so it's a spike launcher or a stake gun why not bringing it back down to boring practical concerns these are essentially giant armored suits so you're going to want to Target the joints an armor piercing Cannon round in any of these joints is either going to destroy that limb or bind it up do that Target the joints in the armor or in this case the it's like shooting a tank in the tracks effectively why am I talking about that now well a giant steel Spike and the logistics of loading and firing that at the enemy it's not going to be as good at armor piercing as a projectile it's got more mass sure maybe if shields were a big concern you might want to push the slow moving steel Spike through those but as far as a weapon for fighting other Mech goes these things are incredibly vulnerable to any kind of competent armor piercing gun on the shoulder we've got these twin triple barrel Gatling guns they're very similar to well there's a there's a Soviet design as well but this might be referencing the um gal G9 and then we got these giant I mean they they're probably same size weight shape everything as the famous ga8 Avenger on the A10 again if you're going to have giant super strong robot tank suit things with legs you may as well give them well in this case four Gatling guns but even one 30 mm cannon with a huge ammo pack would actually be a tremendously effective weapon depending what you're fighting however if if in a world where tracks are no longer the thing and legs are you're probably going to want a load of shoulder mounted missiles to be honest with you guided missiles more so than these great big guns but guns are guns are fun in games so we'll give them give them a pass why not if you're going to have one Gatling gun why not have four I do like the enormous ammo containers it's a nod to the the real world Vulcan and the ga8 that have that have to have huge ammo containers to feed those rounds at high rates high capacity of course now the feed on the back doesn't make a great deal of sense cuz there they'll be in a helical style Arrangement inside they should then come out in the same plane they're coming out the back of these canisters vertically and then feeding into the gun but at least we have the the ammo canisters at least we have the feed shoots and of course the big shower of brass if these were caseless guns it would be a bit disappointing that you don't have a shower of brass especially as you can fly over your enemies and rain it down like in The Matrix ah just mentioned missile launchers and here is set of missile I knew they'd be in the game and then but paired up with a couple of little dinky what look a bit like calicos combined with beison submachine guns but aren't really either of those more hints of patini rail that aren't pitini rail giant four-prong flash suppressors on these things let's see if they suppress any suppress any Flash no not really although if they weren't on there maybe the flash would be much bigger it's a cool looking combo there with the missile racks and the twin machine pistols whatever you want to call them okay we've got a the magazine is very shallow but very wide and is attached on the bottom the big thing on the top is unsurprisingly some sort of optic but the mech isn't using the optic so this is Optics as set dressing much like the Optics on all the Star Wars Guns by the way so I can't be too hard on these guys missile racks missile pods there's less to kind of pick up there they're quite boring in real life they're generally either cylindrical or something approximating this shape but with a lot less convoluted shape going on on the outside some of the big multiple launch systems look a bit more interesting but they're essentially just shipping containers for for missiles or Rockets so they're not very visually interesting compared to these these these have got more going on I really like the the launch the sequential launch and the nod to a Reload going on there they they're very cool the way they [ __ ] back for for reloading there no need for them to do that but it looks cool us already sneaky thanks for watching guys that's a little bit left field with all those giant me guns but that was a lot of fun to do hope you enjoyed it if you can please do check out um our Royal armories stuff whether that's real museums or online content we have our own YouTube channel that you might enjoy if you have not already joined us over there but whatever happens we will be back here again next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 194,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon weapons breakdown, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon guns breakdown, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon expert reacts, Armored Core 6 expert reacts, Armored Core 6 firearms expert Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon weapons, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, from software
Id: u5B5QZUV-zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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