Firearms Expert Reacts To DOOM (2016) & DOOM Eternal’s Guns

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Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down the weaponry of DOOM and DOOM Eternal, including the Super Shotgun, the Plasma Rifle, and, of course, the BFG."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hapokas112 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from thorough history and on this week's episode he's taking a look at the utterly bombastic guns from the 2016 doom and its sequel doom eternal i think i'm getting the message of doing maternal here the redesigned weapons are at least some of them have this mythical fantasy legend style over designing going on that makes them look more metal it's like the gun equivalent of a conan sword if you're a fan of jonathan then definitely make sure to check out the series playlist in the description of this video and down there you'll also find more videos from other experts all the way from swords to cats and of course if there are any other games guns and mechanics you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below right let's check out the weapons of doom all right the pistol is of course a starting weapon in just about every fps ever ever made i can't help but cast my mind back to the original doom games and um what was sort of a beretta 92 thing but it was kind of modeling a real panga a modern sort of handgun felt more grounded the reboot doom is inherently less grounded so i guess the the halo esque space pistol sort of works i don't really remember it very well i think it's just a function of pistols being rubbish in uh fbs games this is an energy weapon from its depiction its sound effect however it does eject what looked to be not much different than brass rimmed metallic cartridge cases with a little blue glow around the case head i think that's been done for as i often say visual interest purposes because i'm not really sure how why or how an energy weapon would need cases so if i had a critique of this i'd say why does it have cartridge cases the sites are not really relevant in this in this game but they are modelled and they look like sort of vaguely spacey night sights with glowing inserts in them and i think overall the thing kind of looks a bit it's a little bit nerf gun maybe it is a science fiction gun so can't be too harsh right next up we've got the single barreled shotgun or the ordinary shotgun the trigger is really weird i don't know if they're going for maybe an electronically or electrically fired gun that would be one reason why the trigger might be so slim and yet kind of wrapping around the finger i think that's purely an aesthetic choice i think butt stock area something that often gets lost in translation with science fiction weapons is or are ergonomics in the sense of it's it's form over function quite quite frequently and what often happens is the butt stock is sort of deprecated and here we see it's a very small butt plate quite thick if that is indeed meant to be a soft butt plate made of rubber or something but quite small surface area for how big and hefty the gun is it's also not directly in line with the sights on top of the gun which is a problem for perceived recoil in terms of the muzzle rise that would result from that ideally you want a straight line through from the muzzle through the sights to your shoulder in terms of recoil as long as the gun is in a straight line you'll find we are on to a version of the gun that i have not used some similar design cues it weirdly looks less advanced at first glance and this is first glance to me still has a pump grip and that's clearly key to the gameplay still has a tiny butt plate and the line of recoil is is still low but basically everything else is different so we have a more conventional looking trigger there different lines it's like a model of car 10 years apart but it does basically the same but the styling is is different and maybe it has some a few extra features that's a useful analogy but to me it actually looks less advanced but that's purely an aesthetic thing insta pause there because this is very different we actually have a revolver shotgun here but he's also pump action it's like a gatling shotgun that also has a pump grip pretty unusual i think somehow the back half is feeding shotgun shells either into a single barrel and then you're pumping them in and out or it's somehow feeding one barrel after the other and then systems like a redundant revolver feed mechanism however this standard pump action module as i'll call it i'm not sure what the game calls it is not the whole story because we have this ominous green cylinder perched on the back of the gun and when when we see the player alt fire we actually get a sort of long recoil effect with a whole upper barrel to punt a grenade so it's like an over and under shotgun grenade launcher where the grenade launches self-loading and is on top of the gun and the pump action shotgun is underneath and his pump action slightly melting my mind but it's the opposite way around to normal guns gives you quite a lot of variety from what used to be a bog standard pump action shotgun that was like the second worst weapon in the game this is golem or option to stay with it assault rifle back in my day there was no assault rifle and basically the chain gun was your rapid bullet firing gun later games including this went with a