Spec Ops REACT to Call of Duty MW2 Rangers lead the way mission | Experts React

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i was the driver of the second vehicle and so you just got to keep driving you know you're driving bullets flying you're like no big deal oh he just bagged himself yeah man you know i didn't even notice that he's carrying 474 rounds on him now four and three four so that's a lot of ammo [Applause] what's up everybody i'm israel wright with me as always is cameron fath from the pop culture field manual podcast and we are back we're back baby folks i was a special forces green beret out of fort lewis washington and i deployed to iraq in 2008 yeah i'm a former army ranger also out of fort lewis washington i deployed to syria in 2017. today we're going to be taking a look at modern warfare 2 lead the way mission and israel did you did you ever hear that rangers lead the way you know what i heard something about that why didn't you tell us about that why should i tell you when we could just watch whoa let's go ranger u.s army rangers joseph allen oh yeah they always make it the private dude if you wanted to make this authentic you need a team leader a tab but yeah 175 looks like they're going is that for exposition purposes you know so they get to tell the private exactly what's going on so well most of the privates don't know what the hell is going on anyways you heard them like sheep but they're really lethal sheep bridge lair i remember that from gi joe i had the bridge layer gi joe vehicle so interesting seeing different mosses work together to just collectively create this giant fighting field yeah yeah i mean they were really putting a large emphasis on modularity making everything modular being able to attach this unit to this unit and this unit come together and then they do like a joint operation you know i saw a scar pop up there and i carried one overseas so you did yeah oh cool man i was right when i was getting out the scar was just coming in as i was out processing it so the scar is definitely an interesting weapon system it has 308 capabilities so the reason i use it because i was a gun team leader and that means i worked with 240s and that's all 762. so i wanted something that i could reach out and touch what my guns were touching with the m4 that's not really that possible because you're using five five six i could mark a target especially in a desert environment when you're trying to call targets out you can't be like hey see that grain of sand right there it would be like hey on my splash and i'd have tracers and i could just shoot like 900 meters and make the bullets impact and you can see where that splash hits i'm like right there i do that in the store when i'm shopping i want that thing on the shelf over there i got the skeleton humvee we used those doors out hello i had a dream i was a ranger oh god it's real john f kennedy's special warfare training center school right there on his shoulder is that explained that he should have that on his shoulder because we only had that obviously when we were training and in the queue course yeah yeah i caught that see i don't i remember some things yeah right just lead the way that's right yeah that's a general normandy coda move right there nope going the wrong way everybody's just stacked behind this barrel yeah not a lot of cover but the vehicle would be a good idea you got the rocks there vehicles you got to position yourself behind that engine block because that's pretty much the only part of a vehicle that can truly stop munition that weapon is arguably even better than your squad automatic weapons in that team setting you can't curve bullets unless you're in a really high advantage and use plunging fire on it on a target but the only truly way to get around dead space and death blade is with that 40 mike mic and that's what makes it such an important tool all right enemy technical let's get that oh wait we're up there i like it there you go any enemy tech bulls that is not safe in a ranger platoon you are going to get the sh blowing out of you that kind of sounds erotic in a different context it might be yeah kind of messy also you wouldn't be rocking fully automatic it's pretty much a semi-automatic world out there yeah full auto is way too unmanageable in a for our fight you need that precision fire you're gonna achieve that with semi-automatic the guy just showing us the way go up the bridge hop on that minigun private you know exactly what you're doing oftentimes in iraq when i was there i was often the gunner up on top i didn't have a gun but we had a 50 cal machine m2 the only time i really got time on a minigun was overseas we had one attached to one of our trucks if you're a gamer you'd know how to use this because it's literally a video game so you control yeah and that thing you could shoot the [ __ ] off a honeybee from like thousand meters vietnam yeah the m134 minigun is the one we were using and those shoot about 000 to 6 000 rounds per minute based off environmental consideration and with the ammo shortage today you're shooting a couple grand every bit i'd be smiling that's bougie you'd be like i'm rich make it rain we used to have this thing called rolling rendition where we were looking for somebody and we would go rolling through the town a little convo we'd go through these narrow streets and little iraq looking for somebody we'd have our asset in there with us he'd be covered up because he was from the neighborhood that guy that's him that guy drinking tea right there that cafe that's him so we'd roll by we just and then we roll it up and then we take and we roll out nice dude what a snitch so technically if you're running through a convoy like this every gun is going to be pointed a different way so your lead vehicle is going to be pointing forward your vehicle behind that is either left and right and then you would flip flop from there if the truck in front of you is pointing left your gun's pointing right that way you have 360 coverage uh you can't shoot those guys because they're not a threat but you know they're bads yeah you just remember their face yeah staring them down wearing body armor behind the flag jihadi i got your number buddy i'll see you later yeah rip them dude see that's why you're pointing to the left yeah okay always concern the rooftops because i couldn't get that 50 cal up that high so i'd be on my m4 in the city yeah a lot of people don't realize that if you're not on free gun which is basically when you unhook your panel which is what you mount the 50 on on the vehicle you really just have lateral movement there and then you have slight adjustments that you can make with that panel so and those adjustments take because you're you're spinning a dial on that picatinny so unless you go free gun you can't really manipulate that gun and once it's on free gun it's a little hard to control so you don't get as accurate fire oh you're just rambling definitely a private's driving because he's just everywhere when we were in iraq we owned the road so anything we did was the right decision we want to go to the other side of the road against traffic want to throw flashbangs or to ram a car it was always correct because we never knew there was an ied in that vehicle or not you know that's a bad habit i've tried to break because now i if i see like if there's traffic i'm like why