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normally I'm really excited to do like art challenges and stuff but I'm really not looking forward to this one because I hate getting my hands covered in paint jellies and gentleman welcome to draw with jazz' I'm Java and today I'm going to attempt to create an epic finger painting Nick ham a part stores and kid shops and came out or whatever get like kids finger paint but not an amateur I've got Monty Mart fine art color no we're using here today hashtag not sponsored and and I'll be putting it in these bowls dipping my hand in them in theory and painting no brushes nothing but my hands and the paint I genuinely struggle to even like you join in with my toddler son with finger painting I know I'm a horrible father but the question must be answered can you make an epic painting if your finger painting I don't know I'm gonna try I don't want to but I'm going to because I have to just see if I can do this I have to push past my comfort zones so let's get started by squeezing out this lovely cold disgustingly boogery paint no I got like a tiny bit on my thumb and I'm like ooh I'm so freaking precious how dumb is this like I'm about to like you dump my hands in paint and I'm like feeling awkward about getting some paint on like I'm gonna start off by doing some experiments just on a pad of paper and just seeing what sort of techniques I'm gonna need to use and what methods we can come up with to create detail to cover large areas to layer the paints is gonna be quite tricky do you know what I'm talking a lot I am genuinely procrastinating it's time for me to just bite the bullet and make this happen I need something to wash my hands all right I got a big bucket of soapy water this isn't my safety net I'm so bloody precious oh god it's cold so let's say let's say I want to blend with a green go to our blue here I'm desensitizing myself he'll get you sweat ah ok well that looks about as good as you might imagine a finger painting would look that's experiment number one let's get a little little little crazier so let's let's think ok we got out for this kind of a blue sky up here mix it in get get a bit lighter on the horizon there we go look at that that's something this is my lovely cloud oh man this is gonna be truly awful awful awful heavy little clouds ah that's awful that's lovely a warm to him I swear to God everyone in the comments is gonna be like man you're such a such a woosh woosh you shut your wish you sure - whoosh looks like um smearing poo it feels like I'm smearing pretty geez I it's no wonder that this is making me incredibly uncomfortable I want to try and make something worthwhile I do I swear but let's see if we can do some detail you're a little little spiky doll I'm gonna see if I can use my spiky dollop to create some detail you know um yeah look at matin ok yep no often I think that's the goal of our finger painting to trick someone into thinking it was painted with skill and materials and not poo and my fingers you know I do feel like the mountains have improved our little test horizon here dad a spot out out I say with a hamlet reference you are wait no you was a hamlet I have to Google this damned spot poit Lady Macbeth it's Macbeth not Hamlet Scott see see aren't you glad I fixed it this is a delay tactic and you trees let's go let's go for a darker green and to do this I'm gonna mix some colors and be a little bit right just a little bit of black and then we just go minimally these are these a bloody meadow that are easy green yeah okay oh this is truly the joy of finger-painting okay now we have a foreground I'm gonna add certain yellow we're gonna have some wild flowers and a cow that's what I'm going for okay green we're gonna go back to our lighter green oh hey we should do a big brave Bob Ross tree and we're gonna be brave and just do a put a little friend right here and just as good as you expect it to look let's see if we can put in the trunk I'm gonna mix it mix it all in you're just gonna cut cross get a little roll of paint that's terrible let's get a little tricky here we're gonna grab our yellow we're gonna mix in touch with our ward up and you pick it up and we're gonna flick this is not as delicate as I thought would be it's a black and white cow shouldn't do the black first but there you go there's there there's the head and there's the body Oh God get a few cow spots black and white cos it is the black and there's there the Y's not going down I'm just picking up black get down you bloody bastard that's just a lump of white it's just like a white tumor yeah it looks exactly as I wanted it to this is my beautiful tester artwork we're going to now go to an epic cutaway so you can see how it looks [Music] now if you were impressed with my little teaser there which yeah of course you way I I feel like you're gonna be blown away by what I'm gonna