more conventional assault rifle very hard to judge scale from this view but having checked this is actually 50 caliber so presumably meant to be our present day 50 browning machine gun round kind of looks right for that they may not have they won't have slavishly followed the exact dimensions of the case or the projectile i wouldn't have thought but we do have here i'm pretty certain the link and a different link system so it's not the old-school more old-school version used by the soviets with its non-disintegrating where you reuse the belt push new rounds in and it's not the more western approach of disintegrating link that we see this in games where they spew out the side along with the cases this appears to be a form of i guess 50 bmg where the link is part of the case which is weird i could be wrong but that's what it looks like weird and a really bad idea because you are weakening the case and with something as powerful as 50 bmg the pressures are very high and if you weaken the case that's where it's going to it's going to break you also have the feed problem how do you get the round out of that link if the link is built into the case or do you somehow form a chamber around the round and fire it in situ in the feed way that doesn't make any sense the actual alt-fire for this is intriguingly enough not entirely made up although this gives you a a miniature pop-up mlrs multiple launch rocket system which is definitely not available there is something uh from raytheon called the pike now this is still developmental the concept was for a step up from the underbarrel grenade launcher so the classic 40 millimeter launcher that we know but the pike would be the same idea so an under barrel sort of module effectively but it's a mini missile and you have um your optical sight is interfaces with that and it fuses it appropriately so it would this is true for some grenade launchers too so the round could go through a door before it detonates or over cover before it detonates but it's guided it would be guided as well so think of a 40 millimeter launcher that bloops out of your gun but then tracks the target you've identified and kills it which is what we see in doom i am a little surprised maybe i've not played enough game games lately but um that ain't one of our one of these near future games that were very popular in the last five years or so from memory did not do that and it's actually something that's been worked on i remember holding a resin replica of the missile at a defense show once being disappointed that it wasn't more of a real thing right now this is another total redesign but keeping the concept the same we've got now twin packs of mini missiles one on each side still got iron sights they're very different but they're not any more advanced again i get the idea that this is meant to be from a different company so it's doing all the same stuff that the the customer expects of a death dealing weapon but in an aesthetically and slightly functionally different way which is a if that's the case i mean they probably don't even spell this out in the game but it's a good way to keep functionality game to game but to change things up one major change here that's not what's not a major change it's a visual change is that we have a some sort of i guess it's a recoil system where the whole front of the gun is recoiling as the gun fires there aren't many guns that do that the only thing that comes to mind would be the an-94 where it's like a gun recoiling inside a gun but it does that in order to be able to fire two rounds at a rate of 2 000 plus rounds per minute it doesn't do it for well it does do it for recoil reasons but only because the firing two shots at the same time would create too much recoil that makes sense this doesn't do that this has a steady rate of fire but still has a recoiling barrel effectively aha so the the most fun weapon in any doom game the super shotgun still called a super shotgun pleasingly but it's still relatively conventional so i've grabbed a couple from the collection because with sci-fi games we are a little usually a little lacking because we're not there yet so this is one option for a sauna shotgun wisely this person whoever they may have been has kept the buttstock intact because that makes it far more capable you can actually aim it properly even if you're not aiming it you can use the the stock to keep proper grip on the thing keep control of it interestingly you can see here not the same decoration of course but there's a strong trend in shotgun design to decorate the breech with some sometimes some very nice deep engraving quite different to the doom one but you can definitely see the lineage there's very little difference other than the shape of where the breech is is stocked you've been they've even got a couple of sort of pin things there that look like they they attach to the to the wood it's still got the lever on the top exactly like this so push the lever to the side open it up that click is it cocking but i've also grabbed this one because it's closer in configuration or at least at the back end so you can see here where the wood has been cut away to the point where they've revealed the bolt that holds the buttstock onto the gun it's typically a big bolt up through the back they have though done quite a good job of finishing off the wood and they've kept because this would have been what's called a semi pistol