Firearms Expert Reacts To Rainbow Six Siege’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode jonathan is checking out the firearms from the tactical shooter rainbow six siege a rare sighting of the cz-75 automatic oh no let's pause there what the heck if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal army muse museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to genre oh god geez first weapon up is the c1 not called the sterling technically it isn't a sterling i suppose because it is the canadian variant of what we tend to call the sterling submachine gun although the patch it machine carbine to give its original designation that's possibly because of legal reasons because the sterling company still exists first impression of the 3d model is pretty good although they always remind me of return of the jedi because that was the version of the sterling that was used for the return of the jedi stormtrooper blasters i keep staring though at the rail on the top because as far as i know the c1 did not have a rail like that at any point in its real-world existence and that thing looks like i made it it doesn't look very robust it's not like a weaver rail or a picatinny rail or anything it's just a sort of flange and i wouldn't necessarily trust clamping anything to that certainly not an optical sight it needs to retain zero it kind of comes prepared for the inevitable tedious tactical upgrades that modern shooters must have but really this ain't a modern firearm this is the 1950s design 40s design and it doesn't really sit very well with the universe of rainbow six not really sure why it is i'm guessing the operator in question is canadian okay we have an ar but importantly it says ar 15.50 or 50 because this is in fact a 50 caliber ar15 this isn't a fictional variant this is a real thing and the 50 caliber round we're talking about here which quite a short round to fit in the receiver of the ar is the 50 beowulf a suitably sort of macho name for a ridiculous overpowered cartridge with an absolute ton of recoil and pretty much no tactical applicability so of course a natural fit for a realistic first-person shooter um sorry i'm being excessively snarky today here's the 50 in action we have got some accessories on here and in this case that big tank slash barrett 50 style muzzle break probably makes some sense if you're prepared to take a big heavy 50 caliber ar into battle why not have the brake on the end to tame that recoil we're not talking 50 bmg recoil here but it is significantly more than 556 or even 762. a quick word on tools i think siege deserves some credit for the destructible environments and the way that you can use in this case fire to break through to breach breaching is a huge aspect of special forces swat tactical action and it's something that was limited in the previous games and they really took it to the next level with siege so definitely um credit to you there something we've noticed before in this series is a phenomenon that's known in the real world of firearms as height over ball where you have a sight mounted very high above the ball the hole through the middle of the barrel of course and because you're looking through the sight your view of the target is clear but actually your barrel is below the level of the wall fence whatever it is that you're shooting at and we see that replicated quite faithfully in most modern shooters i would say but not here curiously the bullet is actually appearing from the sight level i don't know if that's a conscious decision for gameplay reasons but be surprised given the sort of attempt to to make this sort of grounded in realism at least to begin with it would seem strange to not have the bullet coming out of the barrel but it doesn't and we can see that in the clip with the the burn through wooden barrier there curious a rare sighting of the cz75 automatic oh no let's pause there what the heck we've got one here these are not particularly common they're a very niche type of weapon for things like vip close protection they're really hard to aim you really need to practice quite a bit although designers will try to compensate literally for the recoil with ported barrels like this one or other muzzle devices and that's also by the way why we have a spare magazine it's flipped upside down and attached to the front of the gun shown here as an extended magazine now we just have two standard capacity magazines which are standard cz 75 pistol mags with a special base plate that is a sort of dovetail shape you can slide them on to the front of the gun i've often thought with this once you've fired the magazine in the gun and you have to swap it over for your spare that's conveniently stored on the gun well suddenly you've lost your nice convenient vertical front foregrip and you'd have to just hold it like a conventional pistol the spare magazine on the game version as we see this spinning around and it goes upside down it also looks like that feed lips to keep the top round in so it doesn't just fly out and a visible follower so called because it follows the rounds up and pushes them up into the weapon this model doesn't have either of those it's just a sheet metal tube and then it's just got nothing on the end so i don't know if that was missed well it has to have been i guess quite intrigued that the game has chosen not to make use of the spare magazine attached to the gun in light of my speculation that that would actually not be very not be very