create next I'm gonna take my time I'm gonna do something epic and I thought maybe like the chisel tip challenge how I sort of went with the chisel theme if I go with the hand slash finger theme and make a thumb thumb from Spy Kids oh I'm a genius so I'm going to create a thumb thumb piece but it's gonna be an epic one maybe there'll be a few thumb thumbs there'll be a fumble mommy a thumb thir mommy like a funk Phenom II but of thumb thumb thumb thumb Phenom II if you say Tom Thumb tsunami with a lisp it's a thumb thumb phenomena go away I'm come phenomen god I'm hilarious I'm thumbs have like red onesie pajamas cutoff top of the oh you wouldn't say me you'd say knuckle and you know I'm taking this seriously because I'm gonna be mixing colors on my on my palette today now we're gonna start up for the background let's start off with our light this is actually my favorite color if I was to say what my favorite color was this golden yellow color my favorite color it's an optimistic color I guess that makes sense because I'm an optimist except when it comes to finger-painting yeah I'm gonna grab some white here oh you know it's a half-decent gradient ah I'm not afraid to get dirty this time to really mean business I immediately regret that not know tough don't even care I mean I don't bloody care we're gonna go for like an industrial gray purple so we're gonna mix in the purple bit of blue we're gonna grab some black we've got white from the edges so we don't stain all of the white if I mix all this in here we go this is gonna be my ground the answer to the question what would Freud think of this is but I have a serious obsession with poo subconsciously it's probably not wrong oh my god do you know what's happening now like whatever what I'm doing here is kind of cool like it the way it pulls things down create a bit of a what's the word there's a vignette and hand painting a vignette literally I'm gonna wash my hand not because I'm a wuss but because of the art okay what happened ya bastard just mix it mix it in there we go get rid of it alright so now you need some sort of horizon skyline let's go with like a muddy orange to create some sort of horizon and I can pull that down get some sort of a some sort of a cool effect hopefully I feel like I'm laying it on too thick here at least it's on the outer edges here's the technique I had in mind probably not gonna work it's like a bit of paint on a farm whack it off a bit Wow look at that that's not bad for me inventing techniques J is a little ways and don't ever do it less is more or less is more less was more I shouldn't have done that now more is more it's good we'll make this like a propaganda poster for the thumb thumb army a big Sunbeam thing coming out from the middle and then I'm gonna soften the edges of these buildings wait for it to dry and then we'll get some more fun puns the main event okay so I've done my background my wife saw it at this stage and set off that's a really beautiful artwork and I said yeah I'm gonna put a thumb thumb on it she said what's a thumb thumb and I showed her a picture and now she's disappointed in me but take note I had the approval of an outsider who looked at this and said that's a good piece of art so here we go let's pretend that I did a serious piece of art look at this serious piece of art and finger painting now we're gonna make it even greater win a thumb thumb originally I was thinking maybe like a thumb thumb army or a few thumb thumbs but I think I'm gonna use this like a propaganda poster for the thumb thumb army so you know the thumb thumb in here who'd be like these are the thumbs and this is a thumb it'll be like that it'll be like some thumb pose and I'll do like a catch phrase at the bottom something like thumbs up it'll be great this looks all right but it's gonna look even better and there we have it ladies and gentleman this is my thumb thumb army propaganda piece this is like the recruitment poster that the thumb thumbs used to recruit other some thumbs a lot of people who haven't seen Spy Kids that classic film won't know what I'm on about but it's trust me watch it the fact that I picked thumbs up as the slogan so you know like thumbs rise up to fight the thumb thumb fight I don't even realize that as a youtuber I asked you guys to do that all the time so there you go this is also a call to action do you go hit that like button and give it a thumbs up GEMA thumb for mommy and subscribe to George as after more fun with art and creativity I got someone what buddy arm son that's not alpha god dammit I need to take a long hot shower thanks for watching ladies and gentlemen until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,553,143
Rating: 4.9683852 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: 2e1q8i4FTFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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