grip here so in other words this would be intact and then there'd be a butt stock springing off the back like this that means you can remove all that wood and get a true pistol grip albeit is an awkward shape because it was designed for holding with a butt stock not for mad maxing it even shorter barrels making it really a sort of giant pistol so this is if someone says sword off shotgun or sword off shotgun it's probably this type that you're going to think of these things with any any kind of like significantly damaging or lethal ammunition like buckshot or slug the recoil is significant but they can be fired from one hand i have done it the super shotgun i have not played it's gone very fantasy i think it's fair to say well more than sci-fi it has um well almost a gears of war vibe with the twin blades under the on the fore end there much bulkier still has the the extra raised rib on the top of the top of the breech which is a feature of the original gun as well very convoluted design we've got some very deeply etched i guess it would be if it was real decoration much more angular looking the the the wood is sort of merged into the design in a way that the original isn't and a real sort of shotgun wouldn't be uh we do have we do have sort of runes and symbols down the side so i'm guessing this is a in context this is a legendary ancient weapon of some sort that we come across like the original super shotgun or something okay i'd i'd forgotten the the um gameplay that i'd seen from this from when it launched that the blades under the barrel are not in fact some sort of gears-esque bayonets they are in fact your hook shots so that's a very interesting way to make a gun that's been done to death something special and different yeah i can't comment on the use of grappling under barrel grapple grab no guns they're not really a thing grapple guns are though they have been made and they've been made to work but i don't think anyone's using them in the way that we see in the movies and this is they're certainly not using them to skewer things with and pull themselves into them in the way that we see here but it is extremely cool and leverages the devastating double barrel effect of the super shotgun in a very creative way a fair bit of variety out of this rocket launcher is it a rocket launcher i mean it sort of does launch rockets um with a sort of visible rockety behavior where there's some sort of smoke trail almost behaves like a lot of games this thing almost behaves more like a grenade launcher in that it has visible recoil and the speed of the projectile is more like it's being lobbed through the air than shooting through the air at speed now of course that is a gameplay thing because it gives the in multiplayer gives the ability to dodge and in single it lets you it means you have to lead shots and things so yeah we covered that before in this series we also get multiple little bursts of mini rockets we get a very obvious arcing trajectory grenade that explodes we've got a lock-on feature as well with an attachment there it kind of does everything that an explosive weapon needs to do what is interesting from a functional standpoint is this sort of almost tank-esque auto-loader device that seems to be present in the back of the gun where it's rotating to select around and feeding it into the breach kind of a cool idea that implies there's something else going on under the hood even if it doesn't necessarily make practical sense i think i'm getting the message of doing maternal here the redesigned weapons are at least some of them have this mythical fantasy legend style over designing going on that makes them look more metal and this is the most metal weapon i've seen so far it has actual skulls on it the eyes are glowing uh this is like if alchemy gothic made a rocket launcher it's got chains on it runes lots of angles pointy bits that would hurt if you held it but it's i like it because it's um it's like the gun equivalent of a conan sword completely impractical ludicrously heavy does nothing to improve function in fact and probably make it worse but it's you know this is a legendary hero version of the doom guy so why wouldn't it be like this okay so the the big bit of chain at the top of the gun is not purely for decoration that is somehow part of the mechanism so as the rear part of the weapon reciprocates for loading kind of the chain kind of relaxes and tenses and i can't imagine how that would actually work well it wouldn't work but really does look cool okay now this this is a good bit of design i think because it screams energy weapon the way the the lines kind of flow into each other the obligatory knuckle bow trigger guard just the general general design aesthetic of it to me says it's an energy weapon the pipes that run around the side this is like a hint of a power pack there and the sort of emitters at the front that vaguely resemble the front end of the original doom plasma rifle so that at least when you're holding the thing it's reminiscent of the original games so not not a hugely practical design but almost stereotypical sci-fi energy weapon but it's an original design it's not something i've seen before it has the vibe of a maybe an anime gun there's a good bit of bonus gameplay with this in that typically your energy weapons like this will overheat and that's a bad thing because you can't shoot it for a period of time till it cools down