Herobrine Was Added Back into Minecraft..

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please oh what the heck so someone coded hero run back into minecraft and today i'm checking it out make sure you guys check out toyu's video because he's the one who created this and also only a small percent of you guys who watch the videos are subscribed so make sure you hit the subscribe button if you haven't already if this video gets 30 000 likes i will do everything in my power to capture herobrine it's just a mod so what could possibly go wrong let's create a new world let's call this herobrine and uh cheats are off okay so here ryan is known to only show up at nighttime so this gives us plenty of time to gather materials and prepare for the man himself it's just a mud it's it it's just a mod but uh where the heck are the leaves where the heck are the leaves um okay okay okay i'm guessing yes yes we we do have until nighttime right uh i'm just concerned why there are no leaves on these trees i don't like the look of this like i i'm not even gonna take my chances guys i'm not even going to take my chances and stay in this biome with no like trees with no that's already that's already cursed itself that this is this [Music] i know you guys just saw that let's go back over here it's all cloudy and gloomy and then as soon as you come over it's like one block difference look boom i'm kind of scared um okay well we finally have a normal tree oh wow okay well let's chop down this tree gotta gather materials first things first though first things first this is the most important thing we need to craft real quickly and that is my friends hurry hurry hurry hurry that is a sword okay sword is very important sword is very important just in case just in case herobrine wants all the smoke he can have it he can have it i'm i'm warning i'm warning herobrine right now i don't know where herobrine is but i'm just saying he can leave me alone okay all right well let's chop down the entire tree right here for those um who are ocd i'm gonna leave the tree like this i'm gonna leave the tree like this okay let me grab some food real quickly i'm gonna need this while i run away from mr herobrine himself i'm i mean i'm i'm guessing you know after seeing such weird activity going on over there in that biome i'm pretty sure that's where herobrine himself is going to show up right that's what i'm assuming so just got to make sure i prepare everything all right grab some coal should uh upgrade my tools as well but as long as i have my sword in hand already you should be fine oh i dare hear brian to mess with me okay now that we have a full set of stone tools we should be okay let's just make sure that we have everything we still need more food though we still need more food we got to be careful about that um we have coal we have enough cobblestone so i can cook up some food just in case herobrine decides to chase us down well i'm just doing whatever i can to prepare for this so let's go ahead break some of this um before things get too real let's make a furnace thank you very much now let's go ahead and find some food like i said i'm assuming all the bad things are going to be coming from that biome right there so you know i'm just being really cautious about that area okay now all we need to find is some iron we need some iron let's uh let's head up this hill real quick uh let me make one torch all right let me make a few torches gonna put the torch right here to mark the location where i'm at right now look at this i thought over there was the only thing but look it expands all the way over here as well oh my goodness it's basically like all the all the birch trees are just messed up okay well i gotta quickly find some iron real quick before night time comes around because it'll be too late by then oh chicken okay this is perfect this is perfect get over here there we go thank you gonna slowly all right we got another one there we go and last one thank you so much oh even over here it's like taking over the entire world now the the only problem i'm having right now is that i'm not able to find any caves where the heck are the caves i need you caves where are you if anyone is to take down herobrine it's gonna be me i oh never mind i thought this was a cave i promise you it's gonna be me duh at this point it's like forcing me to go into that biome if i'm if i want to look for oh of course of course the cave the cave is right inside that biome oh my gosh do i really have enough time okay let me just cook this food real quickly i feel like it's gonna be nighttime soon and i'm not gonna make it in time i just need i just need a little bit of iron maybe maybe make an iron weapon or something like that but there's no way there's no chance i'm getting a full set of iron armor before night time comes around ah yeah we we really don't have enough time hurry okay all my food is cooked that took way longer than it should have all right well i'm i guess we're going into oh no i guess we are going into that biome oh no i was not looking forward to this to be honest but it has to be done my whoa whoa whoa whoa why is the water red what the heck am i going crazy i i know i'm not going crazy guys what and this is not this is not even a cave this wasn't even a cave after all all right well i guess i wait please tell me this is a cave please please oh oh this is good but will i make it back in time i need to be okay i i want to be in the overworld when night time comes around so we should probably hurry grab this real quick i'm going to grab as much iron as i possibly can before heading back up as much as i can find on the higher levels because i do want to head back soon i feel like nighttime is going to be coming very very very soon so wait is it getting darker wait i think it's getting dark i can't really tell if it's getting darker or not but i am gonna build up real quick all right leave a torch right here let's head up guys i don't know what all these ashes are from like there it's not snow i can tell you that but like wait a second it is getting darker oh gosh oh gosh the moon oh no the moon is coming up all i know is that i should not be in this biome right now i'm jumping guys i'm jumping i'm going back i'm going back to the safe side i kind of want to go back to the spawn area just because okay okay okay i gotta make sure i'm safe first okay so it is night time now it is