practical in real life because you'd have to remove your empty magazine fiddle with a little catch to remove the loaded spare magazine from the front of the gun that would all be a massive pain and then you've lost your foregrip so actually if you're going to use this for real i think the game's got it right you keep a spare magazine on there at all times as a foregrip the other thing is especially with an extended magazine it's full as it ought to be it's hanging off the front of the gun and seriously affecting accuracy although having said that it would act as a muzzle weight it could in theory improve accuracy all of this is super theoretical i don't think anyone in the right minds is clearing rooms with a fully automatic cz pistol [Music] diffuser located disable it another odd sighting for a modern tactical shooter the dp the degree light machine gun we featured this before what on earth is this thing doing in a modern tactical shooter don't really get it i mean it's undeniably cool to have presumably a russian operator using something as idiosyncratic and anachronistic just to deploy my word of the day calendar there as the dp and it would work you know no reason why you couldn't use it although charging through buildings with a big long heavy gun like that is pretty daft it is meant to be a light machine gun needless to say in second world war there was no red dot sight or anything i'm not sure what sort of site that's supposed to be that's on there now if you were trying to use this tactically today you probably would try and put some sort of sight on it so fair enough at first i i recoiled at the leather wrapped bits because i i probably becoming mildly famous for whinging about things wrapped around guns in games now um but here it actually makes a little bit of sense so the leather wrapped around the fore end or barrel is actually the sling which seems to have been severed and has just been wrapped around and certainly for gripping is that the rest of it by the look of it has been wrapped around one of the bipod legs so that he can use it as a vertical grip and holding the bipod leg like that has been an accepted way of hip firing like machine guns historically not that you normally would hit fire a light machine gun but it did happen so an interesting one but a little bit of a silly one i think uh uh what's that is that meant to be an f2000 jesus christ i am i'm somewhat taken aback by the sc3000 k and after a short break on the tom clancy wikis i have discovered why this looks very removed from the fn f2000 that it's obviously trying to be and it's because this is partly based at least and the name is taken directly from the splinter cell games they have kind of merged that design which was very reminiscent of the f2000 with the real f2000 it's a bit uncanny valley because we've got a couple of these it's pretty close but every little bit of it is wrong also interesting are the markings on the side part of which say 300 blackouts now the f2000 has kind of stalled a bit meaning there was no 300 blackout variant or modular system of parts developed for it so not only is this partly a fictional weapon it's chambered for a cartridge that the real f2000 has never been chambered for right this must be our russian operator friend again with his immaculately manicured nails oddly we've now got a strictly prototype as far as i know mosin nagant derived grenade launcher with a revolving thing on it i don't know a great deal about this um the only place i've ever seen it is on forgotten weapons it probably only exists in a russian museum to be honest so quite a bizarre choice for this game in terms of how it functions it's quite fun that they've gone for the bouncing grenade thing i'm not aware of a real-life grenade launcher with that functionality the damage that the round would sustain bouncing off a wall might well cause it cause a problem it won't necessarily bounce the way you want it to bounce and it might get damaged might initiate early it might not initiate at all so that is really more of what i'd expect to see in doom than in rainbow six and as you've probably spotted if you recognize this as a mosin rifle this is a bolt action so he's putting in a blank round a grenade a blank round a grenade but then it's cycling itself like it's self-loading so really a very cumbersome awkward system so i can sort of see why they've fudged it here and made it work more like a milk or mgl but with a russian looking skin it's essentially what we've got here this curious looking bullpup rifle ots-03 is a correct designation also known as the svu it's a dragon of design the grip looks absolutely enormous and i suspect that's not right of course being a ballpark sniper rifle this is this is meant to be a somewhat precision weapon so as we see some um mildly nauseating upside down rappelling there we've got here a curious optical sight arrangement a russian sight and it's unusual because it doesn't have a full frame the intent there will be to increase field of view so you're not you don't have a bar of metal blocking what could be meters worth of real estate downrange and then we have this rocking magnifier what's slightly unusual is that it's a thermal sight a magnifier for your reflex sight but it's in this case also thermal something that is definitely weird is that the thermal effect only exists in part of the field of view whereas at genuine thermal sites they fill the field of view so i don't know quite why it's set