doom has turned it into a benefit by giving you a close range blast effect when the thing vents its built up heat so it does give you a slight still a slight disadvantage and you can't resume shooting normal energy bolts right you know right away but you do get a if you if you time it right and this is almost like a rhythm game isn't it the way if you play it properly you can exploit that needless to say not something that real guns do no this is this is cool the do maternal plasma rifle is a real throwback so if there was a slightest hint of the front end of the original gun in the 2016 game and i'm probably probably seeing things there this is a an homage to the original plasma rifle coloration design on on the front end certainly and then they've gone a bit more to town on the back to make it a bit different i like i like the throwback the the re reimagining of the original weapon let's have a look at it functioning all right so we have a similar heat up mechanic here but instead of a dedicated indicator all the glowy bits on the gun turn purple and that's your visual indicator as to when your gun's overheating and doing doing its thing there's a lot going on here in terms of mechanics but it's obviously not mechanical stuff moving back and forth we've got the sort of i guess like an energy reactor in the middle of the gun that's spinning that implies that energy is being generated it's a really really nice design not normally a fan of brown but [Music] it works as a callback right this is a confusing beast so it is um clearly a sort of sci-fi metal crossbow thing with sort of industrial steel cable as the um string uh but it looks almost like a coil gun in that there's a row of something in in place of a of a barrel or a knocking support for the for what would be a bolt but i don't know it i can't quite tell if it's hyper accelerating a bolt or coral or if it's actually an energy weapon but then if it is why are there steel cables there and why is it designed like a giant crossbow and there's a skull on top of it because of course there is this is not a chain gun i've seen before so um this is do maternal i mean the term chain gun is kind of was kind of wrong from the outset uh because it's that just means a machine gun driven by a chain and maybe the original mini gun like chain gun was driven by a chain don't know this is something rather different from what i remember from 2016 we've got cartridges belts of cartridges or shoots of cartridges but they are energy cartridges they're glowing and they are blue so it's what it would imply that this is actually a plasma another form of plasma gun but what is undeniably awesome is there's an alternate fire where the multiple rotating barrels splay out and all fire at once okay so it's actually generating some sort of energy shield we have gun shields in this collection from the 16th century that are around steel shield or composite with steel shield with a match lock gun sticking through the middle you can reload from behind i don't have access to any in here very very early idea of this sort of concept and you'll have seen attempts to put shields on on guns more typically what you'll see is something like a swat team with a ballistic shield and they've got a gun that they're using around the shield the shields and guns are a thing and this is obviously just a very extrapolated sci-fi version of it in fact the shield can be left behind to use as cover is interesting [Applause] [Music] would you like me to disable the safety protocols [Applause] [Music] jesus interesting so we've got bfg 10 000 turned up to 11 but it's 10 instead like an orbital weapon i mean i guess the housing kind of magnifies the power like a death star but then we've got the ability to turn it into a gameplay weapon effectively proper proper gameplay weapon by sort of ripping out the gun bit and it's effectively just the bfg 9000 with a new look i imagine it's going to function much the same way but i i kind of wish i'd played this first just because that was a very cool moment i love the impatient tapping on the trigger exactly the same effect that we are used to seeing with big old ball of green energy and then when it hits radiating beams that affect that has essentially create a it's an airy effect isn't it can't help you with reality on this one at all i'm afraid not the gun and not the idea that somehow taking the breach of a heavy weapon off means you can use it as a light weapon not how weapons work not yet anyway thanks guys those were the guns of doom and doom eternal i've really got to catch up now that i've seen some gameplay from the sequel do come and visit us we've got events going on this summer admittedly they are elizabethan themed rather than uh sci-fi murder themed but um we very much welcome you to visit or check out our website our various social media channels indeed our own youtube channel where you can hear more of me wittering on with some guns thanks very much [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 953,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom, doom eternal, doom guns, doom eternal guns, doom weapons breakdown, doom eternal weapons breakdown, doom expert reacts, doom eternal expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, first person shooter, doom 2016
Id: u_SdNgwbVho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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