Pictionary: PRO ARTIST vs. NOOB ARTIST! Feat: Mrs. Jazza

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okay concentrate now yeah we have to be serious this is a big responsibility that you carrying this is where the messenger get allies and gentlemen welcome to draw with Jezza and I'm mrs. Jezza Pam I should sit on Jennifer get a load and German well could draw with Java and Java and I'm mrs. jet and today we're going to be playing pictionary now this is mrs. Jazz's debut in a manner of speaking on the gorge as a channel she she's a little camera-shy so we'll it'll mostly be her lovely hand say hello hello today we're going to play Pictionary and this was mrs. Jazz's idea I would say I am the worst war available I actually can't think of anyone who's a worse than I am in the fun with faces book you know how to start how I have pictures of faces that people who can't draw drew did I get you to draw one of those yeah okay cool that's my role being the worst or at the end of the day I think whether you think you can draw or not it should be about having fun and that's what we're going to be doing today and maybe I'm I can be put in my place because I think when we were discussing this idea I got a little bit cocky and I talked about maybe adding handicaps a little too early so let's not let's just start playing normal kitchen area and we'll see where it goes for those of you who are new to this channel my full-time job is creating art and stuff on YouTube I was a professional animator and game designer for a decade I'm not the best in the world but you know if you can pay the bills were I think that means you can call yourself a professional laughing that's not what I was trying to say that maybe there are some excellent people who remember but you're very very very very good can do and help me lift this off this is a special bit why is this you may resume visions are there like it's a board game the other versions of pictionary I played away you just sort of draw pictures and guessing compare an eraser by machine uses wiping yeah bit not your finger from experience I know exists for he used to be a teacher thought that they should pull doesn't work very well what is gonna let very well I'm I'm too I must point out to canary where did what are you rate them why would you include white boards is that wonderful go to option and leave is able to draw a while teacher wait I have any better a white board eraser I don't know let's find out I'll be back yeah well okay I'm actually disturbing why on earth would you put this into packet and no a reset and make it so happy to write like well nearly I couldn't find Windex so I got baby way quite effective so we need to read the rules or do we just assume we know them yes we guess it's hard and then you draw the thing and if they guess it before the time runs out you go alright and this tell and this tells you what thing of the card you get so if you pick this up it has to be green difficult you wanna go first I roll until I get it yeah you go fairly good to to which way my yellow one two one two three go grab hold reach shake hand shake I'll add to point yes so he can does that count hey I said it I think I have to say what's on the card oh yeah no that doesn't count dude I said I said shake and dance and let's read rules oh my god if you can go turn off to turn off to turn and there's a gray area then that could on we just start again yeah but we'll just stick to saying the words in order ok t/o your anyone ok great these are inside late edition I'm guessing upside-down boat our first ocean vomiting seasick thank you seasick hey I mean way that means you go am i this is this seems unbalanced in in too bad so sad they do the rules we've already had discussion hell is this normally played on teams where your team guesses what you're going here cuz then there's motivation all right you ready blue you ready yeah 1 2 3 Oh dad father the boss stabbed what's Taylor thank you really yes don't send you deployed every time like you I'm not getting you Karen and you know what when is what what is my thing I'm competitive I know I'm having lots of right no I'm just facing going at thunder cool why am I not getting a turn ok 5 do that doesn't mean you just pick whatever you want I have no idea yes I know I already taught shouldn't earned it sorry eager of me the warning time haha pinky bloody collar go my farm you come one two three voice bread baked making pie pie eating baked goods Pig listen where there big Pete wait / eating a bacon pie baked pork pork pie thank you this is return we're playing this against other people who don't have a charity thank you it's the only way I can join back to the beginning did he tell you something weird either yes I'm getting us on a shame on my own channel just because if you again sir go back McKinney I will play and you can play the whole way through okay all right okay see that makes me feel better there's gonna be so many people correcting how I play this game in the comment yeah okay yeah but it's something that the game we're having fun that's okay hey I didn't get to be where I am losing pictionary okay go on alright ready hug yep not okay look so clean my board is and uses way less me to get ready and adjusting but your business case I swear to God oh ah I'm feeling quite good about mentoring now you should be interview because I could be really for heavy guessing I promise everyone I'll make 100% effort at guessing okay three I hate these ones why because then