night time now how much iron did i get i got six so i can make a weapon i can make a weapon and that's what i'm going to do what is that sound what is that sound what is that rumbling noise i don't like this i really don't like this hold on hold on hold on i'm gonna prepare myself uh iron okay hurry that's those are just zombies those are just zombies okay stop rumbling it stop rumbling for a second i just need one more there we go it's just a mod it's just a mod but i still don't feel safe i still don't feel safe okay what else can i make i can make boots i believe i can make boots too okay you got a sword okay don't mess with me here brian do not mess with me herobrine telling you right now i'm warning you i'm warning you herobrine okay just two more just two more okay that's just a zombie just gotta make sure they're just they're just zombies and not here right you're not here brian right good all right should be fine we should be fine we should be fine we should be okay guys oh wait i have an idea instead of instead of making that i'm gonna make a shield uh we should we should have enough there we go let's make a shield there we go perfect let's put the shield on let's save this for later okay i think it's time for us to go there there are a lot of mobs though ow okay okay i'm just gonna avoid the mobs i'm just gonna avoid the mobs but if our goal is to spot herobrine our best bet is just to go back to the spawn area okay up this hill we go did he see me hold on guys hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on i think he saw me he's gone i think he saw me looking at him oh gosh it's just a mod guys it's just a mod there's nothing there's nothing to be afraid of there's nothing there's absolutely i swear it just i i swear just switch positions look look look wait it's still there it's still there it's still there it's gonna be behind that tree okay it's still there it's still there what do i do what do i do i go and fight him i don't think guys in this armor i really do not think i have the capability to it's still there i feel like it is looking at me right now but for content for content i'm whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why is he walking towards me why the heck is he walking towards me ayo ayo relax relax mr herobrine relax relax you're just a mod you're just the mud i'm not scared of you i'm i'm not scared of you actually you're just the mod you're just the mod you're just the boss you're just a boss fight right right whoa whoa oh yo he's still right there he's still right there what the heck was all that hey yo i'm out i'm out no no i should probably that is him over there okay okay you know what you know what i'm gonna say screw it i'll be the first one to hunt him down i'll be the first to hunt here right down ow okay okay i'm placing torches all around here just so i know like exactly which path i took but what the heck dude it started sprinting at me and everything where the heck where the heck is here right now he's somewhere over in this direction right where'd he go i could have sworn up i could have that's him oh that's him that's him that's him that's him i'm gonna die to these mobs before i die to herobrine himself oh gosh oh for sure i am dying against that skeleton leave me alone i just i just want to talk to herobrine skel mr skeleton i just want to talk to i just want to talk i just want to talk to herobrine please stop distracting me please oh what the heck why did it do i i know you guys just saw that what the heck it just showed if it's over there how did it show up inside of no no watch watch wait what why and how wait how did it show up inside of the skeleton's body that's so scary you know what i'm fighting it you can't do it's not sprinting at me this time oh my why am i blind i'm blind i'm blind i'm blind hey yo a-o-a-o i do not feel safe here brian i don't know what you're up to but i'd really appreciate it if you just left my world this this world was cursed from the beginning ever ever since the since the wait do i have slowness or something i can't run i can't run what i just have blindness but why is that him over there no that's that's just a zombie oh gosh no no stop stop i don't feel oh god i'm gonna die guys i'm gonna die please please please please please i need to heal i need to heal i don't have any more food i don't have any more food this is really bad oh gosh there's an enderman okay that's just a zombie i'm so scared dude what why does this exist why did you code herobrine back into the game it was it was fine when he wasn't in the world anymore okay it's daytime again oh my this is like my first herobrine experience in like years oh my gosh dude guys guys guys guys if you want me to come back to this world and actually play through this and try to actually oh there he is there he is and tried to actually capture herobrine 30 000 likes 30 000 likes no you you know what i i don't know if i i don't know if i can't oh no no no no no you're not touching me here bry you're not what does he do oh it's rumbling again i don't know where he went but i kind of want to just leave this world right now it's it's daytime again which which means it's safe right it's safe i i i it might be safe now look the moon's going down sun's coming up uh okay stop it mr skeleton relax relax oh there he is there he is okay i'm so close to leaving the world right now what no there's no i just saw two i just no no no no no no no no no no i just saw two here ryan's you can't tell me that i didn't bro what the hell okay guys guys it's just the mod it's just the mud it's just the mod it's just the mod it's just a mod if you guys enjoy this video and you guys want to see more make sure you guys hit that like button subscribe to my channel if you guys haven't already but other than that i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 612,445
Rating: 4.9160829 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Herobrine in Minecraft, Someone Coded Herobrine Back into Minecraft, Coding Minecraft Herobrine, Coding Herobrine in Minecraft, Herobrine Minecraft, Minecraft Herobrine, Herobrine Mod in Minecraft, RageElixir Herobrine, RageElixir Scary, Scary Minecraft Video, Herobrine Spotted in Minecraft, Herobrine Spotting, Toiu, Toiu Herobrine, Minecraft Java, Java Minecraft Herobrine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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