why it's like a picture-in-picture view for this it's just the artistic decision they've taken another really bizarre choice for a game like this is this saric not something i'm particularly familiar with what it boils down to is this was one of i suppose many mock-ups for a concept rifle it didn't get to the point of a firing design as far as i know it certainly sort of sunk without trace 0.308 is incorporated in the name of this version 308 winchester being the civilian equivalent of the 762 nato round because this was meant to be for the export market as a self-loading rifle or carbine typically what we see from countries from the former soviet union when they do that they use nato calibers because those are the ones that are increasingly widespread elsewhere in the world but this is a what you might call a paper gun doesn't exist other than as a non-firing mock-up that really does look like the starship troopers morita um but an original design and not actually a an existing gun so i'm kind of torn on it i kind of feel like it shouldn't really be in the game but on the other hand it's quite an interesting real-life reflection of a sci-fi aesthetic our old friend the much maligned sa-80 in l85a2 form at least that's what it says um here is an l8582 and i think you can see by looking at it there's something not quite right about this one what i'm interested in here is how squat and foreshortened this thing looks compared to the real thing although as a ballpark this is a very squat looking weapon to begin with it has a full length 20-inch barrel in it this thing at the very least has a shortened barrel and i think looking at it the proportions are wrong too i think the length of the receiver position of the magazine well they all look slightly off to me so whereas a lot of the details look pretty good some of the basic stuff isn't quite right perhaps i'm hyper aware of this because it's a quite an infamous design and a british weapon but i don't think i've yet seen a game get the sa-80 fully right but it's kind of it's still a treat to see it depicted nonetheless now i happen to know slash remember that this was provided to the sas operator or one of them which those of you who know the history of this will will find amusing because quite famously the sas don't use the sa-80 as a rule in this setting hostage rescue slash counter-terrorism the s80 is perhaps not the best choice for that application anyway and it's not what someone like that would bring the handguard on here is an impression of the daniel defense rail system that we see here and this version that i'm looking at is fitted with i was going to say the standard iron sights but the standard configuration of sa80 has always been with an optical sight for dare i say serious use you you aren't going to be equipping the iron sights in this case of course it's the base configuration so that you can then unlock and upgrade your sa-80 there's an interesting kind of dichotomy between how the sa-80 is seen by the sort of firearms enthusiast community and the military community as perhaps not not the best in the world versus the sort of exotic nature of it the distinctive look the s8 is somewhat idiosyncratic firstly in how the controls are laid out and secondly in how those are used in the standard british military drills you would expect anyone to follow the standard normal safety precautions and drills associated with the weapon well long story short the games don't do that and in this case we see a magazine change we even see the magazine catch get depressed which is good and then rather than using the vault release this catch here the character is simply pulling the charging handle to the rear and letting it go we saw that with um an ar type rifle earlier so we should see clunk rather than that which is what i think i'm seeing there the other thing i'm spotting is another like the c1 very thin anemic looking sight rail now the s80 obviously does have a side rail it's this much chunkier similar shape it's a lot thicker it's a lot more robust so in other words the rail is completely different this is just a bent bit of sheet metal that's been stuck to the top of the gun this is a bit more sophisticated than that minor bit of trivia as well is that this pattern of rail is actually the nato standard but virtually no one uses it what became the nato standard ultimately was the um picatinny accessory rail that we see well apart from anything else on this handguard and on countless other weapons britain did what it thought was the right thing in adopting the nato dovetail and then the rest of the world the rest of nato went yeah we don't really like that and it was probably the right choice to be fair thanks very much for watching the firearms of rainbow six siege a long time rainbow six fan didn't play as much siege as i might have liked it's really gone a little bit wacky since i left it but um very fun to do nonetheless please join us again next time here at gamespot also we at the royal armouries have our own youtube channel do go and check that out and as always we'll have links in the description for ways that you can support the museum and keep us doing what we're doing thanks very much [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,174,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YR87FPoacQI
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Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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