you can pick an easy one box Square jail so grid crossword ah every time I correctly guess I died a little bit inside okay go again don't look at me don't yell oh look at my little garden you look okay we'll get you here now I get a participation Awards that were using I can swallow my private you're bad addicts you've not even got a tune to be founded that's true or we could play is I'm a good guesser all right yes that was right you are you doing a very good job did you pick that no you did pick that last one you're gonna roll I did for at least two days are so your feather alone okay good there's a fancier much cuz okay cool okay that's how that time is running out babe cool television lady lose evening gown [Music] television presenter mobile races ah yes but the time is nearly out yeah wouldn't it it's a smudge ah sorry to say that the time yeah I keep going to see if you can if I can actually even draw anything that looks like it you can get it okay you have no idea Stu had it we're gonna join me I think it's gonna be careful country oh dear what is it what it was what is higher it mouth okay I'm gonna give up what is it are you as a six what yeah that's a toughy yes sir nice nice to be England and then like and there's like ethics I wouldn't a name that I don't know where ethics is from London well I try to draw the line ha ha ha oh it's okay it's okay to lose I'm sorry I think my feeling I'm a little bit salty my reign of terror comes to alright thanks to actually show that I do watch ya know so do i many on into one too okay money Queen dollars small Donald lose money dollars and cents go into smaller dollars okay III II have got to be kidding me I swear to God click that you may clean small change oh yeah your turn sorry I was really doing my best to guilty guilty I can leave like a tuba all right no you don't give him any more than attack victors but you're gonna have a time hey be careful well I bought I got cooking waiting quick I can find glass oh my god ah okay so I just win it now okay it's your turn I have a go I can barely fit us both on this camera now you've had such opposite end and you're right near the finish green are you kick you still have oh yeah ready with the timer yep okay run race goalkeeper look both ways before you cross is that they're looking they're definitely that was definitely confusingly is you um unguent yeah mark I got nothing Wow what was it sweet Ruby that was Tommy he's going by a frog that's the same thing it's okay I've got another shot I think so no you can be re yeah you know where yeah all right you're gay you can do this so I can come back that was it six okay thank you don't patronize me I'll roll again with a fire I'm gonna suck still giving me beautiful looks oh my god one two deeper buy back the Auraria foot thing see patient claims King yes okay there you go again I want you to meet dart Magnus a pity you know I'm not committed uh okay yep shout vomit choke cop drama top chuck up Wow bye bomb quiz it Hugh if it would've acted like lifting something heavy oh come on you're gonna guess he when it comes to lifting isn't heaving like you also hear when you throw yeah hey can we use like that like it's a cage or turn just make it quick that wasn't a stickiest leaning on the board all right ha ha ha I'll take what I can get I love you do support you I should he just let it end okay tree roots Eiffel Tower Paris [Music] oh I think we can get I think that's amazing wanna know you're very I straw yellow maybe hey you ready you throw me a barn is a busy lady alright guys fun fun yeah oh my god why do you get funnel and I get a heave happen many businesses well that brings us to the end of our game you don't have a game this is no it's okay if you would like to learn to draw something as wonderful as this go to drawing with mrs. John Dale each other in you oh yeah we have a a right or a week two dimensional flower do we need to go reeling now and maybe it's okay no I can get through this I'll support you if you wanna continue to the end second time you know it's okay I can lose when I was just a very bad guy okay so what's the moral of the story what is don't have to be a good warrior to play Pictionary it's a very important message it is and also that drawing is about having fun and that misses chess is really bad guesser I do think that this game is actually made for teams and I think that's a problem because we were guessing for each other's progress by two this was playing China guessed a bit lower with disadvantaging No so do naturally mela for the person is it no but we had fun think Aiello's and german thank you so much for watching we had fun today I'm gonna put a pole in video in the card make sure to vote if you think that this was a well structured game and mrs. Jeff won fair and square or if you think that we should restructure and to suit two players the moral of the story this was fun you don't need to win all the time to have fun it's difficult to say you're giving me a participation award its silliness cap are you just showing me your prize thank you thank you very much but you know what they say you don't win the silver you lose the gold until next time [Laughter] make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily blog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,444,209
Rating: 4.9259133 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: TbGINljkfRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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