don't i just drive around it on the other side of the freeway like i can't do that anymore you have rules in america in regiment's case where you had four squads and one of them being a weapon squad weapon squad would pretty much take the big guns so you would have weapon squad attached throughout those three squads so say you're running three vehicles your gunners are going to be on that machine gun while the fire team occupies the rest of the season yeah it was so something similar we always had a load plan i knew that because i was the junior guy on the team i was always going to get either the driver or the turret you know because the guys know the senior guys they want to get out yeah i want to hang out you know yeah exactly so i'd be stuck in there i remember the only time we ever got ambushed in mosul i was the driver of the second vehicle and so and you just got to keep driving you know you're driving bullets flying you're like no big deal just yep now one thing i can say is there was a fair amount of driving training i got to go to a humvee course in indiana for a week where we just learned all the capabilities of the humvee at the time that was like the main vehicle also we would do our own driving training and everybody would flip and take turns being the driver being the gunner being the passenger and stuff so everybody would have some aptitude in case that plan changed in the middle of a battle or something like that as long as you have your military driver's license though you need to get that you're not driving without it what is the military driver's license desk it's a piece of paper um this most stupid thing in the military is like well you need a military driver's license and it needs to qualify you to drive a vehicle and it needs to go through your basket driver and that's the dumbest in the world i think i remember my driving test was me getting the paper and my master driver signing off on the paper all right get out of here you're supposed to go through driver's training which is like go up this hill now back up now make a left now make a right i had a private that didn't have a driver's license but he had a military driver's license you're driving a warsaw just not on the streets of america yeah it was and he was 20 years old i'm like get your license man oh man wearing bump helmets see that wouldn't happen because those aren't ballistic oh what they're wearing right now yeah they're just fast helmets so like they're lightweight they're pretty much made of carbon but if you got shot in the face it would not do anything yeah glock man we use glocks speaking of getting shot in the face do you ever wear any ballistic face masks nah man i never did the only time we'd ever wear something on our face was when we were working with simunition and it's like that pretty much training transition over from miles gear and blanks yes and miles gear was just laser tag so you'd be wearing this vest with indicators never work it never works ever and then you had blanks which oh he just banged himself you don't want to bang yourself don't bang yourself bang the enemies yeah man yeah it's wait i didn't you were in flashbang flashbang yeah my girlfriend's gonna kill me you ever been banged and then blanks obviously you can't get target feedback everybody's just shooting just because it makes a noise but simunition was an actual projectile came out of your gun it was like a paint bullet or like an airsoft round and again that hurt so you definitely knew if you were doing something wrong because you would pay for it did he pick up an ak just now he did all right flashbang man definitely flashback every single room in this environment dude yeah those things are such a good tool i think i had one frag but i had like seven flashbangs yeah everywhere on the back you have you carry flashbangs on your back for your buddy to use because you're always constantly changing the stack of how you maneuver through this so it's like there's not one dedicated flashbang guides and there's not one dedicated like one man or two man or three man because it's constantly changing when yeah when you train cqb everybody trains each individual position so you're ready no matter how that stacks up you're ready to go you know i didn't even notice that he's carrying 474 rounds on him now 444. so that's a lot of ammo a basic combat load is around 210 rounds which is doctrine and that's uh seven magazines right because you got 30 round mags so this guy's carrying over 14. they're wrapped around his torso up on the shoulder pads on the knees you know yeah not to mention you're carrying two 40 mic bikes or three 40 mic bikes now yeah nods during the daylight you typically wouldn't wear your night vision on your helmet if it's daylight because unless you have covers to protect the lenses that sunlight can go and transition them up yeah inside to outside yeah instead of walking down the middle of that you're gonna be have two squads on each side pulling cross coverage because the guys on the left can see way more of that right side than just walking center not to mention your machine gunner's wet dream if you're walking right down an alleyway because that's called frontal fire and you can just literally like ducks in a row one burst can take out like six guys guy coolest thanks for the gameplay by the way yeah man you're doing great yeah right dude but this general chef hey private you're taking orders from me i'm gonna tell you everything here don't worry about your team leader don't worry about your squad leader don't worry about your platoon star you're you're taking it from me man talk about pull and rank did you ever see a general yeah so when i was in the guard i had to meet the general of the california national guard no deployment [Laughter] we had the use of sock general come down when we were overseas he was a cool guy bam answered my prayers i love ranger missions doesn't matter if the like portrayal of rangers i love rangers they got that scroll there yeah the scroll man that's awesome folks if you want to see more videos like this be sure to subscribe to gameology's facebook and youtube page if you want to hang out with me a little bit more go to twitch.tv my happy self and if you guys want to support a brand with a great cause go check out kickoutapparel.com it's my personal brand we're doing a lot of community support efforts in the los angeles area and i would really love your support right on team we'll see you next time it's very interesting and you think you're in a combat zone everyone else is in full kit and you just got general shepherd here rocking a black yeah you want to talk about inaccuracy get back to the talk man you have no business being balls the flag oh
Channel: Gamology
Views: 3,185,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spec ops, realistic gameplay, spec ops react, marines react, veteran react, military stories, us special forces, us army ranger, special forces react, third person shooter, afghan war, War in Afghanistan, military dog, invasion of Iraq, creative kills, stealth game, rangers, rangers lead the way, cod, mw, call of duty modern warfare 2 remastered, scar, m4, vehicle, mounted vehicle, minigun, ambush, flashbang, grenade, experts react, israel and cameron, GAMEXRS3E074, gamology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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